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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Thanks! Oh, they 100 percent definitely went thru Dealey Plaza (see still photo from the video thumbnail). While I cannot swear the actual film excerpt is from Dealey Plaza itself, they definitely went that way.
  2. A couple people stated that that is Main Street (there are still photos of them travelling down Main Street but, like FDR in 1936, in the opposite direction.
  3. I agree with you to a large extent, but, like The Smoking Gun documentary (the silly "Hickey shot JFK" theory), there may be important information included, as the book has some pioneering work included in it (Seaport Traders/Dodd Committee re: the weapons, the backyard photos, etc.) if one can ignore the Greer shot JFK crud. With such a dearth of assassination documentaries, anything positive is better than nothing (taking a glass is half full notion on it).
  4. "While I was listening, it occurred to me that this event explains Oswald's "I'm just a patsy" line. Here's what I thought (speculation warning): • Oswald is one of the two men seen around Walker’s house. He is being coached through the attempt. The camera is also used to take photos of Oswald at the site. This means that Oswald is “dirty” and there’s proof. • If Oswald is the Kennedy shooter, then at the Walker house he certainly doesn’t display the kind of marksmanship that he showed in Dealey Plaza. In the JFK assassination, the shooter fired three shots, hitting a moving target at nearly 90 yards away. With Walker, however, the shooter shot just once, missing from within 75 yards. It seems to me that the two shooters were different. • Oswald is told to bring his rifle to the book depository, leaving it there for another agent who will do the shooting. He complies, and his prints are on the rifle. • After the shooting, when he is arrested, Oswald realizes that the rifle implicates him and him alone. He now knows that he is “just a patsy”. By announcing that, the conspirators realize that he'll reveal what he knows, and he has to be silenced."
  5. Secret Service (INCLUDING JOHN JOE HOWLETT!) surround the car including military and police. In a still photo, DALLAS POLICE CHIEF JESSE CURRY shakes JFK's hand! 2 press photographers flatbed trucks in front of limo. The Secret Service did NOT protect CANDIDATES until after Bobby was killed, so why they are protecting the candidates is unusual. RARE film of the only other JFK/LBJ motorcade: 9/11/60 DALLAS/FORT WORTH! Good security and press
  6. Correct. While that is obviously stupid, there is a good bit of information in the book apart from that.
  7. Good point. I am always amazed how certain films/videos or books beat the odds and get big backing from a normally hostile outlet.
  8. It could be BECAUSE it doesn't carry the weight of Stone and a big media blitz behind it that it is viewed as harmless? Who knows. Jack Roth's new book (although a Skyhorse publication) is being distributed by Simon & Schuster, the biggest book outlet there is and one that usually caters to anti-conspiracy books. Stuff happens.
  9. There is a Facebook page dedicated to the film. Tyler Newcomb, the son of Fred Newcomb, runs it.
  10. It is coming to Netflix in 2023 per Tyler Newcomb. Yes, it is based off the book but it is coming.
  11. It is coming to Netflix in 2023 per Tyler Newcomb. Yes, it is based off the book but it is coming.
  12. I suppose then it is a good news/bad news situation. While I seem to stand corrected that Bakeman did indeed exist, he is long gone as are (probably) his children, assuming they would even know anything anyway. And, at this very late date, could anything even be verified or trusted?
  13. Kathlee passed away in 2019: KATHLEE FITZGERALD Obituary (2019) - Pittsburgh, PA - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (legacy.com) I think Bakeman was just a mistake and they meant Burkley.
  14. P.S. The FIRST author to use that title KILLING KENNEDY was Harrison Livingstone in 1995, NOT Bill O'Reilly!
  15. Simon and Schuster distributing; Skyhorse publishing; doing very well in pre-order; I have a chapter dedicated to my work (I had no idea until someone sent me the table of contents page!). COMING 11/15/2022 Killing Kennedy: Exposing the Plot, the Cover-Up, and the Consequences: Roth, Jack, Wecht, Cyril: 9781510775435: Amazon.com: Books
  16. (And no- I am in no way, shape or form casting aspersions on Jackie- just commenting on her use of the same controversial spy camera that Oswald had)
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