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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Former Secret Service agent Mike Howard is telling tall tales again: https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-reston-jfk-assassination-target-20161122-story.html "a Secret Service officer named Mike Howard was dispatched to Oswald’s apartment. Howard found a little green address book, and on its 17th page under the heading “I WILL KILL” Oswald listed four men: an FBI agent named James Hosty; a right-wing general, Edwin Walker; and Vice President Richard Nixon. At the top of the list was the governor of Texas, John Connally. Through Connally’s name, Oswald had drawn a dagger, with blood drops dripping downward." This is the same guy who fabricated a story that a janitor saw LHO pull the trigger. https://vincepalamara.com/2017/07/27/update-with-news-article-secret-service-agent-mike-howards-tall-tale-to-match-blaine/
  2. 25 H 721-722, 725, 844-850: re: Secret Service agent Mike Howard and brother Pat and the allegation that they deliberately planted story that a janitor saw LHO pull trigger
  4. The creme-colored Lincoln is from Fort Worth that morning.
  5. I agree (!). I get a lot of well-meaning but over-the-top amateurs who think they made the discovery of the century.
  6. LBJ looks pissed: Agent Tim McIntire, not a fan of JFK's private life (Hersh book and ABC special 1997) in front of JFK:
  7. I had some amateur freaking out on me: "Vince, do you realize this makes all bullet trajectories null and void plus it shows further incompetence on the part of Kellerman who closed the door!" Thoughts?
  8. No-they would be part of the same item: black leather mini-wallet--- star on one side, id card on the other.
  9. (Think of that scene near the very end of Dirty Harry where Inspector Callahan throws his STAR into the pond and, earlier, asks if they want him to turn in his STAR)
  10. I know that the star could also be known as a badge, but the Uniformed Division used badges in the true sense of the word:
  11. You are correct. Why agents are protecting them here is baffling. Then again, there are famous newsreels of JFK and Jackie during the campaign in 1960 in an open motorcade in NY and there are several agents protecting them, as well, so perhaps they did it as an unofficial courtesy before it became law.
  12. There were at least two Secret Service agents- John Joe Howlett and one other. They appear in the film/video at one point and can be seen clearly in the photo with Cheif Curry extending his hand to JFK.
  13. The best part of your outstanding series is when you put the cd behind your head. There was a video compilation on You Tube that showed that clip hundreds of times, slow, fast, and super-fast set to music LOL! Seriously, though- that is great:
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