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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Hi James, Are you aware that according to Charles Rogers' neighbours, he knew Charles Harrelson, and that both Charles Harrelson and Lee Harvey Oswald visited their house in september 1963, awaiting Charles Rogers who was late for their meeting? It's a rather unknown, but fascinating story. If you accept it, there is known link that the three knew each other well. Wim
  2. Mmm, I just discovered this thread. I was not in jail (that is were they lock you after a conviction) but taken into custody to a police cell for two days and nights for questioning. It was an intimidation and discrediting effort from the highest authorities here, in order to make me stop digging into and exposing their crimes of falsifying evidence against an innocent man, that was convicted for murder to twelve years in prison. That is why I call it a Dutch Warren Commission. Naturally all charges were dropped eventually, but the mission to defame me was accomplished. That is, for the short term. This story is far from dead. Wim Oh, and kudos to Mark Valenti for the honest analysis. You scored a few points back there
  3. Yeah, John, he has agreed to a polygraph, but the authorities didn't want to administer it. Any idea why? He has taken a voice stress analysis test, which he passed. There was high stress when he talks about David Atlee Phillips. But there may be another reason for that: Lie detection/behaviour experts have also looked at his video and concluded: "What I see is a guy telling his story from memory" To be continued Wim
  4. John Simkin, I find it remarkable that you, especially as the head moderator of this prominent JFK debate forum, elect to ignore my question, instead chose to post such an unsubstantiated and subjective remark. Would it not be prudent to add that it is your own personal opinion? It is certainly not the opinion of the author of the book and many others, nor is it mine. Correct me if I am wrong, but I get the impression that you don't recommend the book as much as when you started the thread. Moreover, as the author of the book, I would be puzzled as to whether you started the thread as a compliment or as an attack on his work. Here is my question again: Now, could you tell me, John, do you at least accept that Judyth was a promising scientist in cancer research and worked in the same company as Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963? Wim PS: By the way, all that Ed has to say about Judyth Baker is right here: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=-678503303319704937 And don't forget that other witness: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=-2140352666545542746 Holy sh@t! Where's that 5 star rating coming from? Oh well, maybe those video watchers don't have brains.
  5. No, but that doesn't matter. Many "researchers" believe they have factually demonstrated that the Warren Commission was incorrect, but they have a problem accepting the self-evident alternatives, if those conflict with their own cultivated theories, embraced and groomed for years. Wim
  6. John Simkin, You start a thread heralding Ed Haslam and his new book, but then you paint him as rather naive to "recruit" Judyth Baker into the story, since apparently you portray yourself as more able than Ed to judge that Judyth is not telling the truth, although you have never met with Judyth. I find this approach rather arrogant and dubious towards Ed. Not to mention the fact that you use my belief of Judyth's story, as an added argument to break it down: I dare to oppose both assertions in that quote as a blatant untruths. Now, could you tell me, John, do you at least accept that Judyth was a promising scientist in cancer research and worked in the same company as Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963? Wim
  7. I wonder what reactions you would get if Files would take a polygraph and pass with flying colors. I guess something like : "He has beaten the machine, and by the way polygraphs are irreliable and not admitted in court." Wim PS: No, Uwe, I do not care to answer to that one. For all I care, you may say that information is flaky. Fine with me.
  8. Well thanks, Uwe, for showing why I rightfully should ignore you. I guess trying to turn this thread and Faith's assertions into a joke, is not to be interpreted as a "trick", for you never use those Wim
  9. Kathy, how interesting ! So you are suggesting that I was helping Faith to lie, right? You don't accept that Files told Faith he was in the army and courtmartialed around the time they married, right? And the storuo of Wolfman shooting a mouse is also inevented? Or am I leading you now? How big is this conspiracy to push the hoax of James Files? Who is involved in it? Me too? Or am I just a gullible sucker? Wim PS: Uwe, why do you need to emphaszie you never use tricks?
  10. Kathy, what is it exactly you are saying? Can you be more specific? Is it that we now have two hoaxes? Faith and Jimmy? Wim
  11. Very funny answers! This for the serious researchers: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/faith.htm Wim
  12. Jack/Stephen, What kind of citation are you seeking? A document? A witness? I will think about giving it to you. Not sure yet. If I prove to you that the kidnapping/torture happened, what will your response be? Wim
  13. Why? You don't believe he was kidnapped and tortured? What if I give you a citation? What's your next funny question going to be then? Wim
  14. And left for dead in 1977? Just an open question Wim
  15. The truth is in the middle here. Bohning is right in pointing out there false claims on the Spartacus website, like the guy with the glasses in the Barry Seal picture being Porter Goss, and another one being Frank Sturgis. However , the majority of Bohning's claims and especially his reliance on CIA records (f.e. concerning Frank Sturgis) are pure bullcrap. But since Bohning was so cosy with Frank Sturgis and Frank Sturgis, why does he not put some effort in warming up with Luis Posada and hear him out on Operation 40 and his alibi for Dallas? Maybe he can do better with Bohning than an unsubstantiated "I was pumping gas at Fort Benning, dressed as a sergeant". The Miami Herald might be interested in that story! Wait, on second thought, it might not be. With a man called Felix in charge op Operation 40, and Miami being in the middle of Governor Bush's state, the story will probably meet an early demise. Wim
  16. Vince, busy thread, lots of attention. Congrats from Wim, the "zany millionaire". (See page 512 of Bugliosi's book) PS: I DO like Ritchie Blackmore, so we still have something in common
  17. Interesting. You're Miss Ray now for James Files? Please explain how Jim Marrs was doublecrossed by me. Or invite him to explain it himself. Why do you never mention the fact that you owe me over 55.000 USD and why do you never post the contract that you signed with me? Bruce is okay indeed: Re: Jimmy Files, 09.08.2006: Van: Bruce P. Brychek Aan: Wim Dankbaar Cc: Daniel Marvin Datum: 11 sep 2006 - 22:13 Dear Messers. Wim Dankbaar, and Dan Marvin, Wim, I respect your judgment, and you are probably right. I am fed up with this mud slinging bitch, also. Further, Jimmy regrets this all, as his comment is that she is out of control. She refuses to listen to Jimmy, and Jimmy now realizes that he told her too much in the past. Even worse, she quotes everything wrong, out of context, or just exaggerates to make herself look better. Can you avoid dealing with her ever again, or are you too, like Jimmy, stuck trying to deal with her ? Over Jimmy's, and my numerous objections, she has posted on JFK Lancer. Jimmy and I are both livid with her. Jimmy can not control her at all. I am trying to get Jimmy to sever all relations with her. Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek. ----- Original Message ----- From: Bruce P. Brychek To: Wim Dankbaar Cc: Daniel Marvin Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 9:31 PM Subject: Re: Jimmy Files, 09.08.2006: Dear Messes. Wim Dankbaar, and Dan Marvin, Wim, Very Wll put, My Trusted, and Respected Friend. I hope you know, but I will state it anyway. I will always do everything in my power to protect Jimmy, Wim, and Dan in all of our undertakings, past, present, and future. Rest assured, I will try to keep The Four Muskateers on the same track at al times, seeking to protect us, and our quest for the truth, and protecting us from our enemies, and those that pretend to be our friends, but have their own secret agendas at their center of thinking. Jimmy is livid about Pam's postings on JFK Lancer, including his poetry. It has been some time since I have seen Jimmy so visibly upset. Jimmy wrote to you at my request so you know that I am not making up anything whatsoever. Wim, and Dan, I Thank You both for Jimmy and myself for your courage, support, and sincerity with me. Jimmy asked me to Thank You both, from the heart. I am fed up with Pam Ray. I tried to deal with her, and I now regret it, as she put my name on JFK Lancer, and my hate mail has increased beacuse of her. Rest assured I told Jimmy so. Wim, maybe you should post Jimmy's letter on The JFK Forum, only? Think about it. Best Always to you and Dan, and both of your families. Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/JFWD1.JPG http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/JFWD3.JPG http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Brucecard.JPG http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Brucecard2.JPG
  18. Following Lane's testimony, agents of the FBI again contacted Jean on March 23, 1964, generating a two and one-half page report (7). Jean again described wanting to take photos and conversing with a policeman near the TSBD entrance. She had noticed a vehicle with "Honest Joe's Pawn Shop" printed on its side, with cardboard windows, "..circling the area," but was told by the policeman that he had been permitted to drive near or through the motorcade route. ****** According to Marrs (22), who had interviewed Jean at length, the primary motivation for Jean and Mary being in Dealey Plaza that fateful day was not to see the President, but to take pictures "..of a Dallas police motorcycle officer. Hill had just moved to Dallas from Oklahoma and Moorman was showing her the city, as well as trying to get her a date with the policeman, who was escorting the motorcade." A police officer allowed them to stand on the south side of Elm "..after some flirting," as Jean hoped to date the motorcylist, who had put her in a "..cops and robbers frame of mind." Reference was made to the "Honest Joe's Pawn Shop" van, which allegedly was allowed to drive in front of the TSBD to the parking lot. Jean was so suspicious that she commented to her friend jokingly about the possibility of "murderers" being aboard. Source: http://www.jfk-info.com/whitmey1.htm
  19. Well I don't know how accurate the rest of the article is , but the account of Richard Randolph Carr in Weston's article is all wrong. The Nash Rambler was parked on Houston next to TSBD, not at Commerce. The driver was not a negro but a dark complected man, Spanish or Cuban. The man in the sportscoat and the heavy rimmed glasses did NOT get into the stationwagon. My bet is on the the driver being Morales and the man in the sportscoat Richard Cain. Compare with Carr's exact words: BY MR. GARRISON: Q: You can say what you said. A: I thought he was a Secret Agent man or an FBI man. Q: What did the man in the window look like? A: He had on a hat, a felt hat, a light hat, he had on heavy-rimmed glasses, dark, the glasses were heavy-rimmed, and heavy ear pieces on his glasses. Q: Go ahead. A: He had on a tie, he had on a light shirt, a tan sport coat. ************ Q: Would you tell us what you observed. A: Should I point it out, sir? Q: Yes. A: At this point right here, at this School Book Depository there was a Rambler Station Wagon there with a rack on the back, built on the top of this. Q: Which way was the station wagon facing? A: It was parked on the wrong side of the street, next to the School Book Depository heading north. Q: North being the top of the photomap, north is the top as you have indicated? A: North is the top, and it was headed in this direction towards the railroad tracks, and immediately after the shooting there was three men that emerged from behind the School Book Depository, there was a Latin, I can't say whether he was Spanish, Cuban, but he was real dark-complected, stepped out and opened the door, there was two men entered that station wagon, and the Latin drove it north on Houston. The car was in motion before the rear door was closed, and this one man got in the front, and then he slid in from the -- from the driver's side over, and the Latin got back and they proceeded north and it was moving before the rear door was closed, and the other man that I described to you being in this window which would have been one, two, the third window over here came across the street, he came down, coming towards the construction site on Houston Street, to Commerce, in a very big hurry, he came to Commerce Street and he turned toward town on Commerce Street and every once in a while he would look over his shoulder as if he was being followed. Q: Now, Mr. Carr, did you have occasion to give this information to any law enforcement agencies? A: Yes, I did. Q: Did anyone tell you not to say anything about this? A: Yes. MR. DYMOND: I object to what anyone told him, Your Honor, on the grounds it's hearsay. THE COURT: A moment ago you asked Mrs. Parker if anybody threatened her. Is it your question, Mr. Garrison, whether or not Mr. Carr was threatened by someone? Is your question to the witness a question of whether or not anyone threatened Mr. Carr? MR. GARRISON: I will rephrase it. BY MR. GARRISON: Q: Did anyone threaten you? MR. DYMOND: At this time we object to the Court's suggesting questions to Counsel for the State. The suggested question is completely different from the question previously propounded by the State. This is not the function of a Trial Judge in any trail. MR. GARRISON: May it please the Court, I will phrase my own questions on this. BY MR. GARRISON: Q: Mr. Carr, did you talk to any FBI agents about this incident? A: Yes, I did. Q: Did they tell you to forget about it? MR. DYMOND: I object to that as hearsay. BY MR. GARRISON: Q: Were you threatened in any way -- THE COURT: I sustain the objection. You cannot tell us the words used by someone who spoke to you because of hearsay; however, you can state that you had conversations with them and what did you do as a result of the conversation, I will permit that. BY MR. GARRISON: Q: As the result of the conversations with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, what did you do? A: I done as I was instructed, I shut my mouth. Q: Were you called to testify before the Warren Commission? A: No, sir. *************** Q: All right. Now, when you saw the Presidential vehicle accelerate, did that attract your attention? A: No, sir, not so much as I turned and looked back, as I told you before, I saw these people come out from behind the School Book Depository and I am going to try to make this clear to you so where you can understand it, from where I was at I could not tell whether they came out this side entrance here, there is a side entrance to the School Book Depository, or whether they came from behind it, but they came either from the side entrance or they came from behind it, and got into this station wagon. **************** Q: And what was going on around the Presidential vehicle and in the motorcade, right? A: No, sir, I was watching that man at that time, and I watched him until I could see him no longer, but that man acted as if he was in a hurry and someone was following him, and I would know that man if I ever saw him again. Q: And right before the three successive shots you saw a bullet hit in the middle of Dealey Plaza, is that correct? A: Repeat that, please. Q: Right before hearing the three successive shots you saw a bullet hit in the middle of Dealey Plaza, right? A: No, sir, upon hearing the three successive shots, sir, I saw one, one of those three hit in Dealey Plaza in the grass. ******************
  20. I tend to agree with Jan that Casey Brennan may have been a victim of some mind control program. In 2004 he emailed me and we had some communication. This was his last message: Van: T. Casey Brennan Aan: dank@xs4all.nl Datum: 17 sep 2004 - 16:32 I'm actually glad you wrote back. You haven't "hurt my feelings" -- you've allied yourself with the people who tortured and killed my family. You've helped silence the witnesses who COULD have stepped forward against Dr. Earnshaw. Pleasant dreams, spook. Did they tell you what the CIA retirement plan is, or what the phrase "CIA gratitude" means. The only consolation I get from dealing with guys like you, who think they've got their spook deals all sewn up, is that I know you all go out FIRST, before the ones like me, who showed courage. --- dank@xs4all.nl wrote: I have actually read a few of those links and typed your name in Google. Sorry if I offended you. I did not mean to hurt your feelings. Best, Wim
  21. It holds up as well as ever. But the government does not want to hold up anything else than Lee Oswald did it alone, remember? Wim
  22. Add this one: http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/vera.htm Aldo Vera Serafin Thom Hartmann interviw with Chauncey Holt. Q: And we talked about Montoya. Let’s, we just want to get as much as you know about this guy named Serafin. What do you know about him? Like when did you meet him? What he knew about? A: Uh, well we met him, oh we probably met him 59 or 60. Maybe. Uh, and knew him up through oh, up until he got killed. Which was in the 70's. And, we were in Puerto Rico three or four days before, that he ….. Q: You mean in 59? A: No, no in, before he got killed. Q: Oh I see, OK. A: We had met him, he was from, he was from Puerto Rico. And, so he was down there and he had been making apparently they, he had been making, he had been making some statements about us. We went down to ask him if that was actually true. And uh, then, a few days later, you now, just, you know he was killed. Q: What was he doing? You said you met him around 59, what kind of things was he doing in 60, 61, 62, 63? A: Well he was a part of the, one of those violent Cuban groups, you know, he was connected with Alfa 66, and he was connected with Mano Blanco with the White Hand, two or three other …….. Q: Where did he mainly operate out of? Do you know? A: What area? Q: Yeah. A: Miami. Q: So he was one of the Miami guys? A: Yeah. He was in the Miami group. He was into terrorism, no matter what. Q: Terrorism in terms of hitting people, blowing stuff up? A: Anybody. Blowing up airplanes, anything else. He was just as violent as Orlando Bosch. Q: Do you know if he ever made any trips into Cuba or anything like that? A: Yeah, he was in Cuba all the time. Q: Where he was ever one of the people who tried to assassinate Castro? Is that anything he ever talked about? A: I don't remember specifically talking about it, but it probably could be. Q: What do you think happened to him after that day in Dallas? A: Oh, I think he went back, probably went back to Miami. Q: Did you …….. A: And, uh, I got a lot of stuff on him Q: On Seraphin? A: I, we Q: Did we get to finish this thing? Q: This is amazing. Q: What actually happened? A: I mean I always felt that hey wait a minute, Q: Description in 1963, how would you describe it to somebody? A: About an average height. About 5'8 or 9. You know typically Latin look. Q: But what did he look like? A: Oh, yeah he looked Latin. Q: Black hair? Dark hair? A: Very dark hair, dark, very dark eyes, uh, Q: Complexion? A: Had the dark Latin complexion, wore a beard a lot of the time. Variations of Q: Like mine? A: Sometimes he would have a little beard. Sometimes he would have a Van Dyke, sometimes he had a mustache, lot of times he was clean shaven. Q: Sort of like Loren Hall? A: He was very, he, actually he was very, very unassuming guy. I mean actually, no more than Bosch. You know Bosch, you look at Bosch and know he looks like a professional man. Which he is. You know, and he looked like it and you would never, ever think that he was what he was. It was the same way with, the same way with Seraphin. Very few of those guys, we had some of them up there that really looked, they really looked what they are. What they were. But, he was very, very, very unassuming. Low key. Very quiet. Q: Did he have a heavy accent? A: No, not really a heavy accent. I mean, he didn't have any trouble, he didn't have any trouble articulating. You know, and his accent, his accent wasn't like the traditional ones that you see, you know, that is Spanish from Puerto Rico. Because he, it was, he was more like a high class you know, more cultured. Q: Castillian? A: Yeah, more cultured type of tone. But, Q: When was probably the next time you ran into him after November 63? Was it a long time? A: Oh no, I didn't see him, I didn't see him until we went down to see him in, in uh, went down to see him in 75. Q: So it was, so it was that long before. A: No, I didn't, I had no contact, I had no contact with him. I forget what he was telling, he was going around and, somebody said that, oh, this information, this information came from, this information came from Serafin. So we went down to ….. Q: Check it out? A: To talk to him and ask him if, hey, you know, you, you know, if you got any of a loose mouth, you know. What we want to find out about it, see, then, of course, a few days later he got killed. And, we, they never Q: They tried to blame you all? A: Yeah. But, well, they found out we was there but that was about all. There wasn't really any way to really connect us up with it you know, we just happened to be there. We just were down there ostensibly on vacation at the Caribel. Q: Another guy kind of like him is this Bayard guy. What can you tell us about him? A: You mean Robert Bayard? Q: Yeah. A: Well, Bayard was a, he was a gun runner like you know, sold all kinds of weapons. See also this: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/blackops.htm In 1977, Ambassador George Landau entered the case as a principal and revealed the circumstance of the Paraguayan Passports. The false names and photographs of the two men had been lost by the CIA. Now, after Landau remembered them, they reappeared. "Juan William Rose" and "Sergio Castillo" would later be identified by Chileans as Michael Vernon Townley (Rose), and James E. Sutton (Castillo). 1976, only days after Letelier was murdered, the FBI was pressing Aldo Vera for Information and Vera was co-operating. Vera had been expelled from Accion Cubana in June 1976, according to FBI documents, because of his informant activity. On October 25, 1976, he was murdered in San Juan. He and Townley had started out together in the SAO and PyL. Then Vera had helped to set up Cruz in Franace. Now he was dead, and Townley and his wife feared for their lives.
  23. J – And why did you call David Atlee Phillips? JF – Because he always had to know where I was at because he was my controller? J – For? JF – CIA purposes, special operations or something that might be needed done. J – Were you supposed to stay in contact with him? JF – We always stayed in contact. We had numbers to call. ******************** When I got to the Mesquite motel and got a room, I went back to the restaurant to use the phone there. I called two people and only two people. I called and told Mr. Nicoletti where I was, and then I called a number back east, that would put me in touch with David Atlee Phillips, no matter where he was. With the Company (CIA) that was a big thing. You never knew where anyone was, you called the assigned number and you got through to who ever your controller was. Anyway, I told Phillips where I was at, he said “Fine.” that was it.
  24. I agree. To which destination did he travel in Arizona? Licavoli's Grace Ranch? Wim
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