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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. David,

    Thanks for that.

    Yes, I made a mistake in adding to the elevation instead of subtracting.

    The elevation change from z313 to z273 is 1.587ft.

    Street elevation for z273 = 420.06, which, if you look at where I have it plotted with the intersecting lines (from a previous posting) is correct now.

    Change in elevation from Criminal Records Courts Building base is 430 - 420.06 = 9.94ft

    113.2 - 9.94ft = 103.26ft high in Criminal Records Courts Building.

    3.27ft vertical = 1 degree when converted from survey info on z313.





  2. On 5/2/2017 at 2:04 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    That baseline distance of 242.8 and angled 267ft from the Criminal Courts building.

    Sound familiar!!!

    Something like this in terms of relevant distances.


  3. On 5/2/2017 at 2:01 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    If Dr.Shaw had listened to Dan Rather's description of Connally's actions/position, knowing that Rather was trying to connect it back to the TSBD, he would have realized or did realize where that shot actually came from.  



  4. 2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    So we're back to the change from 48fps to 24fps yet there is another conversion to 18.3fps requiring the removal of another 23.75% of the frames if 50% of ALL the frames are removed...

    Q1:  Which 4 frames are you talking about?  We were talking about 301-313 or 12 frames to travel 7.205' or 7.33' 
    Q2: If 50% of the frames are removed from this sequence, then much more than 66% would need removing elsewhere to wind up with 18.3... PLUS if Nix is filming at his 16-18fps the 24fps cutdown will not match...  Using 50% just because the results are closer to what you want to see doesn't mean that 50% is correct...  on the flip side during 285-334 it is very possible that only 50% are removed there, starting at 161 yet changing that to 168, helps with some more frames, some more distances and speeds.

    According to your calcs,there would have been 24 total frames from 301 to 313; total distance 7.205'.  7.205/24=.3002 feet per frame = 3.74mph
    (How do you get 24 frames as a starting point when the camera speed is either 16 or 48fps?)
    According to mine there would have been 32 total frames from 301 to 313 (@ 48fps); same distance  7.205/32=.22516' per frame = 2.81 mph * 2.623 (48/18.3) = 7.37mph at 18.3fps

    So again, which 4 frames within 301-313 are you talking about?


    Q1. The Itek study is four frames per entry:

           A2-A6 = z285-z289

          A6-B = z289-z293 which is where the aberration in limo speed occurs.

    Q2. z289 + (48 frames /2) = 24 = z313

    I'm not describing four frames within z301-z313.

  5. This is how I would distinguish the difference between the 7.33ft/7.205ft which equates to 7.6mph/7.474...mph using what I have already supplied:

    1.5mph x 1.47ft per sec = 2.205ft

    4frames/18.3 = .2185…sec

    .2185sec… x 2.205ft = .4819ft…

    .4819ft… / 4frames = .1204ft per frame

    7.205ft + .1204ft = 7.325ft…




  6. Excerpt:

    "BREHM expressed his opinion that between the first and third shots, the President's car only seemed to move 10 or 12 feet. It seemed to him that the automobile almost came to a halt after the first shot, but of this he is not certain. After the third shot, the car in which the President was riding increased its speed and went under the freeway overpass and out of his sight. "

    Even with the 10.7mph aberration, the distance traveled is 12.3ft. At a constant 9.2mph the distance = 11.8ft


    After Connally took shot 1, the limo traveled approx 10-12ft until z301, where it almost stopped and kept that speed until shot 2 at extant z313, after the third shot which blew JFK's head off (Altgens), the limo accelerated.

    I refer to three shots as only occurring after extant z280, there were more shots previous to this point.




  7. Frame Removal:

    The limo (according to Sam Kinney-driver of the follow-up car) slowed down from between 3 to 5mph.

    In this case, frames within a given time period (circa extant z280-z347) existed and we were led to believe this represented the true count. Yet, at least half of these frames were excised.

    Lets explore this: 




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