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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. The Dorman film shows Tina Towner and mother in matching outfits (light blue sweater and black/dark skirt). If not for the black skirt, I'd say the woman I pointed out in the previous Z gif would be a match for Mrs.Towner (clothing wise).
  2. John, I believe the lady you are referring to as Linda Willis in the Z film is incorrect. Linda Willis appears to be in a light blue top with a dark blue skirt on. Check the Bell and Dorman films for her clothing match. The woman in the red box (gif) is a better match for her. chris
  3. Sandy, Sometimes. If I feel Photoshop didn't do a good enough job, I will re-align some/all of the frames/layers manually. chris
  4. Alistair, In this instance, I'll let you be the judge of that. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005ONDdiOU5PQUVUa1E/view?usp=sharing The original gif had the angled side (red arrow) created by the stabilization process via Photoshop. chris
  5. Alistair, All frames were extracted from "JFK" the movie, Blu-Ray version by Robin Unger. He then uploaded them at some point for a limited time, so others could copy/acquire them. Here are a few: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OTnVnS3l3ZWtjLTQ/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OWXFfdzZOaXlNTWs/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OeWVyVmVKMkVyaUk/view?usp=sharing
  6. Stabilized gifs for archiving, if interested. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005ONnV4V2hNeHB1QVk/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OeGxPSk1CcGpuVEE/view?usp=sharing
  7. A closer look. Enlarged it too much. Lost the detail in the lady's face/head who's turning/sidestepping at the left corner wall. Mentally turned it into an arm sliding up the wall. Sorry about that. chris
  8. At first glance, it would appear that part of the possible Lovelady shirt is white. But, if you look at this gif, there is an arm (along the wall at left) moving upward. That person appears to be between the possible Lovelady and the woman in black. I believe what looks like a partial white shirt in the possible Lovelady, is actually part of the sandwiched woman. In the very last gif frame or frame above, look just below possible Lovelady's chin, and you'll see more white appearing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OenRaTG5Sbl83b0U/view?usp=sharing
  9. Sometimes, it's better to remove the cra-py frames than slow it down. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OMnBfWUV6UHFDMXc/view?usp=sharing
  10. Minus some of the cra-pier frames. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OTEZKSjRpQ0FmOTg/view?usp=sharing
  11. Or, someone could take the original I posted, and align the sprocket holes and frame and find it's been done.
  12. Pretend these two gentlemen are Lovelady and Shelley after hearing the last shot. The recreation was shot with a 16mm camera (24fps) by Underwood. The two gentlemen on the stairs are approx two seconds apart, so someone starting at the landing, walking down the stairs and someone near the middle step will end up approx where you see them after (86 progressive frames/5.6seconds). How far West would they end up in 20-30 seconds? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OWlo5Q3FxdDRaU1U/view?usp=sharing
  13. Once again, Here's an easier choice for you. All shot from a B/H 414
  14. As asked previously, Michael, Could you elaborate on how you came to the conclusion that the extant film was shot on the wide-angle setting?
  15. Bill, The extant film does show JFK driven forward. Head and shoulders.
  16. The angle to JFK's head via the rifle at z207 is listed as 21deg50min when converted = 21.83degrees. 25degrees per Kurtz - 21.83 degrees = 3.17 degrees Since the TSBD floors appear to be some 10ft in elevation difference, I do believe that Frazier's .56ft lead entry, not only means a horizontal adjustment, but quite frankly, a vertical adjustment as well. Primarily, when one reads about Dr Shaw via Kurtz. This all fits neatly into "two-two shots in one". Reminds one of that old certs breath mint commercial.
  17. The 39.24 inches in the above equation = 3.27ft = the bs elevation adjustment used for JFK's head above pavement throughout CE884. At z207, per CE884, a change of 3.27ft vertical = a 1 degree angle change. Since Frazier gives us a bs lead height of .56ft at z207 per CE560, this comes to mind: .56ft x 18.3 =.10.248ft horizontal 10.248ft/3.27ft = 3.133 degrees The slope of Elm St was determined to be 3degrees 8minutes per the final WC plat of May 1964, = 3.133.. degrees
  18. btw David, Extant z plotted between z161-z168 = 13.44mph average = 1.08ft per frame Since the plotting of Station# 3+29.2 = z161 and z168 in two separate CE884’s supplied, I think it would be reasonable to look for another area on CE884 where a six/seven frame spread at approx. the same speed would provide a total elevation change result. For instance: Z249-z255 = 6frames with an elevation change of .33ft and 6.4ft traveled = 13.28mph, close to 13.44. .33ft x 12” = 3.96inches Or, just refer back to the previous posting equation of .295ft and add the elev of .05ft from z161-z166 = .345ft = 4.14inches TREASURY DEPARTMENT UNlTED STATES SECRET SERVICE FIELD FORCE Protective Assignment of S/A Bennett on 11122/63 at Dallas, Texas Air Force Two landed at Love Field, Dallas, Texas at 11:35 A.M. Upon deplaning, I covered the fence and press areas. The President's plane arrived at approximately 11 :38 A.M. I stayed with the President and First Lady during the time they greeted the crowd on the apron and along the fence. The greeting lasted for about 10 minutes and the President/First Lady entered their car and the motorcade planned to depart. I asked while moving towards the follow-up car what position I should take, Mr. Roberts informed me that I should take the right rear seat of the follow-up. I took this position and held it during the entire motorcade. I left this rear seat position at one point in the trip to assist in getting well-wishers away from the President's auto. About thirty minutes after leaving Love Field about 12:25 P.M., the Motorcade entered an intersection and then proceeded down a grade. At this point the well-wishers numbered but a few; the motorcade continued down this grade enroute to the Trade Mart. At this point I heard what_sounded like a fire-cracker. I immediately looked from the right/crowd/physical area/and looked towards the President who was seated in the right rear seat of his limousine open convertible. At the moment I looked at the back of the President I heard another fire-cracker noise and saw the shot hit the President about four inches down from the right shoulder. A second shot followed immediately and hit the right rear high of the President's head. I immediately hollered "he's hit'' and reached for the AR-15 located on the floor of the rear seat. Special Agent Hickey had already picked-up the AR-I5. We peered towards the rear and particularly the right side of the area. I had drawn my revolver when I saw S/A Hickey had the AR15. I was unable to see anything or one that could have fired the shots. The President's car immediately kicked into high gear and the follow-up car followed. The President's auto and the follow-up proceeded to the Parkland Hospital. Upon arriving at the hospital's parking lot, I was instructed by ASAIC Roberts to stay with the Vice-President who had followed us into the parking lot. I immediately went to the Vice-President's auto and accompanied him to a room on the ground floor of the hospital. I then continued with the Vice-President back to Washington, D.C. where I was relieved. [signature] Glen A. Bennett Special Agent 11-23-63
  19. The time it takes for Wiegman panning back to the TSBD after the 313 head shot, until the Hester sync = 21seconds. Bell films Wiegman filming the Hesters. The sync point between Bell and Wiegman is Hester stepping up onto the Colonade. Bell continuously films afterwards for 1.3 seconds and picks up Wiegman starting to rise for his run down the knoll. Gerda’s dual-sync of Couch/Darnell shows both Wiegman and Baker in there respective runs. There is 3.5 seconds of missing footage from the Wiegman sequence. Take those 3.5 seconds and apply that to Wiegman after we see him start to rise in Bell and to Baker before we see him in Gerda’s dual-sync. Baker’s run to the curb equals 4 seconds. This total = approx 30 seconds.
  20. Which path to use? hmmm!!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OSUtQNjhDeUxjbUU/view?usp=sharing
  21. 52.78"- 39.24"=13.54"-10"= 3.54"/12"= .295ft x 18.3ft = 5.3985ft - .9ft = 4.4985ft / 5 frames = .8997ft per frame x 18.3fps = 16.46451ft per sec / 1.47ft (1mph) = 11.200 mph Mr. SPECTER. Were you able to ascertain the speed of the Presidential limousine at the time of the assassination? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; because we were able to determine the speed of the camera, and thereby accurately determine the length of time it takes for a specific number of frames to run through the camera at this 18.3 frames per second, and having located these frame positions in the street, we took the farthest distance point we had in the Zapruder film which was frame 161 through frame 313. This was found to run elapsed time from the film standpoint which runs at 18.3 frames a second, runs for a total of 8.3 seconds. This distance is 136.1 feet, and this can be calculated then to 11.2 miles per hour. Mr. SPECTER. Is that a constant average speed or does that speed reflect any variations in the movement of the car? Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is the overall average from 161 to 313. It does not mean that it was traveling constantly at 11.2, because it was more than likely going faster in some areas and slightly slower in some areas. It is only an average speed over the entire run. Shaneyfelt uses a different method of determining averages than I do.
  22. Still stepping. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/207 ballistics.jp
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