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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. We need someone who is not intimidated by Bugliosi and the rest of them who say LHO killed Kennedy from behind. Bugliosi was a prosecutor. We need someone who's a tough liberal and is very knowledgable about the Conspiracy and someone who has an encyclopedic knowledge of the Kennedy Assassination and knows LHO wasn't the lone assassin.

    On Hannity and Colmes, Hannity comes across stronger than Colmes does. As a matter of fact, Colmes is pretty weak, in my opinion. We need a tough person. Why not someone from this Forum? I'm thinking Terry Mauro, who knows a lot and is tough; or I don't know if he's on this Forum but how about Greg Burnham? He's been on TV before and I think he likes to spar. We need someone who is tough -- emphasized. Or else, how about A.J. Weberman, who's so obsessive he probably knows everything about the Kennedy Assassination?

    I mean we can't have Barbara Walters. She was good for Robert Blake, but not for Kennedy. We can't have a wimp. And considering TV people I think is a mistake.

    In the old days I would have suggested Gore Vidal, had he known a lot about the opinions on this Forum and the sources. I know he doesn't believe in Secret Societies. And thinks Kennedy was the worst President we ever had because he brought us closest to nuclear extinction No, Gore Vidal wouldn't be the candidate, then or now.


  2. According to tomflocco.com, investigators have discovered that John and his wife and sister-in-law were victims of foul play.

    I also read that rescuers would not come out until the next morning. We were lied to when the media said the weather conditions were poor. No, they were clear.

    The little airport where John kept his plane abutted the building where I worked in Fairfield, NJ. I was always afraid a plane would hit the building. This before 9/11. I have also read that George HW Bush, George W. Bush and another man inspected the plane at the airport. This I find hard to believe. Did other people recognize them? Were they so stupid as to show up in person? Was it part of a ritual?

    The weekend when John Jr died, no one could locate George W. Bush. A writer on the subject suggested on Black Op Radio, a year or two ago, that W, an aviator himself, rigged John Jr's plane as a test to see how far he would go for the right-wing billionaires. Killing John Kennedy Jr was like his father, Bush Sr, killing President Kennedy. I think we are all aware of the photo that was taken of Bush Sr in front of the TSBD that day. And this is how the Bushes showed their nerve and courage. And how they became presidents.

    When I think of Ted Kennedy having to identify the bodies of his nephew and family, I don't know how he did it. How can he keep quiet about this? Someone is killing that generation of Kennedys left and right. Was the identification of swollen, still recognizable, dark bodies penance for Mary Jo Kopechne drowning in his car? My humble opinion is he was forced off the road, off the bridge; or she was in the car alone and was forced off the bridge, not having any knowledge that water was even there. I tend to believe the latter. I don't think Ted knew about the accident till someone saw the car in the water and reported the accident and it turned out to be Ted Kennedy's car -- uh-oh.

    Again, he lied and took the blame. E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, the 2 tramps in Dealey Plaza, were the perpetrators, imo. They were seen on Martha's Vineyard that weekend.


  3. There is ample evidence that the media is controlled when it comes

    to reporting activities of the Power Control Group. How much coverage

    did the media give the recent meeting of THE BILDEBERGERS?


    Same people. Same news blackout. See Time Magazine on Rupert Murdoch.


    With 8 years of dealing with this cocaine sniffing, so-called recovering alcoholic, if a Republican gets in in 2008, I will know for sure the votes were rigged. I think Hillary will become the next president. But I don't see Obama as Vice President, unless Hillary wants to ensure she will not be assassinated.

    Who is the best candidate for office in 2008?


  4. ]

    O.J.'s son, Jason committed the murders. Nicole was a raging coke-head, which is why O.J. left her in the first place. Her, and her floozy of a sister, and their high-class hooker friend, Fran Resnick.

    Where did you read this, Terry, about Jason committing the murders? I'd really like to know. OJ left a note to Jason to read to the public after his acquittal. Jason looked very disturbed, read the note angrily; and I've read that as the verdict was being read, Jason was in a fetal position on the floor near his relatives, crying.

    "...are you inferring that Ronald Goldman was a male prostitute or a drug dealer?"

    When I was attending a couple of law classes at CSU Dominguez Hills [aka South Central "Ghetto" U.] during the Fall semester 1994 - Spring semester 1995,

    a lot of information came down the pike from the "inside" connection to those incarcerated from the "Three Strikes" amendment that had recently been enacted in CA the previous year, 1993. Let's just say that his name was well-known in certain circles.

    "Also, why are these women "floozies"?"

    O.K., then. They were cocaine abusers. That's an extremely expensive habit, as well as a "permanent" mind and personality altering drug. I've had firsthand experience in watching my daughter's father, and a once "best girlfriend" of mine, degenerate into state of delusional paranoia that would rival any naturally occurring pathological psychoses I've had to "opportunity" to observe in any psych ward, of any institution, of which I've ever been employed. And, I've seen enough of these cases in my career of 32 years to recognize the telltale signs, on sight.

    "Terry, I don't know where you got the idea that I was a friend of the family's. The Kupcinets were well aware of me."

    Well, the way you write about them, one would think you might have been a relative.

    "Irv was never a shallow man, especially with his Zionism. He was a well-informed person. Essee had her faults. She lived vicariously through her daughter; even the housekeeper of 40 years said that. She'd walk right past you, even if you were a friend of Irv's. But if you were a celeb, you had her complete attention."

    He should have dumped her sorry ass a long time ago.

    "Well the not so spectacular little girl had a genius IQ. She wanted to be an actress, not a star. Her parents, particularly her mother, put a lot of stress on her. She felt she was disappointing them anytime she was rejected for a role.

    I feel she should have gone into Journalism, something like that."

    Then, her father should have recognized how gifted his daughter really was. He should have made a concerted effort to guide her in the direction of journalism, or a profession more suitable to her intellectual abilities. Instead, he sat idly by while his plastic fantastic wife set his daughter up for failure by allowing "Essee" to push her into one of the most competitive and self-esteem-destroying careers imaginable. I don't care how devoted a "zionist" he was. He wasn't paying attention to where his daughter's life was headed. She was on a collision course with disaster. Especially, if acting was not her major calling. She obviously wasn't a Tuesday Weld, a Sandra Dee, a Stephanie Powers, a Susan Strasberg, or even a Natalie Wood, for that matter. For her to have been thrown into that sort of competition was ridiculous. He was a "failure" as a father. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

    Send me your address and I'll have Amazon.com ship both books off to you. William Dear's and Talbot's. William Dear's is essential to understanding exactly how character assassination, especially by Operation Mockingbird's media apparatus, is always at the ready to take down someone they never quite thought should have attained the success they had amassed, regardless of the hard work they spent in doing so. And, especially if they'd had the unmitigated gall to have married a white woman in the interim. That's exactly how they view it. And, if you think otherwise, you're naive.

    I remember this as if it were yesterday, right on national T.V., after O.J. and his long-time friend Al had taken that ride to the cemetary in Lake Forest. While they were waiting for O.J. to arrive at the city jail, that Marsha, whatever the hell her name was, and Garcetti were waiting on the steps at the back door of the jail, and Marsha, uttered these words, "We've got the murderer." Or, words to that effect. And, I was immediately transported back to 11-22-63, and amazed at the sheer ignorance of "due process" being afforded another supposed, or at least should have been supposed, "suspect."


    I didn't like Marcia Clark. She lost the case, but she loved the cameras. She was in a tight-fitting gown at one function where a reporter was trying to ask her a question. She said to him out of the side of her mouth, "Not now. They're taking pictures." She was so vain. And she lost! Now she's a blonde and works as a legal correspondant for one of the Entertainment shows.


  5. Kathy....

    In case you are interested, below is a book written by Wiliam Dear, who is a Private Investigator in Dallas. Actually his office is on the Stemmons Freeway! He was involved in the exhumation of Oswald. He investigated the O.J, Simpson case for several years and discovered that Jason did have the Motive, Means and Opportunity to kill Nicole. Quite an interesting book!

    "O.J. Simpson Is Guilty, But Not Of Murder" by William Dear


    William C. Dear - Private Investigator




    Thanks for the book title. I will order it from the library, after I get Brothers by David Talbot.


  6. ]

    "OJ Simpson went to a fast food place with Kato to buy some Methamphetamine. Kato lied about that. Otherwise, I don't see how Simpson could do such a savage thing in such a short period of time unless his blood was raging. It was superhuman."

    O.J.'s son, Jason committed the murders. Nicole was a raging coke-head, which is why O.J. left her in the first place. Her, and her floozy of a sister, and their high-class hooker friend, Fran Resnick.

    Where did you read this, Terry, about Jason committing the murders? I'd really like to know. OJ left a note to Jason to read to the public after his acquittal. Jason looked very disturbed, read the note angrily; and I've read that as the verdict was being read, Jason was in a fetal position on the floor near his relatives, crying.

    Also, why are these women "floozies"? OK, it bugged me when Faye Resnick used to tell Geraldo or someone how all her husbands were very rich. But I don't see how she's harming anybody. The rich get rich and the poor get poorer.

    Goldman's girlfriend was an Ultrasound tech in one of the hospital's I worked at. She, and the Goldman's, came west from Palm Beach, FL a year or two before the murders. Goldman was an "aspiring" actor who bussed tables at Mezzaluna, which also served as a clandestine business-distribution center for his "other" customers, such as Nicole Simpson. His girlfriend, the U/S tech, drove a late model Porsche Carrera. She hated Nicole. The last time I saw her she was packing some boxes off for the post office, "Christmas presents," and left town headed back to Florida in December 1994.

    Now when you say his other customers, are you inferring that Ronald Goldman was a male prostitute or a drug dealer?

    Cocaine alters the binding sites in the brain, permanently by causing a glitch in the DNA chain of the body's cellular system, so that each new cell becomes embedded with the new link in the DNA chain, making it virtually impossible for the neurotransmitter enzymes to recognize the newly altered binding sites. Henceforth, making it virtually impossible to kick the habit. Much the same as those other two drugs which happen to be legal and just as hard to kick, nicotine, and alcohol.

    I'm glad I never indulged in street drugs.

    "At night, Irv would go out on the town with his glamourous wife, the red-headed Essee, a former dancer with a college degree. As a young woman, she was like today's Paris Hilton. It was all about being pretty and being seen. This her grandson said. The night clubs served as a venue for visiting celebs who had a stopover in Chicago. It was fodder for his column. He really lived a great life and was in 2 movies: Advise and Consent and Anatomy of a Murder, directed by his good friend Otto Preminger. --"

    That's not saying very much about someone whose daughter has been murdered. Especially, the way you portray this family's shallow, ignorant behavior. I, for one, had never even heard of Irv Kupcinet until I hit the forums. I never remember him on any of the sportscasts out of New York, or L.A. So, what exactly was he? An actor? A talk show host? A sportscaster? A minor celebrity-about-town? Chicago? If he lived such a great life, and his wife was so beautiful, how come they couldn't save their daughter from a fate worse than death, which is what it seems to be wreaking [you mean reeking] of, at this late date?

    Irv was never a shallow man, especially with his Zionism. He was a well-informed person. Essee had her faults. She lived vicariously through her daughter; even the housekeeper of 40 years said that. She'd walk right past you, even if you were a friend of Irv's. But if you were a celeb, you had her complete attention.

    If you were a friend of the family's, why didn't you speak up about the dysfunction you apparently were witness to, at the time. I mean, after all, you couldn't have been that star-struck with Essee to not have brought to her attention what seemed to be her total lack of empathy for her own daughter, let alone how obvious it might have appeared to outsiders. I mean, like what exactly was her take on all of this? It seems as if it was more of a bother to her than a tragedy. Like, "Oh my poor, little, pudgy daughter has now found peace." Or, more likely, "Well, at least I won't have to be embarrassed any longer by this dumpy little thing I brought into the world."

    Terry, I don't know where you got the idea that I was a friend of the family's. The Kupcinets were well aware of me. Now I'm on the Karyn Kupcinet yahoo site, which is overseen by Kari Kupcinet, Karyn's niece, who never met her. They were not crazy about the link to the Kennedy Assassination. And disliked James Ellroy's take on how Karyn died. I don't blame them. And then they died.

    After Essee died, Irv was in a wheelchair (heart troubles) and was being interviewed about his daughter. The reporter asked him if she could have killed herself. And as old as he was, he was quick to anger. He said, "It was our fault. We never should have cut the apron strings so early."

    For such wonderful people as you seem to make them out to be, I fail to note any redeeming aspects of their personalities that might lead me to believe they were nothing more than self-absorbed limelight addicts, more interested in their public personnas than in what their superficial attitudes may have wrought along with the effects they may have had, on their not-so-spectacular little girl.

    Well the not so spectacular little girl had a genius IQ. She wanted to be an actress, not a star. Her parents, particularly her mother, put a lot of stress on her. She felt she was disappointing them anytime she was rejected for a role.

    I feel she should have gone into Journalism, something like that. One male friend said, "She had more books than any girl I know." I wish Irv had pushed her to go after a Journalism degree. She should have gone somewhere to be alone and see what she wanted to be. She could have been a novelist or a playwright. When you come out and say she was mediocre, she didn't live long enough to be her own person. She didn't know who she was.'

    Also, the chief investigator of her murder said, "This girl has more friends than anyone else I've ever known." Carol Lynley told of her courage and generosity. No, she was not mediocre. I just think she was in the wrong business or the wrong end of it.

  7. The Freepedia Writers Directory can be found here:


    I majored in English here in the United States. But we were taught American writers also. I guess they don't do that in England. Some names:

    Philip Roth Allen Ginsberg

    Anne Sexton Lillian Hellman

    Anne Rice Mary McCarthy

    Norman Mailer Joan Didion

    Saul Bellow Stephen King

    Gore Vidal Truman Capote

    Tennessee Williams Eugene O'Neill

    William Inge Arthur Miller

    John Berryman John Gardiner

    Robert Frost James Ellroy

  8. "Speed has often been associated with sudden, violent rage."

    If she was the one who was supposed to have been a "speed freak," what would she have been "enraged" about?

    I was just trying to tell you how potent is Desoxyn or Crystal Meth.

    "I think of the case of Army Doctor Jeffrey McDonald or imo O.J. Simpson."

    Pardon my utter stupidity, but I was under the impression that the drug of choice, in those instances, was cocaine.

    Absolutely not. Dr. McDonald was taking a lot of speed because of the hours they make new doctors work in hospitals. OJ Simpson went to a fast food place with Kato to buy some Methamphetamine. Kato lied about that. Otherwise, I don't see how Simpson could do such a savage thing in such a short period of time unless his blood was raging. It was superhuman.

    "...she was murdered to crush her dad and keep him away from the Chicago angle of the Assassination."

    Irv was always angry at himself for not bringing in a private detective. The cops talked him out of it. It's possible that Irv didn't think his mobster friends would do something like that to him -- if it was the mob behind the hit. They offered to go to L.A. and find out more of what happened to her. Irv declined. Irv knew enough not to ask a favor of the Mafia. You always owe them. Irv did take thousands of gifts from his audience and people who wanted to get in good with him -- a mention in his column -- like at Christmas time.

    Irv was in complete denial imo. He would take gifts from anyone -- not the policy today -- but he stayed away from the Mob. I never confirmed this, but somebody said he never discussed the Assassination again in his column until JFK came out and he was outraged. There was no conspiracy.


    And, he finally clammed up about it? Why would that stop him? If anything, he might have gotten himself into a witness protection program and been able to "ghost write" his own version of what he thought happened, or did the Feds warn him to put a lid on it, as well? What kind of a columnist or news anchor was he, anyway? A "Larry King" type of a format? I forget. Maybe that's why it seems so insignificant in the realm of everything else surrounding this case.

    Your solution is too far fetched. Who wants to stay in seclusion for the rest of their lives? What would he do? Irv had Kup's Show where he invited celebs and people from all walks of life and they would talk until they ran out of things to say. Later, he chopped it down to one hour. It was a late night program. He also had a column in the Chicago-Sun-Times. Basically, it was a gossip column. But Irv thought of himself as a serious journalist. He was the first to tell the public about DeLorean, who was trafficking in drugs. DeLorean made that car where the doors opened up from the top. Johnny Carson had one. DeLorean was married to an ex-model. She left him and quickly married another man. I think her name was Christine. She did some movies like The Impossible Years, 1968, written by Groucho Marx's son. --Kathy

    At night, Irv would go out on the town with his glamourous wife, the red-headed Essee, a former dancer with a college degree. As a young woman, she was like today's Paris Hilton. It was all about being pretty and being seen. This her grandson said. The night clubs served as a venue for visiting celebs who had a stopover in Chicago. It was fodder for his column. He really lived a great life and was in 2 movies: Advise and Consent and Anatomy of a Murder, directed by his good friend Otto Preminger. -- Kathy

    I hope you're right, and I hope you find what you're looking for. And, most of all, I hope it's in direct relevance to the case in point. Otherwise, Kupcinet could go down in history known as someone too scared to have avenged the death of his own daughter. Which would seem preposterous to me, considering the fact that he might also risk appearing to be some lily-livered chicken Sugar-Honey-Iced-Tea, for allowing himself to be cowed by the mob. Was his life, or his wife's, or his whole damned family's lives that much more important than to have passed on an investigation he had already embarked upon. Especially, coming right on the heels of his daughter's death?

    Are you serious? Yes, he must have feared for his family. He had a son Jerry and a beautiful, if ireverent, wife. Kupcinet will go down in history as being a great Humanitarian. He had so many friends. He never wrote anything bad about anyone, unless it was Andrew Prine or the late David Lange. -- Kathy

    A daughter is a daughter, regardless of whether she's a whore, a drug addict, an alcoholic, or a common thief. If there's one thing the mob believes in, it's HONOR. HONOR, and FAMILY. If the term "outraged," could be used in the proper perspective here, it should have been Irv Kupcinet, who should have gone after those he suspected of killing his daughter, of attacking the sanctity of his FAMILY, and with a vengeance. HONOR, a virtue of which Irv Kupcinet seems to be glaringly lacking, therein.

    You are absolutely wrong! He will go down in history as a great man. Irv wasn't a Mob member, but he was a Zionist; and I think it hurt him when Cookie (Karyn) had to get a nose job for Hollywood. She had his features -- including what some people would call a Jewish nose. The rhinoplasty killed him. Don Rickles was on his show one time in the '80's and said, "Irv eats birdfeed for breakfast." Then Rickles made pecking motions with his head. It was funny, but Irv wasn't laughing. Not at all. -- Kathy

    Someone, FWIW, who obviously never knew the binding promise in the words, to "swear on my daughter's life." He's lucky he didn't end up sleeping with the fishes, himself. At least, that's the way he seems to be coming across from this end of the spectrum. If you want respect, you've got to earn it.

    Irv had everyone's respect. He'd been a professional football player. He'd been an innovator on TV. He was a referree in Football and a sports announcer. He wrote everyone's favorite column. People would open the newspaper to read him first.

    I feel the opposite -- a person has my respect until they do something to destroy it. I loved Irv and miss him.


  9. Jack,

    Technically, there is no such thing as a 'karate chop'. That was something Maxwell Smart used to knock KAOS agents out with. :ph34r:

    Many different styles of martial arts utilize knife hand strikes but they don't do a great deal of damage.

    Killing a person with one's bare hands is a very difficult thing to do and requires a great deal of training and a certain mind set to get the job done. For professional killers, this is time consuming, leaves trace evidence all over the place and can be clumsy.

    If there was a contract out on Koethe, I find it difficult to believe that an idiot like Reno would have been employed.


    I have Karyn Kupcinet's autopsy report. All the damage was done to her left side throat, leaving the coronor to say the man was very strong, held her from behind and was possibly left handed.

    I had read about a method of killing someone which would fit right into the coronor's conclusion. It's called the sleeper method. She was grabbed from behind with an arm around her throat to cut off the carotid artery on her left side. Death is supposed to be very quick with this method. And the killer has to be very strong. But how hard could it have been to subdue a heavily drugged, petite girl.

    I truly fear that in Karyn's case, it was a hit. Irv Kupcinet had what other journalists didn't. He knew everybody in Chicago! He got a handle on Ruby and was going to run with it. Then his daughter turned up dead.

    And there were many suspects because she entertained 2 young men that night; good friends of her boyfriend, who didn't want to see her anymore. Also, a new neighbor downstairs had moved in. He was caught in a lie by the police. And he was found to have arrived home drunk about 12:30 am, when the murder happened. Plus another fellow came to see her Friday, but she didn't answer her door so he put a book he was returning (Henry Miller) on her doormat. And she had a boyfriend in Pomona (I hope that's the right spelling). It turned out he had a good 100% alibi.

    If you were a hitman, I think you'd hang around and watch her habits. When the 2 men left, the killer struck shortly afterwards. They would be to blame.

    The left side of her neck was greatly damaged internally-- her thyroid and other structures on that side. And the hyoid bone was broken. There were no indications of rape, but they found a "copious" amount of a whitish substance in her vagina, which had decomposed and was of no help in finding the killer.

    If it is true that she wasn't raped, what motive would any of her friends have to kill her? Methamphetamine in the medicine cabinet? If it was one of the suspects, the drug was easily available as she kept her pills behind the bathroom mirror. Why kill her?

    And I think there are killers, employed by Intel, who can administer a karate chop to the neck and kill somebody easily.



    "There were no indications of rape, but they found a "copious" amount of a whitish substance in her vagina, which had decomposed and was of no help in finding the killer."

    Then, why bring it up?

    "If it is true that she wasn't raped, what motive would any of her friends have to kill her? Methamphetamine in the medicine cabinet? If it was one of the suspects, the drug was easily available as she kept her pills behind the bathroom mirror. Why kill her?"

    Why, indeed. How did she score her speed? By prescription, or Black Market? If by prescription, no motive, that is, unless she ran around with a bunch of speed freaks who were mainly interested in ripping off her stash. And even then, they could've done that behind her back without having to resort to knocking her out, let alone murdering her. If by Black Market, maybe she hadn't paid her distributor in a timely manner. What does her apparent speed habit have to do with any of this, anyway? Was she killed because she was a "tweak," who might talk? And if so, "talk" about what?

    I could see the intrigue, had the drug of choice been "cocaine," or even, "heroin." There was a lucrative market for those substances in the early 1960's. But, prescription speed, diet pills? That could be equivalent to scoring weed, or acid, back in those days. It wasn't even classified as a "3" substance until the Reagan administration decided to "Just Say No." And, the DEA didn't really get to cut its teeth in the drug trafficking world until the mid 1970's when they tried to saturate Oakland with cocaine and this new process, known as "crack."

    So. unless someone can shed some light on the reason why Karyn Kupcinet's "diet pill" habit, and not say, a "cocaine" or "heroin" habit may have figured in on her demise, I don't know if I quite follow this line of inquiry. James?

    I bring up the rape scenario for purposes of motive. Did she have sex that night? And if so, with whom? Did this person kill her because she thwarted his intentions?

    I disagree with you about diet pills. She was taking Methamphetamine. Speed has often been associated with sudden, violent rage. I think of the case of Army Doctor Jeffrey McDonald or imo O.J. Simpson. She may have been very stoned, not thinking straight. She doctor shopped, so had several prescriptions. But if she did buy from the black market, it might explain the walk she took that night while she had a guest in her house. A woman that distraught is not going to stop and exercise. Where did she go? To the Sunset Strip? To the Rain Check Room, where her friends usually hung out? Did she "score" there? Or maybe the guy was going to come through for her around midnight. But she seemed surprised at the knock on the door. Just getting out of the shower, throwing on a bathrobe.

    Terry, it is my opinion that she was murdered to crush her dad and keep him away from the Chicago angle of the Assassination. But one must go through all possible scenarios. The murder was never solved. And the Kupcinets' main suspect is dead.


  10. Jack,

    Technically, there is no such thing as a 'karate chop'. That was something Maxwell Smart used to knock KAOS agents out with. :ph34r:

    Many different styles of martial arts utilize knife hand strikes but they don't do a great deal of damage.

    Killing a person with one's bare hands is a very difficult thing to do and requires a great deal of training and a certain mind set to get the job done. For professional killers, this is time consuming, leaves trace evidence all over the place and can be clumsy.

    If there was a contract out on Koethe, I find it difficult to believe that an idiot like Reno would have been employed.


    I have Karyn Kupcinet's autopsy report. All the damage was done to her left side throat, leaving the coronor to say the man was very strong, held her from behind and was possibly left handed.

    I had read about a method of killing someone which would fit right into the coronor's conclusion. It's called the sleeper method. She was grabbed from behind with an arm around her throat to cut off the carotid artery on her left side. Death is supposed to be very quick with this method. And the killer has to be very strong. But how hard could it have been to subdue a heavily drugged, petite girl.

    I truly fear that in Karyn's case, it was a hit. Irv Kupcinet had what other journalists didn't. He knew everybody in Chicago! He got a handle on Ruby and was going to run with it. Then his daughter turned up dead.

    And there were many suspects because she entertained 2 young men that night; good friends of her boyfriend, who didn't want to see her anymore. Also, a new neighbor downstairs had moved in. He was caught in a lie by the police. And he was found to have arrived home drunk about 12:30 am, when the murder happened. Plus another fellow came to see her Friday, but she didn't answer her door so he put a book he was returning (Henry Miller) on her doormat. And she had a boyfriend in Pomona (I hope that's the right spelling). It turned out he had a good 100% alibi.

    If you were a hitman, I think you'd hang around and watch her habits. When the 2 men left, the killer struck shortly afterwards. They would be to blame.

    The left side of her neck was greatly damaged internally-- her thyroid and other structures on that side. And the hyoid bone was broken. There were no indications of rape, but they found a "copious" amount of a whitish substance in her vagina, which had decomposed and was of no help in finding the killer.

    If it is true that she wasn't raped, what motive would any of her friends have to kill her? Methamphetamine in the medicine cabinet? If it was one of the suspects, the drug was easily available as she kept her pills behind the bathroom mirror. Why kill her?

    And I think there are killers, employed by Intel, who can administer a karate chop to the neck and kill somebody easily.


  11. In re Robert Oswald:

    I'm not familiar with any credible, in-depth studies of ROs whereabouts on those occasions when LHO doubles are alleged to have been in play.

    Could there have been a better doppelganger for Lee than brother Robert?

    Compare the folds in his chin as he walks down the steps with the overhead, full-face view of "Lee" in his casket.

    For Jack White: Did John Armstrong give serious consideration to a series, through the years, of R-as-L substitutions?


    Robert Oswald is a mystery. I am among the ones who believe Robert and Harvey Oswald (shot by Ruby) were not brothers. I thought I saw a resemblance years ago, but I don't now. This is weird but I think Harvey was better looking than Robert. Can anyone post the picture of Oswald in his coffin, so I can compare the two? I will go through my own photos, but I don't think I have it on this hard drive.


  12. Could he be the man who accompanied Robert Oswald from the morgue? I am trying to find the photo. They are coming out of the hospital (?) and Robert looks distraught. This was after Ruby killed his "brother," Lee Harvey Oswald.


    It's not the same man Kathy, but here's the guy coming out of the hospital with Robert Oswald who I think is the same man seen a the knoll and also in the military pic with Lee Oswald. Just my opinion.


    Not sure on the guy in uniform, but the other two are a PERFECT match and that just shows [once again] the small circle of people invovled in all aspects before, during, after and the interconnections they all had!

    I always thought the man with the helmet was David Ferrie. Another mix up, I guess. Was this the Civil Air Patrol or another CIA training place?

    Thanks for posting that, everyone.


  13. I believe Jim Koethe and Karyn Kupcinet died the same way -- probably from squeezing from behind with a strong arm to cut off the carotid artery on one side. Or else -- a karate chop. If these two died in a similar way, this points to a hitman in my opinion. Karyn's apartment had been ransacked. But the only thing missing were some 100 odd Desoxyn, which is methamphetamine.

    Her father called a mobster immediately when Oswald was shot by Ruby and Ruby was identified. They both knew Ruby, but Irv didn't know him that well. The mobster was surprised and said, "Sparky wouldn't do that." Kupcinet considered himself a real journalist, not just a gossip columnist. He was going to dig up the Chicago connection to the Assassination. I've read, but I can't confirm this, that Irv never wrote about the assassination again after his daughter died.

    So there's a Ruby connection to the 2 deaths. John Simkin's "informant," or an interested party, should try to get a copy of Jim Koethe's autopsy for a start.

    James, what is all this stuff about Reno and his female cousin? You know so much, it astounds me. Could you fill me in on Koethe?

    Kathy C

  14. I've found some material on Congressman Sonny Bono and Waco.


    "Rep. Sonny Bono (R-La Quinta) spent several hours monitoring testimony with his Republican colleagues. Upon leaving the committee room Friday, Bono was spotted by Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry J. Hyde (R-Ill.), who couldn't resist acknowledging Bono's fascination with the hearings.

    Said Hyde: "Sonny, you cult-buster you!"'

    This next one goes down a list of people involved with Waco who died unexpectantly:


    "Carlos Ghigliotti, infrared expert, dead of a heart attack. Fred Zegel, infrared expert, died of unreported causes. One of the ATF agents committed suicide, saying he'd been blamed for the failure (he'd posed as a UPS deliveryman to gain info, and was a bit clumsy at it, not that that played any role in anything, but agencies look for scapegoats). One of the TV cameramen who filmed the first raid died at an early age, reportedly of drinking too much. At least one of the FBI higher-ups was drinking too much, it was said. Robert Rodriguez, ATF agent who tried to stop and raid (and whom David Koresh rather liked), forced out of the agency (and successfully sued them over leaking personal info to harm him ... as usual in a bureaucracy, the one guy who does things right is persecuted for making everyone else look bad).

    I was living in Los Angeles at the time. I was the only person among my coworkers who questioned the Federal Government's right to raid a compound that was, by all local accounts, civilian and police, no threat to anyone.

    The things I remember:

    [One being] Congressman Sonny Bono's admirable disgust when watching a tape of the massacre. Bono was new to Republican politics; he hadn't yet learned to dump his principles in the toilet at the first sign of government malfiesance."

    Could Sonny, being as emotional as he was (and not doped up that I can tell) have attracted the wrong kind of publicity with his sentimentality and sincerety -- you can't keep someone like him quiet because he might be a loose cannon and would stick to his guns, trying to actually do something about the situation.

    BTW, although I'm a Democrat, I thought Janet Reno was the worst Attorney General in the history of this country. The way that militia raided the home where Elian Gonzalez was sleeping -- that boy will be scarred for life; and I hope the Fisherman (can't remember his name) who fished Elian out of the ocean, wins his lawsuit.


  15. There were no witnesses to Bono's death.

    I am always suspicious when there were no witnesses.

    Take Vince Foster, for example, or George DeMohrenschildt...


    Thanks Ron -- who would know Congressman Bono was going to ski alone? On the other hand, Jack, he could have been ambushed on the mountain and taken to the place where he supposedly died. With his wife coming out and saying those things about him, what was the purpose? Also, he was evidently something of an athlete at age 62 to ski like that. Those pills would have incapacitated him to begin with. And physical pain would not put him on a mountain slope. He'd probably stop skiing altogether. I can't understand her motive. And you know what? I don't believe her.

    Why would someone kill Sonny Bono? Ron mentioned the Waco committee. I'll have to look into that. I mean, even though he had been in Show Biz, he was an American Congressman and sometimes they die violent deaths. As it was so close to Michael's death, it almost seems like a copycat.


  16. Today I thought I'd look up Sonny Bono and Michael Kennedy's deaths. Both died a few days apart by slamming into trees while skiing. When I thought of Sonny being a Congressman, I had a little suspicion. And I was surprised what I found on the Internet about him and Michael Kennedy.

    Michael was Robert F. Kennedy's son, who disgraced himself and his brother Joe III, by having an affair with his children's underage babysitter. His brother Joe, at the time, was running for Governor of Massachusetts. Michael was his campaign manager. Joe felt the wrath of other Catholics by having his marriage annulled, so he could be married to another woman without excommunication. He had several children from his first marriage. The fact that the annulment went through, says something about the Catholic Church. His main gripe with his first wife was she didn't have the bravura of the Kennedys, and wasn't cut out to be a wife of a major politician. And the Catholic Church felt that was deserving of an annulment. I bet a hell of a lot of money changed hands, but that's another story.

    This is from an obituary of Sonny Bono that appeared in the NY Times.http://elvispelvis.com/bono.htm

    "Sonny Bono, Entertainer Turned Congressman, Dies in Skiing Accident


    LOS ANGELES -- Rep. Sonny Bono, whose unexpected career in Republican politics followed an equally unexpected -- and successful -- career as a singer and television star with his former wife, Cher, was killed on Monday evening when he crashed into a tree while skiing in South Lake Tahoe, Calif. He was 62 and lived in Palm Springs, Calif.

    Bono was skiing with his wife, Mary Whitaker, and their two children when he left them about 1:30 p.m. to ski alone at the Heavenly Ski Resort on the California-Nevada line, 55 miles south of Reno. Unaware that he had not made it down the hill, his wife, their son, Chesare, 9, and daughter, Chianna, 6, waited at the bottom of the slope. When he failed to appear after several hours, they reported him missing.

    Bono's body was found by the ski patrol about 6:45 p.m. Sheriff Ron Pierini of Douglas County said Bono skied into a wooded area and hit a tree.

    The sheriff said Bono died of massive head injuries. There was no evidence of drug or alcohol use, he said.

    Bono's death came less than a week after Michael Kennedy, the 39-year-old son of Robert F. Kennedy, was killed when he hit a tree while playing football on a ski slope in Aspen, Colo. Michael Kennedy's uncle, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., said his family was "heartbroken" at Bono's death.

    Bono met his fourth wife, Mary Whitaker, in 1985, when she walked into a restaurant he owned on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles to celebrate her graduation from the University of Southern California. They were married a year later.

    What his wife, who assumed his seat in Congress, said about his death frankly shocked me:

    Friday, November 20, 1998 9:56 AM

    Bono's Wife: Drugs Killed Sonny

    Sonny Bono's widow isn't letting him rest in peace. Rep. Mary Bono tells TV Guide that the pop star-turned-congressman was a prescription drug abuser, and she believes that this led to his death in a skiing accident last January.

    Mary Bono, who replaced her late husband as a California representative, tells the Nov. 28 issue of the magazine that Sonny was taking "15, 20 maybe" pills a day at the time of his death. She says the pills were prescribed by doctors for chronic back and neck problems.

    "I am 100 percent convinced that is why he died," she says. "What he did showed absolute lack of judgment. That's what these pills do. They take away your thought process."

    According to his autopsy results, Bono showed no signs of alcohol or drug abuse, but Mary says that Sonny had "therapeutic" levels, i.e. prescribed amounts, of Vicodin and Valium in his system. "You know, these drugs come with a warning, 'Do Not Operate Machinery,' or whatever."

    Mary Bono also says the pills made her husband moody, withdrawn, and angry, causing severe problems in their marriage.

    "People don't know this. They don't know the true struggle that was there," she says. "One time Cher said, 'You know, Mary, you've gotta get out of there.' She knew how bad it was. His mood swings were so hard. In the middle of the night, he would wake up and be angry about something."

    It was, she says, "a very difficult 12 years of my life."

    Mary Bono says she and Sonny didn't have a prenuptial agreement, so "I could have left him and done well. But I chose to stay and work it out because I truly loved him."

    The Dartmouth Review described what caused Michael Kennedy -- and Sonny Bono's -- accident: The article is very anti-Kennedy and if you can stomach it -- and some of it might be the truth, you can read more from it at the link:


    "Michael, Sonny, and Skiing

    Wednesday, February 11, 1998

    It is extraordinary to have had two such prominent skiing deaths recently, Michael Kennedy and Sonny Bono. But the fact of the matter is that there is almost no excuse for even an injury in modern recreational skiing, even if you want to go pretty fast and on expert trails.

    During the past twenty-five years immense advances have been made in ski equipment. If your equipment is properly adjusted, your skis will detach if you fall, and so your ankles and your knees will escape injury, though you may be shaken up a bit when you hit the snow. For a while about ten years ago leg injuries became so rare that wrist injuries were actually more common. Ski pole straps were spraining people's wrists when they fell — but now the ski poles are made to fall free during a crash.

    Just about everything has now been done in the direction of safety as far as equipment is concerned. Of course the equipment has to be properly adjusted. If you buy the best bindings in the world and fail to adjust them you have wasted your money and might as well nail your boots to the skis.

    In fact, the only serious ski injury I have had was during cross-country skiing. I hit some ice, fell, and broke an ankle. This is because cross-country skis don't release during a fall. They can 'propeller' and take an ankle with them. As far as I am concerned, cross-country skiing is more dangerous than downhill skiing.

    The death of Michael Kennedy cannot be blamed on skiing, might even be said to have had nothing to do with skiing. Much has been said about the 'tragedies' in the Kennedy family, but there is an atmosphere in that family that invites disaster.

    There is a recklessness in all of this for which the term criminal is entirely appropriate.

    Consider Michael Kennedy. At age 39 he was playing a version of touch football while skiing without poles and also trying to make movies of this family sport. It emerges that the Ski Patrol there in Aspen had repeatedly asked the Kennedy's to cut this stuff out, told them that it was dangerous, and that the night before the fatal collision with a tree, an official of the ski area had phoned Ethel Kennedy and asked them to desist.

    Of course they didn't, and what they got, they got.

    In my opinion this behavior was inexcusable and reprehensible. It was an insult to the essence of skiing and even an insult to the mountain itself. Downhill skiing is about controlled speed, with the emphasis on both 'control' and 'speed.'

    I myself think of skiing in terms of long, fast 'S' turns down a long, intermediate slope where the sensation is one of almost effortless control and a strange kind of freedom. These long smooth turns can be controlled with a minimum of muscle. Michael Kennedy was thumbing his nose at the sport, joking it up with touch football, showing off, insulting the very mountain itself. He was daring Nemesis and it turned around and bit him.

    There is an anecdote about his father Robert Kennedy that belongs here. In the Spring of 1968 I spent a weekend skiing at Heavenly Valley in California (where Sonny Bono died), a glorious sun-burned weekend of Spring skiing. The management of the area was still furious about a visit a day or two earlier by Robert Kennedy. He was running for president against Gene McCarthy, and took time out to ski with his entourage at Heavenly Valley.

    It was bad enough that Kennedy demanded free lift line tickets for his whole crowd, which he grudgingly received. But it was intolerable that he also demanded that they go right to the front of the long lift line. When he tried to push his way ahead of everyone else they pelted his group with half-eaten hot dogs, coffee cups, and whatnot, soon forcing the angry exit of the whole Kennedy group from the ski area.

    Not long after that, Kennedy was shot by Sirhan Sirhan in Los Angeles, and the joke in the governor's office in Sacramento was that Sirhan Sirhan must have been on that lift line in Heavenly Valley.

    The common theme in much Kennedy behavior obviously is that because they are Kennedys they can get away with absolutely anything, no matter who is offended, injured, even killed. There no doubt are many Kennedy's of later generations whom we don't read about in the tabloids. But about the egregious Kennedys it is impossible to avoid Nick Carroway's judgment in The Great Gatsby about the bored and dangerous rich who hung out with the Tom Buchanans: 'They're a rotten crowd.'

    Scott Fitzgerald had something in The Great Gatsby when he has their behavior result in corpses all over the North Shore of Long Island.

    The death of Sonny Bono appears to have been an entirely different matter, yet some recklessness was involved there too. He is reported to have been skiing off the trails, maneuvering in the deep snow in a grove of trees. Probably he felt exuberant, sought the joy of a shot of adventure. Yet the fact is a skier not totally familiar with that mountain has no way of knowing what's under that deep snow. He could be surprised by a log or a boulder, and go out of control among the trees. Sonny Bono must have been going pretty fast through that deep snow in order to sustain the injuries described. The risk he was taking was not justified by the prospect of a few minutes of deep powder skiing among the trees."

    Copyright © 1996-2007 The Dartmouth Review"

    Sonny Bono was skiing alone on a dangerous path. I've read that his areas of influence were copyright infringement, the environment, cutting down on crime, immigration; and he criticized his colleagues calling them, in effect, lawyers who do nothing but talk, talk, talk. He excelled as a fundraiser, second only to Newt Gingrich. He became friends with Barney Frank but was against same-sex marriage, even though his daughter, Chastity, is a lesbian.

    I don't think foul play was involved. Unless someone knows of something controversial that could be cause for someone to kill him.

    Michael Kennedy's death was basically kamikaze and happened at a time when, as I said, there was so much controversy surrounding him, which put him in the spotlight. As above, does anyone believe there was foul play here?


  17. Here is a short biography of Clint Murchison Sr. He was held in such esteem to many Texans. He's the one who hosted the meeting at his Dallas house that included Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, LBJ and others. This is the meeting when they decided to go ahead with the Assassination of President Kennedy the next day, according to LBJ's girlfriend.

    What's that old saying about believing only half of what your read, less of what you hear ... or something like that?

    The "according to LBJ's girlfriend" should tell you all that you need to know or credit: if your boyfriend was cheating on you, would you believe his girlfriend? QED either way. The "meeting" didn't happen.

    Madeleine Brown was the "girlfriend." She wrote a book about the affair, called Texas in the Morning. She describes a meeting the night before Kennedy was killed. It occurred at Murchison's house in or close to Dallas. Richard Nixon was there; LBJ; J. Edgar Hoover; Clint Murchison, Sr. LBJ arrived last. They all went into a room and closed the doors. Shortly afterward, Johnson came out with a reddened face and said to Madeleine Brown: "After tomorrow those Kennedy boys will never embarrass me again."

    Brown also told this story on Nigel Turner's TMWKK. Someone I respect in this Kennedy Community believed it. And she told her story, knowing Lady Byrd Johnson was alive and healthy. As far as I know, Lady Byrd never said anything about Madeleine's story. LBJ had several girlfriends over the years. Why didn't LBJ divorce Lady Byrd? Lady Byrd knew where all the bodies were buried.

    While this meeting was going on, the Secret Service were getting plastered. Did they ever do this before? How would they protect the President the next day with hangovers? Maybe the answer to that is: there was no protection plan for the President.

    Kathy C

  18. Here is a short biography of Clint Murchison Sr. He was held in such esteem to many Texans. He's the one who hosted the meeting at his Dallas house that included Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, LBJ and others. This is the meeting when they decided to go ahead with the Assassination of President Kennedy the next day, according to LBJ's girlfriend.


    "Here is more about Clint Murchison Sr. Evidently, people thought he was quite a guy. But he held that late meeting the night before the assassination in his Dallas home. Guests: J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Murchison, Johnson and others. It was here -- it is said -- that they decided to go ahead with the Assassination of John Kennedy the next day. Here is more of Clint Murchinson's noble life:

    Clint W. Murchison, Sr.

    In 1985, Virginia L. Murchison of Athens, Texas, announced her intention to honor her grandfather, Clint W. Murchison,Sr., by a donation to augment the present endowment of the Chair. Consequently, it has been re-designated as the Clint W. Murchison Sr. Chair of Free Enterprise. The additional endowment provides funding for a new adjunct of the Chair, the Center for Technology Development and Transfer, established in 1985 by the 69th Texas Legislature.

    Mr. Murchison was born April 11, 1895, in Tyler, Texas, the third child of John Weldon and Clara Lee Murchison. As a small child he moved with his parents to Athens, Texas, where he attended grade school and Bruce Academy.

    Early in life, Clint Murchison evidenced remarkable talent as a trader with original approaches to financing. He spurned the college education which his parents planned for him at Trinity University (then at Waxahachie, Texas), choosing instead to work in the family bank and to continue his cattle trading and private business ventures. (Years later, for his sons he provided the finest possible education.)

    After serving as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army during World War I, in 1919 he joined his boyhood friend, Sid W. Richardson, in the new oil fields developing in the Wichita Falls area [where Robert Oswald lives, Lee Harvey's "brother,"] where he quickly made his first fortune. During his lifetime he conceived and developed numerous important business enterprises, including Southern Union Gas Corporation, American Liberty Oil Company, Delhi Oil Corporation, and Trans Canada Pipeline, Inc. He considered the Canadian project his greatest achievement. [Oil, oil, oil...]

    Clint W. Murchison, Sr. was foremost among the developers of the great natural gas industry of the world.

    With equal zest he blended his world of oil, cattle, investments, hunting, fishing and farming. He held work to be the cornerstone of achievement and happiness, and he believed that his ability as a creative financier was his greatest talent. He was credited with developing the concept of the reversionary interest format of financing as applied to the oil industry. A true humanitarian, he consistently enabled his business associates to become financially independent by acquiring ownership positions in the companies for which they worked. His favorite philanthropy was in assisting young men with their education.

    Three sons were born to Clint and Anne Morris Murchison: John Dabney, born September 5, 1921, and died June 14, 1979; Clinton Williams Murchison, Jr., born September 12, 1923; and Burk Murchison, born January 26, 1925, and died April 15, 1936.

    Clint Murchison, Sr. was a Presbyterian, a Mason [secret Society?], a Democrat ?, and a member of numerous prestigious organizations. He died June 19, 1969, in Athens, Texas."


  19. Sure they could have chopped him in the neck also ....Wendy knew about the other incident somehow but they all could be true. Wendy died of cancer.




    Which reminds me of where I read many years ago how the Dallas police found a religious pamphlet next to the Snipers nest that said something about the redemption of Jesus and other weird stuff.Jim

    Maybe Gary Mack could tell me. Was there any religious/occult material found near the "Sniper's Nest," as stated above?


  20. This is the first time I've heard of Fred Crisman. Some websites say he was one of the 3 Tramps who were taken into custody then released the day John Kennedy died. If someone has a picture of Crisman, we can compare it to the three.

    From a website, Secrets of the Mojave, Pt 12, it reads:

    "Dahl's boss, FRED L. CRISMAN (he also owned the boat), became a central figure in the mystery. DAHL HIMSELF VANISHED SOON AFTER HIS INTERVIEW WITH ARNOLD, and the efforts by later investigators (such as Harold T. Wilkins, a British author) have failed to locate him. Crisman had been A FLIER IN WORLD WAR II, and he was suddenly RECALLED into the service in 1947, FLOWN TO ALASKA, and later stationed in Greenland.

    In recent years amateur sleuths engaged in investigating the alleged conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy have tried to implicate CRISMAN. District Attorney JAMES GARRISON of New Orleans subpoenaed one FRED LEE CRISMAN of TACOMA, WASHINGTON, to testify before the Grand Jury listening to Garrison's evidence against Clay Shaw (Jim Garrison was portrayed by Kevin Costner in the popular motion picture "JFK" - Branton), according to wire service stories in November, 1968.

    Crisman was identified as a radio announcer, but Garrison's investigations implied that HE WAS EITHER A MEMBER OF THE CIA OR HAD BEEN 'ENGAGED IN UNDERCOVER ACTIVITY FOR A PART OF THE INDUSTRIAL WARFARE COMPLEX.'

    He allegedly operated under a cover as a preacher and was 'engaged in work to help Gypsies.' These stories caused a chain reaction in UFO circles, since UFO believers have long accused the CIA of being somehow connected with the flying saucer mystery. Of course, the CIA was in its infancy in 1947 at the time of the Maury Island case and was then largely staffed by NAVAL personnel from World War II intelligence units.

    "Clay Shaw was tried early in 1969, accused by Garrison of having conspired to murder President Kennedy. He was found innocent and freed. The exact nature of Crisman's testimony before the Grand Jury IS NOT KNOWN. He did not testify at the actual trial..."


    If I remember correctly, didn't someone here this past week mention something about a preacher -- it either referred to the Oxnard call or Camarillo Ranch? I wonder if this plays in with Crisman being a preacher.

    And his Grand Jury testimony: It's been 38 years. When do the powers that be release the material? Never?


  21. I will do what I think is fair. I told you this yesterday.

    Being a moderator does not mean I am void of opinion, however. Last time I checked, Sir, I was human.

    I am a member of Lancer, and attend the conferences, it's no problem that she contact me.

    Many moderators are partisanly active in threads. All Debra did was clear up something that I believe you said. It's been cleared. This is nonsense.


    I just want to weigh in: As a moderator, Kathy Beckett and the others are supposed to keep the name-calling, smears, etc., from getting out of hand. But, they are also members of this forum and they have their opinions. What we can ask of them, is to be fair and not let their opinions get in the way when there is nastiness on the Forum.

    Kathy Collins

  22. Sure they could have chopped him in the neck also ....Wendy knew about the other incident somehow but they all could be true. Wendy died of cancer.

    I just remembered the first words of the special version Phil sang in Chicago in reply to my request to say something about Dallas, was: "The Golden Idol is the King, I was at his crowning

    My life just flashed before my eyes, I must be Drowning."

    I don't think he would be thinking of his death in a song about Elvis.

    Or why he would need a one way ticket home from an Elvis Concert.



    Is that a song about Elvis? It could be about President Kennedy.


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