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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. John, I don't believe it's necessary to explain why, but more important just to point them out. I suggested it was to hide the reaction from a shot too close together with another, thereby proving at least two shooters. It could have been an attempt to make sure the extant film agreed with Willis' photo. Although, if that is supposed to be Powers head in the zfilm, you then have to explain why his head is so much smaller than the guy sitting behind him when Powers is closer to the camera. As I stated, anatomically, it doesn't work. That frame of Ready at an earlier moment(previous posting) in time provides a better idea of what is realistic and what is not (anatomically speaking). imo Glad it finally hit you in this instance.
  2. A more detailed description of what is being shown: Anatomy 101 #1 is Ready’s left shoulder line #2 does not belong to Ready #2 is the left arm +hand+partial shoulder+partial left side torso of somebody. That arm/shoulder/torso is facing fairly close to the same direction as Ready. There is no human head attached to it unless you want to somehow convince others the head is cocked downwards. Good luck with that!!! That arm/shoulder/torso is not in front of Ready #3 is an object in front of where Ready’s left shoulder connects to his arm The only thing we should see in #3 is the rest of Ready’s shoulder/arm connection just as we see in the layered unaltered frame. There should be nothing(because there was nothing) in front of Ready. I suggest watching the fade in/out very carefully at that moment. #4 is Ready’s hand holding the QueenMary hand bar. The unaltered frame also shows Ready holding the hand bar unobstructed. This is what one would expect when there is no obstruction accounted for.
  3. Richard, Here's a stabilized version of that area starting near the beginning and ending after the 207splice. Besides what you have pointed out, look for the interesting light/reflection streak that runs just above that area, towards the end of the gif.
  4. Those following the natural progression of this thread should not be surprised at this next revelation. There is only one person I know of that was reaching for his throat during the assassination. According to the extant zfilm, this doesn't begin until approx z226. Yet, see how perceptive you are in finding this occurance at extant z212. The manipulation process is easier to understand when you figure out what the alterationist's needed to hide. Enjoy!!!!!
  5. If you follow Ready’s left shoulder line and look past the object that interrupts it, it would appear that you can see the rest of his left arm and hand. That is wrong. Or, his left arm and hand shrunk enormously compared to his right. Ready’s left hand is attached to the hand hold on the QueenMary in both photos. That left arm more than likely belongs to SA Glen Bennet who was reacting to a shot. The object that impedes Ready’s left arm obviously doesn’t belong there. There should be nothing crossing his suit, just as the better quality inset photo reveals. "Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing" Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
  6. Why would there be any alterations at this part of the extant film? In this instance, the WC was trying to compress two shots into one. The shot that Willis describes as he takes his photo and the shot that JFK reacts to (hands to throat) at approx extant z218. There is not enough time between these two for one shooter. Any obvious reaction(within the Queen Mary-doesn't have to be the / only reason) to a shot would have to be addressed. Please note the background figures (red box-Croft + the woman to his immediate right + RoseMary Willis) reaction’s towards the end, after Phil raises his camera to his face and progressing to the splice. The example I previously supplied includes extant z207, coincidentally, there are no more frames of Ready or the near side of the QueenMary after that splice. Something else you don't see in the extant zfilm prior to the z207 splice is the limo slowing down. Same slowdown occurance at the extant z157 splice/CE884 z161-z166/168 frame data debacle. The gif is fairly large so you may have to let it play a time or two before it runs smoothly. There are other peculiarities within this gif, but that's for another day.
  7. What I would expect to see, at least something similar:
  8. Celframe step animation? Watch Ready's shoulders and suit as the frames progress. His suit will fill out with black but only to the top layer(not the bottom/original film) layer of the two suits. His shoulders get clipped. Also, as the limo proceeds down Elm, directly attached to the filling-in suit is the background curbline, that simultaneously morphs into the beginning of a mountain range. Agent Ready Stabilized. Enjoy!!!!
  9. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UB-0H4xpIXce-kW7EdCWAVppl7srdf5v/view?usp=sharing Download arrow should be at the upper right part of the browser window.
  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/17YMObID2SD96awJejHuZiTi5VzbBOGac/view?usp=sharing There is such a thing as drooping shoulders, but in this instance: The Zapruder film animators literally outfitted SS agent John Ready with it and a “DOUBLE’” breasted suit. Optical printer with aerial imaging? David Healy, should I redirect folks to your excellent “Technical Aspects” document? Enjoy!!!!!!!!!
  11. As close to the original location as possible. It helps out tremendously: Added on Edit: Aspect ratio change on WC photo of 145% x 125% for sizing.
  12. Yes Tony. I have posted this example in the past. It's the same result just that the extended area of coverage is in the background as opposed to the foreground in the Z example. This ghost image example is the upper part of the Purse(early Z background frames) Building that appears. I used some of the main frame(white vertical/horizontal building stripes) for registration along with the upper right hand sprocket hole. If that makes sense.
  13. One last obvious observation among many, which I have left, before I apologize for somewhat hi-jacking this thread. The speed difference between the original CE884's for z161-166/168 was 2.24 and 3.734 mph =1.5mph The speed difference between plotting JFK from extant z149-161=13.44mph and the accelerated CE884 z168-z186 =14.94mph is 1.5mph. Throw in the manipulation of 7+ frames and all is well that ends well. Any continuation of this will be posted on one of my thread starters. Sorry for the interruption, carry on.
  14. And indeed, if you will notice the difference between the two separate CE884 documents, that the frame change applied to station# 3+29.2 was both z161 and z168 = a difference of seven frames. Then, to accommadate for those (missing and retarding frames), the limo speed was increased accordingly for the next 18frames from extant z168-z186 = 14.94mph
  15. Incorporating a 5.24mph drop in an overall span of extant z149-z166(17frames) would force this equation: 12.96ft +3.294ft = 16.25ft/17frames + 7.67frames = 16.25ft/24.67frames = .6586ft per frame = 8.2mph
  16. Following up on the previous answers, it was clear(at least by viewing the extant film)that it hadn't traveled(CE884's) .9ft in five frames = 3.294ft per sec = 2.24mph or .9ft in three frames = 5.49ft per sec= 3.734 mph. But, by using the traffic signal post in the background and plotting JBC's position accordingly along the WC path(dots), the station# of JFK at extant z161 was easily obtained. That station# is 326.81. The difference between JFK's position from extant z161-z166 was 3.294ft. If you refer back to the official WC CE 884 document, extant z161-z166, the distance the limo would have traveled over 18.3frames/one second, is the same distance it travels when plotted, using the landmark traffic lightpost in the background from the extant film over five frames. 3.294ft/5frames = 8.2mph The limo with JFK plotted using extant z149-z161 traveled 12.96ft = 13.44mph The difference between those two vehicle speeds is 5.24mph Added on Edit:The chart below reflects JFK's true position in the limo at station# 161+166 along the WC path. The station# entries for z185/186 were converted using the original WC elevations and applying them from PositionA. The z185/186 entries here are just temporary and will change because of the true speed of the limo at those points. More later.
  17. Trying to keep the vehicle centered between the sprocket holes: B/H 414 Full Zoom Something closer to this perhaps:
  18. PhotoCredits: Greg Davidson(miss you brother)
  19. Maybe not exactly how. If they had, it would have been quite obvious that the distance traveled in five frames(z161-z166) was not .9ft Some of Robert West's testimony in the Clay Shaw trial below. If the official surveyor was allowed to do his job, the whole investigation would have ended much differently/worse for the WC. Fortunately, West created valuable plats. The FBI supplied the limo specs and a scaled limo model which includes the proper placement of JFK and JBC within the limo. I believe these elements weren't supposed to end up in the public domain.
  20. Ron, I think that's a valid observation and I tend to agree. When and Where alterations would be a movie script and the WC were the actors, if that makes sense. Some of the actors realized their roles were more critical than others. The movie theme: "All roads lead back to the snipers nest."
  21. CE884: 21.8ft/22frames It appears to be fairly close to your estimate in the previous posting. The WC knew exactly when and where the alterations were necessary.
  22. “Someone who fires a weapon is not required to hit a target” A straight line projection for a bullet:
  23. Since there was 2.41ft between JFK and JBC, and JBC was inbound from JFK(using the FBI "scaled limo" creation)it is quite easy to plot their positions using the stationary stoplight signal post in the background as a measuring guide. Which is exactly what the WC did(they were very astute)but realized the problem that arose. I recommend adding the distance provided in CE884 z161-166 to the distance between JFK and JBC. Once you have that figure, take the distance provided in CE884 z161-166 and expand that over 18.3 frames. Now compare the two distance results. Then you can take either distance result/frames = ft per frame and expand that over 18.3fps From there, let us know what the approx speed of the limo was between extant z161-166. What speed did you say the limo decelerated to around z310? The WC measurements weren't awful, just deceitful, because the results were not meant to be what an honest investigation represents.
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