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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Charles Nicoletti was 1977 Leo Moceri? Rose Cheramy? David Ferrie? Lee Bowers? Aldo Vera?
  2. Is there a known photo of Thomas Mosely or Homer Echevarria? Wim
  3. Eagle? Who knows what about Eagle? Peter Lemkin? Was Eagle David Atlee Phillips? Wim
  4. Tosh, You might want to contact Robert Clayton Buick. He claims Roselli told him about the abort team in prison. Email me and I'll give you his number. dank@xs4all.nl I can share something else re Files military service. You'll be surpised. Wim
  5. One more thing. His nickname was Raven. I have googled for CIA guys with that nickname and found GUNTHER RUSSBACHER, but that is clearly not the guy in the picture. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=76582 Wim
  6. Tosh, would you please contact me via email? Some new info ....... Wim
  7. The picture of the guy with Files is Tippit's killer. I recently thought it could be Ralph Meyers. The rest of the pictures are of Ralph Meyers. But I have recently found definite proof that the guy is NOT Ralph Meyers. Is it clear now? Wim
  8. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/toshlicense1.jpg http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/toshlicense2.jpg
  9. The pictures I posted are from Ralph Meyers. I thought he might be the man on the picture with Files. He seemed a perfect candidate filling all the requirements mentioned in the starting post of this thread. But I just found it is NOT him. James Files has stated that the man has died recently, in early 2007. James, do you know of any of the usual suspects that died last year? Does anyone have any idea what those reddish/brownish spots are on his forehead, just onder his hairline? Is that shadows from his hair or is it actually on the skin? If so, that's a pretty rare facemark for identification. These winespots on the forehead. The pool of candidates is not that big, if you take the requirements from the beginning post. Wim
  10. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/marguerite2.rm http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/marguerite.rm
  11. Another question: Are these two pictures of the same man? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/y.jpg http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/z.jpg
  12. James, did Ronco die? If so, when? Ronco appears to have a pointed chin, not like the square chin of my man. And smaller shoulders. Wim
  13. Here's a candidate, what is the chance this is the same guy? Duncan (or anyone else) can you switch the sunglasses and put them on Y, can you then fill in the eyes of Y on X? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/y.jpg http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/x.jpg
  14. Maybe Dale Myers of http://jdtippit.com/ knows?
  15. It was done in February 2006 I don't know what to think of Brownloh. He told me that he doesn't believe that the dented cartridge found in 1986 is the one used by Files. Why not? Because a policer officer (if I recall correctly Joe Murphy?) told him that he found the shell casing on the cross bar of the picket fence, right after the shooting. He picked it up by sticking a pen in the opening as to not leave fingerprints, pocketed it and brought it to the Sheriff's office, so he said. He also told me that another police officer told him in 1978 that a "Jim Sutton" from Chicago had been one of the shooters. I asked him why would the police officer would tell him that. He said he had befriended a lot of Dallas Police officers over the years, and sometimes told tell him a little more than they are supposed to. (this particular police officer may have been Joe Murphy, I recall Joe Murphy but do not recall whether he was the guy who reportedly found that shell or told about Jimmy Sutton). Anyway, the information cannot be corroborated. Naturally I asked whether these police officers were still alive, and Brownloh said they had both passed away in recent years. Wim
  16. In 1994 James Files provided this picture of himself and an unidentified man to Bob Vernon after conducting the on camera interview, that was later released as "Confession of an Assassin" by MPI Home video. James Files provided this picture after Vernon asked him if he still had pictures of himself from 1963. Files went to his storage locker and pulled out the picture. Vernon was pleased and expressed his appreciation. He also asked: Who is the other guy? Files replied that he did not want to go in that. However Vernon asked why not and pressed on a little bit. Files eventually said something like: "Off the record, that's the guy who killed Tippit." I am not sure if Files intended Bob Vernon to publish that information on the Internet, frankly I don't think so, but since he has, the picture has been on the website www.jfkmurdersolved.com long before I came on the scene, and long before I had ever heard of James Files. But naturally the identity of this mystery man has intrigued me for years, ever since I first saw it. Also, since the picture shows James Files and a real man, I wondered why the man, or any of his relatives or friends, have never come forward to deny the allegation. Surely there must have been people who have recognized him, if not the man himself. And if he would not be the man who killed officer Tippit, you would expect people to come forward to deny the allegation, especially if it could be easily proven that James Files wasn't telling the truth. I have always thought that this circumstance alone adds weight to the veracity of James Files. I have cracked my brains for years on who it could be. I have compiled lists of candidates, mob guys, undercover agents, cuban exiles, etcetera, most of which I could cancel out quickly because there are known pictures of most candidates and they did not resemble the man in the picture. I have asked around, and was sent on some wild goose chases, false leads and dead end roads. Based on the information from James Files, http://jfkmurdersolved.com/tip.htm , we are looking for a tall caucasian man that - was born and raised in America, and is maybe still alive. - was from Chicago, as he was an acquaintance of James Files. - was 25 to 35 years of age in 1963 (now 70 to 80 years of age). - has no widely known connection to the Kennedy assassination. - was in Dallas 11/22/1963 - was probably not called for the Warren Commision or the House Select Committee on Assassinations. - was an undercover intelligence agent. - worked for David Atlee Phillips. - knew Lee Harvey Oswald, otherwise he could not have been sent to kill him. - may have had a similar training as Lee Harvey Oswald
  17. His name is not Mike Brown but Mike Brownloh Here 's an interview with him: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/researchers.htm
  18. Hi John Kelin, What do you think of the possibility that one of the Odio visitors was David Morales? Wim
  19. The goal is to learn the truth and spread it. Bringing some justice (how much by the way?) is a naive fiction. Call it whatever you like, I promote the truth. Do you expect me to mention her in every post? Wim
  20. Because every scientist first had a theory to be proven in practice. Like Newton. My theory is that James Files was the grassy knoll gunman, delivering the fatal headshot. Thusfar nobody has been able to disprove it. Also, Chauncey Holt was the tramp in the hat. Likewise Also Maurice Bishop was David Atlee Philips, was Lee Harvey Oswald's CIA controller. Likewise. Wim
  21. John Simkin, this should be of interest to you: http://www.jimhougan.com/JimJones2.html A few years earlier, in 1957, Mitrione had spent three months at the FBI's National Academy. [58] The connections he'd made stood him in good stead. Immediately after his interview with the ICA, he was hired by the State Department as a "public safety adviser." Three months later, in September, 1960 he was in Rio de Janeiro, studying Portuguese; by December, he was living with his family in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Whether Mitrione was an undercover CIA officer in South America is disputed. The Soviets say he was. [59] Officially, however, Mitrione was an AID officer attached to the Office of Public Safety (OPS). But OPS was very much a nest of spies: in the Dominican Republic during the mid-1960s, for example, six out of twenty positions were CIA covers. [60] Moreover, Mitrione's partner at the time of his 1970 kidnapping in Uruguay was a public safety officer named Lee Echols---whose previous assignment had been as a CIA officer in the Dominican Republic. [61 -------------------- Q: Who was telling you? A: Philip Twombly was telling us. Also, things came from Francis Sherry -- Ex-CIA guy that was down in, was down in Mexico. And, we were hearing from, we heard it from a lot of different sources. We heard from Lee Echols, there was a Q: Who was Lee Echols? A: Lee Echols was an ex-CIA guy that was living in San Diego at that time. I don't think
  22. I could be mistaken , but I did not see a thread on him. If there is one, this may be deleted. Lansdale in my opinion is a key (much overlooked) player in the events of Dealey Plaza 11/22/1963. Is there anything known officially on his whereabouts that day? Was he ever asked? I believe he was in charge of "ground control" that day and one of the two people that Lee Bowers saw behind the fence. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/COLDlansdale.htm I believe Lansdale was the "top brass in US military intelligence from Asia" as described at the bottom of page 4 of the PDF below. The "covert operations specialist" was David Atlee Phillips. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/pdf/DoubleCross.pdf
  23. You misunderstand, I did not make any "accusations" (his words, not mine) during that phonecall. To my surprise he had already read them on the Internet. He could have meant either of two theory's I had written about. 1) That Disodado was one of the shooters (following the allegation in Double Cross about a US Customs agent, see top of page 466) , or 2) that Diosdado may have been one of the Odio visotors. Wim http://jfkmurdersolved.com/pdf/DoubleCross.pdf
  24. Well, you ARE saying rank amateurs. Anyway, curious citizens and rank amateurs have done more for this case than any law enforcement agency or congressional committee. And if we have to wait for critisizing citizens with fantasies on a Grand Jury, people like Diosdado (in his eighties) will be dead coal. That kind of citizens is even less helpful when they lambast real witnesses as conmen. Wim
  25. Captain Fritz doing his job to Joe Ball (chief cover up artist for LBJ in charge of Dealey Plaza evidence) :
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