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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Some writers who have investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy have claimed that a large number of witnesses to the event have died in mysterious circumstances. The Sunday Times reported that "the odds against these witnesses being dead by February, 1967, were one hundred thousand trillion to one." When the Select Committee on Assassinations questioned the newspaper reporter who wrote the article, he admitted he had made a "careless journalistic mistake".

    In his book Crossfire, the author Jim Marrs, provided a list of 103 people who he claims died in mysterious circumstances between 1963 and 1976. In reality, most of these people died of natural causes. Some of these people did die in accidents. Others were murdered or committed suicide. However, these people rarely had information that would have been important in helping investigators discover if there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy.

    After the assassination of President Kennedy, Gary Underhill told his friend, Charlene Fitsimmons, that he was convinced that he had been killed by members of the CIA. He also said: "Oswald is a patsy. They set him up. It's too much. The bastards have done something outrageous. They've killed the President! I've been listening and hearing things. I couldn't believe they'd get away with it, but they did!"

    Underhill believed there was a connection between Executive Action, Fidel Castro and the death of John F. Kennedy: "They tried it in Cuba and they couldn't get away with it. Right after the Bay of Pigs. But Kennedy wouldn't let them do it. And now he'd gotten wind of this and he was really going to blow the whistle on them. And they killed him!"

    Gary Underhill told friends that he feared for his life: "I know who they are. That's the problem. They know I know. That's why I'm here. I can't stay in New York." Underhill was found dead on 8th May 1964. He had been shot in the head and it was officially ruled that he had committed suicide. However, in his book, Destiny Betrayed, James DiEugenio claimed that the bullet entered the right-handed Underhill's head behind the left ear.

    There has been a significant number of people who have died who did appear to have important information about the case. This includes several journalists investigating the murder. On 24th November, 1963, Bill Hunter of the Long Beach Press Telegram and Jim Koethe of the Dallas Times Herald interviewed George Senator. Also there was the attorney Tom Howard. Earlier that day Senator and Howard had both visited Jack Ruby in jail.

    It is not known what was said at this meeting but on 23rd April 1964, Hunter was shot dead by Creighton Wiggins, a policeman in the pressroom of a Long Beach police station. Wiggins initially claimed that his gun fired when he dropped it and tried to pick it up. In court this was discovered that this was impossible and it was decided that Hunter had been murdered. Wiggins finally admitted he was playing a game of quick draw with his fellow officer. The other officer, Errol F. Greenleaf, testified he had his back turned when the shooting took place. In January 1965, both were convicted and sentenced to three years probation.

    Jim Koethe decided to write a book about the assassination of Kennedy. However, he died on 21st September, 1964. It seems that a man broke into his Dallas apartment and killed him by a karate chop to the throat. Tom Howard died of a heart-attack, aged 48, in March, 1965.

    On 21st July, 1964, Dr. Mary Sherman was murdered in New Orleans. She had been stabbed in the heart, arm, leg and stomach. Her laboratory was also set on fire. The crime has never been sold. Later Edward T. Haslam published Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus : The Story of an Underground Medical Laboratory. In the book he argued that Sherman was working with David Ferrie. Haslam believed that this Central Intelligence Agency backed research involved disease intelligence gathering and cancer research using laboratory-made biological weapons. Haslam claimed this biological weapon was to be used against Cuba’s Fidel Castro.

    Judyth Baker later began giving interviews aboout involvement in an anti-Castro conspiracy. She claims that in 1963 she was recruited by Dr. Canute Michaelson to work with Dr. Alton Ochsner and Dr. Mary Sherman in a CIA secret project. This involved creating the means to insure Fidel Castro developed cancer.

    In 1963 Judyth moved to New Orleans where she worked closely with others involved in this plot. This included Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw and Guy Bannister. Later she claimed she began an affair with Oswald. The research into this biological weapon was carried out in the homes of Ferrie and Sherman. Oswald role in this conspiracy was to work as a courier. However, the project was abandoned in September, 1963, and Oswald was ordered to Dallas.

    Oswald kept in touch with Baker and in November, 1963, he had been forced to join a plot to kill John F. Kennedy. Oswald believed that the conspiracy was being organized by Mafia leader, Carlos Marcello and a CIA agent, David Atlee Phillips. Oswald told her he would do what he could to ensure that Kennedy was not killed. After the assassination of Kennedy and the arrest of Oswald, Baker received a phone-call from David Ferrie warning her that she would be killed if she told anyone about her knowledge of these events.

    Dorothy Kilgallen, a crime reporter of the New York Journal, obtained a private interview with Jack Ruby. She told friends that she had information that would "break the case wide open". Aware of what had happened to Bill Hunter and Jim Koethe, she handed her interview notes to her friend Margaret Smith. On 8th November, 1965, Kilgallen, was found dead. It was reported she had committed suicide. Her friend, Margaret Smith, died two days later.

    Two of the men that Jim Garrison believed were involved in the conspiracy to kill Kennedy, Guy Bannister (June, 1964) and David Ferrie ( February, 1967) died before they could be brought to court.

    Roger D. Craig was on duty in Dallas on 22nd November, 1963. After hearing the firing at President John F. Kennedy he ran towards the Grassy Knoll where he interviewed witnesses to the shooting. About 15 minutes later he saw a man running from the back door of the Texas Book Depository down the slope to Elm Street. He then got into a Nash station wagon.

    Craig saw the man again in the office of Captain Will Fitz. It was the recently arrested Lee Harvey Oswald. When Craig told his story about the man being picked up by the station wagon, Oswald replied: "That station wagon belongs to Mrs. Paine... Don't try to tie her into this. She had nothing to do with it."

    Craig was also with Seymour Weitzman when the rifle was found on the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository. He insisted that the rifle was a 7.65 Mauser and not a Mannlicher-Carcano.

    Craig became unpopular with senior police officers in Dallas when he testified before the Warren Commission. He insisted he had seen Lee Harvey Oswald get into the station wagon 15 minutes after the shooting. This was ignored by Earl Warren and his team because it showed that at least two people were involved in the assassination. Craig, unlike Seymour Weitzman, refused to change his mind about finding a Mauser rather than a Mannlicher-Carcano in the Texas Book Depository. Craig was fired from the police department in 1967 after he was found to have discussed his evidence with a journalist.

    In 1967 Roger D. Craig went to New Orleans and was a prosecution witness at the trial of Clay Shaw. Later that year he was shot at while walking to a car park. The bullet only grazed his head. In 1973 a car forced Craig's car off a mountain road. He was badly injured but he survived the accident. In 1974 he surviving another shooting in Waxahachie, Texas. The following year he was seriously wounded when his car engine exploded. Craig told friends that the Mafia had decided to kill him. Craig was found dead from on 15th May, 1975. It was later decided he had died as a result of self-inflicted gunshot wounds.

    When the Select Committee on Intelligence Activities and Select Committee on Assassinations began investigating Kennedy's death in the 1970s the deaths of potential witnesses increased dramatically. This included several criminals with links to the secret Executive Action plan to kill foreign political leaders. Those who died violent deaths during this period included Lucien Sarti (1972), Thomas Davis (1973), Dave Yarras (1974), Sam Giancana (1975), Jimmy Hoffa (1975), Johnny Roselli (1976), George De Mohrenschildt (1977), Charlie Nicoletti (1977) and Carlos Prio (1977).

    William Sullivan was the main figure in the FBI involved in the Executive Action project. He was shot dead near his home in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, on 9th November, 1977. Sullivan had been scheduled to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

    Sullivan was one of six top FBI officials who died in a six month period in 1977. Others who were due to appear before the committee who died included Louis Nicholas, special assistant to J. Edgar Hoover and his liaison with the Warren Commission; Alan H. Belmont, special assistant to Hoover; James Cadigan, document expert with access to documents that related to death of John F. Kennedy; J. M. English, former head of FBI Forensic Sciences Laboratory where Oswald's rifle and pistol were tested and Donald Kaylor, FBI fingerprint chemist who examined prints found at the assassination scene.


    Mr Simkin, do you think it's possible Karyn Kupcinet was murdered in 1963 to hurt her father Irv Kupcinet? I have read her autopsy. All the damage was done to the left side of her neck. I believe she died as a result of a karate chop to the neck. She did not have foreknowledge of the assassination. I think she was killed to hurt her old man. I'd like your opinion.


  2. Members:

    I want everyone to know here that I just was in contact with Rich DellaRosa. He never wrote those emails and told Terry to publish them. He didn't know what I was talking about. Terry spoiled the Ted Kennedy thread with attacks against me and tried to tell me Rich said awful things about me. He says he didn't and that he would never tell anyone to post something on another person's forum.

    She is pathetic. And as I said before, the schoolyard bully who can dish it out but can't take it. I did nothing to her on this Forum. Except exist.

    I'm glad I was able to straighten out that Rich never called me names, never wrote those emails, and especially, never signed them "Love, Rich."


  3. "Ted has a worse problem, in my opinion."

    Nobody gives a rat's ass about your supermarket tabloid form of research, or opinion, Schiz.

    After you had the audacity to PM me on this forum, I warned you about posting on any thread where my name appears, didn't I? And, being that there are only a handful of them, compared to the amount you're liablel to run roughshod over, and which BTW, I purposely will avoid, like the plague. I suggest you pay attention to the content in each and every one the threads you intend to run off at the mouth in.

    A word to the wise should be sufficient.

    Kathleen Collins has every right to post on whatever thread she wants. It is not helpful to call other members "Schiz".


    Fine, John. I apologize, to you. Hopefully, you can get her to stay on her meds. But, I call it for what it is.

    If you've brought her on board as a way of getting me to leave, fine, because you've succeeded. As I've stated once before, I've been thrown out of better places than this one.

    Good luck, to you.

    Terry, no one wants you to leave. I have always tried to bury the hatchet with you. I told you I was against you leaving Rich's forum. I thought it had gone too far. Rich told me you were calling him up everynight around 10:30 pm and screeching at him and he had had it.

    Neither one of us is perfect. I do not want to argue with you or anyone. I posted this because you objected to me sending you a Personal Message.



    "Terry, no one wants you to leave. I have always tried to bury the hatchet with you. I told you I was against you leaving Rich's forum. I thought it had gone too far. Rich told me you were calling him up everynight around 10:30 pm and screeching at him and he had had it."

    I have nothing more to say to you, or this forum. Those whom I consider to be part of my circle of friends, colleagues, extended family, and those researchers I've always looked to as my mentors, know where to find me. Lisa Pease gave me some good of advice two years ago at a seminar we attended together, and that was to avoid getting involved with the forums.

    And, your presence here, seems to drive that point home more accurately than ever.

    Rich encouraged me to post the e-mails he sent to me, on this. I've x'd out his e-mail address for privacy purposes.

    Richard DellaRosa <xxxxxxxx.xxx@xxxxxxx.xxx> wrote:


    Shelby forwarded this to me:

    "Does Rich DellaRosa know you're so close to Judyth now?"

    Tell her (if you wish) that I am aware of most things on the net and

    that I have always supported your research efforts and always will!

    Love you,



    Richard DellaRosa <xxxxxxxx.xxx@xxxxxxx.xxx> wrote:


    Go ahead and do it.

    The thing that irritates me the most is that she doesn't care how stupid

    she acts or sounds. She is obstinate and argumentative and insists she is correct about

    everything--not even close.



    I was just in touch with Rich DellaRosa. He claimed he didn't know what I was talking about, he never said the above things. He's trying to heal after a fall which shattered his left arm. He doesn't want to get into it with you. You're such a xxxx. I am rarely argumentative or obstinate. Anyone who knows me can tell you that. But go out with a blast. How shameful to say someone said such terrible things and told you to publish it on this Forum. This is the trouble you cause. Stop being so Goddamned jealous.


  4. "Ted has a worse problem, in my opinion."

    Nobody gives a rat's ass about your supermarket tabloid form of research, or opinion, Schiz.

    After you had the audacity to PM me on this forum, I warned you about posting on any thread where my name appears, didn't I? And, being that there are only a handful of them, compared to the amount you're liablel to run roughshod over, and which BTW, I purposely will avoid, like the plague. I suggest you pay attention to the content in each and every one the threads you intend to run off at the mouth in.

    A word to the wise should be sufficient.

    Kathleen Collins has every right to post on whatever thread she wants. It is not helpful to call other members "Schiz".


    Fine, John. I apologize, to you. Hopefully, you can get her to stay on her meds. But, I call it for what it is.

    If you've brought her on board as a way of getting me to leave, fine, because you've succeeded. As I've stated once before, I've been thrown out of better places than this one.

    Good luck, to you.

    Terry, no one wants you to leave. I have always tried to bury the hatchet with you. I told you I was against you leaving Rich's forum. I thought it had gone too far. Rich told me you were calling him up everynight around 10:30 pm and screeching at him and he had had it.

    Neither one of us is perfect. I do not want to argue with you or anyone. I posted this because you objected to me sending you a Personal Message.



    "Terry, no one wants you to leave. I have always tried to bury the hatchet with you. I told you I was against you leaving Rich's forum. I thought it had gone too far. Rich told me you were calling him up everynight around 10:30 pm and screeching at him and he had had it."

    I have nothing more to say to you, or this forum. Those whom I consider to be part of my circle of friends, colleagues, extended family, and those researchers I've always looked to as my mentors, know where to find me. Lisa Pease gave me some good of advice two years ago at a seminar we attended together, and that was to avoid getting involved with the forums.

    And, your presence here, seems to drive that point home more accurately than ever.

    Rich encouraged me to post the e-mails he sent to me, on this. I've x'd out his e-mail address for privacy purposes.

    Richard DellaRosa <xxxxxxxx.xxx@xxxxxxx.xxx> wrote:


    Shelby forwarded this to me:

    "Does Rich DellaRosa know you're so close to Judyth now?"

    Tell her (if you wish) that I am aware of most things on the net and

    that I have always supported your research efforts and always will!

    Love you,



    Richard DellaRosa <xxxxxxxx.xxx@xxxxxxx.xxx> wrote:


    Go ahead and do it.

    The thing that irritates me the most is that she doesn't care how stupid

    she acts or sounds. She is obstinate and argumentative and insists she is correct about

    everything--not even close.



    I was just in touch with Rich DellaRosa. He claimed he didn't know what I was talking about, he never said the above things. He's trying to heal after a fall which shattered his left arm. He doesn't want to get into it with you. You're such a xxxx. I am rarely argumentative or obstinate. Anyone who knows me can tell you that. But go out with a blast. How shameful to say someone said such terrible things and told you to publish it on this Forum. This is the trouble you cause. Stop being so Goddamned jealous.


  5. Terry, do what you want. I don't care what your problem is, Rich's problem, I have enough problems. I still maintain that he suffered catastrophic illness and has changed. I saw it with my brother after his stroke. He began to hate his best friend of 40 years.

    Funny, Rich never had anything good to say about you.


  6. ""Harvey and Lee" may have some good points, Lee was certainly impersonated by others to nail him as the patsy, but the core thesis that the Lee Harvey Oswald "defecting" to Russia, was another person than the one shot by Jack Ruby, is preposterous. In fact it can be easily disproven, with a voice tape of Lee in Russia that surfaced in recent years. It's the same voice that exclaimed "I'm just a patsy!""

    I think the book says Harvey went to Russia and Harvey was shot by Ruby. There is a CD that comes with the book. As well as documents, the CD has photos of LHO. Harvey and Lee both resemble each other. The book says Lee was on the 6th floor of the TSBD and was shooting from there to frame Harvey.


  7. May I quote from Seth Kantor's book The Ruby Cover-Up?

    "The new local labor organization was dominated by Paul J. Dorfman...

    In his book The Enemy Within, Robert Kennedy wrote:

    'By 1949, Jimmy Hoffa was looking for a powerful ally. He found it in Paul Dorfman. Dorfman was a big operator, a major figure in the Chicago underworld, who also knew his way around certain labor and political circles. Dorfman took over the head of the Chicago Waste Handlers Union in 1959 after its founder and secretary-treasurer was found murdered.'"

    I quote this because Chicago columnist, Irv Kupcinet's daughter was murdered in West Hollywood on Nov. 28, 1963. She, in my opinion, was killed to send a message to Irv and other columnists what will happen if they investigate the murder of President John F. Kenney. Additionally, Irv was an outspoken Zionist -- another motive? When he heard that Ruby shot Oswald, Kupcinet got on the phone immediately to Paul Dorfman to ask about their mutual friend, Jack Ruby.

    "Sparky would never do that," he said. Dorfman didn't even know (supposedly) that Ruby had killed Oswald. Four days later, Kupcinet's daughter, Karyn, was, in my opinion, hit by a karate chop to the neck, choked and suffocated by person or persons unknown. I always believed it was a hit ordered by the Chicago Mob, namely Dorfman, Giancana or Tony Accardo.

    This is a photo of Karyn circa 1961. Use the zoom tool to enlarge the picture. Thank You.



  8. Myra,
    ""Harvey and Lee" may have some good points, Lee was certainly impersonated by others to nail him as the patsy, but the core thesis that the Lee Harvey Oswald "defecting" to Russia, was another person than the one shot by Jack Ruby, is preposterous. In fact it can be easily disproven, with a voice tape of Lee in Russia that surfaced in recent years. It's the same voice that exclaimed "I'm just a patsy!""

    It's kind of interesting, I'm reading Anthony Summers', "Conspiracy."

    In it, he says that all of the job applications filled out in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 by a person claiming to be Lee Oswald listed his height as 5'9" tall.

    Oswald's Marine records listed him as 5'11" tall.

    I just read Oswald's autopsy report in the DPD Archives. LHO's height was given as 5'9".

    DPD Archives Box 2 Folder# 5, Item#'s 2 and 3.


    Steve Thomas

    Hi Steve,

    The quote you attributed to me isn't mine. I think Wim said it.

    Regardless, I agree with the quote. And I also agree that there were many LHO impostors running around filling out job applications, trying to buy cars, going to Mexico... and so on. I just don't believe in the premise that there was a second LHO for the duration of the first LHO's life.

    Instead I think the CIA sent some random hacks to use the real LHO's name at significant times in the months prior to their murder of the President, to set him up as the patsy. For example, to take target practice.


    Well, thank you Myra. I looked at it with a different point of view. But Armstrong has done meticulous research. Everytime Norton was supposed to be someplace, he was gone by the time Armstrong got there. I understand Armstrong has stopped his research. I hope this stuff about Donald O. Norton being in FL and having the same number addresses gets back to Armstrong and he'll take up his research again. Donald O. Norton is an arm's length away. If you go to my blog thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com starting in the Feb 06 archives, you'll find more about Norton.


  9. And if you have read it, what is your opinion? Do you know anything about Donald O. Norton?

    If you mean the guy below that's what I know.

    There was a musician named Donald Norton who showed up in Vancouver with the story of two "CIA missions" involving Garrison's suspects. He claimed to have met Shaw in August 1962, in Alabama, and to have received from a man accompanying Shaw an attaché case containing $50,000 which Norton delivered to "Harvey Lee" in Monterrey, Mexico, in exchange for certain "documents." The Harvey Lee had turned out to be Lee Harvey Oswald. In an earlier "CIA operation", he said, his agency contact had been David Ferrie. Although a polygraph test by a newspaper indicated deception on Norton's story, Garrison sent an aide to Vancouver to interview him and brought him to New Orleans for further questioning.

    The man you described was gay and a piano player/entertainer. He wasn't too tall and he went by the name Donald P. Norton. He said he was blackmailed into doing things for the CIA. Maybe in the polygraph test there was a lot he didn't want to tell.

    Donald O. Norton lives 2 hours away from me in Florida. I had read a rumor that he had left Avon Park. Instead I found 2 residences for him and 1 doctor's office. All 3 buildings have 1006 as their address, like 1006 W. Pleasant St and 1006 Lake Anoka Ave, etc. I find he's in the fly-fishing and boat chartering business. It seems he's trying to fit into his community. But years ago he came up to conspiracy theorist Mae Brussel and asked her in front of witnesses if she knew who he was. She said, "Yes, you're Lee Oswald."

    The Norton Bros both have red hair. The brother was in Army Intelligence. I think they asked Donald O. to impersonate someone named Lee Harvey Oswald. Maybe his looks didn't matter and maybe he didn't know what he was getting himself into. John Armstrong has done an amazing amount of research on this guy. But none of it's released. Do you have an opinion on why he has 3 addresses in one town, all bearing the number 1006? The buildings are not near one another, so it's not like sharing an address with Guy Banister and LHO, for example. What is he doing?


  10. Mr. Dankbaar, do you believe in the theory that there were 2 men using the identity of "Lee Harvey Oswald"? Namely, Harvey and Lee. Have you read John Armstrong's book, Harvey and Lee? And if you have read it, what is your opinion? Do you know anything about Donald O. Norton?


  11. John...Rich DellaRosa was forced to banish about 8 persons from his JFK forum for constant personal

    attacks and lack of meaningful research. I suggest that you contact Rich and get his perspective on

    this. Without exception, every "banishee" had one thing in common...all had joined his forum in an

    apparent attempt to disrupt the postings of Jack White.

    I was a banishee from Rich's site. We were very good friends. But he suffered catastrophic illness. I can't talk about it. But I thought he was my best friend. Nothing more than that.

    I'm saying this because I like Jack White and always supported his work. I have a link to one of his sites on my blog. thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com. I just want to make sure I'm not included as one of the banishees who persecutes him. He has always been very professional in his responses to me and he keeps a reserved distance, which I respect.


  12. Warnings do not seem to work. Therefore, I am considering banning the worst offenders from the forum. Do you agree? I await your advice on how to proceed.

    I agree or at least they should get a notice; and if it continues and someone complains, please have someone (Andy?) read the posts, determine who the aggressor is, and decide if it's offensive. Then you should think about banning. Personally, I don't like being called names. I think the nastiness of Bill Miller et al towards Jack White is cause for banning, though I always believe in a second chance. But that's something you should determine.

    It's like a member who disagrees or dislikes someone and knows, say, that that person is a homosexual, and initiates an attack on him, addressing him as: "Queer bait" or "faggot" on the forum." That kind of behavior shouldn't be allowed. But in my opinion, people should be given a second chance. :blink:

    Kathleen Collins

  13. Article in today's Guardian:


    Jess Smee in Berlin

    Monday January 29, 2007

    The Guardian

    The celebrated novelist Norman Mailer has walked into a critical maelstrom in Germany with the publication of his new novel - his first for 10 years - which depicts a young and adolescent Adolf Hitler.

    The Castle in the Forest, which includes the bed-wetting young Hitler known as "Adi", has been pummelled by newspaper critics and has angered Germany's influential Central Council of Jews, which has urged artists to finally leave the history of the dictator alone.

    The technique of infamy is to start two lies at once. and set people arguing which one is true.

    Hitler as pathetic neurotic bedwetter v Hitler as unprecedented mega-murderer.

    One does not have to be very smart to realise the limited value of this discussion as a contribution to historical understanding - or to notice that it deftly positions all 'acceptable" views of Hitler somewhere between sissy and monster, with no other points on the compass.

    I know Mailer may be despised here because of Oswald's Tale. He failed to uncover the fact that there were 2 men sharing LHO's identity. Or maybe he did uncover it, but thought it best not to publish this possible discovery: He mentions Oswald being taken out of the Texas Theater by a riot of cops. And a merchant in his backyard at the same time seeing 2 cops taking away Oswald. He does not explain it. Just leaves it at that.

    And the wonderful Marilyn book. Did he unwittingly please the CIA elements by mentioning Monroe's alleged affairs with the Kennedys? Or was it done purposely? The following year saw The Life and Curious Death of Marilyn Monroe by Robert F. Slatzer (dead 2 years). The Oil Barons' dream. Slatzer has Robert Kennedy in Monroe's house the day she died.

    However, I will read Mailer's novel on Hitler, as I love his writing and his imagination. As I do Gore Vidal's.


  14. And why is not Ted talking about his frame up?...because it was a good job and he has no guts nor valor for himself or his murdered brothers.

    It is my opinion that Ted is not speaking out because of death threats against members of the Kennedy family. What do you think of the death of John Kennedy Jr? It's just pure evil against that family. I think Ted has done a great job for his constituents and the United States as Senator all these years.



    "What do you think of the death of John Kennedy Jr? It's just pure evil against that family."

    Hi Kathy. I agree with your premises. I would like to ask for any references, other than what has been provided on this thread so far, you can list regarding the JFK Jr. death in terms of links, articles, etc. I'm quite interested and I am sure others here would be, also.

    Kudos to Myra. Most have forgotten the airplane crash in Western Massachusetts in 1964 - less than a year after the JFK assassination - in which Ted nearly was killed. The pilot and one of Kennedy's aides were killed.

    Thank you.


    John, about the murder of John Kennedy, Jr, I received most of my information from a professional report that tomflocco.com published. It's a must read and is fascinating. I haven't been to his site in awhile, but somewhere he'll have it. Findadeath.com has a photo of John Jr. being loaded on the boat. I can't see how Ted could have survived that sight.

    Robert Cutler wrote a book on Ted Kennedy and I believe in that book the author says how he was set up by the CIA. E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis were seen in Martha's Vineyard that weekend -- conversation with Rich DellaRosa of jfkresearch.com. There was a boat Regatta or race that weekend.


  15. Todays mystery: The assassination occurred on 11/22/63 ... what year was it that Jack started seeing a waltzing Sitzman and how many strokes did he have to get to that point?

    The single most shameful and contemptible post I've yet seen on an assassination website.

    Thank you for telling me the guy was serious -- Bill Miller. It just came out of nowhere. A nasty swipe. I wasn't sure whether it was a joke. I don't think Jack White deserves that. I consider him a buddy, in a way. I have a link to some of his work on 9/11 on my blog. I hope he never had a stroke. My brother did and is handicapped. There is so much infighting in the Kennedy Research Community.


  16. Todays mystery: The assassination occurred on 11/22/63 ... what year was it that Jack started seeing a waltzing Sitzman and how many strokes did he have to get to that point?

    What do you mean by your post above? Are you being derogatory about Jack White?


  17. "Ted has a worse problem, in my opinion."

    Nobody gives a rat's ass about your supermarket tabloid form of research, or opinion, Schiz.

    After you had the audacity to PM me on this forum, I warned you about posting on any thread where my name appears, didn't I? And, being that there are only a handful of them, compared to the amount you're liablel to run roughshod over, and which BTW, I purposely will avoid, like the plague. I suggest you pay attention to the content in each and every one the threads you intend to run off at the mouth in.

    A word to the wise should be sufficient.

    Kathleen Collins has every right to post on whatever thread she wants. It is not helpful to call other members "Schiz".


    Fine, John. I apologize, to you. Hopefully, you can get her to stay on her meds. But, I call it for what it is.

    If you've brought her on board as a way of getting me to leave, fine, because you've succeeded. As I've stated once before, I've been thrown out of better places than this one.

    Good luck, to you.

    Terry, no one wants you to leave. I have always tried to bury the hatchet with you. I told you I was against you leaving Rich's forum. I thought it had gone too far. Rich told me you were calling him up everynight around 10:30 pm and screeching at him and he had had it.

    Neither one of us is perfect. I do not want to argue with you or anyone. I posted this because you objected to me sending you a Personal Message.


  18. I just found my source. It comes from the paperback version of Ultimate Sacrifice by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann.

    "Almeida's "palace coup" set for December 1, 1963, was to be backed up by US forces "invited" in by Commander Almeida, then Chief of the Cuban Army. However, three Mafia bosses being targeted by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy used several CIA assets to infiltrate the secret plot and murder JFK.

    This resulted in cover-ups by officials like RFK and LBJ, to prevent the exposure of Almeida and a possible nuclear confrontation with the Soviets. The new edition explains why Almeida was not a double agent, why Fidel suspected Almeida's ally Che Guevara, and what Fidel did in 1990 when he finally found out about Almeida's work for JFK."

    The paperback book has more photos, documents and testimony.


  19. "Ted has a worse problem, in my opinion."

    Nobody gives a rat's ass about your supermarket tabloid form of research, or opinion, Schiz.

    After you had the audacity to PM me on this forum, I warned you about posting on any thread where my name appears, didn't I? And, being that there are only a handful of them, compared to the amount you're liablel to run roughshod over, and which BTW, I purposely will avoid, like the plague. I suggest you pay attention to the content in each and every one the threads you intend to run off at the mouth in.

    A word to the wise should be sufficient.

    I will post whenever and wherever I please. You will not control me. I would just like to know: Does Rich DellaRosa know you're so close to Judyth now? I thought she was debunked. A word to the wise, forego your harrassment. It'll never get you anywhere. This thread was on Ted Kennedy, not about you and your petty hatreds. I have a higher power too, you know.


  20. Hi everybody, this has probably already been talked about, but I was curious to read this page on the Mary Ferrell site


    Researchers believe Kennedy's brain was in a container, which was buried with him when he was disinterred in 1967. This was done at night time and there were hundreds of National Guardsman protecting the cemetery. When he was buried, Jackie arrived and there was a major Catholic clergyman there and a little service. Pictures exist of Ted Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy and the priest.


  21. I just came across these quotes from Senator Ted Kennedy and had to share them. I'm so proud that he had the courage--when it mattered--to oppose the Iraq invasion, and now considers it the best vote of his long Senate career. That's leadership IMO.

    "My vote against this misbegotten war is the best vote I have cast in the United States Senate since I was elected in 1962," Kennedy said. "And my call more than a year ago - more than a year ago - to bring our troops home is one of my proudest moments."


    "Well, first of all, I was opposed to the war. It was the best vote that I ever had in the United States Senate. And in January of 2005, I laid out a pathway toward what I think would have been reconciliation and success in Iraq, two years ago, that called for the reduction of troops, the redeployment of troops, talked about the Iraqis moving ahead in terms of the reconciliation and talked about the regional kinds of diplomacy. That was two years ago.

    Now, one thing about the Democrats is we will support our troops, but we also can support our troops so they are not in harm's way. And I think that's a very important..."


    "KING: You called Iraq the overriding issue. You voted to go there or not?

    KENNEDY: No. The best vote I cast in the United States Senate was..

    KING: The best?

    KENNEDY: The best vote, best vote I cast in the United States Senate (INAUDIBLE).

    KING: In your life?

    KENNEDY: Absolutely.

    KING: Was not to go to Iraq?

    KENNEDY: Yes, not to go to Iraq.

    KING: Why did you vote against?


    I read recently, either on this site or another, that Bobby couldn't chase after his brother's killers because the info would come out that they planned to assassinate Castro on Dec. 1, 1963. He didn't want that potential deed known about his brother (and himself too). Also, Bobby Kennedy was told the name of Castro's assassinator: Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Ted has a worse problem, in my opinion. If he goes after the killers, not only will it expose "The Bay of Pigs," as Nixon referred to the Kennedy Assassination, but they will kill a member of his family one after the other. I think that's what happened to John Jr. (tomflocco.com) A curious thing I read recently was that Senator Ted Kennedy couldn't arouse government divers until the next day. He said, "I'm a United States Senator!" But they wouldn't come out and look for John Jr. Also, when John Jr died, George W. Bush was nowhere to be found that whole weekend -- 3 or 4 days. That I heard on blackopradio.com with Len Osanic. The author might have named his book, "Like Father Like Son." He felt GHW Bush killed Kennedy and his son killed Kennedy's son.


  22. Smathers was also friends with JFK's arch rival Nixon, as well as Dr. alton Ochsner.

    He was also interested in Judyth's cancer research. He sent Judyth a letter that she still has.


    If Judyth has this letter from Smathers, why can't we see it? Was it written in Papyrus?


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