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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Thanks, Pat. Well said about Roger. My wife even said that he was way too caustic---he acted like his side LOST! He cryptically said--with a slight giggle--that he was not going to be part of Trump's cabinet or government, while also plugging his just-in-time-for-the-inaugural Trump biography. He said a lot more about Hillary and the Democrats that was downright distasteful and not suitable for the venue we were at. I agree with your sentiments 100 percent. Like I said above, it was very heartening to see how many young people were in the plaza who were genuinely interested and intrigued. It was packed both days!
  2. oops--forgot one: 7) There was a certain "Gordon Ferrie" there who I was very dubious of. He claims to have been a Secret Service guard of some sort for Ike and JFK, among other talents. Well, I have heard of GORDON Novel and David FERRIE but never this character. I even Googled him and searched archives and came up with nada, at least anything that would corroborate him. In all my years (now, decades) of research, I never heard of him. I ran into him on the elevator and briefly introduced myself, as we both had speakers badges on. He just looked at me, said nothing in response, and continued talking to this young lady I suppose he was trying to impress with his background. I came away very unimpressed with his ignorance and smug behavior. 8) Interesting footnote: a nice gentleman by the name of Peter Gerdes was there as an audience member. He was a member of the White House Communication Agency (WHCA) during the latter LBJ era (1967) to Nixon era (early 1970's), and, thus, knew several Secret Service agents who served JFK, LBJ and Nixon. He was very much looking forward to my presentation, as he told me a couple times. Well, during the presentation, the look on his face was a classic shocked "deer in the headlights" expression. He didn't approach me afterward (despite the great reception I received [to be honest, I didn't notice if he himself applauded or not]), and that was that.
  3. I love these comments; honest: Chris Newton summed it up best; "Vince and Cyril haven't tried to insert themselves into the story, they are part of the CT community and may have a relationship with the publisher. Whereas Judith has attempted to make herself a part of the "main show". If your publisher creates an event to promote your work (yay) then what can you do if another "speaker" at the same event is what you believe to be a "whacko"? The "right" thing would be to attend (may be contractual anyway), promote your work, be polite and non confrontational. "; MICHAEL WALTON: "Comparing Wecht and Vince with Baker is like...well, there's just no comparison"; GLENN NALL: "I've never known anything about Vince until I encountered him in EF - since then i've read nothing but positive things about him " THANK YOU for not denigrating me for speaking at the conference as I often was at COPA in 1995 and 1996 ("COPA is an evil organization" etc. etc. etc.) and especially Lancer in 1997 ("Lancer is CIA! It is a dummy front to make money!!!" etc. etc. etc.) Think how moronic it is to "expel" someone simply for attending: "Well, Vince debunks a certain area of research....but, ewwwww: he attended a certain conference! Even though he is factually sound, I am going to ignore him now." Pretty lame and stupid. To make a very good analogy: "Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill JFK acting alone, if he acted at all...but, ya know what? For whatever reason, he did associate with some unsavory characters and he did beat Marina, so the hell with him." My wife and I only got to the conference late on Saturday and essentially missed all day Friday, all day Saturday (except saying hello, the dinner, and talking to people after it was over) and a lot of Sunday, other than my presentation and a couple others. I was TOLD by several that this was the best of the four Judyth conferences and was the best attended, as well (I heard Lancer did well, too, AND I did see a tremendous amount of people in the plaza on Saturday and Sunday, especially non-researchers and very young people). Here is my assessment, right or wrong (based on what I was able to see and what I heard, second hand): 1) Judyth is not central to most anyone's research so no one either shares their private opinions (hint hint) or cares---so enough of the McCarthy-era litmus tests, alright? We struggling authors and researchers must take what we can get to share our wares and spread the word. AGAIN, you may not believe it now, but there was a time COPA and especially Lancer rivaled or exceeded the anti-Judyth sentiment. In fact, a certain author I won't name still won't speak to me SPECIFICALLY for speaking at the 11/22/97 Lancer conference after he pleaded with me not to!; 2) To be honest, most people were there for Dr. Wecht, Sean Stone (the brilliant son of Oliver Stone and an author, as well), myself (hey--it is what it is LOL), and Roger Stone; 3) The Rafael Cruz "stuff" and LBJ-did-it theory reared their ugly heads, despite people who have debunked these notions (and, for the latter, especially Joan Mellen, who was denigrated without any real substance. It seems people were mad that she rained on their parade. She DOES fervently believe in conspiracy and that LBJ was a crook AND her Garrison book is great...but people--READ BARR MCCLELLAN, who presented like it was 2003 still, and Roger Stone (perhaps others I missed)--didn't get the memo, chose to ignore it, or, in Roger's case, seemed to insinuate something is amiss; 4) speaking of Roger- he is a great speaker and, privately, a nice guy (!), despite his aura on television, but more than half his talk was about Trump and calling Hillary a psychopath...uh, I thought this was a JFK conference? 5) Shane O'Sullivan's RFK presentation was brilliant; well done, indeed; 6) I took hundreds of photos and 4 videos that can be found on my Facebook page and (in the case of the videos) You Tube. The conference itself can be found here (it was not just streamed live- it was ARCHIVED): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3zHbtOHfX28G4_IifT_3A/videos Thank you for your consideration and, remember: have a heart. Vince Palamara
  4. Pat-Thanks for the compliment, although I think you are being tough on the Mantik/ Horne (Fiester?) section of the program. I think it is terrific.
  5. Thanks a lot, Denny. The book was a labor of love, although it was almost an after thought. There was a fire at my house in 1998 and I worked on the book almost as therapy while the disaster restoration guys worked away. Although I am known as the "Secret Service expert", I have always had a fascination with the medical evidence and lamented that everything was, to paraphrase Kevin Costner/ Jim Garrison in "JFK", so spread around that the point gets lost. So, what I wanted to do was compile EVERY single reference, primary and secondary source, of EVERY known and obscure medical witness that I could (I was also no newbie to the medical field- I had interviewed, on video, Aubrey Rike on 11/22/97 and Jerrol Custer on 11/22/91 and twice in March 1998). It was privately published (can you say Kinkos LOL?) and then faded away, although it was mentioned by a few notable authors like William Law and Dr. David Mantik. Since my first book SURVIVOR'S GUILT did so well, my publisher wanted more, so I decided to dust it off and update it. Admittedly, it is an "advanced" book and not one for beginners. The response has been very good, indeed. My third book comes out 5/1/17.
  6. A Coup in Camelot Award-Winning JFK Assassination Documentary Now Available on iTunes and Other Digital Platforms November 4, 2016 -- Los Angeles, CA -- A Coup in Camelot the award-winning documentary on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is now available on iTunes, Amazon Video Direct, Google Play and Vimeo OnDemand. The DVD and Blu-ray can be purchased exclusively on the film’s website at http://acoupincamelot.com/. Narrated by Emmy award-winning actor Peter Coyote, directed/produced by Stephen Goetsch and written/produced by Art Van Kampen, A Coup in Camelot is a powerful examination of compelling new research, exclusive interviews and critical analysis by the top medical, forensic and research experts in the country. “November 22, 2016 marks the 53rd anniversary of the assassination of the country’s 35th president,” said Stephen Goetsch, director/producer. “We are pleased to offer audiences this unbiased and impassioned addition to the historical record of this tragic event.” Five decades later crucial questions remain about President Kennedy’s assassination. The film provides extensive evidence of botched Secret Service protocols, Zapruder film analysis with 6k digital scans, shocking medical evidence revelations, and expert Oswald analysis, to uncover the dramatic tale of A Coup In Camelot. The following JFK assassination experts who appear in the film are available for interviews: · Douglas Horne – Assassination Records Review Board, Author · Vince Palamara – Secret Service Expert, Author · Sherry Fiester – Forensics Expert, Author . Dr. David Mantik - Radiologist · Dick Russell – Oswald Expert, Author · Barry Ernest – Oswald Expert, Author · Jerry Dealey – Historian, Author For the film experts’ biographies visit: http://acoupincamelot. com/bios.html To view the trailer visit: http://acoupincamelot. com/trailer.html For complete information on A Coup in Camelot visit: http:// acoupincamelot.com/ Press Contact: Susan Kaplansusanlkaplan@sbcglobal.net Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Coup-Camelot-Peter-Coyote/dp/B01MECN1LP/ref=pd_rhf_dp_p_img_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=G80FKDM2N9FXXV2GVS8B
  7. A COUP IN CAMELOT is finally here (DVD, BLU RAY, streaming). Head and shoulders, this is the best JFK assassination program ever- most comprehensive, up to date, and factual. https://www.amazon.com/Coup-Camelot-Peter-Coyote/dp/B01MECN1LP/ref=pd_rhf_ee_p_img_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=SZ6VHJGVA7NRDY3M63BW UPDATED official site: http://acoupincamelot.com/
  8. Well said, Jim. Judging by the over-the-top reaction of his relatives, I think they regret that connection to the Sixth Floor coming out in his obituary. Again, they don't dispute the fact of this connection (how could they)...they are mad because I merely highlighted it. Bizarre.
  9. His granddaughter actually inspired me to keep up my post and expand it + share it on social media everywhere. She actually had the audacity to tell me "take it down. Take it down NOW." I don't obey.
  10. WOW! I posted about the disturbing Sixth Floor Museum connection of former CIA officer Charles Briggs and two relatives of his went nuts! Here is another link about Briggs- http://jfkfacts.org/cia-man-assisted-in-the-creation-of-the-sixth-floor-museum/ They want this connection---get this---"erased from the internet. You have no business defaming a good man. He worked successfully with the Kennedy administration, NOT against it." Thoughts? SEE ALSO https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Charles_A._Briggs
  11. Jim, time for some humor: do you remember when we spoke by phone about 20 years ago and I mentioned to you that (the now late) Harry Livingstone was convinced there were "two Jim DiEugenios" hahaha? He thought it was part of a doubling intelligence project a la what happened to Oswald--!! I still remember your laugh. Harry did some good work but he had some utterly demented ideas This was around the time he was coming out against everyone- Harold Weisberg, David Lifton, Robert Groden, etc. etc. etc.
  12. Joe, I laughed out loud at your theater experience while viewing "Parkland". It reminds me so much of when I saw "Ruby" in 1992. "Basic Instinct" totally overshadowed it and, with "JFK" still showing in the cheapies, "Ruby" died the death. I was there by myself with two other people, one of which was (get this) some huge guy who kept on turning around at certain points of the movie, as if to gauge the reaction of myself and the other person there LOL! After seeing "JFK" and the massive success it achieved, "Ruby" was a total dud. "Parkland"? I saw it once on television and was bored to death. "JFK" will ALWAYS be the most successful and BEST assassination film ever. This has to kill DVP LOL!! All his propaganda has had 0.0 effect on people.
  13. There is a review from a certain Vincent (not Guinn, Bugliosi, Salandria, Drain, or DiMaio) about Jim DiEugenio's book: https://www.amazon.com/Reclaiming-Parkland-Bugliosi-Assassination-Hollywood/dp/151070776X/ref=dp_ob_title_bk
  14. Some people have written off this case for decades. I vividly remember the summer of 1991, BEFORE the Oliver Stone film "JFK", when a local Buffalo, NY newspaper, covering the Third Decade research conference to which I participated in, wrote that, outside of the 60-some authors and researchers at the conference, "few in the outside world care." Yet, the Stone film was beyond huge and ended up being the catalsyt for the JFK Records Act and the ARRB. In addition, an onslaught of books became NY Times best-sellers and television shows covering the assassination were the norm. I remember, after 9/11, some people said "wow- the JFK assassination REALLY feels like ancient history now." After all, it was a new century and 3000 people were killed, not "just" three (JFK, Tippit, and Oswald), albeit one of them was the president. Yet, 2 years later, the 40th anniversary was huge, several best-selling books came out, the polls were (once again) overwhelmingly pro-conspiracy, and people forked 20.00 each for over 50,000 DVDs of the ratings sensation THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY, also the biggest ratings bonanza (up to then) in the history of the History Channel. The 50th anniversary was huge, spawning many new releases and classic re-releases of books, many of which were best-sellers. To this day (2016), books on the Kennedys---and quite a few on the assassination---are either best-sellers or, at the very least, above-average sellers. Translation: whether "current events" or "ancient history", interest will never die. JFK was the last assassinated president; Kennedy was "only" nine presidents ago; millions were alive when he was the leader of the free world; You Tube and audio/visuals help to keep JFK alive, so to speak, to new generations; interest on the internet is alive and well; the Trump "Ted-Cruz's-father-knew-Oswald" item was big; and, last but certainly not least: Interest in the FIRST assassinated President--Lincoln--remains huge: witness the Hollywood movie, books, and television specials. People have been writing the obituary for interest in the Kennedy assassination for a while. It's not going away, folks.
  15. No, that is Don Lawton, his partner on the back of the limousine on 11/18/63. My third book coming out solidifies several major points in my first book (including the whole Lawton/Zboril issue), plus a whole lot more.
  16. Thanks, Jim, Ron and Ray. Oh, I agree- could be just a wild coincidence of epic proportions. Still, at the risk of sounding like a "theorist", there was 2.5 billion people on the planet back in 1963. Two guys served in the very same unit in the Marines. One rides on the rear of President Kennedy's limousine 11/18/63 (Florida), while the other allegedly takes advantage of his absence on 11/22/63, the very next trip (Texas). You CAN imagine my shock when I came across his name late night doing (isn't it always like this?) unrelated research. Charles T. Zboril (he is 80 years old now), who served in the Marines...no doubt it IS "the" Charles T. Zboril. Zboril never mentioned this and it would have been lost forever if not for a total accidental discovery last night. No matter what, you must admit- pretty bizarre. Ron: keep firmly in mind the Paine connection to Dulles in this context. POST SCRIPT: I am persona non grata with Zboril (no surprise- see my book). A friend of mine IS going to call him (he lives in Florida- of course) and ask him about this (without acknowledging that he knows me- otherwise, there will be a click on the other end). Vince
  17. (CLICK ON THE LINK FOR THE IMAGES- too big to post here, as usual:) https://vincepalamara.com/2016/10/15/lee-harvey-oswald-and-chuck-zboril-served-together-in-the-same-marine-corps-unit/ I made a major discovery tonight that is so mind blowing I am having a hard time wrapping my head around it. While doing research for author TC Elliott, I decided to peruse a document only released in 1998, the official Marine Corps Unit Diaries, RG 127, Camp Pendleton, CA 1957-01-20 to 1957-02-26. As most people know (so common I grabbed this from an online encyclopedia) “Lee Harvey Oswald was sent to Camp Pendleton for advanced infantry combat training. Oswald completed his training between 20th January 1957 and 26th February 1957 as a member of QUA Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry Training Regiment, Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California”: one of many true facts no one disputes; in the category of “there is a sun and there is a moon; duh!” GUESS WHO ELSE was a member of QUA Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry Training Regiment, Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California at the very same time and never told anyone, at least not in public for books, articles, or the television interviews he has done: JFK White House Detail Secret Service Agent Charles T. “Chuck” Zboril—!!! Zboril was brand new to the detail, joining in the Fall of 1963. He famously rode on the rear of President Kennedy’s limousine in Tampa, Florida on 11/18/63 (the trip BEFORE the fatal Texas journey) and, infamously and controversially, was allegedly ordered to get off the limo (by JFK, which is bunk, but I digress for now), which is regularly brought up as causing great peril to JFK four short days later…WHEN HIS MARINE UNIT “BUDDY” WAS ALLEGEDLY TAKING AIM EXACTLY WHERE CHUCK COULD HAVE AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN—-!!!! What are the chances of this bizarre connection: are we talking DNA numbers?!?! And, again, Zboril, who contributed to Gerald Blaine’s THE KENNEDY DETAIL (doing part of the book tour and local Florida television interviews), a major PBS documentary on the 11/18/63 trip, and several other media outlets, never uttered a WORD about this connection! Zboril served from JFK to Carter on the White House Detail, as well as other details and duties within the agency. I spoke to Zboril at length in 1995 and he never mentioned this (Zboril went on to write a one-star review of my first book. He is not a fan). From John Armstrong’s work: “On October 24, HARVEY and three other Marine recruits boarded an American Airlines flight to San Diego. Oswald and the 3 men from Dallas were assigned to Platoon 2060, along with a young man from Wisconsin named Allen R. Felde. Following boot camp these 8 marines from Platoon 2060 were transferred to Camp Pendleton for infantry training. They shared the same tent and Allen Felde and HARVEY Oswald spent a lot of time together. Felde told the FBI that Oswald continually discussed politics, championed the cause of the working man, and was “left-winged.” In the fall of 1956, while HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde were stationed at San Diego, LEE Oswald was at the Marine Corps Air Facility at El Toro, CA, 10 miles south of Camp Pendleton. It was in El Toro that Sergeant Wallace Ransberger first met Private First Class LEE Oswald, and a year later associated with him at Atsugi, Japan. Ransberger and LEE Oswald were assigned to the same unit and their duties were to furnish repair parts for vehicles and generators. In early 1957 Sergeant Donald Goodwin was assigned to Camp Pendleton and supervised a group of 20 men in the 5th Marine division, one of whom was radio communicator LEE Oswald, Private 1st class.” From the Warren Report: “On January 18, 1957, he reported to Camp Pendleton, Calif., for further training and was assigned to “A” Company of the First Battalion, Second Infantry Training Regiment.303 He was at Pendleton for a little more than 5 weeks, at the end of which he was rated 4.2 in conduct and 4.0 in proficiency.304 Allen R. Felde, a fellow recruit who was with Oswald at San Diego and Pendleton, has stated that Oswald was generally unpopular and that his company was avoided by the other men.305 When his squad was given its first weekend leave from Pendleton, all eight men took a cab to Tijuana, Mexico. Oswald left the others and did not rejoin them until it was time to return to camp. Felde said that this practice was repeated on other trips to Los Angeles; Oswald accompanied the men on the bus to and from camp but did not stay with them in the city.306 On February 27, he went on leave for 2 weeks,307 during which he may have visited his mother in Fort Worth.308” HIDELL/ZBORIL???
  18. Walt Brown made a huge deal of the Wallace fingerprint in 1998, holding a press conference in Dallas about it. Later, on The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Walt called it a "slam dunk" that the fingerprint is Mac Wallace's on the box in the TSBD. Walt is probably being quiet because of his earlier enthusiastic feelings being debunked by JM's book. As a former subscriber to JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly, I vividly remember this press conference referenced here: http://dperry1943.com/drbrown.html PHOTO OF WALT BROWN AT THE 1998 PRESS CONFERENCE: http://citizenagenda.com/jfk/jfk-assassin-mac-wallace-his-boss-lbj/ See also: https://books.google.com/books?id=EWx-AAAAQBAJ&pg=PA263&lpg=PA263&dq=walt+brown+1998+dallas&source=bl&ots=30tib2b86s&sig=TsbT6P61dOzW4FceNXTkYdUHUBM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6q6jWmtTPAhXDyj4KHV1pDxEQ6AEIUTAJ#v=onepage&q=walt%20brown%201998%20dallas&f=false
  19. Outstanding review, Jim. It would seem the LBJ-did-it theory was dealt a mortal blow by Joan's book. LBJ didn't duck in the car, the fingerprint is NOT Wallace's, Wallace was not in or near Dallas in any case, and Estes seems like a big prevaricator. The essential underpinnings of the LBJ-did-it theory have crumbled. Other than the "who benefits" notion, there is no "there" there.
  20. Jim, go to this link and click on the image to enlarge. The document above is something else. The one about Ferrie and Bannister can be found here: https://vincepalamara.com/2016/09/24/amazing-document-tying-david-ferrie-guy-bannister-and-others-together/
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