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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. This makes me paranoid that David is still alive (!). It is strange that there is no obituary anywhere to be found. Anyone noteworthy enough to have his own Wikipedia-and a massive best-selling book that was published/printed many times-would receive an obituary and probably one that was serialized in major newspapers online. Lifton was a consultant to Executive Action and Stone's JFK, as well as appearing on many television programs.
  2. I am starting to think you are correct. A lot of people on Facebook are acting like it is the Holy Grail. Perhaps it will end up the Holy Fail (ouch). Seriously, though- if it comes out, fine- I will take a look. If it doesn't, so be it at this point.
  3. His latter-day musings reminds one of his paper mache trees and bunkers on the knoll stuff from the 1960's.
  4. Ready's report: sa-ready.html (jfk-assassination.net)
  5. Dave- I am stunned that Lifton espoused most of these things!
  6. Wow; just wow. There is zero evidence that Ready was ever in the limo and his report debunks the notion.
  7. David sounds as eloquent and intelligent as ever on this video series. Ultimately, he will be judged on Best Evidence. Since I highly doubt there would be a big publisher and media blitz for his posthumously published follow up book, there will be little damage to his reputation from some of these way-out ideas.
  8. Yes. I am stunned (again, in a bad way) that Lifton believed this.
  9. He believes it was AGENT JOHN READY--?!?!?! Like I said: I am watching this video now and I am baffled by these ideas David was espousing. Like I said above, when I discovered that David uploaded a 14-part series just in late October 2022 and the videos had very few watches and almost no comments, I thought I would stitch them all together in one place (the number of likes and comments exceeds all 14 individual parts combined on Lifton's newly-minted You Tube channel). However, in my zeal to get these out to the wider public, I didn't have the chance to watch them (the whole video). This is actually shocking (in a bad way) all these zany notions that Lifton believed.
  10. 1:06:45 mark on the video---JFK's arm dropped off the ledge of Air Force One which is why Kennedy's arm was raised outward when on his back. Humes had to get up on top of JFK's body to force it down.
  11. 1:03:00 mark----Richard Lipsey tells Lifton in 1998 that JFK's arm was raised and it looked like Kennedy was doing a "Heil Hitler" gesture (!)
  12. I am an hour into the three-hour video. He mentions it matter-of-factly early on but, so far, hasn't returned to it yet (he just mentions it without detail in the early part of the video).
  13. 58:00 mark---RFK KNEW the casket was empty: Robert McNamara tells him "your brother is in luggage." I confess that I stitched the 14-part series together without watching it first. I don't think it does David's legacy well at all.
  14. 53:30 mark: ROBERT MCNAMARA personally supervised the removal of Kennedy's corpse (!)
  15. 51:30 mark: lights went out at Andrews Air Force Base, as there was a stop involving Air Force One. An end-of-the-runway stop of a sinister nature.
  16. Yes- David states this as a fact! He also mentions-get this now- his "Godzilla theory"-!! David was so eloquent (as he is on the video), but I am stunned that he believed this.
  17. 47:00 mark: tomato-based vegetable soup covering for blood on Air Force One.
  18. my reply to Pat on the other thread (starting a new thread per Pat's idea because this is perhaps more appropriate here): "I have to be honest- while I have tremendous respect for David Lifton and Best Evidence, a fair amount of these ideas and notions on the above video (series) are-I will be kind-not believable. Perhaps David lost the plot a little by being obsessed with the case and not having a personal life (the same can be said for Harry Livingstone). When one doesn't have a family and just lives and breathes this case 24/7 for decades, I believe you start to see conspiracies in your soup and things become less grounded. The notion that some of the Parkland doctors were involved is just...well, I won't say. Again- tremendous loss that David passed away; Best Evidence is legendary; I am hoping his second book sees the light of day...but these later-day ideas he was espousing are bizarre. There- I said it."
  19. @Pat Speer I started a different thread re: David Lifton's latter-day claims. Great idea!
  20. @Pat Speer You wrote on a seperate thread: "I think maybe we should start a separate thread in which we can discuss some of Lifton's latter-day claims. I haven't watched the videos, but I've been told that within them he floats some of the theories to which he'd sworn me to silence. I think perhaps he knew that if he published these theories or presented them on the forum, I would have been among those expressing great doubt about them. It's a bit perplexing." Agreed.
  21. I have to be honest- while I have tremendous respect for David Lifton and Best Evidence, a fair amount of these ideas and notions on the above video (series) are-I will be kind-not believable. Perhaps David lost the plot a little by being obsessed with the case and not having a personal life (the same can be said for Harry Livingstone). When one doesn't have a family and just lives and breathes this case 24/7 for decades, I believe you start to see conspiracies in your soup and things become less grounded. The notion that some of the Parkland doctors were involved is just...well, I won't say. Again- tremendous loss that David passed away; Best Evidence is legendary; I am hoping his second book sees the light of day...but these later-day ideas he was espousing are bizarre. There- I said it.
  22. Also: at the 13:30 mark, David states that he is diabetic.
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