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Duane Daman

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Everything posted by Duane Daman

  1. Is there a map of the Apollo 16 moonset? .. I kinda doubt it. This photo was also taken with a Hassie, yet the background in the "distance" didn't lose it's definition, as we can clearly see the tiny rocks on the ground. Could be the difference between using front screen projection, compared to small scale models, for those "distance" shots.
  2. No kidding Sherlock.. How long did it take you to figure that one out? .. So subtle humor really does go right over your head. Yep, you never fail to disappoint.
  3. As good as that infamous "C" rock photo looks on that magazine cover,I do believe the high res original from the Apollo Imgage Gallery shows off those front screen projection special effects even better. What is supposedly an expanse of lunar terrain behind Duke and the Rover, is really a projected image on a vertical wall.. Note the lack of definition in the background image, including the lack of rocks.
  4. Check out the tires on these babies .. Maybe that desert photo really is an official Apollo photo .. It just wasn't taken on the "moon".
  5. Well, at least it was in black and white until you added the green part.. The two pictures have more in common that just being in black and white.. The "moon" terrain looks very similar as well. Doesn't look that similar to me. The moon isn't covered in sand. Yes, maybe they built a different set just for that one picture, covered it in sand instead of lunar regolith, drove a crane through it, walked all over it in sneakers that didn't exist in the 60's, and then waited 40 years to release that single image through fotosearch.com. Perfectly logical. Actually the "moon" does appear to be covered in sand in many of the Apollo photos .. I'm surprised you never noticed that before. As for my comment about the crane tracks, it's called being facitious, since it's obvious that desert pic is not one of the original Apollo fakes.. The dead giveaway being that in the original fakes, the moonset crew always more moonboots matching those of the Apollo astronots. Pretty clever, huh? Kevin never disappoints.
  6. "Desert Tracks" Armstrong: "The surface is much like the high desert of the United States." Correction: The surface IS the high desert of the United States. It really is difficult to tell the "moon" and the desert apart, isn't it? * Edited to delete the word "lunar" from Armstrong's quote .. He never said the word lunar before the word surface .. So I guess he really is an honest guy after all!
  7. Aviation Week and Space Technology featured that very image on the front cover of their May 8, 1972 edition (just 11 days after Apollo 16 returned to Earth). No c on rock. Wel, I'm glad to see that somebody at NASA's quality control knew to airbrush out that "C" for that magazine cover.. I see they managed to airbrush out the matching letter "C" that was on the ground right next to the "C" rock also. But like I said to Jack earlier, NASA is always correcting their mistakes by altering their faked Apollo photos. btw, thanks for posting such a large version of that photo .. It just happens to be one of the best examples, showing where the foreground of the set ends and the back wall of the set begins... Those front screen projection special effects really were amazing, considering how new that technology was during the filming of Project Apollo.
  8. Nice find Jack, but we already know that NASA alters it's faked Apollo photos from time to time ..Conspiracy researcher Ralph Rene discovered that fact many years ago when he asked NASA to send him a copy of their "C" rock photo, but they switched the ID numbers, so they could send him a different faked photo instead of the one he asked for. Then months later, when he finally did receive the correct photo, the "C" has been purposely airbrushed out.
  9. Clearly he is not 'afraid' of your work, he has already refuted it. The question of who is afraid falls on you. For someone who has no time for this you sure are spending a bunch of time on it. Why is it YOU must hide behind a shill? What are YOU afraid of? My apologies for being off topic here, but I don't believe Lamson's avatar complies with the forum's rules. That is unless he has now morphed into a speedboat.
  10. Well, at least it was in black and white until you added the green part.. The two pictures have more in common that just being in black and white.. The "moon" terrain looks very similar as well. Maybe those tracks were made by crane that lifted the Rover onto the moonset.
  11. David .... Thanks for the links but they both come up as an error ... Could you please check them and post them again ? I found this cartoon on a government disinformation site today and thought it was pretty funny. Check out this link about the 1952 UFO flap and sightings over Washington DC ( including declassified documents ) which in my opinion provides some of the best evidence that UFO's are of extraterrestrial origin. 1952 UFO WAVE Largest Wave of all Time FACTUAL OBSERVATION DATA: http://www.nicap.org/waves/1952fullrep.htm
  12. Timeslip huh ? .. Now I see what you watched on the telly when you were a little kid... Or was that before you were born and they're now playing the reruns ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeslip Arse ... I guess so ! I'm sorry, but Occam's Razor doesn't allow for any of your own brain interpretation ... Just go with the most mundane explaination .. It's always safer that way.
  13. My initial thought was that it was a star, until it started it's rapid zigzag maneuver across the sky ... Then I had no idea what it was . I know we weren't abducted because neither one of us experienced any "missing time" . I've also had a few "sleep paralysis" episodes myself ... One where I perceived there was a giant, menacing looking Raggedy Ann doll standing at my bedroom door, and I couldn't move to defend myself ... Luckily for me though, I never got that beeping lump in my neck like you did. For some reason I get the distinct impression that I will live to regret it if I post either one of those stories here . Well, I'm so happy that we can finally agree on something ! Does this description sound like a helicopter to you ? "One night, I saw what I perceived to be a slowly rotating disc with small red lights on the edge. It looked completely bizarre to see this disc flying across a busy city at night. " Maybe it was just one of those US military advanced stealth technology helicopters .
  14. A few years ago I was at the beach with my girlfriend ... It was late at night and we were laying on a blanket star gazing ... As I was pointing out different constellations to her, we saw a couple of shooting stars that caught our attention ... Then directly overhead I noticed another "star" that was moving in a very rapid zigzag pattern across the heavens ... I pointed it out to her and we both watched in amazement for several minutes as this distant object zigzagged across the sky and then vanished ... This sighting happened before I read that other people have witnessed the same thing and that some of these sightings were connected to UFO's and alleged alien abductions . I'm happy to say thay my girlfriend and I weren't abducted by aliens that night, but I worked with a guy a few years ago who wasn't so lucky. Since Dave asked if anyone knew someone who has had a UFO experience, I will post his story later... and then watch David Guyatt say that all alleged alien abductions are only sleep paralysis. I had a rather bizzare experience happen to me when I was three years old, which was possibly extraterrestrial, which also included a MIB ( man in black ) ... I will post that story later also, if anyone is interested. Dave ... I very much doubt what you saw was really a helicopter... but then you know more than I do about Occam's Razor .. The "scientific" explaination for all things unexplainable.
  15. This is a request in my role as Moderator. Maybe this will clear up your confusion as to which insult I was referring to . "You know, it's people like this that make me think there is such a thing as justifiable homocide. Fer gawds sake, we should at least make sure this cretin can't breed!" This guy is such a doofus. Maybe we could keep him around as the court jester? I think his name needs changing; instead of "unknown" it would be more like "without a clue". Didn't I answer that one in my rebuking of Jack (I reject your reality and substitute my own) White's Aulis images? And my favorite , though it's not an insult . I'm willing to swear on the bible that I believe that men walked on the Moon as documented by the Apollo programme records. Oh really ?... Well, good for you cuz that's more than Neil Armstrong was willing to do !!! Jack is now posting his "studies" (what a joke using that word and Jack's work in the same sentence) on the WTC collapse; and guess what? He has found 'irrefutable' photographic evidence that the WTC collapse was not as the report showed! Amazing! One man, so immensly talented in the photographic field that he has managed to find 'evidence' of 'fakery' in the JFK affair, the Apollo programme, the Pentegon attack, the WTC attack, the New Orleans floods, etc. He's even positively identified 'chemtrails' over his house. No doubt part of a concerted government effort to shut him up. BLUK! I knew I couldn't say that without leaving a bad taste in my mouth....... You know, no matter how many times I encounter it I am still constantly amazed by the number of people who wallow - nay, revel - in their own willful ignorance. That loose change forum is a study in mass stupidity My vote goes to evil hoax believer combined with an intense dislike of knowledable people who disagree with his / her pet theories. i don't know which is Jack's most prominent feature: his obstinacy, or his ignorance. Now, I can't speak about Turbo or Lionking, but I do have some small experience with Duane. An example of his open mindedness (modified for comedic value, not a quote, although representaional): Duane: But NASA never gives any figures for radiation on the Moon. We can't say if they could survive. EB: Sorry, you are wrong. Here are the radiation figures from the lunar landings. Duane: Those figures are from NASA - you can't trust them. EB: Hang on; the only figures available must have been recorded by NASA, but you say NASA figures are invalid and there are no other figures so.....? Duane: I win. You lose. Thanks for playing. Oh and I finally did find one quote about the CT's getting a "pasting". I only get the occasional 'bandwidth limit' error. It's because some.. what do you call them, spammers?..... download heaps of stuff via the website, causing the site to exceed its allowance. There is a thread about it on the website somewhere. Now, if I were a woo-woo, I'd claim it's all Duane and Jack's fault, trying to prevent people watching them getting a pasting. And I see Duane is already playing the victim, saying he'll be banned while actually behaving in a manner which will make his prophesy come true! Now where have I seen that behaviour before? I'm pretty sure it's that Jack is starting to suffer from senility or similar. That's not being offensive or cruel; that is an honest assessment. He is getting on in years, he's making unsupportable claims, he's being illogical, and showing signs of paranoia. I genuinely think that Jack is starting to suffer the effects of age on the mental makeup. No-one is immune, even the brightest & best can suffer from it. Oh yes - Duane is far from being the sharpest knife in the draw. He runs an antique dealership IIRC from his Ed Forum bio. There was also mention of someone with the same name being busted for dope after some domestic incident with his girlfriend - I wonder if it is the same person? No, I'm not the person who was busted for drugs ... More than one person can have the same name ... BTW, you mis-spelled the word "draw" .. that should have been "drawer" ... What was that you were saying about not being the sharpest knife ? Lastly, and not to my credit, I do it because it is so easy to slap these people with a cold wet fish and make them look stupid. It's schadenfreude. 99% of the time, you are unlikely to change the mind of a "hard core" HB. I think it is delusional. As Jay has said, he honestly cannot accept that what he believes / says is wrong regardless of the evidence. It is not a purposeful deception, though that is what it appears like. I am wondering if it is anything to do with Jack's age? Dementia is an insidious disease Speaking of Duane... I was over at Aulis and saw his name his name on this page: http://www.aulis.com/exposing_apollo1.htm Now, as per usual, the whole thing is just bunkum - a little bit of deception, some absence of information, basic errors and.. bingo! Hoax! I mean, can you believe the one about the flag moving? Are they that stupid? Possibly, but most likely it's just another attempt to suck money out of the unwary. Oooh. David C says Jack White is a plant. Duane considers himself a JW successor. Both are adamant in their views. Both are firm HBs. Who will win? Is Duane the secret love-child of Jack White? Is David more perceptive and about to blow Jack's CIA cover of more than 40 years? Find out on "The Young and the Witless". Hi Duane! David C suspected him of being a plant on the Loose Screw forum. I'll see if I can dig up the post. I'm think David C will also claim Duane is a disinfo agent. After all, he'll accept any cockamamie theory from anyone, and never bothers to check any of the details they have told him. That means his version of the truth gets weirder and weirder, more & more complex in order to maintain his fantasy. I think there are things that even David C won't swallow... unlike Duane. Oh boy, and isn't Jack going bananas today? I guess they stopped his medication. (Hi Duane!) Or perhaps geriatric. He really is a classic example of "projection", isn't he? So many things that he claims other people do when he himself is the guilty party. My favourite is that he is the most abusive poster on the forum... but accuses everyone else of insulting behaviour. Quite amazing! Here's a really good one about Jarrah. After looking at some of this person's claims, I really do ask the question: Is he cognitively challenged? Does he check any of the claims he makes? Does he simply seek things that "look" wrong to his untrained eye and then shout "The sky is falling!"? He has demonstrated a pattern of not checking his facts, but merely making outlandish claims. (I liked his 'Jay is a self-proclaimed aerospace engineer'; might as well burn those degrees, Jay - they won't do you no good no how!) I'm trying to figure out the reasons behind his disorder. Is it because of his ego, which will not allow him to admit he might be wrong? Does he suffer from some type of authority fixation, whereby he must disbelieve anything any type of "authority" says? Or is he simply a stupid person who does not bother to research his claims before making them? Hmmm. Typing up the name brings forward some interesting results, though. Duane has admitted on a number of occasions that he does not verify any of the claims he finds; it is apparent from this that if they parallel his own views he promotes them with an almost fanatical adherence to the dogma. I don't think the term researcher can be justifiably applied to him; for the large part he simply repeats other people claims. I think it is linked to the famous "I cannot prove a damn thing, so I will slink off and ignore the thread" manoeuvre. Very popular move in the conspiracy world. Actually, you're very wrong ... The real reason I have dropped the Apollo subject on this forum is because it has gotten very old now ... I'm tired of all the ridicule .... and as I stated before, because I have no more interest posting about Apollo on a forum where someone like you is allowed to be a moderator. And in the interests of context, here is the thread where all of these insults were said.. http://apollohoax.proboards21.com/index.cg...user=obviousman
  16. What personal attack? ... You asked me a question and I answered it ... The problem is , you didn't like the answer because it shows you up for what you really are . Would you like me to copy the many insults you posted on the Apollo Hoax forum here , including the one you asked to see ? ... Or would you now like to drop the whole thing ? I decided to stop posting about Apollo here, not because of this accusation you made on the Apollo Hoax forum ... "I think it is linked to the famous "I cannot prove a damn thing, so I will slink off and ignore the thread" manoeuvre. Very popular move in the conspiracy world." But because someone like you is allowed to be a moderator on this forum.
  17. I didn't realize that one had to have read this book before posting on this thread . My apologies for the intrusion. That's great advise Mike ... but I don't believe I would have much interest in reading any more government lies, regardless of the reason.
  18. I haven't followed this thread from the beginning , so I never read any of the previous posts about the book. I was not referring to photographs ... I was strictly speaking of the survelliance video tapes belonging to several businesses surrounding the Pentagon, that were apparently confiscated by the FBI immediately after the attack ... So far the only video footage that has been released to the public , and aired for one day on TV , is the edited Pentagon tape which shows a rather small silver object that either resembles a small fighter jet or a cruise missle, hitting the side of the Pentagon at only a few feet off the ground.... From what I've been told by a few professional pilots, it's very obvious that a 757 jumbo jet could have never been flown that low to the ground by any experienced pilot, much less some muslim yahoo with only a few months of flight school training. So considering these facts, I don't believe the government's version of these attacks are the truth, as much as we might wish them to be. With all due respect Mr. Kelly, my opinions are not about this particular book, but more about the evidence which has been confiscated and then covered up by the FBI . No, I haven't read any information on that web site ... My opinion about the lack of 757 plane wreckage is more from my own observations from other plane crashes which involved jumbo jets, where huge amounts of physical evidence of the plane wreckage was left behind, including the bodies and body parts of the victims of the crashes ... Huge amounts of physical evidence that was clearly lacking at the Pentagon site after the crash. Are these the same photos that Jack has done some of his studies on ? ...If so, I have already seen them ... If not, I would be very interested in seeing them. That's a very good question ... One which I'm sure has many different theories attached to it ... and one would have to be answered by someone who knows a lot more about this subject than I do. If this book was written by one of authors of the Warren Commission, then I would have to disagree that it's even worth reading, much less discussing, and would have to classify it as just more government deception ... Just like the Warren Commission was. It still remains to be seen if the cruise missle theory is a fantasy or not ... Considering that the evidence which proves what really hit the Pentagon, has been confiscated by the FBI ( never to be seen again) we may never find out what is fantasy and what isn't .
  19. The arrogant omniscience of some founts of all knowledge is incredible to behold. All should bow down in humble submission before the almighty. As he says, some never admit they are wrong, even if they are. Behold! An example for us all! Jack Ability to admit error shows humility, or strength of character. How about retracting your claim about conduction as opposed to radiation being the only means of heat transference in the vacuum of space? After all this is the Education Forum. On the moon, ROCK C is heated by radiated heat from the sun; however such radiated heat PASSES THROUGH THE VACUUM OF SPACE WITHOUT HEATING THE VACUUM, because there are no molecules in the vacuum to be heated. ROCK C can transfer that heat only by conduction to ROCK D which is 100 feet away, because of molecular matter connecting the two rocks. Any heat radiating from ROCK C is puny compared to the sun's radiation. Jack "ROCK C " .... Don't you mean "THE C ROCK " Jack ? .... Does this heat transfer radiation also apply to paper mache prop rocks also ?
  20. Scenes from the video surveillance camera that caught the plane and impact are the first in the sequence published after page 82 of this book - Pentagon 9/11. The conspiracy was the simultanious hijackings of planes by terrorists and crash them into buildings. There are also other hi grade color glossy photos of debris and the oral history of hundreds of witnesses. Why would someone speculate about a cruise missle, or deny the airplane debre even exists? If you can't acknowledge the basic facts of the attack, you'll never understand what happened and why. BK I don't know anything about the book you have mentioned ... So for all I know it could be more government disinformation. I don't pretend to know all the facts about 9/11 , but I have read many times that the FBI immediately confiscated all of the video tapes from the surrounding businesses that showed what hit the Pentagon ... Does the book you mention deny thoses claims ? I have never seen any evidence offered anywhere which shows the amount of plane wreckage that should have been at the Pentagon site. Where were the bodies ? ... The seats ? ... The plane itself ? ..... Evan posted some photo op pictures above showing a few small pieces of wreckage ... One small piece of crumpled metal and a wheel can not possibly be all that was left of a huge 757 passenger jet . Doesn't the official version claim that the plane and the passengers bodies were all vaporized ? .... That baloney might have worked for attacks on the twin towers, but it just doesn't cut it for the Pentagon and the Shanksville, Pa. locations, where no bodies or proper amount of wreckage were ever recovered.
  21. It is an interesting article, Duane. What struck me most firmly is the fact that the people who have advanced the Nazi back-engineered a downed ET UFO story, cannot be traced. They are ghosts. This is a classic disinformation operators trick, imo... run the story and then let it be picked up and circulated until it becomes accepted as fact. David .... I finally found some time to read that article and I agree with you ( though for very different reasons) that the entire article is nothing but a load of government disinformation. Unlike you though, I believe that the alien presense on this planet is very real and that the proof of that fact has been carefully hidden from the general pulbic for decades... I also believe that some of the UFO's are of extraterrestrial origin and can not possibly be explained away as only being US military advanced stealth technology. I must admit that the apparent Nazi development of anti-gravity saucer technology appears to be a reality ... but then that evidence has only recently been released to the public, so who's to say it's not disinformation also ? This subject has gotten so confusing as to what is real and what isn't , that unfortunately the real truth about any of this will probably never be known ... and that's exactly how the powers that be want to keep it .
  22. If a 757 passenger jet really hit the Pentagon ( as the official version claims ) then why did the FBI immediately confiscate all of the video evidence that would have proven that claim ?... The owners of the various businesses, which were near the Penatgon, stated that their survellience cameras captured what hit the building ... Yet all of these tapes were grabbed by the FBI right after the attack, and none of them have ever been released to the public . You would think with all the "conspiracy theories" taking over the internet, about a small cruise missle really hitting the Pentagon instead of a passenger jet, that the US government and the FBI would be anxious to prove that the official version of the 9/11 attacks are true ...But instead, they continue to hide the evidence that would prove what really hit the Pentagon. If that's not proof of a conspiracy and a cover-up , I don't know what is.
  23. THE BAIT GOES ON ( sung to the tune of ' The Beat Goes On' by Sonny and Cher ) Chorus: THE BAIT GOES ON , THE BAIT GOES ON DAVE KEEPS POSTING MORE BAIT ON THIS THREAD LA DE DA DE DE ... LA DE DA DE DA EVAN THINKS THE HOAX IS DEAD, UH HUH HE BELIEVED ALL NASA SAID , UH HUH LAMSON THINKS ALL HOAXERS ARE NAMED TED JACK KEEPS FIGHTING FOR THE TRUTH INSTEAD Chorus: AND THE BAIT GOES ON , THE BAIT GOES ON DAVE KEEPS POSTING MORE BAIT ON THIS THREAD LA DE DA DE DE ... LA DE DA DE DA AND THE BAIT GOES ON , THE BAIT GOES ON ... AND ON AND ON AND ON ..... It's been real fun kids, but this subject has gotten really old now ... So let's all just agree to disagree and move on. "To the Moon and Beyond !!! " (Buzz Lightyear)
  24. That sounds like not only a complete cop out, but also Evan speak for ... "I have no explaination or rebuttal as to why the numbers 13:13, April the 13th, or 33 have such significance in the Apollo 13 myth." 55hours ....54minutes ...53seconds ... BLAST OFF ! ... WE HAVE A BLAST OFF OF THE APOLLO 13 OXYGEN TANK IN DEEP SPACE !!! Oh dear, do you think our "heros" will get home alive !?!? .. After all , they are 239,000 miles out in the intense cosmic radiation of deep space, with not much air left to breathe in their space craft !!! ... And Fred says that it's FREEZING in the LM because of the lack of power !! Ermm, I guess Fred forgot to get with his pal Al Beano, who stated that a LM without power would be 250 % fahrenheit in the vacuum of deep space . Funny how those Apollo astronots never could get any of their moon stories straight, isn't it ? .... I guess that's why they were the perfect candidates to work for the NEVER A STRAIGHT ANSWER gang. Are we done yet, or would you like to toss out some more bait to the CT who "seems incapable of learning" ? Incapable of learning what ? .. Your version of the Apollo Program ? ... No thanks ... I prefer the truth.
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