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Duane Daman

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Everything posted by Duane Daman

  1. Okay Dave, or anyone else who might be interested ... How about addressing just a couple more photos then before we drop this thread for good . I posted this photo early on in this thread but you managed to skim right past it without much comment ... Would you care now to give an explanation as to why there are no bootprints leading up to where Bean took his alleged walk around the crater ? ... Why does it look like he is dangling from a cable wire and his bootprints look as if he had been lowered in place to do a little dance for this photo op ? Maybe lamson would like to answer this one .... I know ! ... I bet this has something to do with the INVERSE SQUARE LAW !! AS12-49-7213
  2. I know that you and Jay Utah are masters of disinformation when it comes to the Apollo debacle .... You both enjoy nit picking every little detail as a means of distracing from the larger issues .... I am not a photographer so to throw out phrases like "inverse square" is just part of your silly mind games .. It's the old , let's make the conspicy guy look like an idiot and me look like I know what I'm talking about routine .... Yep , you and Jay and everyone who defends nasa , are masters when it comes to many things .... Especially disinformation and distraction tactics . And after watching you and Jay and some of the others in action , I am even more convinced that something is just not well with Apollo ... and most definately not well with the official Apollo photographic record .
  3. Nice trick lamson ... You TWISTED and BENT your body around to get your shadow off to the side of these pictures ... The apollo astronots did not do these contortions but were rather standing perfectly erect and facing forward , yet their shadows are way to the side of some of the phony Apollo photos ... When you are standing straight , your shadow is in the CENTER of your photo ! And you have the nerve to call Jack deceptive ? .... Pretty sneaky stuff their mr. professional photographer .
  4. Right you are Dave ... We will always have to agree to disagree about the faked Apollo photos .... When I look at photos that are missing lunar buggy tire tracks , I think ... wow , they forgot to put the tracks in these photos ... When you see these photos you say ... wow , those astronots sure did kick up a boat load of dust ... and every time they did , they somehow managed to cover up ALL of the tire tracks in the process ! ... How about that !
  5. Steve .... Even though Tom Baron's death was ruled a suicide , not many people excepted that explanation .... He was not so distraught over the fact that the Apollo craft were unflyable that he would have killed himself over it and taken his wife and daughter with him in the process ... What an insult to everyone's intelligence to make the outrageous claim that their deaths were suicides . Evan ... You do know that Baron's verbal testomony given to the nasa committee was not the same as his 500 page detailed report which was completed after he testified . This damaging report against the Apollo Program was in his briefcase , which was in the car with Baron and his family when they all decided to kill themselves on the railroad tracks in front of an oncoming train .... But after the car was hit , all three bodies were found in the car but somehow the briefcase containing this 500 page report against nasa , somehow managed to just get up and walk away ! Mr. TEAGUE: With the conditions you pictured here, do you think we could be successful in any of our shots? Mr. BARON: No, sir. No, sir. I don't think so. He didn't sound so confused to me ...
  6. Steve ... Why do you believe these panoramas are real ? .... Did you take a good look at them ? ... They are so obviously moon sets ... and of all the phony looking Apollo photos , I would have to say that these are some of the phoniest looking of all .... Planets don't look like what these photos depict .... Not even small one's with no atmosphere . Dave ... I know that you are very impressed with your mountain photos showing a lighting change ... but I don't think anyone ever answered the question as to whether this was even possible on the moon with such a long lunar day . Steve said he knew the answer about the movement of the terminator line on the moon at noon , or some such thing , but then never explained what he he meant by that question . I must admit though that of all the phony looking Apollo photos , this one does look at tad more realistic ... and I also noticed that there is no astronot in the photo either ... Hmmmm .... Something else to think about ... Phony mixed with real perhaps ? .... With nasa and their very questionable Apollo Program , I guess anything is possible .
  7. Jack ... Sorry for not giving you credit for your studies ... I was in a hurry when I posted these photos and just wasn't thinking . Well, it comes as no surprise at all that the only explanation the hoax deniers have mananged to come up with again is the same lame excuse that was offered before when no tire tracks showed up in the other buggy photos .... Do you really believe that the astronots kicked up enough dust to cover all of the tracks in all of these photos , or is that just the standard clavius and Bad Astronomy reply ? As far as the whistle clean mesh on the tires , it's pretty obvious that this tire never drove on the rocky , sticky moon soil ... If it had , the wire mesh part of the tires would have shown evidence of having tiny jagged moon rocks wedged in it ... These buggys were clearly just props on a moon set and were never driven anywhere at all ... In fact , considering the very narrow wheel base , the silly looking things would have tiped right over in 1/6 g . anyway .
  8. "Photos were taken with a Canon 5D, full frame 35mm format digital camera with a Sigma 12mm to 24mm zoom lens at 12mm. " Well that explains the mystery then ! You took your photographs with a modern , state of the art , Canon 5D full frame digital camera with a Sigma 12mm to 24mm zoom lens at 12mm , outside on planet Earth . The Apollo astronots took their photos with 38 year old Hassleblad chest mounted no view finder not enough F stops clumsy ancient cameras, inside on moon sets ! But here's an even bigger mystery than the mysterious off center astro-actor's shadows .... How did Elvis get on the moon set with the Apollo astronauts gone wild, when he was suppossed to be making that "Girls Gone Wild " movie on the stage set next door ? (borrowed from one of the game players on the UM forum )
  9. Oh , I guess I didn't make myself abundantly clear enough the third time then . Jones is right and you are wrong because he explained that the proper balance of master and slave lights would not cause multiple shadows on the moon sets .... Obviously you didn't recreate what he described , but only think you did with your silly flashlights demonstration . Huge arc lights as in; multiple lights for multiple moon sets .... or in other words : one arc light per set or photo shoot . Watch 'What Happened on the Moon' and you will see where Percy provides evidence that the hot spots, irregular shadows of the astronots and the overly large 'sun' reflection in the astronot's visors were all caused by a huge arc light , or in other words ; ARTIFICIAL STAGE LIGHTING ! This large artificial light is most obvious in the Apollo 12 photo shoots , where the big spotlight was only a few feet above the moon set floor . And finally, I have no experience in creating lighting for a photoset but I sure tell the difference between a painted mountain backdrop a few feet away from the subject , from a real mountain , miles away from the subject . And HOW DOW THE LAW OF THE INVERSE SQUARE apply to studio lighting?
  10. Okay ... here's my detailed reply . Dr. Jones is right and you are wrong .... and I have already explained why . David Percy has studied the Apollo photography extensively and determined and proven that it was all was staged using huge arc lights on the moon sets to represent the sun ... Jack white has done the same . If you look at the phony Apollo panoramas I just posted here , you will be able to see this huge spotlight for yourself . Or do you think those phony photos may really be the real sun on the real moon ? .. If so , then maybe Dr. Jones , David Percy and Jack White need to teach you a few things ... Like the fact that the Apollo photos are all moon set fakes !
  11. In the Apollo 17 photos below , it is evident that not only are the lunar buggy tire tracks missing in this photo also , but that the rear tire of the buggy has no dirt on it .... Especially on the mesh area which should have picked up the tiny jagged rocks and sticky moon dust which make up the lunar surface .. AS17-137-20979
  12. If I went to the moon I wouldn't be quite as eager to get outside , as I would be to see if the launch button was working properly, to get me off the dang moon and on my way back home again .
  13. If your empirical debunking consists of pointing two lights from opposite directions at two flashlights on a table to show that the lights cause multiple shadows of the flashlights , then I would consider that to be lame . Dr Jones' ( was it Nathan or Neville ) explained that the proper balance of master and slave lighting would not create multiple shadows and you did nothing to debunk his evidence ... If only one huge spotlight or arc light was used to represent the sun on the moon set , then there wouldn't be any multiple shadows anyway .
  14. Click on the links below to take a spin on Apollo's moon ..... Right click and pull your mouse to the left or right to see the show and turn on your sound to listen to the silly dialogue and songs .. "We Were Strolling on the Moon One Day" The mission numbers are listed at the top of the screen ... Click on each one to view this unbelievable fraud or use the links below. Here we get to see all six of the Apollo moon sets in their full panoramic glory ... It doesn't get any more fake than this folks . Apollo 11 moon set . http://www.panoramas.dk/moon/apollo-11.html Apollo 12 moon set . http://www.panoramas.dk/moon/apollo-12.html Apollo 14 moon set . http://www.panoramas.dk/moon/apollo-14.html Apollo 15 moon set . http://www.panoramas.dk/moon/apollo-15.html Apollo 16 moon set . http://www.panoramas.dk/moon/apollo-16.html Apollo 17 moon set and silly song . http://www.panoramas.dk/moon/apollo-17.html
  15. Dave ... The only thing I'm afraid of at this point is your Bad Astronomy mentality and your inability to see that there are NO TIRE TRACKS in any of these photos ... Not even the one's you posted to do a "test" on .
  16. Well it looks like I'm the one who can't keep the Jones' straight . ... That's what I get for always being in a hurry . But as far as posting errors go , you are still wrong because neither Nathan or Neville have been debunked by anyone here .... Especially by you and the drivil you posted in your lame attempts to do so .
  17. I believe I posted about this on the WOS right after Neil's book came out .... So when and if they ever get back online I will see if I can find the discussion again ... That is if it's still there ... A lot of their pages were torn out when the site was hacked again and their server defaced . I wouldn't necessarily consider what I read as being so much an error on the part of the author , but rather a blunder on nasa's part for not relating the original EVA timeline story .
  18. Like Jack just posted .... The VERY MINUTE either he or I post here , you or one of the other nasa flunkies are right behind us on the attack ... What a pathetic life you must lead . The article was not written by Nathan Jones , it was written by Dr. Neville Jones and his credentials have been proven . So maybe it's time that you corrected your postings ... "In other words, your vaunted "Dr." Nathan Jones has just taken you for a ride and you are none the wiser." You always did get Nathan and Neville mixed up didn't you ? But that's okay , we all make mistakes sometimes ... Even those who think they know everything ... Like you for instance .
  19. Dave ... No I'm certain the text I read about them taking their scheduled nap was when they first landed .... I was so amazed by what I read that I even took some notes so I could discuss it on the forum I was posting on at the time ... I think I even wrote down some of the dialogue from the book . I remember that afternoon at Barnes and Noble ... I was sitting across from my girlfriend and literally jumped out of my seat when I read it , saying gottcha !!! ... because I remembered the Parkes story was completely different . There is a possiblity that I read this in a different book but I thought it was Armstrong's biography ... I had six books on Apollo stacked up on the table and was rushing through most of them because my girlfriend was feeling ignored and getting antsy ... The reason I remember reading that they claimed to have taken their nap was not only because it was a complete contradiction to the Parkes version of the EVA timeline but I couldn't imagine being the first humans to ever land on another planet and then not rushing out onto the surface of that planet as fast as possible .... I thought , there's no way they would be able to sleep under these circumstances if they were really on the moon ! But as you well know , I don't believe they were ever really on the moon , so the story of them taking a scheduled nap came as no great surprise . Anyhoo .... Evan has proven that this info didn't come from the book I thought it had .... So I guess that's the end of that .... Unless I can manage to find the book it was in .... and after all this time , the odds are not very good at that happening .
  20. I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or not, but you do realise that the "...these babies are huge!" bit comes from a mockumentry called ALTERNATIVE 3? If these alleged Apollo voice transmissions originally came for 'Alternative 3' it doesn't look as if too many people know that ..... Not only does this disinformation dialogue appear on many UFO conspiracy sites but even the author Timothy Goode in his book 'Above Top Secret ' , made the ridiculous claim that these Apollo 11 radio transmissions were picked up by literally hundreds of amatuer ham radio operators .... But for some strange reason none of these imaginary ham operators have ever come foward to confirm this information. Here's the transcript from one of the sites .... Looks like some of the Apollo hoax researchers are even pushing this BS . Apollo 11: "I say that there were other spaceships!" Apollo 11, with Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin was the first Apollo flight to land on the Moon, on July 20, 1969. While Collins flew in orbit around the Moon in the command module, Armstrong and Aldrin descended in the lunar module, landing in the Sea of Tranquillity at 4:17 P.M. According to hitherto un-confirmed reports, both Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after that historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969. I remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a "light" in or on a crater during the television transmission, followed by a request from mission control for further information. Nothing more was heard. The following astonishing conversation was picked up by ham radio operators that had their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets. At this time, the live television broadcast was interrupted for two minutes due to a supposed "overheated camera", but the transmission below was received loud and clear by hundreds of ham radio operators: According to Otto Binder, who was a member of the NASA space team, when the two moon-walkers, Aldrin and Armstrong were making their rounds some distance from the LEM, Armstrong clutched Aldrin's arm excitedly and exclaimed: Armstrong: What was it? What the hell was it? That's all I want to know!" Mission Control: What's there?... malfunction (garble) ... Mission Control calling Apollo 11 ... Apollo 11: These babies were huge, sir!... Enormous!... Oh, God! You wouldn't believe it! ... I'm telling you there are other space-craft out there ... lined up on the far side of the crater edge! ... They're on the Moon watching us! Wilson writes (p. 48): "Binder ends his report with this observation: 'There has, understandably, been no confirmation of this incredible report by NASA or any authorities. WE cannot vouch for its authenticity, but if true, one can surmise that mission control went into a dither and then into a huddle, after which they sternly [ordered] the moonwalkers to 'forget' what they saw and carry on casually and calmly as if nothing had happened. After all, an estimated 600 million people around the world were hanging on every word spoken by the first two men to leave footprints on the Moon." The book "Celestial Raise" by Richard Watson and ASSK [P.O. Box 35 Mt. Shasta CA. 96067 (916)-926-2316); 1987; page 147-148] records the following (continuation?) of the above remarkable dialogue of Apollo 11, which was picked up by hundreds of ham radio operators in the USA: "During the transmission of the Moon landing of Armstrong and Aldrin, who journeyed to the Moon in an American spaceship, two minutes of silence occurred in which the image and sound were interrupted. NASA insisted that this problem was the result of one of the television cameras which had overheated, thus interfering with the reception. This unexpected problem surprised even the most qualified of viewers who were unable to explain how in such a costly project, one of the most essential elements could break down... Some time after the historic Moon landing, Christopher Craft, director of the base in Houston, made some surprising comments when he left NASA. The contents of these comments, which is included in the conversations [below], has been corroborated by hundreds of amateur radio operators who had connected their stations to the same frequency through which the astronauts transmitted. During the two minute interruption - which was not as it seemed, NASA, Armstrong and Aldrin with Cape Kennedy, censored both image and sound. 'I say that there were other spaceships.' Here is reproduced completely the dialogue between the American astronauts and Control Center: Armstrong & Aldrin: Those are giant things. No, no, no - this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this! Houston (Christopher Craft): What ... what ... what? What the hell is happening? What's wrong with you? Armstrong & Aldrin: They're here under the surface. Houston: What's there? (muffled noise) Emission interrupted; interference control calling 'Apollo 11'. Armstrong & Aldrin: We saw some visitors. They were here for a while, observing the instruments. Houston: Repeat your last information! Armstrong & Aldrin: I say that there were other spaceships. They're lined up in the other side of the crater! Houston: Repeat, repeat! Armstrong & Aldrin: Let us sound this orbita ... in 625 to 5 ... Automatic relay connected ... My hands are shaking so badly I can't do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything - what then? Houston: Have you picked up anything? Armstrong & Aldrin: I didn't have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film Houston: Control, control here. Are you on your way? What is the uproar with the UFOs over? Armstrong & Aldrin: They've landed here. There they are and they're watching us. Houston: The mirrors, the mirrors - have you set them up? Armstrong & Aldrin: Yes, they're in the right place. But whoever made those spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out. A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium. Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11? Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility - the fact is, we were warned off! There was never any question then of a space station or a moon city. Professor: How do you mean "warned off"? Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology - Boy, were they big!...and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station. Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11? Armstrong: Naturally - NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really was a quick scoop and back again. According to a Dr. Vladimir Azhazha: "Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the Moon module (LEM). But this message was never heard by the public - because NASA censored it." According to a Dr. Aleksandr Kasantsev, Buzz Aldrin took color movie film of the UFOs from inside the module, and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went outside. Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to go into further detail, beyond admitting that the CIA was behind the cover-up." http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/cosmicphotos.html
  21. Correcting my posting errors ... It was not Dr. Neville Jones who received the sugar cube size moon rock to study , it was the curator at JSC ... and Dr. Jones discussed this in his Apollo FAQ article. "The curator at JSC claims that sample sizes are of the order of a few tens of milligrams. That's sugar lump size. There's no need to manufacture "hundred pound lots at once or in single pieces. I'd think the manufacture of small sample sizes is easier and faster than large ones. "All I did to get the Moon rock specimens (on loan) was write in and sign an agreement to keep the materials secure when not in use. NASA had no control over any non-destructive tests I might do when I had the specimens. I could have, for example, zapped the rock with X-rays to get its chemical composition. So the faked specimens would have to stand up to any kind of scrutiny that researchers might give them". Researchers had to supply a protocol to the curator at JSC that described exactly their intentions. If anything "funny" happened or showed in undisclosed testing then they broke protocol. "Whoever came up with the faked specimens would have to have devised a story of Lunar evolution to fit the samples"."
  22. Michael ... Great advise .... Thanks for reminding of who I was before I felt the need to fight fire with fire . I have a few photos to post tomorrow and then I think I will take a break for awhile .... I do believe I need a day at Barnes and Noble to do some necessary research anyway .
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