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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Credit to Tom Purvis for the info in the "sum" column.
  2. Right where JFK "within the limo" aligns to, after the splice in Towner. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005ON3JucFhqOHl5Tmc/view?usp=sharing
  3. Station# 3+34.94 minus 5.74ft = station# 3+29.2 = WC CE884 public version plotting of z161 6.25ft (the approx distance between the TSBD snipers nest (2+50) and the TSBD building corner (2+43.75) In essence, sync measurements back to the TSBD corner accommodated by the BS movement of .9ft for z161-z166 1" = 10ft below + mark at bottom, designates station# 2+50
  4. A significance for the location station# 3+34.94 in the previous posting can be found here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/9975-splice-in-tina-towner-film/&do=findComment&comment=354306 This provides a sync with the West path (+ marks) as z133-z166 = station# 2+99 + 35.9ft traveled = station# 3+34.94
  5. Some initial elements of the golden ratio.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio https://www.goldennumber.net/triangles/ https://www.goldennumber.net/phi-pi-great-pyramid-egypt/
  7. When in Egypt, do as the Egyptians did. Or, in this case, the WC.
  8. Two distances based on whole frames: 18.3/18 = 1.01666... (3.74mph) 5.49ft per sec / 1.01666... = 5.4ft per sec whole frames 5.4ft per sec x 6.008 sec = 32.44ft per whole frames 5.49ft per sec x 6 sec = 32.94ft
  9. btw, the conversion/difference of 109.95 frames at 48fps = 2.29 sec x 18.3 fps = 41.91 frames Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; we have established that the Zapruder motion picture camera operates at an average speed of 18.3 frames per second. And we have been advised that the minimum time for firing the rifle in successive shots is approximately two and a quarter seconds. So this gives us then a figure of two and a quarter seconds of frames; at 18.3, this gives us this figure of 41 to 42 frames. Representative FORD. Would you repeat that again, please? Mr. SHANEYFELT. The camera operates at a speed of 18.3 frames per second. So that in two and a quarter seconds it would run through about 42--41 to 42 frames. Representative FORD. Then the firing of the rifle, repeat that again? Mr. SHANEYFELT. As to the firing of the rifle we have been advised that the minimum time for getting off two successive well-aimed shots on the rifle is approximately two and a quarter seconds. That is the basis for using this 41 to 42 frames to establish two points in the film where two successive quick shots could have been fired.
  10. Beginning of z through z133 48/18.3 = 2.622... x 133 = 348.85 frames all removed 1/2 removed = 174.425 1/4 = 87.21 snipped 1/4 remaining = 87.21 snipped 87.21/48 = 1.81sec Myers 33/18.3 = 1.803sec Towner 48/22.8(Myers FPS) = 2.1 x 7 Myers missing frames span = 14.7 total frames - 7 = 7.7 added to Towner existing total = 167 + 7.7 =174.7 = 1/2 removed from first pass.
  11. 109.95 / 18.3 = 6.008sec Six Missing Seconds in Dallas.
  12. Jim DiEugenio: "The other thing that Sprague was interested in, is he want to set up experiments about the single bullet theory, and he was going to do them in public, except they were going to be real experiments, not set ups like the FBI did for the Warren Commission. And he was going to invite the press there, he actually announced that. And he was going to hire independent investigators, he was not going to use the FBI and the CIA, and he was going to have independent medical doctors. And he had a fleet of I think 13 lawyers. One of the first things he did is that he did a review of all the photographic evidence. And according to Al Lewis, that lasted almost all day, for about 6-7 hours. And before the presentation began, Sprague turned around at all the aides there and said, "I don't want anybody to leave unless I leave, and I don't plan on leaving." And so Al Lewis told me that when those presentations were over, out of the 13 lawyers, 12 of them did not believe the Warren Commission anymore. And I talked to one of the investigators, L.J. Delsa, and he told me that when they looked at the Zapruder film and the autopsy evidence, he concluded, hey, something's really screwy here with this autopsy evidence and the Zapruder film. So in that phase, under Sprague and Tanenbaum, those guys were really looking at the Kennedy case like a homicide. They were really looking at the hardcore evidence. That is the autopsy, the Zapruder film, the photographs, and they were leaning towards the critics. And so the Warren Commission was really under siege then. But the media began to attack Sprague incessantly. I think there was a five part series in the New York Times." Tactics sound familiar, Walton?
  13. 48/18.3 = 2.622... x 486 = 1274.75 frames 48/18.3 = 2.622... x 133 = 348.85 frames Difference = 925.9 frames 1/2 frame removal = 462.95frames Total frames from z133 = 353 Difference = 109.95 Remove 109.95/462.95 = .23749 + .7625 (18.3/24) = 1
  14. Thanks David. Next, I'll introduce what I believe the pre z133 total frame breakdown would consist of.
  15. Added on edit: If you watch the version I created, notice the frame number count and the ghost numbers within, which are just an indicator of the extra 1.622 frames that were there originally.
  16. If you want to see how the difference in distances would basically align, just subtract 5.49ft from the above distance of 35.9ft = 30.41ft. Then take a look at the distance Myers has it traveling from Towner end to Z150 = 24.96ft and add that 5.49ft back = 30.45ft Close enough!!!
  17. Not sure about the question. Who or what are you referring to in the context of 24fps? Myers with Towner? WC with the extant zfilm? Residual 24fps is just a variation of a 48fps slow-motion origin, cut in half. Myers uses 22.8fps as it accommodates his 1.8 sec jump to z133 and then a 5.49ft per sec slow down syncing with a 18.3fps final rate. After all is said and done, the overlapping part of the zfilm with Towner will never see the light of day, therefore, the frame rate of Towner becomes inconsequential to the powers that be. Myers just does us a big favor by providing enough data to reveal the farce. Keeping in mind the splitting of the limo path which we discussed previously.
  18. If you want to push this farther up Elm St Towner fps via Myers 22.8 - 18.3 = 4.5fps difference Myers (1.8sec) = 33frame jump / 4.5 fps = 7.333...sec x 18fps (whole frames) = 132 frames Limo on film at z133. Overall, Myers (9.8mph) 14.42ft per sec rate of speed when broken down into distance: 1.803 sec x 14.42ft per sec = 25.999ft 1.803 sec x 5.49ft per sec. = 9.898ft Combined distance = 35.897ft = plotted distance (35.9ft) from above.
  19. Glad that sunk in. If you have a good grip on the ratios, you can then plug them into other parts of the overall scenario such as: 1 - .625 (1/2 + (1/2 x 1/4)) =.375 difference x (18.3/18) = .38125 = 18.3/48 Or cross-multiply: .375 x 18.3 = .38125 x 18 Or whole frames: 1/.375 = 2.666... x 18 = 48 frames. 1/.38125 = 2.6229... x 18.3 = 48 frames An obvious reason for using 18.3fps as the final frame rate.
  20. CE884 (z208-z255) there were no background landmarks to use in measuring this span, yet: 47frames @ 43ft @ 18.3fps = 43ft / 2.568sec = 16.744ft per sec = 11.39mph Remember there was an adjustment made between the public version CE884 and the final plat version CE884 among frames z208-z210.
  21. Paraphrased: The original sequence of 168-186 = 3+29.2 thru 3+50.8 = 21.6 feet in 18 frames = 1.2' per frame 21.6ft converted to a full second from 18fps to 18.3fps = 18.3/18 = 1.016666.. x 21.6 = 21.96ft per sec. Sorry, I cannot find reference for the ".7625" you are using... what is that? Determine the limo speed after you remove the first 50% of total frames from a 48fps slow-motion film. But there are 18 frames from 168 to 186. You're using the result of determining the distance per frame filming at 48fps... yet you use 12... why? Dealing with one whole second, the equivalent number of frames removed from a 48fps film equaling 5.49ft, is 12 whole frames. 12 frames @ .4575ft per frame yields the common difference distance of 5.49ft. Remember Myers: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/9975-splice-in-tina-towner-film/&do=findComment&comment=354306 That 5.49ft per sec common difference equates to 3.74mph so .7625 = 11.2 mph ... please explain... 1/1.3114 or .7625 x 48 = 36.6 frames x .4575ft per frame = 16.7445ft per sec / 1.47 = 11.39mph / 1.01666…(18.3/18) = 11.2mph IDK = 1/reciprocal of IDK = 48fps/18.3fps (2.623) / 2 (first 50% cut) = 1.31147 x 14.94fps mph = 19.59fps mph = 11.39mph / 1.016667 = 11.2 = FBI speed during crucial frames What is representative of the limo speed after removing 1/2 the frames to begin with? 2.622 / 2 = 1.3114 1/1.3114 = .7625 The limo is traveling at .7625 of its true speed. This is equal to 18.3/24 = .7625
  22. Need to re-phrase what was here previously. Added on edit: CE884 WC final plat: 14.94mph (z168-z186) 21.96ft per sec / 48 frames = .4575ft per frame 12frames x .4575 = 5.49ft 21.96ft - 5.49ft = 16.47ft per sec = 11.2. mph Quite simply: 13.44mph (19.76ft per sec) /14.94mph (21.96ft per sec) = .8995... x 18.3fps = 16.462..ft per sec = 11.2mph= Shaneyfelt testimony The match being: .7625 = (1/1.3114)= (48/18.3) / 2) x 14.94 = 11.39mph / 1.01666667 = 11.2 mph
  23. The station# overlap (3+29.2) of both CE884's at z161 + z168 can be sorted out this way: (14.94mph) 21.96ft per sec - 19.76ft per sec (http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/22692-swan-song-math-rules/&do=findComment&comment=328146) = 2.2ft per sec =1.5 mph If you do the math for the initial two entries of both CE884's (z161-z166) and (z168-z171) you'll find the speeds are 2.24 and 3.74. Difference = 1.5mph
  24. The previous post is ultimately showing the difference between a starting speed and ending speed converted via 48fps, which includes the 18.3/18fps conversion, ending with the magical 3.74mph difference (14.94-11.2) = 5.49ft per second. Or, what happens when you have the limo traveling 3 frames (z168-z171 WC CE884 final plat) for a total of .9ft = 3.74 mph = 5.49ft per sec btw, something that needs to be remembered: the whole frame conversion from 18.3 to 18 for that 5.49ft per sec total = 5.49ft per sec / 1.016666 = 5.4ft per sec.
  25. The above ratio should help you understand in terms of limo speed conversions too. Example: CE884 WC final plat: 14.94mph (z168-z186 = 21.6ft @18fps) x .7625 = 1 / (48/18.3) / 2) = 11.39mph / 1.016666667 = 11.2mph = Shaneyfelt testimony = average limo speed z161- z313.
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