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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. I notice this hydra headed trolls on Amazon A LOT. They love to go after pro-conspiracy books, especially when just released, leaving a one-star awful "review" to try to hinder sales.
  2. Oh, I agree--OUTSTANDING documentary; THE best. Jim, the documentary is the one reason I am not going totally "debbie downer" haha. Seriously, though- the pervasiveness of the trolls is alarming.
  3. Thanks! Yes- not trying to be a "bummer" but I am alarmed at the sheer number of lone-nut responses I am seeing online from non-researchers. Back when the movie JFK came out up to 2003, I only knew of lone-nutters and they were the same handful everyone else know. Now, it is an army!
  4. While I am excited about the new Stone documentary (outstanding) and several recent books, not to mention the level of scholarship the past 5-15 years or so, I am noticing a sea change online from NON-researchers about the JFK case. For one example of many- a local Pittsburgh celebrity posted a short video of Dr. Wecht dismantling the single bullet theory from just the other night and, rather than a bunch of nice comments from the public, the vast majority of the comments (again, from NON-researchers) would make Fred Litwin, DVP, Tracy Parnell and others proud. I have no doubt that, if this video would have been posted pre-2013 and especially pre-2003, the comments would have been largely in agreement. The public opinion polls used to be hugely in favor of conspiracy. As we know, the last major poll in 2013 demonstrated only a 61 percent pro-conspiracy slant. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the number is even lower now. One can even see this on Amazon reviews for Hill's three (soon to be 4) books, Gerald Blaine's book, and other (anti) conspiracy books. There seems to be a feeling of "relief" that it was "only" Oswald from the regular folks who post these reviews, something in direct opposition to the silly claim that people seek comfort in CONSPIRACY notions. Uh, if anything, it is the OPPOSITE- people definitely seem to be "relieved" that is was "only" Oswald after swallowing the contents of these anti-conspiracy books hook, line and sinker. The cult of personality associated with Clint Hill is mind-boggling: he was one of the NINE agents who drank and stayed out late that morning and admitted for years that he and his fellow agents failed, even stating several times it is "my fault", yet don't DARE say anything about either the drinking incident, pro-conspiracy notions or the agent's failure on 11/22/63 or these cult-like sycophants will rip you a new one! Simply put (and it pains me to say this): despite our valiant efforts, they won. The history books will not be changed (most barely mention the controversy or even use the word alleged when talking about Oswald) and time has NOT been a friend. So many witnesses have passed on. Think about it: 30 years ago, when Stone's JFK came out, Jackie, the Connallys, Ted, JFK Jr., and many principal people were still among us. The "evil" George H.W. Bush, ex-CIA director, was president. It was a heady time when conferences were just beginning again after a huge lull in the 1980's and the blossoming internet (largely computer bulletin boards) AND print journals spread the interest and inspiration for the masses. Now, the net is old news (everyone has access to it and has for ages) and anyone can post anything they want about the case, free of charge. Society has changed a lot in 30 years- the dawn of the 21rst century, 9/11, other (corrupt) administrations, etc. Don't get me wrong with this "downer" post- we have achieved a lot: many books of a scholarly nature; several major documentaries (TMWKK 1-9, A Coup in Camelot, JFK Revisited, etc.); the ARRB and the file releases, including recent ones in 2017-2018; and so on. Again, this is just a reminder that time is not a friend. I even see it online for my own self with my You Tube channel and various blogs and social media platforms: the vast amount of pro-conspiracy comments are silly, stating that Greer or Hickey shot Kennedy; James "I am not in any" Files killed JFK; Jackie (!) shot her husband; and a fair amount of "get a life-it was Oswald", something that almost never happened pre-2013 unless it came from a well-known anti-conspiracy person/author...now these comments come from John Q. Citizen! Just my two cents. Thoughts?
  5. Thanks- you make a valid point (yes, I fixed that one and several others). I did that for a slew of Bart Kamp videos, for which he was grateful for the attribution. I will do that now.
  6. I think it is definitely possible that the wide turn---or something else--was spliced out. However, like so much else in the case, we will probably never know for sure.
  7. Trump's Secret Service Detail 'Cheered on the Insurrection'—Carol Leonnig (msn.com)
  8. Hello, current Secret Service scandal! Say hello to the older and more infamous Secret Service scandal. In 2017, most of the former Special Agent in Charges (SAICs) of the Presidential Protective Division/White House Detail got together at the White House for one of several reunions through the years. The far left arrow points to Trump’s now “famous” SAIC Tony Ornato—-one of the agents who cheered on the 1/6/21 insurrection and who figures into the deleted texts—-who also became Trump’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (he is currently the Assistant Director, Office of Training)- shades of the first agent who crossed the line, Emory Roberts (who became LBJ’s Appointment Secretary while still an active agent!). The center arrows point to Clint Hill, one of the nine agents who drank the morning of the assassination [like the nine agents who drank and caroused in 2011 in Cartegna, Columbia during a trip with President Obama] (and who went on to be both SAIC for LBJ and Assistant Director), and Richard Keiser, SAIC for part of the Nixon, Ford and Carter eras (and who guarded the JFK limo the night of 11/22/63). @James DiEugenio
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