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Evan Marshall

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Posts posted by Evan Marshall

  1. When I worked for the DOE, we had Barrett .50 sniper rifles and they pretty much made bullet resistant glass useless. In the 60's there was all sorts of military armor piercing ammo floating. Frankly, I've always thought the USSS was incompetent rather than involved. Remember, the last time they had a President shot at was Truman in the Blair House

    Conspiracy? Absolutely,, but a small one that consisted to dedicated individuals who could go to there rave without ever talking about it. And yes, they exist.

  2. Actually it may or may not have deflected a shot. When I was the training sgt for the swat team in Detroit we did a lot of research on shooting thru glass and other barriers  and with the bullet technology of 1986 we reached the conclusion that to reliably get inside a car we needed a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with rifle slugs or a .308 rifle AND when bullet of any caliber hit curved tempered glass the results were often unpredictable and potentially dangerous to bystanders!

  3. I was assigned to Detroit Homicide on two separate occasions. What does that me me an expert in? Canvassing neighborhoods because I must have knocked on a bazillion doors. My partner and I would start working a case with certain conclusions but when those proved not to be true we would shift directions and look for "new truth".


    We had Family Tree's at Homicide and I would inherit open case that were often committed before I joined the police department. Looking at these case with a fresh eye we often found that the cases were "investigated" with blinders on.

    Perhaps if we locked away our egos and were more careful with what we assumed was fact because it aligned with prior bias, we could actually solve this darn thing!


    Additionally, it is actually possible to disagree without being disagreeable!

  4. One can go straight up or one can go outside the organization. There were a lot of jobs being farmed out and folks like Conein and Werbell had their fingers on almost everything.  And I personally got contacted for a contract in Iraq that was thinly disguised as a sniper contract but in effect was a hit team.

  5. That's he all willing to say about it and that it was a small, tightly held group that originated with elements in the agency. His area of focus was South America.


    Should have added it was 30 years after Dallas before he  would say a word about it and never mentioned the agency by name until after he retired.

  6. David-decades ago I was in Israel on business. Went to dinner and got to meet some of the Entebbe crew. They talked about the most dangerous folks they'd met had been the OSS who had served in Asia and that they were capable of anything including looting a couple of national treasures and killing whoever they cared to. Did a lot of training after I retired from Detroit ranging from the Air Marshal's to Marine Corp Special ops. One of my co workers was 22 SAS retired and he had heard some interesting things while working undercover in Belfast and that, of course, is the problem is there's no end to info.

    Was assigned to Kirkland AFB where NNSA had their headquarters and went to an explosive breaching class and some of the instructors were troubling in what they knew and where they had been.

  7. Well, I read the 26 volumes twice. Once while attending BYU in Utah and once while attending the University of Southern California and I'm convinced after doing so that the Warren Commission did not want to find anything and Hoover was quick to get his report out which was even more unbelievable.. My buds who were involved in both Che' and Allende only talked to me on these subjects after we had been friends for decades and  again only in face to face conversation.

    I was assigned to both Homicide (twice) and as the training Sgt for the SWAT Team in Detroit and my interactions with the FBI were often severely disappointing.

    HSCA was not a whole lot better and Lopez and Hardiway were not shy about how the Agency obstructed their efforts.

    Anyway, I'm convinced that we have not had a real federal investigation and never will. Warren admitted years later that he was instructed to suppress any evidence of conspiracy and Jerry Ford moved the back wound so it would line up with the throat wound. I attended a couple of hundred autopsies and have never seen an exit wound like the one in JFK's neck. And Spitz who was the medical examiner in Detroit and a supporter of the WC admitted to me that he had never seen one like that either.

  8. One bud told me in personal conversation-mouth to ear-that two shooters came from JM Wave and another was a military sniper imported from Vietnam. Of course, the names of the shooters are relatively unimportant while who sent them is critical to understand the why and if you understand the why the who becomes fairly obvious.


    Larry I've read "Somebody would have talked" several times and still find it one of the better JFK books!

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