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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. The most interesting thing that Ana Ziger told Armstrong is that Oswald did not know the Russian language. Everything had to be translated for him. (Presumably an act on Oswald's part so the Russians wouldn't suspect him of being a language-trained spy.)

    Guess he didn't know English too well either - this does not strike me as a NYC, New Orleans, or Dallas accent, either. Very odd.


    - lee

    "Oswald," speaking on this tape, in my opinion, is not an American. That is not an American accent that I know. I agree with the person who said it sounded like a foreign accent with a British edge to it. Really odd. According to John Armstrong, Harvey was the Oswald in Russia. It just doesn't seem like that's Harvey, shot by Ruby, speaking on the tape.

    In one of my writer's workshops (I'm a novelist) there is a Serbian man, very well-steeped in Hungarian. He's a tremendous writer and he has an accent. But it is not similar to the accent Oswald had on that tape. Think of Bela Lugosi speaking. He was Hungarian, who learned English in America. His accent is quite different to LHO's accent on this Russian tape.

    As far as that short Oswald goes, maybe that's a picture taken before LHO reached puberty. I don't recall when someone said it was taken.



  2. Ever wonder whom Dealey Plaza is named after? Dealey was a military man who struck down 5 Japanese crafts in one night during WWII. You can read about him here:


    Name: Samuel David Dealey

    Rank and Branch: Commander, U.S. Navy

    Born: 13 December 1906, Dallas Texas

    Other Navy Awards: Navy Cross with three gold stars, Silver Star Medal

    Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of the USS Harder during her fifth war patrol in Japanese controlled waters.

    See his picture below. (He reminds me a little of Black Jack Bouvier.)



  3. I don't know how these photos will come out. One is of a man who impersonated Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico. The other was taken after the assassination by the doorway of the TSBD. The man to the very left of the picture has a certain resemblance to the Mexico man. Are they the same person?




  4. I wonder if he was murdered.


    Hi Kathy,

    Good Questions.

    The Photo of Bush in front of the Book Depository sure looks just like him and I found some from the Parkland Hospital that look just like him also but it is mostly from the back and just a little to the side.


    Jim, if you are able to, could you post the photos of Bush at Parkland?


    I well give it a shot...



    Look Familiar folks?

    Notice the bulge above his left shoulder....It seems the cordinators had there own frequency.

    Now I could be leapin in logic here but

    When I first sent them to Gary at the 6th floor museam, he said the man was too short to be Bush.

    A friend of mine in Detroit calculated the height of the Police car and the curb he propbaly would be standing on and said the man was 6 feet 2" ...a match there.

    Then he said it was a another guy he knew but never came up with the name.

    He said he would ask George Bush for the museam What he was doin in Dallas when he told the FBI about the possible student threat to Kennedy when Bush says Please keep this confidential and I am on my way to Dallas".

    I can't recall would be typical.


    Thanks for posting these pictures, Jim. At this time, I'm not convinced that it's George Bush Sr. I'd like others' opinions -- the photo experts.


  5. I wonder if he was murdered.


    Hi Kathy,

    Good Questions.

    The Photo of Bush in front of the Book Depository sure looks just like him and I found some from the Parkland Hospital that look just like him also but it is mostly from the back and just a little to the side.


    Jim, if you are able to, could you post the photos of Bush at Parkland?


  6. I am trying to write something about Lee Oswald. It's nothing major, but I need help and have scoured the Internet; and will continue to do so.

    I would like to know when a person calling himself Lee Oswald went up to Mae Brussells and asked her after a speech if she knew who he was. As Bill Kelly was there and is incommunicado with me -- I "stalk" Donald O. Norton, don't you know -- can someone give me the date this happened or year and season, something? Where did it happen?

    I appreciate your help, Guys.


  7. Being a "Security Observer" was a new one for me too when Phil first told me where he was some months after our Texas journeys...but i had just told Phil where I was in Texas when JFK was Shot so when Phil said "Security Observer" I thought that could be the job description that i took on as well...we can get into that later or i will digress too much from your question.

    It was many months before Dallas that Phil came to Jean's place on Thompson Street in the village where I was living in sin....and while Jean was out, Phil gave me some secret info. There was a plot to kill Kennedy and do I know anything about it. He said he was working for some domestic national Security program kinda like the CIA but these are the Good Guys in the war between the bad guy Hoover's FBI and JFK and the Good Guys.

    Phil never told me who or gave me any names of who was his boss at that time but that would have been foolish if he did and probably dangerous for us both because I had a big mouth...and you know there wasn't much crime in our neighborhood.

    Phil said he was working for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in order to find out more about the plot and i said I would let him know if i heard anything....I kinda remember we were supposed to meet somebody in the subway station but they never showed so I never met the Fair Play for Cuba guys but many years ago I called VJ Lee of the Veterans for Peace and he told me "Oh yes Phil was working with us".

    So all I remember about his Dallas trip was what he told me only once and that was that he he was standing on the street by the scene and when JFK was shot he went towards the scene and saw the commotion ..... and I think he may have gone with someone in NY that he knew...maybe in the Gambino family not sure .... they were probably being set up too come to think of it. Phil did say he thought it was a Para-Military operation

    I asked Phil of he can prove that he was there and he said "Well I was being filmed by some cameraman while I was standing in the big garage Doorway just across the street from the Book Depository".

    Gee after what RFK knew, he must have been more scared then Phil and Me.


    Jim and other members of the Forum...

    We all know Harvey Oswald was working for the FPFC Committee. I wonder if Harvey knew about the coming assassination. Judyth, for what it's worth, said LHO knew Kennedy was going to be killed and was working to stop it.

    Phil's photos that you've shown by the DalTex building -- he even flew home with the man who filmed him --

    Wasn't a theory reported somewhere that certain Mob guys or oil barons were instructed to be near Dealey Plaza on that day, and unknowingly, were there only to have pictures taken of them -- so if anyone claimed conspiracy, they'd study the photos and see those people. (Even George Bush?)

    Curiously, Harvey and Phil Ochs were both told to be in that vicinity. Supposedly they knew of a plot to kill Kennedy. Yet neither did anything to stop it. And one became the patsy. Ochs said he was there as a "security observer." Is it too far-fetched to think Ochs could have been set up as a patsy if something went wrong with Oswald? The 2 being on the FPFC committee and in Dealey Plaza when Kennedy was shot. We know so much went into setting up Harvey. According to Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong, lookalike Lee Oswald was shooting from the 6th floor window at Kennedy's limo on Elm. Could there be something going on we don't know about -- a setting up of Phil Ochs? A "double?"

    I wonder if he was murdered.


  8. Jim Glover :

    I am still performing Folk Music mostly around Florida. I was born in Cleveland Ohio in 1942. I was the guy who got Phil Ochs started in Folk music at Ohio State in Columbus in 1960. I also was Jim of the duo Jim and Jean for the rest of the 60's

    My interest in Politics and intrigue began when I was about 5 or 6 in Cleveland when my Dad was a Fellow Traveler in CPUSA and his friend Gus Hall was hiding out in our attic. Gus and his side kicks would talk to me about the coming revolution. There were many spies around and I would get in trouble for my loose lips.

    Many strange things happened to me concerning the Cold War and I first became aware around those early years when a man with a bossy attitude came to our house and asked me to come down to the basemant to watch as my dad was tossing CP membership records in the furnace. He looked down at me and said "Jim, remember this...don't ever forget this!". I looked down at his left foot next to mine and saw his special black cut off shoe with no room for the front of his foot. I saw him limp back up the stairs and as he loaded his pipe, he gave my Dad instuctions on what to do next and I then went with my Dad as he made the rounds of his friends in the Party.

    My Dad told me before he died that the Man was named Jack LeBlanc, a CP man from France.....but I remember he had no accent.

    Not too many years ago while watching a documentary on JFK, down the street in Dealy Plaza came a group of the Warren Commission. The camera focused for a second on the limping man's foot and Bingo, he was wearing the same shoe and it was Allen Dulles...The same guy who fooled me and my Dad and so my Dad was unknowingly following the instuctions of the man who became head of the CIA.

    About 4 or 5 years later George Bush and his little son, W, were in town when we were living in Willowick O. They would come by and watch me and my friends play football at the Park on the Lake and the golf course on Lake shore drive.

    One day my friend Johnny Yakel said that the man liked us and wanted us to be in a new Allen Ladd movie.

    I went over to Johnny's Moms house and Big George came in the living room dressed in a cowboy dude outfit and we were alone while Mrs Yakel waited in the kitchen. We talked about our shared ancestors in the English Throne and the new movie Ivanhoe, but instead of us being in a movie, George started talking about the White Hats and Black hats and the need for National Security and some Communist spy case and he wanted me to keep track of who comes to visit our house and let him know who.

    My Folks were on vacation...and I was crying on the way home and told my grandma Cohen and she said in her yiddish accent, "the Bastards, they are startin again".

    When I complained to my Folks they both ignored me and always pretended that eveything was fine but I was always supposed to be careful what I said and on the phone ect. My friend Johnny came over on his bike one day and said that the man beat him with a strap and wanted him to stay away from me because my Grandma Cohen was a bad person. I know she did call someone and even though my folks would not do anything about the man beating Johnny, the FBI came over but my dad would not talk to them.

    A friend at school told me that the man was Civil Air Patrol and other kids said he thought he was like a George Washington and Believe it or not, Mrs Yakel told me he was doing this because he thought it would help him be President some day! She said he was in the Oil business and his Dad was some big shot.

    One day I asked Big George if this was all about Russia and he said something like "Oh no, we do business with Russia too"...

    A teacher at my school, who knew my folks, said it was happening because my parents were Stooges for the Communist Party.

    Anyway this kind of intrigue continued all my life and it even lead up to my being set up with my friend Phil Ochs for stuff happening around the JFK assassination.

    Since this is a bio I probably should mention that I was a write-in candidate for Prez in the 92 election on a platform of "Lets End CIA Control of our Lives and for the release all JFK records. And yes I have written to every branch of our government about my observations of the JFK case too.


    Good Luck with your new Book "Brothers".

    I would like to let you know, if you haven't read it yet, that Phil Ochs met RFK on an Airliner and sang him his song about the Assassination of his brother and Robert cried.

    I remember Phil telling me about this but I can't remember if Phil told him that he was in Dealy Plaza as a "Security Observer".

    I kind of doubt if Phil told him because he was afraid of being killed about that fact but who knows because Bobby was probably scared like all of us..

    I may be the only one Phil told about it because we shared secrets.

    I found Phil's photo from the Documentary on the History Channel and almost everyone I have sent it to thinks it is Phil or his double.

    Of course my Family and Phil's do not want to believe that Phil was there because since they were not aware of the secret stuff they do not want to get involved in the war over the conspiracy and like anyone do not have any control over where the truth may lead or how many other lies the government has in still secret files...or maybe truth is in those one million yet to be released documents.

    I believe we were both set up to be in Texas when JFK was shot but the fact that I lived to tell the tale makes me think that maybe there were some folks in the CIA or the Mob or whatever who also thought that the truth should come out some day.

    If anyone would like to see the photos and compare them with Photos of Phil and me singing at Ohio State two Years earlier, I well share them with the forum.

    We are making great progress and if you havent yet seen the photos of the three shells that Mr. Dolva posted, see the dented shell at http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...mp;#entry104042


    Jim, I would love to see those photos. Could you post them?

    Do you think Phil Ochs was murdered or actually killed himself? I remember he died by hanging.

    I have read recently, possibly on this website, that some oil barons and Mob types, were tricked into being in and around Dealey Plaza that awful day. Possibly to show it was a conspiracy, so everyone involved better shut up, they've been photographed. Maybe that's how Phil Ochs got tricked into being there.

    How you describe your childhood -- it sounds like the Hitler Youth, kids squealing on their parents for a political cause they don't understand.


  9. I'm not sure why I'm posting this -- I've held off in the past -- but the downward-spiraling absurdity of these "arguments" begs me to respond.

    In kind?

    You be the judge.

    For many reasons -- some of which should be apparent -- I cannot quote the source of this idea? insight? fantasy? And I surely cannot lend even a scintilla of credence to the story. I must admit, thought, that it appeals to my novelistic sensibilities.

    Suppose ... just suppose ... the Kennedy cenotaph in Dallas is not that at all, but rather ... need I type it ... the Kennedy tomb.

    Now for some truth (a refreshing change):

    At a JFK Lancer conference in Dallas within the past ten years, conference attendees gathered at the cenotaph for a Sunday morning remembrance. At the end of his moving remarks, Professor Evica suggested that we all approach the slab, place our right palms upon it, and pay our respects to John.

    I have not yet lived through a more moving experience.


    That's an interesting theory. I'm sure you know about his disinterment in 1967, where they moved him to a more prominent gravesite in the cemetery. Photos exist of this, but I don't know why the photos were taken. Because it was done with some secrecy in the middle of the night and a lot of military guards were protecting the cemetery. Also, there was some kind of container that was next to the grave after the coffin was lifted out, I believe. The thinking is this might be the missing brain. I don't believe he's buried in Dealey Plaza. Would Jackie have wanted that? Charles, where exactly do they have this memorial "slab" there?


  10. These are my opinions. Subject to change. It's what I learned in a Jesuit college: We have a mission in this world -- kill Commies for Christ.[/color]


    Did you used to write for Mad magazine? SPY vs. SPY?

    Killing for Christ?

    Please, tell me this has all been satire.

    There was a priest at this college I went to who was famous for saying with such heart felt anger, "You people have a mission in this world -- and that mission is: Kill Commies for Christ."

    My "anger" about Castro being alive is just a visceral sentiment. I don't mean for anyone to invade Cuba, as we did Iraq. It's just I can remember as a little kid seeing this bearded, uniformed so-and-so on TV. And Kennedy is dead and his brother, murdered, and other assassinations, and Castro's still alive. To use an old saying, he's too mean to die. No harm meant.


  11. Myra,

    jfkmontreal.com is an absolutely disgraveful website. It is run by someone called Salvador Astucia. He used to post on this forum until he was banned. He labelled John Simkin and Andy Walker as Zionist propagandists on the site, see here, http://www.jfkmontreal.com/ngfl/edforum.htm

    The site is thoroughly unreliable. Another page on the site claims that Israel triggered the Tsunami in Asia.


    About that jfkmontreal.com site. You can tell he's anti-semitic. He also has material on the death of John Lennon. How reliable is that? I've heard from another person to not believe a word he says. Did Jose Perdomo, aka San Genis, a survivor of the Bay of Pigs incident, have something to do with Lennon's killing, as he was the guard that night? Also his description of the Dakota -- is it laid out the way he said it was?


    Well I won't rule out gov't complicity in the Lennon murder, but I will rule out the jfkmontreal website.

    Thanks Kathy. I appreciate the input.

    You're welcome, Babe.


  12. What links Hawley


    unfortunatly Kathy Rillington place was pulled down a couple of decades ago, But, if your ever in London I would be very happy to give you a guided tour of Jacks killing grounds, most of it gone now, but you can use your imagination. Steve.

    Will you show me some Beatle sites too? And since you're in England and I'm in America, can you tell me what the hell "Piccadilly Circus" is?


  13. Myra,

    jfkmontreal.com is an absolutely disgraveful website. It is run by someone called Salvador Astucia. He used to post on this forum until he was banned. He labelled John Simkin and Andy Walker as Zionist propagandists on the site, see here, http://www.jfkmontreal.com/ngfl/edforum.htm

    The site is thoroughly unreliable. Another page on the site claims that Israel triggered the Tsunami in Asia.


    About that jfkmontreal.com site. You can tell he's anti-semitic. He also has material on the death of John Lennon. How reliable is that? I've heard from another person to not believe a word he says. Did Jose Perdomo, aka San Genis, a survivor of the Bay of Pigs incident, have something to do with Lennon's killing, as he was the guard that night? Also his description of the Dakota -- is it laid out the way he said it was?


  14. As I've made clear on other threads, I am one of those who believes that the JFK assassination has - in broad outline - already been solved.

    Final Judgment, in my opinion, identified the conspiratorial network ultimately responsible for JFK's murder and the subsequent cover-up. While others were involved in the conspiracy (and author Mike Piper acknowledges this), the key decision-makers were Zionists.

    According to this hypothesis, a crucial reason behind JFK's murder was his policies on Israel and the Middle East.

    In that context, it is interesting to speculate on how events might have evolved in Israel/Palestine had JFK remained in power for two terms.

    Would the 1967 war - and it's outcome - have been at all conceivable with Kennedy in the White House?

    Would the Israelis have been able to complete their production of nuclear weapons? (Johnson allowed Israel to do this)

    Would the USS Liberty have been sunk in an 'accident' on Kennedy's watch? Would Kennedy have permitted a cover-up of such an incident?

    Without Israel's 1967 land grab - which exceeded in scope Israel's failed expansionist push in 1956 - the current shape of the Hold Land and surrounding area would be very different. World attention would have remained focussed - after 1967 as before - on the original sources of Palestinian grievance, not the additional injustices of 1967 whose reversal has now become the center-piece of 'respectable' peace proposals.

    I submit that, from what we know of Kennedy and his trusted advisers - and from what we have learnt since his death of his independent and fair-minded approach to Israel, Arab nations and the US Zionist lobby - it is inconceivable that events would have swung so far towards Israel's advantage during the 1960s had he survived.

    If JFK had lived, the following outcomes were likely:

    - no Israeli nuclear weapons

    - no 'successful' expansionist Israeli war, such as the 1967 6-day war

    - no US toleration of Israel's persistent refusal to honour the right of return for 1948+ Palestinian refugees.

    - no willingness to let Zionist networks progressively dominate the American polity.

    In other words, no militarily ascendant Israel, automatically supported by an infiltrated and essentially brainless US Government, such as we experience today.

    It is true that other parts of the world might also have fared very differently had Kennedy and his Administration survived. Vietnam and Cuba spring to mind. Yet in neither case did the frosty and aggressive policies of Kennedy's replacements succeed in the long term. In 2007, Vietnam is united under Communist rule - and so is Cuba. If control of these countries was a key goal for the conspirators who killed JFK, they failed miserably.

    In the case of Israel, by contrast, 'success' in perpetuating long-term injustice is rather blatant.

    Good post Sid (I've been away from the forum for a while).

    It's true that America's hard headed support for Israel and abandonment of any fair minded approach to the Middle East situation appears to be their only 'success' on the foreign policy scoreboard to date. If you can call the resultant toxic cesspool of hatred within the Middle East towards the US and Israel a success, that is. It's a shame that more Americans choose not to comment on the plight of the Palestinians after 40 years of cruel occupation. Perhaps Western sympathy towards oppressed people was exhausted by the global effort to rid the world of South Africa's apartheid regime. The apartheid regime was dismantled but South Africa is still here, proving that regimes can be pressured into changing for the better without the nation being 'annihilated'. The fact that the world's most powerful nation is totally incapable of influencing domestic Israeli policy towards the Palestinians strengthens my suspicion that Israel is indeed the missing piece in the JFK assassination puzzle, with the unconditional submission of the US to Israeli Middle East policy beginning almost immediately after JFK's demise.

    Ahh, those dark secrets are surely the tie that binds.

    I find this theory very interesting. There was talk that the Mossad had brought down the World Trade Center and 3 Israelis jumping up and down in glee. This is something I read on the Internet shortly after 9-11. And I recall Arab names not being on the manifest of the flights. There is a lot of info about 9-11 on the Internet. And though I now find it difficult to read or hear about it anymore, I wonder what your opinions are about Israel and 9-11.

    And also, was the Mossad behind the Palestinian convicted of killing Senator Robert F. Kennedy in 1968?


  15. I'm not sure if this will work, but it's worth a try. It will most likely only work with A UK ISP. This is a link to a previously existing live stream from BBC four, it may still be useable in the UK, http://support.bbc.co.uk/multicast/rams/uni/video16.ram

    It is more than likely a dud, but give it a go anyway.


    I kept getting "Not Found." There is also much controversy about a Princess Diana investigation to be shown tonight on BBC, Channel 4.


  16. There are two areas regarding the 11/22/63 assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy,

    that in my opinion, have been the most significant deterrents to the understanding of what truly occurred. One is the inability to PROVE that the Zapruder film was altered.

    It is the second area that has totally perplexed me. I will say this "boldly" with no reservation or apologies. I feel that the actions and behavior of the "entire" Kennedy family (including Bobby), indicate complicency in aiding the "Cover Up".

    I have heard numerous, dozens, of explanations. These however are not valid explanations; merely quite weak "excuses". I am in effect accusing the Kennedy family of assisting in the "cover up" of what is arguably the most important event in U.S. history, and has had no doubt the most severe lingering effect on the future of the United States. Am I expected to be naive enough to believe that the Kennedy family was, and did remain, ignorant to the causes of what occurred and exactly who were the Prime Conspirators?

    I have not heard this mentioned before, but do any of you believe that Arstotle Onassis did not have the means and desire to uncover the important aspects of this event. Do you all recognize, the strength of the intelligence arm of his "Kingdom"?

    Or the intelligence capability of Robert Maheu (sp?) and the Hughes Empire? As a matter of fact, this has not at all been nearly fully explored.

    I am very sorry, but Kennedy family interests in concealing JFK's health, possible meanderings, collusion with the Mafia, or participation in the assassintions of foreign officials, can not be accepted as justification for covering a U.S. Coup d' Etat; except only by the most dull and naive!

    John F. Kennedy is not a closed case. This matter involves the utmost in United States National Security and as such, the Kennedy family could not, if so pressed, prevent the disinterrment of his body. Why have we in the U.S. allowed one family, which by the way does not have a "lilly white" history, to dictate the actions of our country.

    If it were deemed in the interest of "NATIONAL SECURITY", neither you nor I could prevent the disinterrment of our personal families back thru generations. Do I live in a free state? Do I have the same righs as all others, as my constitution guarantees me?

    If I in fact do not....why should I truly give a damned about this affair and merely accept what I "apparently am" ? I feel as if I am a caged, drugged and controlled resident of the largest mental facility in the universe !

    Charles Black

    There are things I agree with you on. But the Kennedys are not all powerful. When John Kennedy Jr's plane took a nose dive into the water around Martha's Vineyard, Senator Ted Kennedy could not get the Coast Guard, or whoever patrols that water, to come out that night and look for the plane. They refused. Outrageous! You can find this on tomflocco.com. And if it seems that this country bows down to the Kennedys, it's because deep down we all know members of that family were killed for political reasons.

    I don't see why we should exhume President Kennedy. Yes, it was a f----d up autopsy. But I don't see what more they would find. The autopsy should have been performed in horrific Dallas.

    Regarding Aristotle Onassis, there are people who believe that he funded the assassination and then took the bride. I don't think he was behind it, though, and if he started to interfere, someone might have knocked off Jackie's kids. That's the main reason she left this country.

    As for Howard Hughes. Now why would he be interested in killing Kennedy? The man was racist. He despised dark-skinned people. (Citizen Hughes) I never heard or read this before but Kennedy was pushing Civil Rights legislation -- maybe that could be a motive.

    As for the Zapruder Film, researchers have convinced me that it was a blatant creation/alteration. I've said this before: the Govt wants us to believe what they tell us. But the last head shot obviously came from the front right. People are believing what the govt (Warren Commission Report) tells them, not what they see with their own eyes!


  17. What links Hawley Harvey Crippen, and Jack the ripper.

    First correct answer wins a day trip to 10 Rillington place..........

    I think Walter Dew was the first cop on the scene of Jack the Ripper's final murder -- Mary Jane Kelly. And he was the police Chief Inspector who searched Crippen's house, found nothing and believed Crippen's story. Crippen got paranoid and left England for Canada, ultimately, which caused there to be a search on his house again and his wife's torso was discovered beneath bricks of his basement. He was later hung for the crime.


    What -- no more contenders? Can I go to 10 Rillington Place, where the guy killed women and hid them behind walls? That must have been a smelly place. I saw the movie but when the cops found the women -- they should have reacted to the stink. But they didn't. Unless I forgot it. Haven't seen the movie in decades. But I want my ticket. Don't get smart and change it to a one-way ticket to Transylvania.


  18. What links Hawley Harvey Crippen, and Jack the ripper.

    First correct answer wins a day trip to 10 Rillington place..........

    I think Walter Dew was the first cop on the scene of Jack the Ripper's final murder -- Mary Jane Kelly. And he was the police Chief Inspector who searched Crippen's house, found nothing and believed Crippen's story. Crippen got paranoid and left England for Canada, ultimately, which caused there to be a search on his house again and his wife's torso was discovered beneath bricks of his basement. He was later hung for the crime.


  19. Don,

    Thank you for the diagramme you posted.

    A superb graphic aid to events on 22nd November 1963!

    Below is an image containing the data from your excellent

    detailed graphic.

    I hope I got it right.



    I still think the trajectory from the knoll on Commerce St near the underpass top could not be achieved, as I still think it would hit Jackie. Also, he was hit on the right side. I did see an autopsy photo one time where there was a bullet hole under his hair, but I don't recall which side. And nobody's ever mentioned that photo again...?


  20. Viva Fidel!


    No one -- I mean NO ONE -- includes in criticism of Castro mention of the US-backed horror he overthrew.

    Viva Fidel!


    Charles, I found this to support your opinion of Castro as a leader. It's in Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong. Armstrong says on page 890:

    "This leader, whether we like him or not, and whether we agree or disagree on his policies, has managed to stay alive and remain in power longer than any other leader in the Western Hemisphere, and most of the world. There is little doubt that Castro rules Cuba with an iron hand and the Cuban economy is one of the poorest in the Caribbean. But, because of his leadership, Cuba is no longer controlled by US interests as are many Central and South American countries. Because of his leadership, the Cuban people have been spared from the havoc, death, destruction, and atrocities which CIA ventures have brought to many neighboring Caribbean and Central American countries."


  21. I'd like to see happy people in Little Havana in Florida really have cause to celebrate

    Aren't they still celebrating the arrival of Posada Carriles? We shouldn't let them get too happy down there. It isn't fair to the rest of us.

    and then I'd like to see the USA take over Cuba. Can the USA do this?
    Yes, but first we'll need a false flag operation, blamed on Cuba, to justify taking over the island. Who should be targeted?

    Well, we might be talking a little too soon. Cuba released a "new" video of Castro talking with a Viet Namese Communist leader. His hair is all gray. He looks like he's been sick, but he's still ticking apparently.



  22. If the Watergate investigative mantra was "follow the money," inquiries into so-called terrorist plots should be informed by "question the timing."


    Do you mean the upcoming G-8? W, conveniently, will be travelling to Europe and will stop in. I think it's going to be held in Germany. What are they planning?


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