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Duane Daman

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Posts posted by Duane Daman

  1. If Jack thought he was wrong , I'm sure he would say so ... but his claim of "NO PHOTOGRAPHER CAN STAND BESIDE HIS OWN SHADOW " is correct .

    I hope no one minds me changing the subject here , but I was just wondering if "Mr. Light " or anyone else might be able to answer this question about the darkness of shadows on the Moon .

    This quote comes from one of nasa's self serving web sites ...

    "Truly, moon shadows aren't absolutely black. Sunlight reflected from the moon's gently rounded terrain provides some feeble illumination, as does the Earth itself, which is a secondary source of light in lunar skies. Given plenty of time to adapt, an astronaut could see almost anywhere. "


    And here is what Jack has determined with some of his recent analysis .

    I have done chroma analysis of other shadows, as you mention, ( * astronauts ) and they are

    the DARKEST BLACK things in the photos. When the RGB chroma scale is reduced

    to zero, the shadows remain...a dense black...as if filled in. Sufficiently lightened,

    SOME DETAIL SHOULD REMAIN, such as pebbles or rocks...but I have not found

    any yet. So SOME shadows are extremely dense...but others are not.


    How can this anomaly be explained , aside from the obvious ? ... Like possibly the astronot's shadows were artifically blacked in , just like the faked black nasa 'lunar' sky .

  2. I personally hope that Dan Rather wins his lawsuit against CBS ... The White House witch hunt which cost him his career ( and I'm sure many other things ) really occured because Rather had Bush's number ... I guess accusing a moronic buffoon of a president , who stole the last two elections , a draft dodging coward also , was more information that the American public was allowed to know about .

    The fact that Bush rarely ever showed up for his Texas Air National Guard duty was a complete disgrace , considering that was his daddy's way of keeping him from being drafted to fight in Viet Nam .

  3. Jack, that image is not from 9:04am. Tom Clancy was on CNN later in the day, well after both towers collapsed, and they were showing video of the collapses while he was on. Note how it says 'earlier' on the video. I haven't found the whole interview yet, but here is part of it:


    Right at the end of this clip you can see the dust cloud in question clearly being formed by the collapse of WTC2. Can anyone find the full interview with Tom Clancy so we can see Jack's screenshot in context?

    Len's and your deliberate misinformation would be scary if it wasn't so pathetically ridiculous ...

    I do believe you owe Jack an apology , phunk ... You too Colby .

    "Explosion at WTC Complex

    Despite the fact that the horrible events of Sept. 11 occurred in broad daylight and were widely photographed, significant aspects of the attacks have been completely suppressed by a media blackout.

    Exclusive to American Free Press

    By Christopher Bollyn

    A massive explosion, witnessed by millions of television viewers on CNN, evidently devastated World Trade Center 6, the eight-story U.S. Customs building, although no national newspaper, other than American Free Press, has written a word about it.

    Before the smoke had cleared from around the stricken South Tower, a mysterious explosion shot 550 feet into the air above the U.S. Customs House at WTC 6.

    The unexplained blast occurred between the burning North Tower and the 47-story Salomon Brothers Building, known as WTC 7, immediately after United Airlines Flight 175 smashed into the South Tower, at about 9:03 a.m.

    The explosion at WTC 6 was shown afterward on CNN. But because it was not broadcast as it happened there has been some confusion about when it actually occurred.

    The large amount of smoke seen cascading around the South Tower in the video led some observers to mistake the blast for a dust cloud from the subsequent collapse of the tower.


    American Free Press contacted CNN to determine exactly when the footage was filmed.

    CNN’s Public Affairs Department confirmed that the explosion shown in the footage occurred immediately after the second plane had crashed into the South Tower. When asked if the footage was taken at 9:04 a.m., the CNN archivist said “that’s correct.”

    When asked if CNN could offer any explanation about what might have caused the blast that soared higher than the 47-story WTC 7 in the foreground, the archivist said: “We can’t figure it out.”

    The affected space between WTC 7 and the North Tower was occupied by the Customs House building, also known as WTC 6. The building housed the offices of 760 employees of the Customs Service, a part of Treasury. Other federal

    agencies had offices in the building, including the Departments of Commerce, Agriculture, Labor, and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. They did not return calls to AFP about the matter.

    A spokesman for the Export-Import Bank of the United States, which had an office with four employees on the sixth floor of the Customs House, confirmed the time of the explosion and told AFP that the employees had survived and been relocated. One private company, Eastco Building Services, Inc., reportedly leased space in the building.

    Some 800 workers from WTC 6 were safely evacuated within 12 minutes of the first plane hitting the North Tower at about 8:46 a.m., according to a Sept. 18 Washington Post article by Stephen Barr.

    The Barr piece is the only known article published about WTC 6. However, Barr failed to mention the explosion that apparently devastated the building just minutes after the workers had escaped with their lives.


    Although the Customs House apparently exploded at 9:04 a.m., the government-sponsored investigation was steered away from looking into what had actually happened.

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency funded an investigation by the American Society of Civil Engineers. However, investigators were reportedly blocked from the building by an order from the New York City’s Department.

    of Design and Construction .

    Kenneth Holden is commissioner of the DDC, having been appointed by the former mayor, Rudolph Giuliani on Dec. 7, 1999.

    Regarding the investigation of WTC 4, 5, and 6, FEMA’s “Building Performance” report says, “WTC 5 was the only building accessible for observation.” But, it adds, “the observations, findings, and recommendations are assumed to be applicable to all three buildings.”

    A spokesman for FEMA told AFP that because the building was considered by DDC to be “very dangerous,” there was “no data collection” from WTC 6.

    Dr. Gene Corley, one of the engineers who led the investigation, told AFP that concerns about loose gold bullion and cash prevented investigators from entering WTC 4.

    The FEMA report says, “The buildings [4,5,6] responded as expected to the impact loadings.” Although the report says, “most of the central part of WTC 6 suffered collapse on all floors,” it adds, “damage was consistent with the observed impact load.”

    The Customs House had a huge crater in its center. Corley told AFP that he had not seen the CNN photos before and called them “interesting.”

    Corley, like other experts, thought the damage at WTC 6 was caused by the collapse of the North Tower. However, not one of the experts could recall seeing the CNN footage before.

    A spokesman for the Customs Service told AFP, “It did not blow up. When the tower collapsed it caved in.”

    Corley said he had not seen the photos of the extremely high-speed missile-like object seen streaking toward WTC 6 from behind the North Tower as the second plane hit the South Tower.

    He noted that parts of the plane’s landing gear and an engine passed through the South Tower, and landed several blocks away.

    These objects, however, had a distinctly different trajectory from the streaking missile-like object. Another investigator, Jonathan Barnett, told AFP, “The debris from Tower 2 hit Building 5, not 6.”


  4. Also note that the one with the debris pile that's below street level is the shortest of the buildings listed. The problem with your numbers there is that you're measuring the height of the debris pile from street level, not from the bottom of the pile. ALL of the piles started at the basement depth of the respective buildings, all but wtc6 piled up high enough for the pile to be above street level. WTC6, being only 8 stories tall, didn't have enough debris to pile up above street level.

    I guess you didn't bother to read the rest of the article then and check out the HOT SPOTS which could NOT have been cause by "falling debris " .


    Thermal images from September 16, 2001 show hot spots in the WTC 6 crater which persisted until at least September 18, 2001 as referenced by the composite illustration (below).



  5. There was no explosion in wtc6 and nothing was vaporized. It's quite obvious from the pictures that large amounts of debris fell on top of 6 and it partially collapsed.

    Wrong again "Phunkytowel" ... Read and learn something besides the governnment propaganda you insist on swallowing .

    HOUR ONE: Dr Mark Sircus Ac, OMD --> ELECTRODINE - THYROID & MITOCHONDRIAL REJUVENATION and NUCLEAR DETOXIFICATION -- Preparation for Nuclear Radiation from Dirty Bombs or Nuclear War

    Electrodine Ionic Thyroid Iodine & Mitochondrial Health Super Support

    HOUR TWO: PROOF OF micro NUKES AT WTC 1, 2 & 7 Government DEMOLITION!

    Update: The US Government’s Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTCBy Ed Ward, MD

    03/18/07 Update: The US Government’s Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTCBy Ed Ward, MD The Mysterious Craters:

    A thorough examination the debris of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings reveals further evidence of massive power and heat - a thermonuclear blast. WTC 6 was 8 stories high. The total height of its central debris of the crater was about 30 to 50 feet below sea level and about 120 feet wide. Eight stories of building collapses and leaves a hole at least 30 feet deep.

    Light Detection and Ranging - LIDAR displays from NOAA - Dark Green = 0 to -30 feet. Another LIDAR map shows the central portion depth of WTC 6 in the range of -35 to -55 feet. Besides the crater in WTC 6, note the two craters that surround WTC 1 (perimeters are 30 feet deep and 250 to 300 feet wide) and WTC 2 (perimeters are 30 feet deep and more than 300 feet wide - some overlapping of the explosions). WTC 1 - 110 stories tall - debris pile 6 stories with a 30 feet crater surrounding it. WTC 2 - 110 stories tall - debris pile 6 stories high with a 30 feet crater surrounding it. WTC 3 (Marriott) - 22 stories tall - debris pile 3 stories. WTC 4 - 9 stories tall - debris pile 3 stories (the only building that is even close to its correct debris height). WTC 6 - 8 stories tall - debris pile MINUS 3 stories. WTC 7 - 47 stories tall - debris pile 7 stories. The New York times has a crude interactive map placing the crater depth at -30 feet. According to the official story, beams from WTC 1 collapsed the building. However, the collapse did not make a debris pile. It made a debris hole. (BTW, no supposed unspecified vague ‘scalar’ weapon can make these massive craters beneath intact debris.)


  6. I already answered your question .. I really don't care where the stagehands and technitions placed the Apollo spotlight on the set .

    So how about answering my question now ? ... Where is your proof that the alleged astronot photographer was standing on higher ground, or to use your words , on a slope , when that photo was taken ? ... I thought that you never posted evidence that you couldn't back up with empiricle proof ... Even if only in your own mind .. :ice

    Come on Duane old bean! The evidence is in the photo itself! The fact that you can see the top of the astronaut's helmet is evidence that the camera is higher, hence the astronaut taking the photo is higher! They're in a crater, so either the astronaut taking the picture is higher up the slope, or the other astronaut is bending down slightly. If Jack or yourself wants to believe this is because someone decided to use a tripod, knock yourself out, but it's purely based on faith and not empirical evidence.

    You don't care where the light source is? You don't care about actually studying the evidence? Yet you blindly claim that Jack White and David Percy have proved that the photos are fakes? What if they are wrong? Shouldn't you be holding them to the same kind of critical standards that you hold APollo evidence to? Jack is wrong in this study, deep down I think you KNOW he's wrong about the direction of the light source which is why you're trying to wriggle out of answering. You'd have far more credibility if you acknowledged he made an error with this study, but still support most of his studies.

    Yes, I already knew that the camera was higher than the subject being photographed ... Jack already mentioned that , thank you ... What I wanted to know was why was it higher ?... Your answer was that it was because the astronot taking the picture was standing on a slope , but you still haven't provided any proof that the photographer was standing on a slope , or that the reflection in the visor was the real photographer .

    My opinion as to where the light source is coming from in this photograph doesn't matter in the slightest ... You just want me to disagree with Jack about this in some respect ( any respect ) to make it look like you are right and he is wrong and I don't have a clue , or are just defending him because we have the same beliefs about Apollo .... Well, I 'm very sorry , but I'm really not interested in playing this silly game of yours and Lamson's .

    Don't ever presume to know what I'm thinking , or what I believe about this study or any other study of Jack's ... I have already stated that I don't always agree with Jack White or David Percy about every single piece of evidence they produce , but that doesn't by any stretch of the imagination mean that I disagee with their position about the official Apollo photographic record ... I have no doubt whatsoever that the Apollo photographs were faked on Lunar sets right here on Earth , and done so in many different ways .

    But if it makes you and Lamson feel better to believe that I'm completely ignornant about photography, or that I have been duped by these two gentlemen in some respect , then by all means , go ahead and believe it .

    So with that said ... Let's have some fun ! Wadda ya say ??

    Craig ... I have saved the best for last , and just for you my dear chum ! .... Here is your very own LAND ON THE MOON GAME !!! ... How kewl is that !?!

    The whole family can play too ! ... Or of you don't have a big family , then invite your many friends over to join in on the fun ... Or if you don't have any friends ( I just can't imagine that though :idea ) , then you can play all by yourself with your imaginary Apollo astronot buddies ! :unsure:


  7. Not you too Len! Letting facts get in the way of fantasy.

    Ecker tells us it was 'pull' the building.

    Never mind you can't find that anywhere in print or video....

    the fantasy MUST continue...worldview demands it!

    Talk about living in a fantasy ! ... You and Colby both live in La La land when it comes to defending the official government 's BS version of the 9/11 attacks .

    Larrry Silverstein said that they decided to "pull it" on tape .... He was CAUGHT ON TAPE saying that !.... It is no fantasy , but rather a very unfortunate reality that 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by the elite , who have profitted litterly billions of dollars by orchestrating this false flag operation .

  8. I already answered your question .. I really don't care where the stagehands and technitions placed the Apollo spotlight on the set .

    So how about answering my question now ? ... Where is your proof that the alleged astronot photographer was standing on higher ground, or to use your words , on a slope , when that photo was taken ? ... I thought that you never posted evidence that you couldn't back up with empiricle proof ... Even if only in your own mind .. :idea

  9. Hey Dave ... Since Kevin ( aka: "phunk", aka : "phunkytowel" ) wants to go along with you and Evan and Jack on your google Moon challenge trip into the cosmic void of deep space , he is gonna need a very kewl astronot space costume too .

    So I found this one for the "phunkster" , to keep him safe in all that deadly radiation .... I sure hope he likes it ! :unsure:


    Who knew that nasa bought all their Apollo Moon stuff on Ebay !?! :idea

    * Edited to add .... Oh sorry , I got so excited about "phunky's" new suit that I forgot to answer your question .... I agree with Jack ... The Apollo photographs showing astronots are studio fakes , regardless of where the spotlight "Sun" was placed ..

  10. Wait a minute ! .... That was "Pete" BEFORE his trip through the thousands of miles of intense radiation of the Van Allen belts , his voyage into the deadly cosmic ray radiation of deep space and his stroll on the completely radioactive Lunar surface .

    Here's what he looks like now !!! ... Oh my gosh , Ralph Rene' was right all along !!!! :idea


  11. [Tagging along .... and posting distractions ... what rule was htat again?

    Er, I think maybe number 18 . :unsure:

    Craig , you are sooooooooooo much fun ! ... I bet you have loads of friends just knocking down your door to spend some time with you .. :idea

    Hey , I didn't mean to leave you out of the fun and I sure wouldn't want you to pick up your toys and go home ... So here is your very own " Pete" Conrad astronot space doll ! .... You should have lots of fun with this one .

    Pete looks pretty good for a guy who got fried alive flying through the Van Allen belts and then burned to a crisp , strolling around the radioactive Lunar surface for several hours , don't you think ? .. :ice


  12. Jack has made the assumption that both astronauts are stood on level ground and are of the same height. However, both astronauts are inside Sharp Crater when the photo was taken - the astronaut taking the photo is simply further up the slope.

    Where is the proof that the astronot , allegedly taking this photo, was on higher ground ? .. The " Sharp Crater" link you provided mentioned nothing about a slope .

    I don't need to prove that he is on higher ground. Sorry to harp on about it again, but the burden of proof lies with someone alleging that this photo is faked to prove it.

    That's what I thought ... Thanks for your typical Apollo apologist reply .

    But hey , let's not have any hard feeling ok ? ... I think we should all help out you and Evan with your trip to the Moon project !

    Here's an idea I had about the design . :idea .. I know it's not very practical , as it only allows for one geek to fly to the Moon at a time , so maybe you can tweak it a tad to get all four of you oboard ! ..."Phunkytowel "wants to go now too !!

    Up up and away in my new Moon mobile !!


  13. There is a vast difference between "running away" and not being interested in rehashing an old argument.

    If you're not interested, the answer is to stay out of the thread, not to try to change the subject of someone else's discussion.

    Phunk ! ... My dear friend ! ... I didn't know that someone died and made you god of the Education Forum ... I thought that freedom of speech was still alive and well and allowed on the internet at least , and that I could post comments wherever I wanted to , as long as they don't break the forum rules .. :)

    In the spirit of us all getting along now , having a good time and remembering our childhoods , I found the perfect fun thing just for you .

    I'm sorry .. I didn't mean to leave you out of Evan's , Dave's and Jack's trip to the Moon in their new Moon mobile ... Hey , maybe Jack can scoot over a bit and make some room for you in the back !! ... and while you're making your very boring journey to the Moon, through that uninteresting STARLESS sky , here's a coloring book to keep you occupied during the ride .

    I think the title of the book may have some secret cryptic meaning , don't you ? ... Like possibly referring to all of the Apollo astronots who were forced to lie for nasa . :ph34r:


  14. Jack has made the assumption that both astronauts are stood on level ground and are of the same height. However, both astronauts are inside Sharp Crater when the photo was taken - the astronaut taking the photo is simply further up the slope.

    Where is the proof that the astronot , allegedly taking this photo, was on higher ground ? .. The " Sharp Crater" link you provided mentioned nothing about a slope .

  15. He simply does not understand the subject matter at hand.

    I guess the truth hurts.

    Craig thinks that if he repeats that sentence often enough it will make it true .... I understand the subject matter at hand just fine ... but I will recap it for you incase you don't .

    Apollo was a photographic hoax .... The Apollo photographs were not taken on the Moon .... Jack White , Davd Percy and many other conspiracy researchers have proven this many times over ... You can't and never will accept this as being the truth , along with most people who were duped by nasa during their Apollo Project.

    So yes, I guess the truth does hurt .... It hurts everyone , regardless of what they believe .

  16. What's the matter Craig ? ... Has your character assassination thread gone a tad off topic !?! :ph34r:

    David Percy wouldn't wipe his boots on you , much less waste his valuable time arguing with a closed minded disinformation artist who posts nothing but venom.

    You really do need to lighten up old boy ... Having such negative feelings towards your fellow man really isn't good for your health .. Mental or physical ... and from what you've said , and from what I've observed here on this forum , your mental and physical health is aready in a bit of trouble . :)

  17. Talking about kewl stuff we wish we had as kids ... Looky what else I found for you boys ... A very awesome vintage astronaut dime bank ! ... That's right kids ... Now you will have a place where you can save up all your money to build that very important Moon mobile , which will take you both ( and Jack too if you will let him go along to analyse the photos you boys will take ) to the Lunar surface ! .... To the Moon and beyond !!! :ph34r:


  18. Jack ... How did you figure out that it was a fake !?!? ... You are correct !

    As a professional antiques dealer ( not to be confused with a professional photographer or a professional debunker of all Apollo hoax evidence ) , I know my authentic astronot collectibles when I see them ... So since you were able to spot that Evan's box is a fake ( dead give away was that fake Sun right in the middle of the box ) , you will now receive the grand prize of this very kewl original astronot lunch box , complete with it's original thermous !


    Say , maybe you could join Dave and Evan on their Moon trip now !! ... I bet they could enlarge the design of their moon mobile so you could ride along with them and give your expert opinion as to whether the photos they take on the Lunar surface are real or not !!

  19. Wow Dave , that was some of the best think tank pretend debunk evidence you have ever posted here ! ... And look at all the trouble you saved Craig too ... Lucky for him that Langley contacted you first .... :ph34r:

    And since you did such a fine job with this one , here is your 1st place prize from the Ames Research Center ( the home of the faked Apollo photography )

    It's your very own geek lunch box and thermous to take on your google challenge moon trip with Evan !


  20. My guess would be the plane that was shot down over Shanksville, Pa . was headed for this building.

    It's obvious that it was pulled ... Especially after Silverstein let it slip out on tape that he told the firemen to go ahead and "pull it", and then collected billions of dollars in insurance money because it was destroyed by "terrorism " ... and "pull it" does NOT mean pull the firefighters out of the building !

    The fact that building 7 was wired to implode is some of the best evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

  21. Intercepting and holding Apollo Hoax emails and images for 48 hours? Not credible

    Whew , what a relief !! :ph34r:

    But don't you think it just a bit odd that the only e-mail affected in Jack's account were those about the Apollo hoax evidence to both David Percy and myself ? ... Your explaination , as much as I would like to believe it , just doesn't make sense in this respect ... If it was a bot attack , then why wasn't his entire account affected and his other contact's e-mails and addresses deleted ?

    Sorry, but the government can and does hack into e-mail ... especially if they think it may be something which may expose their many lies.

  22. There is a vast difference between "running away" and not being interested in rehashing an old argument.

    Second, Jack is not being dishonest by cropping the pictures ... He shows the foreground in question, which is the point of his study .... Believe it or not , I was actually smart enough to look at the high resolution photos also, before making up my mind about this study.

    Third, no one is misleading me because I'm not a professional photographer or because I think they are experts .... My own eyes see the anomalies in the faked Apollo photos just fine .

    Finally , I don't doubt that foot traffic can obliterate tracks in surfaces such as a Lunar set .. I just don't think in this particular case that the bootprints and moonset dust would have obliterated all of Chitty's tire tracks .... :ph34r:

  23. [He has also stated that this one study by White, if incorrect does not prove the Apollo photography was not fake, and that there aer many oother proofs that prove beyond a doubt that the images are fake. This begs the question, How would Daman know? He relies on the the statements of peolple like White and Percy to think for him. My study that started this thread as well as the work of others has shown that White and Percy have a very weak understanding of even the very basics of photography or they are intentionally misleading the reader.

    Daman's confidence rests on very shaky ground.

    Ah poor Craig ... He's just not happy unless he's ridiculing those he fears .... David Percy and Jack White are internationally famous for exposing nasa's Apollo photographic fraud , and he's just one little egotistical photographer living in the boondocks of the midwest ... Otherwise known as Jumpoff Place , Indiana .

    I have a mind of my own when it comes to Apollo and have been studying this subject long before I ever heard of Jack White or David Percy , or saw their Aulis site .... and as much as I admire them both for what they are doing in exposing the faked Apollo photography , I don't always agree with them ... So Craig's unkind remark, claiming that I rely on the statements of people like White and Percy to think for me , is a lie .

    All Craig has done by starting this thread is to continue to character assassinate Jack and David with his game of "one up" on the conspiracy researchers and has reminded us all what a mean and hateful little man he really is ( as if any of us needed reminding ) .. For a guy who's in his 50's , this game is very immature .

    BTW , Jack has also had some other strange things happen with his e-mail this week ... My e-mails and e-mail address being somehow deleted from his account was one of them ... and I find that rather odd , as I am no one that any government stooge should be concerned about .... or am I ?

    But if Craig considers Jack and David and me to be "Larry Curly and Moe" , then I will consider myself very lucky to be in such good company ... I am proud to know them both and I am proud to have sent them both hoax evidence which they have used in their studies.

    My confidence in Percy and White's work , which proves that the official Apollo photograpic record was faked , does not rest on shaky ground at all ... It rests on very solid ground .

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