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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. [

    Quick question from a person who knows little - if anything - about the JFK debate:

    Does any claimed alteration of the film do anything to disprove the suggestion of more than one shooter?

    For instance, if the film were proven to be altered, does this strengthen the Warren Commission 'lone assassin' assertion? Or does any alteration - or lack thereof - merely mean that certain theories regarding more than one assassin are weakened or strengthened?

    Maybe it's my eyes or my perception, but the Zapruder Film, as we know it, proves to me that he was hit from the front-right. He receives his first bullet in his throat. When he comes out from the later-inserted sign, his arms are up and he's grasping at his tie knot. Obvious to me: he was shot from the front. Unless he recieved a paralyzing dart from Umbrella Man. But would a dart from the Umbrella Man hit him in the front or the side? This depends on where Umbrella Man was. To my eyes, he receives the last shot, the fatal one, from the right-front, the Grassy Knoll.

    As such, with its splices and all, why did they ever release this film? It seems they're telling us one thing, but we're seeing something else. Am I the only one who sees this?


  2. Kathleen mentioned 'Oswalds Tale', however, he did write the afterword to Carl Oglesby's 'The JFK assassination facts and myths'. Odd that he participated in two such contrasting views.


    Mailer was crazy about John Kennedy. He said his worst moment was when he was in a bar in NY and it came over the TV set that Kennedy was shot. He said things like Oh he's letting us think he's in danger, so we'll know how much we need him. Then, after what seemed forever, it came over Kennedy had died.

    Mailer always believed in conspiracy regarding the assassination. But he co-wrote Oswald's Tale and couldn't find any proof of conspiracy. The conspiracy believers became angry with him and his name is dirt to them. They view him as a sell-out. And there's a rumor that he had tax problems which disapperared when his book was published.


  3. Someone I knew, who was a Kennedy Assassination expert, said he knew somebody who had a certain type of radio and tuned it into NASA's frequency when the astronauts where about to land on the moon the first time. He heard one of the astronauts say, "They're all over the place. I think they're watching us." He was talking about UFO's. And the moon was a station for them.


    That sounds suspiciously like one of the bits from 'ALTERNATIVE 3', a UK 'mockumentry' from the 70s. Although done as an elaborate April Fools prank, many conspiracy theorists have taken it as being proof of everything from the "Apollo hoax" to the existence of UFOs.

    The show is full of fictional people, inaccurate dates, times, and hardware, and they said themselves that it was a stunt for entertainment purposes. This, however, has not stopped some people taking it as fact.

    Boy, would I like to tell someone on another forum his story was a hoax.

    Kathy :up

  4. What if...the assassination had failed? What if Kennedy had emerged unscathed?

    I seem to remember reading that there was a plan B if Kennedy was not shot. Apparently there was a car bomb that was to be detonated close to the motorcade.

    I recall reading that there were shooters on Stemmons Freeway and at the Trade Mart. Kennedy wasn't getting out of there alive. In 3 films, including the Z-film, I think the Nix film and possibly the Bell film, you can see a man running as though his life depended on it, from the triple underpass and across to Commerce St. I dubbed him "Running Man" sometime back because he was running toward the assassination. That afternoon, the FBI received an anonymous call from a man claiming he had stood under the underpass and saw a signal and heard bullets ring out. Strangely, as he's running towards the Assassination, you can see him flinching as he gets near Kennedy's limo. Someone on another forum suggested he'd seen a baseball go up in the air. But there was also the Cuban and the Umbrella Man -- more signals. Maybe he saw a rifle at the 6th floor window (Lee Oswald, not Harvey).


  5. This may have been posted at some time or another, but I thought it merited a post here:


    For the record, I think her story is 100 percent credible.

    That was an amazing article I read. Fluoride causes cancer. Vaccinations in children in the early '60's were experiments. I even gleamed that the Rothchilds' were (are?) the most powerful of oil barren families. Could they have called for the Assassination? Or the Viet Nam war? I always wanted to know who was the richest family in the world. And I use fluoride everyday and I was vaccinated in the early '60's.

    I can see how Judyth fits in. It's just that I believe there were 2 Oswalds, most likely cousins. Two men using the same identity. Lee Oswald set up Harvey as the Patsy. Who was the Oswald she loved? My guess is Harvey, as she identified the man killed by Ruby as being her love. Harvey, who was married to Marina and who lived in Russia.

    Very interesting. But what about she learned the ancient Eygptian language and was deciphering writings on papyrus? And the Mormons were chasing her?


    I got a quarter says it's Lee. :rolleyes:

    She said when Oswald got arrested he looked alot thinner. I believe she may have said his hair was thinning too.(This is why I'm bettin' on Lee--the man arrested looked different in these ways.) In order for me to quote exactly, I'm going to have to suffer through "The Love Affair" again. (For my sanity, Kathy, please trust my paraphrase, or you can watch it, okay?.)

    But SERIOUSLY, I don't believe she was ever with him (either H or L.) Part of the reason is the very thing you posted above:

    "But what about she learned the ancient Eygptian language and was deciphering writings on papyrus? And the Mormons were chasing her?"<----This is funny stuff!!

    Way too much imagination!.

    A prominent Kennedy researcher told me that when Marina was shown Harvey in his coffin, she went over and raised his eyelid. She was looking for the color of his eyes. I guess the 2 Oswalds had different eye colors.


  6. Photographer Malcolm Couch testified about finding a pool

    of blood also. From his description, this is where it was IMO.

    Good stuff, Jack.

    Given that, this alleged pool of blood would have been just out of shot in the Tramps image, the one where they are being passed by the Ed Lansdale possible. This character would be heading directly toward where the blood would have been.

    BTW, I have always wondered if this unexplained stain on the Tall Tramp's trousers could be blood.


    It looks to me like he peed himself, keeping in character as a hobo. He's got a smirk on his face, so he can't be in pain.


  7. Clifford T. Ward was

    One of my favorite pure vocalists is Sarah Brightman. I not sure how popular she is in the United States but Ms. Brightman has quite the following here in Australia and of course in Great Britain.

    Here is a performance of 'Deliver Me'. Quite something indeed.



    I liked her rendition of A Whiter Shade of Pale. She seems to be very well-liked in this country. The only problem I have with her is she's not quite loud enough. I've heard stronger voices.


  8. (Dealey Plaza and other locals) on vacation or reading circulated [advance] copies of Bugliosi's upcoming tome?

    If a late May release date is accurate, the book has to be sitting on cablenews talk-show producers and/or booking agents desks now...

    Any news, or is it, "more of the same...."?


    Maybe they'll publish it on President Kennedy's birthday. Obviously, I have not read the unpublished book. But it is more of the same. Oswald did it alone from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository.


  9. What I'd like to know is, how close is the Hubble Telescope to the Van Allen Belts, and is it sending us accurate pictures? Since you had said NASA ruined our image of outer space.


    There is nothing for hubble to see in the belts, they are invisible.

    What I meant was, are the Hubble Telescope photos the real thing, since Duane believes we don't know what space looks like?


  10. Hello Kathy ... I am the person who started this thread ...My name is Duane .. Glad to meet you .

    Maybe you should study this subject a bit more , especially from the hoax point of view ... You might just see what millions of other people do ... It was IMPOSSIBLE for nine manned missions , carrying 27 astronots , over 38 years ago , to travel almost one half millions miles each into the deadly cosmic ray radiaiton of deep space , to land on the radioactive moon , and then relaunch again from the lunar surface with untested technology which had the computing capacity of a Wallmart watch ...

    The monkey may have died for many reasons , but the boys who have made it their mission in life to defend the official Apollo record , didn't even know about this dead monkey until I mentioned it here ... and the reason was because this is just one of many problems which nasa has managed to keep under wraps , until now ...

    There is NO WAY that the US military industrial complex which controls nasa , would have allowed our national heros to take the chance of dying on the way to the moon and back ... Not only would the Russians have beaten the US in the race to the moon but it would have been a national tragedy ... and America already had the tragedy of the immoral and illegal Viet Nam war to contend with ..

    Apollo was a poitical public relations stunt created for many reasons ... One of them being money .... nasa and their outsourced companies made billions of dollars on each mission allegedy launched for the moon ... So since they didn't have the proper technology or adequit enough radiation shielding in place to traverse the Van Allen belts and venture into deep space , nasa faked it to the moon ....That way they saved face , won the cold war , beat the evil Russians in the space race , and also kept the billions of dollars of funding coming in .

    Duane, I thought it was you who started the thread, but I didn't check. Someone I knew, who was a Kennedy Assassination expert, said he knew somebody who had a certain type of radio and tuned it into NASA's frequency when the astronauts where about to land on the moon the first time. He heard one of the astronauts say, "They're all over the place. I think they're watching us." He was talking about UFO's. And the moon was a station for them.

    What I'd like to know is, how close is the Hubble Telescope to the Van Allen Belts, and is it sending us accurate pictures? Since you had said NASA ruined our image of outer space.


  11. John F. Kennedy

    Funeral of John F. Kennedy


    JFK and the Steel Industry


    JFK and Vietnam


    Cuban Missile Crisis (1)


    Cuban Missile Crisis (2)


    Civil Rights

    Battle for Old Mississippi (Part 1)


    Battle for Old Mississippi (Part 2)


    Freedom Rides (1)


    Freedom Rides (2)


    US Presidential Election Campaign Films


    I was thinking last night -- I remember Jackie's goodbye before she left the White House for good. Didn't Robert Kennedy speak? In my memory, he sat across from Jackie on a sofa that faced her. I've never seen Bobby's goodbye ever again. I wonder if that's on youtube.com. I have Jackie on video and photos, but not Bobby. That would be a historical video. I love youtube.


  12. I love the Beatles. I had never seen this video before. It's terrific. The guys all look good and John Lennon sings the song without disguising his voice any. This is Lennon's full, idiosyncratic voice, unblemished. Also, you'll see a lot of teeth. When they first came over, George Harrison had a brown tooth in the front. And McCartney had weird, crooked teeth. I learned this when I saw an old picture of them and was amazed. I remember my father saying, "All the British have bad teeth."

    Anyway, McCartney's higher harmony is turned way down, so you hear Lennon. And I love the driving bass. (Ironically, this is the one Beatle song I don't have.) And the Beatles seem happy and Lennon healthy.



  13. I know if a monkey died after a few days in space, I wouldn't go up in any spacecraft afterwards.


    Fair enough comment, but think about it some more:

    You know people are killed in automobile accidents - does that stop you travelling in them?

    Evan, of course more people die in car accidents than in space. How many people are ever in space? How many vehicles have to veer away from other vehicles up there?

    I get what you mean. But the roads on this planet we know. It's what we don't know -- space -- that scares me and I would bet many people.

    Say we never made it beyond the Van Allen belts. Are you, or the person who started this thread, going to say we don't know what space looks like? What about the images the Hubble Telescope sends back? They're not true?


  14. Is anyone out there willing to help me use facial recognition software on the tramp shots? Lets make news. I can't do it alone.

    If the offer still stands, and you have the software, I have the time.

    I am a quick study so learning how to use the software would be no problem at all.

    Didn't you run a forum some years ago?

    Thanks for helping him, Chuck. It sounds really interesting. Good luck. I think the tramps are E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis and Charles Harrelson. (BTW Harrelson died recently in prison.)


  15. <span style='color:green'>Incidently, just for extra unrelated info, I was also surprised to see John and Yoko sitting in the viewing section several times, during the hearings. </span> (Dixie Dea)

    Hi Dixie,

    I don't think Lennon was any fan of Nixon, to state the obvious. The song, 'Gimme Some Truth' is scathing toward government lies.


    "No short-haired, yellow-bellied son of Tricky Dicky's gonna mother hubbard softsoap me..."

    "I'm sick to death of hearing things from tight-lipped, condescending, mommy's little chauvanist..."

    "I'm sick to death of reading things from neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians..."

    "...from schizophrenic, egocentric, paranoid prima donnas, all I want is the truth..."

    Lennon's lines from the best of my memory.


  16. Have no fear Kathy ... The members on this forum who defend Apollo, will have you convinced that nasa really did fly nine manned missions , a half a million miles each , into the deadly radiation of deep space , to return them all home alive and well again , using antiquated technology , very little radiation shielding , and a craft that wasn't even properly tested ... The space monkey died and a week later Apollo 11 launched for the moon on live TV ... Right .

    Then they will convince you that the millions of people who believe Apollo was a hoax , are just a bunch of "ignornant , crackpot, conspiracly nuts " , who fell for some untrue stuff about nasa in books , written by some crazy guys just trying to make a buck.... In other words .... THINK FOR YOURSELF instead of allowing those who's job it is to think for you .


    You mention the monkey again; as I said you were right about it dying - but I have said it has no bearing on Apollo.

    Am I in error with any part of my Biosat 3 details? If so, where & what?

    What relevance does Biosat 3 have to Apollo? Exactly why would the monkey dying mean that Apollo could not have been achieved?

    I know if a monkey died after a few days in space, I wouldn't go up in any spacecraft afterwards.


  17. My advice would be to decide which book you feel makes the strongest case for a conspiracy and then send it on to Mr.Cockburn. Speaking from experience, members of Congress tend to read books sent to them or have their staffers read them. I would think that it would be the same for journalists.


    I think an interested party should send Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong to Mr. Cockburn (what a terrible name).


  18. NASA warped our view of space

    When I complained to some people that NASA faked the moon landing, a few of them responded something to the effect:

    "Even if NASA faked Apollo, nobody was killed, so no harm was done. So why should I care?"

    First of all, there are accusations that NASA murdered a few people.

    Second, even if nobody was hurt, and even if there was no cost to the taxpayers, the Apollo moon hoax hurt the human race because it has given people a warped view of the universe. This in turn is causing other problems.

    An extreme example might help explain how a "harmless" scam can hurt a nation. Imagine that the U.S. Navy fakes a trip to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and claims to have discovered hundreds of technically advanced cities full of mermaids. Would you dismiss that scam as a harmless prank?

    That type of scam would do more then waste money. For example, it would cause millions of people around the world to fantasize about traveling to the bottom of the ocean to visit those cities. School textbooks would teach students about the incredible discovery of the mermaid cities. Private companies would look for investors to build submarines that can handle the intense pressure. And Americans would boast that only America has the technology to visit the mermaid cities.

    Let's now consider the effect of the Apollo moon hoax.

    Can astronauts see stars from the moon?

    My Science Challenge has a diagram to explain this. NASA wants us to believe that astronauts cannot see stars from the moon's surface, or when traveling to and from the moon.

    If astronauts cannot see stars when they look into outer space, what do they see? Do they see whiteness? Do they seek a blue sky? Do they see clouds?

    If astronauts cannot see stars, what do they see when they look into outer space?

    Do they see a white sky? Do they see rainbows?

    NASA has fooled milions of people into believing that if they were to visit the moon, they would not be able to see any stars.

    How dangerous is the radiation in space?

    Prior to the 1950's nobody knew what outer space was. In the 1950's and 1960's NASA launched probes to investigate space. NASA discovered that the sunshine in outer space is full of X-rays, protons, and other atomic particles. The earth's magnetic field and atmosphere shield us from the X-rays and atomic particles. A lot of ultraviolet light is also blocked by the atmosphere, especially the high frequency ultraviolet light.

    NASA also discovered gamma radiation in space. However, not much of it was coming from our sun. Instead, the gamma rays were coming from every direction of the universe.

    More surprising, NASA discovered that more gamma rays are coming from the moon than the sun. The reason the moon emits gamma rays is that the moon is bombarded by atomic particles that are coming from outside our solar system, and that bombardment causes the surface of the moon to radiate gamma rays.

    You can see this effect in particle accelerators, nuclear reactors, and X-ray machines. In an X-ray machine, a metal target is bombarded by high speed electrons. The atoms of the metal react by emitting X-rays. The faster the electrons are traveling when they hit the target, the more powerful the X-rays.

    The surface of the moon is bombarded by atomic particles that come from outer space. However, the particles that hit the moon are traveling at a much higher speed than the electrons in an X-ray machine. The result is that the moon emits powerful gamma rays, not weak X-rays. The moon is a spherical target in a "cosmic gamma ray machine".

    If gamma rays appeared purple to our eyes, and if we could travel beyond our atmosphere, we would find that the moon is glowing purple, and that it is much more purple than the sun.

    Outer space is a horrible environment, similar to the inside of a nuclear reactor, although the radiation in space is not as concentrated as in nuclear reactor. How did NASA protect the astronauts from all the x-rays, gamma rays, and atomic particles? NASA claims the radiation is insignficant, so not much protection is needed.

    The truth about radiation in space will never be known until the world gets better governments.

    Low earth orbits are safer than deep space.

    John Glenn and other early astronauts did not need very much protection from radiation because:

    They spent only a few hours in space.

    Astronauts in a low orbit are protected from most of the protons and electrons that come from the sun because the earth's magnetic field deflects them.

    The earth is a shield to objects that are close to it, as shown in the drawing below.

    The black arrows show that a lot of radiation and meteors is blocked by the earth when an object is in low earth orbit.

    If an astronaut were to travel to the moon, he would first have to pass through the Van Allen radiation belts. This is an area of high concentration of protons and electrons.

    If an astronaut travels beyond the radiation belts, he will be exposed to gamma rays, x-rays, atomic particles, and meteors from every direction.

    What happens to a living creature as it travels through the Van Allen radiation belts? How long can a creature survive inside those belts? And how long can it survive the radiation of deep space?

    There are also lots of tiny meteors flying from every direction at extremely high speeds. How long can an spacecraft survive bombardment by tiny meteors? How long can the space suit of an astronaut survive the bombardment? We will never know until we get better governments.

    The Auroras.

    There is less protection from the sun's atomic particles at the north and south poles because the earth's magnetic field diminishes at those locations. Some of the electrons and protons from the sun slam into the air molecules near the poles. This causes the atoms to glow, just like in a neon lamp. We refer to the glow as the "Auroras".

    The glow of the auroras is proof that space is deadly.

    The colorful auroras are fascinating, but they are proof that outer space is a very dangerous place. Since the atomic particles cause the atmosphere to glow, what would they do to astronauts? We will never know until we get better governments.

    Airplane trips expose us to radiation.

    The earth's atmosphere and magnetic field protect us from a lot of the radiation and particles from outer space. Therefore, when we fly in an airplane we are exposed to a slight increase in radiation. The higher the plane flies, the more radiation we experience.

    If we were to fly directly over the north or south poles, we would be exposed to even more radiation. Supposedly, all airlines know about this, so none of them fly over the poles.

    Airlines also alter their routes when the sun ejects large amounts of particles towards the earth. The airlines are more concerned about the atomic particles from outer space than the Apollo astronauts.

    NASA puts a monkey into space in 1969.

    Before sending people to the moon, NASA decided to conduct an experiment to determine the effect of a long space flight. On the 29th of June 1969 NASA put a monkey into orbit around the earth. The plan was to have the monkey circle the earth for 30 days, and then bring it back to earth for an analysis.

    NASA is secretive on how close to the Van Allen radiation belts this monkey reached, but they admit that the monkey's health began deteriorating after a few days in orbit. On the ninth day NASA decided to bring the spacecraft down. The monkey died eight hours after the spacecraft was recovered.

    Would you get onto a spacecraft that is heading to the moon after watching a monkey die after only nine days in Earth orbit? Well, a week after that monkey died, Apollo 11 took off for the moon.

    The monkey may have died simply because of the way NASA confined it to a tiny spacecraft, but even so, I would consider its death to be a sign that NASA was not ready to send people to the moon.

    NASA puts frogs into space in 1971.

    In November 1970, 1½ years after claiming to have the technology to put people on the moon, NASA put two frogs into orbit for 7 days. Unlike the monkey, NASA had no intention of bringing the frogs back to earth. They simply wanted to observe the frogs.

    I suppose that the death of the monkey caused NASA to wonder if they can keep anything alive in outer space for more than a few days.

    De we need protection from ultraviolet light?

    Without an atmosphere to remove the high frequency ultraviolet light from the sunlight, human skin and eyes would be damaged quickly. However, one of NASA's videos show an astronaut wandering around on the moon in the sunlight without his tinted visor.

    You can see this and other videos at the NASA web site.

    Eventually somebody at the control center on earth suggests that he lower his tinted visor.

    Many visitors to Florida are more concerned about ultraviolet light than the astronauts. The astronauts were behaving as if they were on a theater stage, not in a mysterious and potentially dangerous environment.

    Is weightlessness fun?

    NASA creates the impression that weightlessness is lots of fun, as if it is equivalent to floating in a pool of water. However, all the evidence suggests that it is more horrible than being on a small ship in rough water.

    Weightlessness causes serious problems with our digestive system and our sense of balance. The end result is that astronauts vomit. Furthermore, remaining weightless for long periods of time is bad for our health.

    Does every astronaut vomit in space? How often do the astronauts vomit? Do they have trouble sleeping? Is it difficult for them to swallow food? The truth about these issues will not be known until we get better governments.

    Do moon rocks have sharp edges?

    The astronauts fell down several times while on the moon, but they showed no regard to whether the broken rocks on the ground were capable of tearing a hole in a pressurized space suit. They never bothered to look at themselves to see if there were any tears, and the other astronauts did not bother to check one another to see how their suits were holding up.

    The astronauts were behaving as if they were in damp sand that was safe to fall down in. The damp sand would also explain why they were leaving footprints.

    The images from the surveyor spacecraft show the moon to be a dry mixture of crushed rock. If some moon rocks have sharp edges, falling down could tear a hole in the space suit.

    We will never know what the moon's surface is like until we get better governments.



    For the rest of the article go to : http://www.erichufschmid.net/Conspiracies11.htm

    This is scary stuff. The Hubble sent back unusual, even pretty, photos. Are they genuine? Reading this, I don't think anyone went to the moon. The moon in space is purple! -- my favorite color. What a shock. I'd like to know what they saw on the dark side of the Moon. It's something the rest of us can't see. Does NASA have pictures of it? How far up are our satellites? I'm thinking Google's Earth. Please answer.


  19. Supposedly, Monroe took enemas so her belly would look flatter and as a weight loss method. I don't think it helped either way. This is weird but I think she was chronically constipated and that was the real reason.


    The theory that MM's overdose was administered via enema is not in the Coroner's findings (someone please correct me if that is

    wrong). This theory was dreamed up later, I believe, an inference drawn from the condition of Monroe's colon.

    According to an author named Wolfe, Monroe was diagnosed with ulcerated colon in 1961, hence the condition of her colon at the time of death. I am not aware that anyone has refuted Wolfe on this issue.

    I never knew of that diagnosis. I know she had trouble getting to her set on time, and said she was sick to her stomach. She was a very nervous woman and would drink black coffee on the set all day (Marilyn by Norman Mailer), not knowing how it affected her.

    But I believe she was given an enema, and this wasn't examined. It's possible we don't have the real autopsy. Some author suggested that she had bruises on her body, not mentioned in the autopsy. What was Eunice Murray washing in the washing machine at 4:30 am? Soiled bed clothes? This activity was not mentioned in the police report.


  20. Who quoted Peter Lawford or what was the source of his alleged statement in the hours after her death that Marilyn had "taken her last enema"? I don't recall where I read it but certainly remember reading it.

    Ron, I have seen that quote somewhere too. It might have been Peter Lawford's last wife, as he is the one who said that. You might find it in a book, Peter Lawford: the Man Who Kept the Secrets. But I definitely read that quote attributed to Lawford. Supposedly, Monroe took enemas so her belly would look flatter and as a weight loss method. I don't think it helped either way. This is weird but I think she was chronically constipated and that was the real reason.


  21. This may have been posted at some time or another, but I thought it merited a post here:


    For the record, I think her story is 100 percent credible.

    That was an amazing article I read. Fluoride causes cancer. Vaccinations in children in the early '60's were experiments. I even gleamed that the Rothchilds' were (are?) the most powerful of oil barren families. Could they have called for the Assassination? Or the Viet Nam war? I always wanted to know who was the richest family in the world. And I use fluoride everyday and I was vaccinated in the early '60's.

    I can see how Judyth fits in. It's just that I believe there were 2 Oswalds, most likely cousins. Two men using the same identity. Lee Oswald set up Harvey as the Patsy. Who was the Oswald she loved? My guess is Harvey, as she identified the man killed by Ruby as being her love. Harvey, who was married to Marina and who lived in Russia.

    Very interesting. But what about she learned the ancient Eygptian language and was deciphering writings on papyrus? And the Mormons were chasing her?


    I got a quarter says it's Lee. ;)

    She said when Oswald got arrested he looked alot thinner. I believe she may have said his hair was thinning too.(This is why I'm bettin' on Lee--the man arrested looked different in these ways.) In order for me to quote exactly, I'm going to have to suffer through "The Love Affair" again. (For my sanity, Kathy, please trust my paraphrase, or you can watch it, okay?.)

    But SERIOUSLY, I don't believe she was ever with him (either H or L.) Part of the reason is the very thing you posted above:

    "But what about she learned the ancient Eygptian language and was deciphering writings on papyrus? And the Mormons were chasing her?"<----This is funny stuff!!

    Way too much imagination!.

    What really scares me is the fluoride and the vaccinations...


  22. John,

    I know you don't believe this but I'm going to say it anyway.

    Ted Kennedy is in the CIA. He was one of the intelligence officers targeted for political office. He was being handled by the KGB officers that killed his brother Jack and then Bobby.

    I am an eyewitness to the fact that Ted Kennedy was addicted to cocaine in 1984.


    First of all, George W. Bush snorted cocaine, is alcoholic and has moments of aphasia, short-term memory loss. Ever see his news conferences? They're hand-picked. Are the journalists sedated before he comes out or what?

    1984 is gone. We're living in 2007. I think he's pretty sober by now. That man had a lot of reasons to drink, etc. Ted Kennedy has always been the hardest worker in the Senate and cares about his constituents and the nation at large. Could you tell me where I may read about Ted Kennedy being in the CIA? It didn't do him any good in 1969. E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis were seen on Martha's Vineyard on the weekend of Chappaquiddick. They're CIA. Why did they "assassinate" him if he was one of them? Or are you saying he was duped by the KGB into thinking he was in the CIA?


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