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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. LOL! Hey, my second book is only in pre-order now and it was 68K for a couple days over the weekend
  2. Roger Stone is also running for the Senate and has an anti-Hillary book coming out.
  3. Thanks (my second book is coming out in November) Brad Parker's book: "Some of the earliest interviews with the attending doctors of President John F. Kennedy in Trauma Room One at Parkland Hospital, Dallas Texas, November 22, 1963. With this book, now, you too will know what these professional observers saw, how they felt, and even if they’ve changed their minds -- or not. You have in your hands a unique collection and we have this young man, Brad Parker, to thank for it."
  4. Jim, guess what MY favorite book of all time is? YOUR RECLAIMING PARKLAND!
  5. In the Eye of History: Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence http://www.amazon.com/In-Eye-History-Disclosures-Assassination/dp/1634240464/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0NCRRQQFN92NA165KGEE
  6. First On the Scene, Interviews With Parkland Hospital Doctors on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: With additional historical documents http://www.amazon.com/Interviews-Parkland-Hospital-Assassination-President-ebook/dp/B00KUUOMKE/ref=pd_sim_sbs_351_13?ie=UTF8&refRID=1X7GA0B5VMQZ09MJ0GET
  7. JFK's Head Wounds: A Final Synthesis-and a New Analysis of the Harper Fragment http://www.amazon.com/JFKs-Head-Wounds-Synthesis-Analysis-ebook/dp/B012HAOK2E/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8
  8. Jim, see my facebook album- I have pulled dozens from EBAY over the last couple years, some going for HUNDREDS of dollars..."best wishes, Jerry Blaine" RIGHT BESIDE the Z frame of JFK being shot! they love the Altgens photo, too- Paul Landis likes to "Best wish" that one
  9. How about Hill and Blaine, as well as Landis and a few others, signing assassination photos for big money? That is disgusting.
  10. You seem to be infatuated with these "pillars of virtue", DVP. Hill has changed his story now, trying to say that the head wound was more forward + stating falsely that the autopsy doctors knew from the first that the throat wound was an entrance wound, etc. Hill drank the night before and did not help Jackie- she got in and out of the limo of her own volition. The shooting was over and Hill was late getting there; sad but true. He was the "Jessica Lynch" of the assassination- a feel-good false "hero" in order to assuage the public and deflect from their gross negligence. Heroes? JFK was killed because of them. As you have seen in recent years, the agency is far from perfect. It began on 11/22/63 and, off and on, their have been problems since. Keep in mind- I am much aware of all the good and bad said online about me from "fans" and Blaine's ilk; much aware
  11. Badalson is a dear friend of Blaine, along with several others; much aware of him and what he said zzzzz- old news
  12. In a far longer motorcade than Dallas-Tampa- multi story buildings were guarded. single level buildings were dealt with via police lining the street and facing the crowds, police intermingling in the crowds themselves, agents being on the rear of the limo, and the fast speed of the cars in suburban areas, AS CONFIRMED BY TAMPA MOTORCYCLE OFFICER RUSSELL GROOVER Blaine's own FINAL SURVEY REPORT CONFIRMS THAT MULTI STORY BUILDINGS WERE GUARDED IN TAMPA
  13. Yes- I love it. Hill confirmed to the JFK Library that Boring was in Dallas in several photos, THEN retracted it when he realized what that meant Behn, Boring, and a score of their colleagues and NON-AGENTS (Dave Powers, Pierre Salinger, etc.) totally contradict those reports you posted, DVP...AND CONGRESSMAN SAM GIBBONS, who sat right next to JFK in Tampa, said there was NO ORDER BLAINE AND HILL CANNOT BE TRUSTED
  14. It is the end of the ball game when Chief Inspector Michael Torina, who WROTE THE SECRET SERVICE MANUAL AND WAS WAY HIGHER IN RANK THAN BLAINE AND HILL AND THEIR ILK COMBINED, wrote in 1962 and confirmed various contemporary news accounts (FDR-JFK era) that multi story buildings were guarded. I spoke to Torina, as well...did you, DVP?
  15. (notice, everyone, how DVP never even read any of the numerous links I provided)
  16. You sound lame and pathetic on this one, Davey. I have to agree with Jim on this one.
  17. yes- blatant lies, as proven by pre-11/22/63 newspaper accounts and the man who wrote the Secret Service manual, Chief Inspector Michael Torina. All bs because the agents were terrified of losing their jobs, their pensions, etc. CYA
  18. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz; DVP- all covered in my book, my blogs, various videos, my CTKA Blaine review...
  19. McAdams gave this trick up in 2002 and conceded defeat, THEN he graciously added MY WEBSITE to his master website and so forth: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/palamara/ SECURITY IS BOTH OVERT AND COVERT! Not everything you see---AT GROUND LEVEL---in a still photo is definitive; it is the weight of the evidence, the whole package. Otherwise, we can play an endless game, Google motorcade still images where JFK is literally frozen still like a sitting duck, and go "gotcha! where are the cycles here? Ok, I see the agents here, but what about the top?" etc. etc. ad nauseum HOW THE SERVICE PROTECTED PRESIDENTS FDR-JFK SUCCESSFULLY- Guarding multi-story buildings via police and, sometimes, even agents; police intermingling in the crowds police and/ or military lining the street and facing the crowd (Marines lined the streets in that 6/6/63 San Diego video you cherish AND multi-story buildings were guarded)- please see: http://vincepalamara.com/building-rooftops-were-regularly-guarded-during-the-fdr-truman-ike-and-jfk-eras/
  20. HOUSTON and SAN ANTONIO 11/21/63 + FORT WORTH 11/22/63 http://vincepalamara.com/2015/08/01/houston-and-san-antonio-112163-fort-worth-112263/
  21. Vince Bugliosi letter to Vince Palamara dated 7/14/07: “I want you to know that I am very impressed with your research abilities and the enormous amount of work you put into your investigation of the Secret Service regarding the assassination. You are, unquestionably, the main authority on the Secret Service with regard to the assassination. I agree with you that they did not do a good job protecting the president (e.g. see p. 1443 of my book)…” Howard Willens message to Vince Palamara dated 7/23/13: "I definitely agree that the Secret Service could and should have done more to protect the President, which seems to be your focus.” DVP- How dare you question these heroes, Vince!
  22. That is totally false- the security in Dallas was woefully short of the mark. I would strongly suggest actually reading all those links, with their many images (click on them to expand/enlarge) and videos, not to mention my book.
  23. P.S. A detective car was used on the 3/23/63 Chicago trip(along with a police helicopter scanning the route, the Black Horse mounted police troops, ole DON LAWTON riding on the rear of the limo, and 6 motorcycles surrounding the limo-see my book for the actual reprint of the Secret Service report) and on the 11/15/63 New York trip I know all of this is breaking your heart, DVP, because you like defending those ole [expletives deleted] who failed to protect JFK, but such is life Your buddies did not defend the agents: Vince Bugliosi letter to Vince Palamara dated 7/14/07: “I want you to know that I am very impressed with your research abilities and the enormous amount of work you put into your investigation of the Secret Service regarding the assassination. You are, unquestionably, the main authority on the Secret Service with regard to the assassination. I agree with you that they did not do a good job protecting the president (e.g. see p. 1443 of my book)…” Howard Willens message to Vince Palamara dated 7/23/13: "I definitely agree that the Secret Service could and should have done more to protect the President, which seems to be your focus.”
  24. Blaine was caught red-handed by Larry Sabato (who references my work) on the issue of the roofs being guarded in Tampa four short days before Dallas. The Tampa motorcade was FAR longer than Dallas; in fact, it was the longest domestic motorcade JFK ever had (the longest was Berlin- both trips were models of security)! So, they had the manpower to guard multi story rooftops but NOT in Dallas?!?!? http://vincepalamara.com/2013/10/22/sneaking-in-some-propaganda-how-gerald-blaine-attempted-and-failed-to-address-my-blogs-and-by-extension-my-forthcoming-book-in-larry-sabatos-best-selling-2013-book-th/ a researcher in Florida wrote me: “Vince, I watched JFK in Tampa 50th Anniversary on PBS in Tampa last night. Guess who 2 of the main narrators were? Agents Blaine and Zboril spreading their usual bull about how JFK ordered them off the back of the car in Tampa because he wanted to be seen and how shocked they were. And yet every film, both private and professional in this documentary showed the agents riding on the back of the limo or running alongside. I guess we should believe them and not our lying eyes! It went into great detail about how there was an officer on every building and officers and agents in the streets to control the crowds. One film that really stuck out was a clip that showed 4 agents on the sides of the Queen Mary, 2 on the back of the limo and 2 running on the sides. Then you get Blaine smirking about what fun that trip was not knowing what lay ahead later that week.” MANDATORY READING: http://www.sott.net/article/269016-Gerald-Blaine-and-the-Kennedy-Detail-Was-the-Secret-Service-Stood-Down-in-Dallas http://eastorlandopost.com/dirty-secret-secret-service-president-kennedy-should-have-lived http://www.vanityfair.com/news/politics/2014/10/secret-service-jfk-assassination http://eastorlandopost.com/did-secret-service-lay-down-jfk
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