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John Bevilaqua

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Everything posted by John Bevilaqua

  1. Yeah, he is making us ALL look bad! Conspiracy? Paranoia? PsyWarOps? Why are they all saying these things about him? Why is the US Gov spending MY tax money to send spybots and spam flames to Jack White, the crusading Conspiracy Solver Par Excellence? Huh? Write your Congressman. Tell them to stop! Why are all those images looking at me from behind the Grassy Knoll peeking through those trees? Black Dogs, White Cats, Badge Man, Hedgehog, Jumping Jack Flash, Star-Bellied Sneeches. Tell them to get outta my head, and offah my plot. This is all beginning to get to me. Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!
  2. There is nothing "paranoid" about being concerned as to why his e-mails will not go through to a fellow conspiracy researcher , when there is no problem with them being delivered to anyone else . Your comment is as uncalled for as the "Paranoid" YouTube video that Burton posted here ... Why do you always feel the necessity to post insults to Jack ? .. Jack: I sent you an email early this morning before court. Did you receive it? (You usually respond promptly). I am posting this- (albeit with hesitation)- because I am concerned about all the problems you are having. First the forum, now email. This does seem quite odd. Dawn Hey, cyberspace can become a black hole sometimes. After all it is just transmission of bit and bytes encoded as 0's and 1's which must then be reconstituted again on the recipient's system. Beam me up, Scotty! And don't freak out. Delete useless startup programs, increase your Memory Paging Swap File, add more memory, use Diskeeper or Perfect Disk to reorganize your files stored on disk, and install eset.com or some other program to avoid all those ghost installs and viruses you get from browsing to kinky controversial websites. Low memory, disk fragmentation and worms, viruses and spambots can really do a job on a system within a few months. And don't forget to &^(*$($(^)_&^)_ your __*%$#%*)(^()(&(&) whevever you run into __)*#)&(*#$&_#)(#*)($*#. Got it?
  3. But Steve, this "Big Brother is watching me" thingy makes him feel like his posts and websites are like really important and really controversial and on target. He played the "Black Helicopters are circling over my house" card a few years back and it turned out it was just some kid mowing his lawn. He needs help but not the kind you can give him. LOL
  4. Yeah, it is called Spam Blocker or Junk Mail routing. LOL May be the right place for this posting. Bwahaha
  5. Now Jack that is borderline paranoia. No total paranoia! You expect anyone to believe you or have sympathy for you? Remember when you had a computer crash and you cried the same story a few years back? Well, I do! Get real!
  6. You're really a nice guy, aren't you. I don't have the picture, and I wouldn't post it for you anyway. I don't know if he was or not. All I know, from what I've read, is that he was a very talented jerk. And after all the nice things he said about YOU! Gentleman, scholar, bon vivante! You think he cares?
  7. Whatever. The fact is that Sinatra and Frankheimer did an interview and they both expressed honest remorse and concern regarding the demise of JFK. And Frank's son did the same and said that his father was crestfallen over it. Even if you could produce this picture, it would not change my mind and my guess is you can't. It might just be a figment of your fertile imagination. Do you think Sinatra was a mobster, too?
  8. The attempted Roosevelt coup must be understood in all its implications if we are to have the slightest chance of discovering the "who" and "why" of the Kennedy assassination. To reduce it to near-absurdity: "This time," says MacArthur in late 1962, "no more Mr. Nice Guy!" Make no mistake: The Butler lesson had been learned. The Old Soldier's blessing was the "go" order without which certain highest-ranking officers would not act to strike JFK. I have reason to believe they received just such a sanction. I would submit, John, that the first presidential coup in American history was targeted -- successfully -- at Mr. Lincoln. Further, let me simply note that there are -- how shall I put it -- continuities of characters and motivations in the Lincoln-to-Roosevelt-to-Kennedy progression. If only JFK had had a Smedley Butler on his JCS. As for the theft of Frankie, Jr.: Question the timing. Charles Absolutely correct on all counts, Charlie. I have always maintained that Lincoln was killed for upsetting the apple cart regarding his attitude about taking the "cotton pickers" from the status of slave wages to minimal wages. And FDR fought the Drapers and their "cotton mill" owners over Social Security, Child Labor Laws, and Labor Unions to a certain extent plus fairer wages and conditions and JFK took it to the ultimate extreme by currying favor with Labor Unions, and pre-OSHA safety measures plus he denied them 3 times on raising tariffs on cheap foreign textile imports which was not only the death knell for the domestic textile industry and Draper's shrinking monopoly on textile loom equipment and machinery but for JFK himself when you come right down to it. Four years later, (1967) the Drapers had arranged to sell out The Draper Corp. to Rockwell-Standard once Colonel Rockwell had enough Viet Nam contracts to justify floating a new issue of Pfd Stock in the amount of $100,000,000.00 to cover the takeover and the payback. That was on 3/22/67 the SAME BLACKMAIL DATE focused on in the Dear Mr. Weiss letter found by the occupants of Gordon Novel's former apartment after he had scurried to Columbus, Ohio to avoid extradition to face Jim Garrison's probe. Draper was one of the few people who received this kind of direct payback trail shortly after the JFK hit. Rev. Gerald L K Smith and Vonsiatsky being the others. Smith's Christ of the Ozarks Theme Park and Bible Museum sprung out of a Eureka Springs hillside in the Spring of 1964 to the tune of $500,000.00 ++ when he had less than $5,000 to his name at year end according to his biographer, Glenn Jeansonne. Where the hell did THAT money come from? Miraculous intervention? And yes, I do think that the Sinatra kidnapping was a DEFINITE warning.
  9. Actually, at the time, I did not think it was a real kidnap, but something to get the assassination off the front pages. (At 14 I was already very critical when it came to this case). Dawn I also heard the alternative explanation that because Frank Sinatra had been so active in fighting The Hollywood Seven efforts in the 1940's against Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith and even standing up for Alger Hiss in the 1950's that his early inquiries into the JFK murder perpatrator's identities made certain people very nervous and they kidnapped his son as a definite warning to him. I saw an interview with his son in the 1990's and he still indicated that the experience for him was real, it was haunting and it was above all else frightening. He changed the subject quickly after indicating that he did not want to speculate about the motivations of his kidnappers and he might even have said that there were no ransom demands made either. Can't recall. Absent any other details, I think the conclusion of the program was that there was a definite "message" in the kidnapping which no one in the Sinatra family was willing to discuss. Of course, the right wing then jumped in and blamed it on "Mob" in-fighting. But after his death FOIA releases indicated that in fact the FBI had cleared Frank Sinatra of any Mob connections years previously. I lean towards the version which indicates a warning to get off the JFK case... NOW! And I rarely lean towards idle speculation but the evidence seems to support this thesis. With his resources and connections Frank would have drilled down very quickly IMHO to the probable conspirators. I mean the obvious first response perps were patently obvious when you review the newspapers and the magazine clippings from those days, and I still don't see how we let the perps control the investigation and point the fingers. It is still happening today. The first response scapegoaters as I have said before were of the ilk of Revilo Oliver, Gerald L K Smith, Robert Welch, Robert Morris, Frank Sturgis, Billy James Hargis and even Clare Booth Luce and they all had their stories neatly synchronized, too. It was just a masterful whitewash. And even Sen. James Eastland formed the Eastland Commission to Investigate the Assassination of JFK according to Jim Marrs. Why didn't he form The Eastland Commission to Investigate the Asssassination of Medgar Evers, Jr.? It was his friggen nephew who went to jail for it. Byron DeLa Beckwith. What a country! Can anyone think of others from this genre who jumped onto the false perpatrator bandwagon who had access to their own media publications and friendly media outlets? Like the Manchurian Candidate list of writers: Arnold Bennett, George Sokolosky and Westbrook Pegler? Willis Carto of The Liberty Lobby revisionist history crowd and Human Events comes to mind as well. The drawbacks of a Free Press include being subjected to co-ordinated Mind and Thought Control efforts of the opposition. Happens on this forum, too and everywhere else for that matter. And you know what? There are many who do not even realize that they have been successfully brainwashed as they spout the appropriate propaganda on request or even when it was not requested. No names please. But someone is going to jump in here and say "Hey, I resemble that!" and defend his or her brainwashed position. Amazing stuff. A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Baste or to Waste. It is Psychological Warfare in fact Par Excellence! What do you expect when the Gang of Five were almost all trained in PsyWarOps? Angleton, Morris, Draper, Willoughby, Vonsiatsky etc. being among them. Though Colonel Ulius Amoss was dead by 1961 he was also a master of that art. Thanks to James Richards for putting me on his case. Google him and you will only get about 500 words of unique copy, but from almost 500 different sites. How did that happen?
  10. "War is a racket." (The title of General Butler's book.) After Butler told it like it is, Eisenhower was really a Johnny Come Lately on the military industrial complex, though it really came into its own (underwent a "transformation," as PNAC neocon Donald Rumsfeld would say) during and after WWII. Got this from a free non-copyrighted website... posted here in Smedley Butler's honor. Anybody read "The Plot to Take the Whitehouse" recently? by Jules Archer. John Jacob Raskob of Chase Bank and J. P. Morgan trust account funds (like Wickliffe Draper and The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission funding perhaps?) were used to fund this first Coup d'Etat. WAR IS A RACKET by Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient: Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC [Retired] Chapter One WAR IS A RACKET WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes. In the World War a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows. How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle? Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few – the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill. And what is this bill? This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Depression and all its attendant miseries. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations. For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it. Now that I see the international war clouds gathering, as they are today, I must face it and speak out. Again they are choosing sides. France and Russia met and agreed to stand side by side. Italy and Austria hurried to make a similar agreement. Poland and Germany cast sheep's eyes at each other, forgetting for the nonce [one unique occasion], their dispute over the Polish Corridor. The assassination of King Alexander of Jugoslavia [Yugoslavia] complicated matters. Jugoslavia and Hungary, long bitter enemies, were almost at each other's throats. Italy was ready to jump in. But France was waiting. So was Czechoslovakia. All of them are looking ahead to war. Not the people – not those who fight and pay and die – only those who foment wars and remain safely at home to profit. There are 40,000,000 men under arms in the world today, and our statesmen and diplomats have the temerity to say that war is not in the making. Hell's bells! Are these 40,000,000 men being trained to be dancers? Not in Italy, to be sure. Premier Mussolini knows what they are being trained for. He, at least, is frank enough to speak out. Only the other day, Il Duce in "International Conciliation," the publication of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said: "And above all, Fascism, the more it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity quite apart from political considerations of the moment, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace... War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the people who have the courage to meet it." Undoubtedly Mussolini means exactly what he says. His well-trained army, his great fleet of planes, and even his navy are ready for war – anxious for it, apparently. His recent stand at the side of Hungary in the latter's dispute with Jugoslavia showed that. And the hurried mobilization of his troops on the Austrian border after the assassination of Dollfuss showed it too. There are others in Europe too whose sabre rattling presages war, sooner or later. Herr Hitler, with his rearming Germany and his constant demands for more and more arms, is an equal if not greater menace to peace. France only recently increased the term of military service for its youth from a year to eighteen months. Yes, all over, nations are camping in their arms. The mad dogs of Europe are on the loose. In the Orient the maneuvering is more adroit. Back in 1904, when Russia and Japan fought, we kicked out our old friends the Russians and backed Japan. Then our very generous international bankers were financing Japan. Now the trend is to poison us against the Japanese. What does the "open door" policy to China mean to us? Our trade with China is about $90,000,000 a year. Or the Philippine Islands? We have spent about $600,000,000 in the Philippines in thirty-five years and we (our bankers and industrialists and speculators) have private investments there of less than $200,000,000. Then, to save that China trade of about $90,000,000, or to protect these private investments of less than $200,000,000 in the Philippines, we would be all stirred up to hate Japan and go to war – a war that might well cost us tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives of Americans, and many more hundreds of thousands of physically maimed and mentally unbalanced men. Of course, for this loss, there would be a compensating profit – fortunes would be made. Millions and billions of dollars would be piled up. By a few. Munitions makers. Bankers. Ship builders. Manufacturers. Meat packers. Speculators. They would fare well. Yes, they are getting ready for another war. Why shouldn't they? It pays high dividends. But what does it profit the men who are killed? What does it profit their mothers and sisters, their wives and their sweethearts? What does it profit their children? What does it profit anyone except the very few to whom war means huge profits? Yes, and what does it profit the nation? Take our own case. Until 1898 we didn't own a bit of territory outside the mainland of North America. At that time our national debt was a little more than $1,000,000,000. Then we became "internationally minded." We forgot, or shunted aside, the advice of the Father of our country. We forgot George Washington's warning about "entangling alliances." We went to war. We acquired outside territory. At the end of the World War period, as a direct result of our fiddling in international affairs, our national debt had jumped to over $25,000,000,000. Our total favorable trade balance during the twenty-five-year period was about $24,000,000,000. Therefore, on a purely bookkeeping basis, we ran a little behind year for year, and that foreign trade might well have been ours without the wars. It would have been far cheaper (not to say safer) for the average American who pays the bills to stay out of foreign entanglements. For a very few this racket, like bootlegging and other underworld rackets, brings fancy profits, but the cost of operations is always transferred to the people – who do not profit. CHAPTER TWO WHO MAKES THE PROFITS? The World War, rather our brief participation in it, has cost the United States some $52,000,000,000. Figure it out. That means $400 to every American man, woman, and child. And we haven't paid the debt yet. We are paying it, our children will pay it, and our children's children probably still will be paying the cost of that war. The normal profits of a business concern in the United States are six, eight, ten, and sometimes twelve percent. But war-time profits – ah! that is another matter – twenty, sixty, one hundred, three hundred, and even eighteen hundred per cent – the sky is the limit. All that traffic will bear. Uncle Sam has the money. Let's get it. Of course, it isn't put that crudely in war time. It is dressed into speeches about patriotism, love of country, and "we must all put our shoulders to the wheel," but the profits jump and leap and skyrocket – and are safely pocketed. Let's just take a few examples: Take our friends the du Ponts, the powder people – didn't one of them testify before a Senate committee recently that their powder won the war? Or saved the world for democracy? Or something? How did they do in the war? They were a patriotic corporation. Well, the average earnings of the du Ponts for the period 1910 to 1914 were $6,000,000 a year. It wasn't much, but the du Ponts managed to get along on it. Now let's look at their average yearly profit during the war years, 1914 to 1918. Fifty-eight million dollars a year profit we find! Nearly ten times that of normal times, and the profits of normal times were pretty good. An increase in profits of more than 950 per cent. Take one of our little steel companies that patriotically shunted aside the making of rails and girders and bridges to manufacture war materials. Well, their 1910-1914 yearly earnings averaged $6,000,000. Then came the war. And, like loyal citizens, Bethlehem Steel promptly turned to munitions making. Did their profits jump – or did they let Uncle Sam in for a bargain? Well, their 1914-1918 average was $49,000,000 a year! Or, let's take United States Steel. The normal earnings during the five-year period prior to the war were $105,000,000 a year. Not bad. Then along came the war and up went the profits. The average yearly profit for the period 1914-1918 was $240,000,000. Not bad. There you have some of the steel and powder earnings. Let's look at something else. A little copper, perhaps. That always does well in war times. Anaconda, for instance. Average yearly earnings during the pre-war years 1910-1914 of $10,000,000. During the war years 1914-1918 profits leaped to $34,000,000 per year. Or Utah Copper. Average of $5,000,000 per year during the 1910-1914 period. Jumped to an average of $21,000,000 yearly profits for the war period. Let's group these five, with three smaller companies. The total yearly average profits of the pre-war period 1910-1914 were $137,480,000. Then along came the war. The average yearly profits for this group skyrocketed to $408,300,000. A little increase in profits of approximately 200 per cent. Does war pay? It paid them. But they aren't the only ones. There are still others. Let's take leather. For the three-year period before the war the total profits of Central Leather Company were $3,500,000. That was approximately $1,167,000 a year. Well, in 1916 Central Leather returned a profit of $15,000,000, a small increase of 1,100 per cent. That's all. The General Chemical Company averaged a profit for the three years before the war of a little over $800,000 a year. Came the war, and the profits jumped to $12,000,000. a leap of 1,400 per cent. International Nickel Company – and you can't have a war without nickel – showed an increase in profits from a mere average of $4,000,000 a year to $73,000,000 yearly. Not bad? An increase of more than 1,700 per cent. American Sugar Refining Company averaged $2,000,000 a year for the three years before the war. In 1916 a profit of $6,000,000 was recorded. Listen to Senate Document No. 259. The Sixty-Fifth Congress, reporting on corporate earnings and government revenues. Considering the profits of 122 meat packers, 153 cotton manufacturers, 299 garment makers, 49 steel plants, and 340 coal producers during the war. Profits under 25 per cent were exceptional. For instance the coal companies made between 100 per cent and 7,856 per cent on their capital stock during the war. The Chicago packers doubled and tripled their earnings. And let us not forget the bankers who financed the great war. If anyone had the cream of the profits it was the bankers. Being partnerships rather than incorporated organizations, they do not have to report to stockholders. And their profits were as secret as they were immense. How the bankers made their millions and their billions I do not know, because those little secrets never become public – even before a Senate investigatory body. But here's how some of the other patriotic industrialists and speculators chiseled their way into war profits. Take the shoe people. They like war. It brings business with abnormal profits. They made huge profits on sales abroad to our allies. Perhaps, like the munitions manufacturers and armament makers, they also sold to the enemy. For a dollar is a dollar whether it comes from Germany or from France. But they did well by Uncle Sam too. For instance, they sold Uncle Sam 35,000,000 pairs of hobnailed service shoes. There were 4,000,000 soldiers. Eight pairs, and more, to a soldier. My regiment during the war had only one pair to a soldier. Some of these shoes probably are still in existence. They were good shoes. But when the war was over Uncle Sam has a matter of 25,000,000 pairs left over. Bought – and paid for. Profits recorded and pocketed. There was still lots of leather left. So the leather people sold your Uncle Sam hundreds of thousands of McClellan saddles for the cavalry. But there wasn't any American cavalry overseas! Somebody had to get rid of this leather, however. Somebody had to make a profit in it – so we had a lot of McClellan saddles. And we probably have those yet. Also somebody had a lot of mosquito netting. They sold your Uncle Sam 20,000,000 mosquito nets for the use of the soldiers overseas. I suppose the boys were expected to put it over them as they tried to sleep in muddy trenches – one hand scratching cooties on their backs and the other making passes at scurrying rats. Well, not one of these mosquito nets ever got to France! Anyhow, these thoughtful manufacturers wanted to make sure that no soldier would be without his mosquito net, so 40,000,000 additional yards of mosquito netting were sold to Uncle Sam. There were pretty good profits in mosquito netting in those days, even if there were no mosquitoes in France. I suppose, if the war had lasted just a little longer, the enterprising mosquito netting manufacturers would have sold your Uncle Sam a couple of consignments of mosquitoes to plant in France so that more mosquito netting would be in order. Airplane and engine manufacturers felt they, too, should get their just profits out of this war. Why not? Everybody else was getting theirs. So $1,000,000,000 – count them if you live long enough – was spent by Uncle Sam in building airplane engines that never left the ground! Not one plane, or motor, out of the billion dollars worth ordered, ever got into a battle in France. Just the same the manufacturers made their little profit of 30, 100, or perhaps 300 per cent. Undershirts for soldiers cost 14¢ [cents] to make and uncle Sam paid 30¢ to 40¢ each for them – a nice little profit for the undershirt manufacturer. And the stocking manufacturer and the uniform manufacturers and the cap manufacturers and the steel helmet manufacturers – all got theirs. Why, when the war was over some 4,000,000 sets of equipment – knapsacks and the things that go to fill them – crammed warehouses on this side. Now they are being scrapped because the regulations have changed the contents. But the manufacturers collected their wartime profits on them – and they will do it all over again the next time. There were lots of brilliant ideas for profit making during the war. One very versatile patriot sold Uncle Sam twelve dozen 48-inch wrenches. Oh, they were very nice wrenches. The only trouble was that there was only one nut ever made that was large enough for these wrenches. That is the one that holds the turbines at Niagara Falls. Well, after Uncle Sam had bought them and the manufacturer had pocketed the profit, the wrenches were put on freight cars and shunted all around the United States in an effort to find a use for them. When the Armistice was signed it was indeed a sad blow to the wrench manufacturer. He was just about to make some nuts to fit the wrenches. Then he planned to sell these, too, to your Uncle Sam. Still another had the brilliant idea that colonels shouldn't ride in automobiles, nor should they even ride on horseback. One has probably seen a picture of Andy Jackson riding in a buckboard. Well, some 6,000 buckboards were sold to Uncle Sam for the use of colonels! Not one of them was used. But the buckboard manufacturer got his war profit. The shipbuilders felt they should come in on some of it, too. They built a lot of ships that made a lot of profit. More than $3,000,000,000 worth. Some of the ships were all right. But $635,000,000 worth of them were made of wood and wouldn't float! The seams opened up – and they sank. We paid for them, though. And somebody pocketed the profits. It has been estimated by statisticians and economists and researchers that the war cost your Uncle Sam $52,000,000,000. Of this sum, $39,000,000,000 was expended in the actual war itself. This expenditure yielded $16,000,000,000 in profits. That is how the 21,000 billionaires and millionaires got that way. This $16,000,000,000 profits is not to be sneezed at. It is quite a tidy sum. And it went to a very few. The Senate (Nye) committee probe of the munitions industry and its wartime profits, despite its sensational disclosures, hardly has scratched the surface. Even so, it has had some effect. The State Department has been studying "for some time" methods of keeping out of war. The War Department suddenly decides it has a wonderful plan to spring. The Administration names a committee – with the War and Navy Departments ably represented under the chairmanship of a Wall Street speculator – to limit profits in war time. To what extent isn't suggested. Hmmm. Possibly the profits of 300 and 600 and 1,600 per cent of those who turned blood into gold in the World War would be limited to some smaller figure. Apparently, however, the plan does not call for any limitation of losses – that is, the losses of those who fight the war. As far as I have been able to ascertain there is nothing in the scheme to limit a soldier to the loss of but one eye, or one arm, or to limit his wounds to one or two or three. Or to limit the loss of life. There is nothing in this scheme, apparently, that says not more than 12 per cent of a regiment shall be wounded in battle, or that not more than 7 per cent in a division shall be killed. Of course, the committee cannot be bothered with such trifling matters. CHAPTER THREE WHO PAYS THE BILLS? Who provides the profits – these nice little profits of 20, 100, 300, 1,500 and 1,800 per cent? We all pay them – in taxation. We paid the bankers their profits when we bought Liberty Bonds at $100.00 and sold them back at $84 or $86 to the bankers. These bankers collected $100 plus. It was a simple manipulation. The bankers control the security marts. It was easy for them to depress the price of these bonds. Then all of us – the people – got frightened and sold the bonds at $84 or $86. The bankers bought them. Then these same bankers stimulated a boom and government bonds went to par – and above. Then the bankers collected their profits. But the soldier pays the biggest part of the bill. If you don't believe this, visit the American cemeteries on the battlefields abroad. Or visit any of the veteran's hospitals in the United States. On a tour of the country, in the midst of which I am at the time of this writing, I have visited eighteen government hospitals for veterans. In them are a total of about 50,000 destroyed men – men who were the pick of the nation eighteen years ago. The very able chief surgeon at the government hospital; at Milwaukee, where there are 3,800 of the living dead, told me that mortality among veterans is three times as great as among those who stayed at home. Boys with a normal viewpoint were taken out of the fields and offices and factories and classrooms and put into the ranks. There they were remolded; they were made over; they were made to "about face"; to regard murder as the order of the day. They were put shoulder to shoulder and, through mass psychology, they were entirely changed. We used them for a couple of years and trained them to think nothing at all of killing or of being killed. Then, suddenly, we discharged them and told them to make another "about face" ! This time they had to do their own readjustment, sans [without] mass psychology, sans officers' aid and advice and sans nation-wide propaganda. We didn't need them any more. So we scattered them about without any "three-minute" or "Liberty Loan" speeches or parades. Many, too many, of these fine young boys are eventually destroyed, mentally, because they could not make that final "about face" alone. In the government hospital in Marion, Indiana, 1,800 of these boys are in pens! Five hundred of them in a barracks with steel bars and wires all around outside the buildings and on the porches. These already have been mentally destroyed. These boys don't even look like human beings. Oh, the looks on their faces! Physically, they are in good shape; mentally, they are gone. There are thousands and thousands of these cases, and more and more are coming in all the time. The tremendous excitement of the war, the sudden cutting off of that excitement – the young boys couldn't stand it. That's a part of the bill. So much for the dead – they have paid their part of the war profits. So much for the mentally and physically wounded – they are paying now their share of the war profits. But the others paid, too – they paid with heartbreaks when they tore themselves away from their firesides and their families to don the uniform of Uncle Sam – on which a profit had been made. They paid another part in the training camps where they were regimented and drilled while others took their jobs and their places in the lives of their communities. The paid for it in the trenches where they shot and were shot; where they were hungry for days at a time; where they slept in the mud and the cold and in the rain – with the moans and shrieks of the dying for a horrible lullaby. But don't forget – the soldier paid part of the dollars and cents bill too. Up to and including the Spanish-American War, we had a prize system, and soldiers and sailors fought for money. During the Civil War they were paid bonuses, in many instances, before they went into service. The government, or states, paid as high as $1,200 for an enlistment. In the Spanish-American War they gave prize money. When we captured any vessels, the soldiers all got their share – at least, they were supposed to. Then it was found that we could reduce the cost of wars by taking all the prize money and keeping it, but conscripting [drafting] the soldier anyway. Then soldiers couldn't bargain for their labor, Everyone else could bargain, but the soldier couldn't. Napoleon once said, "All men are enamored of decorations...they positively hunger for them." So by developing the Napoleonic system – the medal business – the government learned it could get soldiers for less money, because the boys liked to be decorated. Until the Civil War there were no medals. Then the Congressional Medal of Honor was handed out. It made enlistments easier. After the Civil War no new medals were issued until the Spanish-American War. In the World War, we used propaganda to make the boys accept conscription. They were made to feel ashamed if they didn't join the army. So vicious was this war propaganda that even God was brought into it. With few exceptions our clergymen joined in the clamor to kill, kill, kill. To kill the Germans. God is on our side...it is His will that the Germans be killed. And in Germany, the good pastors called upon the Germans to kill the allies...to please the same God. That was a part of the general propaganda, built up to make people war conscious and murder conscious. Beautiful ideals were painted for our boys who were sent out to die. This was the "war to end all wars." This was the "war to make the world safe for democracy." No one mentioned to them, as they marched away, that their going and their dying would mean huge war profits. No one told these American soldiers that they might be shot down by bullets made by their own brothers here. No one told them that the ships on which they were going to cross might be torpedoed by submarines built with United States patents. They were just told it was to be a "glorious adventure." Thus, having stuffed patriotism down their throats, it was decided to make them help pay for the war, too. So, we gave them the large salary of $30 a month. All they had to do for this munificent sum was to leave their dear ones behind, give up their jobs, lie in swampy trenches, eat canned willy (when they could get it) and kill and kill and kill...and be killed. But wait! Half of that wage (just a little more than a riveter in a shipyard or a laborer in a munitions factory safe at home made in a day) was promptly taken from him to support his dependents, so that they would not become a charge upon his community. Then we made him pay what amounted to accident insurance – something the employer pays for in an enlightened state – and that cost him $6 a month. He had less than $9 a month left. Then, the most crowning insolence of all – he was virtually blackjacked into paying for his own ammunition, clothing, and food by being made to buy Liberty Bonds. Most soldiers got no money at all on pay days. We made them buy Liberty Bonds at $100 and then we bought them back – when they came back from the war and couldn't find work – at $84 and $86. And the soldiers bought about $2,000,000,000 worth of these bonds! Yes, the soldier pays the greater part of the bill. His family pays too. They pay it in the same heart-break that he does. As he suffers, they suffer. At nights, as he lay in the trenches and watched shrapnel burst about him, they lay home in their beds and tossed sleeplessly – his father, his mother, his wife, his sisters, his brothers, his sons, and his daughters. When he returned home minus an eye, or minus a leg or with his mind broken, they suffered too – as much as and even sometimes more than he. Yes, and they, too, contributed their dollars to the profits of the munitions makers and bankers and shipbuilders and the manufacturers and the speculators made. They, too, bought Liberty Bonds and contributed to the profit of the bankers after the Armistice in the hocus-pocus of manipulated Liberty Bond prices. And even now the families of the wounded men and of the mentally broken and those who never were able to readjust themselves are still suffering and still paying. CHAPTER FOUR HOW TO SMASH THIS RACKET! WELL, it's a racket, all right. A few profit – and the many pay. But there is a way to stop it. You can't end it by disarmament conferences. You can't eliminate it by peace parleys at Geneva. Well-meaning but impractical groups can't wipe it out by resolutions. It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war. The only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital and industry and labor before the nations manhood can be conscripted. One month before the Government can conscript the young men of the nation – it must conscript capital and industry and labor. Let the officers and the directors and the high-powered executives of our armament factories and our munitions makers and our shipbuilders and our airplane builders and the manufacturers of all the other things that provide profit in war time as well as the bankers and the speculators, be conscripted – to get $30 a month, the same wage as the lads in the trenches get. Let the workers in these plants get the same wages – all the workers, all presidents, all executives, all directors, all managers, all bankers – yes, and all generals and all admirals and all officers and all politicians and all government office holders – everyone in the nation be restricted to a total monthly income not to exceed that paid to the soldier in the trenches! Let all these kings and tycoons and masters of business and all those workers in industry and all our senators and governors and majors pay half of their monthly $30 wage to their families and pay war risk insurance and buy Liberty Bonds. Why shouldn't they? They aren't running any risk of being killed or of having their bodies mangled or their minds shattered. They aren't sleeping in muddy trenches. They aren't hungry. The soldiers are! Give capital and industry and labor thirty days to think it over and you will find, by that time, there will be no war. That will smash the war racket – that and nothing else. Maybe I am a little too optimistic. Capital still has some say. So capital won't permit the taking of the profit out of war until the people – those who do the suffering and still pay the price – make up their minds that those they elect to office shall do their bidding, and not that of the profiteers. Another step necessary in this fight to smash the war racket is the limited plebiscite to determine whether a war should be declared. A plebiscite not of all the voters but merely of those who would be called upon to do the fighting and dying. There wouldn't be very much sense in having a 76-year-old president of a munitions factory or the flat-footed head of an international banking firm or the cross-eyed manager of a uniform manufacturing plant – all of whom see visions of tremendous profits in the event of war – voting on whether the nation should go to war or not. They never would be called upon to shoulder arms – to sleep in a trench and to be shot. Only those who would be called upon to risk their lives for their country should have the privilege of voting to determine whether the nation should go to war. There is ample precedent for restricting the voting to those affected. Many of our states have restrictions on those permitted to vote. In most, it is necessary to be able to read and write before you may vote. In some, you must own property. It would be a simple matter each year for the men coming of military age to register in their communities as they did in the draft during the World War and be examined physically. Those who could pass and who would therefore be called upon to bear arms in the event of war would be eligible to vote in a limited plebiscite. They should be the ones to have the power to decide – and not a Congress few of whose members are within the age limit and fewer still of whom are in physical condition to bear arms. Only those who must suffer should have the right to vote. A third step in this business of smashing the war racket is to make certain that our military forces are truly forces for defense only. At each session of Congress the question of further naval appropriations comes up. The swivel-chair admirals of Washington (and there are always a lot of them) are very adroit lobbyists. And they are smart. They don't shout that "We need a lot of battleships to war on this nation or that nation." Oh no. First of all, they let it be known that America is menaced by a great naval power. Almost any day, these admirals will tell you, the great fleet of this supposed enemy will strike suddenly and annihilate 125,000,000 people. Just like that. Then they begin to cry for a larger navy. For what? To fight the enemy? Oh my, no. Oh, no. For defense purposes only. Then, incidentally, they announce maneuvers in the Pacific. For defense. Uh, huh. The Pacific is a great big ocean. We have a tremendous coastline on the Pacific. Will the maneuvers be off the coast, two or three hundred miles? Oh, no. The maneuvers will be two thousand, yes, perhaps even thirty-five hundred miles, off the coast. The Japanese, a proud people, of course will be pleased beyond expression to see the united States fleet so close to Nippon's shores. Even as pleased as would be the residents of California were they to dimly discern through the morning mist, the Japanese fleet playing at war games off Los Angeles. The ships of our navy, it can be seen, should be specifically limited, by law, to within 200 miles of our coastline. Had that been the law in 1898 the Maine would never have gone to Havana Harbor. She never would have been blown up. There would have been no war with Spain with its attendant loss of life. Two hundred miles is ample, in the opinion of experts, for defense purposes. Our nation cannot start an offensive war if its ships can't go further than 200 miles from the coastline. Planes might be permitted to go as far as 500 miles from the coast for purposes of reconnaissance. And the army should never leave the territorial limits of our nation. To summarize: Three steps must be taken to smash the war racket. We must take the profit out of war. We must permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war. We must limit our military forces to home defense purposes. CHAPTER FIVE TO HELL WITH WAR! I am not a fool as to believe that war is a thing of the past. I know the people do not want war, but there is no use in saying we cannot be pushed into another war. Looking back, Woodrow Wilson was re-elected president in 1916 on a platform that he had "kept us out of war" and on the implied promise that he would "keep us out of war." Yet, five months later he asked Congress to declare war on Germany. In that five-month interval the people had not been asked whether they had changed their minds. The 4,000,000 young men who put on uniforms and marched or sailed away were not asked whether they wanted to go forth to suffer and die. Then what caused our government to change its mind so suddenly? Money. An allied commission, it may be recalled, came over shortly before the war declaration and called on the President. The President summoned a group of advisers. The head of the commission spoke. Stripped of its diplomatic language, this is what he told the President and his group: "There is no use kidding ourselves any longer. The cause of the allies is lost. We now owe you (American bankers, American munitions makers, American manufacturers, American speculators, American exporters) five or six billion dollars. If we lose (and without the help of the United States we must lose) we, England, France and Italy, cannot pay back this money...and Germany won't. So..." Had secrecy been outlawed as far as war negotiations were concerned, and had the press been invited to be present at that conference, or had radio been available to broadcast the proceedings, America never would have entered the World War. But this conference, like all war discussions, was shrouded in utmost secrecy. When our boys were sent off to war they were told it was a "war to make the world safe for democracy" and a "war to end all wars." Well, eighteen years after, the world has less of democracy than it had then. Besides, what business is it of ours whether Russia or Germany or England or France or Italy or Austria live under democracies or monarchies? Whether they are Fascists or Communists? Our problem is to preserve our own democracy. And very little, if anything, has been accomplished to assure us that the World War was really the war to end all wars. Yes, we have had disarmament conferences and limitations of arms conferences. They don't mean a thing. One has just failed; the results of another have been nullified. We send our professional soldiers and our sailors and our politicians and our diplomats to these conferences. And what happens? The professional soldiers and sailors don't want to disarm. No admiral wants to be without a ship. No general wants to be without a command. Both mean men without jobs. They are not for disarmament. They cannot be for limitations of arms. And at all these conferences, lurking in the background but all-powerful, just the same, are the sinister agents of those who profit by war. They see to it that these conferences do not disarm or seriously limit armaments. The chief aim of any power at any of these conferences has not been to achieve disarmament to prevent war but rather to get more armament for itself and less for any potential foe. There is only one way to disarm with any semblance of practicability. That is for all nations to get together and scrap every ship, every gun, every rifle, every tank, every war plane. Even this, if it were possible, would not be enough. The next war, according to experts, will be fought not with battleships, not by artillery, not with rifles and not with machine guns. It will be fought with deadly chemicals and gases. Secretly each nation is studying and perfecting newer and ghastlier means of annihilating its foes wholesale. Yes, ships will continue to be built, for the shipbuilders must make their profits. And guns still will be manufactured and powder and rifles will be made, for the munitions makers must make their huge profits. And the soldiers, of course, must wear uniforms, for the manufacturer must make their war profits too. But victory or defeat will be determined by the skill and ingenuity of our scientists. If we put them to work making poison gas and more and more fiendish mechanical and explosive instruments of destruction, they will have no time for the constructive job of building greater prosperity for all peoples. By putting them to this useful job, we can all make more money out of peace than we can out of war – even the munitions makers. So...I say, TO HELL WITH WAR!
  11. Ah yes, Frank Sinatra, Major Marco was it, in The Manchurian Candidate? Even though Sinatra and Frankheimer insisted they just wanted to "Do Condon's book!" someone inserted 5 references to Abraham Lincoln using close shots on Lincoln Bronze busts, and gratuitouosly inserted Lincoln costumes at a Haloween party and surreptitiously hidden Lincoln head pennies in all the actors' pockets. (Just kidding, I made that one up!) And though Benjamin K. Arthur is the only subtle reference to Douglas MacArthur in the entire novel, the movie both begins (with a MacArthur oil portrait) and ends with MacArthur references. Anyone else notice this and have any comments? Remember Dick Russell's informant's reference to "THE MAN WHO COULD DO NO WRONG IN AMERICAN HISTORY" - Willoughby's boss. Makes you think, right? Way Far Right! The FIRST Presidental coup attempt in history, The Plot to Take the White House, also funded by J. P. Morgan and Draper money via John Raskob of Chase Manhattan bank wanted either MacArthur as a replacement (he declined) or General Smedley Butler who turned all the louts in after stringing them along to no avail. It was Butler who first said: "War is Good for Business!" or something similar. Also, did it ever become public why Sinatra's son was kidnapped? Ransom, blackmail or otherwise?
  12. [quote name='John Bevilaqua' post='123758' date='Oct 23 2007, 11:04 AM' My previous suggestion still holds. Get off your butt, and drive to the University of Miami and check it all out. You know my attitude towards "Couch Potato JFK Researchers" and "Armchair Quarterbacks". Now I am not saying you are IN that category, YET but you are in front of the nominating committee as we speak! <grin> And come on, Timmy, Wikipedia? Your sources are Wiki-friggen-pedia? The History Channel? and... whatever? I rest my case!
  13. Come on, Tim, pay attention... there might be a test at the end of the week... "Technically JM/WAVE might not even have existed but the University of Miami was a hotbed for discussions, dissent and diabolical plotting even then and my father went there because he knew the Spanish language cold and just enjoyed a good imbroglio." These guys were probably affiliated somehow with the "earlier fledgling CIA office in Coral Gables" where the University of Miami is actually located. Do a Mapquest on it. It didn't move to Building 25 until somewhat later and my father NEVER even went to Building 25. He went to the University of Miami Library in Coral Gables, Florida not the Building 25 in Miami, Florida. Don't tell me you are going to play: "Gnat XXXX vs. Peppah" and waste your breath and waste my time, too. I should have included this in my Top Ten List of what JFK Researchers should avoid. So what do you think it is, Tim? "Gnat XXXX or Peppah?" "Gnat XXXX or Peppah?" Remember that Walter Matthau line in JFK? Please don't waste my time on "Gnat XXXX vs. Peppah". You should be in AWWWWWWE! You see, the anti-Battista effort in 1958 PRECEDED the Castro takeover in 1959 and even the Bay of Pigs and the Bayo-Pawley affair which happened much later. Funny that even Gordon Winslow who considers himself some sort of Castro expert constantly got these things out of order, too. He once asked me if my father noticed anything peculiar about Cuesta's appearance when he worked with him (which was in late 1958). When I checked and reported to the negative, Winslow got all huffy and puffy and said: "Well he was blind and his hand was mangled, how could he have given him a car? Who drove it? His guide dog? You are making all this up!" In fact Cuesta tried to blow himself up with a hand grenade during The Bay of Pigs a few years later. "Gnat XXXX vs. Peppah" "Gnat XXXX vs. Peppah" Sheesh! EDITED by moderator, due to langauge.
  14. Bill, Can you share with us the results of your telephone interview of Nathaniel Weyl and I will do the same? I may have a short posting elsewhere regarding that issue which would explain why he carefully modified his story to include a mythical freighter passing between their boat and the shore while they were awaiting the return of the launch carrying the operatives to the island and back. Why he made up the story to blame the freighter for swamping their boat will become obvious later on. And if you read between the lines of his postings before he died, he walked a thin tightrope to make sure that no one either accused him of violating territorial waters of Cuba during a boom and bang operation or accused him of just watching while someone else on the boat fired a machine gun into the boat when they all realized there were no Russian missile officers to be found in the boat. He in fact DID violate the territorial waters of Cuba and he WAS in fact an accessory after the fact to murder, something he had to carry to his grave. He also violated the Neutrality Act and could have served serious jail time. Weyl was the one who framed Alger Hiss by the way as well, on behalf of Wickliffe Draper, did you guys know that? And he was also a Draper styled Eugenicist paid by Draper directly. He wrote about IQ controversies, pure blooded Eugenics, raising brighter children, snipping the tubes of those he considered lower forms of intelligence, all that stuff. He was a real Draper clone and drone, bought and paid for in fact. Needless to say Barry Goldwater, waiting at his ranch in Arizona was mightily disappointed according to Weyl when he heard that they had all just been had. Goldwater was counting on these kidnapped missile officers to embarrass JFK and rocket him to victory in the 1964 elections. Compare how Weyl's final version of the story was twisted and distorted to make him look innocent of any felonies when in fact he committed at least 2 or 3 of them just by his presence. I will read Robert Brown's version later this week and add any relevant comments. By the way I used to work at the Miami News later as a teenager in the mid-1960's when Hal (the spook) Hendrix was there. We were often visited by groups of Soldiers of Fortune pitching either Bill Baggs or Hal Hendrix with some new story line which they usually published regardless. I was the copy boy at The News during some of the more turbulent summers in the history of South Florida. It was only a summer job but in fact one of the best summer jobs a kid could have, it all seemed so important then and fascinating to watch News being made, reported on and followed up. They treated me like some sort of child prodigy there because everyone working at the editorial offices had to take this barrage of tests before you could get any job and this test had been administered to everyone from Jack Kassewitz, the Editorial Writer to Bill Baggs, the Editor to even include Hal Hendrix the CIA spook and to anyone who worked at the Miami News since its inception and I scored higher by far than any of them. They used to joke about asking me to make coffee, or clip the teletype machines or to move copy from the reporters desks to the headline writers work area, or to call the Funeral Parlors for any recent obituaries saying it was such a waste of brainpower. But heck I was like 15 or 16 years old and that was the only job I could do. It was a real chuckle. That is probably where I got this investigative reporter bug put into me. Who knows? Ciao. John B
  15. Bill, The name Tony Questa should be spelled Tony Cuesta by the way. Did I ever tell you that my father was drawn into the whole anti-Castro millieu when everyone was still pro-Castro? He used to go down to the University of Miami and rub elbows with the anti-Battista forces at JM/WAVE though at the time we didn't even know a thing about JM/WAVE. That was in 1958. They convinced him to drive a brand new 1958 Buick down to Key West and onto the Havana ferry and not to ask any questions about what might be hidden in the seats, under the trunk and in the door side panels. It was filled with some contraband for Castro in the foothills. He took my brother along for a little vacation as a cover story. He got a week in Havana free plus expenses and $500 plus they told him he could keep the car. Well he pulls into the Hotel gives the keys to a contact and sat by the pool for a week when the car was returned to him and he took it back to Miami. Only problem was they wouldn't let him keep the car. I had to chase the bastard out of the house with a cocked baseball bat on my shoulder but he got the keys. He reached inside his coat pocket as if to go for a gun but when he saw the bat he froze and settled just for the keys. I was not even a teenager yet but pretty big for my age at almost 6 feet tall and a solid 130 pounds. <grin> And that was my introduction to the world of pro-Castro Cubans. His contact and paymaster? Tony de la Cuesta, who was in Miami during 1958-59 contrary to what his wife has said. Early in 1959 Castro took over. (Jan 1, 1959 was it?) And the rest is history. Technically JM/WAVE might not even have existed but the University of Miami was a hotbed for discussions, dissent and diabolical plotting even then and my father went there because he knew the Spanish language cold and just enjoyed a good imbroglio. Like Father, like Son I guess. He was William "Wild Bill" Donovan's personal Spanish tutor when the D-Day site was still being debated he was that good with his Spanish. At one time I guess there was some talk of using Spain as an alternate landing site to Normandy Beach or a simultaneous landing site. And in fact, history has recorded the usage of fake blow-up tanks and trucks made of rubber to make the Gemans think that we had already landed or were planning to land there. Later he made the same transition from pro-Castro to anti-Castro like everyone else and still continued to frequent the University of Miami for a good Cuban coffee and some small talk for a few years after that. No more trips to Havana though. He learned his lesson. Wish I could have gone along, but I was told that NO ONE would even want to sit on that back seat loaded with guns, bombs, bullets or whatever. Guess they were right. Regards, John B
  16. Hi, I need to read Coogan: then I'll say if the are some reactions or not JJA: my method is "classical": I consider books, biographies and so on a third floor. The official documents on the first one. On the X-2 activity you can find (If still online) a number of still classified docs at foia.cia.gov Rome was considered a sort of "base" to recruit double agents in continental Europe. You'll find also biographical notes on this people (names=classified). In Italy and Germany, any agent was involved in his past with Mussolini, Rsi, Ss, Wermacht. Most of them, near the end of nazism, helped resistance groups to save the life. The conclusion is easy: Us built a spy network - for the first time in history - in Europe to oppose Urss. So, in this anti-communist League, you will find ex-nazi, ex-fascists, liberals, resistance people of the non-communist groups (in italy there were 3 large partizan groups, one catholic, one socialist, the other communist). (edit: it is a case you find Nagy in the board of Permindex...or not?) Pio XII also gave his support to the creation of associations and groups with anti-communist goals. On a more official level, you have the creation of Stay behind net, Gladio, supersecret network under Nato with counterinsurcengy goals (in Italy project started in 1952). Angleton had 14 agents into the SIS (italian secret service in '44-'53(?)): something like he had the control of the italian service. Recently, Parlamentary commissions inscribed the relationship OSS-SIS and later CIA-SIFAR in "one of the 14 cases in wich italian intelligence "deviated" to his scope, serve italian govt (...) in this period the italian service was "Us-adddicted" (in italian is "stretta dipendenza dal servizio Usa", under Usa control). The base of Gladio, to say, was built with a direct agreement CIA-SIFAR without informing italian government. (Gladio remained a secret in italy until 1991!!!) The dossiers on politicians, people (157.000) was a direct order of Cia by Karamessines. I dont have a complete list of Cia chief in Rome, but I think youll find just a certain kind of people.... JHA: nothing to report on Angleton father. He was in Milan, not Rome. He was linked to Mussolini? To answer this, I suggest to make a short search on these 2 names: "Generose Pope SR (this is the son: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generoso_Pope_Jr.) and "Carlo Sforza". The first is an italo-american allegedly linked to crime figures that supported with his family the Us Democrats. The other one is a critic of Mussolini (he started as minister in the first fascist govt.) that left Italy and worked actively in Usa to support italian political resistance. In short, he wanted Washington to accept and recognise an "italian exile government". But, the president in charge, Roosevelt (forsure not a fascist ), decided not to decide, becouse, in Sforza words, "he needed the electoral support of Generoso Pope". At the end, italian resistance had never recognized an exile govt. nor an official govt.
  17. "James Jesus Angleton, a man I respect, believed that the assassinations were in fact planned to throw American policy into chaos." Well, of course it was. Angleton helped plan the JFK hit, he helped to cover it up, and then appointed himself as liaison between the WC and the CIA. Angleton's plan for the Honetel Seven was to throw CIA policy making and operations into chaos and to cause the resulting paranoia which became rampant in the CIA to seriously hinder its ability to conduct any business while it turned its increasingly paranoid gaze internally upon itself. Angleton was the Master of Chaos, Confusion and Destruction. He only wanted to bring the CIA and the US Gov to a complete halt and he almost succeeded. He was a Fascist Anarchist who truly believed that if Democracy would fall, a Fascist Totalitarian Dictatorship would rule. I can not respect Angleton for anything he did. How can anyone respect this man unless they just do not understand the man or his motives and his history in Italy during WW-II and thereafter? He was the absolute personification of Evil Incarnate and was finally ignominiously vetted from the CIA when his cover was blown. Wow.
  18. Should be Lucien Conein, right? You might be thinking of Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter.... Lucius Malfoy is a Death Eater and head of a pure-blood wizarding family; he lives with his wife Narcissa Malfoy (née Black) and their son Draco at the Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire. He was educated at Hogwarts, where he was in Slytherin House. He was also a prefect by the time Severus Snape had entered Hogwarts.
  19. Tim, Not to take this personally but we should just agree to disagree and go our separate ways. Pursuing a discussion when we are both locked into disparate arenas is frustrating, fruitless and pointless. Good luck with your research. I hope someday your work proves satisfying, rewarding and conclusive. Mine already does. John B
  20. Here is some other info about the "intercepted" communications which were essentially transmitted knowing that the Nazis had the cryptographic keys. To protect our respective copyright interests and safety interests in this thread, I suggest we take the Baltimore Intel connections into a private thread. Sorry gang, but this one is just too hot to handle right now in public. Fellers is OK cause he is dust to dust, but some of the others may still be alive. This article was written by Wil Deac and originally appeared World War II magazine. Intercepted Communications for Field Marshal Erwin Rommel The intercepted communications of an American in Cairo provided a secret ear for Field Marshal Erwin Rommel -- the Desert Fox. By Wil Deac During the 1941-1942 tug of war for North Africa, the British benefited from radio-intercept-derived Ultra information. Despite that Allied advantage, however, for six months and 11 days the Germans enjoyed an even speedier, more across-the-board intelligence source. It was what Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the legendary Desert Fox, called die gute Quelle (the good source). It also was known as "the little fellows" or "the little fellers," a play on the name of its unwitting provider, Brevet Colonel Bonner Frank Fellers. Fellers, a 1918 West Point graduate who previously had served in America's embassy in Madrid, Spain, was the U.S. military attaché in the Egyptian capital of Cairo. General Cesare Amè, head of the Servizio Informazione Militari (SIM, Italy's military intelligence), approved a break-in of the still neutral American embassy in Rome in September 1941. Since Amè had keys to all the embassies in Rome, except for the Russian, it was a simple matter to gain entry at night. The burglary team consisted of two Carabinieri (national paramilitary police) specialists and two Italians employed by the embassy. One of the latter, messenger Loris Gherardi, opened the safe in the military attaché's office. Among the items inside were the Black Code (named after the color of its binding) and its super-encipherment tables. The material, used by U.S. military attachés and ambassadors worldwide, was taken to SIM headquarters, photographed and returned. The Italians now could read everything that the U.S. Ambassador telegraphed. Although they were allied with Germany, the Italians only gave their Axis partner sanitized versions of the American messages, not the code. While the Nazis appreciated the Italian largess, they did not tell their ally that they had cracked the Black Code in the meantime. By the fall of 1941, the German Chiffrierabteilung (military cipher branch) intercept stations were snatching the dots and dashes of the Black Code from the airwaves. The intercept station specifically assigned to cover Egypt (Britain's North African headquarters) and the United States, among others, was situated in medieval Lauf, just northeast of the Bavarian city of Nuremburg. There, on a 24-hour basis, 150 radiomen tuned receivers linked to six tall towers. The Lauf facility was backed up by a listening post near Berlin. Since the Mediterranean theater was then the war's most active battleground, it was only natural that Lauf concentrated on Cairo. It was just as natural that attention focused on the American military attaché there. His reports were the most thorough. Fellers was as dedicated as he was ambitious. Although it soon became apparent that he disliked the British, they needed American support and went out of their way to give Fellers what he wanted. As Fellers said, he knew that "if I was going to be a good observer and write good reports I'd better report what I saw myself." He talked to British military and civilian headquarters officials, read documents and visited the battlefront, where "it wasn't difficult to learn a great deal." Fellers composed long, usually pessimistic radiograms describing virtually everything he learned, encoded them and filed them with the Egyptian Telegraph Company for transmission across the Atlantic to Washington. Within an hour of their transmission from Cairo, the colonel's Black Code messages found their way to German cryptanalysts' desks. Another hour or two and they would be broken into readable text, ready to be retransmitted in a German code. Thus, a few hours after Fellers' messages were sent, the data would be in Rommel's hands. Chiffrierabteilung archivist Dr. Herbert Schaedel said that military headquarters "went crazy...to get all the telegrams from Cairo." He pointed out that the most revealing, Fellers' reports, were easily pulled from the hundreds of coded intercepts received daily. They were flagged MILID WASH (Military Intelligence Division, Washington) or AGWAR WASH (Adjutant General, War Department, Washington), and signed FELLERS. Schaedel recalled that the Desert Fox "each day at lunch, knew exactly where the Allied troops were standing the evening before." On December 7, 1941, Rommel's Panzergruppe Afrika followed initial successes with a long retreat from near Tobruk west and south across Libya's Cyrenaica to Tripolitania. There, the German and Italian units regrouped. There, also, beginning on December 18, the Desert Fox studied Fellers' detailed reports, along with local intercepts. The latter came from his second secret ear in the enemy's communications, his own 621st Signals Battalion mobile monitoring element commanded by Hauptmann Alfred Seeböhm. The British not only failed to frequently change their codes during this period but also displayed an unbelievable lack of battlefield radio discipline. According to Rommel's chief of staff, they "were quite broad-minded in making speeches during combat, and we had the possibility of making important conclusions from their speeches." On January 21, 1942, aided by intercepts telling him he had temporary front-line armored superiority, the Desert Fox launched an offensive--advancing an impressive 300 miles in just 17 days. Die gute Quelle kept pace with the advance of Rommel's forces, now elevated to Panzerarmee status, along Libya's northeastern shore. On January 29, for example, Rommel received a full summary of British armored strength. Then he learned that more effective American-made M3 medium tanks would enter combat after mid-February. On February 6 the intercepts detailed, in addition to unit locations, the establishment of a heavily mined British defense line stretching from Gazala on the sea to the oasis at Bir Hacheim. From that line, the British intended to launch a decisive counteroffensive. With his 560 tanks (including 240 obsolete Italian ones) against his opponent's 700, Rommel pre-empted the Allies by unleashing a daring assault on May 26. His main force swept south parallel to the defense line, swung east around its Free French­held anchor at Bir Hacheim and then pivoted back north against the British positions. Axis momentum slowed as supplies dwindled, due mainly to an overextended and inadequate logistical system. The key to British success in interdicting the Axis' Mediterranean convoys was the island of Malta, situated just west of the principal Axis sea lane. German and Italian aircraft pounded the little island, dropping some 9,000 tons of bombs during a two-month period. Fellers' cables made only too clear the island's perilous position and predicted its surrender if the bombardment continued and supply convoys failed to reach it. In June, the British decided to sail two convoys simultaneously from Alexandria in the east and Gibraltar in the west, respectively code-named Vigorious and Harpoon, in a full-scale attempt to relieve Malta. A vital part of the operation was the neutralization of Axis ships and aircraft. Toward this end, air raids were scheduled against key enemy bases. In addition, numerous airfields would be attacked by parachute and ground elements to destroy bombers before they could be flown against the convoys. Fellers efficiently reported this. His cable, No. 11119 dated June 11, was intercepted in both Rome and Lauf. It read, in part: "NIGHTS OF JUNE 12TH JUNE 13TH BRITISH SABOTAGE UNITS PLAN SIMULTANEOUS STICKER BOMB ATTACKS AGAINST AIRCRAFT ON 9 AXIS AIRDROMES. PLANS TO REACH OBJECTIVES BY PARACHUTES AND LONG RANGE DESERT PATROL." British and Free French raiders went into action behind the lines in Libya and on the island of Crete. At most bases, they were slaughtered. There was success only where Fellers' unwitting early warning was not received, was ignored or was ineptly handled. Operation Harpoon's six merchantmen and their escorts were continually beset by Axis air and surface attacks between June 14 and 16. Only two cargo ships reached Malta. Vigorous, the larger eastern convoy, including 11 merchant ships, incurred serious losses before turning back to Egypt. On land, meanwhile, superior leadership, communication and use of intelligence enabled Rommel's Afrika Korps to drive the British Eighth Army out of Libya into Egypt. By the end of June, Rommel's juggernaut was about 90 miles from Alexandria. Just beyond lay Cairo, the Suez Canal and Palestine. Intercepted Communications for Field Marshal Erwin Rommel ...continued < Previous Page 1 2 The opposing war machines, like boxers pausing for a breath, stopped to face each other along parallel lines running southwestward just outside the town of El Alamein. Adolf Hitler, optimistically discussing the expected capture of Alexandria, said, "It is only to be hoped that the American [Fellers] in Cairo continues to inform us so well over the English military planning through his badly enciphered cables." Inevitably, the British came to realize that sensitive information was leaking to the enemy. The Afrika Korps was still blitzkrieging the Cyrenaican coastline when security officers approached Fellers to, in his words, "see my security measures for the [black] code." Fellers, however, apparently allayed any suspicions the British might have had about his being the source of the suspected leaks because they directed their investigation elsewhere. At least five suspicious-looking Axis signals had been picked up by Allied stations beginning on January 25. One actually cited "a source in Egypt." Then, on June 26, a German radio station broadcast an evening drama offering "scenes from the British or American information bureau." Nazis listened aghast as the radio play featured an actor portraying the U.S. military attaché in Cairo and described his gathering of information to relay to Washington. Thirty-six hours later, on June 29, Rommel lost his "gute Quelle." Whether or not the incredible radio broadcast alone had allowed the Allies to pinpoint the cause of the leak, Colonel Fellers left Cairo in July after a tour of nearly 21 months. Assigned to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in Washington, he was, recalled a colleague, "the most violent Anglophobe I have encountered." Fellers was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, the citation recognizing his reports as "models of clarity and accuracy." Given the temporary rank of brigadier general, he next was assigned to the Southwest Pacific theater. After V-J Day, Fellers became military secretary to General Douglas MacArthur, with whom he had been friends since serving under him in the prewar Philippines. Fellers died of a heart attack in Washington, D.C., in 1973 at the age of 77. Fellers' successor at the Cairo embassy encoded reports to Washington in the M-138 strip cipher, which Axis cryptanalysts had not broken. Rommel nevertheless could take heart from one of Fellers' last radiograms. It described "considerable British panic" in Cairo because of the Axis presence at the capital's doorstep. On July 10, however, with Rommel's main forces lured well inland in the ninth day of a new offensive, the Australian 9th Division charged his Tel el Eisa salient overlooking the sea.The defending Italian Sabratha Division was mauled in the attack, and the 621st Signal Battalion's tents, radio vans and antennas were overrun. Seeböhm was mortally wounded in the fighting. The papers in his camp told the Allies just how much tactical information they had lost due to poor radio security since early 1941. Captured documents also confirmed the part played by Fellers' reports in the Axis strategy. As a sidebar to the North African intelligence war, controversy still exists over whether or not intercepted communications resulted in the death of the officer Winston Churchill selected to head the Eighth Army's forthcoming counteroffensive against Rommel. On August 7, Lt. Gen. William Gott, who had been involved in the earlier Gazala defeat, was flying in a Bristol Bombay aircraft to take up his new command. As it prepared to land at El Alamein, the unescorted transport was ambushed and destroyed by six Messerschmitt Bf-109Fs. Gott's place was taken by General Bernard Montgomery, who, though controversial, was considered a far abler officer. The Desert Fox's change of fortune came with the double loss of Fellers' cables and Seeböhm's expertise. The Axis divisions, virtually ignorant of what was transpiring on the other side of the lines, threw themselves against the Allied defenses from July to early September without success. Then on October 23, 1942, to the thunder of a thousand cannons, Montgomery, aided by information from an improved and more efficient Ultra staff, began the offensive that pushed the surprised Afrika Korps back for the last time. As one historian noted, the Fellers intercepts had "provided Rommel with undoubtedly the broadest and clearest picture of enemy forces and intentions available to any Axis commander throughout the war."
  21. Then you are in fact onto something <b> Very Important </b> here. For Roy Hargraves, Hemming's close friend and an advisor to Oliver Stone on JFK also named Robert Emmett Johnson (Fish is Red? Right?) when he blabbed to Mary Ferrell before her death about his Top Five participants in the actual triangulation of fire in Dealey Plaza. Col. Robert F. Baird, Capt. Medric Johnson of Walker's AVG, Homer Echevarria, Sr., and a couple of others were on her original list due to the inability to understand the names that Hargraves mumbled semi-coherently while in a state of semi-inebriation. She wrote as fast as she could and never bothered to ask Roy to spell anything at the risk of having him stop naming names. Some of the names were purely phoenetic which we both sort of worked out together later. You are the best, dude! Congratulations! I just forgot where the full list of Hargraves suspects was saved. Now I have to scratch Capt. Medric Johnson from the list because Mary Ferrell vacillated between Medric Johnson and Emmett Johnson when I gave her the 2-3 different options of possible close matches. I had no other choices in my database at that time. Emmett it is, then. You should be congratulated! William Turner wrote Fish is Red. Anyone have the citation to Robert Emmett Johnson in Fish is Red? This is fun, no? I will try books.google.com to see if that book is there. Congratulations! Tell us more if you can or send me a private message if you do not want this to go over the Net.
  22. These might not qualify as primary sources but some of them imply Fellers was part of the Tobruk operations in one form or fashion. Sorry, that I have not been able to drill down into his past as deeply as I would have liked to. My one claim to fame regarding Fellers nefarious past is that I was definitely the FIRST person to postulate that Monty's troop and tank movements were relayed to Rommel in North Africa using a Monty to Fellers to Angleton to Rommel back channel. Sort of like Tinkers to Evers to Chance but with more deadly consequences. Someone else posted Hitler's veiled but revealing remarks about Fellers whom Hitler called "...one of our best sources." or something close to that in a Wikipedia posting. People still attribute this to stolen cryptographic messages, but Fellers probably provided the cryptogram keys to the Nazis or perhaps a young Jim Angleton did the deed at Fellers behest. Pedro del Valle was active in either the Cairo or Ethiopian campaigns at about the same time that Fellers was there. It is amazing that we still won World War II with all of these turncoats and traitors active at the General level in key positions. TheHistoryNet | World War II | Intercepted Communications for ...Fellers, a 1918 West Point graduate who previously had served in America's ... from near Tobruk west and south across Libya's Cyrenaica to Tripolitania. ... www.historynet.com/magazines/world_war_2/3038121.html - 59k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this World War II Plus 55 - May 24th through May 26, 1942Behind that are the 30-mile perimeter defenses of Tobruk, which have fallen into ... Bonner Fellers, the US military attache in Cairo. Fellers has unlimited ... usswashington.com/dl24ma42.htm - 26k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Intelligence: cause and effect [Archive] - WW2inColor TalkFellers, the US military attaché to Cairo (and unwitting ally of the Africa ... in crucial battles which would see the fall of Tobruk and Mersa Matruh. ... www.ww2incolor.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-4354.html - 12k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Axis History Forum :: El Alamein... Col Bonner Fellers, was removed and Seebohm was KIA on 10 jul and its .... He argued against capturing Malta after the fall of Tobruk as he said he had ... forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?p=868850&sid=e308611819f88079ba00de726816129c - Similar pages - Note this Axis History Forum :: Origin of BlitzkriegBack to Tobruk, it's not a particuar battle, it is a series of Battles. .... The US Military Attache in Cario, Colonel Bonner Fellers ( look him up) ... forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?p=896387&sid=7ac84abb215a1c3494d307e30e64934c - Similar pages - Note this Operation Compass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[6] Tobruk was captured January 22 [7] and Derna was captured on February 3. ... Bonner Fellers: "General Wavell told me they were going to do manoeuvres, ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Compass - 55k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this [DOC] Address to the Royal Artillery, AlameinFile Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML Colonel Fellers had access to all the Eighth Army command and carte blanche ..... but this can be partly explained by the loss of their division at Tobruk. ... www.army.mod.uk/linkedfiles/rahistoricalsociety/autumn02_alameintext.doc - Similar pages - Note this Военная история : USAAF в подмандатной Палестине, 1942 г.After the fall of Tobruk, Fellers had quickly apprised the situation. In another cable to the War Department on June 21, he gave a blunt assessment of the ... www.waronline.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=111381&sid=386a5951e35c7f1feff0c041bc4e6061 - 82k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Endnotes for Chapter XI32 Churchill received the news of the fall of Tobruk at the White House while on ... Fellers, reporting the plans, had recommended that the United States ... www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/wwii/Sp1941-42/ench11.htm - 51k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this The Rommel FileHe reasoned that if he took Tobruk and Alexandria, Malta would fall on its own. .... U.S. Military Attache for Cairo, Colonel Frank Fellers toured the ... gaiaselene.com/Scripts/rommel.htm - 126k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
  23. Bonner Fellers was just recently added to my further drill down list of what I might call the American Generals of German heritage or birth who were previously identified independently by recognized serious authors or researchers as acting suspiciously or in a decidedly Un-American fashion either before, during or shortly after World War II. Let's just call them Turncoats or Benedict Arnold style Traitors and cut Right to the chase. The others of course include those like Willoughby, Wedemeyer, Stratemeyer, del Valle, and some others on the Military Affairs Committee of SKOM (as I meant to type it, and not SMOM as I accidently penned it). Maybe 6-8 in total if you count Major George Racey Jordan and Edwin A. Walker, too. As to the seige of Tobruk or the Baltimore intelligence service I have not found anyone who has mentioned that to date, but would be interested in learning more about the Baltimore intelligence service which might link to my other Baltimore links and research into Eugenics types and intel types located there.
  24. Claudio, Can you share with us some of the conclusions you reached or information you discovered about Angleton's activities (Hugh and James) while in Rome? Did you ever come across Gen Bonner F. Fellers who was stationed in Cairo in the early days of the War? Google links in Wikipedia confirm what I first postulated about Fellers 15 years ago, that he was a conscious agent of Hitler due to his German born heritage. This was based mostly on Condon's revelations about Fellers in The Manchurian Candidate in 1958 as a matter of fact. It apparently stirred someone to due some digging into Fellers background which confirmed that he was the person who allowed Monty's troop movements in Northern Africa to get into German hands. So indirectly I helped destroy the myth of Rommel as The Desert Fox. Just love destroying myths and debunking other ones. So much more rewarding than being an armchair quarterback researcher and a couch potato channel surfer like so many others who claim to be historians and researchers. More to the point the links of Angleton and H. Smith Richardson (of Richardson-Vicks in NC makers of Vapo-Rub) and the Mind Control programs part of MK/ULTRA. Imagine the formulators of Vapo-Rub ended up in Mind Control drugs and perhaps memory loss agents as a by product of chemical formulation research at Vicks? Scary thought. Also if you take a look at the Coogan del Valle article at http://www.iisg.nl/research/coogan.doc you might find some interesting items related to del Valle and Mussolini and the Ethiopia campaigns which will stir some reactions from you. del Valle also was tied into the Franco advocates as well as that del Chaie character. General Pedro del Valle was right! Way Far Right.
  25. Here are the links to Rabbi David G. Dalin's research on the issues surrounding Pope Pius XII and he is not Catholic either at least I don't think he is. And he is not like Marvin Liebmann either. Jewish, then Catholic, then agnostic. If you can't combine the lessons from Vatican Assassins and from The Myth of Hitler's Pope to revise your thinking then most if not all of your other arguments become IMHO fatally flawed. (sniff, sniff - I know) Why would you continue to publish or promulgate these deliberate misstatements (already debunked) which can only widen the differences between religions and religious leaders? I am not Jewish by the way and I have no vested interest in either current or past Popes, only an interest in setting the record straight. Since my great Uncle Klaus Schenck von Stauffenberg is featured in Riebling's book I have an interest in another person's hopefully unbiased interpretation of his role in The Plot to Kill Hitler. I have also ordered Rabbi Dalin's book and I am not Jewish by the way but look to him for yet another hopefully unbiased view or interpretation of history. Does the fact that both Dalin and Riebling AGREE on the subject of Pius XII coming from opposite sides of the political and perhaps religious spectrums mean anything to you at all? You must think that my response to the Pius XII issue was driven by a few years of attempted brainwashing while attending Parochial schools, right? Wrong, again. Keep guessing, bucko! Did I say that I am not Jewish, nor Italian by the way? Read Coogan's monograph on General Pedro A. del Valle. I have come to the conclusion that del Valle was probably right all along, by the way! Way Far Right. And many people would probably reach the same conclusions after reading Coogan's work. http://www.iisg.nl/research/coogan.doc The other irony here is that Dalin's publisher is Regnery Press ( of all publishers. (LOL) And they used to be known for printing nothing but radical Holocaust Revisionism and anti-Semitic or Militia and Minuteman styled garbage. Does that make Rabbi Dalin's research and conclusions less valid or suspect? Would Riebling's conclusions, well documented and footnoted, be biased by his other associations and associates, none of whom I would agree with necessarily? This is truly a conundrum for everyone. Regnery was so willing to publish anti-Clinton garbage in the 1990's it made me livid. But then again this may be all about just printing anything to make a buck. Sure William Regnery started the pro-Hitler isolationist America First movement, and was a staunch anti-Unionist and textile magnate who lobbied Hitler to become his American source of textiles after the War then later moved on to Nuremberg criticism, opposition to de-Nazification, Holocaust Denial publishing, McCarthyism support and opposition to Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, KS and opposition to any form of desegregation, plus JFK character assassination, but does that make him and his progeny bad persons for continuing the legacy and trying to impeach Bill Clinton using the free press or rather by trying to make a buck by publishing books or magazines on all of these controversial issues? You tell me. You and your cohorts seem to be in the same businesses as the Regnerys (just from a slightly different political and religious perspective) and you would know perhaps, but I could be wrong, if I am allowed this speculative tangential diatribe. Yellow journalism and inflammatory unsupported rhetoric has always been pretty profitable right and pretty easy to crank out, right, if nothing else? Just curious. Were the Regnerys Catholic or not? Does it matter? Seems important to you. Just curious. Amazon.com: The Myth of Hitler's Pope: Pope Pius XII and His ...Amazon.com: The Myth of Hitler's Pope: Pope Pius XII and His Secret War Against Nazi Germany: Books: David G. Dalin by David G. Dalin. www.amazon.com/Myth-Hitlers-Pope-Against-Germany/dp/0895260344 - 185k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this The Myth of Hitler's Pope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Myth of Hitler's Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews from the Nazis is a book written by Rabbi David G. Dalin and published in 2005. ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Myth_of_Hitler's_Pope - 16k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Exploding the "Hitler's Pope" myth"Rabbi Dalin explodes the myth of Hitler's pope and condemns the myth-makers for not only rewriting history, but also for denying the testimony of Holocaust ... www.renewamerica.us/columns/gaynor/050730 - 57k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this HPR | The Myth of Hitler's PopeDefying both critics and mainstream stereotypes, Rabbi David G. Dalin has weighed in with The Myth of Hitler’s Pope, which unapologetically urges Pius XII’s ... www.ignatius.com/Magazines/HPRweb/bk_dalin.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Human Events Book Service: The Myth of Hitler's Pope by David C. DalinBut in The Myth of Hitler's Pope, Othodox Jewish Rabbi David Dalin explodes this newly resurrected, widely accepted, yet utterly bankrupt smearing of a pope ... www.hebookservice.com/products/BookPage.asp?prod_cd=C6800 - 33k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Home > Conferences & Events >In this thoroughly documented book, Rabbi Dalin explodes the myth of Hitler's pope and condemns the myth-makers for not only rewriting history, ... www.eppc.org/conferences/eventID.104/conf_detail.asp - 39k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this The American SpectatorThe Myth of Hitler's Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews From the Nazis by David G. Dalin (Regnery, 209 pages, $27.95) AS A HISTORIAN OF THE HOLOCAUST, ... www.spectator.org/dsp_article.asp?art_id=10237 - 66k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this The Myth of Hitler's Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews from the ... - Google Books Resultby David G. Dalin - 2005 - History - 209 pages ... widely accepted, yet utterly bankrupt smearing of Pope Pius XII, whom Jewish survivors of the Holocaust considered a righteous gentile. pacelli rychlak ... books.google.com/books?isbn=0895260344... - Note this The Myth of Hitler's Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews from the ...The Myth of Hitler's Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews from the Nazis. www.heritage.org/press/events/ev080205a.cfm - 31k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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