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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. O.K. Josiah, I ask that you start a new topic with your response. What film were you viewing?
  2. Added on edit: The Life magazine plug at z264 could equal the 39.66ft moved back from extant z313 = station # 4+25.64 CE884 z255 is listed at station# 4+16.4 At over a ft per frame from 255-264 that's 9+ft added to 4+16.4 = station# 4+25.4 Note CE z249-z255 6.4ft traveled in 6frames for limo speed at that point. To early in the investigation? Time-Life, WC298, Paul Mandel David, Where do you believe the 156ft base measurement comes from? A person's name would be fine. Added on edit: P.S. Check your email first.
  3. When you understand the conversion from a 48fps clip to normal speed, then we can talk. Until then, you'll keep believing what your eyes tell you.
  4. Excitingly for us, we no longer have to listen to your drivel. A going away present for you. Enjoy, using your critical thinking skills.
  5. That equation is correct. Do you believe Shaneyfelt moving the shot location from shot #3 to shot #2 (look at the SS/FBI plat and post #240) - 39.66ft is a direct correlation to the equation 61' - 21.34ft = 39.66' up the street, even though Tom P. states it was an erroneous assumption on Shaneyfelt's part, down the street? Ain't nothing erroneous about it. But I'm still missing the exact meaning. There was never a "real shot 3" location - 4+96 or 5+04 was their only other choice since he could not be hit until 190 once he makes the turn onto Elm. There's be no room on Elm to put a 3rd shot after 190 and before 313 which is the problem we see in the NPIC paperwork. LIFE tried 264 yet there is nothing at 264 to suggest a shot there, NPIC tried 242 - the consensus for the JC shot but again, no evidence of a shot there unless they saw a differently number film. The fact that the limo length plus the move distance equals 61', and they moved a fictitious shot up the street 39.66' to the extant 313 location means.... ??? please fill in that blank for me Chris - thanks The move of 39.66ft starts from the Altgen's location at station # 4+96.16. 496.16- 39.66 = station # 4+56.5 The extant z313 headshot is at station# 4+65.3 The difference is 8.8ft between the two locations. Two shots at 8.8ft apart could be one interpretation. Added on edit: The Life magazine plug at z264 could equal the 39.66ft moved back from extant z313 = station # 4+25.64 CE884 z255 is listed at station# 4+16.4 At over a ft per frame from 255-264 that's 9+ft added to 4+16.4 = station# 4+25.4 Note CE z249-z255 6.4ft traveled in 6frames for limo speed at that point. To early in the investigation?
  6. Chris, It's always better to deal with material that doesn't contain interlaced or pull-down frames. Advance or retard one keyboard arrow at a time and the frames should move accordingly. A 1/1 ratio. As an example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OQTZOSlRCaTA0YnM/view?usp=sharing Added on edit: I believe this is running at somewhere near 17fps.
  7. That equation is correct. Do you believe Shaneyfelt moving the shot location from shot #3 to shot #2 (look at the SS/FBI plat and post #240) - 39.66ft is a direct correlation to the equation 61' - 21.34ft = 39.66' up the street, even though Tom P. states it was an erroneous assumption on Shaneyfelt's part, down the street?
  8. The length of the limo is 21.34ft. Correct. Using the true length of the limo at 21.34ft exactly, not 21.3ft, and the distances in that same graphic, what equation would = 39.66ft? Looking at CE884, the station# for shot#1 could easily be 3+81.34, just rounded off as the rest to the nearest tenth's place.
  9. What two distances within this graphic give you an equation for the length of the limo?
  10. Hum, Dee Dum, Dee Dum, Dee Dum, Dee Dum, Dee Dum, Dee O !!!
  11. The location of extant z207 is station# 3+71.1 indicated by bottom red line. The location for shot#1 from the SS/FBI plat is labeled with the "X" which is station# 3+81.3 (base measurement of 171ft) indicated by top red line.
  12. My guess for the theodolite initial height of 5.41' is West was comfortable setting it there because of his physical height. Station# 2+50 is on a direct line out from the TSBD snipers nest, plotted on Elm St. The 61ft starts at the base of the TSBD snipers nest and is the base measurement (part of the right triangle) for the distance out to the shot location down Elm. The graphic gives you the measurements for shot#1 at Station# 3+81.3 The location labeled is arbitrary, don't read into that as the exact physical location.
  13. That is SOP for surveyors to LOS to the theodolite first. Start from the ground and work up. 423.75 Ground elevation JFK's head above ground at z313 3.27ft 427.02 elevation to JFK's head Elevation between JFK's head and theodolite 2.14ft 429.16ft elevation to theodolite
  14. H.I. stands for "Height of Instrument" The instrument is the surveyors theodolite. Shaneyfelt with his hands all over the cookie jar.
  15. Chris' dress shirt collar = 1.875" vertical length-back of neck span I am the same height as JFK = 6' 1/2" = 72.5inches Sitting down(measured by my wife) from my rear end up to the top of my dress shirt collar is 28 7/8inches = 28.875" 28.875" - 1.875"(collar length) = 27" 27" = rear end to bottom of shirt collar. 27" - 4"(Magic Bullet Program) = 23" Chris' top of collar = 28.875" - 5.75" (shirt bullet hole location) = 23.125" Same Location. Close enough for goobermint work. Bennett was close enough. imo Added on edit: A jacket bunch of 3/8" probable, a 5.75" shirt bunch, priceless.
  16. David, Added on edit: Disregard for now. I believe I have a better example to come. Sorry about that. Since it's supposed to be the same shot between the TV program and WC, I'd take the difference of the 4" and 5.75" distances and plug them back in. 5.75/4 = 1.4375/1 The end result of 4" was an angle of 19.1deg. WC stated angle of 21deg 34min @ z208/210 depending on which CE884 is used, doesn't matter, just need the angle. Difference between what the program (Beyond Magic Bullet) and WC determination = 21deg34min - 19.1deg(19deg 6min)= 2deg 28min 2deg 28min = 2.4666..deg x 1.4375 (5.75"/4" difference) = 3.545 deg 3.545deg - 2.466deg = 1.079deg (1deg 4.74min) difference 19deg 6min(19.1deg) + 1deg 4.74min = 20deg10.74min = CE884 z225 No jacket shirt bunch- back shot 5.75" down from collar top at extant z225.
  17. SurveyInfo for Z207 will help: Difference between 21deg11min and 21deg50min = 2.14ft = 39min Height used for JFK's head above the street in CE884 all frames = 3.27ft 3.27ft/2.14ft = 1.528… x 39min = 59.593...min = 1degree 3.27ft vertical = 1degree David, If you take that 10" elevation difference and incorporate it back into this scenario, it will look like this: 3.27ft vertical = 60 min(59.593 min to be exact) 3.27/60 = .0545 vert ft. per min 1ft vertical/18.3ft horizontal (ElmSt slope) = .0546vertical /1ft horizontal 1min = 1 horizontal ft. 3.27ft = 39.24" 10" / 39.24" = .254.../1 ratio .254 x 60min = 15.29min = 15.29ft You asked me earlier about the 10" vertical drop conversion in Shaneyfelt testimony pertaining to z161-166 and Elm St. 10"/12" = .833…x 18.3ft (Elm St slope ratio 1vert per 18.3 horizontal) = 15.25ft. Close enough for goober-mint work. In case you didn't connect this either: The ratio of 10 vertical inches to a 39.24inch (3.27ft) apex at CE884 z207 = 15.29minutes. The difference in rifle angle from z207- z208 = 16 minutes
  18. The program shows a shirt bunch (collar on down) difference of 4 inches. They did not take into account the Elm St slope of 3.13 degrees. Turn the X-ray 3.13 degrees, and connect collar to throat front, the red line drawn is 19.1degrees. This puts the angle between CE 884's z235-z240. If there was a magic bullet between z235-z240, what is JFK reacting to at approx z224 according to the extant zfilm? A reaction to a shot at approx z224 does not leave enough time for a one shooter magic bullet at z235-z240 also. 19.1 degrees does not work with Dr.Shaw's caliper measurement of 25 degrees for Connally's wound trajectory either. However, Dr Shaw's WC testimony after viewing the zfilm provides support for the "SBT" in terms of film location at approx z235-237. I wonder why they didn't tell us from what location the bullet came. Mr. SPECTER - Dr. Shaw, have you had an opportunity today here in the Cornmission building to view the movies which we referred to as the Zapruder movies and the slides taken from these movies? Dr. SHAW - Yes. Mr. SPECTER - And what, if any, light did those movies shed on your evaluation and opinions on this matter with respect to the wounds of the Governor? Dr. SHAW - Well, my main interest was to try to place the time that the Governor was struck by the bullet which inflicted the wound on his chest in reference to the sequence of the three shots, as has been described to us. (At this point the Chief Justice entered the hearing room.) This meant trying to carefully examine the position of the Governor's body in the car so that it would fall in line with what we knew the trajectory must be for this bullet coming from the point where it has been indicated it did come from. And in trying to place this actual frame that these frames are numbered when the Governor was hit, my opinion was that it was frame number, let's see, I think it was No. 36. Mr. SPECTER - 236? Dr. SHAW - 236, give or take 1 or 2 frames. It was right in 35, 36, 37, perhaps. Measured at approx z208, on film at approx z224 and reproduced at approx z238. A magical bullet indeed.
  19. The program shows a shirt bunch (collar on down) difference of 4 inches. They did not take into account the Elm St slope of 3.13 degrees. Turn the X-ray 3.13 degrees, and connect collar to throat front, the red line drawn is 19.1degrees. This puts the angle between CE 884's z235-z240. If there was a magic bullet between z235-z240, what is JFK reacting to at approx z224 according to the extant zfilm? A reaction to a shot at approx z224 does not leave enough time for a one shooter magic bullet at z235-z240 also. 19.1 degrees does not work with Dr.Shaw's caliper measurement of 25 degrees for Connally's wound trajectory either. However, Dr Shaw's WC testimony after viewing the zfilm provides support for the "SBT" in terms of film location at approx z235-237. I wonder why they didn't tell us from what location the bullet came. Mr. SPECTER - Dr. Shaw, have you had an opportunity today here in the Cornmission building to view the movies which we referred to as the Zapruder movies and the slides taken from these movies? Dr. SHAW - Yes. Mr. SPECTER - And what, if any, light did those movies shed on your evaluation and opinions on this matter with respect to the wounds of the Governor? Dr. SHAW - Well, my main interest was to try to place the time that the Governor was struck by the bullet which inflicted the wound on his chest in reference to the sequence of the three shots, as has been described to us. (At this point the Chief Justice entered the hearing room.) This meant trying to carefully examine the position of the Governor's body in the car so that it would fall in line with what we knew the trajectory must be for this bullet coming from the point where it has been indicated it did come from. And in trying to place this actual frame that these frames are numbered when the Governor was hit, my opinion was that it was frame number, let's see, I think it was No. 36. Mr. SPECTER - 236? Dr. SHAW - 236, give or take 1 or 2 frames. It was right in 35, 36, 37, perhaps.
  20. How many missing frames from this one? They both started as 48fps slow-motion clips? Understand now. You don't know how fast the limo was even moving, let alone, what that would look like like on film. Time to move on, start your own topic. I've asked you before. You can expect a non-response from me going forward.
  21. Your speculation underwhelms me. How hard is it to start a new topic? "It is also very easy to verify Marler's observations about CE 884 (17H 902), a data block containing Zapruder film frame numbers, elevations and distances from the re-enactment. It contains data for frames 161, 166 and 210. But Robert West, according to what Marler reports about his field notes, did not make measurements for those frames. The numbers entered for those frames are the ones West entered for frames 168, 171 and 208. It is easy to see in the Warren Commission's reproduction of CE 884 that someone erased the correct frame numbers and wrote in the fake numbers. The result of this alteration was to artificially move the first two frames westward and downward, and the third slightly eastward and upward. As Marler notes, this also has a devastating impact on the authenticity of the filmed movement and speed of the limousine (p. 255)." You see, it's not a new concept.
  22. Excerpt from post#39: The equation for the previous snipers nest material: 18"+ 8" = 26" = Rifle perch boxes to floor 1.333... x 12" = 16" = windowframe to floor That is a 10" elevation difference between the window frame and perch box. If you convert that .89ft into inches = 10.68 inches. When applied back to the height of the box perch, the rifle barrel end at z222 was .68 inches above the perch box. Not a lot of height to put one's hand underneath to control the barrel. See post #187 graphic. Adding this to the 3.36 inch reverse angle problem(upward/downward) between z207-z222, no wonder why West said it was "jacked-up".
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