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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Yeah, Bill , I guess the Japanese are insane. Duped by Files too! Here's another little fragment: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=-7900397817959293269
  2. Don, I see you wrote about Rosemary Willis: http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html She was recently filmed for a Japanese TV special about James Files: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=-5992653257480734740 "pop-pop, very close together". Yeah, Nicoletti and Files were close indeed! Wim
  3. Is that a similar story as the TSBD window, that was allegedly sold for a million and then the buyer defaulted? Source: Gary Mack (who thought I was the buyer). Wim
  4. Well, it's chasing ghosts. Something that doesn't exist. Like "Badgeman". hence it is spending time and energy ineffectively. Tell me, what is the purpose of putting Mary Moorman and Jean Hill on the grass, if they were actually on the sidewalk? What is the purpose of making Mrs. Franzen dissapear and replacing her by another woman? What is the purpose of concealing the limousine coming to a full stop? Did they alter the Nix, Muchmore and Hughes film too? Those films do not show a stopping car either, you know. (they also show Moorman and Hill on the grass by the way) Mind you , these are all claims of the "Zapruder alterationists", Jack White (the discoverer of "Badgeman") being the main promoter. I can (and have) demolish(ed) them one by one. But the question that really should awaken you, is this one: Why did the "fakers" go through all the alleged trouble to fake things in the background, but neglected to alter the only significant part, namely that JFK is hit with two simultaneous headshots, one from behind and then from the front causing his head go BACK and to the LEFT? Why did they not take the trouble to alter that, instead concentrated on trivial things? Why? If their only goal of fakery was to drive home the point of Oswald being the lone assassin from behind? http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/headshot.htm Wim
  5. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb...t/pdf/md180.pdf See page 4 "Use of probes". What does that tell you about the throat wound, as well as the back wound? What does that tell you in regards to the single bullet theory? Wim
  6. Mike, well, I must admit you are progressing. First you were ridiculizing mercury bullets completely, now you are acknowledging at least their existence. They just could not be made for the XP-100 right? http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/EMBALMER.htm Wonder what the two tiny "shrapnel wounds in face" were caused by? Or the throat wound? I should not even go there. It's too hard a sell in a world where most people still believe the world is flat. But then again, I'm not driven by what most people think. Wim
  7. Pat, I really don't mind being called a moron, despicable, dishonorable and what have you by a few blind arrogant diehards. Galilei and Copernicus were prosecuted for stating that the earth rotates around the sun. When Columbus accepted that the earth is a round planet, he discovered America. I know the real world out there and I am satisfied with the fact it is not representative for the world of one Mike Williams. Wim
  8. Duncan, What is it you aim for? That Bill admits that the "figure" in the Moorman photograph is NOT a human being? Bill, if you insist Gordon Arnold was there, have you thought about how long it would take for the policeman to kick Arnold and take the film from his camera? And why there is no record, no photograph, not even an eyewitness to this? Wim
  9. Pat, first of all, please understand that I didn't refer to you as "idiots". Great, great, great how you demolished Baden! We need more people like you! Where are the Grodens, Fonzis, Thompsons, Escalantes, Marrs's, etc? Flacks like Purvis and Williams, who were wearing diapers when it happened, I guess we have to get used to them as part of the game. A mercury bullet penetrates and then explodes. That's why you see the damage on Kennedy's temple and the gaping hole in the back of his head. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/headwoundsketch.jpg All the medical evidence , still available today, points to a bullet like that. It's no wonder that the brain and the Harper fragment are MISSING, cause they would prove my point. It's exactly like Files said: Now, Just posted this letter on my own forum: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/pdf/Watkins.doc Guess who was the first to respond by private email that it can't be done? Good old Dave Perry! I don't have to tell you about him, do I? Is he worried? Wim
  10. You're funny, Purvis. You call Vernon "A New Orleans hustler" and then you start to promote his words! That says a lot about you! I bet you're one of those that would call Joe West a hustler too. Wim
  11. The usual suspects flock together. No wonder that serious researchers avoid this place. I guess I should leave it to the idiots too. Wim
  12. Mike, One thing you can count on. I'll never bring a gun to your shop, for it looks like you're not only a newbee to JFK research.
  13. http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=-426494027647785903 Watch the end of the clip, where Harper mention the "miniscule" lead particles. He calls it "lead", because he thinks of a bullet. And with a bullet you don't think of mercury. Lead oxidates rapidly and gets a grey color when exposed to the atmosphere. Mercury stays shiny and metallic. Wim Here is the description of JFK's head x-rays given by Dr. Humes that is posted in various locations throughout the internet: Dr. Humes said, "that the X rays showed "30 or 40 tiny dustlike particle fragments" of metal in the President's head (II, p. 353). Humes cautioned that the fragments that appeared to be "the size of dust particles" (2H359) on the X rays would actually have been smaller because "X ray pictures . . . have a tendency to magnify these minute fragments somewhat in size" (II, p. 353). And luckily SS agent Kellerman saw the X rays during the autopsy and provided a similar description: " . . . the whole head looked like a little mass of stars, there must have been 30, 40 lights where these little pieces were so minute that they couldn't be reached" (II, p. 100). A lead core FMJ bullet does not breakup into tiny dust like particles upon impact with relatively soft live human skull and brain tissue. However, mercury being a liquid metal at nominal ambient temperatures, and having high surface tension properties will break up into such small dust like particles as described by Dr. Humes, and will remain locked in the soft brain tissue matrix as small individual dust like particles. The material properties of lead and mercury are what lend credence to the story that James Files told your group about how he allegedly used mercury tipped bullets that the Wolfman made for him. Either James Files actually is the grassy knoll shooter, or he is an agent provocateur that was given this information to eventually cause the destruction of your efforts to prove how JFK was murdered. Craig Roberts and David Mantik on mercury bullets Next was a "Forensic Techniques" panel that included presentations by Margaret and Art Snyder, which I missed, and Craig Roberts. Mr. Roberts is a former Marine sniper and author of A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza and other books. He said he made a close study of the Zapruder film, "And I'll tell you what I saw --- as a sniper --- through the eyes of a sniper ... I saw a guy hit from the right front, with a frangible mercury bullet." Such a bullet, Roberts continued, will do its destructive work, and essentially disintigrate. From: http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.back_i...e/overview.html A Mercury Bullet? All three skull X-rays show a spatially consistent, fuzzy, gray cloud (about 4 x 1 cm) near the center of the fragment trail that extends across the top of the skull (Figure 16). Figure 16. CLOSE-UP OF LATERAL X-RAY This fuzzy gray cloud can best be seen on the X-rays at NARA. It does not look like metallic lead (or copper) debris, but might have been caused by a mercury bullet. This fuzzy cloud might be more consistent with mercury (extruded from a bullet) rather than lead. An attempt to kill DeGaulle with a mercury bullet occurs in The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth. Amazingly enough, this plot occurs in the summer of 1963 Forsyth's descriptions of the effect of mercury bullets seem to fit the JFK skull wounds remarkably well. A fuzzy white cloud in the metal fragment trail might be mercury. 14. There are remarkably many, tiny metal fragments widely scattered on the skull X-rays--even on the left side and on the inferior skull, including at least four near the chin on the frontal X-ray. This remarkable, and heretofore ignored, observation is hardly compatible with the passage of a single, full metal-jacketed, Mannlicher-Carcano bullet near the top of the skull, but might more easily have resulted from a hollow point or mercury bullet-or perhaps even from shrapnel from a bullet that was not counted by the Warren Commission. The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth: As soon as the bullet struck flesh, gristle or bone, it would experience a sudden decelaration. The effect on the mercury would be to hurl the droplet forward towards the plugged front of the bullet. Here its onward rush would rip away the tip of the slug, splaying the lead outwards like the fingers of an open hand or the petals of a blossoming flower. In this shape the leaded projectile would tear through nerve tissue, ripping, cutting, slicing, leaving fragments of itself over an area the size of a teasaucer. Hitting the head, such a bullet would not emerge, but would demolish everything inside the cranium, forcing the bone-shell to fragment. From: http://assassinationresearch.com/v2n2/pittsburgh.pdf
  14. Mike, The one that was asking was me, but you didn't respond. Not really, only with insignificant ridicule. You only agreed with Don Bailey that there was no shot from behind the picket fence, which puts you in the vast minority here, defying 70 % of the Dealey Plaza witnesses. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55jY6RUvxAI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYj3FAUHwro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVHyFZuzGH4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pweuPLTVfl4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VaJQgLmeTg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLd3O-Tch6o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJE9XQZvis8 You say you are a gunsmith and a sharpshooter? Did you never do practice shooting with a varmint gun on a moving target? Or are you just not that good to hit a target at 35 yards with a powerscoped accurate handgun like the XP-100 that Files used? http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=8361392529474898810 You even started calling me a fraud! Are you just too proud and stubborn? Or is the only fraud in this discussion you? Wim Here is the description of JFK's head x-rays given by Dr. Humes that is posted in various locations throughout the internet: Dr. Humes said, "that the X rays showed "30 or 40 tiny dustlike particle fragments" of metal in the President's head (II, p. 353). Humes cautioned that the fragments that appeared to be "the size of dust particles" (2H359) on the X rays would actually have been smaller because "X ray pictures . . . have a tendency to magnify these minute fragments somewhat in size" (II, p. 353). And luckily SS agent Kellerman saw the X rays during the autopsy and provided a similar description: " . . . the whole head looked like a little mass of stars, there must have been 30, 40 lights where these little pieces were so minute that they couldn't be reached" (II, p. 100). A lead core FMJ bullet does not breakup into tiny dust like particles upon impact with relatively soft live human skull and brain tissue. However, mercury being a liquid metal at nominal ambient temperatures, and having high surface tension properties will break up into such small dust like particles as described by Dr. Humes, and will remain locked in the soft brain tissue matrix as small individual dust like particles. The material properties of lead and mercury are what lend credence to the story that James Files told your group about how he allegedly used mercury tipped bullets that the Wolfman made for him. Either James Files actually is the grassy knoll shooter, or he is an agent provocateur that was given this information to eventually cause the destruction of your efforts to prove how JFK was murdered. Craig Roberts and David Mantik on mercury bullets Next was a "Forensic Techniques" panel that included presentations by Margaret and Art Snyder, which I missed, and Craig Roberts. Mr. Roberts is a former Marine sniper and author of A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza and other books. He said he made a close study of the Zapruder film, "And I'll tell you what I saw --- as a sniper --- through the eyes of a sniper ... I saw a guy hit from the right front, with a frangible mercury bullet." Such a bullet, Roberts continued, will do its destructive work, and essentially disintigrate. From: http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.back_i...e/overview.html A Mercury Bullet? All three skull X-rays show a spatially consistent, fuzzy, gray cloud (about 4 x 1 cm) near the center of the fragment trail that extends across the top of the skull (Figure 16). Figure 16. CLOSE-UP OF LATERAL X-RAY This fuzzy gray cloud can best be seen on the X-rays at NARA. It does not look like metallic lead (or copper) debris, but might have been caused by a mercury bullet. This fuzzy cloud might be more consistent with mercury (extruded from a bullet) rather than lead. An attempt to kill DeGaulle with a mercury bullet occurs in The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth. Amazingly enough, this plot occurs in the summer of 1963 Forsyth's descriptions of the effect of mercury bullets seem to fit the JFK skull wounds remarkably well. A fuzzy white cloud in the metal fragment trail might be mercury. 14. There are remarkably many, tiny metal fragments widely scattered on the skull X-rays--even on the left side and on the inferior skull, including at least four near the chin on the frontal X-ray. This remarkable, and heretofore ignored, observation is hardly compatible with the passage of a single, full metal-jacketed, Mannlicher-Carcano bullet near the top of the skull, but might more easily have resulted from a hollow point or mercury bullet-or perhaps even from shrapnel from a bullet that was not counted by the Warren Commission. The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth: As soon as the bullet struck flesh, gristle or bone, it would experience a sudden decelaration. The effect on the mercury would be to hurl the droplet forward towards the plugged front of the bullet. Here its onward rush would rip away the tip of the slug, splaying the lead outwards like the fingers of an open hand or the petals of a blossoming flower. In this shape the leaded projectile would tear through nerve tissue, ripping, cutting, slicing, leaving fragments of itself over an area the size of a teasaucer. Hitting the head, such a bullet would not emerge, but would demolish everything inside the cranium, forcing the bone-shell to fragment. From: http://assassinationresearch.com/v2n2/pittsburgh.pdf
  15. Blindness and idiocy are incurable, I should have realized that! Or maybe it's better to say that you can't teach the devil to be good. Wim
  16. Mike , first of all, there is no significant recoil for that weapon: Secondly, Files does not say he actually SAW the head move forward. What he says is this: Thus he concluded the head snapped forward, because he was aiming for the eye and MISSED, because his bullet came in behind the eye. Thirdly, if Files was not in the military, you must also accept that he invented his military service as far back as the sixties, when he told his wife that he was. He also raised his two daughters with the phantom idea. Talking about ridiculous and obvious, can you give me good reason why makes that up to his blood relatives? http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/faith.htm And the girls from Saigon sending him love letters? He picked those up on vacation, right? Before he went to jail in 1980, right? Saigon was then what Bangkok is now, right? http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/vietnamcard2.JPG Fourthly, absence of physical evidence is never evidence of absence. Besides, in this case much physical evidence has been altered or removed. Or can you give me the cigarette butts from behind the picket fence? Or the photopgraphs of the footprints maybe? The brains of JFK? Now we only have X-Rays and expert opinions as evidence that the "dustlike particles" were mercury .......... Wim
  17. Now it gets interesting, Mike. Please give me ONE piece of HARD evidence that Files is a con, especially why it is so obvious. I'm sure my readers, the researchers mentioned here: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/researchers.htm , but most of all myself, would like to know. We can surely use some education from one that knows better, the more so when we are so delusional as to rate the story with 5 stars. And while you're at it, can you give also give a plausible explanation for the 3 inch forward headsnap of Kennedy's head - faster than a human muscle can steer, faster than a human eye can detect, but not faster than he speed of a bullet - other than a bullet, a neurospastical reaction, or fakery of the Zapruder film? Wim
  18. Yeah Mike, it's probably better to chase Jack's hogwash of Badgeman and the moon landing that never happened http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/badgeman.htm About the two headshots: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/headshot.htm Regarding Files’ claims of the synchronistic headshots, Dankbaar concludes “there are two possibilities: 1) Files made a frame by frame study of the Zapruder film or 2) He knows the head went forward because he was aiming for the right eye, and missed because the head snapped forward first. And that's of course what I believe.
  19. Bill, Just wondering if this could be the guy that killed J.D. Tippit. Especially the connection with David Atlee Phillips is interesting (from the book of Joe Biles). I would like to know if Leslie Norman Badley died recently. Wim
  20. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...10435-10034.pdf There is mention of a Leslie Norman Bradley. I am interested in this subject and welcome all information. Wim
  21. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/mcadams.htm Who is John McAdams? Who is Mcadams, CIA disinformation asset, or just plain Crackpot? Since Mcadams is known to use the alias "Paul Nolan" just how many other names has he used to deceive? He claims to be many things. A jet-propulsion expert... or Crackpot? Here is what was discovered... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE OFFICIAL MCADAMS FAQ Frequently Asked Quuestions regarding John Mcadams / aka Paul Nolan By Jim Hargrove Back To The mcadams FAQ MAIN Page This FAQ info seems to have prematurely disappeared from DejaNews, but after considerable searching on my old hard drive, here, by popular demand, is the "Official John MacAdams FAQ," first posted on Usenet way back in 1995 by a wonderful Englishman named Bill MacDowall. Bill made "John Locke" (an earlier and even meaner version of "Amythest") stop smearing people on this newsgroup forever by using well-paid lawyers, who for once served a reasonably worthy cause. This FAQ exists to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about John McAdams. This FAQ will be posted regularly to forewarn new users of the dangers of becoming another McAdams victim. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Who is John McAdams? John McAdams is a professor of political science employed in the Jesuit Marquette University. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Is John McAdams hell-bent on destroying the (alt.conspiracy.jfk) newsgroup? Sadly yes. His own words appended below summarize his intentions better than I could. From jmcadams@primenet.com Sat Feb 15 05:17:02 1997 Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk Subject: Re: Blown back by shot From: jmcadams@primenet.com (John McAdams) Date: 14 Feb 1997 22:17:02 -0700 You buffs have been cooperating marvelously with my scheme to make this group a shambles. And you know the bizarre part? My scheme is not a secret. I have publicly announced it. I have made it perfectly obvious. I have rubbed you buffs' noses in it. It's blatantly obviously to everybody. .John -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This recent post by McAdams should be viewed in terms of the Charter he submitted as part of the process of forming the moderated JFK group: CHARTER AND MODERATION POLICY This group will be for the purpose of providing an area for serious discussion and research of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The group will be moderated to prevent the noise and chronic personal attacks which have plagued alt.conspiracy.jfk and made it nearly useless as a vehicle for intelligent research. Questions surrounding JFK's death have made this one of the most talked about and controversial issues of our generation. This will be the one usenet group which deals seriously with this important topic. One supposes that since the noise and chronic personal attacks which have plagued the alt.conspiracy.jfk group were and are part of McAdams freely admitted plans to turn the group into a shambles, the moderated group can only be seen as his personal vehicle for selective manipulation of content. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Is McAdams connected to the CIA? Many people have suggested he is and it would not be difficult to imagine how useful a professor of political science at a respected university would be as a CIA asset. It is impossible to know if McAdams has "company" links but his background and behavior may shed some light. The following is a quote from a letter written by McAdams to the Milwaukee Sentinel Newspaper: (Dr) Gary Aguilar accused me on the politics forum of being A CIA sponsored disinformationist because I was once the Marquette Official representative of the I.C.P.S.R. an utterly unspooky social science data archive. The article below throws some light on just how "un-spooky" the ICPSR actually is: Not being widely known outside its narrow area of research the ICPSR may not register with most people, but if you are familiar with intelligence and covert action, you will recognize that some of their "classes" deal in "nation building" concept, which is what the interventionists call it when they set up a puppet government through subversion of the existing institutions of said nation. The ICPSR is housed in the Institute for Social Research, or ISR which itself has been documented has recipient of spook research grants. This is a repost of something Lisa Pease posted a while back that elaborates on these spook research grants and also contains Mcadams' admission, if not boast, that he was at one time "official representative" to ICPSR. They have a web page, so you can check it out for yourself. You may notice studies on assassinations and the courses on the "formation of elites" in Chile etc.. The URL is: http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/ Of course, McAdams may or may not be connected with the CIA, you pay your money and take your chance in dealing with him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIA infiltrating as Teachers ? Search for "Marquette University & the CIA" on any search engine a see what comes up... Here's a small sample of what I found CIA Sends Agents To Schools -- To Teach ... Floyd L. Paseman, who ran the CIA's East Asian operations and is now on a two-year teaching stint at Marquette University in Milwaukee, draws similar plaudits ... www.commondreams.org/headlines/041800-02.htm - 14k - Cached - Similar pages CIA Officer in Residence Program ... according to Carlos D. Davis, deputy director of the CIA's ... of Southern California,the University of Maryland, New Mexico State University, Marquette ... www.cia-on-campus.org/foia/oir.html - Similar pages Center for Studies of Intelligence: Educational Outreach ... Since the program started in 1985, CIA has ... University of South Carolina, University of Oregon, University of Kentucky, Texas A&M, Marquette ... www.cia.gov/csi/officer.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages dci_annual_report_99_22 ... American University, US Naval Academy, US Naval War College, Ohio State University, Marquette University ? New Information Services Governance Process: CIA?s ... www.cia.gov/cia/publications/fy99intellrpt/ dci_annual_report_99_22.html - 17k - Cached - Similar pages [ More results from www.cia.gov ] Marquette University - Chris Sloane ... For more on the trebuchet, visit http://www.marquette ... Future plans: PhD program in Physics at the University ... working in industry or government — maybe the CIA. ... www.marquette.edu/as/featured_profiles/sloane.html - 23k - Cached - Similar pages [ More results from www.marquette.edu ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Has McAdams any track record in covert-type activity? It seems he has! John McAdams attended the 1995 Copa Conference using the assumed name Paul Nolan. More than that, he also fabricated a background to go with the name in that he purported himself to be a jet-propulsion expert and some-time computer store owner from Sherwood, Wisconsin. In that guise, he was quoted in an article in the Washington press by journalist Matt Labash. Mr. Labash later confirmed that McAdams had duped him. Mr. Labash had quoted Paul (McAdams) Nolan in good faith whilst in fact McAdams was lying through his teeth. McAdams later claimed he had used an assumed name to avoid contact with users of the alt.conspiracy group who may have been attending the conference. With McAdams record of willfully abusing users of the group, this story might seem plausible but going to trouble of inventing a detailed cover story and lying to the press have more sinister overtones. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Has McAdams accused other group users of pedophilia and drug abuse? He most certainly has! In 1997 McAdams openly accused one Stuart Lyster of having served time in prison for child abuse and accused Dr Gary Aguilar of being a drug addict. In the light of McAdams behavior in the group and his other activities such as at the Copa Conference, Stuart Lyster asked McAdams explain his motives in using this group and in return posted the following offensive reply: From: 6489mcadamsj@vms.csd.mu.edu (John McAdams) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk Subject: Re: A cornered rat turns vicious Date: 12 Sep 1995 13:04:53 GMT Organization: Marquette University - Computer Services In article < 405_9509091355@miratel.uniserve.com, Stuart.Lyster@miratel.uniserve.com (Stuart Lyster) writes: And .John refuses to discuss how he uses this newsgroup for profit. So, .John, are you ready to discuss your *REAL* use of this newsgroup and why you are here, and.... Stuart, you've first got to address charges that you are a pedophile who has served time in jail for molesting young children. I'm going to keep after you on this until you respond. .John This reply earned McAdams coverage in the Milwaukee Sentinal newspaper: By Tom Vanden Brook of the Journal Sentinel staff _____________________________________ A Marquette University professor who hurled profane insults across the Internet - including accusations of drug use and pedophilia - has been chastised by university officials, has annoyed people across the country, and has sparked a small, intense debate on etiquette in cyberspace. John McAdams, a political science professor who teaches a course on the Kennedy assassination and has created a home page on the World Wide Web devoted to the topic, admitted to using blue prose in computer correspondence. But he defended himself by saying he was responding in kind to people he says are viciously critical of his views on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. "The Internet used to be a reasonable place to discuss the Kennedy assassination," McAdams said. "Now, it's a complete 'flamefest'." "Flaming," in Internet circles, refers to diatribes aimed at those with differing viewpoints. McAdams is a vocal opponent of academics and others who ascribe to various conspiracy theories concerning the assassination. Last fall, participants in an assassination discussion group complained to the Roman Catholic university about McAdams' profane references to them on computer bulletin boards. Gary Aguilar, a San Francisco surgeon, said he contacted MU after McAdams asked him to respond to charges that he had used drugs. Aguilar vehemently denies using drugs. "He's extremely mean-spirited," Aguilar said. "What academic purpose can be served by calling people these names? I find it peculiar in the extreme that a professor at Marquette University, a Catholic institution, would do this." In response to these criticisms McAdams said: "I refuse to be driven off the Internet by abuse or attacks," McAdams said. "If I called somebody a bimbo, it's in reaction. I refuse to be bound by any notion of political correctness." Of course McAdams didn't call anyone a "bimbo" which is hardly a description calculated to fuel anger. What he did do is make allegations of child abuse and drug taking which is quite different. McAdams has made repeated claims that he did not accuse Stuart Lyster of child abuse, merely asked him to address allegations.... readers will recognize semantics when they encounter them. Subsequently, McAdams claimed Stuart Lyster had apologized to him and was not making an issue out of the pedophilia slurs. To date, despite repeated requests, McAdams has been unable to post this alleged apology. McAdams protestations of not actually having called Stuart Lyster a pedophile fails to square with an article written by Heather Anichini in Marquette University's own newspaper: In condemning Vanden Brook’s ‘unfair’ assessment of him, McAdams wrote that his school paper, the Marquette Tribune, had produced a very fair story. In that story, written by Heather Anichini and printed on 10/17/95, McAdams claimed he had only called someone a pedophile in response to that correspondent’s accusing me (McAdams) of using the group to write a book.... McAdams explained his actions in the Tribune saying, I was attempting to show the ridiculousness of such claims. ONE DOES NOT MAKE SUCH STATEMENT WITHOUT FOUNDATION. (emphasis added). The man later wrote and apologized (as noted above, no proof of this alleged apology has ever been offered by McAdams...perhaps he doesn't know how to fake email) So McAdams, in order to illuminate the inadvisability making charges without having a foundation, made himself the unfounded, and decidedly more mean-spirited, charge of pedophilia! The purpose of this FAQ is to address the McAdams problem facing this group and provide some insight for new users to the group of what is actually behind the flame wars being carried out by McAdams and a few of his associates. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Van:Robert Harris (reharris1@yahoo.com) Discussies:alt.conspiracy.jfk Datum:2003-09-30 12:32:52 PST Just to set the record straight: McAdams did indeed, make comments that were intended to imply that Aguilar was a drug addict. IMO, they were deliberate, malicious and intended to smear the doctor. His statements about destroying this newsgroup, as well as those about "pedophillia", were very obviously, sarcastic and not meant to be taken seriously. As for a CIA affiliation, I would bet the ranch on it, although he is probably not an employee. But none of those things are what is important here, or even comes close to defining what makes him the despicable slug that he is. McAdams' real crime is that he is a professional propagandist, who has positioned his website to become *THE* primary source of information on the internet, about the JFK assassination. As you probably know, that site is the greatest collection of lies and disinformation that has ever appeared in this case. McAdams has publicly stated that he will permit nothing to appear there that challenges his LN theory, or corrects factual errors in his or his lackey's "articles". And he does all of that, knowing full well that JFK was the victim of multiple assassins. Robert Harris ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Van:Michael T. Griffith (mikegriffith1@cs.com) Onderwerp:Re: McADAMS TRIES TO CENSOR TRUTH AGAIN Discussies:alt.conspiracy.jfk Datum:2001-01-15 13:46:14 PST I have a little story to tell about McAdams' censorship. Last year I was engaged in a dialogue. My opponent repeatedly resorted to name-calling and personal insults. Finally, three or four replies later, I made one comment about my opponent that called his integrity into question. Incredibly, McAdams sent me an e-mail saying he would not post my reply unless I deleted the comment. In response, I noted to McAdams that he had allowed my opponent to make several far more egregious attacks on me. McAdams said nothing but merely repeated his position that he wouldn't post my reply unless I deleted the offending statement. Until then, I had dismissed reports of McAdams' censorship as overblown. Now I know better. MICHAEL T. GRIFFITH Visit my Real Issues Home Page, where you'll find web pages on the LDS Church, creation vs. evloution, American politics, and the JFK assassination: http://ourworld-top.cs.com/mikegriffith1/id35.htm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Van:Martin Shackelford (mshack@concentric.net) Onderwerp:John McAdams: A Few Tidbits for his "fans" here Discussies:alt.conspiracy.jfk Datum:2003-10-09 06:30:10 PST Internet issues: VILE TACTICS: During a JFK discussion, implied that one of his critics might be a child molester, and that another might be involved with drugs. Totally unrelated to the discussions, but a way of distracting attention from the issues. SEARCH HOGGING: His website is designed to pop up first and often in search engine inquiries about JFK. One website review service described McAdams as the Matt Drudge of the JFK assassination. PSEUDONYM: Attended 1995 COPA conference in Dallas as computer store owner Paul Nolan, and was interviewed by City Paper under that alias. DOUBTFUL: Marquette University Associate Professor; PhD. Harvard University His official Marquette syllabus for his JFK course includes a link to his Judyth Baker attack page--the only name in that group linked to his website. I wonder if Marquette realizes they are "sponsoring" this attack. DEATH PENALTY: Most pro death penalty websites include a McAdams quote. He managed to convince USA Today (1998) that he was an "unlikely defender" of the death penalty, though he was a propagandist for executions. He admits that blacks are more likely to be executed, but noting that blacks make up nearly half of all murder victims, he argues that eliminating the death penalty would be assign less value to black murder victims, "a subtle kind of racism." In other words, you are a racist if you don't support a death penalty that executes blacks disproportionately--in fact he argues for MORE executions of blacks. What a guy!! He admits that the death penalty doesn't work as a deterrent, then turns around and argues that it deters murders (same way he argues JFK issues). His "cost-benefit" argument is that the more murderers we execute, the more victims we spare. He happily informed ABC News that executions were becoming more popular. Comments like this led to a Catholic group, JusticeSeekers, to ask whether McAdams shouldn't resign from Marquette University, a Catholic institution, as a majority of Catholics opposed the death penalty. DUBIOUS "RESEARCH":JFK researcher Stewart Galanor has exposed McAdams' manipulation data in his analysis of Dealey Plaza witnesses: http://www.jfklancer.com/pdf/galanor.pdf POLITICS: On Wisconson public radio discussions involving a liberal and a conservative, McAdams was one of the frequently tapped conservatives. In 1991, he received an award from the Dirksen Center. He is on the Board of Advisors of the Heartland Institute--but is not listed under ANY of the Institute's areas of expertise, unlike most Advisors. He has been cited as an opponent of campaign finance reform: http://www.wisinfo.com/heraldtimes/news/ar...l_6105053.shtml Wrote a briefing paper against campaign finance reform for the conservative Cato Institute.
  22. Dawn, Isn't it funny that James Files's discreditors, like Mark Valenti, come to my rescue, but that Pamela Ray tries to reinforce the smears? She must be very pissed about something, don't you think? The real question is: Do her rants help proving the veracity of James Files' confessions? Do you think she missed this post: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/vries.htm http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/researchers.htm
  23. Here some contemporary articles : http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/judytharticles.htm Judyth had a great future ahead of her, but it was destroyed, just because she knew Lee Harvey Oswald and way too much. And all the XXXXX (like f.e. John McAdams) discrediting her courage to tell her story now, can be flushed down the tolilet, as far as I am concerned! Wim Expletive deleted by moderator.
  24. Judyth Baker page expanded: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/judyth.htm
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