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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Publication date noted: https://www.genengnews.com/news/blood-clotting-patterns-in-lungs-of-covid-19-patients-may-help-explain-apparent-differences-in-mortality/
  2. "For what it's worth" (Buffalo Springfield) https://news.yahoo.com/youtuber-bet-physicist-10-000-120100405.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
  3. The distance between JBC/JFK was 2.4ft before JFK started any type of forward leaning. His leaning also lowers his head height. imo If the shooter was aiming for JFK's head he would have to lead(aim a little higher) to account for the limo speed. imo I'll leave it up to you to place/imagine what JBC's body position would be at circa extant z274.
  4. Besides other items and speaking ballistically, the County Records rooftop aligns quite nicely with JBC's back/chest(possible thigh) wounds. I tend to believe the shot was fired at z273 and whizzed past JFK's hair at z275 in keeping with the document's 6ft prior to their existing shot span(do the math using the red boxes) which is approx extant z274 based on Nelli's reaction time thereafter, coincidentally while the vertical panning of the zframes hiding JBC's chest occurs.
  5. Didn't apply any lighting effects. Those are four consecutive frames from original footage.
  6. Getting back on track. As you watch the whole gif, listen to the song and apply the words to the duplication of the extant zfilm funnies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxgETJq0T80 Too bad the song wasn't from the music group "Squeeze", how appropriate that would be.
  7. Yes, they made sure all aspects led back to the 6th floor, no matter how many deceitful attempts were made.
  8. The WC knew the true limo speed long before the "official" reenactment in May 1964 was completed. There were multiple recreations months before that. Ask yourself why the reenactments didn't match the same speed as the extant zfilm. The faster the limo, the less frames required. Time/distance compression/decompression. Think anamorphic/squeeze lens concept. Once that sinks in, I'll move onto the ratio's involved. imo
  9. Same frames as previous gif, aligning the limo:
  10. Understanding the concept should help you understand the alterations:
  11. Comparing two shots/splices watching the sprocket hole play catch up. Amazing the panning speed had slowed between the two, considering the limo speed was approx the same at both incidences.
  12. Leading into a shot/splice, Besides some strategic cropping, imagine what the sprocket hole panning difference would look like from the reenactment, compared with the extant zfilm, if the WC had included them for public consumption. Hmm!!! Watch it bounce against the immovable Stemmons sign. Does the Stemmons sign follow proper photographic tilt principles? Since Z's camera was used in both instances, it's a shame the WC couldn't supply us with a color version of the reenactment. The average speed(z166-z207) of the reenactment vehicle vs the extant zfilm is 41ft/32.5 frames vs 41ft/41frames =15.7mph vs 12.44mph
  13. With that thought in mind, I suggest reviewing these previous posts: https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27130-did-you-know/?do=findComment&comment=441875 https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27130-did-you-know/?do=findComment&comment=441929 Keeping in mind, the WC need to tie all ballistics back to the snipers nest. Do you think Robert West viewed a frame that showed JFK grabbing his throat above the Stemmons sign, which enabled him to plot a shot circa extant z207?
  14. Not necessarily a 10" sign height difference. How much of JFK's head/upper torso should you really see from Z's filming position with a 10" vertical difference? Shaneyfelt doesn't strike me as a particularly tall person, so I am not sure what the vertical parallax difference is between him and Z, probably not much. Mr. SPECTER. When you say 52.78 inches, which individual would that be? Mr. KELLEY. That would be the President. Mr. SPECTER. And what part of his body? Mr. KELLEY. The top of the head would be 52.78 inches from the ground. When Mr. Anderton was placed in the followup car, it was found that the top of his head was 62 inches from the ground.
  15. Richard, Try this one: http://www.kenrahn.com/Marsh/Zapruder/History-Z.html
  16. Those Stemmon's sign posts look pretty solid. Can anyone think of where/when a 10" vertical adjustment might benefit the official story?
  17. Yet, quite amazing that the poles stay at a constant width throughout the reenactment video and match the extant zfilm pole width(not distance between) at the z212 splice. How is the same camera, with the same lens setting, shot from the same pedestal, capable of this incredible feat?
  18. Thanks for bringing that up. I wasn't concentrating on that aspect of the statement only the lens capabilities. I've added an edit clarifying that it was not my quote or research so it's entirely possible that the ownership/purchase aspect is wrong. If so, hopefully someone can provide the correct information. In the future, I'll try to limit the scope of the copy/paste to strictly the point I am expressing.
  19. I never assigned a shot sequence(first, second,third etc) to this part of the film. I did say the film has been altered to hide A shot reaction at this location. I'm quite sure there was another shot circa the z157 splice, hence the BS frame entries in CE884 for extant z161/168 same physical location. It depends on the validity you apply to the Stemmons sign. In regards to the Stemmons sign, ask yourself why did the WC not plot, say extant z224.5 on CE884, which would have JFK's head aligned with the edge of the extant Stemmons sign(landmark). As an example, converting CE8884 existing data using extant z207-z224.5 = 16.8ft/(17.5frames sound familiar)= 11.95mph Now add 11 frames to the same equation or 16.8ft/28.5frames = 7.33mph
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