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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 5 hours ago, David Josephs said:



    Where was the 30.86ft split applied to the Position A part of the ballfield:

    Sprague designates JFK@ z133 to Station # 299.0, which is where I plotted him also.

    I believe we were a slight bit off and JFK actually plots at 299.16 or 1.92 inches difference.

    299.16 - 30.86ft = Station 268.3

    Station# 268.3 + 10.2ft = Station # 278.5

    Position A = Station# 278.5

    This can be determined by using the WC data readily available:

    z161 = 329.2 - 94.7 = Station C = 234.5

    234.5 + 44 = 278.5 = Position A

    The WC math-ical mystery tour.

    P.S. Position A is not plotted on Robert West's path.











  2. The shot placement directly across(not 10.2ft west of z313) from Altgen's at Station# 4+96.16 is required by the time allotment given to one shooter.

    The extant film as shown is missing two frames between the span of extant z313-z352.

    That is a 39 frame span with 2 missing for a total of 41 frames.

    What was the significance of 41/42 frames?

    Mr. SHANEYFELT. The camera operates at a speed of 18.3 frames per second. So that in two and a quarter seconds it would run through about 42--41 to 42 frames. 
    Representative FORD. Then the firing of the rifle, repeat that again? 
    Mr. SHANEYFELT. As to the firing of the rifle we have been advised that the minimum time for getting off two successive well-aimed shots on the rifle is approximately two and a quarter seconds. That is the basis for using this 41 to 42 frames to establish two points in the film where two successive quick shots could have been fired. 

    Once again, trying to tie all shooting back to the 6th floor snipers nest.



  3. On 2/13/2018 at 9:47 PM, Chris Davidson said:

     HSCA excerpt: "This exit point was 1 centimeter lower than the entrance wound, using as the exterior vertical reference a line drawn through the President's brow and upper lip."

    Incorporate the 4.23ft distance along with the 3.54" move from EOP to Cowlick location. This means you are decreasing the angle from the shooter.

    From graphic above: 2.41deg. - .44degree = 1.97deg = Last sentence above basing his conclusion on a Cowlick entry.




    HSCA Excerpt: "The bullet passed forward through his head and exited at the right coronal suture at a point 11 centimeters forward of the entry wound and 5.5 centimeters to the right of the midplane. This exit point was 1 centimeter lower than the entrance wound, using as the exterior vertical reference a line drawn through the President's brow and upper lip. Thus the bullet was traveling 18.6° to the right relative to his midplane and 5.0° downward relative to his facial axis."

    11 centimeters = 4.33 inches


  4. Give me a break.

    Here's a collage for orientation purposes.

    World class conspirators would have you believe the shots came from the TSBD and the North Knoll.

    Would you like to list who ran to the South Knoll and the Carport looking for shooters?

    What spectator heads were fired over?

    Go back and re-read so you can pass along the correct information about the path of the bullets.




  5. 2 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    2. Many film alterationists here (Josephs and Davidson to name a few) think you can just wave a magic wand and presto -- the film would be magically altered. But WHY was it altered? The film SHOWS conspiracy if you believe that Kennedy being slammed onto the back of the seat is a result of a frontal shot. So think about it - these world-class government conspirators went through all of this trouble of masking out things, trimming frames, splicing the film together...and they leave the most crucial part IN THE FILM showing conspiracy. They're obviously the dumbest conspiracy planners in world history LOL


    How could JFK slam into the back of the seat before the 2nd headshot was even fired?

    .71 seconds after the extant z313 shot.

    Do the math.

    Did the big brain explosion at Z313 come from the first of two shots or the second of two? 

    I suggest reading the SS agents descriptions in the followup car.

    The concept which you fail to understand is "two shots melded into one".

    Neither of which came from the sniper's nest.


  6. The difference between (a headshot from the overpass and from the steps on the South knoll) is the difference between the (convertible top support frame and the window half open on Jackie's side).

    Eventually, Nellie moves her head down down slightly toward Greer, at approx z305 she's finished, the window(no pun intended) of opportunity arises from the Southknoll steps, allowing the shooter an opening over the half open window, with JFK looking at crosshairs.


  7. 9 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

    Another example - when Chris D says that the film is fake because Zapruder hurried up and turned on the 48 FPS switch on his camera when the car went by, and then when the secret agent took the 48 FPS film and excised 67% of those frames, he's not lying.  He's just wrong.

    A fourth example is when Chris D says a shot came over spectators' head from over in the pavillion area of Dealey Plaza and hit JFK. He's not lying.  He's just wrong.  And amazingly David Josephs agrees with me on this and also said Chris D is wrong. But of course David Josephs never EVER posts goofy animated GIFs for these guys.  He only posts them for me and others who he can't stand when we call him out on his silliness and multitude of silly theories.

    Do you understand what I'm saying now?


    This, coming from a person who can't explain the visible lack of brain debris exiting the rear of JFK's head on the extant Zfilm.

    Nor, the incredible speed at which Jackie moves back into her seat with her elbow planted on the trunk lid.

    Maybe old Mr Zapruder pressed downward 1/4" and filmed a few more frames than he thought.

    For those that are counting impaired, there is a frame counter in the lower left part of the 48fps film.

    No, Chris D. realized his LOS mistake and duly corrected it by informing people of the new LOS.

    More reading necessary, then you can understand what I'm saying.

    But, I'm not counting on it.





  8. The aerial is a frame from one of the JFK specials about shot locations.

    In this special, the conclusion was not representative of the (thin white line LOS).

    In fact, that thin white line and the LOS it creates (Imo), was never mentioned.

    Yet, if you use the LOS to my shooter from Bronson(plotted at right) and intersect that with the white line LOS which also intersects extant z313, you can see they both intersect at the same approx location=white wall.

    Whoever created that aerial knew the shooter didn't lead back to the 6th floor, look where the (white line) endpoint lies to the north and (south for that matter).


  9. On 2/11/2018 at 10:21 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Very close to the same trajectory, they just had the wrong location.

    Elevation = 430.2 - 418.25 = 11.95ft

    2.41 degrees gets you 186.5ft away.

    That would be a head height of 52.78" - 3.54" = 49.24" = 4.1ft above pavement.

    Lateral angle (left to right) from my shooter to 4.2ft past extant z313 = 1.2 degrees

    My shooter's bullet would have been 3.9 degrees to the right of the follow-up cars centerline at extant z313.


    Bonar Menninger on Donahue's study:

    "First, the fatal bullet’s trajectory was not compatible with a shot from Oswald. The entrance wound in the back of Kennedy’s skull was just to the right of the the crown, or hair whorl, and the exit point was centered in the upper-right portion of the skull. This indicated a bullet path of left-to-right and down at a relatively shallow angle, not right-to-left and sharply down, as would have been the case had Oswald fired the shot. A bullet from the sixth-floor window of the book depository should have exited the center or left side of the president’s face, not the upper right, frontal portion of his skull, based on the position of Kennedy’s head at the moment of impact. The actual trajectory led directly back to Agent Hickey’s position in the left-rear seat of the follow-up car."

  10. On 2/11/2018 at 10:21 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Very close to the same trajectory, they just had the wrong location.

    Elevation = 430.2 - 418.25 = 11.95ft

    2.41 degrees gets you 186.5ft away.

    That would be a head height of 52.78" - 3.54" = 49.24" = 4.1ft above pavement.

    Lateral angle (left to right) from my shooter to 4.2ft past extant z313 = 1.2 degrees

    My shooter's bullet would have been 3.9 degrees to the right of the follow-up cars centerline at extant z313.


     HSCA excerpt: "This exit point was 1 centimeter lower than the entrance wound, using as the exterior vertical reference a line drawn through the President's brow and upper lip."

    Incorporate the 4.23ft distance along with the 3.54" move from EOP to Cowlick location. This means you are decreasing the angle from the shooter.

    From graphic above: 2.41deg. - .44degree = 1.97deg = Last sentence above basing his conclusion on a Cowlick entry.




  11. On 2/1/2018 at 7:49 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    The extant Zfilm(z301-z313) shows the limo travel (18.3/12 = 1.525 x 7.2ft = 10.98ft per sec / 18.3frames) = .6ft per frame = 7.47mph

    At .6ft per frame, 7 additional(non synced) frames = 4.2ft

    From Z313, the limo will travel 7 standard Zframes + 7 non-synced frames for a distance of 4.2ft.

    I'm quite sure this is what gave Tom Wilson his "4 feet farther down the road" conundrum.

    Listen again:






    Connection for distance difference, not shooter location.




  12. Excerpts from HSCA:

    Gerald Ford's baby.

    "To determine this trajectory, the Panel first had to locate the entrance and exit head wounds as precisely as possible. Figures II-6 and II-7 show where the fatal bullet entered the back of President Kennedy's head at a point 9.0 centimeters above the external occipital protuberance. 

    *The above conclusions differ to some extent from the testimony given by Thomas N. Canning before the House Select Committee on Assassinations on Sept. 12, 1978, in each case, the differences reflect new information or analysis resulting from work concluded subsequent to the presentation of preliminary findings at the hearing.

    *The interpretation of the head wounds used in defining trajectory reported in testimony on Sept. 12, 1978 differs from this report because the final illustration from the Forensic Pathology Panel showed the exit wound to be 1 centimeter lower than the entrance, rather than level with it as had been concluded earlier. Thus, the resulting trajectory is somewhat steeper."

    9 centimeters = 3.54 inches

    Mr. SPECTER. When you say 52.78 inches, which individual would that be? 
    Mr. KELLEY. That would be the President. 
    Mr. SPECTER. And what part of his body? 
    Mr. KELLEY. The top of the head would be 52.78 inches from the ground.

    52.78" - 10" - 3.54" = 39.24" = 3.27ft = (CE884 JFK height used to fit trajectory back to TSBD 6th floor.)



  13. 39 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

    For intelligent people that form merely asks a question Yes/No


    Intelligent people realize Prophylaxis and Prosthesis are not syn·on·y·mous. Therefore, there are two questions asked.

    We realize this to avoid:


    The state of being not or no longer needed or useful.

    The use of words or data that could be omitted without loss of meaning or function; repetition or superfluity of information.

    If something is implied, it is understood to be true or to exist, although it is not stated directly or in a legal agreement

  14. If-then statement:

    The if-then statement is the most basic of all the control flow statements. It tells your program to execute a certain section of code only if a particular test evaluates to true.

    If this test evaluates to false, control jumps to the end of the if-then statement.

    The dental form asks two separate questions.

    1.Is a Prophylaxis required?

    Answer: Yes

    2.Is a Prosthesis required?

    If Yes (implied), enter data.

    Answer: Failed 5-5-58

    If No, data entry unnecessary.




  15. A few more excerpts:

    The fatal bullet’s performance was, however, completely consistent with the .223 round fired from the AR15, the predecessor of the M16 rifle issued to American infantrymen during the Vietnam War. Although the .223 incorporated a full metal jacket to comply with Hague Convention mandates, the design was essentially a work-around to ensure maximum lethality in combat. An extremely thin copper jacket, coupled with the bullet’s light weight and the AR15’s high velocity, causes the round to tumble and rupture upon impact. The lead, which has softened beneath the jacket due to the bullet’s friction with the gun barrel and the air, cascades out in a random pattern of spherical fragments, which quickly solidify as they strike much cooler bodily fluids and tissue. The copper jacket also breaks up, and the combined result is a devastating, shredding and frequently lethal wound characterized by multiple, minute shards and irregular fragments — exactly like the injury Kennedy suffered.

    Donahue’s final ballistic observation was perhaps the easiest for a non-gun person to understand. The bullets Oswald fired were nominally 6.5 millimeters in diameter (although actually slightly larger at 6.75 millimeters to allow the rounds to expand against the concentric rifling grooves inside the gun barrel). The entrance wound on the back of Kennedy’s skull was 6 millimeters wide. The Warren Commission tried to explain away the physical impossibility of passing a bullet through a hole smaller than its diameter by asserting that the smaller entrance wound was due to the “elastic recoil of the skull which shrinks the size of an opening after a missile passes through it.”
  16. On 1/25/2018 at 8:08 AM, Micah Mileto said:

    How can the official 6.5 Carcano fragments be ignored if they not only contain human blood, but also muscle and skin tissue?

    "Tissue can contract, and bone can shrink due to low-velocity trauma. But the high-velocity impact of a rifle bullet — particularly in the strong, thick bone at the back of the skull — produces a different and very brittle response. Holes in the skull made from high-velocity rounds are reamed out as the spinning bullet bores through, pulverizing the bone, and thus invariably are slightly larger than the diameter of the bullets that cause them. The .223 round used in the AR15 is 5.56 millimeters in diameter, or just a touch smaller than the 6-millimeter entrance wound. The wound’s size, therefore, was consistent with a shot from Hickey."

    Right bullet (or similar), wrong weapon, wrong location.

    The XP-100: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remington_XP-100

    Cartridge  .22-250   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.22-250_Remington

    Cartridge  6mm-BR. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6mm_BR




  17. Very close to the same trajectory, they just had the wrong location.

    Elevation = 430.2 - 418.25 = 11.95ft

    2.41 degrees gets you 186.5ft away.

    That would be a head height of 52.78" - 3.54" = 49.24" = 4.1ft above pavement.

    Lateral angle (left to right) from my shooter to 4.2ft past extant z313 = 1.2 degrees

    My shooter's bullet would have been 3.9 degrees to the right of the follow-up cars centerline at extant z313.


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