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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Another easy way to prove the 18.3 fps frame rate is bogus would be to plot JFK's position from z133-z166.

    Use the LOS from the Z pedestal to the background lamp-post (frame z166) along Robert West's path.

    35.90ft / 1.803 sec (33frames@18.3fps) = 13.54mph

    Dale Myers average for limo from Towner End to z150 = 9.8mph

    Difference = 3.74mph

    If you wanted to use the average of 9.8 and 10.5 = 10.15mph to cover thru z166, the conversion would be:

    10.15 x 1.016666... x 1.3114... = 13.53 mph

    It's that simple to show the Zapruder film was not shot at 18.3fps.

    Myers project was supposed to be a frame x frame sync of multiple films using Z at 18.3fps. 

    Can't have a sync when your speed for the limo in a 33 frame stretch is off by 3.74mph.

    This is basic math.









  2. 7 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    33 frames?  and Z starts at 100 + 33?  



    btw, when I mentioned two passes, the second pass would not be a complete pass as the existing 353 frames, limit it to a fraction thereof.

    Myers gives us the 33 frames via the Towner fps rate. 

    All we need is a confirmation via a different avenue:

    353/1275 = .276 - .25 (difference in whole frames) = .026 x 1275 = 33.15




  3. On 5/19/2017 at 9:01 AM, David Josephs said:



    Why in the world would Dale make the Towner film run almost 25% faster Chris?  Speeds up the limo for one, hides/removes 1.8 seconds of film if the speed was actually 18.3 fps.  



    I think of it this way:

    Run one pass through and remove half, that's 50%. 

    Run another pass through and remove half, that's another 25%

    How do I make that whole again:

    .75 x 1.3333333.... = 1 

    The 1.8seconds  Myers jump = 33 frames@18.3fps

    If I was creating a frame numbering scenario to incorporate/sync this 33 frame jump, what could be the original frame number assigned to extant z133?

    Remember, this occurs after the two passes since I don't believe Myers was creating his project back in 1963.


  4. What Mandel saw on his film version was an obvious physical mark that Connally (white shirt) was shot. 

    What Rather saw was an obvious physical mark that Connally was shot.


    What we don't see is that physical mark.

    If you look back at the Connally stabilization I provided, you'll notice about extant z278, Connally's chest now starts moving out of view.

    We don't get to see what the other versions showed.

    By extant z281, this is what we see of Connally's chest area.


    This is no coincidence as it quite obviously showed a shot not possible from the 6th floor SE TSBD window.



  5. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/9975-splice-in-tina-towner-film/&do=findComment&comment=353514

    Using the accumulation of adjustments from father east up Elm St, brought us to the #3 shot designation of Station# 4+96.19

    Working backwards and plotting 52.7ft east from Station# 4+96.19 - 52.7ft = Station# 4+43.49

    According to the extant film, the limo was traveling at 11.2mph(.9ft per frame) from z263-z272(using existing landmarks) z272 plotted at Station# 435.1 adding .9ft = Station# 4+36.0

    Earlier, I plotted z273, or what I believe to be a Connally shot at Station# 4+36.0

    The difference in distance between these two locations is 7.49ft.



  6. On 5/14/2017 at 11:37 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    If you want to confirm the street angle shenanigan, look no further than the plat (upper-left) where the two distance span measurements are entered (28+24.5) = 52.5ft.

    At the bottom, those same calculations as the previous graphic will yield a base distance of 52.72ft.







    The excerpt is from Tom Purvis describing the mistake made by Robert West's draftsmen:


    The location was plotted correctly on the plat, the elevation(419.07) was incorrectly entered instead of elevation 419.71

    What this does is confirm the notion that the WC was using the 3.13degree street slope in a nefarious manner.

    The more exact equation becomes:

    shot#3 @ elevation 416.83 to shot#2 @419.71 = 2.88ft elevation change

    (18.3ft horizontal/1ft vertical ratio) for 3.13 degree slope

    2.88ft x 18.3ft = 52.704ft

    As can be seen in the link from the previous quote, keeping the location the same(shot#3), but changing the angle 3.13degrees gives the 52.7ft matching distance between shot#2 and shot#3.



  7. 3 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    Really Chris?  The Secret Service in CE875 tells us that the 3rd shot was over 30 feet further down Elm?

    CE585 does the same thing...




    hey Chris...  any other corroboration like say Altgens, Hudson, Leo Gauthier and WCD298...  

    Mr. ALTGENS - This would put me at approximately this area here, which would be about 15 feet from me at the time he was shot in the head--about 15 feet from the car on the west side of the car--on the side that Mrs. Kennedy was riding in the car.




    another amazing fact is that LEO GAUTHIER, the FBI AGENT who oversaw the creation of this WCD298 model was one of the men with Eisenberg who in May 1964 completely negated the work from Dec 2,3,4 and up to delivery of this model in mid-January 1964 by reconstructing the evidence.   The FBI asked WEST to remove the data related to the 3rd shot from his work so that there'd be 2 and only 2 shots hitting the limo...  any ideas on how Eisenberg could draw this months prior to the reenactment and get it so correct?   {snicker snicker}



    Mr. SPECTER. Did you participate in the onsite tests made in Dallas? 
    Mr. GAUTHIER. I did. 
    Mr. SPECTER. Was a survey made of the scene used to record some of the results of that onsite testing? 
    Mr. GAUTHIER. Yes. 
    Mr. SPECTER. And by whom was the survey made? 
    Mr. GAUTHIER. The survey was made on May 24, 1964, by Robert H. West

    Except what SPECTER is questioning GAUTHIER about is the work done in early DECEMBER.
    The Model was erected for the Warren Commissioners on January 20

    Mr. GAUTHIER. Our data to build this were compiled on December 2, 3, and 4. It took about 5 weeks to prepare this exhibit in Washington. 

    Mr. SPECTER. And where have these models been maintained since the time they were prepared by the FBI? 
    Mr. GAUTHIER The models were delivered to the Commission's building and installed in the exhibits room on the first floor, on January 20, 1964. 

    Makes one wonder how a model and related data is delivered JANUARY 20 yet the survey data related to this endeavor is not compiled for another 5 months. 
    The survey by WEST was made on Dec 2,3,4





    Stop pouring it on. 

    Then again, more "Icing on the cake" isn't a bad thing.




  8. 54 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    Yet also as discussed, a 10" drop equals 15.25 vertical feet of movement.  The following illustration of what Shaneyfelt meant shows it to be impossibly wrong.  In essence, with this film record of the assassination needing no changes, the FBI disregarded this evidence and instead created their own using a limo stand-in, a 10" vertical distance difference at both the street level and the window (box/muzzle height versus frame height).







    When tied directly back to Dale Myers cheating us out of 24.6ft via the Towner frame rate manipulation of (1.8sec x 9.3mph = 33frames@18.3fps) more connections arise, along with David's statement above and the adjustment of 24.5ft via SS/FBI survey from extant z313 back east up ElmSt..    

    The adjustments made of 15.25ft and 10.243ft including the (.9ft B.S distance traveled z161-z166) gives an equation of 15.25+10.243 -.9 = 24.593ft

    Reverse that .9ft to distance traveled using(z161-z166) extant film = 5.4ft (10.8ft@10frames previously plotted) and now it reads 15.25+10.243= 25.493 + 5.4 = 30.89ft

    You might also have noticed that the speed of the limo(circa 207) according to CE884 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/9975-splice-in-tina-towner-film/&do=findComment&comment=353500 with the 208-210 frame fiasco = 9.5 mph or quite close to the speed at which a true Towner camera frame rate would support Myers multi film-sync document at that point. 


  9. On 5/16/2017 at 11:28 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Using the previous variables given, the equation:

    10.234/3.27 = 3.13 would seem most appropriate.



    I would say 24.963 is approx 25degrees.

    24.963-3.13 = 21.83deg = 21deg 50min = data entry for z207.

    If one plots the Z LOS through Robert West's path, one will see that his z207 is actually the WC z207 but on a separate path.

    Robert West's base measurement of 162.34ft is reflective of his path.

    And, since West had determined there was a shot in this approx location ( film provided via Life Mag Nov 1963), I can see why the WC had to account for frame removals obviously by changing the frame designations for z208+z210.

    Which resulted in the silly ballistics results and limo speed for this part of the film, which I have already included in a different topic.

    Please remember too, that the designation for shot#1 by the FBI was 10.2ft further west down Elm.St(Station# 3+81.3-3+71.1) 10.234 to be exact (check equation above) than z207.

    The change from z208-z210 also created a situation in which the limo slowed to 9.5mph from immediately before and after this span of 12 to 12.3 mph.



  10. 4 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    That's the very sticky word in this whole case - assuming things. Regarding the film, there's no REASON to assume anything about it. Yes, the camera has the control to bump up the film to 48 FPS. But I don't think you, Chris, or anyone else can truly understand that an original film shot at 48 FPS and then frames removed from it will really change anything that can be easily masked over.

    Think about it.  If one second of film was shot at 48 FPS and then someone removed 67% of those frames, that comes to about 32 frames removed leaving 16 frames.  Watch the film anyone can see online, or even better download every single frame, put them on your computer and toggle back and forth and watch it.

    All movement is smooth.  There are no jumps, skips, and other odd behavior. So we're expected to believe, working backwards, that if say, between frames 250 and 251 that 4 additional frames used to be there, and now they're not, what in those 4 frames were so terrible that they needed to be removed?  And how do YOU or Chris know which frames were removed? For example, how do you know whether 4 frames were removed there and not, say, between 199 and 200?


    You keep referring back to this idea that we have to provide an explanation for why the frames were removed. 

    There could be many reasons, some most obvious, but that is not my responsibility.

    So, for the last time, if you fail to understand what I will describe once more, along with the slowed down gifs, I can't help you.

    If you want to talk about frame removal, there are other topics you can post on.

    The three gifs provided are:

    1. Extant original z184-z195

    2. Same frame span z184-z195 using Final Cut Pro to create a 3 to1 ratio of progressive frames between z184-z195. In other words, in all 32 frames now, the limo moves forward.

    3. Same as #2, except I have now removed 2/3 of the frames in a 1-4-7-10 removal sequence.

    #2 and #3 are slowed down so everyone can now count the frames and watch the limo move forward in every frame.

    This is no different than filming at 48FPS and removing 2/3 of the frames.











  11. Thomas,

    It's a wonderful archive.

    If you don't care, why follow up with 3 questions?

    Feel free to join Walton and whoever else is not interested by not responding. I sure would appreciate it. 

    You didn't mind using my numbers when trying to establish a timeline for Baker/Couch/Darnell etc.

    I could care less about your interest in math/numbers, that's your shortcoming not mine. imo









  12. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OcHhzZmdaWXJHOWs/view?usp=sharing

    The left side is calculated without the 3.27ft vertical height assigned to JFK's head at z313.

    The right side is the same with 3.27ft used.

    I used the magic angle and shot#2 elev. for the other entries.

    The point being a 3.27ft vertical elev. change will result in a different distance, in this assassination case, 3.13degrees will dictate a base change of 10.234ft

    This doesn't mean the location on the street 3.27ft straight up vertical, changed its location 10.234ft horizontally.

    The ability to understand the previous sentence is paramount to moving forward or already understanding what the sneaky fellows were doing.



  13. 23 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    If I was trying to support the lone gunman/6th floor shooter scenario, melding multiple shooters/shots, you can sure bet my ballistics results would support that location.

    Common location, common/magic angle.

    If you move back to shot#2, it is listed as elevation 419.07, the height to the 6th floor window sill is 71.83ft (490.9-419.07).


    From that location, using the magic angle of 17.725 degrees, the base distance to the 6th floor SE window = 224.73ft

    Previously, Chris had asked me what the angle was from z273 to the snipers nest, and I responded with this:







    Using the magic angle and applying it to the elev (6th floor window sill) of shot #2 and z273 previously plotted, there is a 1ft difference in elevation.

    The base difference between them is 3.1ft

    You should know by now that a 3.13degree slope equals a 1ft vertical/18.3ft horizontal distance ratio.

    18.3ft -3.1ft = 15.2ft

    There are two main aspects of this assassination that involve15.2ft




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