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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Street elevation determined for shot approx 4ft short of Station# 5+00 = 416.83
    Street elevation of sewer approx 414.20
    Difference of 2.63ft
    Determined height of JFK’s (top of head) at extant z313 = 3.27ft above the pavement.
    2.63 + 3.27 = 5.9ft
    Distance from sewer to JFK’s ( position in limo) at elevation 416.83 = 51ft


  2. 1 hour ago, Roger DeLaria said:

    Any photos showing 1963 pavement level before the add-on, giving a much wider opening? 

    A wider opening. Yes, I do have one.

    Nowhere near 1963.

    But, before I post it, take into consideration this wall.

    Just the wall, disregard the cameraman's angle. The sewer side wall does not allow that same angle (at least with the frame I have).

    Note the previous "LOS plotted" posting.



  3. On 12/8/2017 at 2:52 PM, Michael Walton said:

    Pat - what are your thoughts on this. The only thing that does make me wonder is the line has to go upward to get it to come out as a tangential wound.  And I think you are right with that BTW and I also think Kemp was too:



    Extending it to the sewer.


  4. 2 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    Chris - nice job on that clip. The moving sprockets are because when the person who stabilized this clip, they did so on the head or people in the car.  When you do that, something will not be as stabilized and in this case it's the sprocket holes.  If you take those frames and unstable and just put them together as they came out of the camera, then the footage would be much jerkier.



    I stabilized the clip.

    The time difference between two Zframes@ 18.3fps = .0546 sec.

    A bullet traveling at 2020fps for 265ft = .131 sec (CE560) 

    .131/.0546 = 2.39 Frames.

    So Zapruder reacted to a headshot before the shot occurred.



  5. 1 hour ago, Michael Walton said:


    As for brain matter, this is also simple to explain. We cannot expect to see too much detail in this footage. The BH camera and its lenses were not super high res equipment filming at 1,000 FPS - if it had been then, yes, we would have seen a lot more detail including the matter ejection.  As a matter of fact, there is a demo video I made on here that shows a gunshot wound to the head * and it was actually filmed at a high frame rate and you can see all of the horrible results of it.



    Start with this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TeIgXpOHhDje9ghxu2G1HBllFdRJkyZD/view?usp=sharing

    End with this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14v9SJHVZk4SePjqkMssMKICeAbYh3DtG/view?usp=sharing

    Shot through the front, rear matter appears.

    Shot through the back, front matter appears.



  6. 9 hours ago, Michael Walton said:


    But it's just never enough, that people want to see what they WANT to see in these photos and films. 

    Well, here we are - you DO seem to think everything is faked here without taking it for what it is - evidence proving conspiracy without reverting to the far more Intellectually lazier way to go by screaming everything if FAKE!!! 

    ITEK excerpt, 1975:


  7. 5 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    This is exactly right. This is the whole problem with this CT community. It's amazing to me how the available record - photos, the Z film, etc - SHOW conspiracy.  Which is why in the case of the Z film it was suppressed from the general public until 1975. It's also why "expert" reporter Dan Rather lied about what he saw on nationwide TV describing the film on  11/24. I had already shown this from the internal (as in not for public viewing) FBI film that was made I believe 6 months after 11/22.  In it, there it is plain to see is the Z film in black and white.  Except for it having no color, it's the exact same film we see today, showing the timing of the shots negates the SBT fantasy, the violent snap back of the body and so on. So from that point until 1975 when the Z film was shown, what has changed? Absolutely nothing.

    But it's just never enough, that people want to see what they WANT to see in these photos and films. A good example is Sandy saying he "saw" one of the old guys down on the knoll in the Nix/Muchmore film holding what he "thought" was a pistol.  When I called him out on it, he "laughed it off" by making a joke of it.

    And Cliff - several posts back I said it looks like you think all photos and films are faked.  Remember your reply? It was "EXCUSE ME?"

    Well, here we are - you DO seem to think everything is faked here without taking it for what it is - evidence proving conspiracy without reverting to the far more Intellectually lazier way to go by screaming everything if FAKE!!! 

    Then please explain (with regards to the extant Zfilm) how someone gets shot in their front right temple (100ft away) with a violent snap back of the body, without rear damage or ejected brain matter on film.


    The camera movement between z313-z314(see sprocket holes) may help.

  8. 20 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    In other words, picture the top of JFK's head height, landing below his chin in this photo.

    The angle is not possible shooting over the bubbletop support from the triple underpass into JFK's head at 3.27ft above the ground in extant z313.

    A more likely location would be between the extended red lines with JFK plotted at z313.

    Just picture the guy standing up in the limo facing towards a shooter right before he get's shot in the right temple.







    Higher up.


  9. 17 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    The elevation of the handrail on top of the triple underpass is 428.4ft

    The street elevation of z313 is 418.48ft

    This means you are only 9.92ft higher up on the triple overpass than the z313 street location.

    It also means you are 9.92ft - 3.27ft (JFK's head height above street) 6.65ft higher up than the top of his head at z313.





    In other words, picture the top of JFK's head height, landing below his chin in this photo.

    The angle is not possible shooting over the bubbletop support from the triple underpass into JFK's head at 3.27ft above the ground in extant z313.

    A more likely location would be between the extended red lines with JFK plotted at z313.

    Just picture the guy standing up in the limo facing towards a shooter right before he get's shot in the right temple.







  10. 5 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    I've seen head shots more than I care to admit and I think these guys know it's coming so they stiffen up.  For Kennedy, no, which is why you see his body slam backward so much. And if you watch this one, you see the same thing - the guy holding his arm up seems to just be walking around totally oblivious to the gunshot to the front side of his head that is to come.  You see it flail back like Kennedy in the Z film.



    You could show someone filming from the side, someone getting shot from the front and watch the brain matter exit the rear. Which we fail to see on the extant Z film.


  11. Why would you post a comparison video which shows the same initial impact result as the extant Z film. A shot from behind.


    Why not show us a (frontal shot) video in which brain matter exits the back of the head?

    We could then compare it to the extant Z film and ask why we see no brain matter exit the rear. 

    The difference between altered and unaltered.








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