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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 2003 Video Cameraman filming on leftside. Footage on rightside Note the wall holes in both the video and the plat.
  2. Street elevation determined for shot approx 4ft short of Station# 5+00 = 416.83 Street elevation of sewer approx 414.20 Difference of 2.63ft Determined height of JFK’s (top of head) at extant z313 = 3.27ft above the pavement. 2.63 + 3.27 = 5.9ft Distance from sewer to JFK’s ( position in limo) at elevation 416.83 = 51ft
  3. A wider opening. Yes, I do have one. Nowhere near 1963. But, before I post it, take into consideration this wall. Just the wall, disregard the cameraman's angle. The sewer side wall does not allow that same angle (at least with the frame I have). Note the previous "LOS plotted" posting.
  4. I stabilized the clip. The time difference between two Zframes@ 18.3fps = .0546 sec. A bullet traveling at 2020fps for 265ft = .131 sec (CE560) .131/.0546 = 2.39 Frames. So Zapruder reacted to a headshot before the shot occurred. https://ibb.co/nv9JQG
  5. Start with this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TeIgXpOHhDje9ghxu2G1HBllFdRJkyZD/view?usp=sharing End with this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14v9SJHVZk4SePjqkMssMKICeAbYh3DtG/view?usp=sharing Shot through the front, rear matter appears. Shot through the back, front matter appears.
  6. ITEK excerpt, 1975: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QzwUrn9I-GZwdDhoRzaH-n86Mdg9Z468/view?usp=sharing
  7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1olmFofb-iaMj-oPEwNUR9uQElCS7tvvj/view?usp=sharing
  8. Then please explain (with regards to the extant Zfilm) how someone gets shot in their front right temple (100ft away) with a violent snap back of the body, without rear damage or ejected brain matter on film. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1px9bmzIAYJDddknrtuRc6PQuTf4vadf5/view?usp=sharing The camera movement between z313-z314(see sprocket holes) may help.
  9. Top: Costner's position viewed from the approx Elm street location. Bottom: Complete building.
  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zruSz8fO-hAjq3HoqEs0lyE0jUBpVy0U/view?usp=sharing
  11. In other words, picture the top of JFK's head height, landing below his chin in this photo. The angle is not possible shooting over the bubbletop support from the triple underpass into JFK's head at 3.27ft above the ground in extant z313. A more likely location would be between the extended red lines with JFK plotted at z313. Just picture the guy standing up in the limo facing towards a shooter right before he get's shot in the right temple.
  12. The elevation of the handrail on top of the triple underpass is 428.4ft The street elevation of z313 is 418.48ft This means you are only 9.92ft higher up on the triple overpass than the z313 street location. It also means you are 9.92ft - 3.27ft (JFK's head height above street) 6.65ft higher up than the top of his head at z313.
  13. The street elevation for z313 = 418.48 JFK's head elevation at z313 = 421.75 Difference = 3.27ft = 39.24" = JFK's head height above street at extant Z313 52.78" - 39.24" = 13.54" lower at z313 than when sitting upright.
  14. Excised frame from your slideshow. I added the limo photo. "Where in the limo" a triple underpass shooter could hit, is an entirely different matter.
  15. Click the blue box (at the bottom of page) to view photos. http://www.jfklancer.com/photos/autopsy_slideshow/
  16. Or, You could show someone filming from the side, someone getting shot from the front and watch the brain matter exit the rear. Which we fail to see on the extant Z film. www.flickr.com/photos/83590696@N06/24895373188/in/shares-DH7266
  17. Stabilized video might help. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hVxB20F72IqU3lCcm9_2QL536XTm9wVP/view?usp=sharing It looks like the suited man in Altgens appears in Hughes. Located at the immediate left side of the person in blue, who is standing on the wall.
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