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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Of course using .18ft per frame x 5 frames CE884 (z161-z166) = .9ft or the total B.S. distance traveled if you are to believe the WC.
  2. Quite close indeed. If you want an even closer match, just use a number between CE884 z166 and Towner total frames of 167. Something like this: 30ft/.18sec = 166.666... frames
  3. WC884- z161-z166 = .9ft traveled in 5 frames 18.3frames per sec/5frames = 3.66 x .9ft = 3.294ft per sec / 1.47(1mph) = 2.24mph https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005Obk9fNjdySjVGRk0/view?usp=sharing
  4. I don't believe in many coincidences, at least, not in this case. 167 Towner frames /18.3fps = 9.125seconds 30ft/9.125sec = 2.236mph
  5. Isn't it interesting at what total frame# (166) within WC884, the limo's speed is at an all time low (z161-z166) And, coincidentally, the Towner film is comprised of 167 frames.
  6. Myers gives us the time- 1.8 sec Cutler gives us the distance- 30ft The Towner film gives us the total frames (167) or quite close to.
  7. In other words, The WC didn't supply data for extant frames 133-166 or coincidentally 33 frames. Always important to know the answer to simple equations.
  8. The extant film (limo on film) starts at z133. Myers robbed us of 1.8sec = 33 zframes via the change in frame rate for Towner's camera from 18.3 to 22.8. WC CE884 (JFK in limo) at z166 = Station# 3+30.1 From z161-z166, the WC has slowed the limo tremendously. Cutler (when superimposed on West) accurately plots JFK within the limo at extant z133 = Station# 2+99 This points to a 30ft correction. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005Obk9fNjdySjVGRk0/view?usp=sharing
  9. Chris' previous quote below: "Now convert 1.8 sec of 18.3fps film into total number of frames. Does that result sound familiar?" If you were serious about the above excerpt, you could have answered the question with a number. Period!!! Yet you followed with this drivel. Imo ------------------------------------- Yes, it's very familiar. Chris Davidson just won't let this "the films have been faked" theory die. I mean, really? Watch JFK and Jackie as they glide by Towner, who's filming. Nothing is happening. JFK sits there looking at the audience...the same with Jackie pre- and post- "splice." Rate x Time = Distance We're expected to believe that 7 frames have been removed from Towner during that sequence all to reveal...what? You don’t want to question Dale Myers. Why is that? 7 frames is what Myers pointed out. That's the funniest thing about these film alteration theories - no one on here, not Davidson, not Josephs, not others - can still to this day tell us WHAT was removed. Or better WHY they were removed. No one that early in the motorcade has ever said anything or come forward to corroborate something sinister that has happened at that point. Not a one word. You can even see close to the same sequence from the woman who was filming from the 4th floor of the TSDB - people are just standing there clapping, taking photos, and so on. Frames were removed. I don’t have to explain why. Speculation = B.S. And yet...the film alteration theories never die. Of course they won’t. The previous A-B-C postings in this topic are not theories. Prove them wrong? When did the car average 14.2mph in the span provided? Meanwhile, if you choose to believe the assassination was a conspiracy and if the TSBD was nothing but a stage for the police to find fake evidence so they can pin the blame on the "lone nut" Oswald, do you really think that the plotters would have even suggested that their shooters start firing BEFORE the kill zone? The goal here was to blame Oswald with as few shots as possible from the fake sniper's window. That kill zone was obviously pre-planned to happen right down in the knoll area and that's pretty much what happened because IMO, the first shot did NOT start until Kennedy appears again from the freeway sign. Choose to believe. IMO. Real convincing. Glad you have it all figured out. No need to concern yourself with the information I provide. So why, pray tell, would the plotters have a crazy shooter as part of their team to fire way up as the car was turning the corner, completely destroying the plot? It's ridiculous to think so. You are the one that keeps speculating on what the films should show in relationship to shooters. Talk about ridiculous. Further, Davidson here thinks that the Z film was filmed at 48 FPS and then 67% of the frames removed. Fantastic. But again, when I and others have asked him over and over again WHY 67% of the frames needed to be removed - in other words, what did these removed frames reveal - then crickets chirp. No reply. Nothing. Now you want to rehash your same old response. Here’s the problem you have: I showed you the exact method. Should I re-submit, that, which has already been explained in great detail again. Un-necessary for those that get it. Exactly. Because all of these removed frames and splices and painted in blobs are just another wacky theory that does nothing but confuse both serious researchers and newbies just getting interested in why Kennedy was murdered. It's regrettable that you consider applying a basic mathematic formula to the assassination films a "wacky theory". It’s not difficult to solve a R x T = D equation. Even easier when all elements are provided. Unfortunately, not everyone will understand. Such is life.
  10. Now convert 1.8 sec of 18.3fps film into total number of frames. Does that result sound familiar?
  11. That would be a match. And, since Myer's has the motorcade slowing, moving into the Elm St turn, there is no chance in h_ll that it ever approached 14.2 mph.
  12. Myer's average for the motorcade on Houston St = 9.3mph
  13. The correct equation will now read: 73ft traveled at 3.497 + 1.8 sec = 5.297 seconds = 13.781 ft per sec /1.47(1mph) = 9.375mph
  14. Time difference for Towner's camera using Myer's 22.8fps and true fps of 18.3: 167/22.8 = 7.324 sec 167/18.3 = 9.125 sec Difference = 1.8 seconds
  15. Myer's total frame count for Towner = 167 frames. 160 + 7 missing. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OQ1BsWDAzNjV1LWM/view?usp=sharing
  16. Myer's frame rate for Towner's camera = 22.8fps for his multi-sync hypothesis to work. Excerpt from Gary Mack on Towner's film: "The Towner film's true speed is likely closer to 18fps or slightly faster for most of the reel than to any other speed; it certainly was not operating at 16fps on November 22, 1963. Gary Mack" https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005ONzVvdm1iOWlXUDg/view?usp=sharing
  17. Connecting the dots. Showing the Myer's deception. Tina Towner used a 8mm movie camera. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OVmxWN1dXMkVCY1U/view?usp=sharing
  18. Excerpt is from Myers multi-sync film document. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OQkkzcjNaOG9HX1E/view?usp=sharing
  19. 64 frames/18.3 fps = 3.497 sec 73ft/3.497sec = 20.874ft per sec = 14.2 mph
  20. The distance traveled by the common object from z193-z257 = 73ft. Z camera at 18.3 frames per sec. At 1.47ft per sec (1mph) the math awaits.
  21. The necessary plotting. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OX0NRckNoUFZ2ZXM/view?usp=sharing
  22. The common object between the z video and Myers (Wiegman15/z257) frame. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OTG5udE1haW1XT2c/view?usp=sharing
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