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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 1 hour ago, Michael Clark said:


    I keep posting this. I wish I did not have to, it needs to be transcribed. I would just copy the relevant text if I could.



    Thanks Michael.

    James Darnell footage.

    Pool of blood, lower left side on the walkway?

    The two men are quite interested in this.



  2. 22 hours ago, David Josephs said:


    The discovery and acquisition of Tom Purvis' copies of the Robert West Surveys of Nov 26, Dec 2-4 and Feb 1964 conclusively proves the FBI move the path of the limo, doctored CE884, and created an explanation for the Zfilm which places limo at later frames behind the limo in earlier frames simply due to CE884's adjustments.





    And, if one keeps that "moved" limo path in mind and applies that same principle to Myers recreation around the corner, one will see that Myers uses the "rear tire" as opposed to "JFK within the limo" as his switched path.

    And in doing, the distance his marker (rear tire) has to travel is much less than JFK travels.

    Of course that distance difference (starting at the corner of the County Records Building) is made up by the bogus fps rate applied to the entire Towner film.

    Which, in this case equals 1.8 seconds time difference =19.77ft (radius difference).

    That 19.77ft over a one second time frame (13.44mph) just happens to equal the speed of the limo from z156-z166 previously plotted in prior postings via the West plats.

    It also equals the approx limo speed (13.54mph) from z133-z166 (33frames) plotted, using the extant zfilm.

    And, that 1.8seconds of time converts to 33 frames using 18.3fps.

    When sliced up at 1.8 seconds, 19.77ft = 10.98 ft per sec = 7.47mph + (3.74 mph = speed of limo z168-z171 via CE884)  = 11.21 mph = Shaneyfelt's testimony for average limo speed(11.2mph) for Z161-Z313.

    It's very obvious what he did to support the WC conclusions. What isn't so obvious is if many understand it. 








  3. 6 hours ago, Cory Santos said:


    As for the video, it is merely an 8 second video of a guy pointing to the book depository.  The person does not state shots came from records building in the clip you linked above.  Is there some other video where he states this?

    This will conclude the witness triangulation.  

    Third car back would be the one with the door partially open in Hughes.

    I'd say this SS agent nailed it.


  4. Or this way, if it's any easier:

    Time difference for Towner's camera using Myer's 22.8fps and true fps of 18.3:
    167/22.8 = 7.324 sec
    167/18.3 = 9.125 sec
    Difference = 1.8 seconds x 18.3fps = 33frames
    15 frame gap Towner End to Z beginning per Myers
    18 frames back from Towner End = Gif


  5. Next Witness.


    P.S. This all works quite well when taking into account the adjustment Myers used to create his multi-sync film project.

            Think of it this way. If I'm running on an oval race track and I'm on the outside lane while my competitor is running on the inside lane, who has to run farther around the turn?

            Take that distance difference, subtract it from where you see the limo start on the extant zfilm. Between that span is where you'll find the witnesses placing the first shot.

             Now realize that Towner's camera shot at 18.3fps (that's a 8mm camera) not the BS 22.8fps that Myers used and you'll understand how the time element was    adjusted to sync with the distance difference. 

             Then realize, these people thought the noise came from the TSBD 6th floor, instead of its true origin. 







  6. Tom,

    If you have a "yahoo" email account, you can go to this link and enter your "yahoo" email address and password and it should give you the capabilities you need.


    If you do not have an existing account, you'll probably have to create one.

    Google Drive is fine too, but it doesn't allow you to embed, so you'll have to post the link for your graphics.

  7. 3 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Is the 137.44 a hypotenuse on the street or from the window?  Since the street distance does not meet up with the 84.94' line taking us to JFK at the filmed location designated frame 166 on the R.WEST path.  (and as you show,  FBI's 168/171 winds up further up Elm than the film of these frames shows.

    The 137.4 ft hypotenuse (converted to 137.44 for true golden ratio equation) is taken from the window via the z168 survey document supplied earlier.

    The Giza triangle forms on the street.  

    I previously pointed out what station# (on the West path) I thought would dictate a vertex (endpoint) for Giza.

    You have a 50/50 chance to select from this graphic as your other vertexes.



    When there is a distinct conflict between what the film shows and what the FBI says... why would they not default to the film unless the film did not represent the info as desired?

    They did TRY to default to the extant film with the public version release of CE884 which assigns z166 to station# 3+30.1,this, when used with the background lightpost as a landmark measuring stick and "JFK within the limo" as the mark on Shaneyfelt's path, gets them as close as they can get.

    Working backwards from there, the problem with this scenario being, the limo traveled more than .9ft in 5frames(z166-161). There has to be accountability for the unresolved distance. Just like there has to be accountability for the 10" vertical drop = 15.25ft horizontal run. 

    So then what do we get, a final CE884 (June, 1964 WC plat) with that same Shaneyfelt path previously described and a frame number assignment of z171, which, when surveying frame numbers according to the extant film (using the obvious landmark lightpost in the background to plot JFK's location) somehow amounts to a five frame difference (z166-z171) for the same location.









  8. 2 hours ago, David Josephs said:


     51.827 degrees



    Added on edit: 35220269353_80fda38ae1.jpg




    The golden ratio (1.618) removed from the hypotenuse of z161(137.44ft) 

    Sorry about that.

    The hypotenuse of z161(137.44ft) / the golden ratio (1.618) = 84.94ft = the street distance from station# 2+50 (rifle end in snipers nest)  to the plotted location of "JFK within limo" via the WEST path (Station# 3+34.94) on the same Z LOS labeled as z171 via Shaneyfelt's path.


  9. 7 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    If one looks hard enough at the elements of a golden ratio, those elements may eventually revolve around a golden ?

    And, might just dictate where the WC needed to start there data input for extant z frames.

    Try some simple addition using the elements.


    P.S. What shape is created with a rise, run and hypotenuse?

           That should answer the first question in this post.



    Getting back to my hallucinogenic math, I find it helps to use online calculators.

    If I run a calculation on that hypotenuse (137.44ft to be exact) for frame 161-Station# 3+29.2, the run is 84.94ft and the rise is 108.04ft.

    I suggest referring back to the golden ratio elements to see if 84.94ft is one of them.

    The only entry missing in the online calculator result is the angle that was used. Purposely.




  10. No adjustments in the West data for a 10" difference.

    60.25ft is the measurement to the theodolite (standard practice), which was 2.03ft higher, than the 3.27ft above the ground. 

    Hence the difference between 60.25 and 62.28ft

    The H.I. upper left, stands for "Height of Instrument"

    Street elev at Station# 2+50 = 429.7.

    TSBD building base at Station# 2+50 = elev 430.2

    Difference = .5ft = the curb

    Difference between window sill elev (490.9) - (430.2) TSBD building base = 60.7ft 

  11. Concrete support for David's summary.

    Survey for Station# 3+29.2

    Elev 491.53(Rifle barrel end) - 490.7(window sill) = .83ft = 10 inches

    David's right triangle height = 61.45ft - Survey says 62.28ft difference = .83ft = 10 inches

    P.S. I prefer hero ine



  12. On 7/7/2017 at 9:45 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Some initial elements of the golden ratio. 



    If one looks hard enough at the elements of a golden ratio, those elements may eventually revolve around a golden ?

    And, might just dictate where the WC needed to start there data input for extant z frames.

    Try some simple addition using the elements.


    P.S. What shape is created with a rise, run and hypotenuse?

           That should answer the first question in this post.



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