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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 17 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    The recreation was shot with a 16mm camera (24fps) by Underwood.

    The two gentlemen on the stairs are approx two seconds apart, so someone starting at the landing, walking down the stairs and someone near the middle step will end up approx where you see them after (86 progressive frames/5.6seconds). 

    How far West would they end up in 15-20 seconds?


    Mr. BALL. You actually saw Truly go 

    Mr. MOLINA. Yeah. 

    Mr. BALL. You were still standing there? 

    Mr. MOLINA. Yes. 

    Mr. BALL. How long was it after you heard the shots? 

    Mr. MOLINA. Oh, I would venture to say maybe 20 or 30 seconds afterwards. 

    Mr. BALL. Had somebody come up and said the President was shot before 

    you saw Truly go in? 

    Mr. MOLINA. No. 



    Mr. BALL - By the time you left the steps had Mr. Truly entered the building? 

    Mr. LOVELADY - As we left the steps I would say we were at least 15. maybe 25. steps away from the building. I looked back and I saw him and the policeman running into the building. 

    Mr. BALL - How many steps? 

    Mr. LOVELADY - Twenty, 25. 

    Mr. BALL - Steps away and you looked back and saw him enter the building? 

    Mr. LOVELADY - Yes. 


    Mr. BALL - Do you have any idea how long it was from the time you heard those three sounds or three noises until you saw Truly and Baker going into the building?

    Mr. SHELLEY - It would have to be 3 or 4 minutes I would say because this girl that ran back up there was down near where the car was when the President was hit.



    The time it takes for Wiegman panning back to the TSBD after the head shot, until the Hester sync = 21seconds.


    Bell films Wiegman filming the Hesters. The sync point between Bell and Wiegman is Hester stepping up onto the Colonade.


    Bell continuously films afterwards for 1.3 seconds and  picks up Wiegman starting to rise for his  run down the knoll.


    Gerda’s dual-sync of Couch/Darnell shows both Wiegman and Baker in there respective runs.


    There is 3.5 seconds of missing footage from the Wiegman sequence.


    Take those 3.5 seconds and apply that to Wiegman after we see him start to rise in Bell and to

    Baker before we see him in Gerda’s dual-sync.


    Baker’s run to the curb equals 4 seconds.


    This total = approx 30 seconds.


    Not exact but:


    The above testimony of Lovelady and Molina appears to support the film syncs.


    Shelley does not.



  2. The recreation was shot with a 16mm camera (24fps) by Underwood.

    The two gentlemen on the stairs are approx two seconds apart, so someone starting at the landing, walking down the stairs and someone near the middle step will end up approx where you see them after (86 progressive frames/5.6seconds). 

    How far West would they end up in 15-20 seconds?


  3. 58 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    No Pat, the FBI did not write a report suggesting the fragment was found behind where the limo was at the time of the shooting. They wrote a report suggesting the opposite.

    There are two FBI reports published in the WCR regarding this, this one dated 11/28/63, and this one dated 7/13/64. Both of them state that the fragment was found about 25 feet to the south of where the limo was. Since the limo was traveling southwest, that means the fragment was found ahead and to the left of the limo.

    And BTW, Billy Harper was asked by Milicent Cranor to point on a map of Dealey plaza where he found the fragment, and this is where he pointed:



    This image was posted in a forum by Robin Unger, so I assume it is correct.

    This is what Richard Gilbride wrote in Matrix for Assassination, which supports the  location on the  map:

    "William Harper was given a map of Dealey Plaza in 1997 by researcher Milicent Cranor, who asked him to mark just where he found the fragment. Harper placed the 'approximate location' well forward of the limousine's location during the head explosion (as determined from Zapruder frame 313."

    (BTW, Gilbride's theory is that the fragment rode the trunk of the limo for a ways before falling off. And then some person found it and threw it up on the grass.)


    Since the yellow dot matches another graphic I have, which is where the Harper fragment is also located, the distance streetwise is approx 90ft.

    Over to the grass area, add another ? in distance.

    The Southside "inlet" is a common landmark.




  4. Mark,

    This is what Tom wrote:

    Third shot down in front of Altgens.  Bullet went through coat collar at edge of colllar, struck at edge of hairline at base of JFK's neck, tunneled through soft flesh of he neck due to the well forward and almost head down position of JFK, struck in the EOP vicinity of the skull, passed through the mid-brain of the skull and exited in the frontal lobe.
    Then continued forward to strike JBC in the right shoulder as JBC lay across the open area between the jump seats with his body pulled up into the fetal position.
    The bullet penetrated through JBC's chest, exited the chest, and went on to strike and enter the left inner thigh of JBC.

  5. This is one of the advantages of using stabilized video, as opposed to still frames or photos, if the same time period is covered.

    The reason I use "lean forward" and not "moving" is, at this point, Lovelady is not on the top landing. I believe those steps don't have enough depth for someone to move forward, if they did, one would be stepping down or up and we would see it in the video. I don't see Lovelady's elevation change in the video compared to the African-American fellow below him. Imo

  6. On 12/6/2016 at 4:15 AM, Bart Kamp said:

    I have a made a post about Richard Bernabei a Canadian researcher who corresponded heavily with Richard E. Sprague, Howard Roffman and Harold Weisberg.

    Bernabei is the first researcher who actively mapped everyone on the steps from the available material at that time. He has id-ed Prayer Man and has even made sketches of him back in the late 60's

    Bernabei is without a doubt the first one who mapped Prayer Man along with Richard E. Sprague.

    Excellent Research Bart.

    I inverted a few of the photos.






  7. Pennsylvania article date: Oct 13, 2016-see previous graphic

    Excerpt from Rove article (July 7, 2016):

    Even where the GOP has been successful in registration, maximizing Republican turnout is not enough to flip states. Take Pennsylvania, where GOP increases and Democratic declines have combined to produce a 216,916 shift toward Republicans since 2012. But Mr. Obama won the state by 309,840: Mr. Trump would need to convince 100,000 more Pennsylvania independents and Democrats to back him while carrying all the voters Mr. Romney won and the newly registered Republicans.



  8. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OSnpNZlNjbnpYWXc/view?usp=sharing

    The original is from the DVD “Death In Dealy Plaza”

    I copied the VOB files directly from the DVD.

    Computer = Mac

    I viewed the VOB files using this program “MPEG Streamclip” - QuickTime Pro works just as well, with both programs needing “QuickTimeMPEG2.component” for the viewing process.

    I snapshot the frame as a PNG.

    I can also export as PNG’s but not at 200% which is the size of the linked file.

    The screenshot was captured using a gamma of 1.8

    The frame is not cropped my me. This is what is supplied on the DVD.

    There is no difference in quality (Mac wise) between a snapshot PNG and an exported PNG. (Believe me, I’ve tested this numerous times).

    I believe the current frame/s being discussed on the forum were snapshot at 100%.

    The photoshop process for this frame would have been the same as the others, although I believe I also used a "Topaz Labs plugin" contrast filter to try and bring out more detail in the shadows. There are dozens to choose from.

    Bart Kamp did a good job in his collage trying to match whatever I had previously produced. He marked it "Hairline and Ear". Maybe he remembers his exact method for contrast adjustments, I don't.

    As far as I could find, this was the closest I could get (generation wise) to some type of documented version.

    What generation is it? I don't know.

    The 16mm Wiegman film, more than likely, was supplied by the 6th Floor Museum for the T.V. show.

    The rest is up to those still interested.

    Good Luck,


  9. The adjustment at z168-z171 reveals the 1/4 difference between 18fps and stepped down 24fps.

    z168-z171 = 3.734mph

    z168-z186 = 18frames x 1.016 = 18.3fps @ 21.6ft x 1.016 = 21.96ft per sec / 1.47 (1mph) 14.938mph

    3.734mph / 14.938mph = .25

    Difference between 18 and 24fps = 6fps

    6fps/24fps =.25

    P.S. Here's a simple question for you.

    How many frames do you expel to end up with a 1/4 ratio?

    Added on edit below:


  10. z173-z232 = 59frames

    Reconstruction = frame 181-236 = 55 frames

    59 Impala is 3.77ft shorter than the limo.

    3.77ft made up in terms of average speed throughout this span = 3.57 frames = 4 whole frames.

    55 + 4 =59 fames = Reconstruction total

    The cars front and rear ends in relation to the Stemmons sign are the markers.

    59frames to cover the same distance in each film.

    59/24fps = 2.458sec 62.35ft / 2.458 = 25.36 ft per sec = 17.25mph

    The recreation film is shot at 24fps.

    The extant zfilm is a stepped down frame version.

  11. The distance per frame for the 17.25mph average is: 17.25 x 1.47 = 25.35ft per sec / 24 frames = 1.056 ft per frame

    The 1959 Impala is 3.77ft shorter than the limo so any comparison between the two in terms of landmarks has to be considered.

    3.77ft / 1.056ft per frame = 3.57 frames or 4 whole frames added.

  12. Since I have the landmark frame comparison completed and ready to post, I'll do the R X T = D formula first.

    I chose z173- z232 for a total of 59 frames partly because we can get feedback on the WC specs from CE884 final plat version of May 1964.

    Their span from z171-z231= 60 frames @ 63.4ft traveled

    A 24fps movie using these numbers will get you this:

    60/24 = 2.5seconds 63.4ft/2.5sec = 25.36ft per sec = 17.25mph

    59 frames using that average would equal the same 17.25mph

    That would be quite a consistent speed with the overlay comparison movie between the lexus and limo.

    Added on edit below:


  13. I then took the liberty of removing all but the progressive frames from the SS reconstruction video so now we're only dealing with whole frames.

    You might remember this:


    Now, all one has to do is apply a rate x time = distance equation and/or a frame count comparison between the two films using common Dealy Plaza landmarks in relation to the same part of the vehicles.

    Here's a hint at this time. That is a 1959 Chevy Impala Sport Coupe. It is 210.9" long = 17.57ft. The difference in length between the two vehicles is 3.77ft

  14. There was a suggestion that the SS recreation video was shot at approx 18/18.3fps.

    If that was indeed true, the pulldown conversion ratio would have been different.

    29.97/18 = 1.665/1 ratio = 5/3 pulldown ratio.

    for those uninitiated, the why's of 29.97fps is explained here... https://documentation.apple.com/en/finalcutpro/usermanual/index.html#chapter=D%26section=6%26tasks=true

    There was a suggestion that the SS recreation video was shot at approx 18/18.3fps.

    If that was indeed true, the pulldown conversion ratio would have been different.

    29.97/18 = 1.665/1 ratio = 5/3 pulldown ratio.

    for those uninitiated, the why's of 29.97fps is explained here... https://documentation.apple.com/en/finalcutpro/usermanual/index.html#chapter=D%26section=6%26tasks=true


    More math, you know how much I hate that subject.

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