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Myra Bronstein

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Everything posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. Ok, so I'm trying to understand the Walker episode. It's almost up there with the Tippit mystery. I'm leaning towards believing, along with Shanet, that it was part of the setup to make the patsy look like a hard core left wing gun-totin' wacko. But... if that's the case then why wasn't the Walker episode publicized more after Oswald's death to reinforce the image they were manufacturing of him? Was it publicized a lot to help incriminate the patsy but I'm not aware of it? Seems like the propagandists would want maximum mileage out of the incident; why bother to set it up otherwise?
  2. I've had it on occassion signing in at the start...not when I leave the computer. Sounds odd that the cookie would forget who you are....you might have a cookie monster - I'd suggest a malware, virus and trojan scan. Cookie monster! Snort. Good one.
  3. So at the risk of demonstrating lack of culture and refinement on the part of all Americans I have to ask... were there actually spectators at the "Lawn Bowling Championships"?
  4. Thanks for the book recommendation Nathaniel. Always lookin' for good ones, esp about propaganda.
  5. And this is the photo in question (Jack posted a cropped version that cut out most of the prints): And the mod said: ... Well it doesn't seem like Evan was speaking as a moderator, it seems like he was speaking as a forum member participating in the debate. When someone volunteers to be a moderator they don't forfeit their right to participate in discussions, do they?
  6. No no no Mark. Their motto is "Fairly Balanced." That should clear things up.
  7. Cricket is a game perhaps a little bit similar to your baseball (baseball being incidentally a game played exclusively by school girls in England and called "rounders" http://www.nra-rounders.co.uk/). Cricket however tends to be played by men and is an infinitely tactically more complex and rewarding game - I urge you to become acquainted with it http://www.lords.org/laws-and-spirit/laws-of-cricket/ It's a good time to get involved, Ron. The main complaint against cricket used to be the unspeakable tedium. A group of 22 men, wearing whites, did essentially the same leisurely thing on a flat grassy surface, rather slowly, for several days on end. Things changed a bit in the 1980s, when Australian media moguls got involved. They made the players wear coloured shirts and trousers, and shortened matches to a single day. That made it more suitable for the era of colour TV and couch potatoes with relatively short attention spans. Advertising revenue boomed. Now the mafia are involved, I expect cricket will become popular in North America, Italy, Israel and Russia. This will do wonders for the game. The action will become even faster. An entire test series could be over in a few moments. Cricket and terrorism compliment each other perfectly. Without terror, cricket is simply too boring for a worldwide audience. Without cricket, terrorim is uncouth. Expect to see Mark Stapleton commentating soon on Fox TV, sharing his expertise with the masses on previously obscure topics such as false flag ops against the umpires, faked action replays, the market in match fixing futures, explosive balls and the controlled demolition of English cricket. Boffo post Sid. Two thumbs up.
  8. Interesting stuff John: I always said that American lacked culture. Cricket is a great game and is nearly as good as soccer... Thanks for the link.
  9. What a crock. It was pointless for the two FBI agents to watch over the President's corpse since the chain of evidence was already broken. The bronze casket was empty as it flew back to Bethesda on AF1. The body was removed from the casket while AF1 was on the ground with LBJ being sworn in, after he insisted that Jackie stand by him so the casket was unattended and the body moved to AF2. The casket went to Bethesda; the body went to Walter Reed where the surgery was done to hide evidence of a shot from the front. Tears in Killerman's eyes? Puh-leeze. As we know here the coup had SS complicity. Note how he blamed the victim: Kennedy let people shoot him? BS! The SS job is to protect the prez no matter what he supposedly says. And Kennedy was first shot in the throat so could NOT have spoken. Lying sack...
  10. But Mark, if we're in a rented house then it's not our own nest. Please watch those mixed metaphors. I understand there are students present.
  11. http://www.rollingstone.com/ JFK story is visible on the cover, but they aren't giving free samples online.
  12. Myra...this is all speculation that I first heard about 40 years ago. I think it is little more than theory, though parts may have basis in fact. To me, Tippit's role remains a mystery. Jack Is there any context in which letting Oswald live long enough to fly to Cuba makes sense? It seem risky to have the patsy alive anywhere on the planet to possibly defend himself. Then again they no doubt wanted a strong link to Cuba so the mobsters and moguls and could have their island and their war. Myra, Is there any mention in his book of Ruby being presented during Oswald's arrest or the second arrest? thanks johnw I'll check John. I'm just getting to the Ruby chapter now.
  13. I would expect Morales to create a paper trail showing he was somewhere other than Dallas on Nov 22. But even if he was in Miami on Nov 22, that does not preclude his involvement in President Kennedy's assassination. Nor does it prove he was involved. ... Ah, so this thread has established that Morales may or may not have been involved. Good stuff.
  14. I would expect Morales to create a paper trail showing he was somewhere other than Dallas on Nov 22. But even if he was in Miami on Nov 22, that does not preclude his involvement in President Kennedy's assassination.
  15. Myra...this is all speculation that I first heard about 40 years ago. I think it is little more than theory, though parts may have basis in fact. To me, Tippit's role remains a mystery. Jack Is there any context in which letting Oswald live long enough to fly to Cuba makes sense? It seem risky to have the patsy alive anywhere on the planet to possibly defend himself. Then again they no doubt wanted a strong link to Cuba so the mobsters and moguls and could have their island and their war.
  16. Do you know the estimates the authors came up with Lee? Esp for Harrelson, uh I mean the tall tramp. Does anyone know Charles Harrelson's height?
  17. I give a lot of weight to Prouty's ID. He said it was Landsdale. Good 'nuff for me.
  18. Charles, as a newcomer to the forum, you are unaware of the numerous photo studies of member James Richards showing that numerous high ranking CIA operatives were present in the plaza to observe the assassination. I think his studies are archived in the photo section. Or maybe James will give us a quick summary of all the spooks who may have been there. Jack There are studies at these links Charles: http://www.manuscriptservice.com/FFiDP/ http://www.manuscriptservice.com/FFiDP-2/ The second link is James' work. I find many of them pretty compelling.
  19. So you said that "Harrelson was...a close physical match for the Tall Tramp" James. But do you think he was the tall tramp? Chime in!
  20. Not morose. Chagrined at the Twisted Knickers Eruption. Hah! Twisted knickers. That's some fine prose. Very good. Well knickers can untwist as fast as they twist... almost.
  21. There is no loophole. This is not an issue of people being tracked down by the CIA. If you were that dangerous there are plenty of ways of the CIA discovering who you are. It might make you feel important by saying it is too dangerous for you to post a photograph, but it is not very convincing to those who know about such things. In truth, this is about people playing the role of naughty schoolchildren. Part of their long-term fight against the system. I am all in favour of questioning authority, but I would have thought you could have found better causes to fight. It is all rather pathetic but once a rule has been made, it is important that it is followed. If it is not, members who have so far accepted the rule, will start removing their photograph and biographies from their signature. Er John, my "loophole" post was very obviously a joke, as evidenced by the smiley face--the universal joke symbol. Instead of dusting off the tired ol' "naughty schoolchildren" metaphor you might try dusting off your sense of humor. :ice :ice :ice :ice :ice :ice :ice :ice :ice :ice :ice :ice
  22. I'm really impressed with this book. Not done with it but it won't take long. I see that the author has answered questions in the forum, but quite a while back. Drat. I'd love to ask him some questions. Anyway, his chapters on Tippit were kind of revelatory to me. Maybe familiar stuff to the veterans here, but not to me. Pg 87: "...Undercover operatives who found themselves in trouble or faced with exposure were to go to the nearest theater, where a handler would make contact. This is exactly what Oswald did. He made for the nearest cinema, the Texas Theater..." Has anyone read that elsewhere? And he points out that Oswald knew to yell "I am not resisting arrest" when cops came into the theater, which only a trained person would know to do. He also presents a scenario for how Tippit fit into the overall plot, which I welcome 'cause that's always been a point of befuddlement to me. To summarize, he says (postulates?) that Oswald believed from his CIA handlers that they were using the opportunity of the president's visit, and resulting chaos, to sneak him out of Red Bird Airport to Cuba, knowing nothing about assassination plans of course. Tippit, also knowing nothing about the assassination plans, was supposed to be the one to drive Oswald to the airport. And in fact the episode days earlier wherein Oswald threw a loud tantrum in a restaurant over the way his eggs were cooked was likely set up as a way for Tippit to see Oswald so that he'd recognize his passenger when the time came. On Nov 22 there were some spooks keeping a clandestine watch over Tippet's car so they could report back to evil central after Oswald rode off with Tippit. However, Tippit started to get suspicious when he was waiting for Oswald and listening to his police radio and realized he was the only cop not directed to Dealey Plaza. This made him wonder if he was a pawn in the plot and he got nervous. So after he greeted Oswald, who spoke to him thru the car window, he got out and walked towards Oswald in a rather agitated fashion, fingering his service revolver. At that point the hidden spooks got spooked at the prospect of Tippit possibly reaching for his gun, and gunned him down. At which point Oswald of course bolts for the Theater. The surprise to me is the possibility that Oswald was supposed to remain alive, and actually fly off to Cuba so the CIA and mafia could have their Cuba invasion. Then of course the Ruling Elite/Wall Street could have their profitable war. So two of the three objectives were not immediately met, though clearly the war profiteers got what they wanted anyway in Vietnam and more. I think is sounds pretty solid. Whaddya all think?
  23. The name didn't ring a bell Charles. But now that I've looked him up I intend to keep an eye on him. Interesting. Thanks. Oh, incidentally the subject of the Numbers episode that mentioned the JFK non-secret was voting fraud using electronic voting machines. The company name was very close to Diebold, don't recall what it was though. Really good series. Mainstream network, prime time... Most unexpected.
  24. Ah, the elephant in the corner speaks out. The photo rule does result in some interesting psychology. When I first became a forum member I saw Dunne's phantom of the opera picture and assumed he was not legit, so I didn't read his posts. In that case the absence of a photo made me jump to a conclusion. Subsequently someone said something about what a valuable researcher he is, so I revisited my conclusion based on this new information... Result: still don't read his posts. I think my point is ( ), probably a lot of people feel trepidation over posting photos and also real names. I did and do. But I posted a pic out of respect for the environment. I would like the overtly trepidatious to know that some members post photos in spite of concerns, and possibly even to make a tacit statement about courage and resolve in researching President Kennedy's murder. I'm not militant about it however. If someone has a compelling reason not to flash their photo around I'd think the mods could handle it on a case by case basis. I didn't see a compelling reason in Dunne's post, but perhaps the mods know of one. Enforcement of any rule is ultimately up to them anyway. (Man I've eaten a lot of ice cream tonight.)
  25. Like I said, I'm sorry I brought it up... Oh don't be so morose. It's got everyone's pulses going. Where's the bad? (Mods, please don't answer that. )
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