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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. I took a quick look around to see if there was already a thread on the death of JFK Jr....and didn't see any. If there already is one, a mod can merge this one or delete and give me a link. I would like to post some videos that are damning evidence of murder.


    I think there's a thread about John Jr's death, but I couldn't find it when I needed it. I was a believer of a report from Division (number - forget) about John Jr. John and his passengers were in a small plane that exploded in the air, witnessed by several people, including a doctor. I found the report on tomflocco.com. Evidently, he lies, so I don't know what to believe. Flocco's site says the night was clear, not cloudy as reported. And that there was a flight instructor in the plane with them. Flocco states divers made an 8 hour film of the recovery, but the flight instructor was pulled out of the plane first. Where's his family? And the Kennedys said they lost the film. And George W. Bush had something to do with it and was missing all weekend during his campaign.

    So now I don't know whom to believe. Maybe you can help clear up these inconsistencies.

    Thank You.

    Kathy Collins

    The videos were great. I believe Hankey published a book about John Jr's death and George W Bush's disappearance. I think he was on blackop.com radio.

    Basically, the 2nd video stated everything Flocco has on his site about John Jr. The flight instructor, the film, how it took so long to get a search party, the turned off gas valve. So I can be confident in my knowledge then.

    Thank you so much,


  2. I sounds like one of the Murchison women shopped like Imelda Marcos and Robert Mugabe's wife.

    The 11/21/63 meeting at Clint Murchison's house has intrigued me for quite some time.

    The lowest price on Amazon for a copy of "Texas in the Morning" is $74.00, which is somewhat steep.

    I have seen footage of LBJ's girlfriend, who attended the "smoker" (as Barr McClellan called it) at Murchison's house, and I had some doubts as to her credibility.

    I may be wrong about those doubts.

    I would like to read some more about the soiree.

    Liver toxicity is a side effect of acetaminophen, but I would think that you would have to take a ridiculous amount of it to cause death.

    Clint Murchison seems like a shadowy firgure in the assassination, who was either not involved in it or who has done a masterful job insulating himself from scrutiny with respect to his role in it.

    Thanks for the interesting thread.

    Clint Murchison held the meeting in his house in or near Dallas. The Murchison I was talking about was Clint III. He divorced his wife, Shannon West. She was troubled and on psychiatric medication. She was found dead at age 47 with bruises on her body and a black eye. The coroner said she must have taken a lot of acetaminophen -- this was to plant this into the public's awareness, in my opinion. He said she died of a bacteria that's found in food poisoning. I call it a very suspicious death. Her sister claims she was bruised by a fall. The coroner said the bruising had nothing to do with her death.

    The Murchisons have to be the most powerful family in Dallas. If someone were to investigate her death, they'd probably drop dead too. This happened only a short time ago. There's not much about it on the internet, especially in the Texas newspapers.

    Kathy Collins

  3. I took a quick look around to see if there was already a thread on the death of JFK Jr....and didn't see any. If there already is one, a mod can merge this one or delete and give me a link. I would like to post some videos that are damning evidence of murder.


    I think there's a thread about John Jr's death, but I couldn't find it when I needed it. I was a believer of a report from Division (number - forget) about John Jr. John and his passengers were in a small plane that exploded in the air, witnessed by several people, including a doctor. I found the report on tomflocco.com. Evidently, he lies, so I don't know what to believe. Flocco's site says the night was clear, not cloudy as reported. And that there was a flight instructor in the plane with them. Flocco states divers made an 8 hour film of the recovery, but the flight instructor was pulled out of the plane first. Where's his family? And the Kennedys said they lost the film. And George W. Bush had something to do with it and was missing all weekend during his campaign.

    So now I don't know whom to believe. Maybe you can help clear up these inconsistencies.

    Thank You.

    Kathy Collins

  4. http://www.theage.com.au/news/world/cuban-...7462495675.html

    "Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque today said President Fidel Castro was still recovering from his operation last year and was keeping busy, having personally instructed him on his visit to Brazil.

    While attending the Forum for East Asia Latin American Co-operation (FEALAC), Roque, in an interview with AFP, dispelled rumours about Castro's health taking a turn for the worse since his 81st birthday on August 13."


    When he does die I think we can expect yet another wave of anti-JFK propaganda.

    I believe he's dead and they're keeping it private. I think he's been dead a long time. And their goverment is gearing up their military to fight the Exiles and whoever else.

  5. There is some confusion about whom she considered her mother-in-law. Shannon loved vintage clothing, as I said. And when her mother-in-law died, she gave Shannon all her clothing. The mother-in-law spent a million dollars on clothes each year. Shannon died in 2005 at age 48. Virginia L. Murchison pre-deceased her in 2001 at 51 years of age. So their ages were close. Either she's the "mother-in-law" with all the clothes, but not the mother of Clint Murchison III or this Virginia is Clint III's sister.


    I just re-read an article I saved. It says that Jane Murchison was the mother-in-law of Shannon Murchison. And Shannon inherited all of Jane's vintage clothing.


  6. I never made a dime off Karyn Kupcinet. It goes much deeper than that. Something you wouldn't understand.

    Kathleen Collins


    Before making any more unfounded judgements, I just mentioned to TG, who recently discovered your blog, that you are a member of this forum and would check in on this.

    Where's the nastyness?

    I think you have made some very informative contributions to the forum and it would benefit others to focus their attention on such specific and interesting individuals as KK and DN.

    And at no time in my presence ever did anyone identify themselves as Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Lee Harvey Oswald, in my opinion, was killed by Jack Ruby while in the custody of the Dallas Police.

    Donald Norton, and I don't know which one it was, met Mae Brussell and John Judge after Mae gave a talk at the University of Dayton, Ohio. I was present, eighteen years old at the time, when he introduced himself as Don Norton, who Mae recognized as someone who sent her checks to support her research, which he said was "conscience money."

    Judge, Mae Brussell and Don Norton then went back to Judge's apartment where Judge noticed that this fellow was reciting some of Oswald's spiels. Judge and Mae Brussell later compared some of Norton's letters and check signatures with Oswald's signature and could not come up with a comparison.

    Now how that makes me sniping, pathetic and nasty I don't know.

    I thought you would straighten Tim Gratz out about KK, not attack me.


    OK. I thought it was sarcasm. If you read through this thread, though it was formed awhile back, it's pretty nasty.

    I'm sorry to accuse you of anything. Just the "wake-up call." I didn't know what that meant. I thought it sounded like you were telling TG not to believe anything or waste his time on my blog. I'm careful about posting photos on this Forum, so I do it on my blog. And I make no money from it. I just want people to see the resemblance between these Don Nortons and Ralph Gebs.

    BTW, it seems our Don Norton of Avon Park has a daughter and wife. He looks like a natural redhead to me.


  7. Bill, thank you for the "wake-up" call. No I did not know that. And I suspect many members may not have been aware of her blog, unless I just missed reading about it. You know it is hard to read everything here!

    What was the "wake up call"? Yes, I author that blog. So what? I research Karyn Kupcinet. So what? I think Paul Fecteau, a member of this Forum, was pleased with my observations at his Yahoo site. You should ask him. But let me tell you: he doesn't know anymore than I do as to who killed her. If he did he'd contact me.

    I'm tired of all the sniping at me over her. There was a lot of nastiness written about me in this thread. If it keeps up on this Forum, I'm contacting John Simkin. And that goes especially to Bill Kelly. He's the one who walked away when a man identifying himself as Lee Harvey Oswald spoke with Mae Brussell. Is there anything more pathetic than that?

    And one more thing: I never made a dime off Karyn Kupcinet. It goes much deeper than that. Something you wouldn't understand.

    Kathleen Collins

  8. So as I understand it, the plot was to have someone first shoot at JFK from the rear.

    Then Greer would slow down SS100 and turn to determine if the sniper had finished JFK off.

    If he had not, then Greer (with the attention of all the people in DP now looking at the car) would take out his pistol and shoot JFK in the head, with the bullet whizzing by Mrs. Connally. Must have come very close to her!

    Does he claim the pistol had a silencer on it?

    After the assassination, Greer's job in the cover-up was to pray every night that neither Jackie nor Nellie nor any of the spectators who saw him shoot JFK would turn him in. (I assume Robertson asserts his fellow SS agent was in on the plot.)

    A diabolically clever plot indeed! And equally diabolical for Robertson to think he'll get many fools to pay $19.95 for this tripe.

    This book is "definitive" proof that children and grandchildren should be allowed to sue for defamation.

    After I read the reviews of this book on Amazon.com, I looked at the Altgens photo of the Man in the Doorway. You can see Kennedy struggling with his throat -- so he's been hit first from the front. In that same photo, you can see Greer's head, looking back and his head is in shadow. I maintain that Greer could not have fired that shot. In no way could he hit the President in the right temple from his seat and posture in the limo. Someone signaled him to stop the limo and immediately Kennedy was shot from the right front, i.e., the Grassy Knoll. Then Greer hit the gas. Yes, I believe the Secret Service were in on it. But this theory, of the driver shooting someone in the back seat, opposite to him and hitting Kennedy in the right temple. Impossible, in my opinion.


  9. http://www.bloggernews.net/19575

    Blogger News Network

    High-quality English language reporting, analysis and editorial writing on the news.


    "Book Review: Definitive Proof: The Secret Service Murder Of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy by Dan Robertson

    August 21st, 2007 by zzsimonb

    Definitive Proof explores a number of specific frames in the video that show the actual gruesome event, and Dan claims it shows the actual assassin. When I requested a copy of this book to review Dan kindly included a copy of the DVD, and I have to say that without the DVD much of the impact of Dan’s assertions would be lost.

    I sat and watched the slow motion recreations of the assassination and even to my untrained eye there is something amiss. The official line is that JFK was shot 3 times by a sniper positioned up high in the Book Repository. In the DVD you can see the first two hits, there is no visible blood, and we start to see JFK slump forward. Hit number 3 the fatal hit is completely different. His head explodes on a cloud of blood and gore and he is thrown backwards. The laws of physics are not right, the shot had to come from the front, and not the back! Also the wound characteristics are so different that bullet number 3 has to be a different type, most likely a ‘hollow point’.

    So who did it I hear you ask? Well I am not going to tell you! You will have to read the book and find out. I do recommend that you also purchase the DVD. Even if you do not agree with Dan you will certainly see that something is just not right. The digital enhancement certainly reveals some details missing from the original. At 115 pages Definitive Proof is a quick read, it gets straight to the point, and stays with the point. Many JFK books wander aimlessly around the various conspiracy theories, this one does not.

    You can get your own copy from Amazon."

    Are you going to get the book, Myra? We can see the assassin in the Zapruder film. I hope this isn't the driver, Bill Greer, turns and shoots President Kennedy.

  10. Norton for beginners...(posted with permission from Rich DellaRosa.)


    Just a brief recap for the newbies:

    A person who identified himself as Donald Norton introduced himself to researchers

    Mae Brussell and John Judge in the early 1970s and told them he was Lee Oswald.

    For a more detailed account see: http://jfkresearch.com/forum3/index.php/topic,38.0.html

    (Mae later told Judge that "Norton had been supporting her radio show by sending

    contributions he called CONSCIENCE MONEY...jw)

    Several, let's call them researchers, have been muddying the waters regarding this

    individual.  I have a problem with folks who are careless with research and it has been

    demonstrated that when erroneous information gets on the internet it takes on a life

    of its own.

    In his comprehensive research on the 2 Oswalds, John Armstrong investigated Donald

    O. Norton. He spoke to people claiming to know Norton when he was growing up in

    Stowe, Ohio, outside of Akron and John traveled to a variety of locations where Norton

    had lived and was employed.  Armstrong has done more research on Norton than

    anyone else I know.

    The question, as yet unanswered conclusively, is "Can Donald Oreste Norton be

    the man who was born Lee Harvey Oswald in 1939 in New Orleans??"

    In 2003, John Armstrong decided not to include Norton in his book Harvey & Lee

    because although his research was exhaustive he felt he was less than 100%

    certain that Norton is Oswald.  John established high standards in performing

    his research.  I wish all researchers followed suit.

    When last we left Lee Oswald in John's book, Lee Oswald was mistaken for Harvey on

    11/22/63 by Officer J.D. Tippit.  Tippit ostensibly was supposed to locate and kill

    Harvey.  Lee, in an act of self defense, shot Tippit before Tippit could shoot him.

    Lee then walked off into history.

    He then seemed to reappear to Judge and Brussell.  When news of that encounter

    became known, various researchers began a search for Donald O. Norton. Some

    tracked him to various locales from Ohio to Florida. 

    In a case where we find two Oswalds, two Marguerites, two Judyth Bakers (??),

    we have two Don Nortons.  A Donald P. Norton turned up during the

    Garrison investigations in the late 1960s.  Donald P. was a homosexual

    plant who performed a series of assignments for the CIA and who, while

    performing those duties, encountered Oswald and Clay Shaw.  Donald P. was

    mentioned in Paris Flammonde's book on the Garrison investigation and

    it appears that Flammonde has written further about him in subsequent books

    and in an upcoming, yet to be released, book.  Please note: Donald P. and

    Donald O. Norton are 2 separate people, unrelated except for similar names.

    John Armstrong last tracked Donald O. Norton to a residence in Jupiter, FL

    on the east coast area of Ft Lauderdale.  Though John attempted numerous

    times to confront Norton, he never came face-to-face with him.  It seemed

    that Norton kept one step ahead of Armstrong.

    In 2003 I ran a People Search report on Donald O. Norton.  At that time,

    his current residence was listed as Avon Park, FL, about a 45 minute drive

    from here.  When Armstrong was in my office, I asked him if he was aware

    that Norton had apparently moved from Jupiter to Avon Park.  He wasn't.

    It is important to note that in the report, there was more than one residence

    listed for Norton in the past but where Norton never actually resided. One

    notable one was in Nevada which curiously had been a residence for

    Art Swanson, a self-admitted former CIA employee.  That house was owned

    or financed by Boatman's bank in St Louis which is believed to be a CIA

    front company.  Although Norton never actually lived at that address, he

    apparently listed that residence on a credit application.  Armstrong discovered

    another address in Seattle but where neither Norton, nor his wife Lexie,

    ever resided.

    Now when we came upon this information, we shared it on the forum and a

    few individuals began to follow up on some leads and some began to post

    on other venues and mis-stated much of the above.

    One or two discovered that the Avon Park Norton had colored his hair red

    and had adopted the nickname "Red." They further discovered that Red

    operated a bait & tackle shop and booked deep sea fishing charters

    (a bit strange since Avon Park is not on either of Florida's coasts).

    Now one of those guys found an email address for Red and he sent him an

    email asking if he was Lee Harvey Oswald? And Red wrote back "No."

    Case closed, huh?  If nothing else ol' Red knew we found him. Just imagine

    someone denying they had a part in a capital offense. Duh.

    Add to all this strangeness the fact that recently Red closed his tackle shop

    and left Avon Park almost literally over night.  Norton has done that before.

    Donald O. Norton of Stowe, Ohio was born in 1949 -- which makes him

    10 years younger than Lee Oswald. And, it would have made him 14

    in 1963. That would seem to rule out Norton being the birth Oswald,


    Hmmmmmm, well no, not exactly.  Suppose for a moment that a

    Donald O. Norton was born in 1949 in Stowe, Ohio in a dysfunctional

    family.  He went to school there, and he had a real birth certificate and

    a real Social Security #.  Then something happened -- perhaps he

    was killed or MIA in Viet Nam.

    If after Lee Oswald killed Tippit, he was to be given a new identity

    (name, birth certificate, SS#, etc) rather than given him a bogus,

    made up identity what if they gave him Donald O. Norton's ID? All

    "they" would need to do was obscure the details of Norton's death.

    Few researchers, it seems, are able to grasp this possibility.

    That being said, I think there are a few important issues:

    * Donald P. Norton and Donald O. Norton are not the same person and they should

    not be confused.  There is no evidence presented that Donald P. ever impersonated Oswald.

    * I t has not been proven that the Avon Park Norton (Red) is the same Norton that

    Armstrong tracked to Jupiter, FL.

    * John Armstrong chose not to mention Donald O. Norton in his book Harvey &

    Lee.  Any references to Donald Norton in Harvey & Lee are for Donald P. Norton.

    There now is quite a bit of bad info re: Norton floating around the internet and the back

    channels of the research community.  As responsible researchers we must not add to

    the problem.

    There are striking comparisons of "Red," Donald O. Norton, Ralph Geb and the Geb/Norton brothers on the following blog. Any opinions? Go to: thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com

    Kathy :box

  11. . . . was on the 6th floor of the TSBD because of an agreement among the principal conspirators that they would each show good faith and share the risk by having a representative visibly on the scene (even if the rep was not knowingly participating)?

    This could explain some presences, such as Wallace (Johnson), Robertson and others (CIA), Vidal or Bosch (Cubans), Braden (Mafia, though perhaps someone more significant whom we've missed), Lansdale or Taylor (military), and Nixon (Nixon). There is also Roberts and Greer (Secret Service). Who would be the FBI rep? How about big oil?

    Recall that Wallace not only left a fingerprint, but a man with horned-rim glasses was seen at a 6th floor window and later walking briskly away from the plaza.

    Other explanations of such presences of course are false sponsors and blackmail. But an agreement on shared risk and responsibility doesn't seem out of the question.

    For Big Oil, there's Clint Murchison and George HW Bush.

    For clarity's sake, I don't understand whether you think these men were in the TSBD or just Dealey Plaza? Nixon, for instance. What was he representing? And don't forget Lyndon Johnson.


  12. Ms. Collins' post is just so out of the ballpark I cannot believe it!

    Baptists? Cardinal Spellman?

    Bugliosi can do a supplement to his book that just reproduces many of the posts here. Then we can all fold our tents and go home. All serious assassination research will be destroyed.

    That's your opinion. I don't mind that. This thread was create a theory and I did. Let's read yours.

    Kathy Collins

  13. Here are 2 pictures. One is of the car. The other is Diana in the car. Both photos are here for research purposes only.


    Why does it look like that guy's hand is photoshopped?

    I knew someone was going to ask me that. I rubbed a headline off the picture and accidentally rubbed part of the man's finger off. I used the Paint program on my computer to put it back. But the picture otherwise is legitimate. I was trying to show what state Diana was in.

    Kathy :angry:

  14. For some reason, I cannot see any photos. I don't know why that happens. But here's my theory: you asked for it.

    There were 2 Oswalds, one named Lee and one, Harvey. Harvey did not know about Lee. Lee shot at the President from the TSBD and Harvey who worked there got framed. It is possible that Lee and Harvey were cousins. They shared a resemblance, at least in photos. Supposedly, a LHO went to Russia to live. But if someone actually defected, another man came back. A lookalike. The voice on the tape from Russia, where Harvey is supposedly teaching another man English, was the same as Harvey's. It started off a bit British, but by the time he "came back," he spoke English well. And it was the same voice that had stammered over the English he was reading aloud. So Harvey was not an American, imo.

    Who killed Kennedy? Curtis Le May and Lymen Lemnitzer from the military ordered it. The oil barons funded it. The CIA trained the Cuban Exiles to carry out the assassination, which may have included a Mafia hit man. The Secret Service allowed it to happen. And Johnson gained from it; at least at first.

    Kennedy was shot at from all sides. He was never going to escape alive. For someone so beloved all over the world, he had the worst enemies. J. Edgar Hoover knew it was going to happen, as did Nixon and -- according to members of the Baptist religion -- Cardinal Spellman knew it was going to take place and did absolutely nothing to prevent it; as did other high-ranking Catholics, imo. Kennedy was seen as too liberal.

    Kathy Collins :angry:

  15. Paul wrote:In every recreation I have seen, we are invited to believe that the Mercedes remained the right way up after the crash. It did not. As both my better half and I saw on television on the morning of the accident, and the next day's newspaper accounts from eyewitnesses confirmed, the car came to rest on its roof.

    Len replied: It’s not uncommon for mistaken information to be reported in breaking news stories (The infamous ‘Dewey Wins’ headline comes to mind) are can you. This seems to be based on the account of a single witness who was driving by.)

    I appear to have caught you on an "off" day, Len.

    Revisit my post. My point was that both the wife and I saw the footage of the Merc upside down on the Sunday morning's TV coverage. We didn't need confirmation of the fact - which I strongly suspect contributed to the delay in getting Diana to hospital, as it was clear the door of the upside down vehicle wouldn't open cleanly - and I really paid no heed to this element of the newspaper coverage on Sunday* because it was such an obvious and unremarkable thing to say (that the vehicle came to rest upside down). It was only retrospectively that it assumed significance as recreation after recreation omitted this blatant fact.


    *The story made the later editions of all the Sunday heavyweights available in this part of northern England.

    Here are 2 pictures. One is of the car. The other is Diana in the car. Both photos are here for research purposes only.




  16. A final question: Is there any evidence that Jack Ruby or David Ferrie were present at this drinking 'session'? If memory serves...I recall reading that Jack Ruby knew the owner of the bar where the Secret Service drank the night before/morning of the assassination. Would it be fair to say that Jack Ruby may have visited the place on occasion and indeed probably at the time in question?


    I was told by another researcher that Dallas was a dry city -- Ruby didn't even sell alcohol in his Carousel Club. The men just went to see women stripping. And Dallas was proud that there was no alcohol. So how did the SS get the alcohol? From another county?


  17. But for Myra to call Gen. LeMay a "prime suspect" in the assassination is pure hogwash. There is not one scintilla of evidence linking LeMay to the assassination. This reminds me of Robert Welch calling President Eisenhower a Communist. And another example of why VB can riducule the assassination research community.

    Did anyone actually investigate LeMay regarding the Assassination of John Kennedy? He was top dog in the autopsy room that night and would not allow certain procedures. I was reading about LeMay last night. What a horrible man. If Castro sneezed, he'd send Cuba to kingdom come. I never realized how isolated Kennedy and his brother were, facing a military desperately wanting to use nuclear weapons. Kennedy couldn't control the military, the CIA, J. Edgar Hoover, the Cuban Exiles. He had problems with big business and the oil barons. His brother foolishly rampaged the Mafia. Because of all this, I doubt he'd get re-elected in 1964. Why did they have to kill him? And I don't think anyone hated Kennedy more than Curtis LeMay. It was almost visceral.

    I'm curious as to how Nixon at that time would have handled these problems with Cuba, Soviet, etc.

    Kathy :huh:

  18. IMO today's Bill O'Reilly, media star at FoxNews, would not touch the JFK conspiracy with a 10-foot pole. For the same reason none of the other media stars will touch it. Too much to lose. They've got it made, at the height of their careers. They would risk losing it all for what? The truth? For one of them to exhibit that kind of courage or principle would be flabbergasting. And he or she would wind up in Dan Ratherville. A laughing stock.

    Taking on the Red Cross or boycotting French wine is a lot different from taking on the killers of JFK. That's why O'Reilly and his ilk stick to "safe" controversies to entertain us.

    I call it the Kilgallen Syndrome.

    And I'd add the Kupcinet Syndrome: We won't kill you, we'll just kill the thing you love the most -- your daughter.


  19. This is interesting. Excuse the carets...didn't have time to strip them.



    >> August 2, 2007



    >> Massive ULF 'Blast' Detected In US Bridge Collapse Catastrophe >> (Article taken from




    >> By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


    >> Reports from Russia's Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics >> located in Irkutsk are reporting today that their Siberian Solar >>

    Radio Telescope (SSRT) detected a 'massive' ultra low frequency >> (ULF) 'blast' emanating from Latitude: 45° 00' North

    Longitude: >> 93° 15' West at the 'exact' moment, and location, of a >> catastrophic collapse of a nearly 2,000 foot long bridge

    in >> Minneapolis, Minnesota.



    >> To the horrific destruction of the Interstate 35W Bridge which >> spanned the Mississippi River we can read as reported by the

    Star >> Tribune News Service:



    >> "The 1,907-foot bridge fell into the Mississippi River and onto >> roadways below. The span was packed with rush hour traffic,

    and >> dozens of vehicles fell with the bridge leaving scores of dazed >> commuters scrambling for their lives.



    >> Nine people were confirmed dead as of 4 a.m. today. Sixty were >> taken to hospitals and 20 people were still missing this

    morning. >> Authorities said they expected the death toll to rise."



    >> Russian Military reports state that the total collapse of such a >> massive bridge, and in the absence of evidence linking its >>

    destruction to terrorist activity, could only have been >> accomplished by an acoustic weapon, of which the United States >>

    Military is known to possess.



    >> These reports further state that one of the United States primary >> research organizations into acoustic weapons research is

    Augsburg >> College, and which is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and most >> importantly less than 1 mile from the Interstate

    35W Bridge collapse.




    >> To the exact reason of why, and what exactly happened in this >> catastrophe we can only speculate, but, with what is known

    about >> the United States past history of using sophisticated weapons on >> their own citizens for 'research' purposes it certainly

    lies in >> the realm of possibility that this horrific tragedy is rooted in >> the use of ULF weapons.



    >> To the past usage of these new types of weapons we can read even >> back into the 1980's of the United States research into

    their use >> as reported by the CNN News Service:



    >> "Imagine the implications of a weapon with no visible trace -- a >> weapon that could knock out tanks, ships, and planes as fast

    as >> the speed of light. The same technology, with modifications, could >> disorient and even tranquilize military personnel,

    rendering them >> virtually helpless in the battle zone. These are the new weapons >> of war we will examine in this series.



    >> For the past 40 years, the world has been riveted by the threat of >> nuclear war, and more recently by the prospect of space

    defenses >> using lasers and other modern technologies.



    >> Lightning is the most dramatic form of energy to be found in >> nature. Scientists have succeeded in creating limited types of >>

    artificial lightning. And some think that these could be the >> forerunners of a new type of directed-energy weapon, part of a >>

    family of weapons that operate within the radio frequency segment >> of the electromagnetic spectrum, and are thus referred to as

    radio >> frequency weapons."



    >> To the dangers of ULF weapons being used against civilians we can >> read the warnings of Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD, the

    former Chief >> Medical Officer for Lapland (northern Finland), who warned in 1999:



    >> "When the use of electromagnetic fields, extra-low (ELF) and ultra->> low (ULF) frequencies and microwaves aimed

    deliberately at certain >> individuals, groups, and even the general population to cause >> diseases, disorientation, chaos and

    physical and emotional pain >> breaks into the awareness of the general population, a public >> outcry is inevitable."



    >> To the exact reason of why the United States would be targeting >> Minneapolis with such a massive ULF 'blast' we can find in

    the >> exact neighborhoods that surround the Interstate 35W Bridge, and >> which are home to one of the largest Muslim

    populations in the >> United States, including over 30,000 Somalis who are outraged by >> the US sponsored invasion of their

    home Nation by Ethiopian forces.



    >> For the American people as a whole, this catastrophe provides yet >> another example of the consequences of their allowing

    their >> Military Forces to gain total control over their economy and >> lives, and which history has long shown leads always

    towards total >> destruction.




    >> © August 2, 2007 EU and US all rights reserved.



    >> [Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, >> and silence, any and all opinions about the United States

    except >> those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, >> of which we are not one. No interviews are

    granted and very >> little personal information is given about our contributors, or >> their sources, to protect their safety.]




    Jack, this is very interesting. Unfortunately, the link does not work, at least for me. Object not found. Error.


  20. Kathy, I'll ask again. Is it your contention that the ambulance crew that treated Diana were part of the conspiracy.

    As someone else said in this thread, the first responders were conspirators. I wonder if the ambulance paramedics could be identified by the ER staff. Of course, all eyes were on Diana.


  21. Tim, this is my evidence, showing that the Secret Service, or at least some of them, were complicit in President Kennedy's murder. At Love Field, Jackie and the President were eventually put in a limo. The car was full with the Connallys and the 2 secret service men in the front seat. Agent Greer was the driver.

    Forgive me if I don't remember their names, but I'm sure I'll learn them: a Secret Service man began to jog next to President Kennedy as the limo started. Suddenly, another Secret Service man in the car behind them yelled something to the first SS. And you see Kennedy's SS man throw his arms up in the air as apparently he was told to stay on the SS car and not jog near Kennedy. Clint Hill on this video tape, made no move to run next to Jackie. I believe the Secret Service were told to stand down Nov. 22, 1963. The night before they were getting drunk. In one photo, it looks to me like Clint Hill, Jackie's SS man, had on a makeshift bullet-proof vest on under his suit jacket.

    But the heart of what I am saying, the pantomime at Love Field, done, in my opinion, for the sake of the camera appears on the DVD The Story Behind the Story: JFK - Dallas, Nov.22, 1963. You can also see it on youtube.com. They had to know some camera was trained on that limo, and they made a show of it. Like, It's not my fault. So and So made me get back onto the second car. Clint Hill got on the back of the limo behind Jackie every once and awhile through Dallas. But it wasn't till Kennedy got his head blown off that Clint Hill rushed to Jackie's defense.

    On another note: I often wonder what would have happened if Jackie had sat on the right side of the limo.

    That is my evidence that it was an inside job. Look at that footage.


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