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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. "no reference to.. belonging to the KKK."

    Kathy, you are unlikely to find any direct 'proof" as such.

    Nevertheless, there are a number of sources that (see Strategy of Tension, The Black Nationalists and the Rockwell group) place him right in the milieu. The HUAC 1965 investigations into the KKK were stymied by an almost completely united front pleading the fifth amendment. A prime subject was the (non) existence of records. The various ever changing KKK flavours have layered memberships and a cellular strategy. They are often refereed to the Invisible Empire. Numerous prominent individuals ranging from Truman, Hugo Black to 'Jane and Joe Blow' are suspected members or at least members of the self styled 'ex-member club' of apologists.







    "The Kennedys lived in Ivory Towers and he felt Jack and Bobby didn't understand having to work and live with black people."

    Perhaps in some sense. It depends on which side of the fence you are.

    For an anti-misceginist segregationist 'living with black people', bolstered by the pseudo scientific eugenicists that created and maintained and justified a particular type of 'relationship' that dominated the old south, was a different thing to someone who acknowledged the Declaration of Independence. Ivory tower or no ivory tower.

    Nevertheless, Kennedy was the first president who (while Johnson had already said so to black leaders in 1960) stated that 'the time of waiting is over'.

    'Wait', was the message the Negroes had continually been fed by previous administrations. Kennedy acknowledged (TV Civil Rights speech) the grievances of the negres, and their justified street agitation, two hours before black leader Medgar Evers was assassinated. Robert flew to Medgars brother, Charles', side and they stayed friends right to the end of Roberts life.

    Kennedy, I think, adhered to the Declaration of Independence: part thereof: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

    His opponenets were openly anti-democracy, pro selective reading of the Constitution which was used in all sorts of imaginative ways to argue Statets Rights against Federal Rights to justify apartheid (segregation) even going so far as to redefine an individual as an institution thus using individual rights of association to justify 'separate but equal', which in itself was never ever really equal anyway.

    John F. Kennedy interceded on Kings behalf on a number of occasions, not least before becoming President.

    Many credible studies that connect self image with social position and behaviour undermine the 'they are different, and more significantly: 'they are somehow 'less''.

    The status quo created the very differences that Hunt found hard to bridge. He and his ilk in this sense were the ones in the 'ivory tower'. Emmett Tills murderers prudly procalaimed they knew how to live with the blacks. They were not alone: Control them and if they can't be controlled, kill them.

    The KKK. Near where I live is a mostly rural section called the Moon Lake district. A friend of mine drove throught there and saw them in all their glory. About 15 standing around in white sheets and hoods. There are also survivalists in that area. It's well known that black people rarely ride through there. Whenever anyone says they've seen a strange-looking man in the Moon Lake area, you can bet he's either KKK, a survivalist or a skin-head. So down south, the KKK are very open about their organization.


  2. From what I read about him on the Internet, HL Hunt, during his time, was the wealthiest man in the world. An oil baron. He was a member of the John Birch Society. He had radio shows that forward the views of conservatives. He enjoyed a friendship with Senator McCarthy. He lived unassumably in a modest house in Dallas. He carried his lunch with him in a paper bag. And I believe he was the man who financed, or headed the financing, of President Kennedy's Assassination. With exception to my last sentence, I found tons of things about him on the Internet. All you have to do is search for H.L. Hunt. In my opinion, he was the top of the echelon and he had final say.

    Did he draw up plans? I wouldn't be surprised. I think he liked spying and was involved with a lot of things going on in this country. I think he liked to play Cowboys and Indians. I think he felt the country was going downhill because of Kennedy wanting a Civil Rights Bill (which passed when he died). I guess with all that money, he would want to finance the assassination of "commie" President Kennedy. The Kennedys lived in Ivory Towers and he felt Jack and Bobby didn't understand having to work and live with black people. Imo, he paid the Cuban Exiles to carry out the plot, as they didn't want to kill Kennedy for free.

    I found no references of him belonging to the KKK.

    Hunt died in 1977 of "unspecified causes." He was ancient by then.


  3. Oh, Miles!!

    I agree with you that the Z film shows a frontal shot, but there are many who don't.

    Some see a shot from the rear(???) :blink:

    Some think it's (I don't want to say it) uh, altered.

    And I am afraid that you may have opened this .....


    Yes to me the Z film shows a shot from the front right. But the conspirators tell us it shows the shot came from the back, and if we were good Americans we would believe the Warren Commission and what "those on high" say about the film. I guess people who look at the film and see what their eyes are telling them are a bunch of America-hating Commies.

    Kathy Collins

  4. Not that simple.

    The new report is clearly a denial of the Warren Commission.

    Rather than state positively that all the lead fragments came from

    two Oswald bullets, the new conclusions state that the fragments

    could have come from up to five separate shells.........

    that is not support for the lame single assassin / lone gunman theory

    it directly REFUTES the old false evidence supporting the Warren Commission !!!

    I agree with you, Shanet. AOL news has been reporting it since yesterday and continue to. This is proof that there were at least 2 gunmen. This argument reminds me of when they did carbon testing on the Shroud of Turin and told the Vatican the Shroud was a fraud. The Vatican found its own experts and ruled out carbon testing as a means of determining if this cloth covered Jesus' body after he died. The Shroud had fire marks -- it had caught fire in some century -- so carbon dating couldn't be accurate. Somehow the Vatican got an expert's opinion for proof the Shroud was genuine.

    This will go on forever, the argument that Kennedy was killed by Oswald from behind and our argument that there were multiple assassins and Lee Harvey Oswald became the patsy.


  5. Bill, I want to thank you for mentioning Karyn Kupcinet as an important death. There's a site called: 'groups.yahoo.com/group/Karyn_Kupcinet'

    We are at a dead end regarding her death, no pun intended. There are so many suspects. One recently died. And another looks like he's seen better days. Just one thing: you have Karyn's date of death wrong. She was murdered in the early hours of Nov. 28 (Thanksgiving) in 1963. Cops estimated around 12:30 am. She wasn't discovered till night of Nov. 30, 1963. From what I read, if you block the carotid arteries or one of them, the victim dies in moments. Maybe something happened by accident. But the place was in mayhem.


  6. And please, if you will, show me the direct relevance her death, be it by murder, suicide, or natural causes, has with the assassination of Kennedy.

    For the record, I don't think Karyn's murder has any relevance to the JFK assassination, but some folks do, so that's why it is being discussed here. I don't think Karyn committed suicide, but some folks do, so that's why her personal life is being discussed, too. I think Ms. Mauro is mainly reacting to Kathy's tone, and that's fair. --Paul


    Thank you for your reply, Professor Fecteau. It's not so much Ms. Collin's tone, as her lack of cohesiveness in attempting to tie Kupcinet's death to the assassination with what strikes me as nothing less than what Jacqueline Kennedy once used to described gossip columnists, or newspaper paparazzi with the term, "harpies." That "harpy-esque" quality inherent in groundless, or baseless hearsay, employed mainly to draw-in those unsuspecting, or "uninformed" minds, seeking to be "in-the-know," if you will. Possibly similar to a form of witless, or unintentional, distribution of dis or mis-information? Yet, strictly for the purpose of targetting or attracting a level of mindset, or sector of society interested in that form of news gathering. Unfortunately, a sad reflection on the intelligence quotient of present day U.S. society, in light of the sales generated by that form of, what used to be classified as, "yellow" journalism. And, if that is representative of what the term, "tone" is, relative to a particular style? Then, I'd have to say, you're right on the mark.

    I am not a harpy following around a celebrity. But you can say I harp on the subject of Karyn Kupcinet, deceased. She was murdered, her friends and parents didn't understand her, she did Meth. Her murderer might still be alive. As for the Assassination, as I said, John Simkin brought it up. One of the popular Kennedy books indicated that "Karyn was the first witness, after Oswald, to die." Penn Jones Jr began this controversy. I have never gotten my hands on Forgive My Grief II. It's too expensive.

    All the men in her life -- not one failed a lie detector test. And then I found out someone was connecting her to the Kennedy Assassination. Well, I want to get to the bottom of it. A lot of things I said about Karyn's problems came from other sources besides myself. Read James Ellroy (if you want to talk about tone) about her in Crime Wave, "The Glamour Jungle." Or the saga-like "Lost World of Kup," from Chicago magazine. Read People magazine from 1976 (Tony Randall on the cover), "Unsolved Celebrity Murders." You'll find my "predecessors" also reported her problems.

    I wish she were alive. But she isn't. And to tell you the truth, I am tired of this thread. It's going nowhere. If you want to keep it going, Terry, fine. But remember neither one of us is going to change as a person. And I am curious about the Assassination. That is why I am on this forum. Although it took me a long time in my life to be able to deal with the way he died. I was brought up Irish Catholic, so you know my eyes were glued to the TV set that weekend. When she appeared on the lift with her husband's blood all over her...

    Maybe I should have been a gossip columnist; Irv was. But I'm too introverted still. I explore certain things in my novels. That's what I'm good for. I wanted to explore related things, but I guess not on this forum. I'm talking about the Skakel case and Robert Kennedy Jr's take on it. And John Jr's death. But I'll have to save them for my blog.

    I want to say something to you, Terry -- you are an excellent writer. I hope someday you'll write something for publication, maybe when you retire.

    I'm over and out.


  7. And please, if you will, show me the direct relevance her death, be it by murder, suicide, or natural causes, has with the assassination of Kennedy.

    For the record, I don't think Karyn's murder has any relevance to the JFK assassination, but some folks do, so that's why it is being discussed here. I don't think Karyn committed suicide, but some folks do, so that's why her personal life is being discussed, too. I think Ms. Mauro is mainly reacting to Kathy's tone, and that's fair. --Paul

    I remember being mad at True Hollywood Story and James Ellroy. He had a tone. What is my tone?


  8. I haven't read Harvey & Lee and don't know squat about this (now that I've established my qualifications), but one episode of TMWKK (presumably the one about Oswald) had a related segment. Marina had Oswald's body exhumed because she was starting to doubt who was in the grave, and the coroner who looked at the remains was interviewed and said:

    -The casket was in a concrete (strong/heavy) vault and one end of the vault was completely bashed in, broken into.

    -Dental records proved the head was Oswald's, but...

    -The head, which was not attached to the body, had originally been cut open for autopsy purposes in 1963.

    However, the head in the casket had no such cut.

    If it puts your mind at ease McAdams says there's nothing suspicious about it. :ice

    It's funny that you mentioned McAdams site, Myra. I just read a few pages about this exhumation. It seems Harvey's head is now buried in that grave -- and the body is -- possibly Lee's? Was it Lee in the funeral home coffin pictures, the ones that don't look like Harvey? Was Lee a lookalike Russian agent? I read that a dead ringer for Harvey Oswald, appeared at a party thrown after the Assassination, seemingly with the conspirators. Did they send Lee back to Russia? Or is he in that grave next to Marguerite?

    I wish we could find out more about Donald Norton. Armstrong knows so much. By the way, I didn't know that our own Jack White wrote about the exhumation. And Gary Mack, who said of course, that the man in the grave was (the whole) Lee Harvey Oswald.


  9. Recently, I finished reading Harvey and Lee and feel left at a precipice. I thought it would say something about what happened to Lee. It doesn't. And it doesn't mention Donald O. Norton because John Armstrong wanted one more piece of evidence, as to was Donald O. Norton really Lee Oswald.

    My curiosity is engaged again, especially since Donald O. Norton owns properties in Avon Park, FL, about 2 hours from me.

    How could a red-headed man once impersonate Lee Oswald? What happened to Lee after Harvey's death? Wasn't he afraid the company he kept would now turn on him? They killed the President; so why not some CIA underling? Besides William Kelly's seeing him once (he doesn't remember what "Lee" Oswald looked like), the last time Lee is seen is when two Dallas cops brought him out the rear exit of the Texas Theater. A store owner witnessed it. (Harvey Oswald was taken out the front exit at the same time in a riot of police.) It looked like he was being arrested, but everything was calm, smooth. What happened to Lee? Plastic surgery? Dyed hair? Does his hairdresser know for sure?

    Someone with a great deal of knowledge of the Kennedy Assassination told me that when authorities exhumed LHO, it looked like the grave had been tampered with. This person told me that the head of the body was disconnected from the body. And that the head and the body were of 2 different men. Was one Lee?

    I'd love a discussion on this.


  10. Thank you, Paul and Myra. Terry and I don't get along. As for Karyn Kupcinet, I would have loved to be her friend. She was such a worthwhile person. And highly intelligent. But always Essee's opinion came first. Essee was a beautiful woman. But, except for her height, which was short, I think Karyn took after Irv. She was in such a spiral. And I want to say something about Andrew Prine. To the best of my knowledge, I don't think he ever paid back Mark Goddard for Karyn's Mexico abortion. He was asking for alimony from the wife he was divorcing. Which, especially in those days, made him look bad.

    Thanks again.



    "Terry and I don't get along."

    That's an understatement. And, "why?"

    "As for Karyn Kupcinet, I would have loved to be her friend. She was such a worthwhile person. And highly intelligent. But always Essee's opinion came first. Essee was a beautiful woman. But, except for her height, which was short, I think Karyn took after Irv. She was in such a spiral. And I want to say something about Andrew Prine. To the best of my knowledge, I don't think he ever paid back Mark Goddard for Karyn's Mexico abortion. He was asking for alimony from the wife he was divorcing. Which, especially in those days, made him look bad."

    This is, "why." What I've bolded is, "why." And, I truly believe Karyn would've more than likely shunned any association with someone who would claim to be her friend, yet said "friend" would take it upon herself to broadcast the fact that Karyn had had an abortion, take pot shots at her height, claim she was in a spiral, and that her boyfriend was seeking palimony from the wife he was divorcing.

    You have an exceptional thought process.

    "I don't think he ever paid back Mark Goddard for Karyn's Mexico abortion."

    Wait a minute, maybe that was just an excuse for her to go to Mexico and meet up with Saul, or is it Ralph Geb? Is that her connection to the assassination? This could be a breakthrough!

    First of all, is saying Karyn was short demeaning to her? I'm only 5'1. I'm not the first to say she had an abortion. I think it attributed to her hallucination on the last day of her life, when she called people to tell them a baby was left on her doorstep. And it added to her depression.

    I see you've read my blog where I discovered Ralph Geb. You can discount it, but he looks like the yearbook picture of "Donald Norton." I had never heard of Ralph Geb and wrote his name down as an afterthought because he reminded me of the yearbook picture. Then I looked his name up in a search and found out he was one of LHO's impersonators.

    If KK was alive, and I knew her, I wouldn't tell anyone anything negative about her. She was struggling and had major demons. She died. I never knew her. Things always come out in murder investigations. I see her as a victim, not as a bad person.

    Can we get off each other's backs now? Or as Rodney King would say:

    "Can we...Can we get along?"


  11. The subject itself does not upset me, Myra. It's the character assassination of an individual, by what I perceive to be a judgemental person, claiming all the while to be honoring said, albeit deceased individual.

    Unfortunately, Karyn's personal life becomes relevant to the debate about her death because Ellroy and others have suggested that she may have committed suicide. I don't know if what Kathy shared amounts to "character assassination." So Karyn "had issues"? Who doesn't?



    Paul Fecteau (paul@paulfecteau.com)

    Kari Kupcinet (kari@paulfecteau.com)

    homepage: http://paulfecteau.com/

    mailing address:

    Department of English

    Washburn University

    1700 S.W. College Ave.

    Topeka, KS 66621

    phone: 785-670-1445

    Thank you, Paul and Myra. Terry and I don't get along. As for Karyn Kupcinet, I would have loved to be her friend. She was such a worthwhile person. And highly intelligent. But always Essee's opinion came first. Essee was a beautiful woman. But, except for her height, which was short, I think Karyn took after Irv. She was in such a spiral. And I want to say something about Andrew Prine. To the best of my knowledge, I don't think he ever paid back Mark Goddard for Karyn's Mexico abortion. He was asking for alimony from the wife he was divorcing. Which, especially in those days, made him look bad.

    Thanks again.


  12. 'John Simkin' post='4103' date='Apr 24 2004,[/b] 08:57 AM']

    Terry, John Simkin brought up the subject of Karyn Kupcinet. That's how it's relevant.

    How can you say I'm ecstatic talking about her death and Andrew Prine getting old? Karyn means a lot to me. A lot. And it goes back decades. I contribute to her Yahoo group. No, I don't think Irv would have liked my focusing on the Assassination. He believed that she was murdered by someone in her circle, namely David Lange who's past on. By the way, Kari Kupcinet, Karyn's niece, knows I'm on her Yahoo group. The man who is writing a book about Karyn is grateful for my time and my posts and theories.

    Re Walter Winchell: He's a little bit before my time. My mother used to read his columns. Winchell went out to L.A. to investigate the murder. He didn't succeed. He actually told Irv he was going to win a Pulitzer Prize doing it. Didn't happen.

    It was Dorothy Kilgallen I admired. I believe it was she who reported that someone in Karyn's circle killed her and that it was a married man. I have no idea who that is. But Kilgallen was a smart woman and my family always thought there was something fishy about her death. I recommend you read Lee Israel's book on Dorothy.

    If I'm a little dark, Terry, God made me that way. And, tell me, isn't the Assassination of John Kennedy dark in and of itself? Sensationalism? What about publishing gory autopsy photos for the public to see? That's so dark it's soot! When you point the finger at someone else, Terry, remember, 3 of your fingers are pointing back at you. And another old adage: It takes one to know one.



    "And, tell me, isn't the Assassination of John Kennedy dark in and of itself? Sensationalism? What about publishing gory autopsy photos for the public to see?"

    Not when you're viewing it from a purely forensic P.O.V. Nor, from the aspect of having experience in the staging and triage of gun shot wounds. Yet, you insist on labeling state and federal homicide evidence as "gory" simply because you prefer to be noted as a researcher from a purely "literary"

    standpoint. Therefore, those bonafide authors and researchers who are physicists, radiologists, pathologists, clinicians, and their technical staff and support teams, along with the attorneys, and their paralegals who happen to be investigating the homicide of the 35th President of the United States, are merely "masturbating in the blood of John F. Kennedy," as you once accused the research community of partaking in.

    "It takes one to know one."

    Oh really? I am so flattered you chose to include me, but I seriously doubt I come anywhere near your stature when it comes to style and ability to pick apart someone's past to the inclusion of irrelevant aspects that have absolutely nothing to do with connecting them to the assassination. Your seemingly uncanny sense for dragging their reputations through the mud by making reference to their poor body image, low self-esteem, and how this somehow drove them into drug addiction, is a logical deduction. But I fail to see the direct connection between this information about them, or why this particular facet in their personality would make them ideal candidates for murder with respect to the Kennedy assassination.

    If you're trying to make the case of perpetrators getting back at Kupcinet himself, to shut him up, I have no quarrel with that. What I find distasteful is the way you claim to revere someone, in this case Karyn, yet seemingly go out of your way to point out every character flaw you deem pertinent as a direct involvement in JFK's assassination. But, that's if you can make a connection that she may have somehow been distributing drugs to the dead president, or been his "pusher man." And that, in itself is a pretty far stretch of the imagination. It's as if you pick the most lurid details to make a point that goes nowhere near what you're trying to say. You do the same thing with Marilyn Monroe. Cut her up into bits and pieces, all the while castigating her with accusations aimed at her sexual preferences and promiscuities. Then, doing a 180 degree turn to say how much you admired her. What the hell is that all about?

    Terry, the line or image that popped up in my mind and which I typed into the computer was meant only for you because you bitch at people. It was not pre-planned: I was furious.

    Professor Paul Fecteau is writing a book on Karyn. And I don't think anyone's really talked about Karyn "before Hollywood" on that group. I know some things, but not a wealth of info pre-Hollywood. You have to understand that Karyn is dead, and when you examine someone who's gone, you have to let in the negative things. I admire her so much. I thought she was beautiful and I see her as a victim. I've said before, she should have gone into journalism. But she had a "stage mother" and as their almost half-a-century-long housekeeper said, Karyn was talked into becoming an actress. Because Karyn's mother was besotted with show biz and celebrities. Essee wanted to be a dancer, but her father wouldn't allow it and sent her off to college. If you weren't famous, Essee wouldn't even acknowledge you. Karyn felt she was letting her parents down.

    As for linking her to the Kennedy Assassination, Penn Jones Jr did that and then it was repeated in various books. I only write what I know about her, and if it's conjecture I say so.

    People still give me books about Marilyn Monroe as birthday or Christmas gifts. Actually I stopped collecting her in the '80's because the books dwelled on her death too much.

    Karyn's story is of a young person being forced to be this starlet, when she could have chosen another occupation if let alone. I believe Irv was disturbed about her plastic surgeries. I think Karyn had low self-esteem because she thought she never looked pretty enough. Her mother knew since 1960 that Karyn was taking diet pills. In her last year she was on methamphetamine and suffered from hallucinations. It's a very sad story.

    I never castigated Monroe for anything. I said I wish she would have put the cork in the bottle and not been so promiscuous because these things harmed her. She was alcoholic and a severe depressive and there wasn't much help for her in those days as there is today. Could she walk into Alcoholics Anonymous and really be "Anonymous"?

    As for picking out Karyn's flaws, I'm trying to explain what was going on. All great people have flaws. And when I read in 1979 what had happened to her, I "identified" with her. I also, at that age, identified with Monroe. That's why I know so much about them.

    The Kennedy Assassination attracts a lot of morbid people; you must know that. They're out there. They might not be posting but they're out there.

    One time I bought The Globe and they had autopsy photos of President Kennedy. I told my brother (9 years older than I) not to look at it. Well, he gave in to curiousity. That was years ago. He said to me recently, "You don't know how many nights I lose sleep thinking about that picture" [The Stare of Death, as they call it]. He then said the worst day in his life was when my mother died. Then he said, "The second worst day was when John Kennedy died: it ruined my life." He's a stroke victim, diabetic and has had triple bypass surgery. It's strange the things that stay in his mind and the things that don't. For instance, he used to do a wicked imitation of Liberace, and he can't remember how he did it or even that he did it. And that makes him sad.

    These are my explanations for your various attacks on my character.


  13. 'John Simkin' post='4103' date='Apr 24 2004,[/b] 08:57 AM']Karyn Kupcinet is another whose death has been linked to the Kennedy assassination. I am not convinced but it is an interesting story.

    Irv Kupcinet was a well-known journalist and television talk show host. He knew Jack Ruby in Chicago in the 1940s. According to W. Penn Jones (Forgive My Grief, 1966) Kupcinet kept in contact with Ruby and discovered that he was involved in a plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. Jones argues that Kupcinet passed this information on to his daughter Karyn. In his book, Forgive My Grief, Jones reports that "a few days before the assassination, Karyn Kupcinet, 23, was trying to place a long distance telephone call from the Los Angeles area. According to reports, the long distance operator heard Miss Kupcinet scream into the telephone that President Kennedy was going to be killed."

    Karyn Kupcinet's body was discovered on 30th November, 1963. Police estimated that she had been dead for two days. The New York Times reported that she had been strangled. Her actor boyfriend, Andrew Prine was the main suspect but he was never charged with the murder and the crime remains unsolved.

    Some researchers have claimed that there was a strong link between the death of Kupcinet and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It was argued that the conspirators were trying to frighten Kupcinet from telling what he knew. Irv Kupcinet rejected this idea. He wrote in the Chicago Sun-Times (9th November, 1992): "The NBC Today Show on Friday carried a list of people who died violently in 1963 shortly after the death of President John F. Kennedy and may have had some link to the assassination. The first name on the list was Karyn Kupcinet, my daughter. That is an atrocious outrage. She did die violently in a Hollywood murder case still unsolved. That same list was published in a book years ago with no justification or verification. The book left the impression that some on the list may have been killed to silence them because of knowledge of the assassination. Nothing could be further from the truth in my daughter's case."


    Karyn Kupcinet

    John, Penn Johes Jr was on Kup's Show circa 1966. It must have been here that he learned of the Kupcinet's murdered daughter. He said nothing about it on Kup's Show. I never read any of his books. They are hard to come by and too expensive for me. Someone told me that Penn Jones Jr was often misquoted on the Internet. I wouldn't know. But this business is in Book II of Forgive My Grief.

    There was a story that circulated widely in newspapers the day after President Kennedy was killed. A distraught woman, trying to make a person-to-person call to Chicago, screamed into the phone and whispered into the phone that "They're going to kill the President." Twenty minutes later, Kennedy was shot. The supervisor of the operators reported this to the police. I've read that the call came from a law office in Oxnard, CA. But Penn Jones apparently believed this could have been Karyn Kupcinet. In my opinion, it wasn't. And I don't think she had any foreknowledge.

    Karyn was murdered by the shutting off of her left carotid artery. This matches the coronor's cause of death -- that a strong man attacked her from behind and strangled her with only one hand -- his left. The coronor found much trauma to the left side of her neck. There's a specific headlock that will do this. She wasn't found for 3 days. She had a copious leukerrhea substance inside her vagina. When they tried to examine it, it had decomposed. They weren't sure what it was. Her apartment looked ransacked and only a great quantity of her Desoxyn - Methamphetamine - pills were missing.

    She was found dead by her friends, Mark and Marcia Goddard. Mark starred in Lost in Space. Mark believed she killed herself. She had told people that she was going to Glenn Ford's house for Thanksgiving with Andrew Prine. Instead she was murdered on Thanksgiving and Prine said he never had any intention of taking her to Ford's house.

    There are several suspects and as many theories. At this point, in my own mind, I am not sure she was killed because her father was investigating the Chicago angle to the Assassination. But I do believe she was murdered. It's a mystery and I keep exploring it. If she was killed to hurt Kup, no one could do a better job. Irv Kupcinet was a Zionist. And he was interested in the Ruby angle. It seems people who had anything to do with Ruby were often murdered.

    Read more at 'groups.yahoo.com/group/Karyn_Kupcinet'

    and 'thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com' present page and in the archives




    John Simkin

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    Sunday, December 11, 2005

    Karyn Kupcinet and the Bobby Baker Scandal

    The Kennedy Assassination for Lay People #3

    John Simkin, a JFK assassination researcher, is trying to connect the murder of Karyn Kupcinet, actress daughter of late columnist Irv Kupcinet, to the Bobby Baker scandal.

    Bobby Baker started out as a page in the Senate, working for Lyndon Johnson. He was so loyal to LBJ, people often referred to him as "Little Lyndon." When Johnson became Vice President, Bobby Baker stayed on with him as his secretary. Bobby Baker considered himself a wheeler dealer and was often around the Senate making deals. Baker got involved with Giancana and Meyer Lansky, building casinos in the Dominican Republic, which would serve as the new "Cuba" for the Mob. Baker then got involved in the Quorum Club, secretly owned by LBJ. Baker would procure women for big shots in Washington DC. J. Edgar Hoover later characterized some of these women as spies and had them deported.

    LBJ had been receiving kickbacks from business contacts through Bobby Baker. The largest was the Fort Worth TFX contract to build a fighter plane for $7 million. Word circulated that Johnson, Vice President of the United States at the time, was going to be indicted. President Kennedy, it was rumored, was going to drop Lyndon from the ticket in 1964. Perhaps he would choose Senator George Smathers, who would become President Kennedy's "best friend," yet would say detrimental things about Kennedy's lifestyle after the Assassination, hurting Kennedy's memory. Don Reynolds, a man who put together Johnson's will and knew a lot about LBJ's finances, was testifying that he had seen a $100,000 payoff to Johnson over the TFX contract. Reynolds' testimony came to a halt that day when word came that President Kennedy had been assassinated.

    LBJ began a smear campaign against Don Reynolds. Reynold's testimony would not be made public. In 1967 Bobby Baker was found guilty of 7 counts of theft, fraud and income tax evasion. The charges against him included Baker accepting huge campaign donations intended to buy influence with various Senators but which he kept for himself.

    People in high financial and military places believed Kennedy was a communist. "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." This must have sounded like a Communist slogan to some. After the wealthy oil barons killed President Kennedy -- and Johnson knew it was going to happen and would benefit from it -- the country was not the same, nor ever will be. President Kennedy was assassinated for oil and big business; and so Lyndon Johnson could avoid indictment as President over a traumatized country which had just lost a charismatic President.

    Back to Bobby Baker and Karyn Kupcinet. Baker, in his prime, had a house in SW Washington, DC. He held parties there in which he procured women for wealthy men. Nancy Carole Tyler, Bobby Baker's girlfriend, attended these parties frequently. Because she shared the house with Tyler, Mary Jo Kopechne was also, allegedly, at these functions. Mary Jo, who would be killed years later at a party at Chappaquiddick, had been in the same class as Karyn Kupcinet at Wellesley. Simkin is trying to place Karyn Kupcinet into one or more of these parties, claiming she learned something there that caused a hit man to murder her 5 days after the Assassination.

    I had a hard time putting Karyn in Wash. D.C., except one time when she was eleven years old. Then I remembered Advise and Consent. Irv Kupcinet and Otto Preminger were good friends. Irv had one line in Preminger's film Advise and Consent (1962), filmed in Washington DC. Could Karyn have travelled to DC with her father so he could say his one line in the Preminger movie? Karyn, at least before she met Prine, was very social and had many friends. She wasn't a loner, though she suffered deep depressions. Would Karyn go to one of those parties?

    She was certainly an out-of-towner. She probably wouldn't know ahead of time the nature of these parties. How much could Washington swing? How close was she to Kopechne? Karyn attended Wellesley, in the same class as Mary Jo, for only one semester. They knew her as Roberta Kupcinet there. In later years, obsessed with her weight, she told a reporter that she had gained so much poundage during those collegiate months that she was the original 5'x5' girl.

    After leaving college, Karyn went on to New York. She auditioned for the Actor's Studio and Lee Strasberg accepted her, no easy feat. She was up for a part in a play in NY but didn't get the role and returned rejected to Chicago to her parent's house. Their decades-long maid said Karyn's mother, Essee, yelled at Karyn for having gained weight. Karyn took amphetamines and her mother looked the other way.

    Another coincidence: When Karyn filmed The Ladies Man (1961) with Jerry Lewis, Jerry was having an affair with Judith Campbell (Exner). She was on the set everyday and like Karyn, she came from Chicago. I know at one time the two of them lived in walking distance to each other. Had they become friends?

    Simkin also says that Irv Kupcinet and Jack Ruby were close friends. They were not, though both men had things in common during their youth in Chicago. Kupcinet was acquainted with Ruby and called up a mutual friend, Paul Dorfman (Mob connected), asking him questions about Ruby. This call came so quick, Dorfman didn't even know Oswald had been shot. "'Sparky' would never do that," he said. As Irv dug into the Chicago angle of the Assassination in the week to come, his daughter lay dead in her L.A. apartment.

    She had been dead 3 days before anyone found her. The autopsy said a very strong left-handded man had strangled her from behind. He broke her hyoid bone. She was found face down on her sofa. In my opinion, shortly after 2 male friends left her apartment, she was murdered by a hit man who killed her with a karate chop to the neck. A reporter, Jim Koethe, who had been in a meeting in Ruby's apartment the night Ruby shot Oswald, was murdered a few months later with a karate chop to the neck. Is this a coincidence, or a Ruby connection to Kupcinet's murder and Koethe's? Her male friends would be the suspects. Also her ex-boyfriend. And the guy downstairs from her. All these men were polygraphed and all their test results came out "inconclusive." The guys either had bad alibis or no alibis at all. Walter Winchell, down on his luck, told Irv Kupcinet that he was going to solve the murder and win a Pulitzer Prize doing so. The police felt he hampered the investigation. Winchell wrote up his report. All I know is he mentioned "The Syndicate." Is that the same as the Mafia? Like Sam Giancana? Could Winchell have been onto something?

    I don't know if Karyn Kupcinet ever attended Bobby Baker's parties. But it is strange that Nancy Carole Tyler, who lived in Baker's house, Mary Jo Kopechne and Karyn Kupcinet all met early tragic ends after the Assassination. And Judith Campbell Exner feared for her life from Kennedy's death onward.

    I still believe that Karyn had no foreknowledge of the Assassination and was killed to send Irv Kupcinet, her father, a warning to cease investigating the Assassination. I'm told, which I have not verified yet, that Irv never wrote about the Assassination again until the movie JFK came out. Irv maintained that Oswald shot President Kennedy... The early script of Stone's movie had a Karyn Kupcinet character. One is allowed to say anything about someone who has died. And this infuriated Kupcinet. He denounced the movie. Oliver Stone chose to use the Rose Cheramie character instead to illustrate foreknowledge and conspiracy. To use Karyn Kupcinet would only be speculation. The L.A. Sheriff's Dept has not solved the case. She went from L.A. to Palm Springs the day Kennedy was shot. She cannot be placed in Oxnard, CA that day, where an upset woman tried to make a person-to-person call to Chicago, got onto the operator's line and said, "They're going to kill the President" 20 minutes before he was shot. This was reported to the FBI and the story appeared in many newspapers around the US the next day. The real woman supposedly made the call from a law practice in Oxnard, and her name was revealed to Robert Kennedy on the day he was shot.

    My bibliography for the above info includes: John Simkins' forum on the Kennedy Assassiation; The Men Who Killed Kennedy, a series of documentaries made by Nigel Turner; Farewell America; LBJ's mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown, as interviewed by Nigel Turner; Chicago Magazine , "The Lost World of Kup," June 2004; The True Hollywood Story on Karyn Kupcinet; King of Comedy by Shawn Levy; John Austin in private letter; The Ruby Cover-Up by Seth Kantor; Kup: A Man, an Era, a City by Irv Kupcinet; Crime Wave by James Ellroy -- "The Glamour Jungle," GQ, December 1998; Winchell: Gossip, Power and the Culture of Celebrity by Neal Gabler; Judith Campbell Exner - television interview before she died where she said, "I was in love with that man. What more does that family want from me?"; the IMDb - Internet Movie Database; Irv Kupcinet's columns re Oliver Stone's JFK; McAdam's JFK Assassination site; and my own conjecture.


    It is nice to know that people are using the Forum for research. However, I am surprised that the "Cloak of Darkness" did not look at my web pages on these people. He would have discovered the sources for my views on the deaths of these three women. He says I claimed that Irv Kupcinet was a close friend of Jack Ruby. Did I? What I did say was that Irv Kupcinet got to know Jack Ruby in Chicago in the 1940s. According to W. Penn Jones he kept in contact with Ruby (he supplied Kupcinet with information about the Mafia, etc.). Penn Jones claimed that Kupcinet discovered that Ruby was involved in a plot to assassinate Kennedy. Jones argues that Irv passed this information on to his daughter Karyn.

    In his book, Forgive My Grief, Jones suggests that Karyn might have supplied her father with information about the assassination. He argues that "a few days before the assassination, Karyn Kupcinet, 23, was trying to place a long distance telephone call from the Los Angeles area. According to reports, the long distance operator heard Miss Kupcinet scream into the telephone that President Kennedy was going to be killed."

    Karyn Kupcinet's body was discovered on 30th November, 1963. Police estimated that she had been dead for two days. The New York Times reported that she had been strangled. Her actor boyfriend, Andrew Prine was the main suspect but he was never charged with the murder and the crime remains unsolved.

    Some researchers have claimed that there was a link between the death of Kupcinet and the assassination of Kennedy. It was argued that the conspirators were trying to frighten off Kupcinet from telling what he knew. Kupcinet rejected this idea. He wrote in the Chicago Sun-Times (9th November, 1992): "The NBC Today Show on Friday carried a list of people who died violently in 1963 shortly after the death of President John F. Kennedy and may have had some link to the assassination. The first name on the list was Karyn Kupcinet, my daughter. That is an atrocious outrage. She did die violently in a Hollywood murder case still unsolved. That same list was published in a book years ago with no justification or verification. The book left the impression that some on the list may have been killed to silence them because of knowledge of the assassination. Nothing could be further from the truth in my daughter's case."

    Was he telling the truth or was he protecting the lives of other members of the family?

    It has to be remembered that another journalist claimed that his daughter's murder had nothing to do with the assassination of JFK. According to Lee Israel (Kilgallen: An Intimate Biography) James Kilgallen, a famous investigative journalist, was quick to announce that his daughter's death had nothing to do with the JFK case.



    "In later years, obsessed with her weight, she told a reporter that she had gained so much poundage during those collegiate months that she was the original 5'x5' girl.

    After leaving college, Karyn went on to New York. She auditioned for the Actor's Studio and Lee Strasberg accepted her, no easy feat. She was up for a part in a play in NY but didn't get the role and returned rejected to Chicago to her parent's house. Their decades-long maid said Karyn's mother, Essee, yelled at Karyn for having gained weight. Karyn took amphetamines and her mother looked the other way."

    What does this information have to do with furthering the investigation of the assassination of JFK?

    "I still believe that Karyn had no foreknowledge of the Assassination and was killed to send Irv Kupcinet, her father, a warning to cease investigating the Assassination. I'm told, which I have not verified yet, that Irv never wrote about the Assassination again until the movie JFK came out. Irv maintained that Oswald shot President Kennedy... The early script of Stone's movie had a Karyn Kupcinet character. One is allowed to say anything about someone who has died. And this infuriated Kupcinet. He denounced the movie. Oliver Stone chose to use the Rose Cheramie character instead to illustrate foreknowledge and conspiracy. To use Karyn Kupcinet would only be speculation. The L.A. Sheriff's Dept has not solved the case. She went from L.A. to Palm Springs the day Kennedy was shot. She cannot be placed in Oxnard, CA that day, where an upset woman tried to make a person-to-person call to Chicago, got onto the operator's line and said, "They're going to kill the President" 20 minutes before he was shot. This was reported to the FBI and the story appeared in many newspapers around the US the next day. The real woman supposedly made the call from a law practice in Oxnard, and her name was revealed to Robert Kennedy on the day he was shot."

    I bet Kupcinet really loved your take on this.

    On the day, who was shot? JFK or RFK.

    "Crime Wave by James Ellroy -- "The Glamour Jungle," GQ, December 1998; Winchell: Gossip, Power and the Culture of Celebrity by Neal Gabler; Judith Campbell Exner - television interview before she died where she said, "I was in love with that man. What more does that family want from me?"; the IMDb - Internet Movie Database; Irv Kupcinet's columns re Oliver Stone's JFK; McAdam's JFK Assassination site; and my own conjecture."

    To be sure.

    "She was definitely murdered, although crime writer, James Ellroy, said she must have been dancing nude like a wood nymph to free her inhibitions. Actors are always trying to free their inhibitions. She had a book somewhere in the house opened to a page that said that. And then she supposedly fell and hit her neck on the corner of the coffee table, crawled up onto the sofa and died."

    Pure speculation

    And then, maybe it was suicide or she died like Anna Nicole with so many different prescription drugs in her. She was decomposed and they couldn't trace how many drugs she had in her. But I still believe she was murdered. Was she such a bad housekeeper that she left closet doors open, drawers with their contents trailing on the floor, bed clothes pulled halfway off the bed, revealing 2 twin beds pushed together;and 100 methamphetamines missing?

    You're grasping at straws.

    There are several suspects. One of them, David Lange, died last year. No deathbed confession. And her ex-boyfriend, Andrew Prine, looks terribly ill. He's about 71 now. He has his own website, a pathetic attempt at trying to get an acting job when he looks and sounds like walking death. Plus she had 2 male visitors earlier that night whom she didn't know well. And everyone of these suspects had lousy alibis."

    So what? Who cares? And, how do you expect you're going to look when you're 71. His career was most likely ruined from being associated with this whole bloody mess. You sound almost ecstatic. Karyn and her old man are probably rolling over in their graves with the way you've been ragging her.

    Don't you have anything positive or nice to say about someone who's not here to defend themselves? It's as if you glory in airing their dirty laundry, and any little insignificant tidbit of slander you may be able to glean from their "supposedly" sordid pasts. What purpose does it serve? To make you feel better about yourself?

    Was Walter Winchell your idol, or your mentor? Because you sure sound like a cheap imitation of him, Ms. Cloak of Darkness blogspot.com. You sure get off on throwing your website around here, for someone who can't seem to get their story straight.

    And, while it's still fresh in my mind, DO NOT EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, CONTACT ME AGAIN VIA MY E-MAIL ADDRESS! Especially, since I haven't set out to attack you in any recent memory that I can recall.

    My apologies to John Geraghty, Kathy Beckett, Evan Marshall, Simkin, Walker, et. al.

    Terry, John Simkin brought up the subject of Karyn Kupcinet. That's how it's relevant.

    How can you say I'm ecstatic talking about her death and Andrew Prine getting old? Karyn means a lot to me. A lot. And it goes back decades. I contribute to her Yahoo group. No, I don't think Irv would have liked my focusing on the Assassination. He believed that she was murdered by someone in her circle, namely David Lange who's past on. By the way, Kari Kupcinet, Karyn's niece, knows I'm on her Yahoo group. The man who is writing a book about Karyn is grateful for my time and my posts and theories.

    Re Walter Winchell: He's a little bit before my time. My mother used to read his columns. Winchell went out to L.A. to investigate the murder. He didn't succeed. He actually told Irv he was going to win a Pulitzer Prize doing it. Didn't happen.

    It was Dorothy Kilgallen I admired. I believe it was she who reported that someone in Karyn's circle killed her and that it was a married man. I have no idea who that is. But Kilgallen was a smart woman and my family always thought there was something fishy about her death. I recommend you read Lee Israel's book on Dorothy.

    If I'm a little dark, Terry, God made me that way. And, tell me, isn't the Assassination of John Kennedy dark in and of itself? Sensationalism? What about publishing gory autopsy photos for the public to see? That's so dark it's soot! When you point the finger at someone else, Terry, remember, 3 of your fingers are pointing back at you. And another old adage: It takes one to know one.


  14. Ruby and his dogs...

    James Ellroy, fictonal crime writer, likes to take celebrities he remembers as a kid and make fun of them if they're dead. In American Tabloid, one of the best novels I ever read and funny as hell, he had someone look up Ruby's arrest record and found that Ruby was convicted of molesting a dog in 1957. He has the dogs crapping all over the "stage" or bar where the strippers were dancing. He has Jimmy Hoffa in a little motor boat in Florida, shooting alligators.


  15. [Funny you should mention the man who isn't there.

    Years ago I had been adjusting the contrast/brightness and other filters when suddenly,

    directly beside that tree, the faint negative image of a man kneeling had come into view.

    What I found very interesting at the time was the similarity of this persons receding hairline

    and the hairline of the "Oswald" in Mexico.

    I have never mentioned this to anyone because I knew I would be jumped on from every

    direction for "seeing" a man who wasn't there..

    If you have good graphic files of the knoll try adjusting the contrast/brightness etc. until

    you have a negative image and look right next to the tree.

    I will try to find my picture and pull the image out that I am talking about.

    I hope I manage to find the darn thing again. I have gigabytes of JFK related files on my

    hard drives.



    This may be to what you referred:


    hairline and all.

    Also, I have seen a reproduction from an AP photo published the very next day wherein there is a man crouching - and it is fairly clear in its depiction of head and body - right below this image and in front of the wall.



    John, the link doesn't work for me.


  16. that one of the three men on the steps may have had a submachine gun.

    This third guy - in a squatting position, using his knee to stabilize the weapon - would have been the shooter - and what I was continually looking for was silenced automatic weapons, connections to WerBell, possible covert weapons that would resemble cameras or be camoflauged with a camera mounted on top of the weapon, GSAPs, etc. I remember how I was laughed at when I was initially looking at some kind of silenced greasegun. :rolleyes:


    Worth adding are the reports of automatic gunfire having been heard - beyond what you have posted - if memory serves James Richards posted those. I had other reasons for looking for an automatic - maybe it's worth running back over again. I guess it's only hearsay that someone in the plaza had an automatic cached in a briefcase? Can't recall where I read that.

    This guy is hiding in plain sight. His only cover is the shade of the live oak. Despite that fact, and the troubling problem of his lack of existence in Muchmore, Nix, Willis photos, etc. - I still like him for the one that delivered the shot to Kennedy's head.

    It was also in Sam Pate's stuff where he suggested that Hargis believed that the shooter was located in the storm drain due to the sound of the shot that came from this direction. It was muffled, Sam said, unlike the others. Another reason I thought it may be possible was the sound heard by Sitzman on the alleged coke bottle smashing. One bottle on the wall. Thick glass. No evidence of broken glass on the walk. No recollection by any eye-witness of broken glass in the area. No record of any black couple in that location. I thought that perhaps she had heard the result of supressed fire and the tinkling of shells as they ejected and struck the concrete there.

    That's a nice looking weapon. Maybe with a special scope it would even qualify for the account provided by the man in the press bus - can't find the reference and I know I posted it - where he has a man making his way up the steps, ducking as if he was being fired upon, carrying what looked like a camera - but not like any camera this news guy had ever seen before.

    Still a lot of mystery concerning what transpired in this area - I see no reason to doubt Arnold's story myself either.

    - lee

    ...or a weapon like that, but just behind the fence perhaps in hands of Badgeman....and maybe what Hoffman saw being moved in a 'shell game'...

    Recently, someone posted a photo of the limo on the Stemmon's Freeway and in the background, on the roof of a building, stood a man with what looked like a big rifle like the one depicted on this thread.

    I always thought BadgeMan was shooting with a submachine gun because the burst was so big. I showed the BadgeMan blowup to someone who wants to believe Oswald did it alone, etc. He said, "It's a guy lighting up his cigarette." I said, "What's he lighting it with -- a blow torch?"


  17. Karyn Kupcinet is another whose death has been linked to the Kennedy assassination. I am not convinced but it is an interesting story.

    Irv Kupcinet was a well-known journalist and television talk show host. He knew Jack Ruby in Chicago in the 1940s. According to W. Penn Jones (Forgive My Grief, 1966) Kupcinet kept in contact with Ruby and discovered that he was involved in a plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. Jones argues that Kupcinet passed this information on to his daughter Karyn. In his book, Forgive My Grief, Jones reports that "a few days before the assassination, Karyn Kupcinet, 23, was trying to place a long distance telephone call from the Los Angeles area. According to reports, the long distance operator heard Miss Kupcinet scream into the telephone that President Kennedy was going to be killed."

    Karyn Kupcinet's body was discovered on 30th November, 1963. Police estimated that she had been dead for two days. The New York Times reported that she had been strangled. Her actor boyfriend, Andrew Prine was the main suspect but he was never charged with the murder and the crime remains unsolved.

    Some researchers have claimed that there was a strong link between the death of Kupcinet and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It was argued that the conspirators were trying to frighten Kupcinet from telling what he knew. Irv Kupcinet rejected this idea. He wrote in the Chicago Sun-Times (9th November, 1992): "The NBC Today Show on Friday carried a list of people who died violently in 1963 shortly after the death of President John F. Kennedy and may have had some link to the assassination. The first name on the list was Karyn Kupcinet, my daughter. That is an atrocious outrage. She did die violently in a Hollywood murder case still unsolved. That same list was published in a book years ago with no justification or verification. The book left the impression that some on the list may have been killed to silence them because of knowledge of the assassination. Nothing could be further from the truth in my daughter's case."


    Karyn Kupcinet

    John, Penn Johes Jr was on Kup's Show circa 1966. It must have been here that he learned of the Kupcinet's murdered daughter. He said nothing about it on Kup's Show. I never read any of his books. They are hard to come by and too expensive for me. Someone told me that Penn Jones Jr was often misquoted on the Internet. I wouldn't know. But this business is in Book II of Forgive My Grief.

    There was a story that circulated widely in newspapers the day after President Kennedy was killed. A distraught woman, trying to make a person-to-person call to Chicago, screamed into the phone and whispered into the phone that "They're going to kill the President." Twenty minutes later, Kennedy was shot. The supervisor of the operators reported this to the police. I've read that the call came from a law office in Oxnard, CA. But Penn Jones apparently believed this could have been Karyn Kupcinet. In my opinion, it wasn't. And I don't think she had any foreknowledge.

    Karyn was murdered by the shutting off of her left carotid artery. This matches the coronor's cause of death -- that a strong man attacked her from behind and strangled her with only one hand -- his left. The coronor found much trauma to the left side of her neck. There's a specific headlock that will do this. She wasn't found for 3 days. She had a copious leukerrhea substance inside her vagina. When they tried to examine it, it had decomposed. They weren't sure what it was. Her apartment looked ransacked and only a great quantity of her Desoxyn - Methamphetamine - pills were missing.

    She was found dead by her friends, Mark and Marcia Goddard. Mark starred in Lost in Space. Mark believed she killed herself. She had told people that she was going to Glenn Ford's house for Thanksgiving with Andrew Prine. Instead she was murdered on Thanksgiving and Prine said he never had any intention of taking her to Ford's house.

    There are several suspects and as many theories. At this point, in my own mind, I am not sure she was killed because her father was investigating the Chicago angle to the Assassination. But I do believe she was murdered. It's a mystery and I keep exploring it. If she was killed to hurt Kup, no one could do a better job. Irv Kupcinet was a Zionist. And he was interested in the Ruby angle. It seems people who had anything to do with Ruby were often murdered.

    Read more at 'groups.yahoo.com/group/Karyn_Kupcinet'

    and 'thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com' present page and in the archives


    Thank you Kathy.

    I left that one out 'cause I really don't know what to make of it.

    Did the telephone operator tell Penn Jones about the call?

    How would the operator know who the caller was?

    Did Jones say how he investigated the story?

    It just sounds a little iffy.

    Does anyone else have any insight into whether or not the Karyn Kupcinet episode actually happened?

    She was definitely murdered, although crime writer, James Ellroy, said she must have been dancing nude like a wood nymph to free her inhibitions. Actors are always trying to free their inhibitions. She had a book somewhere in the house opened to a page that said that. And then she supposedly fell and hit her neck on the corner of the coffee table, crawled up onto the sofa and died.

    And then, maybe it was suicide or she died like Anna Nicole with so many different prescription drugs in her. She was decomposed and they couldn't trace how many drugs she had in her. But I still believe she was murdered. Was she such a bad housekeeper that she left closet doors open, drawers with their contents trailing on the floor, bed clothes pulled halfway off the bed, revealing 2 twin beds pushed together; and 100 methamphetamines missing?

    There are several suspects. One of them, David Lange, died last year. No deathbed confession. And her ex-boyfriend, Andrew Prine, looks terribly ill. He's about 71 now. He has his own website, a pathetic attempt at trying to get an acting job when he looks and sounds like walking death. Plus she had 2 male visitors earlier that night whom she didn't know well. And everyone of these suspects had lousy alibis.

    And the last alternative: maybe a crazy fan was stalking her. Maybe someone who lived in the complex (like David Lange) got into her apartment and raped and killed her. I say rape because of the leukerhea found inside her. "Copious" is the word the coronor used. So did she have a bad yeast infection or was it semen? They couldn't tell. They didn't have the technology they do today.

    About the Oxnard call, the operators listened in to this hysterical woman, who was saying, "They're going to kill the President." They called over the supervisor, Ray Sheehan. He heard it too. Twenty minutes later, Kennedy was shot; and Sheehan called the FBI and the story got into the papers the next day.

    About the identity of the caller, Penn Jones Jr thought it was Karyn Kupcinet. Why, I don't know. Maybe he was going on instinct. But I don't believe it. On the evening when Kennedy died, Andrew Prine took Karyn and another couple to Palm Springs for the weekend.

    I've never read Penn Jones' books, but maybe he took a leap of faith.


  18. I have moved my JFK Web Page to a server called fsphost.com. The new URL is:


    I have also moved my JFK articles there. The old URLs will soon expire.

    Fsphost.com (www.fsphost.com) is a free hosting service like none other I have seen. I recommend it to anyone looking for free web space. It’s located in Germany. All you have to do to use it is create a username. They don’t even care who you are, as long as you upload nothing that is illegal or pornographic.

    There are no ads that will clutter your page. No banners, no pop-ups. I don’t know what they make their money from and I don’t care.

    You can upload your page to their server with one simple click. No FSP software or other procedure needed, just a mouse. It literally takes one second.

    One disadvantage is that you can’t use your own domain name. If that’s not a problem, you are literally home free. Also you can’t use cgi script. I don’t even know what that is, but I apparently had some. I use some ads by Google on some of my web pages. The coding provided by Google for these ads apparently includes cgi script, because I could not upload those pages. When I deleted the ad coding, the pages uploaded with no problem.

    Fsphost.com is a good place for forum members to post photos or documents or whatever for others to see, if you’ve reached your forum limit or whatever.

    If you want some free web space and plenty of it, plus ridiculously easy uploading, IMO it’s the place to go.

    And now that I’ve made this glowing recommendation, the server will probably crash or I’ll get kicked off or something.

    Thanks Ron..... timely information

    Thank you also, Ron. I know a man in my writer's workshop who is looking for a free webpage site. I'd like to know, can people post their opinions on your site like here or are there just "comments" like on my blog?


  19. Karyn Kupcinet is another whose death has been linked to the Kennedy assassination. I am not convinced but it is an interesting story.

    Irv Kupcinet was a well-known journalist and television talk show host. He knew Jack Ruby in Chicago in the 1940s. According to W. Penn Jones (Forgive My Grief, 1966) Kupcinet kept in contact with Ruby and discovered that he was involved in a plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. Jones argues that Kupcinet passed this information on to his daughter Karyn. In his book, Forgive My Grief, Jones reports that "a few days before the assassination, Karyn Kupcinet, 23, was trying to place a long distance telephone call from the Los Angeles area. According to reports, the long distance operator heard Miss Kupcinet scream into the telephone that President Kennedy was going to be killed."

    Karyn Kupcinet's body was discovered on 30th November, 1963. Police estimated that she had been dead for two days. The New York Times reported that she had been strangled. Her actor boyfriend, Andrew Prine was the main suspect but he was never charged with the murder and the crime remains unsolved.

    Some researchers have claimed that there was a strong link between the death of Kupcinet and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It was argued that the conspirators were trying to frighten Kupcinet from telling what he knew. Irv Kupcinet rejected this idea. He wrote in the Chicago Sun-Times (9th November, 1992): "The NBC Today Show on Friday carried a list of people who died violently in 1963 shortly after the death of President John F. Kennedy and may have had some link to the assassination. The first name on the list was Karyn Kupcinet, my daughter. That is an atrocious outrage. She did die violently in a Hollywood murder case still unsolved. That same list was published in a book years ago with no justification or verification. The book left the impression that some on the list may have been killed to silence them because of knowledge of the assassination. Nothing could be further from the truth in my daughter's case."


    Karyn Kupcinet

    John, Penn Johes Jr was on Kup's Show circa 1966. It must have been here that he learned of the Kupcinet's murdered daughter. He said nothing about it on Kup's Show. I never read any of his books. They are hard to come by and too expensive for me. Someone told me that Penn Jones Jr was often misquoted on the Internet. I wouldn't know. But this business is in Book II of Forgive My Grief.

    There was a story that circulated widely in newspapers the day after President Kennedy was killed. A distraught woman, trying to make a person-to-person call to Chicago, screamed into the phone and whispered into the phone that "They're going to kill the President." Twenty minutes later, Kennedy was shot. The supervisor of the operators reported this to the police. I've read that the call came from a law office in Oxnard, CA. But Penn Jones apparently believed this could have been Karyn Kupcinet. In my opinion, it wasn't. And I don't think she had any foreknowledge.

    Karyn was murdered by the shutting off of her left carotid artery. This matches the coronor's cause of death -- that a strong man attacked her from behind and strangled her with only one hand -- his left. The coronor found much trauma to the left side of her neck. There's a specific headlock that will do this. She wasn't found for 3 days. She had a copious leukerrhea substance inside her vagina. When they tried to examine it, it had decomposed. They weren't sure what it was. Her apartment looked ransacked and only a great quantity of her Desoxyn - Methamphetamine - pills were missing.

    She was found dead by her friends, Mark and Marcia Goddard. Mark starred in Lost in Space. Mark believed she killed herself. She had told people that she was going to Glenn Ford's house for Thanksgiving with Andrew Prine. Instead she was murdered on Thanksgiving and Prine said he never had any intention of taking her to Ford's house.

    There are several suspects and as many theories. At this point, in my own mind, I am not sure she was killed because her father was investigating the Chicago angle to the Assassination. But I do believe she was murdered. It's a mystery and I keep exploring it. If she was killed to hurt Kup, no one could do a better job. Irv Kupcinet was a Zionist. And he was interested in the Ruby angle. It seems people who had anything to do with Ruby were often murdered.

    Read more at 'groups.yahoo.com/group/Karyn_Kupcinet'

    and 'thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com' present page and in the archives


  20. The guy behind LHO has always seemed to me to be in a strange body pose. I was wondering if anyone who has had military or clandestine training has ever seen this kind of pose in relation to a specific message?

    The only similar pose I could find is the obvious one - that of a prisoner. Maybe the guy behind LHO was creating some kind of signal re: LHO? It's a stretch but I don't believe I've ever seen anyone do that arms-up thing while walking in public.

    I have no training in that stuff. The man might be adusting the back of his shirt. He looks like a Cuban. Oswald, handing out leaflets is supposed to be Harvey (of Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong); yet to me he looks like a 3rd Oswald. You can tell his face has been altered -- a very big nose and mustache.


  21. As I said, interesting. Have no idea if it's true.


    "The Incredible Story of Mike Robinson by Walt Brown, Ph.D

    Reprinted from "Treachery in Dallas."

    Anyone who does not believe strongly in either irony or coincidence will have to rethink their attitudes when they hear the revelations given to me by Mike Robinson.

    As it is the central thesis of my work that elements within the Dallas Police Department had a far greater involvement in the JFK assassination than heretofore considered, it seems odd that the same police department "gave" me Mike Robinson.


    Mike Robinson was fourteen years old the day the president was killed. Since I had been sixteen at the time, I felt I could relate to the emotions he told of.

    He had watched the motorcade at Main and Harwood, the corner where Dallas police headquarters was located, with a friend whose father was a higher-up in the police. I have since been able to confirm the existence of both the friend, his father's rank, and his father's perhaps too-deep curiosity as to the events of November 22.

    After the motorcade passed, the boys went to a theater, bought their tickets and popcorn, and then heard the rapidly spreading news that the president had been shot. Figuring that headquarters would be the center of subsequent action, he and his friend hastened back there in time to get to the third floor, check in with the friend's father, and then see Lee Oswald being led out of the elevator. Since this was a once-in-a-lifetime adventure for a young boy, and since the media were mobbing the area anyway, they stayed and observed the goings-on.

    Mike indicated that he overheard in conversation that it was clear to anyone who was talking that the police were convinced beyond all reasonable doubt, even as early as 2:30 P.M., that Oswald was the culprit on both counts. He also learned that J. D. Tippit had been killed. That event, while tragic, was not overly troubling to Mike, as many neighborhood kids knew Tippit from his comings and goings at Austin's Barbeque, and Tippit had arrested Mike's brother for drinking beer in public. The local teenagers, it was noted, had no use for Tippit, whom they viewed as your garden-variety asshole.

    As afternoon approached evening, a trip to the rest room became an absolute necessity, but with extra police and media on the third floor, that was impossible. So Mike was taken, by the ranking officer whose son he was with, down to the lowest level of the building, where the officers had their lockers, and told that the rest room was just past the locker room.

    While in a toilet/stall, the enormity of events hit Mike hard and he became emotional about them now that he found himself literally alone with the knowledge that the president he had waved to just a few hours earlier was now in a coffin. As this emotional turmoilcame upon him, the rest room serenity was broken by the arrival of three individuals. Not to appear a sissy or be embarrassed, Mike lifted his feet and "hid" in the stall so that anyone observing would think that only the three men who had just entered were present.

    Their brief conversation forever changed Mike Robinson's life. Initially there were whispers, but eventually one individual--and these people were police or police-related in the officers' rest room--vented some anger through gritted teeth, with appropriate profanity, to make statements that add great credence to the thesis enunciated herein.

    As Mike Robinson reconstructs the statements, their order was:

    (angrily) "You knew you were supposed to kill Lee," followed by icy silence, then the same voice in the same nasty tone, "then, you stupid son of a bitch, you go kill a cop .... " At this point, another individual entered the room, and the first three fell silent. The newcomer, whom Mike could identify as wearing blue, "did his business, flushed the urinal, and left." The original three then concluded, "Lee will have to be killed before they take him to Washington."

    Naturally uncomfortable with what he had heard, Mike remained in his hideout for a decent span of time after the three men left the room, then left. As he passed through the police locker room, one officer, in the process of changing his clothes, stared at Mike, as if to say, "Were you in there when we were?" Having been shown every available photo of officers on the Dallas police force at that time, Mike Robinson believes that the man who stared at him in a menacing way was Roscoe White.

    The hypnosis, which I asked a number of skeptical questions about and which will be well covered in Coke Buchanan's writings about Mike, was done by an expert with a Ph.D. in hypnotherapy. It revealed that it was Mike's deep-seated belief that one of the three bathroom individuals had something to do with an "agency." He also believes "100 percent" that Roscoe White killed J. D. Tippit.

    I have checked with sources to see if it was in any way possible that Oswald could have been in that bathroom, or if media people had made statements that could have been confused. I was assured that Oswald did "his business" in his cell, or in the third-floor rest room, and that the one place that would have been off-limits to press, and thus private to officers, was the area in question."

    Of course this doesn't explain why Tippit was about the only cop in Dallas not called to Dealey Plaza.

    Good article, Myra. As a believer in the Harvey and Lee theory, I noticed the cops in the bathroom called the person who was supposed to be killed, "Lee." Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong has "Lee" in the TSBD at the sniper's window on the 6th floor, shooting at Kennedy. Then he left. "Harvey" who worked in the TSBD was on another floor, supposedly waiting for a phone call, either from the FBI or CIA. He realized he was the patsy and fled the scene. He entered the Texas Theater without paying. A store owner saw this and told the box office woman. Somehow, the Dallas police were called. "Harvey" left with a riot of cops. But according to Norman Mailer, "Lee" too ended at the Texas Theater. A store owner in his backyard saw Oswald with 2 cops and it looked like an arrest.

    "Lee" killed Tippit because Tippit was about to kill him, thinking he was "Harvey." But the cops berate someone for killing him. Could Lee be one of the people in the bathroom? Or was he already in the Texas Theater? Did he go to Ruby's apartment? I don't think so because I'm sure Ruby was at the police station where all the commotion was. When Harvey went home to change before going to the theater, a cop car pulled up and beeped its horn. Tippit?

    So Lee and Harvey were both in the Theater. One in the balcony and one downstairs. Harvey was moving from person to person -- this behavior seemed like Harvey was trying to find his contact; from the CIA or the FBI.

    Walt Brown says the kids were going to the movies when they heard Kennedy was shot. Would they have been going to the Texas Theater? There was a Richard Widmark war picture playing. The kid also heard that someone should have killed "Lee." Could both Oswalds have been killed that weekend? If Lee survived, what happened to him? Does Donald Norton know? Or is Donald Norton "Lee"?

    What's your opinion, Myra and everyone?


  22. I searched around the internet and came across with a very interesting image, which I think agrees what the witnesses testified regarding the rear wound.


    That was a rough one. I never saw it before. Maybe you should warn people. But I remember the medical drawing of it. Now, the bullet entrance in his back: was that the hole someone stuck his finger into and it was only the size of a thimble?


  23. New article by Mel Ayton published on History News Network.


    Ayton correctly gives me credit for discovering the image of a woman in a green polka dot dress in the pantry area.

    However Ayton ignored another set of pictures I sent him that show another lady in a black dress with white spots. She is standing next to a man who looks identical to Sirhan Sirhan, and who does not look like the man identified by Mel as resembling Sirhan Sirhan.

    I published two of these photos on my website last year and posted the urls to this alt.assassination.jfk, a newsgroup I moderate with John McAdams.


    The upper photo shows this unidentified woman with a pug-like nose and wearing a black dress with white spots. The lower photo shows the man who bears an uncanny resemblance to Sirhan Sirhan just above the left shoulder of a man in a striped red suit jacket.

    In the lower photo, just the top of the head and hair of the unidentified woman are shown. I have additional images of this man and woman taken a few seconds before and after these photos which do reveal the unidentified woman with the pug nose and black hair is standing next to the Sirhan Sirhan look-alike.

    I'm not sure why Mel Ayton decided to ignore these other photos, but he does note that a witness did see Sirhan Sirhan standing next to a woman with a pug nose.

    <quote on>

    Pantry eyewitness Vincent DiPierro said he saw, “…one girl [during the night] ... that was in there [the pantry] that night with a 'pug-nose'….. and dark hair.” DiPierro said she had been standing in the area near Kennedy when the shooting occurred and that she had also been standing near the tray stacker where Sirhan crouched before he began shooting. “There was so much confusion that night,” DiPierro said.

    At Sirhan's trial DiPierro testified as to what he observed. Defense lawyer Grant Cooper asked him what caused him to notice Sirhan. DiPierro replied, “There was a girl standing in the area [of the pantry]” and this caused him to notice Sirhan. He said the girl was pretty and when shown a photograph of Kennedy campaign worker Valerie Schulte confirmed this was the girl in question. It became obvious that in the chaos that followed the shooting - with the added distractions of camera flashes and television lighting that filled the pantry - that DiPierro had been led to mistake the color of Schulte's hair (blonde) and clothes; Schulte's dress was actually green with yellow polka dots. The same mischaracterization of the dress was probably made by Darnell Johnson who claimed to see the woman in the pantry with a man and also in the Embassy Room both before and after RFK was shot. Johnson's description of the girl is not in contradiction to the positioning of Valerie Schulte who had been standing in the pantry with a man when the shots were fired.

    <quote off>

    Did DiPierro mistakenly confirm that Valerie Schulte was the woman he saw? In his original description, he described the woman as having a "pug nose" and "black hair". The unidentified woman in the photo I published on my website last year matches DiPierro's original description.

    Ayton claims it is "obvious" that DiPierro was confused by the "chaos" and "lights" and misidentified the color of her hair and her dress. He also claims that another witness named Darnell Johnson "probably" made the same misidentification as DiPierro. Johnson saw the woman in the pantry and the Embassy Room. The unidentified woman standing next to Sirhan Sirhan as shown in images I captured from film footage does indeed have black hair and a pug nose.

    Again, I have no idea why Mel Ayton ignored these images. Instead he makes the claim that DiPierro and Johnson were simply confused and misidentified Valerie Schulte. It is also clear that the woman with the pug nose and dark hair is not the unidentified "pretty girl" that Ayton discusses in his article.

    Peter Fokes

    In my humble opinion, I believe that is Sirhan Sirhan in the bottom photo. Could you post some more of your pictures?


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