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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. OK, I rather suspect it's Dan Rather. If so, hadn't realised he was ONI, even John's Spartacus biopic on him doesn't have this.

    The possibility that Danny boy may have covert connections becomes most interesting

    in retrospect, given his connections to JFK and his meteoric rise to prominence...plus

    interesting "assignments" like Afghanistan and the Kerry campaign fiasco.

    Nice intelligence asset to be the voice of CBS for years...you know, the Coverup

    Broadcasting System.

    Think about it!

    I must reread the Monte Evans monograph THE RATHER NARRATIVE with ONI in mind.

    And Penn Jones, A RETIRED GENERAL, used to tell me that Dan Rather was one of the

    most important people in Dallas on 11-22. Did Penn have an inside source on Dan?


    Damn it. Somebody beat me to it. It's Dan Rather.

    Kathy :offtopic

    P.S. He saw the "other" film too, didn't he?

  2. Hello -

    My name is Peter Janney and I am the person John is referring to. I have actually been researching the life and death of Mary Pinchot Meyer for over thirty (30) years now. I am in the midst of producing a full length Hollywood drama called "Lost Light" which deals with Mary's relationship with JFK and her death. I also writing a book on the same subject ("Mary's Mosaic") which I am hard at work at.

    I am going to post a much larger reply than I can at the moment in few days or so, but let me say this as an introduction:

    Mary Meyer most certainly had a relationship with Tim Leary. I own all of Leo Damore's research on Mary Meyer. Damore was a prodigious researcher, just read his book Senatorial Priveledge and you can see for yourself. Damore even knew what room number Mary stayed in at the Ritz Carlton when she first came to meet Leary in the Spring of 1962. I also have a two hour tape recorded interview with Leary and Damore talking about the Meyer-JFK relationship. There are details on that tape that Leary talks about that he could have never known about if he had not known Mary back in the 1960s. Mary Meyer and JFK did take LSD together at Joe Alsop's house in Georgetown in the early Spring of 1963. I believe this experience was a catalyst for JFK's evolution of his political dispostion toward world peace initiatives. Soon after this experience JFK gave his legendary commencement speech at American University on June 10, 1963. More on that later.

    Mary Meyer was not murdered; she was assassinated. I believe I am well on my way to proving this. The assassin's name was William L. Mitchell and he testified at the Crump murder trial as the "jogger" who passed Mary on his way back to Key Bridge. He testified that a black man, allegedly Ray Crump, was following Mary after he passed her. It was a complete frame up, again generated by certain individuals within the CIA.

    Leo Damore interviewed "William L.Mitchell" ("Mitchell" told Damore that his name was an alias and that he had several aliases that he used) on March 31, 1993 on the phone for several hours. He allegedley recorrded the call but I could never find the tapes. "Mitchell" confessed to Damore that he had been ordered to take out Mary Meyer. Immediately, after the call, Damore called his attorney. His attorney took five (5) pages of notes on that call and he saved them and has given the notes to me.

    Damore told me personally in 1993 that he had interviewed the assassin, but I was too heart broken at the time from a broken engagement to really get into it with him at the time.

    I shared my taped interview between Leary and Damore with David Talbot and he credits me for that in his footnote. As much as I respect Jim Eugenio, he is wrong about Leary and Mary Meyer and I believe I have enough evidence to prove that.

    Please feel free to post questions and I will try to respond. More later. Thank you.

    Mr. Janney, it has been written on this Forum that Mary Pinchot Meyer had a small coterie of politicians' wives whom she got to take LSD. And their goal was to get their husbands in government to take LSD. It has been mentioned that Jacqueline Kennedy was Mary's close friend. And I saw a photo of Jackie, walking that same tow path alone. Did Jackie ever take LSD?

    Do you know where Mary Pinchot Meyer was on Nov. 22, 1963?

    Kathy Collins

  3. ...it occurs to me it is the classic Patsy scenario. And the amazing part is that it always works - without fail. Commit you murder, set up the frame, and exit. The media will do the rest. Is Mitchell black by any chance? DOD - another interesting coincidence.

    - lee

    I am very interested in getting that book by Nina Burleigh: A Very Private Woman: the Life and Unsolved Murder of Presidential Mistress Mary Meyer. In the mean time, does anyone know where Mary Meyer was on November 22, 1963? Could she have been the one who made the Oxnard call? She would have to be in California early that day. Supposedly, the distraught woman was calling from a legal practice and was screaming and whispering, "They're going to kill the President."

    It doesn't hurt to inquire. Also, where can I get that book on Mary Meyer?

    And I never believed Leo Damore committed suicide, but I don't know the circumstances. When it was announced in the 80's, he was making a lot of appearances and I was reading Senatorial Privilege at the time in paperback. Also, I don't believe Phil Graham killed himself either. And for that matter, some time later, I don't believe Hunter S. Thompson killed himself either. And 2 other mysterious deaths were Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin. And of course John Lennon's death.


  4. John wrote:

    "Good question Tim, I also wonder if a study could be conducted of Oswald's voice in these two tapes and whether they are the same person. I will take a look around for some people in that field."

    And how about Oswald's recorded debate in NO? Could not a voice stress analysist determine if the views being espoused by LHO were actually held by him?

    There are 4 sources that I know of to hear LHO's voice. The Russian tape in 1961 (Kennedy had just been inaugurated); the 2 radio interviews in 1963; and when he was in custody in the Dallas police station.

    When he was handing out FPCC flyers, I don't recall if his voice was recorded at all on that occasion. I wonder what his first language was -- Hungarian or Russian? In the Russian tape, you know he's not speaking English correctly; it's like he was learning it.

    According to (I know, everybody hates him) Norman Mailer, Marina said his Russian wasn't too good when she met him but he was improving. If this is true, than Russian might have been another language he had to learn. What was his first language -- Hungarian? -- as the Oswalds were supposedly Hungarian. Whatever the combination, you have to listen to that Russian tape. It's so weird.


  5. Thanks for this Kathleen. Was Oswald putting on the voice? He did some role playing in Minsk did he not?

    If he is not role playing, this is very telling.


    No. The Russian tape is a real man's voice. Supposedly he's reading something to a Russian friend to try to teach him English. I think he was just practicing. It was the weirdest accent I ever heard. It sounded like he had learned English from the British. And in 1963 he sounded better. It was the same voice you hear on the videos of Oswald speaking while in police custody.

    I edited my original post for grammatical errors.


  6. Tonight I listened to 3 samples of LHO's voice The first audio sounded like a person to whom English was a second language, and in this audio you can detect a British -- not American -- accent. This was in 1961. He's supposedly trying to teach a Russian friend English. Two years later, he was speaking better English, but it was the same voice and the same man who had been in Russia.



    In mid-summer 1963, Oswald appeared on 2 radio shows. It was the same man talking, the Russian Oswald. But Oswald spoke English better now. There was no way "Harvey" could have been an American, in my opinion.

    I think Harvey was really Russian. When he came "back" from Russia, he had a manufactured family already, meaning his "mother," the old Margarite and a "brother," Robert Oswald. He was not blood related to them. He brought his Russian bride to America and had 2 children with her. In my opinion, when they exhumed Harvey, the head was not attached, or it was attached by gluey matter, according to someone who examined the body. This gluey stuff might have been manufactured to look real, or it didn't exist. They left the body alone, but tested the head. Evidently it was Harvey's head, unless they lied. So do we have Lee's body? The crypt showed signs of disturbance. Lee helped set up Harvey. But he knew the secret. He might have been as stupid as Harvey and was rubbed out.

    Lee Oswald already existed in America, imo. But we've never heard his voice and we don't know what happened to him after the Assassination. The last we saw him, he had gotten into a car driven by another person and sped off. So who is Donald O. Norton? John Armstrong spent a lot of time chasing after him. If we could hear Norton's voice...

    Let me say, I started this thread because the search engine doesn't work for me. It kept coming back to the current page or went to an error page. I tried different keywords; nothing helped. So I'm sorry if someone started a similar thread and I couldn't get access to it.


  7. “I still feel Tom Flocco is publishing the truth about John Kennedy Jr being murdered.”

    Because he’s telling what you already believe, if you want to debate the details try one of the existing threads.

    “I need someone to weigh in on this, whether Flocco is "tabloid" or not.”

    Don’t you trust your own instincts? Aren’t the stories I highlighted enough? Much as I would like Bush and Co. and Blair to have been indicted, dislike Harris and find the idea of King and Thompson working together on a porn film (though not a child snuff film) amusing , I can’t understand how can anyone take him seriously.

    “I took it that Flocco was a reputable journalist. I guess I was "hoaxed" into believing this.”

    You certainly were

    “And this same person also believed in Alex Jones.”

    What does that go to tell you? But compared to Flocco Jones is reputable.

    I judge sources by:

    1 – Their track record

    2- The reasonableness of their claims, are there any obvious discrepancies does the story violate common sense?

    3- Can the story be independently collaborated?

    4 – Do they have any relevant expertise?

    STEVE –

    Your recollection conforms to mine, that there are some blurry images of a man would vaguely looks like Poppa Bush by the TSBD.

    Len, although I sense hostility from you, I have come to the conclusion that Tom Flocco is nuts and he makes people who believe in Conspiracy in the death of John F. Kennedy look crazy.


  8. Terry,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. It's disgusting that in a country as rich as ours, anyone has to worry about the cost of being sick. I've worked for a giant health care institution for over 30 years, and I could tell you some unbelievable first-hand horror stories. Michael Moore should read some of your passionate, well-reasoned posts on this forum and others- he couldn't find a more capable fighter for the cause. I wish you all the best- my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Listen to this one. I had to have a lumpectomy in 1997 and fortunately it was benign. They sent me home in a "surgical bra." You could buy something like this in K-Mart and it would have been superior. The hospital sent me an itemized bill, which they had also sent to my insurance. The surgical bra was listed and I was shocked -- and still angry -- because they were charging $237 for it. Is this for real? It was a complete waste. There was nothing special about the bra. It closed with Velcro.

    Kathy :ph34r:

  9. Another disturbing one-and-out report, aired on a major cable news network on the first morning of the disappearance, indicated that an emergency beacon of the sort with which JFK JR's airplane was equipped had been detected in western Long Island Sound -- in a position that turned out to be over 100 miles from where we would learn the crash took place.

    During the earliest, critical moments of the search and rescue operation, then, air and sea assets were directed to the beacon's putative location. But soon the signal disappeared, and valuable resources and time were wasted as a result.

    Even the most conservative analysts of the death of JFK JR and family -- especially those who enjoy reasonable familiarity with the manner of his father's passing -- must concede that a diversion designed to misdirect rescue efforts likely would have been part of a John-John murder conspiracy.

    Covering bets, as they say.

    What my own research tells me about the false beacon story is that such events are not common.


    Charles, why would "they" need a false beacon? If there was a barametric bomb onboard or as Tom Flocco says, there was a flight instructor onboard, which we weren't told, who might have shut off the engine by turning a handle behind the pilot's seat -- a Manchurian Candidate -- either way this would have killed the passengers. No matter how fast they got there, everyone would be dead, so why a false beacon?


  10. I was reading a fashion piece which mentioned her as she collects vintage clothing. She said her mother-in-law spent a million dollars a year on clothing, and this from way back. Shannon inherited her mother-in-law's entire wardrobe. She must have thought she was in heaven.

    But her death is suspicious. And through my reading I found out how powerful Clint Murchison is in Texas -- the one who held the assassination meeting in his house. Very powerful family.

    I say her death looks like murder. It's been known the past few years how bad acetaminophen is for your health. Now, a woman with a chronic illness who took so much acetaminophen for pain that it killed her at 47? I don't believe it. A woman with her stature and name and endless money would certainly be on a prescription pain-killer for whatever ailment. How much Tylenol do you take if it isn't working? You'd get something else. Could someone have been poisoning her over a period of time? She had meningitis. It is mentioned that this can be gotten from food poisoning. The coroner reported that her liver failed. And then a guess for the press -- Tylenol! Was she in fact an alcoholic? And she fell and got those injuries? Or did someone beat the hell out of her? The coroner said she was on other medications as well -- psychiatric? No mention of a toxicology report. So where does this medical examiner get acetaminophen from? It's so devious. Maybe he had death threats.


  11. Shannon West Murchison died on April 30, 2005. An autopsy was ordered due to extensive bruising on her body and black eyes, suffered, supposedly, in a previous fall. She was 47 years old. Mrs. Murchison loved fashion. She donated her time and her money to charitable causes, especially regarding children. She supported George W. Bush for president in 2000, donating $5,000 from Tecon Corp -- I must look into that. Other Texans spoke of the suspicious nature of her death:

    "Texas Journalism" from a commentator on FamilyLawCourts.com

    1. The slow, downward death spiral. From custody battles to death, as with Shannon Murchison, once married to Clint Murchison, III, son of the founder of the Dallas Cowboys. And:

    2. A quote from the former husband sadly intoning he wishes things could have worked out better.

    DMN [Dallas Morning News] readers know not to expect even a mention of the fees the man paid to drive the woman crazy; or the firm he used to do so.

    Did Shannon know about her father-in-law's connection to the Kennedy Assassination?


  12. A couple of weeks ago, while looking up Camirillo Ranch and its ties to Dallas, I came across a company involved with the ranch. There were several companies, but for some reason, I chose to look up Centex Corp -- and found Clint Murchison III. He's the son of the Murchison who held that meeting with Johnson, Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, and others, where they decided to assassinate the President. This was in the book "Texas in the Morning," written by LBJ's girlfriend.

    I decided to look into the current Murchison. And right away I came across something strange. Of course, in and of itself, it may not have anything to do with President Kennedy 44 years ago, but I find this wealthy oil baron interesting.

    The first thing on the docket is his ex-wife's death:

    Socialite Shannon Murchison died of acute bacterial meningitis that spread throughout her system, according to a report released Monday by the Dallas County medical examiner's office.

    The meningitis was due to a strain of listeria that can be found in food poisoning, investigators concluded. Her illness was compounded by liver failure probably caused by acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol and other medications.

    "The liver failure was very dramatic," said chief medical examiner Jeffrey Barnard. "It is likely that she took a pretty good amount of acetaminophen."

    "The death was ruled accidental rather than natural due to the probable use of acetaminophen," Dr. Barnard said.

    Mrs. Murchison, 47, the former wife of Clint Murchison III, was declared brain dead on April 28 after a couple of days on life support. An autopsy was ordered in part because she had reported to the police on April 19 that she had suffered a black eye and extensive bruising. The circumstances of her illness and death shocked many in Highland Park, raising questions among friends and fueling gossip.

    Dr. Barnard said the bruising of Mrs. Murchison's eye was a result from traumatic injury, but that it "played no role in her death." He said he could not determine what caused the injury.

    Other bruising could have occcurred because her blood-clotting was impaired by her illness and liver failure, he said.

    Mrs. Murchison's sister, Waverly West Buford, said the black eye was a result of a fall and that's all there is to it.

    Consult below for the rest of the story. My, my, another suspicious death. I've known people who relied on quantities of acetaminophen and not have liver disease. I think something is being hushed up here. The woman was obviously beaten by someone -- she even called the police! I could see her going to the hospital with such wounds, but she called the police. Whoever did it to her may have killed her. Food poisoning? OD? I'm going to dig further.



  13. It shows a gaping hole at rear of skull (as witnessed by the Parkland

    and autopsy witnesses) and a tiny hole at front near the hairline.


    "Frontal stare" photo shows the extent to which the US government went to cover

    up that entrance wound by painting a "black square" over it.


    Two photos that prove that not only was there a frontal shot, but there was a deliberate

    alteration of at least one photograph to alter that fact.

    I saw an autopsy photo where President Kennedy had an entrance wound under his hairline in the front. I never saw it again. Does anyone know about this?


  14. Jim Fetzer -- I apologize to you. I know things that go on in people's private lives and the unfairness that can develop out of it. I do not know Josiah Thompson. It was 100% my opinion. I came across the video by accident. It seemed he walked all over you and you just let him go on and on. What you should do is yell over him with your opinions or facts. It's better than sitting there quiet. He kept calling you a nut, and so he's saying it about all of us.

    Maybe you'll remember me. I was the one who sent emails out one morning before dawn while in an altered sleep state. The admin at that forum called me the Manchurian Candidate and it was about Jane Fonda. And you published it in some local free newspaper along with my name. Remember? :(

    God help us all.



    Thanks for stating that, Kath.


    You're welcome. As David Healy said, I was out of line.


  15. This nasty must have come from the pen of Josiah Thompson. It certainly does not read like something a woman would have written. O'Reilly is tough. Compare my appearances on "Hannity & Colmes", which are also archived on YouTube. Try either http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojY4VF52JJQ...ted&search= (Norman Mineta's retirement was announced the next morning) or
    (where I was even able to say they had their "facts Foxed" for the second time).

    Several years ago, I had an inappropriate relationship with a woman, who happened to be the Chancellor's best friend. For reasons I still do not understand, she turned on me and I paid for it. I retired several years later, after 35 years teaching logic, critical thinking, and scientific reasoning. It was a great career. Anyone who wants to check it can visit http://www.d.umn.edu/~jfetzer/ for themselves. If Tink was not behind this post, which trades on rather obscure information, I will eat my hat! Someone around here is a pussy, but it ain't me.

    Anyone with a serious interest in Bugliosi's book should visit http://www.assassinationscience.com, especially the section entited "The Latest on JFK", which includes a recent piece by Gerald Posner, my response, the H. L. Hunt "confession", a piece I published in THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES, and reviews of Bugliosi's book by David Mantik and me. That might provide a more suitable basis for drawing inferences about my ability to debate the author of this monstrous book than this carefully contrived attack. I would relish the opportunity to confront him in a public forum.

    Well, I know of one person who shouldn't debate Bugliosi: Jim Fetzer. I just saw him interviewed by Bill O'Reilly on youtube.com. I don't know if I'm allowed to say this on the Forum, but he came across like such a pussy! No substance to him! At least try to talk over O'Reilly. He sat there like a mummy. I also think he should have dressed better. Oh, and I was surprised he's a retired Professor. Didn't they throw him out for some reason? Harrassing a woman or something?

    See if you agree:


    Jim Fetzer -- I apologize to you. I know things that go on in people's private lives and the unfairness that can develop out of it. I do not know Josiah Thompson. It was 100% my opinion. I came across the video by accident. It seemed he walked all over you and you just let him go on and on. What you should do is yell over him with your opinions or facts. It's better than sitting there quiet. He kept calling you a nut, and so he's saying it about all of us.

    Maybe you'll remember me. I was the one who sent emails out one morning before dawn while in an altered sleep state. The admin at that forum called me the Manchurian Candidate and it was about Jane Fonda. And you published it in some local free newspaper along with my name. Remember? :(

    God help us all.


  16. Well, I know of one person who shouldn't debate Bugliosi: Jim Fetzer. I just saw him interviewed by Bill O'Reilly on youtube.com. I don't know if I'm allowed to say this on the Forum, but he came across like such a pussy! No substance to him! At least try to talk over O'Reilly. He sat there like a mummy. I also think he should have dressed better. Oh, and I was surprised he's a retired Professor. Didn't they throw him out for some reason? Harrassing a woman or something?

    See if you agree:


  17. “The search engine didn't work for me and it's not the first time.”

    I’ve never had serious problems that persisted more than a few seconds try using the search engine page (click “More Search Options”).

    “I still feel Tom Flocco is publishing the truth about John Kennedy Jr being murdered.”

    Because he’s telling what you already believe, if you want to debate the details try one of the existing threads.

    “I need someone to weigh in on this, whether Flocco is "tabloid" or not.”

    Don’t you trust your own instincts? Aren’t the stories I highlighted enough? Much as I would like Bush and Co. and Blair to have been indicted, dislike Harris and find the idea of King and Thompson working together on a porn film (though not a child snuff film) amusing , I can’t understand how can anyone take him seriously.

    “I took it that Flocco was a reputable journalist. I guess I was "hoaxed" into believing this.”

    You certainly were

    “And this same person also believed in Alex Jones.”

    What does that go to tell you? But compared to Flocco Jones is reputable.

    ”I would like Terry Mauro to tell me if Tom Flocco is "tabloid journalism." How do you know who and what to believe?”

    I can’t answer for Terry but it seems like a false dilemma to me, I judge sources by:

    1 – Their track record

    2- The reasonableness of their claims, are there any obvious discrepancies does the story violate common sense?

    3- Can the story be independently collaborated?

    4 – Do they have any relevant expertise?

    STEVE –

    Your recollection conforms to mine, that there are some blurry images of a man would vaguely looks like Poppa Bush by the TSBD.

    I still believe that's George HW Bush in front of the TSBD. Maybe in the future some photo technology will be developed where we can find out if it's him or not.


  18. Flocco not a crackpot are you serious? Some of his gems:


    A Chicago grand jury has indicted the President and Vice-President of the United States along with multiple high officials in the Bush administration

    Chicago -- August 2, 2005 -- TomFlocco.com -- U.S. federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's Chicago grand jury has issued perjury and obstruction of justice indictments to the following members of the Bush Administration: President George W. Bush, Vice-President Richard Cheney, Bush Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and former Senior Cheney advisor Mary Matalin.


    …the Fitzgerald probe is reportedly far-reaching and expanding much deeper into past White House criminal acts involving Bush-Clinton drug money laundering in Mena, Arkansas to White House involvement in 9.11; but also war in Iraq and Afghanistan under false pretenses.

    British Prime Minister Tony Blair was indicted for obstruction of justice and is reportedly consulting with members of Parliament and legal aides regarding how to avoid appearing in the U.S.A. for interrogation before Fitzgerald in Chicago. "


    Florida Rep. Katherine Harris Dead in Plane Crash

    WASHINGTON, July 7, 2003 (TomFlocco.com) -- According to a source who refused to be named in this story, Florida Congresswoman Katherine Harris (R-FL) died this morning in a light plane crash in foggy conditions near Toronto�s island airport around 10:00 AM.


    …the source also said that Governor Jeb Bush was reportedly at the accident scene shortly after the crash.


    9-11 crash victim Barbara Olsen arrested in Europe

    by Tom Flocco

    Austria--September 22, 2005--TomFlocco.com--French and American intelligence agents have arrested Barbara Olsen, the wife of a former Bush administration official, a few days ago on the Polish-Austrian border, according to agents close to and with knowledge of the incident.

    The alleged 9.11 Pentagon crash victim was found to be in possession of millions in fake interbank Italian lyra currency, according to the agents.


    Let’s look at a few problems with the story:

    1) Poland and Austria are several hundred miles apart the don’t share a border, you’d think “American intelligence agents” working in Austria would now that. He latter changed the story to “German-Austrian border”.

    2) The Italian Lira went out of circulation at the end of 2001 when the Euro was adopted. http://archives.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/...lead/index.html

    In any case would someone be bringing fake Lira to or from Germany? (Let alone Poland)

    3) The currency is spelled with an “i”, ‘lyra’ is something else

    4) I’ve seen no indication the every was anything known as “interbank Italian Lira”.

    5) “Millions in Italian Lira” was not a lot of money even if it were real “€ =1936.27₤”

    6) There are no “e’s” in Barbara Olson’s name

    7) Almost 2 years later no one else has picked up on the story.

    However I do believe it’s possible someone named Barabara Olsen was arrested on one of Austia’s borders with another country with ‘millions in fake antique Italian lyres’


    CIA, French intelligence kill 4, capture 5 Israelis in NY subway attack

    U.S. media and NY officials called the incident a "significant, specific threat"

    by Tom Flocco

    New York City -- October 6, 2005 -- TomFlocco.com -- Earlier this evening intelligence members of the American-French Alliance stopped an attempt by Israeli Mossad operatives to blow up the New York City subway, according to national security and U.S. intelligence expert Thomas Heneghan.

    The federal whistleblower said four Israelis were killed in the altercation and five more were captured just minutes after virtually all U.S. cable news channels, network TV outlets and New York Mayor Richard Bloomberg were reporting their own version of the incident, saying that New York City was "facing a significant, specific threat" in the city's subway.


    Problems with story:

    1) Are we to believe there was a shootout on a subway in the “media capital” of the world around rush hour (“Earlier this evening”) in which 4 were killed and 5 arrested but no one but Flocco picked up on it?

    2) There is no evidence Flocco favorite intelligence agency “the American-French Alliance” exists, find me a reference to it that doesn’t come from him or one of his sidekicks like Stew Webb

    3) Amazing that the AFA agents were able to take down 9 of their Mossad counter parts with no reported casualties.

    Flocco also indicated that Hunter S. Thompson committed suicide due to his ties to the “White House child sex ring” he and Larry King made a “child murder-sex film” http://tomflocco.com/fs/PhotographerTied.htm

    I find reading Flocco far more entertaining than the Weekly World News!

    His ridiculously stupid story that Bush Sr. and Jr. and an elderly Mossad agent personally sabotaged the plane and that the Clintons were in on it too was debunked here:


    The crash was also discussed here


    I’ve never had problems with th search engine that lasted more than a few seconds.

    The search engine didn't work for me and it's not the first time. I still feel Tom Flocco is publishing the truth about John Kennedy Jr being murdered. There are many "conspiracies" that are odd. Like Chappaquiddick, 9/11, Flight 800 TWA, UFOs, Marilyn Monroe murdered, etc. I need someone to weigh in on this, whether Flocco is "tabloid" or not. BTW, I did not find Flocco on my own; someone very knowledgeable introduced me to the site, telling me Barbara Olson was found alive. I took it that Flocco was a reputable journalist. I guess I was "hoaxed" into believing this. And this same person also believed in Alex Jones.

    I would like Terry Mauro to tell me if Tom Flocco is "tabloid journalism." How do you know who and what to believe?


  19. ..

    Kathleen, what leads you to believe that Obama was brought up in the Black Muslim religion?


    Issue Date: www.insightmag.com - Jan. 16-22, 2007, Posted On: 1/17/2007

    "Hillary's team has questions about Obama's Muslim background

    Sen. Barack Obama approached the media after a meeting with President Bush at the White House on Jan. 5. (AFP/File/Mannie Garcia)

    Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage?

    This is the question Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s camp is asking about Sen. Barack Obama.

    An investigation of Mr. Obama by political opponents within the Democratic Party has discovered that Mr. Obama was raised as a Muslim by his stepfather in Indonesia. Sources close to the background check, which has not yet been released, said Mr. Obama, 45, spent at least four years in a so-called Madrassa, or Muslim seminary, in Indonesia.

    "He was a Muslim, but he concealed it," the source said. "His opponents within the Democrats hope this will become a major issue in the campaign."

    When contacted by Insight, Mr. Obama’s press secretary said he would consult with “his boss” and call back. He did not.

    Sources said the background check, conducted by researchers connected to Senator Clinton, disclosed details of Mr. Obama's Muslim past. The sources said the Clinton camp concluded the Illinois Democrat concealed his prior Muslim faith and education.

    "The background investigation will provide major ammunition to his opponents," the source said. "The idea is to show Obama as deceptive."

    In two best-selling autobiographies—"The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream" and "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance"—Mr. Obama, born in Honolulu where his parents met, mentions but does not expand on his Muslim background, alluding only to his attendance at a "predominantly Muslim school."

    The sources said the young Obama was given the name Hussein by his Muslim father, which the Illinois Democrat rarely uses in public.

    His father was black and came from Kenya. Mr. Obama’s mother, the daughter of a farmer, came from Wichita, Kansas. Mr. Obama's parents divorced when he was two years old. His father returned to Kenya.

    Later, Mr. Obama's mother married an Indonesian student and the family moved to Jakarta. Mr. Obama returned to Hawaii when he was 10 to live with his maternal grandparents.

    The sources said the background check concerned Mr. Obama's years in Jakarta. In Indonesia, the young Obama was enrolled in a Madrassa and was raised and educated as a Muslim. Although Indonesia is regarded as a moderate Muslim state, the U.S. intelligence community has determined that today most of these schools are financed by the Saudi Arabian government and they teach a Wahhabi doctrine that denies the rights of non-Muslims.

    Although the background check has not confirmed that the specific Madrassa Mr. Obama attended was espousing Wahhabism, the sources said his Democratic opponents believe this to be the case—and are seeking to prove it. The sources said the opponents are searching for evidence that Mr. Obama is still a Muslim or has ties to Islam.

    Mr. Obama attends services at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago’s South Side. However, he is not known to be a regular parishioner."

    And it goes on and on.

    That's one item claiming Obama had a Muslim upbringing.


  20. This is how I think it will break down. It's going to be Hillary vs. Guiliani. McCain looks exhausted already and on the news they said he's just about gone through his campaign money.

    Obama seems very popular, and to what I've seen on TV, greatly so among white voters. He draws crowds. This man was brought up in the Black Muslim religion and claims now to be of another religion. If he gets anywhere near Hillary Clinton's percentages, he will be killed, imo. No way is he going to be a Vice President or President. No way. Will it be a small plane crash? Will someone shoot him? Will he drown? Will he suddenly decide to commit suicide? I would not want to be on a plane with this guy.

    Who will win -- Hillary or Guiliani? Since we've had a Republican Administration in the past 7 years and it's been awful, I doubt voters will vote for Republican Guiliani, on that basis. I think we will have our first woman President.

    And I hope there are no spoilers, taking votes away from the Democrats. I think Hillary has worked hard for this.

    Who would I like to be the President? A younger Gore Vidal: and there's my politics.


  21. I was thinking of Lady Byrd last night. I was going to post how kind she was for attending Jacqueline Kennedy's funeral. A car brought her and when everyone went inside, she made her way up the stairs with the help of a walker and sat in the last pew, trying hard not to attract attention to her. I always admired her for that. I thought last night, oh, no one will be interested in that and it's appropos to what?

    She was also a good partner for LBJ. She knew he was screwing around, but he would never leave her. When he suffered from bouts of depression in the Oval Office during his presidency, she would send him a letter of encouragement.

    I don't know what members think of Lady Byrd, but I have nothing against her. She also said, after the assassination of Kennedy that she "never met a woman more suited for wearing lace," meaning Jackie." ;)


  22. There already are 2 or 3 threads about the John-John crash I see the need for another. Flocco is a complete crackpot.

    Also I'd like to see a photo that definately shows "Poppa Doc" Bush in front of the TSBD.

    In defense of my post, called "A Death in the Family," it encompasses Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick and his having to identify those bodies. Can you put yourself in his shoes?

    In my opinion, the powers that be killed his 2 extraordinary brothers, his nephew -- the assassinated President's son -- and framed him with a crime that kept him from the Presidency. A whole dynasty destroyed and Ted has to deal with this knowledge and must eschew any conspiracy theories. I don't know how he takes it.

    You can believe Tom Flocco is a crackpot, that's your right, but I disagree. Also I tried using the Search engine on this Forum but I kept getting an error message. Finally, the search function brought me to my own post today. Maybe this is something Andy can help me with or maybe it doesn't function right for everyone. So there go your 2 or 3 threads. I'm sure John Jr's death was discussed on this forum, but right now I have no access to it. And it's not the first time.


  23. They are, to be blunt, a corporate motivated platform for corporate motivated advertising.

    Well put.

    The worst aspect of the mainstream media in its present form is that it is wilfully distorting the truth concerning historical events like JFK's assassination, while at the same time denying the public its rightful role in shaping the course of history---all because of the stinking corporate oligarchy it serves.

    The face of these corporations and the oil barons glows forth from FOX News Channel in the person of Shepard Smith. Just look at his face. He turns news into entertainment. He's the chief clown, chief obfuscator for the Military-Industrial Complex.


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