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Evan Marshall

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Posts posted by Evan Marshall

  1. Perhaps she's telling the truth After all, we are all victims of our own experience  And I haven't seen anything to indicate she was involved in requesting agency records not be released.

    I have two friends, both deceased who  admitted involvement in the capture of Che' and the other assisted Allende in committing suicide  AND both lay the  assassination at the feet of JM Wave. And no, neither were former disgruntled former member of the Christian's In Action. They both died true believers!

  2. I worked Crime Scene Investigation in the early 70's in Detroit and only found finger prints once on a handgun-thankfully it convicted a cop killer but never got a print off ammo. Years later I did two separate tours in Detroit Homicide and never saw any successful prints off ammo-a lot of smears but nothing useful. My motto was always, "I'd sooner be lucky than good".


    One thing I haven't seen mentioned was that Oswald's revolver had been rechambered to .38 Special and so bullet markings were a wash but the firing pin markings are individual and they should have been able to compare the firing pin marks from Oswald's revolver and certainly if there had been a match they would have shouted it from the skies.

  3. No, to Degaulle. I was at student at BYU in Utah on Nov 22nd. Watched all the coverage and it just didn't make sense. Read the 26 volumes twice and that alone proved conspiracy. Watched Oswald say he was just a patsy and it sounded sincere to me. When I saw Ruby shoot him on live tv, I knew it was to silence him and after doing two tours in Detroit homicide I knew why I "knew" it was a conspiracy.

  4. Allowing more two interrogators in the room destroyed the quality of the information. I think that Fritz was overwhelmed by the feds and let solid rules of interrogation be ignored. When I was in Detroit Homicide in the early 80's interrogations and even interviews were written down the officer and read and signed by the suspect.

    Since some folks would go into court and say they signed but they hadn't read it so I would make a number of spelling mistakes on the page and require the suspect to initial as I initialed each spelling error and drew a single line thru it was then really difficult to allege you never read it when your initials appeared several places on each page.

  5. Yes, it's me I joined Detroit PD in 1969 and if an officer called for help all other units were instructed stay off the radio until the situation was resolved. I suspect very few Dallas coppers shed a tear for JFK but the murder of an officer took priority over everything else. I remember getting called in on my day off because a copper in my precinct had been murdered  and the killer was in the wind. My wife asked me if I was going to get paid for this and I told her I wouldn't even ask. A friend had been murdered and I'd be back when the killer in jail or in the ground AND I was on  the  job when the second cop killer in the history of Detroit PD was taken alive.

    I'm sure they expected the Oswald would never make it to jail!.

  6. Evan Marshall is a retired Sgt with the Detroit Police Department who was assigned to CSI, Tactical Unit-Twice, Homicide-twice, and the SWAT Team. Published writer in law enforcement and forearms publication and wrote three best selling books on ammunition. Currently retired after spending 5 1/2 years as a training Specialist  with the National Nuclear Security Administrations Office of Secure Transportation.

  7. I served two separate tours in Detroit Homicide in the 1980s. We used handwritten statements written by the homicide investigator and read and signed by the suspect. I used to make several on purpose spelling mistakes and draw a line thru the word and both I and the suspect would initial such mistakes.

    Suspects were fond on stating they had signed it without reading it, but when their initials appeared 8 or 9 times in the body of each page it was awfully hard to say they had signed it but had not read it.

    We did not use tape recorders as tapes could be edited. Fitz's efforts did not impress me but perhaps he had an inkling there was more to this than first appeared. The practice of having so many in attendance in the interview room is extremely bad practice.

    I was assigned to Detroit CSI in 1971 and though primitive we would have never let so many unauthorized folks inside a crime scene. As a homicide investigator I often took many times more witnesses for the murder of a drug dealer than Dallas did for the murder of a president.

  8. We need to remember that countless deer hunters have put side mounted scopes on their top ejecting Winchester lever actions with great success when hunting deer.. This yr my 7 kids gave me a sporterized 1917 Enfield in.30-06 for Fathers Day. I put a side mounted scope mount on so I could use stripper clips to reload. The scope is a 1.5X4 power modestly priced scope. I was dead on at 100yards with three shot

    The problem here is quality of the scope and mount not that it was side mounted. I have shot a MC and as a former police sniper I can tell you it absolute trash. In the hands of a mediocre shot it's more likely he would have shot Jackie or Clint Hill.

  9. they were used just as examples not as interchangeable items. Check your egos at the door or we'll never solve this thing.

    They could have shot him with any caliber they wanted since the fix was already in. To believe the "evidence" controlled by those with the most to hide is a clear sign of delusion.

    As a homicide cop I attended hundreds of gunshot autopsies AND I never saw a rifle entrance wound in the back of the head that did not totally disrupt the facial features. Spending time based on the honesty of the Warren Commission is absolutely ludicrous. This was a homicide that was never competently investigated. I had murders of drug dealers were I preserved the crime scene, excluded all nonessential personnel and worked it hard until the right people were in jail. None of this was done in Dallas.

    Evan Marshall


  10. I was only giving possible examples. I'm fully aware of calibers and their origins. I've been a published writer in the firearms field since the mid70's.

    I don't believe any of the official evidence. We have routinely lied to. The reason we know what know from the official record is the sloppiness or stupidity of those in possession of it.

    So. We're all going to live forever?

    Once those who were alive when JFK was murdered are gone it will all turn to idle speculation

  11. Guys,if JFK was shot by a 6mm it was probably .25-06 or.243, not an MC. We're wasting valuable time. When they control the collection submission of evidence To the WC where they knew no serious investigation would be done

    If Oswald. was a lone nut and Ruby a small time strip club owner, why seal the files for such a long time.

  12. spite of doing two tours in Detroit Homicide and writing three. best selling books on ammunition I don't consider myself ant expert BUT I never saw a rifle shot to the rear of the end that left the face relatively intact. And Dr Spitz, our medical examiner and Warren supporter admitted he never had either.

    It was obvious to me very early on that Oswald never shot anyone. He was in the Marine Corp when everyone was a rifleman 1st. He had been trained on the M 1 Garand and would have never settled for a piece of junk like the Carcano.

    Jack cannon gave us the Glaser Safety Slug and Mitch Werbell a modern suppressor. Both were old China hands and experienced killers.

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