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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Exactly! I LOOOOOOVE the looks on Hill's and Landis' faces; almost as if they are thinking "Win??!?! CUT!! REDO!!" BTW--Paul Landis is coming out with a book this October.
  2. Exactly! AND, again, he told Livingstone that he did not believe the single bullet theory. Also, he famously pointed to his right temple when asked where JFK was shot.
  3. Kilduff famously told Harry Livingstone in High Treason 2 that he did not believe the single bullet theory.
  4. Congratulations- well deserved! Also: an impressive rating ratio of 4.6 out of 179 reviews.
  5. A Deep Dive into the JFK Assassination and Its Complex Web of Conspiracy Theories (msn.com) Big new article/slide show today on MSN. I scrolled through it and was surprised to see the following:
  6. I received these from researcher Johnny Cairns as-is.
  7. Thanks! Actually, you can thank Johnny Cairns for this
  8. An esteemed researcher (I will name him IF this is big news) sent me these today with the note "Ruth Paine marked in her calendar for March 1963, LHO purchase of rifle": \ He also added: "I came across this today while reading the Scobey files- Loads in there about Marina-She lied uniformly to the FBI.. by her own admission Marina is a xxxx.. strong stuff
  9. Have confidence in your own beliefs. Don't rely on someone else (like me) to confirm your beliefs. Why do you care what I think about Hickey LOL? I have total confidence in my research. I don't need someone else's approval to validate it.
  10. Thanks! Like so much else in the (film) evidence, it is hard to be conclusive. We would have more definitive answers regarding the film and photo evidence if these were iPhone videos and crisp digital images.
  11. Happens all the time in life. I do not believe that Hickey shot JFK; sorry.
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