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Evan Marshall

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Posts posted by Evan Marshall

  1. On 11/22/63, I was a sophomore at Brigham Young University. I read the 26 volumes twice over the years and the enormous number of unanswered questions speaks conspiracy to me.


    You may feel differently and that's fine, but two separate tours at Detroit Homicide taught me some important things and I rely on my gut a lot more often than I do my MA in Education.

  2. On 11/22/63, I was a sophomore at Brigham Young University. I read the 26 volumes twice over the years and the enormous number of unanswered questions speaks conspiracy to me.


    You may feel differently and that's fine, but two separate tours at Detroit Homicide taught me some important things and I rely on my gut a lot more often than I do my MA in Education.

  3. On 11/22/63, I was a sophomore at Brigham Young University. I read the 26 volumes twice over the years and the enormous number of unanswered questions speaks conspiracy to me.


    You may feel differently and that's fine, but two separate tours at Detroit Homicide taught me some important things and I rely on my gut a lot more often than I do my MA in Education.

  4. While I'm personally convinced there were a number of folks listening to the radio and looking at their watches I remain unconvinced that people like Morales would be foolish enough to risk being seen there. One CIA bud who was nearby when Allende "committed suicide" told me others much higher ranking folks were aware of what was about to happen but were several hundred if not thousands of miles away.

  5. a .22 short and .22 long can be fired in a rifle chambere for .22 long rifle though the longs and shorts would probably not  be powerful enough to function a semiautomatic rifle designed for .22 long rifle. When I worked for Israeli Military Industries and was in Israel they showed me a small UZI submachine gun chambered in .22 long rifle and suppresed. The loudest noise created by this gun was when the empty case hit the floor.

  6. He was shot repeatedly with a rifle. Why bother to use something so exotic that might complicate the Oswald story. Performance expectation doesn't sound like actual results. Again a rifle jhp will do what you want it to do. If you want a round that will come apart radially use a Glaser Safety Slug.

    I was Norfolk Navy base years ago when the Marine Corp Special Ops showed me rounds that would defeat armored vehicles when fired from a handgun and a 12 gauge slug that would penetrate armored limo's of the day. When I was the training Sgt at SWAT in Detroit we had the THV round in 9MM. I put it thru 38 layers of kevlar out of our pistols.

  7. Having been assigned to both CSI and then twice to Detroit Homicide I've always been appalled at the quality of most of the autopsy pictures. If I had produced photos of such poor quality, I would have myself working midnights in uniform..

  8. As somebody who was assigned to Detroit Homicide for two separate tours, Fritz's "note's" are embarrassingly  unacceptable. I've personally taken statements in the murder of a drug dealer than ran 30 pages +.

    I was told by a coworker of Fitz that he was semi illiterate and as you look at the Dallas cases reviewed and decisions overthrown I find the whole thing an obvious rush to judgement.

  9. Once again, its clear that ego will prevent us from listening to others and perhaps expanding our understanding of what really happened. I don't speak for God but I do speak to him on a regular basis.Maybe if we didn't angrily reject others points of view we might be able to refine our points of view.  And I'm not talking about my view of what happened. My dad raised me to be a majority of one and I simply don't care if others agree or not. My ego? I buried it years ago.

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