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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Joe- thanks! You are spot on. You must get my new (third) book--you will find several items VERY interesting, indeed. https://www.amazon.com/Not-So-Secret-Service-Agency-Kennedy-Assassination/dp/1634241207/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1477961936&sr=1-5
  2. Thanks, everyone. I have mixed emotions about this one (too): on the one hand, very tantalizing and compelling...on the other hand, where is the (hard) proof? Reminds me of the neighbor of Sam Kinney, yet Sam himself, in three detailed conversations with me, never even hinted at what the neighbor espoused. I will see what I can do about a follow up to this.
  3. [J. Doyle Williams [see Reasonable Doubt, pp. 71-72 (based on Feb. 1983 interview); see also 18 H 795-796 (Berger), 798-799 (Johnsen); 21 H 261 (Price); RIF#18010082-10454: 1/31/78 HSCA interview of SS agent Tim McIntyre; Also: Bloody Treason, pp. 90, 91, 93, 96, and 110; 5 H 132, 144; 18 H 96 and Pictures Of The Pain, p. 105: photo of Williams; 22 H 841, 910; 23 H 681; 24 H 523; No More Silence, pp. 130 and 164. Doyle Williams was also the man who portrayed Connally in the Arlen Specter/follow-up car (limousine) re-enactments, wearing Connally's actual jacket] From another forum today: "James Suggs--- The oddest thing I'm from Ft. Worth, Recently I was talking about JFK with an old friend I trust. He said his friend had told him that his uncle, Doyle Williams, who had been an FBI agent back then, had made sort of a deathbed confession that he had been the one that had placed the bullet found on the gurney at Parkland Hospital. Can Mr. Williams being an agent then, here(?), his whereabouts on 11/22/63 and whatever else be confirmed perchance."
  4. (this is no hype, either) The early response to my third book THE NOT-SO-SECRET SERVICE: AGENCY TALES FROM FDR TO THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION TO THE REAGAN ERA has been very, very good indeed. Authors Flip De Mey, Phil Nelson, David Wayne and a host of others have chimed in so far. The consensus seems to be that this one is my best...and I agree! https://www.amazon.com/Not-So-Secret-Service-Agency-Kennedy-Assassination/dp/1634241207/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1477961936&sr=1-5
  5. thanks! I genuinely feel this one is my best; my legacy, so to speak. There are several JFK-related chapters that will really fire people up (regardless of which side of the debate you are on).
  6. (my giddy Facebook message) "I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! I received copies of my upcoming third book today and this one is my VERY BEST ONE TO DATE! Yes, you heard that right and it's no hype: a book you can actually "take to the beach", so to speak- I am proud of the writing, research, and many photos included. Covering FDR to Reagan, there are several major JFK-related chapters that will be sure to fire you up! NEW information! DID I TELL YOU I AM EXCITED??? Send me a message if you wish to order a copy. It will be available on Amazon and elsewhere worldwide 5/1/17 (actually, they always "sneak out" a few days earlier); kindle, nook and paperback like the other two. My first one was a very good textbook on the JFK Secret Service; my second one was a very good REFERENCE work on the JFK medical evidence...THIS one is an actual book you can read for pleasure AND for intense research purposes! Covering FDR, Truman, Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan; early 1930's-late 1980's Secret Service. DID I mention I am very excited about this one?" https://www.amazon.com/Not-So-Secret-Service-Agency-Kennedy-Assassination-ebook/dp/B06ZZMTYQ3/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1477961936&sr=1-5
  7. I also participated in the videotaped interview Harry Livingstone conducted with Jerrol Custer over two days: 11/22/91-11/23/91. Tom Wilson was also present, as well. Both Custer and Wilson died within a very short time of each other in the Summer of 2000. Major excerpts from the 1991 interview can be found in Livingstone's HIGH TREASON 2 and KILLING THE TRUTH, while the 1998 interview (here) can be found in William Law's IN THE EYE OF HISTORY [get the 2015 edition!!!]
  8. Yes- I am on the fence about the significance of this. That said, former agent Dan Emmett, who protected the Clintons (and both Bushes) said he never receives any Christmas cards or birthday wishes.
  9. https://vincepalamara.com/2017/03/06/friendship-between-president-clinton-and-former-secret-service-agent-elmer-moore/
  10. I think either someone not a fan OR Amazon themselves put the hammer down. They seem to be very strict these days. I DID refer to myself as an author AND I mentioned my book(s) in passing at the very end. I am actually cool with it. It would have been devastating back in my unpublished/ "unknown" days LOL...oh, well---they were up there between 2003-2016, give or take a few years depending. I did start a new one and I take pains to not self-promote.
  11. Yes LOL. It COULD be because I am now an established author and my reviews suddenly seemed like excess publicity. Back in the old days, fake reviews were easy...now, impossible. I made dozens of "listmanias" that used to be searchable...all gone. Amazon seems to be cracking down on ANY semblance of self-promotion, especially if you have books to sell yourself. No biggie- they served their purpose for the time (back when I was largely unknown LOL).
  12. When the late Jack White presented at Lancer 1997 (along with John Armstrong, whose individual presentation was well received), White was met with gales of embarrassing laughter when he said there were two Marguerites. To be honest, I think all those photos of Marguerite are one and the same woman. This is why I hate photo interpretation and looking at "blobs" in photos as "gunmen", etc.: it is all subjective Rorschach test stuff. Photos of my grandmother are all over the map, too- in some photos, her teeth look great, in others, they look like heck; she is smiling, then she is scowling; and, the biggest rain-on-the-parade stat of all: as she got older--drumroll, please---she got shorter. Sometimes reality bites. Vince
  13. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006150100264&lst=1098954157%3A100006150100264%3A1484 Bizarre--she just popped up on my "suggested friends" list! Vince
  14. I interviewed Jerrol Custer on 11/22/91 with Harrison Livingstone (for High Treason 2) and, again, twice in March 1998, with William Law for In The Eye of History, all on video. Unfortunately, while Jerrol was a principal witness with some observations of value, he was tainted by his association with researcher Tom Wilson (from part 5 of The Men Who Killed Kennedy). Both Custer and Wilson died within a month or so of each other in the summer of 2000. Jerrol wasn't too bad in 1991 (the influence of Wilson, who was present for part of the interview, as well, wasn't profound yet). However, by the time 1998 rolled around, Wilson (a close neighbor and friend of his in a suburb of Pittsburgh, my hometown) had a firm grip on Custer and, thus, twisted his feelings and beliefs on certain things. If you keep reading in Law's book from the above excerpt, you will come to Law's caveat about Custer (example: Custer was adamant that the back of JFK's head was gone up until 1992, yet, by 1998, he waffled on this notion). Custer was a down and out security guard in 1998 with some health issues. Sadly, the allure of (what he hoped from JFK Lancer would be) big money and some fame---and the association of Wilson---clouded his judgment. I would stick with what he had to say between 1977-1988 (maybe 1991) or so and take with a grain of salt any "new revelations" circa 1998. To his eternal credit, William duly noted his reservations in the text...they were my reservations, as well.
  15. hahaha! yes- he did. He shook my hand before he gave his talk and told me he was going to send me a monograph on the 3/30/81 Reagan attempt (I am mentioned in the paperback edition of his LBJ-did-it book).
  16. It was a very well attended and enthusiastic conference. Dr. Cyril Wecht and Sean Stone, son of Oliver Stone, were great. My presentation was very well received. My apologies to Mr. Gordon Ferrie. He is indeed a true patriot. His credentials are impressive and have been confirmed by a couple sources. Mr. Ferrie- my apologies. Vince Palamara Judyth did a presentation on Raphael Cruz. It was interesting, regardless of whether you agree with her conclusions or not. She didn't come across as heavy-handed or a promoter at all. In fact, if one didn't know better, this could have been a COPA or Lancer conference (shudder to think, I know...then again, as I keep saying, there WAS a time when I was pummeled with "why would you associate with those groups" talk) EVERY conference I have ever attended had a mixed bag of speakers and "results"...it is what it is. That said, this was the best attended and most enthusiastic one I have ever been to (and this includes THIRD DECADE 1991-1992, COPA 1995-1996 and Lancer 1997).
  17. ALL conference videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3zHbtOHfX28G4_IifT_3A/videos
  18. My presentation video with transcript: https://vincepalamara.com/transcript-by-request-my-november-in-dallas-conference-presentation-112016/
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