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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. The next method by which to steal an election: https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-campaign-discussing-plans-appoint-090001571.html Desperate times call for desperate measures.
  2. Unfortunately, you have confused the candidates. Your "messiah" is the only one that desires teeny boppers. https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf Besides the filing, among many others, Michael Cohen has already attested to Trump's desires in regards to his daughter.
  3. A prime example: https://news.yahoo.com/gop-sen-ron-johnson-went-215506129.html
  4. Imagine that. Ingesting experimental drugs for the "so-called" hoax. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/donald-trump-hospitalized-reportedly-trying-221241384.html It didn't all blow over by Easter. But, it did infect his cadre before Halloween.
  5. Sorry to hear that Joe. No sympathy here for Trump and his ilk. They had ample warning and opportunity to do the right thing, not only for themselves, but for the rest of mankind. Trump made the wrong choice by not revealing it's true severity and denying what true Medical Experts were telling the rest of us. How many more will die because of his SELFISH actions? And btw, My niece's "brother in law" who WAS 55 years old in excellent health and had zero pre-existing conditions ended up on a ventilator for 3 weeks and then died from this f--king virus. His brother's only physical access(behind a glass partition) to him was when the physician called and allowed Carlos to come see him within an hour of his death. 5% of the Covid deaths in San Diego for those with no pre-existing conditions and he was one of them.
  6. LOL https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/09/01/irs-chief-makes-more-than-100000-per-year-off-trump-property-documents-show/#7bc834127488 Can you say "Conflict of Interest"
  7. Except, we now know what to expect(knew long before 2016) having experienced the past 3 1/2 years of the "Disaster in Chief."
  8. I recommend heeding the Rhode Island Green Party proclamation: "On May 28, 2020, the Green Party of Rhode Island announced that it would not place a presidential candidate onto the ballot for the first time since 1996 citing the danger of Donald Trump winning reelection.[36][37] Hawkins later announced that he would petition as an independent candidate under the partisan label "Independent Left" in Rhode Island.[38] However, only 897 of the 1,000 signatures needed were validated preventing Hawkins from appearing on the Rhode Island ballot.[39]
  9. Kathy, You can add this to his Master SS plan: It only took 3 1/2 years to come up with it. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trumps-health-care-sham-154334003.html
  10. https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/ "As of now, all of the information about this lawsuit comes solely from the complaint filed by “Katie Johnson,” and no one has as yet located, identified, or interviewed her. She was scheduled to appear at a press conference on 2 November 2016 but didn’t show up, asserting that threats to her life kept her away. She reportedly dropped the lawsuit again on 4 November 2016 for the same reason." I wonder if Cohen might shed some light on the threats.
  11. Richard, That's the key. Reality sets in, and their true flesh is exposed. Both figuratively and literally. https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2020/08/26/Falwelling-From-Grace/ It's hard for individuals to admit they are bad judges of character as it reflects poorly upon their own.
  12. https://www.democracynow.org/2020/9/23/coral_anika_theill_people_of_praise "People of Praise" The alternative name for "Cult of Trump" supporters.
  13. I guess Humpty Dumpty Trumpty would be at the front of the line. Oh wait, I feel some more deferments being issued.
  14. In one frame, I used the front limo tire in relationship to the column edge(blue line). The other, I used the rear limo tire in approx the same location in relation to the column edge. You'll notice the whitewall stripes are close to aligning from both tires(closest the frames get). I scaled the front tire frame which occurs earlier in the film to 117% to match the later frame. If needed, I can move the frames so the whitewalls align which will shift the rest of the frames registration slightly.
  15. I commend Max for his well aimed intentions, but there was quite a bit of naivety in his thought process. "How did a Kennedy end up in a sensitive role in the Trump Administration? After graduating from Harvard, in 2016, Kennedy did some time at consulting and investment firms; he planned to take the LSAT in March, but the pandemic cancelled it. At loose ends, he responded to a friend’s suggestion that he join a volunteer task force that Jared Kushner was forming, to get vital personal protective equipment, such as masks, to virus hot spots. Kushner, he was told, was looking for young generalists who could work long hours for no pay. “I was torn, to some extent,” Kennedy, a lifelong Democrat, said. “But it was such an unprecedented time. It didn’t seem political—it seemed larger than the Administration.” And he knew people who’d been sick. So in March he volunteered for the White House Covid-19 Supply-Chain Task Force, and drove to Washington."
  16. Can there be any doubt from where Myer's obtained his bogus Towner frame rate for syncing? Especially, since the document was created some 10+ years earlier than his multi-sync project.
  17. Therefore, Excerpts from previous posting: "Towner frame#6 and ending with the last Towner frame The total distance traveled by JFK is approx 99.275ft. 99.275 - 83.83 = 15.445ft approx distance difference." Which leads to: 167-6 =161 Towner frames @ 99.275ft = .6166ft per frame And is quite close to the equation above in terms of ft per frame: .8265ft per frame - .2058ft per frame = .6207ft per frame x 16 = 9.9312ft per sec / 1.47 = 6.7559mph Whereas: 99.94ft/161 frames = .6207ft per frame would be a match And moves us back to this: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/26525-unveiling-the-limo-stop/?do=findComment&comment=429333 Connection Completed. imo
  18. Finally, His graphic above with the limo plotted around the entire Elm St turn starting at Towner frame#6 and ending with the last Towner frame = 83.83ft traveled, using that inside rear tire as the mark. If you use Robert West's (+) marks as the posItion of JFK within the limo around the same turn and the existing stationary landmarks(building corners, Street lights, trees, etc) as measuring markers, the total distance traveled by JFK is approx 99.275ft. 99.275 - 83.83 = 15.445ft approx distance difference. 15.25 ft = 10” vertical drop.
  19. Continuing on: 16fps/22.8fps(Meyer's rate for Towner) = .7017... .7017... x 167(Total Towner Frames) = 117.19 frames and/or from previous posting: 6.435mph/9.19mph = .7002 x 167 = 116.93 frames Wonder why establishing the equivalent of the Towner end to z118 was important and from where he starts the Zfilm.
  20. Remember 2.24mph of this: 74frames/16fps = 4.625sec x (2.24mph) 3.294ft per sec = 15.23 ft = 10” vertical drop. Myer's uses the drivers side rear tire(inside radius) as the measuring marker instead of JFK within the limo(outside radius) = a definite distance difference. Besides that, note the frame total for the backside of his Elm St turn 160-88 = 72frames, rather close to 74. His last distance for these 72 frames = 42.57ft 42.57ft/72frames = .59125ft per frame x 16fps = 9.46ft per sec / 1.47 = 6.435...mph At some point, he increases his plat from 100 to 108%(anyone interested in verifying this can download his PDF)which is represented by the second and third frames in the gif(same frames-different sizes) and the last frame scaled at 108% to match the third frame. Incorporate that plat size change into the 6.435... mph equation above. 6.435...mph x 1.08 = 6.95mph 6.95mph + 2.24mph = 9.19mph His determined average speed for Towner 88-160 = 9.2mph
  21. The other logical location (imo) would be the Z/Towner gap. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/26676-dealey-plaza-witness-survey/?do=findComment&comment=428287 Euins says 1st shot and then it kind of "speeded up". I wonder if he means it slowed/stopped at this point? Credit to Vince Palamara for the following info: " DPD James Chaney (one of the four Presidential motorcyclists)---stated that the Presidential limousine stopped momentarily after the first shot (according to the testimony of Mark Lane; corroborated by the testimony of fellow DPD motorycle officer Marion Baker: Chaney told him that "…at the time, after the shooting, from the time the first shot rang out, the car stopped completely, pulled to the left and stopped." Extant Z135? "DPD D.V. Harkness---". . . I saw the first shot and the President's car slow[ed] down to almost a stop…I heard the first shot and saw the President's car almost come to a stop and some of the agents [were] piling on the car." [6 H 309]; Dallas Morning News reporter Mary Woodward (Pillsworth)---"…Instead of speeding up the car, the car came to a halt."; she saw the President's car come to a halt after the first shot. TSBD Supervisor Roy Truly---after the first shot "…I saw the President's car swerve to the left and stop(Extant Z135?) somewhere down in the area…[it stopped] for a second or two or something like that…I just saw it stop." [3 H 221, 266]; What 1st shot(limo location) are they referring to? Corroborating Euins? The gif is a camera shake reaction comparison to extant Z134, in relationship to the firing of a rifle. Also note the shift to the left of the limo at z135.
  22. Please keep in mind, I am only supplying the reasoning for the 10"/ 15.23ft / 74 extra frames brought about via UPI and Horne's National Archive research. Ultimately, the 16fps divisor plays too big of a role in this latest work. I believe the final ratio will be 48fps slo-mo to 16 which would be 66% frame removal for specific spans especially from zframe1 at Station 2+00 to extant z207 at Station# 371.1. Meyer's appears to hide this and I'll reveal some more of his BS involving the Elm St turn syncing with a true 16fps. The speed tests run on the Z camera at "normal" setting could be accurate at 18.3 fps. But, from 48fps, the step-down to the actual speed more than likely was 16fps.
  23. There is other WC documentation showing the sync evolving from 15.23ft/74frames. I edited(thin red line)the appropriate part to indicate the start of the original zfilm. For example, when does frame 166 = 166frames? 100ft/166frames = .602ft per frame 171.1ft/207+74 = 281 frames 171.1ft/281 frames = .608ft per frame It just depends on where you start your 100ft count from and which z version you're working from. Be it, Station# 2+00 or StationC = 234.5 Station# 2+00 + 100ft = approx extant z133 Station# 234.5 + 100ft = Station# 334.5 = extant z166 on the Robert West path.
  24. Running the math from what I have labeled as Zframe1 through the final splice at extant z207: 171.1ft/207frames = .8265ft per frame x 16 = 13.225ft per sec / 1.47(1mph)= 8.996mph Remove an added 15.23ft/74frames = .2058ft per frame .8265ft per frame - .2058ft per frame = .6207ft per frame x 16 = 9.9312ft per sec / 1.47 = 6.7559mph 8.996 - 6.7559 = 2.24mph In case you had forgotten how to connect the above with what's been previously presented, here it is again: 74frames/16fps = 4.625sec x (2.24mph) 3.294ft per sec = 15.23 ft = 10” vertical drop.
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