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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Speaking of suppressing the vote: The reason Trump was ahead early in Pennsylvania was because the mail-in ballots were counted last. I believe that was due to the state legislature (Republican controlled) who decided not to start counting the mail-in ballots early, unlike other states which did. It's not difficult to find the approx entry where the mail-in ballot counting began. At that point, Trump was approx 661,000 votes ahead. But, if one looks at the overwhelming ballots cast by mail in terms of party affiliation, it is rather clear, that seemingly insurmountable lead, was just a momentary illusion. In fact, the 1,775,297 figure Biden has before the mail-ins start, added to just the Democratic mail-in total would give him more than the overall total he has received in Pennsylvania. Trump lost Pennsylvania because of the sheer difference between registered Democrats and Republicans. The Trumpians were well aware of this, hence the push to suppress the delivery/counting of mail-in ballots.
  2. Mine too. But, broken down among my siblings who are all in their 50's and 60's, it's not as surprising, but disappointing. 4Men/3Women - One male who has passed and one I don't see anymore. 2 Men/1 Woman (all married) - Biden 2 Women (One married, one not) - Trump
  3. Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-elections/exit-polls I was thinking along those same lines. Don't know how accurate this will be when it's all said and done, but I don't believe it will change greatly. But, at this time, take a look at the total vote count difference between them, approx 4.5 million. Now, look at the total difference just in California, it's fairly close to that 4.5 million. I understand that difference will grow once California is completed, but this is way too close for a total vote count approaching 150 million voters. So, kudos to the majority of African-Americans for being much wiser/smarter in their character assessment of Trump.
  4. You forgot about the super majority of African-American women who rejected your theory.
  5. Another worthless tweet. https://news.yahoo.com/no-21-000-dead-people-151302680.html
  6. Why don't we congregate outside the Nevada/Arizona ballot counting stations and demand they stop the vote counts. Trump would be in favor of it not realizing it would cost him the election. A win win for everyone except the abused election workers. PS. On our block, our across the street neighbors and us have Biden signs. Those are the only two among a total of 20 houses.
  7. This might provide a little insight as to why Biden's campaign is still very confident/hopeful in Pennsylvania even though he is still down around 113,000. The mail balloting I believe, is what's left to count.
  8. Exactly. Georgia/North Carolina might have their total vote counts completed before Florida.
  9. https://thegrio.com/2020/10/30/former-gop-conservative-nichols-explains-biden-vote/ Excerpt from article: “The election of 2020 is about the moral future of the American nation, and so I voted for a good man with whom I have some political disagreements over an evil man with whom I share not a single value as a human being."
  10. Glad to see Ossoff tell it like it is, directly to Perdue's face. He called him a crook(using quite factual information) which so aptly applies. After that a__ kicking, I wouldn't look forward to having another debate either. Instead, Perdue will be a__ kissing his leader.
  11. Yes. Anywhere between the 1min20sec mark and onward in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGPN1Lm3cnw And another. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF6oevG06Xo
  12. The height relationship between the rear view mirror and JFK's throat was a constant, until such time that JFK physically moved. Laterally, move a shooter where-ever you so desire and position the limo on Elm, accordingly.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/lesley-stahl-claims-trumps-healthcare-plan-doesnt-contain-actual-plan-60-minutes-060421463.html Excerpt from above: Stahl pushed Trump for details about his healthcare plan, and giving her the book may have been an effort to satisfy her curiosity. But after having time to review the contents of the book, Stahl said that there isn’t actually much of a plan at all. “It was heavy. Filled with executive orders, congressional initiatives,” Stahl said, “but no comprehensive health plan.” What a surprise.
  14. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/24/hunter-biden-hard-drive-lev-parnas-432108 Excerpt from above: "A GOP aide told POLITICO earlier this year that the document portrayed an “innocuous meeting with Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky.” But the truth, Parnas said, was more insidious — the exchange was part of an effort to gauge Zlochevsky’s willingness to cooperate with Giuliani’s dirt-digging mission. Ultimately, Giuliani was not satisfied with the answers he got back on July 7, 2019. Asked, for example, whether Joe Biden, while vice president, had ever assisted Zlochevsky or Burisma “in any way with business deals or meetings with world leaders or any other assistance,” Zlochevsky replied curtly: “No.” Asked to detail any contacts he had with Joe Biden from 2013-2019, and whether Hunter ever facilitated any meetings, Zlochevsky replied: “No one from Burisma ever had any contacts with VP Biden or people working for him during Hunter Biden’s engagement.” Giuliani was furious, Parnas recalled. “At that point, after seeing the answers, Rudy started pounding the table and saying, ‘We just need to get this information,’” he recalled. Giuliani then tasked Parnas with forging a relationship with Ukrainian billionaire Dmitry Firtash, who said he was willing to help in the search for Biden dirt, Parnas said."
  15. And another: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-did-not-benefit-trade-104653681.html
  16. https://www.salon.com/2020/10/23/a-fox-news-reporter-just-debunked-the-latest-conservative-effort-to-smear-joe-biden-_partner/
  17. You're three days late. Secondly, he wants to add more of his a__ kissing cronies so there is a continuous "pucker up" line. Thirdly, for those interested in a general description: “This executive order strips due process rights and protections from perhaps hundreds of thousands of federal employees and will enable political appointees and other officials to hire and fire these workers at will,” Kelley said. “Through this order, President Trump has declared war on the professional civil service by giving himself the authority to fill the government with his political cronies who will pledge their unwavering loyalty to him—not to America.” Kettl said that the order could be far reaching in scope. Not only would high profile employees who publicly disagree with a president be targeted for removal, but lower level employees tasked with collecting the data and evidence underlying much of what the federal government does could be affected. “If you think about examples of how this could play out, Dr. [Anthony] Fauci could be fired, as well as individuals at the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] who are producing analysis about the spread of the coronavirus, social distancing and the importance of masks,” Kettl said. “You could have people within the State Department raising questions about the administration’s expansion of efforts to engage in crackdowns and change other policies who could be fired. The people counting the number of immigrant children who cannot be reunited with their parents could be fired. There’s no end to it because the biggest risk is that anyone who says anything that would be in opposition to the administration’s policy could be viewed as in a policy-making position, put in Schedule F and fired.”
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ny-post-reporter-behind-dubious-131745779.html NY - Piece Of Sh___t Tabloid
  19. What would you expect. He has no respect for women. Thinks they're only useful for his own objectification. Guthrie is one smart lady. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savannah_Guthrie No surprise why his meltdown continues while feeling threatened by a woman with a much higher IQ.
  20. You mean this Giuliani: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/16/lev-parnas-revelations-trump-100216 https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/07/politics/lev-parnas-exclusive-images-giuliani/index.html Zero credibility. Can't wait until the Parnas trial occurs.
  21. How quickly it's forgotten: https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/pol/wtc/oblnus091401.html
  22. Just like one of his many hypocritical cronies did. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/13/us/politics/elliott-broidy-michael-cohen-payout.html
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