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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. On 4/30/2017 at 9:37 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    It should then come as no surprise that JFK aligned with Altgens (using Cutler's positioning) via Zapruders LOS at z348 = the 24.6ft that was retarded.


    Kinney didn't lie.

    If you do the math for the limo speed between z313 and z348 = 24.6ft the vehicle averaged 8.75mph. 

    It's just that Greer "hit the gas" after the "second shot". The one right in front of Altgens.

    Or in Kinney's words, "the fatal head shot".


  2. On 4/30/2017 at 10:47 AM, Mark Knight said:

    Mr. Walton, what is YOUR explanation for the alteration of the surveyor's data block to the numbers seen in CE884? What reason would anyone have to change survey data without first consulting with the surveyor? 

    I believe that Mr. Davidson and Mr. Josephs are onto something. Film alteration? Only if excising frames constitutes "alteration."  It's not as off the wall as the frame alteration theories that are out there. It's not as off the wall as the lifelong Harvey-and-Lee "parallel lives" theory.

    So why does it upset you so much? Do you have an "innocent" theory for the data changes seen in CE884? If so, I'm sure everyone would love to read it.


    If you have read through the rest of this topic, Robert West's testimony in the Clay Shaw Trial of 1969 will answer the question you posed and back up what I have presented.

    Objecting to the surveyor's answer when it directly implicates the FBI (told West to plot the points) is pretty much the icing on the cake.

    They did not want it known that a new path had been created for the limo even in the 1969 trial.

    Robert West used '+" marks on the original plat/s, as can be seen on the previous path document supplied.




  3. Translation from the previous notes = The WC creates a separate paths for JFK within the limo.

    Since they had to take into account Zapruders filming position in terms of LOS, it would look like this:


    If you look at the red arrows, they will show you the 2 different locations (on the same Zapruder LOS), an object (JFK within the limo) would align with.

    This is what happens when you move the limo in a "slight" southerly direction.



  4. 3 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    How do we vice-versa between 24.6ft and 30ft in terms of an adjustment?

    Look no further than CE884.


    The extant zfilm shows the limo traveling 1.08ft per frame between z156-z166.

    5frames x 1.08ft per frame = 5.4ft

    The distance between 24.6 and 30ft = 5.4ft.

    Adjustment accounted for.

  5. CE884 z161-z166 lists a limo speed of 2.24mph. 

    If one compares that to the extant film, it's quite obvious the limo is not traveling 2.24mph from z161-z166.

    What shouldn't be forgotten is the truer distance traveled in that span.

    I suggest using this post (over a year old) as a reference, in regards to the limo speed from z156-z166.



  6. On 4/26/2017 at 9:43 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    9.3 x 1.47 = 13.671ft per sec

    1.8sec x 13.671 = 24.6ft



    The above equation (camera fps conversion of 22.8 to 18.3) using 9.3mph (Myers average speed for the motorcade on Houston St) is converted to distance.

    This is an adjustment distance that would have to be dealt with somewhere else in the assassination scenario.

    In other words, if you advance an object forward by 24.6ft arbitrarily, at some point, you would have to retard it also.

    This distance shows up on the shared original SS Dec5,1963 and Feb 1964 FBI plat.The FBI was trying to retard the extant 313 shot by 24.5ft.

    The problem they had was the yellow curb markers on film. (Thank you Tom Purvis.)






  7. Mr. BELIN. He came too far to the north before he made his curve, and as he curved--as he made his left turn from Houston onto the street leading to the expressway, he almost hit this north curb? 
    Mr. TRULY. That is right. Just before he got to it, he had to almost stop, to pull over to the left.
    If he had maintained his speed, he would probably have hit this little section here.

    Does time and distance increase, if the arc increases and vice-versa?

    Think at least 1.8seconds and 30ft to begin with. Previously provided for those that are interested.


    Cryptic, I would say not.

    Common sense in the context of changing frame rates and cutting out film footage around the corner to accommodate the official story. I would say yes.



  8. 3 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    David Josephs - you've done good work.  For example, your MC caper work passes the smell test for me in plausibility and believability. And yes, Pat Speer, a great researcher as well, may not always be correct in his assessments.

    But neither are you in this case. I liken this "the plats are wrong and the film footage should match up with another piece of film footage but it doesn't" nonsense to being just that - nonsense.  Not everything about this case is a conspiracy. But when someone sees a statement here and a measurement there, and a piece of film footage that one person said was 8 feet long while another says it was 6 feet long over there, and then someone's eyes widen and  they start suspecting that all of this was all part of the grand conspiracy theory, then that person starts looking less like Pat Speer (or you with the MC caper work) and more like the Mel Gibson character with the foil covered walls.

    It's just amazing to me how "researchers" simply throw all common sense and plausibility out the window when it comes to this case.



  9. 10 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    And that puts the reaction by Wiegman to a shot on Elm St at approx z347.

    Which coincidentally, is exactly where shot #3 on the SS/FBI plat of Dec5,1963 says it occurred.


    And, where Altgen's says he was.

    Remove Liebeler's commentary meant to confuse and get to the question/answer.



  10. 45 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:


    I'm going to add to what you wrote, but in a way that will tie your post in, with what I've been posting.

    A little at a time.

    Myers deliberate deception with the Towner camera FPS rate =1.8 seconds.

    The car in the background of z190 takes 67 frames to get to where we see it as Wiegman15.  1.8sec + 67 frames(67/18.3 = 3.66sec) = 5.46sec =100 total frames










    Governor CONNALLY. As we looked at them this morning, and as you related the numbers to me, it appeared to me that I was hit in the range between 130 or 131, I don't remember precisely, up to 134, in that bracket.
    Mr. SPECTER. May I suggest to you that it was 231?
    Governor CONNALLY. Well, 231 and 234, then.
    Mr. SPECTER. The series under our numbering system starts with a higher number when the car comes around the turn, so when you come out of the sign, which was----
    Governor CONNALLY. It was just after we came out of the sign, for whatever that sequence of numbers was, and if it was 200, I correct my testimony. It was 231 to about 234. It was within that range.

    What do you think? The 100frame slip up!!!!!


  11. If you watch the Wiegman film, there is a point where he starts panning back towards the TSBD opening, which has always been considered the reaction to a shot. In this case, the shot at z313.

    That point is Wiegman89.

    Wiegman's camera was 16mm/24fps.

    The difference between Wiegman15 and Wiegman89 = 74 Wiegman frames converted to zframes = 74 x (18.3/24)=.7625 = 56.4 zframes

    56.4 zframes added to z290 = z346.4/z347



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