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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. No. In the end, the ratio's would work out. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/9975-splice-in-tina-towner-film/&do=findComment&comment=354699
  2. Answer =1.01666666667 not 1.106666667. The needed adjustment to make 18fps into 18.3 fps
  3. You've got it. The difference. Simplified: (18.3/48)= .38125 -.375 = .00625 x 1274.3 = 7.96
  4. David, Anyhow, I don't want to get into the sideshow that is Position A right now. You asked me earlier how they arrived at 18.3fps as their final frame rate. Besides the 1 to18.3 ratio of ElmSt vertical to horizontal, Part of that determination was dealing with whole frames in their calculations. If you run this entire equation on a calculator: 48/18.3 = That result x .375 = 1 / by previous result = That result x 18 (whole frames) = 18.3fps You know what the importance of .375 equates to in terms of frame removal.
  5. Ridiculous lead height 6.7 inches for a car traveling approx 11.2 mph at extant z207 That must have been an awfully slow traveling bullet that hit 10.2ft farther down the road. Instead of converting the .56ft to 6.7 inches purely vertical, just convert it using the Elm St vertical: .56 x 18.3 = 10.248ft
  6. When you extract the WC measurements given for StationC, PositionA and z161 starting with CE886. It works out like this: z161 = Station # 3+29.2 Distance from z161 to Station C = 94.7ft which means StationC = Station# 2+34.5 Distance from Position A to Station C = 44ft Position A = 2+34.5 + 44ft = Station# 2+78.5 Position A = Elev 431.97 - 3.27ft = 428.7 CE884 entry TSBD snipers nest base = Station# 2+50 = elev 429.7 Difference in elev between TSBD snipers nest base and Position A = 429.7 - 428.7 = 1ft vertical Position A 2+78.5 - TSBD 2+50 = 28.5ft 28.5ft -18.3ft = 10.2ft 28.5ft/18.3ft = 1.557... elev change Difference between 1.557... and 1ft vertical = .557... x 18.3 horizontal conversion = 10.2ft Distance difference between Time/Life survey and SS/FBI plat shot #1 = 10.2ft
  7. This is why I suggested setting it aside for now. Both notes start with z188. One uses 16fps the other 18fps. In your previous post one example provided: PANEL 4.... 8 second mark at the start of z331 z331-z188 = 143 frames /18fps = 7.94 seconds That just reconfirms the notion of an altered film. "I guess I just yet see it that way." Was "just" supposed to be the word "don't"? "I also believe that by the time these boards were made the film had been completely altered down to those 486 frames." Agreed. As the boards match the extant zfilm. Moving forward, I think you'll realize why I choose not to delve into this too deeply, right now.
  8. Think of the 29 missing frames as the shortcoming of a film that would initially have 1/3 of the frames removed. It goes like this: 1/3 x 486 = 162 486 - 162 = 324 324 + (29 shortcoming frames) = 353 frames = z133-z486 (3/8).375 - (1/3) .333... = .041666... x 48 = 2.000... frames = difference between frames kept 18 (z188-z206) and frames removed 16 (9+7) within the same 48 frame (1 second) span.
  9. David, The briefing board confirms the 1/2 then 1/4 step-down. They provided us a huge clue when they listed the 1 second increment. Converting that 1 second increment to 48fps is the key: 48/2 = 24 frames 24 x .25 (1/4) = 6 frames 24frames -6 frames = 18 frames between the span. 18 frames is the span that is shown on the briefing board which matches the extant film. 18/48 = .375 = what's left when removing .625= 1/2 + 1/8(1/2 x 1/4)
  10. You can apply the frame removal ratio to the existing framework. .375 x 353frames(z133-z486) = 132.375 frames 353 + 132.375 = 485.375 = 486 whole frames Using the ratio dictates the starting and ending points for the extant zfilm.
  11. Extant z188-z222 = 34 frames NPIC labeling of missing frames for this same span = 29 total frames 188-198 = 9 missing frames 198-206 = 7 missing frames 206-213 = 6 missing frames 213-216 = 3 missing frames 216-222 = 4 missing frames
  12. NPIC indication of the initial 1/2 step-down? Added on edit: Since there was no frame numbering system via NPIC during this time period, that I know of, the labeling of missing frames just further cements the conclusion that some type of step-down process was in action.
  13. David, Putting the above frame reduction into a speed difference: From this previous post: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/9975-splice-in-tina-towner-film/&do=findComment&comment=354510 3.734mph/14.94mph = 1/4. Myers difference confirms it and so does CE884 (final plat version) entries for z168-z186. Keep thinking in terms of ratios. 1/2 = .5 1/2 x 1/4 = 1/8 = .125 .5 + .125 = .625 Closest ratio to 1 / (48/18.3) = .38138 is: .375 + .625 = 1 whole frame
  14. 48fps stepped down to 18.3: Starting at Z133 through the end, the percentage missing is approx 61.87 % A sample of this 61.87% overall frame removal process below: If you want to include the frames missing from Z1 - Z133 also, the percentage of total frames missing would be approx 72.3%.
  15. The WC being the smart entity that they were and in keeping with the correct ratios, quite properly assigned 25 frames (officially published CE884) to the same distance traveled for 18 frames - z168-186. Since 1 second of time equaled 18.3fps not 18fps, and part of the 48 to 18.3fps conversion included an approx 24fps step down, then the equivalent would have been the next whole frame or 25 frames. This might be the easiest way to recognize what conversions were occurring if you are not interested in the math equations.
  16. And, according to CE884 entered on the final WC plat of May1964, you can find these common speeds in the first entries provided (z168-z186) Overall entry of 21.6ft traveled in 18 frames = 21.96ft traveled in 18.3 frames = 1 second = 14.94mph And, the first entries from z168-z171: 3 frames = .9ft traveled = 18.3frames (1 sec) / 3 frames = 6.1 x .9ft = 5.49ft per sec = 3.734mph Now, to arrive at Shaneyfelt’s magic 11.2 mph , just take 14.94mph - 3.74 mph =11.2mph. In frame removal format, 3.734/14.94 = 1/4. Or, just apply it to the previous gif provided.
  17. Once you realize that part of the reduction from 48-18.3 included reducing the frame count via one pass = close equivalent to 24 fps, you can then put the SS recreation in its proper context. Yes, the recreation was shot at 24fps for this specific reason. Or, a car traveling at 14.94 mph / (24/18.3fps) / (18.3/18 whole frames) = 11.2mph = Shaneyfelt slip-up BS. Equals the importance of a 3.74mph difference: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/9975-splice-in-tina-towner-film/&do=findComment&comment=354306
  18. You can also refer back to this graphic (right-side): http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/22692-swan-song-math-rules/&do=findComment&comment=326122 Then compare the shift to this SS recreation version when applying the same technique as the extant Z film.
  19. Another easy way to prove the 18.3 fps frame rate is bogus would be to plot JFK's position from z133-z166. Use the LOS from the Z pedestal to the background lamp-post (frame z166) along Robert West's path. 35.90ft / 1.803 sec (33frames@18.3fps) = 13.54mph Dale Myers average for limo from Towner End to z150 = 9.8mph Difference = 3.74mph If you wanted to use the average of 9.8 and 10.5 = 10.15mph to cover thru z166, the conversion would be: 10.15 x 1.016666... x 1.3114... = 13.53 mph It's that simple to show the Zapruder film was not shot at 18.3fps. Myers project was supposed to be a frame x frame sync of multiple films using Z at 18.3fps. Can't have a sync when your speed for the limo in a 33 frame stretch is off by 3.74mph. This is basic math. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OdUpkeGs2R3lxYVk/view?usp=sharing
  20. Not necessarily. Starting here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/23627-zapruder-film/&do=findComment&comment=346927 This is much easier corroboration for frame jumping, than the Towner splice. So I'll leave it at that. Position A is more important in terms of an equation that applies, moving down Elm St. We discussed some of this via email, awhile back.
  21. Actually, The true frame difference would be 33.5frames/30ft/18.3fps, as that would match the average speed of the limo using CE884 z161-z313 data. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/9975-splice-in-tina-towner-film/&do=findComment&comment=351595
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