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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Let's add Charles Brehm for help with some of the distance.

    Tim's average true speed(2.33mph + 2.06 + 2.13) for the limo from extant z291-z317 = .174ft per frame

    Starting with Z291 to z313 = 22frames

    I'll use 48 frames(the reason in next post) as my real total frame count between z291-z313

    .174ft per frame x 48 frames = 8.35ft

    8.35ft + 2.379ft(plotting of headshot farther West down Elm, until Specter moves it that distance farther East and it's labeled as extant z313) = 10.729ft

    LIsten to Brehm and count the shots starting slightly before z291.

    BREHM expressed his opinion that between the first and third shots, the President's car only seemed to move 10 or 12 feet. It seemed to him that the automobile almost came to a halt after the first shot, but of this he is not certain. After the third shot, the car in which the President was riding increased its speed and went under the freeway overpass and out of his sight.







  2. On 8/7/2020 at 3:36 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    We can now incorporate more of Tim's work in relationship to my speed bump comparison from ITEK.

    This was very helpful as I could only plot an average speed from extant z276-z301 of 9.71mph.

    With that said, the average reduced speed between extant z276-z301(9.71mph) and extant z301- z313(7.47mph)= was 2.24mph.

    Sound familiar!!!



    Now add the FBI's Webb analysis(credit Gary Murr) to Tim's frame removal study(z291+) and my ITEK Nix bump at the Z equivalent of z289-z293.

    This should provide a fairly accurate indicator as to when a major excision was beginning. imo





  3. On 8/3/2020 at 2:16 PM, Chris Davidson said:


     A 18.3fps film with frames removed via a slowdown by the limo.

    The following insight provided:

    .3ft (3.74mph) per frame /.18ft(2.24mph) per frame = 1.66… / 1 ratio

    1.66 - 1 = .66frames

    4frames + .66 = 4.66 frames

    3.5ft / 4.66 frames = .751ft per frame

    .751 x 18.3 = 13.744ft per sec /1.47(1mph) = 9.35mph

    9.35mph x (18/18.3) = 9.2mph

    9.2mph = ITEK = PAYDIRT

    .3 / 1.666... = .18

    .66... x 1.5 =1


    2.24mph / 7.47mph = .3 x (3.33…) = 1 whole frame

    3.33 frames - 1frame = 2.33frames

    18.3-2.33 frames = 16fps = PAYDIRT - Premature to assume that the speed reduction ratio translates as the same fps reduced ratio, at this time.



    We can now incorporate more of Tim's work in relationship to my speed bump comparison from ITEK.

    This was very helpful as I could only plot an average speed from extant z276-z301 of 9.71mph.

    With that said, the average reduced speed between extant z276-z301(9.71mph) and extant z301- z313(7.47mph)= was 2.24mph.

    Sound familiar!!!



  4. 1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

    Funny enough... I actually thought that was what you did with that gif....  the explanation makes even more clear.




    That gif should give you a side x side speed comparison of walking vs jogging.

    This gif, overlays that difference for you.


  5. 3 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    In case you don't understand what is being shown to you, here is an easier way to look at it:

     2.24mph increase in speed  = 1 frame removed, and so on and so on.

    You can check it a couple of ways related to the link above and the CE884 .3ft per frame listing of z168-z171

    7.2ft x .3 = 2.16ft

    7.2ft - 2.16ft = 5.04ft

    5.04ft / 12 frames = .42ft per frame

    .42 x 18.3fps = 7.686ft per second / 1.47(1mph) = 5.228mph + 2.24 = 7.468mph


    2.24mph x 3.333frames = 7.466mph

    The sequence starts sooner than z301, but I think you get the picture now.



    I recently came across a publication by Tim Nicholson.

    If interested in more of his work, you can contact him at: tim.a.nicholson@gmail.com

    Tim is gracious enough to allow me to post excerpts from one of his academia papers.

    He used a more sophisticated method of determining frame removal and here is one of those excerpts pertaining to the above. I believe we've reached mutual support.





  6. On 8/3/2020 at 4:30 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    In case you don't understand what is being shown to you, here is an easier way to look at it:

     2.24mph increase in speed  = 1 frame removed, and so on and so on.

    You can check it a couple of ways related to the link above and the CE884 .3ft per frame listing of z168-z171

    7.2ft x .3 = 2.16ft

    7.2ft - 2.16ft = 5.04ft

    5.04ft / 12 frames = .42ft per frame

    .42 x 18.3fps = 7.686ft per second / 1.47(1mph) = 5.228mph + 2.24 = 7.468mph


    2.24mph x 3.333frames = 7.466mph

    The sequence starts sooner than z301, but I think you get the picture now.



  7. 14 minutes ago, Richard Price said:

    Yes, I have seen these photos and I agree with you, I don't think there are any pictures showing the upper floors on the south (Elm St.) side at all.  The post you quoted above was from a discussion on this forum in 2012 and were only meant (along with the post(s) below it, to ask about the companies which were located in the building and highlight a few that had been identified.  While I cannot discount the shooter in one of these windows, in my mind it seems implausible unless the weapon is silenced and is not protruded out the window much.  Unlike the window higher up and behind all the people assembled, this position would be quite visible in contrast.  If anything drew attention in the direction of these windows, there would probably have been a ripple effect of adjacent people made aware also much like the stampede to the grassy knoll.  Just my opinion and I am open to changing my mind.

    There's always the possibility of multiple shooters in the same building. It does not mean they all had to fire a weapon.


  8. On 8/3/2020 at 2:16 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    2.24mph / 7.47mph = .3 x (3.33…) = 1 whole frame

    3.33 frames - 1frame = 2.33frames

    18.3-2.33 frames = 16fps = PAYDIRT - Premature to assume that the speed reduction ratio translates as the same fps reduced ratio, at this time.



    We are making great strides though.


  9. On 7/9/2020 at 4:04 PM, Chris Davidson said:


    I haven't forgotten about 16FPS being the final divisor.

    In fact, I'll lend it some initial support for now with this document.

    Itek's study of the Nix film












     A 18.3fps film with frames removed via a slowdown by the limo.

    The following insight provided:

    .3ft (3.74mph) per frame /.18ft(2.24mph) per frame = 1.66… / 1 ratio

    1.66 - 1 = .66frames

    4frames + .66 = 4.66 frames

    3.5ft / 4.66 frames = .751ft per frame

    .751 x 18.3 = 13.744ft per sec /1.47(1mph) = 9.35mph

    9.35mph x (18/18.3) = 9.2mph

    9.2mph = ITEK = PAYDIRT

    .3 / 1.666... = .18

    .66... x 1.5 =1


    2.24mph / 7.47mph = .3 x (3.33…) = 1 whole frame

    3.33 frames - 1frame = 2.33frames

    18.3-2.33 frames = 16fps = PAYDIRT - Premature to assume that the speed reduction ratio translates as the same fps reduced ratio, at this time.



  10. On 7/18/2020 at 11:57 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    If CE477/8 represents where he thought he was, I'd suggest using the wall block openings as a measuring tool for the distance between the two locations with a minor radius length added in.  The lamp-post at left and my red arrow would be a similar distance.

    Plotting Bell's LOS pretty much agrees with this photo that puts him directly across from the western edge of the first window opening in the TSBD.




    The straight line distance between Brennan and the Houston St curb is 20ft.

    Houston St curb line was the start of Robert West measurements at Station# 234.5.

    That puts Brennan at approx Station# 255.0(little radius thrown in)

    I would suggest obtaining extant CE884 for further distance/frame# comparisons to what Brennan described in his first day affidavit, keeping in mind that JFK within the limo was the measuring mark.



  11. 3 hours ago, Richard Price said:

    John, you have to remember, Brennan was being manipulated by the WC (surprise).  He used specific language most of the time, but reverted to timid replies when pushed by interviewers.  I think this is part of his nature/not wanting to be involved and deferring to people/officials whom he felt were supposed to be much more knowledgeable about what was going on.  In the 1st snippet I posted above, I show how he stated facts, just in a simple manner.  He clearly states exactly what/when he saw and heard and the relationship to his position and the Presidents position in his “country boy” manner of speaking.  Anyone willing to do their homework and get an understanding of what he saw will have to initially approach with a completely blank slate.  Study him and what he said and parse it by time, his manner of speaking, his enormous fear starting from day one, etc.


    I think you nailed it.

    The 6th floor of the DalTex building is 10ft 10.5ft higher than the TSBD 6th floor which is 60.7ft at the window sill.

    Brennan said approx 75 ft high = 70ft + rifle height of someone standing up aiming.

    He also describes the 2nd row of windows from the top which is also the DalTex 6th floor.

    The frame is from the SS recreation where they are actually filming from within the car down on Elm St, giving you a LOS perspective to that window





  12. On 9/18/2019 at 11:38 AM, David Josephs said:

    I was thinking more along the lines of the height as I thought you were of the opinion a 3rd story origin was way too high...

    Yet you do mention the idea of multiple Dal Tex shooters....

    The top of the van is 10-12 feet it appears.... and from that angle - looking at Elm - I'd have to think the shot originated much higher up.

    2nd AND 3rd floors?

    Nice view for a back shot.


  13. 38 minutes ago, Richard Price said:

    John, your red line (in the above photo) goes right through the top of the ornamental tree to the steps. 


    You are correct.

    The frame on the right I shot (one of many filming passes) while on the pedestal using a B/H 414 on normal lens setting.

    The bush density/height would vary throughout the years.




  14. 54 minutes ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    After re-reading Howard Brennan's affidavit to the Sheriff's Office on 11/22, there is something really strange here. It might be just terrible syntax on Brennan's part, but I doubt it.

    This may seem crazy at first read, but here it goes:


    Before the motorcade got to Elm and Houston, beyond any doubt, Brennan, seated on the retaining wall, and facing northeast, was looking directly at . . .

    The Dal-Tex Building.


    "I was facing  in a northerly direction looking not only at Elm Street but I could see the large red brick building across the street from where I was sitting. I take this building across the street to be about 7 stories anyway in the east end of the building and the second row of windows from the top I saw a man in this window."

    "The president's car . . . was about 50 yards from the intersection of Elm and Houston and to a point I would say THE PRESIDENT'S BACK WAS IN LINE WITH THE LAST WINDOW I HAVE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED I heard what I though was a backfire. It run in my mind that it might be someone throwing firecrackers out of the WINDOW OF THE RED BRICK BUILDING and I looked up at the building . . ."

    " Then the man let the gun down to his side and stepped down out of sight."

    As I wrote earlier, it's impossible for anyone to stand and shoot out the 6th floor SE window in the TSBD. 

    But could someone have have been standing in a window of the Dal-Tex building and been visible from the waist up to Howard Brennan?


    Maybe so. Those re-enactment photos show that  for at least a little while, honest investigators thought so, too.  (We know it was impossible to stand and shoot through the TSBD window.)

    So, what can we say for certain?

    1. Brennan was facing directly at the Dal-Tex building before the assassination.

    2. While both the TSBD and the Dal-Tex building were brick, the Dal-Tex buiding was a deep RED. On 11/22/63, within an hour or so of the assassination, Brennan TWICE described the building's brick as RED!


    3. Both the TSBD and the Dal-Tex had seven stories. 

    4. Brennan's confused wording about the "last window" refers NOT to the westernmost window in the TSBD (as many of us have assumed), but instead to the one he said  "previously described". Because Elm street had a double curve to it and because William Greer took a very wide turn onto Elm, a sniper in the Dal-Tex might well waited a moment for the limo to be centered in the middle of the street. This seems to be what Brennan said!

    This picture below was taken on Monday, 11/25/63. The "sniper's window" in the TSBD was never "in line" with the motorcade on Elm. 

    But this view of the Dal-Tex shows it sure was!



    If you didn't already know the "official" story, which one of these two buildings would you pick as the "large red brick building"?



    Richard E. Sprague, Jim Garrison, Josiah Thompson and Fletcher Prouty all believed at least some shots came from the Dal-Tex building. I can personally attest that Harold Weisberg was almost certain of it. 

    If any conspirator/shooter/radioman/spotter etc. was in the Dal-Tex, and if that person was seen by Brennan, then enormous pressure would have placed on Brennan to change his statement.

    By the time of his Warren Commission testimony, that would appear to be the case. 

    Paul, nicely deciphered.

    If interested, some additional support starting here:



  15. First announcements of the throat wound.

    What happened to the description of the fatal head wound/s?

    Whoever passed on this information apparently(by connecting it as one shot) viewed a smaller entrance hole in front and larger exit hole in back.

    If this was reported after the tracheotomy was performed, I would have expected the opposite(back wound smaller than the throat wound).

    Two separate holes conflated.






  16. If CE477/8 represents where he thought he was, I'd suggest using the wall block openings as a measuring tool for the distance between the two locations with a minor radius length added in.  The lamp-post at left and my red arrow would be a similar distance.

    Plotting Bell's LOS pretty much agrees with this photo that puts him directly across from the western edge of the first window opening in the TSBD.




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