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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Michal Cross,

    My apologies, that example is wrong. 

    I will delete the link.

    I should have used a stationary object for limo movement.

    Something like this:


    Better yet, in a little while, I'll show the same concept comparing one of the other films to Z.

    In other words, the backgrounds not syncing.







  2. On 1/28/2018 at 6:24 AM, Michael Walton said:

    You have to answer this, Chris, to make your case at least somewhat plausible. There's simply no answer for it because it never happened like you described.

    Another thing to consider. Take a look at the image below and provide a plausible rebuttal to it. You cannot.  It's that simple. You cannot simply say that the Bad Guys neatly removed every third frame because it goes against the odds of every third frame neatly showing something sinister and therefore they had to be removed.



    You do not allow yourself to compare the extant film against a normal film. 

    The skips/jerkiness you refer to are there in the extant film.

    Look harder.

    For example: I'll use the extant frames 303-306 which are part of the 1/3 second analogy I previously supplied.

    Use the "convertible top glass side support frame" as a measuring point.  

    Do you see the distance difference between how far the limo travels from z303-z304 and z304-z305.

    Good luck trying to distinguish that difference viewing a film at 18.3fps.

    Added on edit: Example was incorrect.





  3. 11 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Here we go again.

    Why is it your video sync doesn't continue on, showing Jackie layed out on a moving vehicle with her elbow planted into the trunk lid, retracting backwards and seated in 6 Zframes = less than 1/3 second?

    Which conveniently, is where the Nix film ends.

    In stopwatch terms, that's saying the words "stop/go" with no delay in between words.

    Anyone can try it and find out for themselves how quick 1/3 second is.

    Your "why would frames need removing" redundant question begs for speculative answers of which there are many.





    Let's try this comparison.

    Dealing in time only.

    1/3 of a second is the amount of time it takes Greer to turn his head using my 48fps version of the film.

    Can Jackie slide down to her seated position in the time it takes Greer to turn his head?



  4. 15 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    Bumping this because once again, no one here has bothered to really think about this and give an insightful answer; instead, insults came my way.

    There's never EVER an answer to something like this - if the film was shot at 18 FPS, then he hurried up and switched the motor to 48 FPS, and if that happened the higher speed frames were removed by the secret agents, WHY would they be removed? WHAT would those frames show that they needed to be removed?

    Here's a sync video I made a while back debunking this nonsense:


    Here we go again.

    Why is it your video sync doesn't continue on, showing Jackie layed out on a moving vehicle with her elbow planted into the trunk lid, retracting backwards and seated in 6 Zframes = less than 1/3 second?

    Which conveniently, is where the Nix film ends.

    In stopwatch terms, that's saying the words "stop/go" with no delay in between words.

    Anyone can try it and find out for themselves how quick 1/3 second is.

    Your "why would frames need removing" redundant question begs for speculative answers of which there are many.





  5. David,

    My point was any slumping and a headshot is not possible from the overpass or the south knoll (previous photo position provided). More south I'm fine with.

    Agreed, he never slumped 13.54 inches.

    The 13.54 inch span is part of the 10 inch BS drop scenario.

    3.54 vertical inches converted into Elm St slope = 3.54"/12" = .295 x 18.3ft = 5.4ft =(13.44mph plotted limo speed z161-z166) - .9ft (BS limo advanced) for z161-z166 = 4.5ft = two postings back. 


  6. 2 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    The location for Z313 among two different plats (Drommer 1978 HSCA and WC final May 1964).

    The pedestals aligned. Pretty much straight lined to the Z313 street location.

    In fact, the street plottings form a straight line also.

    More modern technology? yes. Bad surveying? no.

    In other words, two different locations meant to represent one spot.

    Scale 1inch = 10ft

    Distance between 4.5ft.

    Tom Wilson says 4ft farther down.








    The path switch accommodating the two shots. 


  7. 11 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:


    Listen to what Tom Wilson says about 4 feet farther down the road. A very important point. Imo


    His ultimate conclusion was the front entry-rear exit shot came from the street level sewer on Elm St.

    The location for Z313 among two different plats (Drommer 1978 HSCA and WC final May 1964).

    The pedestals aligned. Pretty much straight lined to the Z313 street location.

    In fact, the street plottings form a straight line also.

    More modern technology? yes. Bad surveying? no.

    In other words, two different locations meant to represent one spot.

    Scale 1inch = 10ft

    Distance between 4.5ft.

    Tom Wilson says 4ft farther down.








  8. 56 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Now if I understand David right both the storm drain and the south knoll are legit possibilities.  When Sherry Fiester's book Enemy of the Truth first came out I thought how do you get "back and to the left" from the South knoll.  Then I read the book.  She was quite scientific in proving it is a possibility.  Bless her memory for her effort.Educate me more Ladies and Gentlemen.  But please go slow and use plain English.  Seems I'm getting older and slower by the day.    

    If you extend my shooter location LOS through Sherry Fiester's graphic at z313, a face to face (lack of better term) crossfire occurs.

    It's just farther South which creates a lateral angle to JFK instead of an overhead.

    Remember, if the film is representative of his head height at z313 (3.27ft above ground-head faced downward), an over the top shot from the south knoll is impossible because of the convertible top support frame. The farther south (lateral) the better, until Jackie starts impeding the shooters LOS. 



  9. 30 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Boy does this get deep.  Chris, you say 2 shot's 1/3 of a second apart.  I read elsewhere 2-3-4 or more years ago about two shot's hitting JFK in the head simultaneously or a "split" second apart, and thought no way.  But it's not impossible two could have been planned as insurance that at least one would surely hit.  If I remember right what I read about though assumed one from the back first (Dal-Tex?) then one from the grassy knoll.

    Now if I understand David right both the storm drain and the south knoll are legit possibilities.  I really respect Penn Jones as a original local persistent researcher. But I never could get behind the storm drain, even after standing above it and looking up the street at the X's.  While a limited view/field of fire the shot would be upward and a potential miss would have less chance of hitting someone else.  But I could never wrap my head around it, the getaway, crawling or running stooped over a long way with a rifle.  There was a story years back about running through the sewer all the way to the Trinity river bottom to a light plane that barely touched down for a pickup.  Other stories of intricate underground tunnels of Dallas.  When Sherry Fiester's book Enemy of the Truth first came out I thought how do you get "back and to the left" from the South knoll.  Then I read the book.  She was quite scientific in proving it is a possibility.  Bless her memory for her effort.

    Educate me more Ladies and Gentlemen.  But please go slow and use plain English.  Seems I'm getting older and slower by the day.    


    Listen to what Tom Wilson says about 4 feet farther down the road. A very important point. Imo


    His ultimate conclusion was the front entry-rear exit shot came from the street level sewer on Elm St.

  10. I believe this is from part1:

    It appears it was run once at 4x normal speed. 

    One viewing, unless I'm misinterpreting this.

    16mm@ normal speed is usually: 24fps or did they have the ability to drop the play speed down to 16x4 =64fps or 18x4 = 72fps, irregardless.

    How can a film run at 96fps and everyone describe such detail within the film.

    Try running a slow motion film through at 96fps and tell me how it looks.

    If you run 48/18.3 = 2.622x per second more frames at 4x the speed, the viewing experience would be much more pleasurable. imo

    Clarifications please.



  11. 3 hours ago, Rick McTague said:


    Wouldn't a shot from there also put Jackie in danger of being hit?  The round would have hit JFK in the right temple then proceed in basically the same direction, blowing out the left side of his head and potentially continuing to hit Jackie.  This isn't what was seen at Parkland, can you help me understand how a shot from this position would have caused a blowout in the right rear of JFK's head?



    This might be a little closer in terms of JFK's head position at Z312.

    Not a lot of footage available from this angle. At least from what I've found with Nellie turned 90 degrees clockwise.




  12. 5 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Backward and most probably towards the Queen Mary...  this is a link to what Floyd Boring claimed to have said about 1" x 2"  (2.5 cm x 5 cm) bone fragment... and then Kellerman claims that he spoke of 2 bone fragments in the Queen Mary... that THEY were to be sent down to the lab... but only one fragment seems to have records of analysis.

    Wonder what that other fragment was?

    https://books.google.com/books?id=YA4CBAAAQBAJ&pg=PT321&lpg=PT321&dq=Floyd+Boring+bone+fragment+Queen+mary&source=bl&ots=A7F6ke_cZa&sig=iZA3MtU7qUUmYAPMPi5fh6KM7ko&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjp9fGWzvPYAhVOyGMKHU9eD5IQ6AEINzAF#v=onepage&q=Floyd Boring bone fragment Queen mary&f=false


    Thanks David,

    What I need is a frontal location specified, that you believe works.

    The sewer drain down at street level on Elm St works, but, only if JFK within the limo is down near Station# 4+96 as has been previously plotted.

  13. 2 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

    Can I ask a question that might have been brought up before.  In looking at the photo, up by the Hertz sign, to the right of it, does it appear there is some type of distortion?

    Has anyone discussed that?  It is probably nothing but, in your picture above, there is a clear dark shadow on the buliding, a brown distortion, then the Hertz sign.  What is that?


    Not quite sure of the location you are describing.

    If you can't post a graphic, can you be more specific. i.e. above the H in Hertz or below the Y in Depository, etc etc

  14. 2 hours ago, Rick McTague said:


    Wouldn't a shot from there also put Jackie in danger of being hit?  The round would have hit JFK in the right temple then proceed in basically the same direction, blowing out the left side of his head and potentially continuing to hit Jackie.  This isn't what was seen at Parkland, can you help me understand how a shot from this position would have caused a blowout in the right rear of JFK's head?



    More than one shot.

    Two at 1/3 of a second apart, using extant films.   



  15. X = shooters position

    The two trees in which the station wagon is between = approx 35ft span. 

    The station wagon rear is approx 18ft from the shooters location.

    The truck cab is approx 60ft from the shooters location.

    Malcolm Summers was the diving man.

    I referred to him a few posts back.

    Fine tuning distances.



  16. 9 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:


    As I posted years ago, the car in the background in the center of the photo (behind the woman wearing a blue dress and a red sweater) is a Rambler Station Wagon.


    --  Tommy  :sun

    PS  Is that a man lurking in the shadows to the the right of the tree in front of the pickup truck on the right?  With the top of his head "merging" with some foliage from the tree?

    If that is a person they would have approx 9 seconds to get to my shooters location.



  17. 40 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    And you're of the opinion that although the entire Dealey Plaza area was searched on the 22nd, the Harper fragment is not found until the 23rd, in the evening... and it is in front of the limo at the time of the shot...

    You think that piece was not put there after the fact?   Apiece of the bone 30 yards in front of JFK?   If Angel is correct, the sewer - and the shot out the right rear top of the head is not so far fetched...

    But I would hesitate to use the Harper location to trace back to a shooter...  IMHO

    J. Lawrence Angel described the fragment in a memorandum addressed to the HSCA:
    "The Harper fragment photographs show it as a roughly trapezoidal piece, 7 centimeters by 5.5 centimeters in size, coming mainly from the upper middle third of the right parietal bone. Near its short upper edge vascular foramina on the inside and a faint irregular line on the outside indicate sagital structure. Its posterior inferior pointed edge appears to fit the crack in the posterior section of the right parietal [bone] and its slightly wavy lower border can fit the upper edge of the loose lower section of right parietal[bone]. Its upper short border, on the left of the midline near vertex, may meet the left margin of the gap. behind it there appears to be a large gap and in front a narrow one.




    Taken into consideration.

    If someone shot him from the storm drain out front, do you believe the Harper fragment would have propelled backwards along the lines of the bullet trajectory?

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