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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Very sorry to hear this. A human life is ultimately more important, but this is what I feared: he would pass away and his work in progress would be lost. Lifton was a bachelor and I got the feeling that he had no close friends. RIP
  2. I was correct about the limo behind JFK's being Jackie's limo (SS-297-X):
  3. Great! Here it is seen trailing JFK's limo (note the two license plate numbers) on 3/27/63 in Washington, D.C.:
  4. Very much so, yes. I learned about this in the late 1990's. Photo(s) to follow soon.
  5. See my second book JFK: FROM PARKLAND TO BETHESDA. I spoke to his son. Yes- his dad is very secretive. High Treason (1) briefly mentions him and I took it from there.
  6. I rarely engage in photo interpretations like these images, but I always saw a hat.
  7. the fedora hat photo is from the Moorman photo (the same location where both Tink Thompson and the acoustic studies pin pointed an origin for one of the shots)
  8. This little green book crud definitely makes me think the Howards WERE indeed responsible for the Thayer Waldo article. David, how about THIS one:
  9. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-reston-jfk-assassination-target-20161122-story.html "a Secret Service officer named Mike Howard was dispatched to Oswald’s apartment. Howard found a little green address book, and on its 17th page under the heading “I WILL KILL” Oswald listed four men: an FBI agent named James Hosty; a right-wing general, Edwin Walker; and Vice President Richard Nixon. At the top of the list was the governor of Texas, John Connally. Through Connally’s name, Oswald had drawn a dagger, with blood drops dripping downward."---anyone believe THIS one??
  10. AND Howard sure makes up stories- see the video link above AND especially that "little green book" crud above.
  12. Former Secret Service agent Mike Howard is telling tall tales again: https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-reston-jfk-assassination-target-20161122-story.html "a Secret Service officer named Mike Howard was dispatched to Oswald’s apartment. Howard found a little green address book, and on its 17th page under the heading “I WILL KILL” Oswald listed four men: an FBI agent named James Hosty; a right-wing general, Edwin Walker; and Vice President Richard Nixon. At the top of the list was the governor of Texas, John Connally. Through Connally’s name, Oswald had drawn a dagger, with blood drops dripping downward."
  13. Gerald Blaine’s handwritten notes (undated): “Frank Yeager and myself have the advance in Tampa, Fla. Everything goes well and I feel real good. Never a thought of the tragedy that is due to occur on the 22nd. Kennedy makes the first of fateful steps that seem to lead toward the tragedy. He states that he wants no agents riding on the rear of his car as we did in Europe. If one was there the assassination might not have occurred. An agent’s life is a frustrating one. You can set all of the security in the world, but its only as good as the President lets it be. The day will come when the only way the public will be able to see the president is by television. The country seems to be loaded with eccentrics and potentials.” “I don’t think I have ever been filled so low emotionally by anything like the president’s assassination. There wasn’t a thing anyone could have done to stop it and the Secret Service did everything it could do. My shift worked midnight in Ft. Worth on the 22nd. We took them to the airport – They flew to Dallas, went to Austin to sleep for the next nights duty. I had been asleep about ten minutes in the Commodore Perry Hotel. Art Godfrey came in the room and almost broke the door down. ‘The boss was hit in Dallas.’ I was groggy but the sickening truth seemed to sink through and I couldn’t do anything but swing my legs over the bed and when the shock hit me I couldn’t find the strength to stand and I was hit with a sudden wave of chills. Then I tried to fight off the despair and asked Art if he was sure. He said he knew that Kennedy was shot, but didn’t know if it was fatal. We turned on the radio and finally got through on the security phone to hear the horrible truth. We just withdrew in our own thoughts.” “We flew back in a SAC Bomber, myself, Art Godfrey, Bob Faison, Jerry O’Rourke, Paul Burns and John Bailey (National Democratic Chairman). We arrived back after Kennedy’s body and set up security at the Johnson residence. (What a disgusting settlement – Kennedy replaced by Johnson – like a pro-ball player going from the Yankees to the bottom of the league.)” “They say that not many single things have an influence on history, but I am sure this one will.” “Even though we could have done nothing to prevent it, nor was there anything anyone could have done except use a bulletproof automobile, we are all suffering from guilt and failure in our one task. The ordeal we were to all go through for the next few months was a sad one, but we all came out with a feeling of hope far greater than we had ever had before. We shall all be stronger for the experience in the years to come. President Kennedy left us a little of his courage and we lost not only a fine president but a friend we will never forget and always admire.” "The ordeal we were to all go through for the next few months..." "The ordeal we were to all go through for the next few months..." "The ordeal we were to all go through for the next few months..." !!!!! OOPS--I thought these notes were supposed to be contemporaneous "proof" of something?! A SOURCE AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES WHO WAS ADAMANT ABOUT NOT BEING QUOTED SAID IT WAS HIS/HER BELIEF THAT THE HANDWRITTEN "SCRAWL" IN "BALL POINT PEN" WAS ADDED YEARS LATER...I say decades (say, around late 2012), but you get the point. These "notes" were not used in either Blaine's book or television documentary. But believe him, man- he says it is true...
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