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John Bevilaqua

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Everything posted by John Bevilaqua

  1. Generation II - Will of the WASPS: Draper II and Wisner II at work after FDR died... This article includes references to William F. Buckley, Jr. and a few to C. D. Jackson who was Draper's crony who worked at Time Life magazine and the one who purchased the original Zapruder Film in order to secret it from public view for an extended period. Was it modified? Quien Sabe? Stick with this article until the end so someone with a keener intellect than mine can explain its significance to me. I guess I don't get why all these heavyweights are involved a with Fascist `Kulturkampf' Why is it so important anyway? Is this all part of some major PsyWarOps campaign with a more sinister purpose in mind? The Congress for Cultural Freedom: (This was run by Frank G. Wisner II as part of PsyOps with help from C. D. Jackson) Making the Postwar World Safe for Fascist `Kulturkampf' by Steven P. Meyer and Jeffrey Steinberg Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer were two of the earliest leaders of the Frankfurt School, and were co-directors of that Authoritarian Personality project of the late 1940s, that willfully engineered the Baby Boomer drug/rock/sex counterculture two decades later. These two were brought back to Germany in 1950, to reorganize and "de-Nazify" the postwar German educational system and cultural institutions, under the auspices of Occupation High Commissioner, and leading American Synarchist banker, John J. McCloy. In that assigned capacity, Adorno and Horkheimer were pivotal players in the overall project to wreck European and American culture. This project was known, hypocritically, as the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF). Far from "de-Nazification," the efforts of the Congress, and related early-Cold War Kulturkampf ("culture war") fronts, were aimed at destroying the last vestiges of European Classical culture, and replacing it with a culture of perversity, bestialization, and pessimism. This was done under the preposterous guise of "fighting godless communism" and other forms of "authoritarianism." In reality, the mission of the Congress for Cultural Freedom was to make the world once again safe for a renewed Synarchist assault against that type of modern nation-state system that had most recently and successfully been represented by the U.S.A. of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who, more than any other figure of the middle half of the 20th Century, had defeated the Synarchist drive for a worldwide Hitler-led fascist empire. With Franklin Roosevelt's untimely death in April 1945, everything changed. Even Soviet dictator Josef Stalin grasped the significance of FDR's death, declaring, "The great dream has been lost." Roosevelt had vowed that he would usher in a postwar world free from the shackles of European colonialism. As former U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger was to emphasize in his May 10, 1982 address at London's Chatham House, on this issue, FDR and his wartime ally, Winston Churchill, stood on opposite sides of the barricade. The mission of the Congress for Cultural Freedom subsumed the commitment to ensure that no future FDR could ever emerge in the United States or Continental Europe. This CCF mission was to be accomplished by creating such a cultural wasteland of dumbed-down conformity, and pursuit of sensual gratification, that any isolated case of genius could be easily isolated and destroyed. The presence of Lord Bertrand Russell as one of five honorary chairmen of the CCF was emblematic of this mission at the CCF's inception. Russell, the author of the post-Roosevelt, pre-Eisenhower, Truman Doctrine of "world government through terror of nuclear weapons," had written a 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society, which spelled out his vision of the future. It was a far more precise, more revealing "mission statement" for the Congress for Cultural Freedom than anything that the CCF would ever publish in its own name: "I think," Russell wrote, "the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology.... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called 'education.' Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part.... It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment." Russell continued, "The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship.... The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray." Russell concluded with a warning: "Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen." In the same book, Russell also advocated a level of genocide that made Hitler look tame by comparison. Ranting about the population growth among the darker-skinned races, Russell offered a solution: "At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars.... War ... has hitherto been disappointing in this respect ... but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full.... The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of it?" The Post-FDR Paradigm Shift FDR's untimely death on April 12, 1945 had left an ill-equipped crude political hack, Harry Truman, in the Presidency. Within months, under the overwhelming influence of a group of pro-British Synarchists, Truman needlessly dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, at a moment when Japanese surrender was already imminent. Thus, the era of thermonuclear terror ws launched, an era which had been promoted for decades by H.G. Wells and Bertrand Russell, as the pathway to world Fabian dictatorship. Shortly after the close of the war, Russell, soon to be CCF honorary chair, wrote an infamous article for the September 1946 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, advocating a preventive U.S. atomic bomb strike on the Soviet Union (Russell collaborator Edward Shils would be a founder of the Bulletin and a later director of the American branch of the CCF). Already, prior to that 1946 statement, Russell, following the events at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, had written similar sentiments to his mistress Gamel Brenan: "There is one thing and only one thing that can save the world, and that is a thing which I should not dream of advocating. It is that America should make war on Russia during the next two years, and establish world empire by means of the atomic bomb." Roosevelt's death had fully cleared the path for the leading Synarchist elements within the wartime U.S. intelligence structures to pursue their "separate peace" with leading Nazis, who were to be fully incorporated into a postwar crusade against the Soviet Union, all in line with the Russell schemas. To make the postwar world safe for the Synarchist revival, individuals like Allen Dulles, Whitney Shephardson, John Foster Dulles, William Draper, John J. McCloy, and Averell Harriman schemed to purge the wartime and postwar intelligence services and postwar German occupation authority of any FDR loyalists. Within days of the President's death, a whole contingent of European-based Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officers, including the entire command structure of the Italian OSS theater, were summarily fired. OSS documents reveal that a meeting had taken place in the south of France, involving Allen Dulles, Shephardson, and others, to draft the purge list, prior to Roosevelt's death. Later the same targetted individuals were blackballed from ever serving in U.S. intelligence, and were subjected to media slanders and other dirty tricks. Their crime: their opposition to the Dulles brothers' "separate peace" treachery, which enabled such leading Nazis as Hjalmar Schacht, Otto Skorzeny, Licio Gelli, Klaus Barbie, and countless others, to join the Cold War Western intelligence circus. In Germany, under McCloy and "General" William Draper, the wartime chairman of the investment house Dillon Reed, the power of the German military-industrial cartels was fully restored, a scandal recounted in the 1950 book All Honorable Men, by postwar occupation decartelization chief James Stewart Martin. Martin catalogued that Americans like Allen and John Foster Dulles, Draper, Harriman, and the J.P. Morgan interests, in league with British, French, and Belgian bankers and heavy industrialists, had been the secret wartime partners of the Nazi banking and business barons, and had helped fuel the Nazi war machine, even after Pearl Harbor brought the United State directly into the war. The Dulles brothers had been longtime collaborators of Schacht, and the notorious Kurt von Schroeder, whose Stein Bank in Cologne, Germany handled all of the funding of Himmler's SS, through business groups like the "Keppler Circle." But it was not just the fascist cartel bosses and apparatchiks who were spared the gallows at Nuremberg. Fascist culture was embraced as the weapon-of-choice in the Cold War battle of ideas, and the Congress for Cultural Freedom was the chosen Anglo-American vehicle for the cultural "re-Nazification." Schizophrenia and Necrophilia One of Theodor Adorno's specialties was music. A promising future concert pianist in his youth, he had later studied in Vienna under the atonal composer Arnold Schoenberg. In 1946, while in the United States, working on the Frankfurt School's "Cultural Pessimism" agenda, the former Soviet Comintern (Communist International) asset, now living on the largesse of the Rockefeller Foundations and other Anglo-American fondi, wrote an infamous book, The Philosophy of Modern Music, a barely intelligible diatribe against Classical culture. Ostensibly a commentary on the musical compositions of Igor Stravinsky and Schoenberg, the Adorno book made clear the purpose of modern music: "What radical music perceives is the untransfigured suffering of man.... The seismographic registration of traumatic shock becomes, at the same time, the technical structural law of music. It forbids continuity and development. Musical language is polarized according to its extreme; towards gestures of shock resembling bodily convulsions on the one hand, and on the other towards a crystalline standstill of a human being whom anxiety causes to freeze in her tracks.... Modern music sees absolute oblivion as its goal. It is the surviving message of despair from the shipwrecked." Adorno continued, "It is not that schizophrenia is directly expressed therein; but the music imprints upon itself an attitude similar to that of the mentally ill. The individual brings about his own disintegration.... He imagines the fulfillment of the promise through magic, but nonetheless within the realm of immediate actuality.... Its concern is to dominate schizophrenic traits through the aesthetic consciousness. In so doing, it would hope to vindicate insanity as true health." To bring about the total disintegration of postwar European and American society—which, he argued, was the precondition for the defeat of the authoritarian impulse—Adorno insisted that all forms of beauty had to be purged. Instead, he argued for a steady cultural diet of "Top Forty" pop music and other degenerate forms of "mass culture," which, he argued, over time, would trigger various forms of mental breakdown, on a mass scale. Adorno itemized these: 1. depersonalization, the loss of connection to one's own body; 2. hebephrenia, which he defined as "the indifference of the sick individual towards the external"; 3. catatonia ("a similar behavior is familiar in patients who have been overwhelmed by shock"); and 4. necrophilia. Adorno declared, "Universal necrophilia is the last perversity of style." Adorno summarized his case for the exploitation of "Top Forty" music: "The authoritarian character of today is, without exception, conformist.... In the final analysis, this music tends to become the style for everyone, because it coincides with the man-in-the-street style." Adorno had practiced what he preached. During the 1940s, he had ventured to Hollywood, where he teamed up with Igor Stravinsky to compose motion picture scores. In Hollywood, Adorno and Stravinsky were part of the "British Set," a collection of avant-garde cultural degenerates which also included Aldous Huxley, whose fictional and non-fiction writings propagandized for the use of brainwashing and psychotropic drugs to pacify whole societies, and create "concentration camps without tears"; Christopher Isherwood, author of the Berlin Diaries (later adapted for the stage as Cabaret), which promoted that degenerate Weimar culture of drugs and perversion that helped usher Hitler into power; Alexander Korda, protégé of Frankfurt School founder Georg Lukacs, later a leading figure in Britain's wartime Special Operations Executive (SOE) and a leading Hollywood movie producer. The "British Set," particularly Isherwood, were the "Hollywood connection" for British literary perverts W.H. Auden and Stephen Spender, who would play pivotal roles in the CCF, and, later, in the 1960s Counterculture project, in league with such Frankfurt School cultural icons as Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm. Adorno had written his Philosophy of Modern Music prescription for producing a society of necrophiliacs, through the perversion of music and culture, while also working, with Horkheimer, on The Authoritarian Personality. This effort was, at the time, the most ambitious mass social profiling of the American public ever undertaken. The project, part of the larger Studies in Prejudice series, financed by the American Jewish Committee, aimed at "proving" that the American people, despite their heroic sacrifices to defeat Hitler and Mussolini, were intrinsically fascist and anti-Semitic, and that advanced techniques of psychological manipulation were vital and justified for purging the populace of these evil, "authoritarian" impulses. The two key weapons for this cultural lobotomy: Conformity and Eros, or what is known today as the tyranny of "political correctness." The authors of The Authoritarian Personality let it all hang out in the concluding chapter of the book, in which they summarized their findings and spelled out their recipe for social transformation. The echoes of Bertrand Russell's kindred recipe for brutalizing the flock of human beings into a sheep-like psychological impotence, ring out in the words of the authors of The Authoritarian Personality: "It seems obvious, that the modification of the potentially fascist structure cannot be achieved by psychological means alone. The task is comparable to that of eliminating neurosis, or delinquency, or nationalism [emphasis added] from the world. These are products of the total organization of society and are to be changed only as that society is changed. It is not for the psychologist to say how such changes are to be brought about. The problem is one which requires the efforts of all social scientists. All that we would insist upon is that in the councils or round tables where the problem is considered and action planned the psychologist should have a voice. We believe that the scientific understanding of society must include an understanding of what it does to people, and that it is possible to have social reforms, even broad and sweeping ones, which though desirable in their own right would not necessarily change the structure of the prejudiced personality. For the fascist potential to change, or even to be held in check, there must be an increase in people's capacity to see themselves and to be themselves. This cannot be achieved by the manipulation of people, however well grounded in modern psychology the devices of manipulation might be.... It is here that psychology may play its most important role. Techniques for overcoming resistance, developed mainly in the field of individual psychotherapy, can be improved and adapted for use with groups and even for use on a mass scale." The authors conclude with this most revealing proposition: "We need not suppose that appeal to emotion belongs to those who strive in the direction of fascism, while democratic propaganda must limit itself to reason and restraint. If fear and destructiveness are the major emotional sources of fascism, Eros belongs mainly to democracy." Eros was precisely the weapon that the Frankfurt School and their Congress for Cultural Freedom colleagues employed, over the next 50 years, to create a cultural paradigm shift away from the so-called "authoritarian" matrix of man in the living image of God (imago viva Dei), the sanctity of the nuclear family, and the superiority of the republican form of nation-state over all other forms of political organization. They transformed American culture, step by step, toward an erotic, perverse matrix, associated with the present "politically correct" tyranny of tolerance for dehumanizing drug abuse, sexual perversion, and the glorification of violence. For the "anti-authoritarian" revolutionaries of the Frankfurt School, the ultimate antidote to the hated Western Judeo-Christian civilization was to tear that civilization down, from the inside, by turning out generations of necrophiliacs. But the "Kulturkampf" project, aimed ultimately at stripping the United States of the entirety of its European Renaissance/republican heritage, would be unleashed, first, with lethal efficiency, on the already-shattered populations of a Western Europe, which had gone through two decades of depression, fascism, and war. 'Kulturkampf' in Paris In April of 1952, CCF embarked upon its maiden voyage in mass brainwashing to spread cultural pessimism, when it held a month-long festival in Paris entitled "Masterpieces of the 20th Century." Over 30 days, CCF presented 100 symphonies, concertos, operas, and ballets by over 70 composers of the 20th Century! The conference opened with a painful performance by the Boston Symphony of the "Rite of Spring," by Adorno's collaborator Igor Stravinsky. Also getting top billing at the Paris conference were Adorno's teachers, Schoenberg and Alban Berg, the leading atonalists; Paul Hindemeith; and Claude Debussy. Other works performed were those by Gustav Mahler, Bela Bartok, Samuel Barber, Erik Satie, Francis Poulenc, and Aaron Copland</B>, to name a few. Paris saw its first productions ever of Alban Berg's "Wozzeck," Benjamin Britten's "Billy Budd," Gertrude Stein's and Virgil Thomson's "Four Saints in Three Acts," with Alice B. Toklas attending (she was famous for handing out brownies laced with hashish). CCF continued its assault in this field. In 1954, it held two conferences: one a festival at the Palazzo Pecci in Italy which was devoted almost entirely to atonal music and the 12-tone scale, and another, in April of that year—the International Conference in Rome, entitled "20th Century Music," which was devoted solely to avant-garde music. The latter included prize competitions, and the winners were given American premieres by the Boston Symphony at its summer school at Tanglewood. The Symphony was hitched tightly to CCF, and eight of the 11 board members of CCF's music project were associated with Tanglewood. Classical culture—the tradition of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, and Brahms—was repudiated as an "authoritarian" tool of Soviet Communism and wartime German and Italian fascism. For example, the CCF conducted a witchhunt against the great German conductor Wilhelm Furtwaengler as a Nazi. The month-long Paris show also showcased an equally grotesque modern art and sculpture exhibit which New York's Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) organized. It included works by Matisse, Derain, Cezanne, Seurat, Chagall, Kandinsky, and other masters of early-20th-Century modernism. Jackson Pollack and Alexander Calder were leading figures of the American Committee for Cultural Freedom. MOMA, a project of Nelson Rockefeller and his family, played a big role in CCF and its art projects. In 1955, they ran CCF's "Young Painters" exhibit in Rome (and touring the continent), and in 1960, MOMA ran another European show exclusively showcasing abstract impressionism—which, like Adorno's work in music, was known to express mental schizophrenia. George Kennan and Allen Dulles were big supporters of modern art, and the Fairfield Foundation, set up to conduit CIA funds to CCF, also funded MOMA. The maiden Paris "Kulturkampf" of 1952 also included literary debates with Nashville Agrarian "Fugitive" writers Allen Tate and William Faulkner; Fabian perverts Stephen Spender and W.H. Auden; and others. The entire Paris show was run under the auspices of the Office of Special Plans of the State Department, run by the CIA's Frank Wisner and funded by the Fairfield Foundation, a CIA money laundromat. Synarchist Spooks Launched CCF Frances Stoner Saunders, the author of The Cultural Cold War, a history of CCF, documented that CCF was the 1950 brainchild of two prominent groups of private individuals, who would soon assume prominent positions in the Cold War intelligence structures. The first was centered around Allen Dulles, longtime friend of the Time magazine empire's Henry Luce, who ran a group of activists and planners called "the Park Avenue Cowboys." Dulles and his group worked to establish a permanent intelligence organization in the aftermath of World War II. This group was comprised of Dulles, Frank Wisner, C.D. Jackson, Kermit Roosevelt, Tracy Barnes, Richard Helms, and Royall Tyler, who would go on to head the World Bank. CCF was created under the auspices of Wisner, who was then heading the Office of Policy Coordination at the State Department, which later transferred to the CIA as the covert action section. Dulles's personal liaison to the intelligence community who ran CCF on the ground, from its international headquarters in Paris, was Tom Braden, who had been Nelson Rockefeller's executive secretary for the Museum of Modern Art from 1947-49 before joining the CIA. At an appropriate moment, in 1967, Braden was also the person designated to "out" the Congress as a CIA front. In a famous Saturday Evening Post article entitled "I'm Glad the CIA Is 'Immoral,' " Braden had written: "I remember the enormous joy I got when the Boston Symphony Orchestra won more acclaim for the U.S. in Paris than John Foster Dulles or Dwight D. Eisenhower could have bought with a hundred speeches. And then there was Encounter, the magazine published in England and dedicated to the proposition that cultural achievement and political freedom were interdependent. Money for both the orchestra's tour and the magazine's publication came from the CIA, and few outside of the CIA knew about it. We had placed one agent in a Europe-based organization of intellectuals called the Congress for Cultural Freedom. Another agent became an editor of Encounter. The agents could not only propose anti-Communist programs to the official leaders of the organizations but they could also suggest ways and means to solve the inevitable budgetary problems. Why not see if the needed money could be obtained from 'American foundations'? As the agents knew, the CIA-financed foundations were quite generous when it came to the national interest." C.D. Jackson, an early "Cowboy," was one of Luce's top intelligence hands and executives. He had joined Time-Life in 1931 as an advertising executive. During the war he became the deputy chief of the Psychological Warfare Division of SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force). After the war, he returned to become vice president of Time-Life. Jackson left Time-Life to take on various intelligence roles for Dulles, becoming the president of the National Committee for a Free Europe, a Dulles initiative, which was the precursor to CCF and which funded many CCF operatives. He was also instrumental in creating Radio Free Europe, a CIA project launched under the auspices of the National Committee for a Free Europe. When Eisenhower took office in 1953, Jackson was posted special advisor to the President for Psychological Warfare. Here he approved the core of the CCF projects and personally helped create and promote the American Committee for Cultural Freedom, whose board he ultimately joined. Jackson laundered articles to Luce's publications to promote CCF activities. The second grouping of private individuals was centered in the person of Charles "Chip" Bohlen. Regular meetings took place at his home in Georgetown with Isaiah Berlin, the British "philosopher" who was implicated in the early-1950s Kim Philby espionage scandal, and George Kennan. This second grouping was known as the "Sovietologists." Bohlen had spent years in Russia and was posted after the war as Ambassador to France, where he helped direct the CCF's international secretariat. He was the mentor of Nicolas Nabokov, the Soviet exile and composer who became CCF's General Secretary. Kennan was instrumental in creating the secret intelligence mechanism which would ultimately run CCF, and he was an influential participant in many of its international symposia. Author of the famous 1947 "Mr. X" article in Foreign Affairs announcing the Cold War, his philosophy was to outdo the Soviets in lies and deceit, for, in his estimation, truth and economic aid were useless in such combat! He authored numbers of National Security directives for the Truman White House, including PSBD-33/2, establishing the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB), whose papers are still classified. PSB was established on April 4, 1951. Its first chairman was Gordon Gray. Its purpose was to centralize and coordinate the psychological warfare operations of the CIA, Department of Defense, and State Department. As Charles Burton Marshall, a PSB officer who became a vocal opponent, detailed, in a critique of its working principles and activities, PSB was run by a group of self-appointed elites in a totalitarian nature that was "in a manner reminiscent of Pareto, Sorel, Mussolini and so on.... Individuals are relegated to tertiary importance. The supposed elite emerges as the only group that counts. The elite is defined as that numerically limited group capable and interested in manipulating doctrinal matters." By May of 1952, PSB took over the supervision of "Packet," the code name for the CIA's psychological warfare program to influence overseas "opinion leaders." Under this rubric, PSB assumed the supervision of the American Committee for Cultural Freedom; the Moral Rearmament Movement, which had been a hotbed of wartime Synarchist activity, with Rudolf Hess and other top Nazis being among the leading members; the Crusade for Freedom, which was the funding conduit for Dulles's National Committee for a Free Europe (NCFE); NCFE's Radio Free Europe; and Paix et Liberté. A PSB document from June 1953 defined these programs as necessary to "break down worldwide doctrinaire thought patterns which have provided an intellectual basis for Communism and other doctrines hostile to American and Free World objectives." C.D. Jackson, the Dulles-Luce operative, became the Delphic potentate for these programs. His detailed log at the White House showed PSB planners had to consult with him before their plans became operational. Jackson met regularly with Tom Braden to approve CCF operations. The president of the CCF's Executive Committee was Denis de Rougemont, a Swiss national who had introduced Paris to the works of Nazi philosopher Martin Heidegger, Soren Kierkegaard, and Karl Barth before World War II, through his magazine Hic et Nunc. De Rougemont, known for his book Love in the Western World, wrote a Gnostic broadside attacking the morality of the United States under FDR, which can only be taken as an attempt to undermine the mobilization to defeat Fascism in World War II. Entitled "On the Devil and Politics," and written while he was stationed in the U.S. working for the Office of War Information (OWI), it was published in the June 2, 1941 issue of Christianity and Crisis. De Rougemont's thesis is that all men have an inherently evil side to them which is at least an impulse. Every individual risks that his impulse might actually become real under certain circumstances, and an individual must know that evil resides in himself, or he is not a functioning human being. "(American democracy) too believed and still believes that the Nazis are animals of an altogether different race from Americans. She too risks discovering some day that after all, they are men like us. And it is quite true that they are men like us, in the sense that their sin is also in us, secretly.... It seems to me that the clearest lesson which emerges from European events is this: The sentimental hatred of the evil that is in others may blind one to the evil that one bears in himself and to the gravity of evil in general. The overly facile condemnation of the wicked man on the opposite side may conceal and favor much inward complaisance toward that very wickedness. I suspect a profound ambivalence in certain democratic denunciations of Hitlerism, for in the violence of the tone and the obstinate simplism of the judgements, we betray our bad conscience, our secret anxiety, our unacknowledged temptation. In regard to anti-fascists who wish only to be anti, I cannot help thinking that sooner or later the pro which slumbers in a corner of their soul will suddenly awaken and overwhelm them.... I believe that I know whereof I speak when I say to the honest democrats: Look at the Devil that is among us! Stop believing that he can only resemble Hitler, or Stalin, or Senator Wheeler, for it is you yourself that he will always contrive to resemble the most.... And then only will you be cured of your almost incredible naiveté before the totalitarian danger and be able to escape hypnosis." How Dulles Ran CCF CCF was run through Frank Wisner's Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), which gave CCF the codename QKOPERA. Reporting to Wisner was the CIA's Lawrence de Neufville, who worked at the Agency's French Labor desk. Michael Josselson of the CIA worked in CCF's Paris headquarters. James Burnham, the former Trotskyite, was hired as a consultant to OPC and was the primary liaison between the CIA and the intellectual community. The bag man and paymaster for the operation was Irving Brown, who also ran CIA covert programs through European trade-union covers. Recently discovered archival material from the Federal Bureau of Narcotics indicates that Brown was under investigation in the mid-1960s for trafficking in drugs, or money-laundering from drug-trafficking (which provided funds for covert operations). U.S. documents linked him to notorious French crime bosses and Italian mafia figures. The Fairfield Foundation and several other foundations were created by the CIA as fronts to pass funds. Once programs were established, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations took over major aspects of the funding, with the help of other leading U.S. family foundations. Former German High Commissioner McCloy had personally written to mid-1960s Ford Foundation president McGeorge Bundy, to secure funding for the Congress, at the moment that the CIA was exposing its former ties to CCF, via the Tom Braden Saturday Evening Post story. Victor Marchetti, the former top CIA officer who wrote the first major exposé of the Agency's covert operations, the 1974 The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, explained that the Agency had gone overboard in their use of front foundations: "The CIA's culture-loving, optimistic, freewheeling operators, however, made serious tactical errors in funding these 'private' institutions. Over the years, the Agency became involved with so many groups that direct supervision and accounting were not always possible. Moreover, the Agency violated a fundamental rule of intelligence in not carefully separating the operations of each organization from all the others. Thus, when the first disclosures of CIA involvement were published early in 1967, enterprising journalists found that the financing arrangements and the conduit foundations were so intertwined and over-used that still other groups which had been receiving CIA funds could be tracked down." In 1954, Cord Meyer replaced Tom Braden at the CIA's International Organizations Division (IOD) as Dulles's personal liaison to CCF operations. Meyer had been the editor of Yale's literary magazine and a graduate in the class of 1942. His favorite poets were Allen Tate and John Crowe Ransom, who were at the center of the Nashville Agrarians. Ransom's handful of protégés in 1938 were a special crew, known as "Ransom's Boys." Meyer recruited several to the CIA. Robbie Macauley, Ransom's assistant at the Kenyon Review, was posted to IOD to replace Lawrence de Neufville in the summer of 1954. He moved to Paris to oversee CCF operations. In 1956, Meyer placed another of the "Ransom's Boys," John "Jack" Thompson, as the executive director of the Fairfield Foundation, a post he held for more than a decade. Needless to say, Tate, Ransom, and fellow Agrarian Robert Penn Warren all wrote for CCF's Encounter magazine. The American Branch of the Congress The American branch of CCF was founded in 1951. The principal force behind the American Committee for Cultural Freedom (ACCF) was Sidney Hook, its first chairman. Hook was then a contract consultant to the CIA, and he liaisoned with CIA director Walter Bedell Smith and PSB director Gordon Gray. Hook had been an early student at the Frankfurt School, during his Marxist youth in the 1920s. His From Hegel to Marx was a compilation of lecture notes from the Frankfurt School founder, Karl Korsch, a leading Comintern operative at the time, and later a close associate of Bertrand Russell in launching the linguistics project associated with MIT's Professor Noam Chomsky today. When the Frankfurt School was to be redeployed to the United States at the point of the Hitler takeover in Germany, it was Hook and his mentor (and fellow CCF director) John Dewey, who provided the funding and political support for the emigré invasion, through Columbia University and the New School for Social Research, which later provided a home to fascist philosopher Leo Strauss, and Martin Heidegger's mistress and Frankfurt School/CCF ideologue Hannah Arendt. Irving Kristol, managing editor of The American Jewish Committee's Commentary magazine, served as ACCF's first Executive Director. Kristol, in a 1995 autobiographical essay, touted himself as the godfather of neo-conservatism. He identified CCF founder Lionel Trilling, Leo Strauss, and Nashville Agrarian writer John Crowe Ransom as the three leading intellectual influences on his life. ACCF board members included Sol Levitas, editor of the New Leader. Levitas was a protégé of Allen Dulles and C.D. Jackson.[/b] Dulles used Levitas's New Leader to promote the creation of a "commission of internal security" to investigate subversive influences in the United States. Levitas provided intelligence reports from his international correspondents to Henry Luce, for which he was paid. Philip Rahv, editor of Partisan Review, was also a board member of ACCF. Luce became Partisan Review's financial angel when it was about to go bankrupt, and he also surreptitiously funded ACCF. Close Encounter of the Third Kind In early 1951, Frank Wisner travelled to London to meet with his counterparts in Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). Over a series of meetings it was decided to create a flagship intellectual journal for CCF. It was agreed that the Americans and British would have joint oversight over the London-based Encounter magazine, and there would be joint funding. ACCF executive director Irving Kristol was chosen by Sidney Hook to become co-editor with British Fabian Stephen Spender. Born in February 1909, Spender was orphaned in his early teens, and in 1928, he entered University College, Oxford. There, he was taken in by several leading literary giants with whom he formed close relationships. According to biographer David Leeming, T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf served as surrogate parents; W.H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood served as surrogate older brothers. Isherwood and Auden, both homosexuals, were British intelligence operatives, stalking the European and North American cultural scenes for particularly degenerate and vulnerable recruits. Spender left Oxford without getting a degree, and travelled extensively through Europe, having numerous pedophilic affairs, living for a time in Weimar, Germany. He became a well-known poet and essayist in these circles, and his poetry contained allusions to his affairs. "Whatever happens," he wrote, "I shall never be alone. I shall always have a boy, a railway fare, or a revolution." Spender worked for the British Control Commission in Germany after the war and then spent much of his time in the United States, where he was taken under the wing of John Crowe Ransom and Allen Tate. In later years, he would befriend "beatnik" poet Allen Ginsberg, the LSD advocate and sexual notable, who became one of the gurus of the counterculture movement of the '60s. As time went by, CCF would add to its own family of magazines Kenyon Review, Sewanee Review, and Poetry—all projects of the Fugitives and their associates—The Journal of the History of Ideas, which Luce supported; Partisan Review, Paris Review, and Daedalus. Kristol moved to London in early 1953 to assume his new duties, and Sidney Hook went along to manage the editorial ideas and to oversee the start-up. By June, Encounter was up and running with a $40,000 grant from the Fairfield Foundation. At the outset, it ran articles by Julian Huxley, Allen Tate, Lionel Trilling, Robert Penn Warren, W.H. Auden, Thornton Wilder, Jayaprakash Naryan, Mircea Eliade, André Malraux, and Guido Piovene. Malcolm Muggeridge, a member of the CCF steering committee, was the liaison to British MI6. His funding conduits to CCF for this project were Sir Alexander Korda, the film director, and Lord Victor Rothschild, who remained close to Encounter up through the mid-1960s. Frederic Warburg, of Secker and Warburg, agreed to use his company as the publisher. Warburg was the publisher of George Orwell, who was also quite active in CCF. Warburg was the treasurer of the British Society for Cultural Freedom (BSCF), whose founding members included T.S. Eliot, Isaiah Berlin, Lord David Cecil, and Richard Crossman, the Secretary General of the British Labour Party. The Information Research Department paid into a private account at Secker and Warburg; that account paid BSCF, which passed on cash to Encounter. In intelligence community parlance, it was a "triple pass" which paid Spender's salary. Rightwing Fabianism Kristol published many Labour Party writers from Encounter, including Hugh Gaitskell, Roy Jenkins, C.A.R. Crosland, Richard Crossman, Patrick Gordon-Walker, John Strachey, Rita Hinden, Denis Healey (British correspondent of Levitas's New Leader), and Roderick Macfarquhar. Many of these individuals were active participants in CCF international seminars; others, like Gaitskell, travelled on behalf of CCF projects. Crosland worked with Daniel Bell, who took official leave as labor editor of Luce's Fortune magazine to plan CCF's founding international seminars. Crosland also joined CCF's international governing committee. CCF funded Rita Hinden to expand the Fabian Society's official journal, Venture. When the British Labour Party beat the Conservatives at the polls in 1964, there were half a dozen regular Encounter writers placed in Harold Wilson's new government. CFF's Very Own Comintern The working relationship between the British elites and their American counterparts, in what ultimately became the CCF, traced back to a 1948 tour of America by Arthur Koestler. Koestler was an experienced intelligence operative with a checkered past. Born in 1905 in Budapest, as a young man he was an aide to Vladimir Jabotinsky, the self-professed Zionist promoter of Mussolini Fascism. When he was 27, he joined the Communist Party and went to Russia, where he wrote Of White Nights and Red Days, which was funded by the Comintern. Koestler next operated in Germany, and was exiled to Paris when Hitler took power. There, he worked for leading Comintern agent Willi Munzenberg, and became an expert in running infiltration and neutralization operations against political organizations. In 1936, Munzenberg deployed him on a spy mission to Spain, where he was interned as a political prisoner. Though he was a well-known Sovet intelligence asset, it was the British who intervened to get Koestler freed. In 1938, he resigned from the Communist Party and went to Paris. During World War II, he was interned in France, and while in jail, wrote his "Damascus Road" repudiation of communism, Darkness at Noon. His book became one of the propaganda documents of choice for Dulles and company, circulated through the Congress for Cultural Freedom. After release from prison, he made his way to England and joined the Ministry of Information, receiving British citizenship. When Britain created the Information Research Department (IRD) in February of 1948 to covertly fight the Cold War, Koestler became an official advisor and one of their most important agents. IRD purchased 50,000 copies of Koestler's Darkness at Noon and distributed them in Germany. Luce's Time magazine printed his book in the United States. During 1948, Koestler was sent on a tour of the U.S. with the cooperation of the U.S. intelligence community. His purpose was to solidify a network of operatives who would recruit America's intellectuals, many of whom were former fellow travellers of communism, to help the Anglo-American elites fight the Cold War. Koestler first went to Paris to meet with André Malraux and Charles Bohlen, the newly appointed Ambassador to France, to discuss his trip. While onboard ship for the U.S., he had extensive meetings with John Foster Dulles. James Burnham, who would become the éminence grise at William Buckley's National Review, was his permanent escort. Koestler established a working relationship with the CIA, and together, they targetted what the State Department called the "Non-Communist Left"—intellectuals and trade unionists who were disillusioned with communism, but who were still faithful to the ideals of socialism. In Europe they would target the Democratic Socialist movement. In the U.S., their targetting included many of the supporters of President Roosevelt's New Deal. Koestler, along with the CIA's Michael Josselson and Melvin Lasky, surreptitiously planned the founding Berlin Congress in 1950 to launch CCF. Koestler also wrote the founding Manifesto adopted at that conference. Lasky, an American, was an expert in cultural warfare and had been promoted by German High Commissioner John J. McCloy. Based in Berlin, Lasky ran Der Monat, a German-language anti-communist cultural journal which became a CCF publication. Lasky was also the correspondent for Levitas's New Leader, as well as Partisan Review. New Paradigm: Deindustrialization and Depopulation Vladimir Lenin once wrote that the Western elites would purchase the rope to hang themselves. CCF's venture into economic and cultural "reform" proved Lenin's point. Through a string of Cold War-era study groups, seminars, international conferences, and books, the Congress became an early, leading promoter of the Malthusian ideas of the "post-industrial society." In 1956, Daniel Bell took leave from his post as labor editor of Luce's Fortune magazine (the same magazine which promoted Italian fascist labor policies) to become the first director of CCF's Seminar Planning Committee. In April 1957, the first seminar was held in Toykyo entitled "Problems of Economic Growth." Thirty economists from 12 Western, Asian, and African countries attended. According to Frances Stone Saunders in The Cultural Cold War, "The conference was the precursor of the impending shift by development economists from an emphasis on growth of per capita income to one on the quality of life, social justice, and freedom as the true measure of development." Bell would later author The Coming Post-Industrial Revolution, ushering in the consumer society, and marking the end of the American System of productive economic activity. The "post-industrial society" was the perfect vehicle for the burgeoning drug/rock/sex counterculture, which had been the long-term cultural warfare objective of the Congress and its Anglo-American Synarchist backers. Bibliography "Benito's Birthday," Time magazine, Vol. 1, No. 23, Aug. 6, 1923. Coleman, Peter, The Liberal Conspiracy, The Free Press, New York, 1999. Fortune magazine, Vol. X, No. 1, 1934. Minnicino, Michael, "The Frankfurt School and 'Political Correctness,' " Fidelio magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1992. Saunders, Frances Stoner, The Cultural Cold War, New Press, New York, 2000. Swanberg, W.A., Luce and His Empire, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1972. White, Carol, The Plot To Destroy Civilization: The New Dark Ages Conspiracy, New Benjamin Franklin House, New York, 1980. Zepp-LaRouche, Helga, ed., The Hitler Book, New Benjamin Franklin House, New York, 1984. This article appears in the June 25, 2004 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. [/b] This link has most of the text above then branches out to websites and pages which I prefer not to cite here due to their Illuminati and Bilderberg tangential tirades. Caveat Hannibal Lector. http://www.politicalfriendster.com/showPer...ultural-Freedom- http://www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/Ar...Entity=HuxleyAL http://muse.jhu.edu/login?uri=/journals/jo...07/7.4tudda.pdf Tudda, Christopher J. "Reenacting the Story of Tantalus": Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Failed Rhetoric of Liberation Journal of Cold War Studies - Volume 7, Number 4, Fall 2005, pp. 3-35 The MIT Press Christopher J. Tudda - "Reenacting the Story of Tantalus": Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Failed Rhetoric of Liberation - Journal of Cold War Studies 7:4 Journal of Cold War Studies 7.4 (2005) 3-35 "Reenacting the Story of Tantalus" Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Failed Rhetoric of Liberation Chris Tudda This article explores the relationship between public rhetoric and confidential foreign policy decision-making during the Eisenhower administration. President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, pursued two contradictory diplomatic strategies. On the one hand, they wanted to establish a globalist foreign policy. A key component of this strategy was "liberation policy"; that is, freeing the peoples of Eastern Europe from Soviet control. They believed they could best preserve globalism by "educating" the U.S. public and North American Treaty Organization (NATO) allies about the danger posed by the Soviet Union and the need for liberation. Eisenhower and Dulles consciously chose to use what I have called rhetorical diplomacy in order to achieve this goal. Rhetorical diplomacy involved the use of belligerent rhetoric in private meetings with allied and Soviet officials and in public speeches, addresses, and press conferences. Publicly, the Eisenhower administration embraced liberation policy while appealing to an audience of unilateralists, liberationists, East European exiles, and the East European nations themselves. On the... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project MUSE ® | Search | Journals | About MUSE
  2. Somebody HELP me with this one... I just do not get it... While looking for that elusive link between Gen. William H. Draper, Jr. who became II by default after III was born, the Nazi decartelization blocker and denazification impediment according to Christopher Simpson in The Splendid Blond Beast and Frank G. Wisner, II the CIA dude who started out with Wickliffe Draper in his old Mississippi days look what I found: THIS ONE EVEN CRUMBLES MY BELIEFS AND DISRUPTS MY COGNITIVE ASSOCIATIVE PROCESSES... This is The United Nations Association of The United States of America... a really respectable and credible organization. http://www.unausa.org/site/pp.asp?c=fvKRI8MPJpF&b=316235 HELP THIS ONE DOES NOT COMPUTE... ex-President Jimmy Carter, William H. Draper, III and Frank G. Wisner III are all on this United Nations Research Group... working together and apparently very harmoniously. We should all take the lead from these guys... uhh I think ...and figure out how to work together on this one. I mean William H. Draper III worked in Africa to solve their Population Control issues and no one challenged his motivations. The program was NOT Xenocide... the killing of an entire Foreign Sentient Species. Was it? And he did it during the Carter Administration, right? This one still makes me a bit nervous, though. The 3rd Generation of Drapers and Wisners working together on what could be interpreted as Genocide and Xenocide on the African Continent? I was told that the challenge of getting the African Tribal leaders to give up their positions of power by cutting down from 7 sons to maybe 2 or 3 sons was immense. So Carter came around to support their positions. Was the 2nd generation of Drapers and Wisners Right all along or just correct all along? I thought this was going to be my Piece de Resistance and all it ended up doing was tightening my knickers into a Gordion Knot or worse. I truly would like some input here... Chairmen William J. McDonough and Thomas R. Pickering President William H. Luers Chair, National Council Jimmy Carter Vice Chairs Rajat Kumar Gupta John C. Whitehead Chair of the Executive Committee Josh S. Weston National Council Vice-Chair Gillian Sorensen Secretary Janice Hunt Director Emeritus Richard A. Voell Sultana Ali Senior Associate, MPB Communications Orlando, FL The Honorable Diego Arria New York, NY Lyndall Bailye Far Hills, NJ Mr. Liberato "Levi" Bautista New York, NY Kathryn Bushkin Calvin Better World Fund Washington, DC Gustavo A. Cisneros Highgate Properties, Inc. New York, NY Ronald Davenport Sheridan Broadcasting Corporation Pittsburgh, PA Edison W. Dick, Esq. Washington, DC William H. Draper, III Draper Richards LP San Francisco, CA The Honorable Robin Chandler Duke New York, NY H.R.H. Princess Firyal of Jordan New York, NY Harvey Greisman MasterCard Worldwide Communications New York, NY Katy Hansen Iowa City, IA Betty King New York, NY Kahlil Kuykendall National Council of Negro Women Washington, DC Jeffrey Laurenti The Century Foundation New York, NY Joan Lawson Seattle, WA Lawrence V. Levine Carmel, CA Richard L. Menschel Goldman Sachs New York, NY William Miller Frankfort, KY Lori P. Mirek Menlo Park, CA Jami Miscik New York, NY Alma Morrison Scituate, MA Theresa Mullarkey Locust Valley, NY Jami Miscik New York, NY Raffiq Nathoo New York, NY Leo Nevas Nevas, Nevas and Capasse Westport, CT Robert R. Rifkind New York, NY Jonathan Roberts Ignition Partners Bellevue, WA Alfred F. Ross President The Institute for Democracy Studies New York, NY The Honorable Nancy Rubin New York, NY Jacqueline Shapiro New York, NY Malcolm Taaffe Morgan Stanley Tampa, FL R. E. Ted Turner Turner Enterprises, Inc. Atlanta, GA Mr. Enzo Viscusi New York, NY Faye Wattleton Center for the Advancement of Women New York, NY Olga Weidner Carbondale, IL Rene Wilson Pasadena, CA Frank Wisner American International Group, Inc. New York, NY
  3. Can anyone find a copy of the Condon article from The Nation around 12/63 near the end of the month? Thanks. Does anyone DENY that Buckley was the one referred to in The Manchurian Candidate as "...that fascinating (or fascist-nating) young man who wrote about man and God at Yale."? Anyone? I didn't think so. So why did Condon find it necessary to refer to him then?
  4. Good idea. Rest well. Kathy Kathy, the person referred to above as Chatty Cathy is NOT YOU but someone else who wrote a large puff piece on Otepka praising him to the hilt. Sorry if I offended you or implied that it was you in fact. It is a composite of 2 people who wrote about Otepka in fact, both of whom reached roughly the same conclusions, that he was a victim, a martyr and an American Patriot. Otepka is so convincing and so grandfatherly and such a master of brainwashing that anyone could fall prey to his siren song. I just didn't want others to jump all over me as I tried to give them both a logical out from the situation. They probably both would consider themselves, left wingers or centrist. They probably both would consider Otepka a nice guy and me not so nice for cutting into Otepka's history and background. So be it. Otepka WAS Oswald's Travel Agent. He did have Oswald's defector dossier on his desk. And there is NO LOGICAL REASON as to why Otepka would even have let Oswald back into the country with open arms and without a long pause for reflection absent the motivation of Otepka as Oswald's Travel Agent. Can you think of one? I can't. And no one called Otepka out on this issue. Ever. Never.
  5. Not to steal George Michael's thunder but C. D. Jackson, Charles Douglas Douglas, was in Wickliffe Draper's sister's wedding party in 1924 because they were apparently childhood buddies and lifetime friends. Douglas also worked with Clare Booth Luce whose husband, Henry Luce was Editor in Chief there when the Zapruder Film was purchased and possibly concealed by him as a favor to Draper. This was one of the first evidence that I found tying Draper to the JFK conundrum and it only whetted my appetite. Now Draper's complicity in the JFK conundrum has been solidified and triangulated thoroughly.
  6. "The Will of the WASPS - Genocide, Tyrannicide, Democide, Politicide, Ethnocide and Xenocide" © 2007 John Bevilaqua "Confederate Yankees in King Camelot's Court - Wickliffe Draper, Frank Wisner and The Ghosts of Mississippi" Wickliffe Draper spent his entire lifetime on one or more of these 6 projects and he came very close to succeeding completely during the course of several of his campaigns against humanity. 1) Genocide is the killing of a Racial group or Ethnic group like the Jews See: The Nazi Connection by Stephan Kuhl Oxford University Press 1994 or Buck vs. Bell and the Holocaust Laws 2) Tyrannicide is the killing of a Tyrant or someone you perceive to be a Tyrant like Trujillo, Duvalier, JFK or Castro See "I Stuck Pins in a Voodoo Dictator" or "For a Million Bucks I Would Kill Castro" by R. E. Johnson 3) Democide is an act of killing perpetrated by a Government or by a Government entity like the CIA or the ASC See Power on the Right by William Turner 1970 or How Eisenhower, Fulbright and Richard Condon Identifed JFKs Killers 4) Politicide is the killing or destruction of Political Entities or Entire Political Movements like Communism for instance See Big Daddy Warbucks and Little Orphan Annie - Reich Wing Extremism During the 20th Century and multiple titles 5) Ethnocide: The killing of an ethnic group like Asians for instance in the case of Viet Nam or Korea. See An American Tragedy by David Kaiser of the Naval War College 6) Xenocide: The killing (i.e. a genocide) of an entire foreign sentient species as in Involuntary Sterilization http://againsttheirwill.journalnow.com And certainly there is sufficient evidence to suggest that Draper considered the targets of his Involuntary Sterilization efforts, the mentally retarded, those with epilepsy or those with other conditions he considered to be hereditary, to be part of a foreign sentient species. It is sheer nonsense from an ethical perspective to favour one sentient species over another based solely on the quality of their genetic constitution and any fallacious preconception as to their evolutionary potential. Let us being our odyssey into the dark side of Wickliffe Preston Draper, the man who financed all of these projects using either his personal fortune or ill gotten gains as a result of the takeover of his failing textile loom equipment business to Rockwell International in 1967 right after Gordon Novel was successfully settled in Columbus, Ohio just out of the reach of Jim Garrison's ongoing investigation. Let us now begin the analysis of Draper's roots in the Antebellum South, in Mississippi. At first blush it may seem incongruous that Draper would be found there until you recall that his stock in trade was Cotton and the family business revoled around that biggest cash crop in Mississippi at that time. Draper was one of the largest exporters of Cotton in the world for several decades and his automated textile spining looms were sold to literally a hundred or more customers who each bought a loom for every worker on every shift. And Frank G. Wisner's family was a very large producer of yellow pine from their company headquarters in Laurel, Mississippi. But when and how did these 2 families get together to share common cause in their joint campaigns against humanity? Certainly by 1936 they were acquainted with each other because Frank G. Wisner, II was a low hurdler on the 1936 Olympic Team and Floyd Draper, Wickliffe's nephew was once called the "world's fastest sprinter" but it only lasted for a short timeframe. Once Jesse owens and Ralph Metcalf, both Black, made the Olympic Team Floyd Draper's chances for 4 Gold Medals were dashed and he had to settle for the two medals he won as part of the 4x100 and the 4x200 relays running the first or second leg of each of those 4 man efforts. Likewise Wisner had to watch his friend struggle. They both vowed to never let that happen again but neither man got the opportunigy. If you think Hitler was mad watching Owens and Metcalf outperform his Master Race Olympians you should have seen Draper. The seminal article about Wickliffe Draper and his Pioneer Fund which I discovered in the mid 1990s, is reproduced here in its entirety, including what I referred to as my hyperbolic diatribe. Many have told me that without my discovery of this article just before the controversy about The Bell Curve hit full steam in 1995, it is possible that the full history of Draper would never have been revealed and only minor objections to the contents of The Bell Curve would have been noted. But the amount of outrage created and the amount of vitriol leveled at Draper and his Pioneer Fund reached a fever pitch shortly after that and it only subsided after almost 5 years. It was this very article and the hubbub created surrounding Draper earlier which inspired Doug Blackmon of The Wall Street Journal to continue his research into The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission document about Draper he had discovered while plowing his way through the archives there. THE NEW YORK TIMES - Sunday, December 11, 1977 Fund Backs Controversial Study of "Racial Betterment" by Grace Lichtenstein A private trust fund based in New York has for more than 20 years supported highly controversial research by a dozen scientists who believe that blacks are genetically less intelligent than whites. The Pioneer Fund, a tax-exempt foundation incorporated in 1937 for the express purpose of research into "racial betterment," was worth more than $2 million, according to its 1975 Internal Revenue Service return. Yet several officers of the leading geneticists profession- al organization say they never heard of it. A month-long study of the Pioneer Fund's activities by The New York Times shows it has given at least $179,000 over the last 10 years to Dr. William B. Shockley, a leading proponent of the theory that whites are inher- ently more intelligent than blacks. The money was paid through Stanford University, where professor Shockley was a Nobel Prize-winning professor of engineering science, as well as through his own personal foundation - a customary method of foundation disbursement. Another major beneficiary is Dr. Arthur R. Jensen, an educational psychologist at the University of California, whose article in 1969 theorizing that intelligence was hereditary touched off a furor over the value of compensatory education for disadvantaged black students. Some Others Who Got Grants Dr. Travis Osborn of the University of Georgia, Dr. Frank C. J. McGurk and Dr. Audrey Shuey are other well-known researchers in the same area who got Pioneer grants. Two researchers known to few specialists in the genetics field, Dr. Roger Pearson and Dr. Ralph Scott, also got substantial grants, which they declined to discuss. Neither man is a geneticist. Theories of racial inferiority pursued by Pioneer's staff of researchers have been widely discredited in recent years. Some data developed by Cyril Burt, a British scientist, which had underpinned the theory, are now alleged by leading geneticists to be without scientific value. In addition, at least one major association of professional geneticists has publicly decried the use of what it regards as questionable material on heredity and race to buttress political positions. However, Burke Judd, former secretary of the Genetics Society of America, and Hope Punnett, secretary of the American Society of Human Genetics, said that in principle they were in favor of any legitimate genetics research, even when it encompasses what some feel is an extreme point of view. "If you really believe in open research you've got to let these people do their 'research' and then let the rest of us question it," said Dr. Punnett. She said she did not take either Dr. Jensen or Dr. Shockley "too seriously" because she did not think they had developed good scientific information to support their theories. Some Are Embarrassed Other colleges that have accepted Pioneer grants for "eugenics and heredity" include the University of California at Berkeley, University of Georgia, University of Southern Mississippi, Randolph-Macon College, Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology and the University of Northern Iowa. High officials of the last two schools said hey now were embarrassed by the grants. They asked to remain anonymous, on the ground that criticism by them would suggest interference with academic freedom. It is not known whether Pioneer financed research in fields other than heredity and eugenics. Spokesmen at all the schools who knew about the grants said they did not know the Pioneer Fun had been chartered for research into "racial betterment." Nor did those scientists who The Times was able to reach who would answer questions. A spokesman for the University of California at Berkeley said its records showed no Pioneer Fund grants to Dr. Jensen, although it did accept a Pioneer grant for a political science professor. Dr. Jensen confirmed that some of his grants came through the university. In each case the university, or another foundation, was named as recipient of the grants, although the actual work was done by a specific professor in residence. This is common practice in grant-giving everywhere. However, in at least one school, Northern Iowa, the professor, Dr. Ralph Scott, used some of the money not only for research but for anti-busing, anti-school integration seminars in such off-campus places as Louisville, (KY) and Boston (MA), according to the school's grants administrator. Question of Tax Exemption "This might put the fund's tax-exempt status in jeopardy," an Internal Revenue Service spokesman said when asked about general rules applying to funds such as Pioneer. Under Federal law, such funds remain tax-exempt as long as "no substantial part of the activity" is "carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation." "You're in a very sticky area," the I.R.S. spokesman replied when asked about the definition of propaganda. Pioneer Fund is currently in a tax- exempt category applying to groups exclusively charitable, religious, testing and educational. Although it has been a major "banker" in the financing of research on race and genetics, Pioneer's chief executive will not talk to reporters. Nor will some of the scientists who take its money acknowledge their connection with Pioneer. The president of Pioneer Fund is Harry F. Weyher [pronounced like "wire"], a lawyer whose office at 299 Park Avenue also is the fund's office. Questioned by telephone about Pioneer, Mr. Weyher said, "It's a client." Then he added, "I'm not going to talk to you any more," and hung up. Mr. Weyher, several directors and the fund's founder have had long-standing connections with conservative causes or political candidates, although no one has suggested that the conservatives in question shared their interest in eugenics and heredity research. The founder, Wickliffe [Preston] Draper, a 1913 graduate of Harvard who died in 1972, was the reclusive heir to a Massachusetts textile-machinery fortune, according to published accounts. Two Committees Supported In the 1950's and 1960's Mr. Draper supported two now-defunct committees that gave grants for genetics research. Mr. Weyher was his lawyer. The committee members included Representative Francis E. Walter, chairman of the House Un-American Activities Committee [HUAC]; Henry E. Garrett, an educator known for his belief in the genetic inferiority of blacks, and Senator James O. Eastland of Mississippi. When it was disclosed in 1960 that Richard Arens, staff director for the Un-American Activities Committee, was also a paid consultant to the Draper- financed committees, Mr. Arens was forced to leave his Congressional job. In 1960 published reports quoted some leading American geneticists as saying they had turned down requests from Mr. Draper to do research into theories of racial inferiority among blacks. Mr. Weyher, in a newspaper interview at the time, said Mr. Draper had already sponsored a book on restricting immigration and another on the intelligence of blacks by Dr. Shuey, a retired professor at Randolph- Macon Woman's College. Mr. Draper also gave money to right wing political candidates, including the late Representative Donald Bruce [Republican] of Indiana, and the late Representative Walter, as well as to conservative lobbying organiza- tions such as the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies. When Mr. Draper died his estate turned over $1.4 million to the Pioneer Fund. Among two men listed as directors of Pioneer in 1975, the most recent year for which Internal Revenue Service records are available, is John B. Trevor, [Jr.] of New York, [whose father was] a founder of the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies, adviser to Billy James Hargis' Christian Crusade and author of an article on South Africa that appeared in The Citizen, the publication of the White Citizens' Councils. Testifying against more liberal immigration laws in 1965, Mr. Trevor warned against "a conglomeration of racial and ethnic elements" that he said led to "a serious culture decline." The other Pioneer director [in 1975] is Thomas F. Ellis of Raleigh, N.C., manager of [senator] Jesse Helm's 1972 campaign for Senator and an impor- tant backer of Ronald Reagan's 1976 Presidential campaign. Pioneer-sponsored research in eugenics, a movement devoted to improving the human species through control of hereditary factors in mating, and dysgenics the study of trends in population leading to the deterioration of hered- itary , is a subject of much dispute in the genetics field. An 'Inescapable Opinion' Dr. Shockley, co-inventor of the transistor, has for years been collecting material on eugenics and dysgenics research. He said in a telephone inter- view a few days ago from his home in Palo Alto, Calif., that he had reached "the inescapable opinion that a major cause of American Negroes' intellectual and social deficits is hereditary and racially genetic in origin." This, he continued, "is not remediable to a major degree by practical improvements in environment," such as better schools, jobs or living con- ditions. He said he was "very grateful" for Pioneer's grants. A spokesman for Stan- ford said that $179,000 over 10 years to Dr. Shockley from Pioneer sounded correct, although the school did not have an exact dollar figure. The views of Dr. Shockley and Dr. Jensen and their supporters, have come under attack recently from, among other sources, the Genetics Society of America, a leading professional organization. In July 1976 it published a statement of its committee on genetics, race and intelligence that was endorsed by nearly 1,400 members. "In our views there is no convincing evidence as to whether there is or is not an appreciable genetic difference in intelligence between races," it said. "Well designed research... may yield valid and socially useful results and should not be discouraged. We feel that geneticists can and must also speak out against the misuse of genetics for political purposes and the drawing of social conclusions from inadequate data." Genetics and Busing When informed about Dr. Scott's activities on busing at Northern Iowa, Professor Judd said it sounded contrary to normal academic practices for an educational, tax-exempt foundation to finance genetics research linked to the school-busing controversy. "But I don't have enough information," he added. According to Northern Iowa officials, Dr. Scott is studying "forced busing and its relationship to genetic aspects of educability." In this context he sent a graduate student to Mississippi and held seminars on busing, according to sources at the university. Dr. Scott, a professor of education, refused to comment on his research and to say whether its results had been published anywhere. Roger Pearson, a British-educated economist who has been the beneficiary of two Pioneer grants for work while he was dean at Montana Tech, also refused to talk about his research. Such nonresponses are unusual in the field of academic research openly sponsored by tax-exempt foundations. Standford, for example, has a policy stating that "findings and conclusions" of research supported by outside grants "should be available for scrutiny and criticism. Dr. Pearson, who served for the 1974-1975 academic year as dean at Montana Tech before leaving by mutual consent in a disagreement over educational goals, got $60,000 from Pioneer while he was there. Montana Tech officials said they had no idea that he apparently was the same man who some years ago edited Western Destiny, a journal with many pro-South Africa, anti-Communist and anti-racial mixing articles and who wrote a number of pamphlets for the conservative-oriented Noontide Press such as "Eugenics and Race" and "Early Civilizations of the Nordic Race." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many goals of Hitler's Third Reich are mentioned in this article? Anti-immigration legislation, sentiments and testimony Anti-civil rights legislation, sentiments and activities Anti-minority pseudo scientific research into racial inferiority Anti-communist and anti-liberal agendas of the radical right Attempts at genetic manipulation by pseudo science towards a Master Race Use of "internal security" at HUAC as a direct smokescreen for racism Supporting the most anti-union Senator who ever lived in Jesse Helms Using the veneer of "academic respectability" and "science" for racism Wickliffe Preston Draper, the founder of The Pioneer Fund, is the epitome of an American Hitler in the guise of a philanthropic and well educated millionaire. His family owned Draper Corporation, in Hopedale, MA and both North and South Carolina and he was a staunch anti-Union activist from the early days of Sacco and Vanzetti Trial in Dedham, MA only 30 miles from his hometown of Hopedale, MA in the heart of the Blackstone Valley which was the home of the Industrial Revolution. He was also among the most ardent and vehement racists and anti-civil rights advocates in the history of this cause from as early as the 1930's and perhaps earlier. His hatred of the United Nations, liberals, and his dislike for anyone who participated in the Nye Committees of the 1930's which attempted to punish so-called "war profiteering" by the DuPonts, led to Draper's deliberate persecution of Alger T. Hiss between 1948 and 1951 with the assistance of his cohort in racism, eugenics and white supremacy, Nathaniel Weyl. Draper's vitriolic hatred for President John F. Kennedy was epitomized by his direct financial sponsorship of several publications that led the character assassination attacks on him during the 1950's when he was a Senator from Massachusetts. These included Human Events, Right magazine, Noontide Press, The American Mercury and comparable rightist publications ostensibly owned and operated by The Liberty Lobby or affiliates, the foremost racist, proto-fascist and anti-Semitic organization that has ever existed in a Democracy. Only a Democracy could be brought to its knees by the sinister forces of fascism, operating under the protection of the First Amendment to the Constitution. This is a very sad commentary on our times and on the foibles of our once magnificent system of egalitarian democracy. The Draper attacks and assaults on President Kennedy intensified even more during the 1960's when he was President and culminated in the final character assassination in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. The Draper family, in 1967 became the largest shareholder in Rockwell-Standard, which later became Rockwell International, one of the two largest defense contractors in the entire universe along with the Lockheed Corp. of Marietta, GA which is championed by Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA). Rockwell bought out the failing Draper Corporation, a manufacturer of textile loom machinery and equipment just before the acceleration of military activity in Vietnam and shortly before the Draper Corporation was liquidated by Rockwell as a bankrupt concern in the late 1970's. Rockets, missiles and warplanes are apparently a much easier place to make money than in the arena of textile loom equipment and textile machinery. Neither Kennedy's opposition to the Cost Plus Fixed Fee method of compensating defense contractors nor the CIA's opposition to the National Intelligence Estimates of March 22, 1963 called NIE 11-4-63 stood in the way of the plans for the future of this country as defined and designed by those in the Draper- Rockwell coalition which reached its culmination during their merger. Draper's fascist-inspired vitriolic hatred of Communism and anything liberal led to his support of McCarthyism and the activities of HUAC, the House Un-American Activities Committee for over a decade. In the spirit of Dr. Josef Goebbels, he and his close associate at The Pioneer Fund, Dr. Harry H. Laughlin, actually created and then championed the "involuntary sterilization movement in America" the so-called "Buck vs. Bell" Supreme Court case which was favorably reviewed by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. It led directly to the involuntary sterilization of over 75,000 human beings between 1924 and 1972 in the approximately 24 states which passed similar laws at the behest and encouragement of The Pioneer Fund. Sound familiar? But the first major achievement of his work and that of Herr Laughlin, was when Hitler and Goebbels invited Laughlin to receive an honorary degree for his work in passing "The Model Eugenics Laws in America". Hitler used the Draper-inspired American Eugenics Model to pass the law which will go down in infamy as the Nuremberg Laws: "On the Prevention of Hereditarily Ill Progeny" - the so-called Holocaust Laws. Are you beginning to get the picture here? Are you willing to put your actions and money where your realistic concerns are? The last time that Immigration laws were severely tightened was the 1924 Immigration Act which was accomplished, in my opinion, in direct anticipa- tion of the coming unrest in Europe during the 1930's and 1940's. These laws kept may legitimate refugees, all targeted for elimination by the Third Reich, from ever reaching a safe haven in the United States. The precisely identical intentions are at work today with this renewed emphasis on "Proposition 187", which is intended to become "The Model Anti-Immigration Legislation in America" and for the rest of the world. When a Rwanda or Zaire-style deliberately initiated crisis occurs in Bosnia-Herzegovina or elsewhere in the world, the intention of the sponsors of "Proposition 187" is to prevent those refugees targeted for "ethnic extinction" from ever reaching a safe haven in American or anywhere else in the free world for that matter. This is a very real and serious concern and every American who recognizes the true intentions of Proposition 187 should oppose it with their last breath and their last ounce of strength before it is too late. Here is an abstract of an article by Paul A. Lombardo titled "THE AMERICAN BREED" NAZI EUGENICS AND THE ORIGINS OF THE PIONEER FUND which introduced Senator Theodore Bilbo from Mississippi to the Wickliffe Draper mix: The goal of this article is to fill the existing gap in the history of eugenics by presenting a detailed analysis of the origins of the Pioneer Fund. Pioneer is a foundation chartered in 1937 to support and publicize study on "heredity and eugenics" and "the problems of race betterment." The paper focuses on the role of Harry Laughlin, one of the most successful publicists of the "racial radical" branch of the American eugenics movement, and Wickliffe Draper, a wealthy New Yorker who endowed the Pioneer Fund. The paper explores several archival collections, tracing contacts among Laughlin, Draper, and the Nazi scientists whose work informed Hitler's "racial hygiene" movement. Harry Laughlin received an honorary degree from the Nazi-controlled University of Heidelberg as "a pioneer in the science of race cleansing," only three months before the Pioneer Fund was incorporated. Wickliffe Draper recognized Laughlin's successes in the eugenics movement by then naming him as the first President of Pioneer. Laughlin's captivation with "Nordic" survival and attempts to develop a "white's only" legal definition of "the American Race" are reflected in Pioneer 's corporate charter. Draper's vision for eugenics matched Laughlin's. Draper traveled to Berlin to view a Nazi "Population Conference" in 1935 in the company of an American eugenicist who publicly saluted Hitler. Draper's funding supported immigration restriction, eugenical essay contests, and distribution of books advocating the repatriation of Blacks to Africa. The notoriously racist U.S. Senator Theodore Bilbo [1877-1947] of Mississippi provided public advocacy for Draper's secretly financed repatriation effort. The early program of Pioneer "research" and publicity is described through minutes of Pioneer Board meetings in 1937-'38. The Fund's first project was an incentive plan to encourage Army aviators, a group of "eugenically superior" white men, to have additional children. Though his personal sympathy concerning the Pioneer agenda is unclear, future Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan was a founding Director and sat on the Pioneer Board for seventeen years. Pioneer support and publicity for racially charged research continues today and is reflected in books like The Bell Curve. The records described in this paper belie the attempts of Pioneer apologists to portray their founders as scientifically disinterested in issues of race. Men with Nazi sympathies began the Pioneer Fund; their patently eugenic aspirations continue to guide Pioneer today. ...End of Paul Lombardo abstract... The balance of this article is available through this link... http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/inter...ericanbreed.cfm Here is an example of Draper's activities in the area of Xenocide the attempted murder of an entire sentient Species. Peter Hardin of the Richmond Times Dispatch wrote this article... on November 26, 2000 "The mother of a 16-year-old housed in a Lynchburg asylum pleaded with Virginia's governor shortly before Christmas 1929 to intervene and prevent her daughter's sterilization by the state. 'I am a poor broken hearted mother asking you for a favor of my daughter' the Pocahontas, Va., woman wrote in pencil to Gov. Harry F. Byrd. 'They claim they have to sterlyize her before she can come home my daughter is to young.' The mother had little chance. Virginia was in the forefront of efforts, based on a movement called eugenics, to engineer a better society by using such tools as forced sterilization of 'unfit' people and the prohibition of marriage between whites and non-whites. Virginia's ardor for eugenics might be spotlighted for the world when the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington launches an exhibit in 2004 on racial science in Nazi Germany. Eugenics, often called the 'science' of breeding better people, was embraced by the Nazis. The Library of Virginia received a request in June to help the Holocaust Museum find documents or pictures about sterilizations at the old Virginia Colony for the Epileptic and Feebleminded in Lynchburg and the landmark sterilization case there of Carrie Buck. In the 1927 Buck case, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Virginia's sterilization law. From 1927 to 1979, about 8,300 Virginians were sterilized involuntarily -- rendered unable to have children -- as eugenics adherents applied theory mixed with social prejudice to alter human lives. Creation of the Holocaust Museum exhibit comes as scholars have located troves of information about Virginia's study, teaching and application of eugenics. It largely has been discredited as science in intervening years. Historians at the University of Virginia have traced webs linking educators, advocates in Richmond of racial purity and of Sterilization law, national eugenicists and in some cases, Nazis. There was admiring correspondence by Earnest S. Cox of Richmond, an influential white supremacist, to the Nazi secretary of interior in 1938, and Cox was in contact with former Nazi officials after World War II. Cox was a major force behind Virginia's 1924 law against racial intermarriage, the Racial Integrity Act. There was quiet support from top educators at the University of Virginia for the work of Dr. Walter A. Plecker, head of the state Bureau of Vital Statistics, in zealously enforcing that race-purity law. There was an unsuccessful proposal for a benefactor to endow a national center on eugenics education at U.Va. The idea was floated by a national eugenicist who wrote and edited a journal that gushed with positive publicity about the Nazi eugenics program. The new scholarship provides a fuller and broader perspective of Virginia's eugenics movement, which affected state policy and discourse for almost two-thirds of a century and created a lasting legacy. Virginia Indian tribes, for example, still are trying to reckon with the crushing impact of Plecker's campaign, The Times-Dispatch reported in March. Plecker waged a paper war against Virginia's Indians by classifying them as blacks, to block them from 'passing' as white people, Until this summer, Virginia's newspaper industry held in honor a former newspaper editor and eugenics adherent who crusaded in the 1920s for state law to separate the races in all places of public entertainment. The industry's most prestigious award was named for the Newport News editor. After The Times-Dispatch detailed his crusade, his name was removed from the award. The precise scope of the Holocaust Museum exhibit, meanwhile, is undecided, according to a museum spokesman. The context for the exhibit will be 'the eugenics movement that had adherents all the way around the world,' he said. Museum researchers have traveled to Virginia to scour for records and to visit the old Virginia 'Colony' in Lynchburg. From there, Carrie Buck's sterilization echoed worldwide. * * * Germany was marching toward the Holocaust when a student of eugenics at the University of Virginia wrote in 1934, 'In Germany Hitler has decreed that about 400,000 persons be sterilized. This is a great step in eliminating the racial deficients.' Another student wrote in 1935 that 'amalgamation' of the black and white races clearly threatened to injure or destrip 'the most specialized qualities of the white race...the only hope, therefore, of slowing up the process of amalgamation is to prevent racial intermarriage.' These term papers and others reflected the extent to which U.Va. taught eugenics as a basis for social policy, historian Gregory M. Dorr contended in his Ph.D. disseration at the school this year. His 'Segregation's Science: The American Eugenics Movement and Virginia, 1900-1980' was a source for much of this article. Another source was Dr. Paul A. Lombardo, director of the Program in Law and Medicine at U.Va.'s Center for Biomedical Ethics and an expert on eugenics history. The eugenics movement, born in England in the late 19th century, gained broad acceptance in America in the early 1900s. Congress endorsed eugenics thinking in 1924 by adopting the Immigration Restriction Act, which led to sharply reduced immigration quotas for southern and eastern Europeans. In the same year, Virginia's legislature adopted its sterilization law and its Racial Integrity Act. By 1928, 376 colleges nationwide were teaching eugenics, including a number of them in Virginia. At the heart of the eugenics movement were beliefs that human stock could be improved by selective breeding -- encouraging reproduction among the 'best' people and reducing it among 'defective' or 'socially inadequate' people by such steps as compulsory sterilization or institutionalization. Branding a person 'feebleminded' could mean he was mentally ill or retarded, immoral or alcoholic. U.Va., perceived by many Southerners as the region's flagship university, became a hotbed of eugenics teaching. It traditionally was an academy for Virginia's aristocracy, whose interest in family lineage went hand in hand with this 'science' of improving the human stock. The university was much smaller then; in 1935 it had 2,360 students, compared with 18,000 today. Key educators were highly respected and enthusiastic supporters of eugenics. These white men and other key Virginia advocates embraced theories about genetic inheritance of most human traits, including racial superiority, that also fit their cultural views. The university became 'an epicenter of eugenical thought,' Dorr writes, 'closely linked with the national movement, the Virginia anti-miscegenation movement and tied to the state mental health professionals who promoted eugenic sterilization.' One of U.Va.'s leading eugenicists was Dr. Harvey E. Jordan, hired in 1907 and promoted in 1939 to dean of medicine. Jordan was connected to many national eugenics groups and leaders. In Virginia, he joined the Anglo-Saxon Clubs of America, a Richmond- based group set up to preserve 'the supremacy of the white race in the United States of America without racial prejudice or hatred.' The clubs pushed for Virginia's Racial Integrity Act. Sharing like views was Dr. Ivey F. Lewis, a biology professor hired in 1915. He taught eugenics and became dean of the university in 1933. Lewis deplored 'the drag of the negro on our civilization' in a letter to Earnest Cox, author of a book urging repatriation of blacks to Africa. He invited Cox to lecture to his class and corresponded with him over three decades. In addition to white supremacy there was significant anti-Semitism in the United States. At Va., there was surveillance of Jewish students, segregation in housing, efforts to limit their enrollment and official wariness, clearly shared by Lewis. Weighing a request to use an auditorium for a rally for Europe's oppressed, Lewis demurred in 1938 and added, 'It seems to me quite likely that the pro-Jew meeting of protest would bring forth a reaction that would not be to the interests of the University of Virginia.... A great many people believe that the growing number of Jews in the United States is a menace to the American way of life.' The university's reputation led Dr. Harry H. Laughlin, a prominent national eugenicist, to propose Charlottesville to benefactor Wickliffe Draper as home for a national center for eugenics education. Laughlin knew Virginia. Author of a 1914 model sterilization law for states, he also had corresponded extensively with Plecker about Virginia's race-purity campaign. He had given testimony in the Carrie Buck legal case and helped to win passage of the Racial Integrity Act. Laughlin lavished favorable publicity on the Nazi eugenics program in the Eugenical New journal he edited, according to Lombardo, who has traced ties of some American adherents with Germany. In 1935, Laughlin's affinity with Nazi thinking was shown further when he sent a paper on American sterilization law to be read by a like-minded collague at a World Population Congress in Berlin. The colleague applauded Nazi racial princicples and ended his speech with 'To that great leader, Adolf Hitler.' Draper, the benefactor, was keenly interested in eugenics and attended the same Berlin conference. He also visited Charlottesville, but Laughlin's 1936 proposal for a national center on eugenics education was not adopted. Scholars aren't certain why. In the same year that Laughlin floated the U.Va. idea, he received from Nazi-controlled Heidelberg University an honorary degree for his achievements in the 'science of racial cleansing.' Laughlin wrote back, according to Lombardo, that he found the degree a personal honor and 'also evidence of a common understanding of German and American scientists of the nature of eugenics.' * * * Walter Plecker, born before the Civil War and head of the Bureau of Vital Statistics from 1912 to 1946, was one of Virginia's most inflammatory eugenics supporters. After helping win passage of the Racial Integrity Act, Plecker used it to wage a vigorous campaign to prevent what he considered 'destruction of the white or higher civilization.' Lewis of U.Va. expressed admiration when Plecker contacted him in 1926 seeking more information about intermarriage issues in Albemarle County. 'I feel that Virginia of all the Southern states is most to be congratulated for having in charge of this work a man like yourself who sees this situation as it is,' Lewis answered, 'and who tries so effectively to do what can be done.' There was agreement with Plecker at least on principle from Jordan of U.Va. 'I have followed Dr. Plecker's work and am in entire sympathy with it,' be wrote in 1927. Jordan was not pleased, however, about the idea of appointing Plecker to a Virginia committee of the American Eugenics Society, thinking that would be too incendiary. Plecker was invited to describe Virginia's experience to national audiences. He addressed the American Public Health Association in 1924 on 'Virginia's Attempt to Adjust the Color Problem' and a major New York conference on eugenics in 1932. Wrote Harry Laughlin, 'Doubtless the best headquarters in the world [for studying racial integrity] would be Dr. Plecker's office in Richmond, Va.' * * * Tennessee-born Earnest S. Cox, a real estate agent and self-described ethnologist, found a hospitable home in Richmond for his supremacist and eugenic ideas. He moved there and published in 1923 the book 'White America,' warning against destruction of the white civilization from racial intermarriage. As co-founder with Plecker of the Anglo-Saxon Clubs of America, Cox provided much of the ideological firepower behind the Racial Integrity Act. Cox also teamed up with racist Theodore Bilbo, a U.S. senator from Mississippi between 1935 and 1947, to promote bills for returning blacks to Africa. His book became a textbook for many university professors and was distributed, with funding from Wickliffe Draper, to members of Congress. The Virginian enjoyed suppport in high ranks of the national eugenics movement and was invited to address the Eugenics Research Association, a mainline group, in New York in 1936. Plecker went along. They visited the homes of national leaders including Draper and Laughlin. Later Cox made contact with two Nazi racial theorists. One was Wilhelm Frick, the Nazi secretary of the interior, to whom he mailed a copy of 'White America.' In a 1938 letter to Frick, Cox spoke of the 'common Teutonic heritage' of Southern whites and Germans, and added, 'Personally, I hold a high admiration for your country and an affection for your people.' For xxxxx's activities as a Nazi administrator during the Holocaust, he was convicted during the Nuremberg trials and executed in 1946. Years after World War II, Cox wrote 'Teutonic Unity,' a book about muting people of Germanic descent. Cox corresponded with former Nazi officials. He was advised by one of them, who was living in Argentina, of his 'surprise that more or less all what was the central idea of our thinking and indoctrination I find again in the book of an American writer.' Cox died in a Richmond area hospital in 1966. A retired Army officer, he is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. * * * Of some 30 states with similar laws, Virginia lagged behind only California in the nation for sterilizations; more than 20,000 people were sterilized in California and more than 60,000 nationwide. Germany, which was influenced by Harry Laughlin's model sterilization law, sterilized between 360,000 and 3.5 million victims from 1933 to 1945, according to Lombardo. The U.S. rate didn't seem to satisfy Dr. Joseph DeJarnette, director of Western State Hospital in Virginia, when he drew this comparison in 1938: 'Germany in six years has sterilized about 80,000 of her unfit while the United States with approximately twice the population has only sterilized about 27,869 to January 1, 1938, in the past 20 years.... 'The fact that there are 12,000,000 defectives in the United States should arouse our best endeavors to push this procedure to the maximum.' Another eugenics adherent, a superintendent of the Virginia 'Colony' theorized about global acceptance of sterilization. Dr. J. H. Bell wrote in an annual report on the asylum for fiscal 1933: 'The fact that a great state like the German Republic, which for many centuries has helped furnish the best that science has bred, has in its wisdom seen fit to enact a national eugenic legislative act providing for the sterilization of hereditarily defective persons seems to point the way for an eventual worldwide adoption of this idea." Decades hence, long after Americans recoiled at the horrors of the Holocaust and the United States entered the civil rights era, that kind of thinking has been relegated to the museum. Dr. Dorr, now teaching at the University of Alabama, looked closely in his research at the interplay of culture and science that fueled adoption of eugenics: and its influence upon social policy The history of forced sterilizations and race-purity law in Virginia offers important lessons for modem times, he and Lombardo believe. Dorr concluded, 'Understanding the relationship between Virginia eugenicists their science, teaching and the segregated culture in which they lived helps clarify our own valuation of science today, and hopefully, the role it plays in determining liberating rather than oppressive, public policy. * * * When the despairing mother from Pocahontas made her plea to Gov. Harry Byrd, she enclosed a lucid, handwritten letter by her teenage daughter to 'prove' the girl wasn't at all 'feeble-minded.' 'Moma, I declare I do wish I could home come. 'I do hate to be sterilized but it is the only way to come home. I absulitily would be willing for them to cut my head off if I could only come home.' She dreamed of going home for Chrustmas, of presents and siblings and the parents whom she missed. There was a frightened side to her letter. 'If I don't see you any more in this world I hope to meet you all in another one hope God will help all of you and be with us.' After writing seven Xs for kisses, the girl added this postscript: 'Locks and keys may parts us, and we are far apart but your name in golden letters still linger around my HEART" (Peter Hardin, Richmond Times Dispatch, November 26, 2000). Contact Peter Hardin at (202) 662-7669 or phardin@media-general.com. Silent Partner: How the South's Fight To Uphold Segregation Was Funded Up North New York Millionaire Secretly Sent Cash to Mississippi Via His Morgan Account 'Wall Street Gang' Pitches In By DOUGLAS A. BLACKMON Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL June 11, 1999 JACKSON, Miss. - On the afternoon of Sept. 12, 1963, a vice president of Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. sent a telegram to the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission, the agency created by local politicians to fight the civil-rights movement and preserve racial segregation. A Morgan client, the telegram said, was "setting aside as an anonymous gift" stock valued at $100,000. There was one condition: "Donor would like the fact and amount of the gift to be kept confidential." The matter was referred directly to Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett, who agreed to the terms and, that same day, sent Morgan instructions on where to send the cash. Once the money arrived in Mississippi, it was funneled to an account in Washington, D.C., where segregationists were launching a fierce campaign to defeat landmark civil-rights legislation abolishing segregation in most public facilities. And in the ensuing months, the mystery contributor would follow up with additional, substantial gifts to help the cause. For nearly four decades, the role of that donor remained concealed in the files of the now-defunct Sovereignty Commission. But last year, a federal judge ordered the unsealing of more than 130,000 commission files. The documents triggered a painful examination of some of the South's most heinous racial crimes. Little explored, though, was the trove of ledgers, invoices and correspondence recording the commission's finances. Those records show large transfers of money by Morgan on behalf of a client who turns out be a wealthy and reclusive New Yorker named Wickliffe Preston Draper. Mr. Draper used his private banker to transfer nearly $215,000 in stock and cash to the Sovereignty Commission for use in its fight against the Civil Rights Act. The entire budget for the effort amounted to about $300,000. Adjusted for inflation, Mr. Draper's contributions would be worth more than $1.1 million today. The Sovereignty Commission files do more than simply document one man's role. They show that some of the most virulent resistance to civil-rights progress in the 1960s was supported and funded from the North, not just the South. The files also highlight the ethical issues that confront an institution like Morgan Guaranty, the private-banking unit of J.P.Morgan & Co., when it is drawn, even unwittingly, into a client's support for repugnant causes. Since the 1930s, Mr. Draper had been a client of Guaranty Trust, which became Morgan Guaranty when it merged with J.P. Morgan in 1959. It isn't clear whether he used Guaranty to help with funding some of his earlier race related efforts, such as a program in the 1930s to encourage white military pilots to have more children, or research in the 1950s to prove the superiority of whites and the dangers of mixed-race marriages. When Mr. Draper died in 1972, Morgan was an executor of his estate, overseeing distributions totaling about $5 million to two race-oriented foundations. The primary beneficiary was the Pioneer Fund, an organization Mr. Draper helped found and which became known in recent years for funding research cited in "The Bell Curve," a book arguing that blacks are genetically inclined to be less intelligent than whites or Asians. In his will, Mr. Draper instructed that after his death, the Pioneer Fund use Morgan for financial advice; the fund did so for two decades. Morgan today says that "racism is deplorable" and that the bank doesn't "support institutions that further racist causes." Moreover, the bank notes that it has been a consistent donor to African American causes, giving more than $3.3 million of its own money to civil-rights-related groups since the late 1960s. Morgan insists that the Sovereignty Commission transactions it processed for Mr. Draper were routine procedures carried out on behalf of a client, over which the bank had no influence or control. "A thousand times a day, somebody sends money to an organization that 30 years later looks really terrible," says Morgan spokesman Joe Evangelisti. "We can't tell our customers how to spend their money." Mr. Evangelisti says the role Morgan played was no different from the way Wall Street banks today facilitate gifts to organizations that could be equally controversial. He cites donations made to Planned Parenthood (often criticized for its pro-choice stance), or to the Boy Scouts of America (which prohibits gays from becoming troop leaders), Morgan's policy, he says, is to pass no judgment on any client's / Please Turn to Page A8, Column 1/ activities, except in the "rare situation" when "the wishes of a client ... conflict with the principles that we stand for as a firm." In those cases, the firm may close a client's account, Mr. Evangelisti says. Since the Sovereignty Commission was a legal, state-created entity, says Hildy J. Simmons, a managing director at Morgan Guaranty, the bank had no choice but to follow its client's wishes. It would be no different today. "As long as the receiving party is legal, we have no discretion," says Ms. Simmons. Morgan did close the asset-management account it maintained for the Pioneer Fund after the furor erupted over "The Bell Curve" in 1994, according to people familiar with the situation. The bank won't give details on why it did so. That option is something banks should consider, says Thomas Donaldson, a business-ethics professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. "Good bankers should have the words 'Know thy client' tattooed somewhere on their chests," Mr. Donaldson says. "When the activities of the client or customer reach the point where they offend vital, deeply held values of the institution, you have to say no." But many banks aren't comfortable with that posture, and with good reason, says George J. Benston, a banking professor at the Goizueta Business School at Emory University in Atlanta. "One would like any institution to operate with its customers neutrally. You don't want some bank officer making a judgment on whether a customer's donations are moral." Brahmin Roots Wickliffe Draper was, in many ways, a typical Yankee aristocrat. He was born in Hopedale, Mass., in 1891. His father was a top executive in the textile-machinery giant Draper Corp. His mother was from a blue-blood Kentucky family. An uncle was a Massachusetts governor. His younger sister married a nephew of President William Howard Taft. Mr. Draper reveled in adventure. At Harvard College, from which he graduated in 1913, he excelled in shooting. A volunteer in both world wars, he used the title "colonel" for most of his life. In 1924, he inherited about half of his father's estate, which was valued at the then-enormous sum of nearly $11 million. In 1938, he reported to his Harvard classmates that his diversions over the 25 years since college included "shooting jaguar in Matto Grosso and deer in Sonora, elephant in Uganda and chamois in Steiermark, ibex in Baltistan and antelope in Mongolia; pigsticking in India." By the late 1930s, for reasons that still aren't clear, Mr. Draper had also developed a fascination with racial genetics. In 1937, he helped found the Pioneer Fund. The foundation was devoted to supporting eugenics, a school of thinking which held that races can be genetically "improved" through mating practices, such as encouraging intelligent people to marry, or sterilizing handicapped individuals. Many eugenicists of the day, including some Pioneer founders, believed that whites were superior to blacks in intellect and other attributes, says Barry Mehler, a historian at Michigan's Ferris State University, who has studied the fund extensively. The charter of the Pioneer Fund said the organization would support research and programs aimed at "race betterment," Scholarship programs would give special consideration to "children who are deemed to be descended predominantly from white persons who settled in the original 13 states." (In 1985, Pioneer amended its charter, saying it supports programs aimed at "human race betterment," and also deleting the reference to "white persons.") Today, officials of the fund deny that it seeks to prove the inferiority of any race and maintain that it funds only legitimate genetic research, regardless of its findings. The organization says its past and present leaders were not biased for or against any race. One of the first major projects of the Pioneer Fund under Mr. Draper was a program to encourage officers of the all-white U.S. Army Air Corps, predecessor of the Air Force, to have more children. Mr. Draper and other directors of the foundation believed that the Pioneer Fund should encourage a higher birth rate among the best of the white race. So the fund offered to establish annuities to pay for the education of any child born in 1940 to a pilot who had already fathered at least three children. Among the original Pioneer Fund directors who endorsed the plan was John Marshall Harlan II, a prominent New York attorney who would be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1957. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's secretary of war, Harry H. Woodring, personally approved the plan, according to Justice Harlan's papers, now stored at Princeton University. Memos to Mr. Harlan make clear that the plans were fulfilled. "During the calendar year 1940 there were 12 children born to officers in the Army Air Corps ... eligible to receive scholarships," wrote a psychologist hired to oversee the program. Mr. Draper made arrangements, according to records kept by Mr. Harlan, for an annuity to be established for each of the children at Guaranty Trust, the predecessor to Morgan Guarantee. After World War II, the never-married Mr. Draper became increasingly reclusive. He stopped submitting updates to his Harvard class and lived alone in Manhattan, in a spacious East 57th Street penthouse duplex, surrounded by hunting weapons and mounted animal heads. For several years, he paid young researchers to visit his apartment and teach him genetic theory. "For $10 an hour, I tutored Draper ... every time I was in New York," says Bruce Wallace, a retired Virginia Polytechnic University professor who adds that he disagreed with Mr. Draper's views. "His contention was that the-geneticists had all the figures but they were afraid to add them all up.... He was quite set on the idea that there was superiority and inferiority. I don't think he would have placed blacks among the superior." The theories embraced by Mr. Draper fell out of favor after the war, and as the horrors of the Nazi regime became apparent, many of his old allies distanced themselves from their previous work. But through the 1950s, Mr. Draper continued to push for research to demonstrate white superiority; he also espoused sending American blacks, on a voluntary basis, to live in Africa, says the Pioneer Fund. In 1957, the state of Mississippi created the Sovereignty Commission. Operating on an appropriation of about $100,000 a year, the commission penetrated most of the major civil-rights organizations in Mississippi, even planting clerical workers in the offices of activist attorneys. It informed police about planned marches or boycotts and encouraged police harassment! of African Americans who cooperated with civil rights groups. Its agents obstructed voter registration by blacks and harassed African Americans seeking to attend white schools. On occasion, the commission also took steps to discourage violence by the Ku Klux Man and other extremist groups. Precisely how Mr. Draper became connected to the commission isn't clear. But the relationship appears to have blossomed shortly after a national address by President John F. Kennedy in June 1963. The president proposed wide-reaching legislation to outlaw segregation in public facilities. Mississippi leaders scrambled to mount a vigorous fight. They turned to John C. Satterfield, a brilliant litigator from Yazoo City, Miss., and the immediate past president of the American Bar Association. By the end of the 1960s, Time magazine would label him "the most prominent segregationist lawyer in the country." Within days of President Kennedy's speech, Mr. Satterfield headed to Washington to meet with top politicians and leaders of major trade organizations and business groups. The response was encouraging. "We in the South now have new and important allies who never before seemed seriously concerned," wrote Erle Johnston Jr., director of the Sovereignty Commission. "It was a thrill to me to see how the gentlemen at these meetings looked to Mississippi for leadership." The result was a new national lobbying organization, called the Coordinating Committee for Fundamental American Freedoms. The Sovereignty Commission provided money to rent a Washington office and hire staff, and largely controlled the group from Mississippi. On July 22, 1963, Mr. Satterfield received the first private contribution to the cause, a $10,000 Morgan Guaranty cashier's check drawn from Mr. Draper's accounts. It was deposited into a special account in the Mississippi state treasury and logged into Sovereignty Commission records with a simple notation: "Morgan Guaranty Trust Co." Over the next year, Mississippi leaders repeatedly claimed that the campaign was being financed by broad grass-roots support in Mississippi and across the U.S. In truth, contributions from Mississippi citizens never topped $30,000. A surviving partner of Mr. Satterfield's law firm says the attorney obliquely referred to the source of the big money simply as "the Wall Street gang." On Sept. 12, Mississippi Gov. Barnett received the telegram in which Morgan Vice President Arthur W. Rossiter Jr. said $100,000 in stock had been earmarked for the Mississippi commission. After the shares were sold, the gift totaled $98,612. It was entered into Sovereignty Commission records as "Donation from Morgan Guaranty Trust Company." Four months later, another telegram arrived from Mr. Rossiter, this time signaling the impending arrival of an additional $105,000 from Mr. Draper. The money was derived from Mr. Draper's shares of Reynolds Tobacco, General Motors, Standard Oil of New Jersey and Addressograph-Multigraph. Morgan sold the stock at Mr. Draper's direction, collected commissions on the sales, and moved the proceeds into what it calls a temporary Sovereignty Commission account at Morgan Guaranty. The Sovereignty Commission eventually forwarded the funds to Washington. Throughout, Mr. Rossiter insisted that the source of the money never be disclosed. "This represents an anonymous gift to your Commission and the donor has specifically requested that the fact and the amount of the gift be kept strictly confidential," he wrote in one letter. Mr. Draper's money buoyed a sweeping attack on the civil-rights bill. The Sovereignty Commission's Washington arm coordinated opposition efforts among less-organized groups, pushed trade associations to fight the bill and lobbied Congress. It sent ghost-written editorials to newspapers around the country and bought ads in 500 daily and weekly papers. By April 1964, the group had distributed 1.4 million pamphlets and mailings, Sovereignty Commission records indicate. The opposition effort was swathed in the issues of protecting states' rights and . reining in an overreaching federal government. The advertisements said the bill would create an "omnipotent president" and a "dictatorial attorney general." But commission records make clear that the effort co-financed by Mr. Draper was grounded on bitterly racist notions. Citing several white-supremacist tracts, an internal memorandum by Mr. Satterfield said Americans had to be shown that the conditions of blacks in the U.S. were the result of "heredity ... not discrimination." At the heart of the matter, the memo said, were "the intelligence, criminality and immorality of the Negro." The Sovereignty Commission campaign triggered thousands of letters. Despite that, Congress approved the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and President Lyndon B. Johnson signed it into law. Frustrated by the defeat, Mr. Satterfield pressed Mississippi's new governor, Paul Johnson, to help start a new national organization, designed to demonstrate that the plight of blacks in the South was the result not of "mistreatment and discrimination" but the "completely different nature of Negro citizens and white citizens," he wrote the governor. "Certain groups in the east who prefer anonymity" were ready to back the effort with $200,000, Mr. Satterfield wrote, if the state would match the contribution. As a gesture of seriousness, an unnamed northern benefactor had sent $50,000. The donor was, again, Mr. Draper. His gift arrived via Morgan on June 2, 1964. Gov. Johnson endorsed the plan, and the Legislature quickly appropriated $200,000. But the segregationists suffered another setback, this time at the hands of their most rabid elements. Klan members abducted civil-rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney in the town of Philadelphia, Miss. The three were beaten, shot to death and buried in an earthen dam. Six weeks later, the workers' 1963 Ford station wagon was found burned along an isolated road, still bearing Mississippi license tag H 25503, a number logged into Sovereignty Commission files by an informant a few weeks earlier. The national outcry brought an end to the new alliance between Mississippi officials and Mr. Draper. Gov. Johnson's office was flooded with telegrams, many simply repeating the words "justice, justice, justice." Increasingly isolated, Mississippi leaders took at least symbolic steps to halt violence. The state's own $200,000 appropriation was quietly returned to the Mississippi treasury. Later, the $50,000 from Mr. Draper was returned to his attorney in New York, Harry F. Weyher, who deposited it into the escrow account of his firm, records show. Mr. Weyher, who has been president of the Pioneer Fund for more than 40 years, says he doesn't recall the flow of funds, though he did remember meeting with Mr. Satterfield in the 1960s. Mr. Draper maintained his interest in the fight to preserve segregation in the South. In the late 1960s and 1970s, he sent dozens of checks to private academies that had opened up to accommodate white families fleeing newly integrated public schools, estate records show. After Mr. Draper died in 1972, Morgan continued to manage his holdings while the will was being sorted out. Five years later, his assets were distributed according to Mr. Draper's wishes. He gave about $1 million to family members, and also bequeathed $3.3 million to the Pioneer Fund and $1.7 million to the Puritan Foundation. (The Pioneer Fund isn't related to the mutual fund of the same name.) The Puritan Foundation listed as its address the law firm of Mr. Satterfield, the Mississippi lawyer. In 1978, the fund was merged into another nonprofit called the Council School Foundation, according to Rutgers University Prof. William Tucker, who is researching Mr. Draper's activities. That Mississippi group was created to support private schools that catered to white students. A State's Stigima Citing bank policy, executives at Morgan won't discuss whether the bankers who worked with Mr. Draper knew of his racial leanings or the true nature of the Sovereignty Commission. Still, Morgan was dealing with prominent Mississippi segregationists at a time when the national media were focused on the state, and when some on Wall Street and in New York's political community were concerned about maintaining business ties there. Mr. Barnett, the governor of Mississippi, had been pictured on the front page of the New York Times in 1962 during a bloody standoff with federal troops forcing the integration of the University of Mississippi. The Mississippi state treasurer at the time, William F. Winter, said that Wall Street firms charged higher interest rates on the state's bonds, due to the stigma of having ties to Mississippi. In 1965, one such issue was canceled due to a lack of bids on Wall Street. Morgan says none of that is relevant. The bank likely had clients supporting the civil-rights movement as well, executives say. And, adds Mr. Evangelisti, "doing business with a particular client doesn't mean that we endorse that client's beliefs of actions." It would be "offensive" for a bank to police how its clients conduct their affairs. "That's a privilege of being rich in America," says Ms. Simmons at Morgan. "You can spend your money the way you want to." Douglas A. Blackmon, "Silent Partner: How the South's Fight To Uphold Segregation Was Funded Up North," Wall Street Journal (Friday June 11, 1999) p. 1; A8.
  7. "The Will of the WASPS - Genocide, Tyrannicide, Politicide, Democide and Xenocide" © 2007 John Bevilaqua Since I have just ordered this book with great anticipation, I am limited to going to books.google.com right now for references and citations. Nathaniel, would you be able to post relevant portions of The Pioneer Fund and Frederick Osborn and Wickliffe Draper segments from that book here within the limits of the fair use doctrine? I plan to post a subtopic or a new topic called something like: Confederate Yankees in King Camelot's Court - Wickliffe Draper, Frank Wisner and 'The Ghosts of Mississippi' Genocide, Tyrannicide, Politicide, Democide, Xenocide and The Will of the WASPS. You guys are not going to believe what I have come up with in this article which will become a chapter in my upcoming book. Any help that serious researchers can provide to fill out the missing pieces will be greatly appreciated and thanks will be forthcoming in an afterlife if not sooner. What do you guys think of doing this as a new thread vs. a continuation here?
  8. Gen. William H. Draper, Jr. and Frank Wisner The Namebase entry implies a tenuous link to Wisner from Gen. Draper in what they call a Social Network diagram. Would anyone know if it truly exists and if it is more than distant? Imagine if the Wisners met the Drapers at the 1936 Olympics and launched a campaign from Mississippi which continued with Gen. Draper's opposing Nazi decartelization in 1945 and the Nuremberg Trials in 1946 and Wick Draper later opposing Brown vs. Bd. of Education of Topeka, KS and the whole nine yards? Maybe this Wisner from Mississippi deal is bigger than it looks. Way to go Claudio. Draper worked with Senator Bilbo from Mississippi on his Involuntary Sterilization programs and the Back to Africa Campaigns so who knows? Grace Lichtenstein has Draper funding both Bilbo and Eastland. Verrry Interesting to say the least. And Eastlands nephew snuffed Medgar Evers, Jr. DRAPER WILLIAM H JR Germany 1945-1946 Black,E. IBM and the Holocaust. 2001 (419) Briarpatch Magazine (Canada) 1990-05 (11) Caldwell,M. Ten Years Military Terror in Indonesia. 1975 (220) CounterSpy 1980-W (24) CounterSpy 1982-01 (25) Domhoff,G.W. The Higher Circles. 1971 (139) Dye,T. Who's Running America? 1983 (260) Hersh,B. The Old Boys. 1992 (149, 217, 445) Higham,C. American Swastika. 1985 (262) Higham,C. Trading with the Enemy. 1984 (235-7, 242-6) Marshall,J... The Iran-Contra Connection. 1987 (65) Pisani,S. The CIA and the Marshall Plan. 1991 (71) Silk,L.& M. The American Establishment. 1980 (248) Simpson,C. The Splendid Blond Beast. 1993 (48, 64, 248-53, 263-4, 271) Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. George Bush. 1992 (53-6, 200-1, 204-5) Van der Pijl,K. The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class. 1997 (145) Weissman,S. Trojan Horse. 1975 (32) Who's Who in America. 1962-1963 pages cited this search: 44 Order hard copy of these pages
  9. Can you tell us this Laurel, Mississippi connection to Italy and the Farnese palace? Please?????? Try Books.Google.com to browse Evica's book. He describes the Quaker vs. Unitarian issue. One of the Paines, Ruth and Michael, was a Quaker the other a Unitarian as I recall. I think SMOM and Shickshinny Knights of Malta were mostly arch Conservative Right Wing Catholics almost exclusively. Google Shickshinny Knights of Malta. Bad dudes for the most part and nasty. Yes, Permindex was led by the Hungarian Ferenc Nagy but SKOM is more important IMHO. See: "The Ghosts of Mississippi" which was a movie maybe based on a book by the same name. It involves the nephew of Senator James O. Eastland who was head of Draper's Genetics Committee and perhaps one of Oswald's handlers. His name was Byron DeLa Beckwith See Portrait of a Racist. Draper is in Evica's book along with Frederick Osborn about 5 times and in my manuscript about 25 times. He started The Pioneer Fund and was the primary funder of The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission according to Doug Blackmon in the Wall St. Journal in 1999. I think Draper was the main funder of the JFK hit and behind the persecution of Sacco and Vanzetti and Alger Hiss. He was considered to be America's Hitler by me mostly and he sent money to Mississippi right after Evers was snuffed by Eastland's nephew who was a neo-Nazi, a KKK member and just a despicable person. He sent more money to Mississippi just before The Freedom Riders were murdered. Ghosts of Mississippi is a 1996 drama film directed by Rob Reiner and starring Alec Baldwin, Whoopi Goldberg and James Woods. The plot focuses on the 1994 trial of Byron De La Beckwith, the white supremacist accused of the 1963 assassination of civil rights activist Medgar Evers. James Woods was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role of Byron De La Beckwith. The original music score was composed by Marc Shaiman and the cinematography is by John Seale. Tagline: "In 1963, civil rights leader Medgar Evers was murdered in his own driveway. For 30 years, his assassin has remained free. Is it ever too late to do the right thing?" Contents [hide] <LI class=toclevel-1>1 Main cast <LI class=toclevel-1>2 Plot summary <LI class=toclevel-1>3 Trivia <LI class=toclevel-1>4 Quotes 5 External links // [edit] Main cast ActorRoleAlec BaldwinBobby DeLaughterWhoopi GoldbergMyrlie EversJames WoodsByron De La BeckwithVirginia MadsenDixie DeLaughterWilliam H. MacyCharlie CriscoSusanna ThompsonPeggy LloydBonnie BartlettBillie DeLaughterDiane LaddCaroline MooreBill CobbsCharles EversCraig T. NelsonEd PetersBrock PetersWalter WilliamsWayne RogersMorris DeesTerry O'QuinnJudge HilburnRamon BieriJames HolleyJames Pickens, Jr.Medgar Evers [edit] Plot summary Medgar Evers is a black civil rights activist in Mississippi who was murdered by an assassin in 1963. It is later suspected that Byron De La Beckwith, a white supremacist, is the murderer and he would be tried twice and both trials ended in hung juries. In 1989, Evers' widow Myrlie has been trying to bring De La Beckwith to justice for over 25 years, and she believes she has what it takes to bring him to trial again. However, most of the evidence from the old trial have disappeared but Bobby DeLaughter, an assistant District Attorney, decides to do what he can to help her despite being warned that it might hurt his political aspirations and the strain it is causing his marriage. However, DeLaughter becomes more involved with bringing De La Beckwith to trial for the third time 30 years later. In 1994, Byron De La Beckwith is found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. [edit] Trivia Delmar Dennis (a key witness against Byron De La Beckwith) and his family can be seen as extras in the parade scene. At the film's end, a title card indicated that Bobby DeLaughter had run for a position as a judge and been defeated. That was true at the time. Subsequently, he was appointed to be a judge and later elected overwhelmingly. Medgar Evers' two sons Darrell and James Van Evers played themselves in this film, as did a police detective who helped with the investigation, Detective Lloyd "Benny" Bennett. Myrlie Evers was also one of this film's consultants. The daughter of civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr., Yolanda King, played the adult daughter of Medgar Evers in the film. Although the film begins in 1989 and ends in 1994, the same child actors portraying Bobby DeLaughter's children are used from the beginning of the movie until the end, showing no signs of aging. This film was shot on location in Jackson, Mississippi, where Megdar Evers was murdered. [edit] Quotes Myrlie Evers: (quoting Medgar Evers) I don't know if I'm going to heaven or to hell, but I'm going from Jackson. Myrlie Evers: (quoting Medgar Evers) When you hate, the only person who suffers is you, because most of the people you hate don't know it and the others don't care. [edit] External links Ghosts of Mississippi at the Internet Movie Database Ghosts of Mississippi at All Movie Guide Ghosts of Mississippi at Rotten Tomatoes [hide] v • d • eFilms directed by Rob ReinerThis Is Spinal Tap (1984) • The Sure Thing (1985) • Stand by Me (1986) • The Princess Bride (1987) • When Harry Met Sally... (1989) • Misery (1990) • A Few Good Men (1992) • North (1994) • The American President (1995) • Ghosts of Mississippi (1996) • The Story of Us (1999) • Alex & Emma (2003) • Rumor Has It... (2005) • The Bucket List (2007) Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghosts_of_Mississippi" I
  10. Ruby was a gun runner for anti-Castro Cuban exiles linked to the CIA... Ruby's record as a gun runner for the anti-Castro Cuban exiles has been discussed by Gaeton Fonzi, Marita Lorenz, perhaps Bill Turner and at least one Interpen member. And I personally saw a person I firmly believe to have been Jack Ruby driving away from a Cuban exile safehouse in the driveway in Miami which had been frequented over the years by Frank Sturgis (remember him... Watergate and CIA?), E. Howard Hunt (another CIA dude), and several persons who spoke with what sounded to me like a distinct Cuban accent. I told Mary that he sure looked like Ruby and he was wearing a hat and a suit and tie while driving a car in 85 degree heat and that it was a Pepto Bismol pink Rambler station wagon. Mary said, "Yep that was Jack Ruby all right." And later Dick Bartholemew wrote a 200 page paper on that Pepto Bismol pink Rambler station wagon with a bit of my help in focusing on the make, model, color and year. What was the Real Estate sign in the front yard over the years of this 2 story duplex? Keyes Realty. Wasn't that the CIA cutout run by some more Watergate burglars? Can't recall just who. Bernard Barker maybe. Sounds like evidence of both CIA and Cuban exile associations to me. Nice try. Don't take my word for it go talk to Fonzi, Lorenz or Bill Turner like I did. Do you guys just read comic books and watch TV then do JFK research? The ONLY way to do JFK research is to pick up the phone or bang on the doors of REAL, LIVE people with "celebrity status" or insider information and ask them questions ear to ear or face to face. You all know my attitude about armchair researchers who use the channel changer as their main research tools. Just does not cut it. Uh-ah. Have any of you tried to get answers the old fashioned way. You have to EARN IT. Then perhaps someday you, too, can enjoy "celebrity statics" or "celebrity status" a higher calling. And then maybe someone like Mary Ferrell will introduce you to some of her "best informants" or another friend will discover the Nathaniel Weyl Eugenics connections to Draper and the Alger Hiss case and give you his phone number so you can get some answers. Or maybe you too could have called Robert J. Morris before his brain swelled up and he died. Or did you ever think of CALLING up Spas T. Raikin and quizzing him, too? Guess not. Or maybe Dick Russell will ask you about Baron Wrangel and James Wheeler Hill and you can tell him: "Why they were friends and associates of Vonsiatsky". They were White Russians, too. What other way is there to get answers and to put 2 and 2 together? Or maybe someone like George Michael Evica will start exploring a tangential lead where you first laid the groundwork like the Unitarian roots of Wickliffe Draper and come up with some really startling new information. Then again maybe not. But keep trying. This is not supposed to be like UTube or MySpace or even The History Channel but a forum for real research. How long does it take to attain "celebrity status"? 10 maybe 15 years if you are lucky and open minded and persistent and are following the right tracks and talking to the right people. Drop a dime and call someone. When they go to a JFK conference, network with them. Start with the printed historical record, formulate a theory then a thesis and send up a trial balloon. Talk to the neice of Andrij Melnyk and find out how to pronounce that darn name, you might be surprised what you discover. Talk to the right people or better yet, talk to the Right People, just listen to their vitriole their hyperbole their anger and their frustration. Looking for Hate in All the Right Places? Well then you are barking up the Right Tree. Good luck and Godspeed you all.
  11. Just for the record, Alger Hiss was never acquitted. He was never charged with espionage, but with perjury. One trial ended in a hung jury, the second in conviction and prison. Hiss was less than candid in denying any relationship with David Whittaker Chambers. Although he subsequently admitted it, his initial denials were adequate to support the perjury charge. Hiss is believed to be mentioned in the Venona messages, but a smoking gun is lacking. While there is no clear evidence that he passed classified info to the Soviets, he was almost certainly favorably disposed to the American Communist movement of the 30s-40s. Another one of the Hiss framers, Nathaniel Weyl, was caught in a sort of plausible denial regarding his role while committing 2-3 felonies during the Bayo Pawley affair thus rendering his contributions to the Hiss case suspect. When he described the Bayo Pawley affair to me there was no mention of "a freighter passing between their boat and shore" and he said the landing party "was in a motorized rubber raft" which he said was riddled with bullet holes from a machine gun fired in anger when they did not return with the Soviet missile officers who were going to be whisked away to a Goldwater press conference at his ranch. Later he fabricated statements even on this website to make it appear that they were warned to take a rubber raft along in the event of a capsize event. Why did he make these changes? Because he told me that they were only about a mile offshore during the Bayo Pawley event and that good buddies, is considered the territorial waters of a sovereign nation making him a violator of The Neutrality Act. And the fact that he watched as "they all sank beneath the surface of the water" makes him an accessory to murder, no? And he claimed to have helped to secure the guns, bombs and ammo used in the raid, too. What does that make him? A 3 time felon who got off scot free. And Whittaker Chambers record in the Hiss case is not much better if you look at John Simkin's exoneration links. Both of these people were in the employ of Wickliffe Draper, someone who engaged in 10 fabricated assaults against humanity during the 20th Century starting with Sacco and Vanzetti and ending up with The Bell Curve, after his death. So I maintain that given he benefit of time, it is now apparent that the mere presence of Draper, Weyl and Chambers as well as Robert J. Morris in the Hiss framing, is prima facie evidence of complicity, duplicity, deceit and subterfuge. Nothing that Draper and Morris were involved in did not contain elements of complicity, duplicity, deceit and subterfuge. Look at Chambers statements in the Morris obit regarding Morris' dominant role in McCarthyism. Sorry to burst your bubble. But to rely on only 55 year old evidence is inadequate. Quod Est Demonstratum.
  12. Ummm... not bad. Did you know he had a dotted line tattoo around his neck with the inscription: "Cut here"? At least he had a sense of humor. I was thinking something much more eloquent like... "There once was a Majarishi from Tibet... and this is the strangest one yet." ... and it ends with... "So straight and so strong." "He once skewered six yaks en brochette." Work with it.
  13. You will soon have attained celebrity statics with posts and insight like these.

  14. And even Don Gibson made these same claims at the COPA conference in the 1993-94 timeframe as I recall. Bill, do you remember the audience reaction when Prouty made his anti JFK statements? Were you there or would John Judge have any of the VHS transcripts available? How about when Mark Lane said: "Files? What files? There are no files for the Congress of Freedom!" I have to thank Vicky Wertz for turning me on to The Liberty Lobby and their chosen promulgators of the party line. Prouty made no anti-JFK comments. The quote you have presented to this forum is a fabrication and the original offers you no support. I'm pretty sure the Gibson comments are similiarly fabricated, but I was unable to find anything about it. But considering the source... Another figment of your fertile imagination. Bill Kelly and John Judge are trying to track down the tapes. Since someone else may have been in charge of creation and editing of these tapes I can not say for sure if they came through intact. Let's see if Bill or John recall anything about the proceedings. "Files? What files? There are no files!" In the meantime, why don't you spend some quality mean time all by yourself? I gots "celebrity statics" and you apparently, do not.
  15. And that's the relationship between Carto and Mark Lane? Did Lane marry Carto's daughter? BK I never heard the one about Lane marrying Carto's daughter, wouldn't be surprised. Since the 1970's he has been associated with all sorts of unsavory characters like Carto and Jim Jones. I heard that from the person who published one of my Willoughby articles right after the Providence conference, the Editor and Publisher of a small counter culture periodical the name of which escapes me. I will look it up somehow to see if it is still around. Steve something... Hagen or Hager was his name. His friend was the one who accompanied Sarah MacLendon to the Washington, DC conference a few months later where she cornered me and started to quiz me about how I got all this knowledge about Willoughby. Only later did her name surface on the Anti Communist Liaison Committee of Correspondence with Billy James Hargis, Edward Hunter, Alex Rorke and Charles Willoughby himself. Wonder if this friend of Steve knew about Sarah's ties to Willoughby in the 1960's or if he was just too young to realize anything. But she obviously contacted him after I did the magazine article for which he served as the photographer and as the person who wrote the preface. Have to write it off as just a skillful and secretive penetration. Anyone know any more about this Sarah MacLendon character? She was a manipulative and sneaky type even in the 1990s and I never trusted her for a moment. Lou Wolf was at that conference too from CAIB later called CAQ and we had fun grabbing the membership lists from one of those Pentagon Engineering Groups also in the hotel at that time.
  16. And even Don Gibson made these same claims at the COPA conference in the 1993-94 timeframe as I recall. Bill, do you remember the audience reaction when Prouty made his anti JFK statements? Were you there or would John Judge have any of the VHS transcripts available? How about when Mark Lane said: "Files? What files? There are no files for the Congress of Freedom!" I have to thank Vicky Wertz for turning me on to The Liberty Lobby and their chosen promulgators of the party line.
  17. Your insights and demonstrated perspicacity in dealing with these complex issues is beyond compare. I continue to be.... in AWWWWWE! Complete and total shock and awe. Keep up the good work.
  18. Greg Parker was chasing down this Schacht connection at one time as well and I attempted to find out if Robert Schacht's father was closely related to Hjalmar, but Greg reports to the contrary. As far as Robert, Jr. was concerned this Albert Schweitzer College was a legitimate educational enterprise and he scoffed at the idea that it might somehow be seen in a conspiratorial light vis a vis LHO. Now we know better thanks to George Michael Evica. I was able to browse the book online at Google books and found that George Michael's focus on Frederick Osborn, the 2nd President and an original founder of The Pioneer Fund confirms all that I have been saying about Wickliffe Draper and this nefarious cast of characters surrounding him. And this Unitarian Connection starts with Robert Welch of the nearby John Birch Society and stretches into the North Carolina roots of 2-3 of the Pioneer Fund Directors as well. So even Welch got his attitude about racial purity, anti-Communism and Eugenics via Draper whom I sincerely believe advanced Welch money on a regular basis until JBS became a self supporting organization. Hopedale, the home of the first company town in America built by the Drapers is only about 20 miles or so from Belmont and Lexington where Welch plied his trade and where 2 Drapers marched to Lexington Battle Green to fire the shots heard round the world. 200 years later, Draper's hired proxies fired the second salvo of The Shots Heard Around the World in Dealey Plaza on that fateful day. There was even a female Draper who was such an avid War Lover or so anti-British that she dressed as a man and enlisted in the Continental Army and supposedly served undetected until its conclusion. How she pulled that off is beyond me. Did she have to learn how to stuff snuff and play poker too? And how about the issues of latrine visits and shower stalls? Did they have men's and women's latrines way back then or what? And would that not have been a dead giveaway? Umm... Corporal Draper why are you using the women's bathroom anyway? And why does that uniform not fit you quite like all the other guys? Google books limits you to about 50 pages of free browsing for A Certain Arrogance but my curiousity has been piqued to say the least. Can you find out who this Baltimore Eugenicist actually was? Was it this Brundage character and was he related to Avery Brundage perhaps of the US Olympic Committee? I did discover one interesting thing on one of Claudio's threads. Frank Wisner was on the 1936 Olympic Team with Floyd Draper, Wickliffe's nephew or cousin. Wisner was a low hurdler and Draper was one of the best sprinters in America at the time and would have won 4 Gold Medals had it not been for Jesse Owens and Ralph Metcalf taking the limelight from this All American Draper. A year later Wickliffe funded and started The Pioneer Fund. The timing was more than a little uncanny. Draper was the 3rd bannana on the relay teams and managed to get 2 Gold Medals anyway as I recall but this must have infuriated Wickliffe as much as it did Hitler if not more. And C. D. Jackson was in the wedding party of Wickliffe's sister in 1924 in Hopedale when she married the nephew of William Howard Taft. They were lifelong buddies and acquaintances. A few years later she died and Wickliffe inherited her half of the family fortune, another $5,000,000 to bolster his warchest against humanity. Would C. D. Jackson have done Draper the favor of hiding or altering the Zapruder film as a favor to his goombah? Probably. By the way your prose is truly eloquent. Can I hire you to write my obitiuary then store it away until such time as it becomes more relevant and timely? How are you at pithy tombstone epitaphs? I await your response. Regards, John B
  19. Hissy Fits and Giggling Girly Gossip have no place on this Forum. Only solid researchers need apply here. Get it Hissy fits? Alger T. Hiss? I crack myself up. Check out George Michael Evica and A Certain Arrogance.... Now THAT is on the money research.
  20. My pleasure Charles. You know how passionate I am about this subject and especially about the links into Draper's Eugenicists. I have long felt that on 3//22/67 Wickliffe Draper and his family received almost $100,000,000 in Pfd Stock from Rockwell Intl for clearing the way to allow Rockwell to prosper in the Viet Nam war after JFK was gone. George Michael's work just seems to confirm my earlier prognostications about Draper being the textiles connnection into The Richard Giesbrecht Incident. Sort of like when Doug Blackmon of the WSJournal finally found the document linking Draper to Mississippi via the Sovereignty Commission five years after I wrote about The Ghosts of Mississippi and cited this connection in my ARRB testimony in 1994. Drapers role in eliminating The Freedom Riders may never be proven but he was behind it just like he funded the murder of Medgar Evers, Jr. Look at the timing of the funds flows from J. P. Morgan's Draper account to Mississippi Sov Comm. One when Evers died and the next before The Freedom Riders disappeared. Could you post some of your comments from the book on the subjects of Frederick Osborne one of the incorporators of The Pioneer Fund and any references to Wickliffe Draper or Hjalmar Schacht whose possible son Robert Schacht is an attorney in Providence where Oswalds application to Albert Schweitzer College was processed. Would love to hear your quick summary especially about the Dulles connection to a Philadelphia based Eugenicist since I just happen to be working on a Baltimore blue blood family and their links into the Daughters of the American Revolution a favorite Draper topic, H. L. Mencken from Baltimore who used to own The American Mercury before it was bought by the Draper Eugenics types and Ulius Amoss from Baltimore who was once called "the worlds foremost private eye". Amoss whose family has a 1200 page customized Geneaology document already prepared came from a family of Confederate Officers who considered themselves Kentucky Bluegrass thoroughbreds, just like Drapers cronies and his family. Gee Kentucky Colonels involved with American and British Eugenicists and New England Unitarians whose SH** dont stink. And they all pray at either Quaker or Unitarian churches and congratulate themselves that they have a higher percentage of College Graduates than even the Jews. Hmmm... smarter than the Jews, purer than the Italians and the Polacks who work for them and whiter than the driven snow. And we all wonder why they go on head hunting expeditions against Pancho Villa? Hugh Angleton, George Draper and Charles Willoughby used to go out on "bandito quail hunts" in New Mexico after Pancho Villa and they thought it was like a Fox Hunt. Ta taaaa! Tally Ho. Meet back at the club for some Mimosas after this is done. Supposedly the Yalies have captured such trophies as Geronimo's and Pancho Villa's skulls by raiding their tombs and have stored them at the Skull and Bones Society in New Haven. Sicko bastidges.
  21. The Arrogance of Blue Bloods, Unitarians and Eugenicists... Here is a great book that focuses on many issues I first surfaced before 2000 about The Pioneer Fund, Draper's Unitarian associates, Frederick Osborne, The Paines, and Allen Dulles. Albert Schweitzer College figures very intricately into his thesis. Did you know that Robert Welch was a Unitarian and some of Draper's Carolina cohorts as well like Harry Weyher and some of the members of the Board of Directors of The Pioneer Fund? The book could be called The Unitarian Connection... We are better than everyone. Our blood is so pure we stockpile red blood cells and our own plasma so we do not have to get transfusions from strangers and those who come from the shallow end of the gene pool. Short Summary of A Certain Arrogance By George Michael Evica Posted: September 15, 2006 A Certain Arrogance: U.S. Intelligence's manipulation of Religious Groups and Individuals in Two World Wars and the Cold War-and the Sacrificing of Lee Harvey Oswald by George Michael Evica. Now available from XLIBRIS, Amazon, Last Hurrah Bookshop, and others. A Certain Arrogance is based on six years of research and writing and tens of thousands of never-before-examined documents archived at Harvard Divinity School, Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts; at the Unitarian/Universalist Service Committee offices in Cambridge; and in Boston at the Unitarian/Universalist Association headquarters. American intelligence, led by Allen Dulles, manipulated major religious groups through two World Wars and the "Cold War." In Switzerland, Liberal Protestantism created Albert Schweitzer College, supported in the United States by the Unitarian Church, the Unitarian Service Committee, and the American Friends of Albert Schweitzer College, dominated by elite Unitarians with U.S. intelligence ties. American intelligence apparently used Albert Schweitzer College in cooperation with assets of the Office of Strategic Services and the CIA, key policy?makers for Albert Schweitzer College. In 1959, Lee Harvey Oswald, exhibiting extremely suspicious intelligence signals, registered for Albert Schweitzer College; four years later, Oswald was framed for JFK's murder, and the truth about the Swiss college was, until now, suppressed. Assisted by the support of a community of religious individuals and groups, the author of A Certain Arrogance establishes that Lee Harvey Oswald, a reputed defector to the Soviet Union, was apparently supplied by U.S. intelligence with official but deliberately faulty military and travel documents in order to apply to Albert Schweitzer College. That application linked him directly to a powerful group of American Unitarians, key assets of the Office of Strategic Services and then the CIA, first in the fight against Nazi Germany and later in the struggle against international Communism. Among those elite Unitarians was Percival Flack Brundage, champion of economic and covert actions of the U.S. war machine when he held important leadership positions in the Bureau of the Budget, as president of the American Friends of Albert Schweitzer College, and as a key member of the U.S. intelligence fraternity that ran psychological warfare and critical covert operations. Both Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles were important actors in that dark spy community. Lee Harvey Oswald, obviously the product of a U.S. intelligence False Identity/"Illegals" program, was ultimately patsied on November 11, 1963 in the JFK murder George Michael Evica's "A Certain Arrogance" A Book Review by Robert D. Morningstar November 22, 2006 Oh, how terrible and barbarous are those Islamic Fundamentalists! How devious and demonic appear those Mullahs and Ayatollahs shown to us on CNN and Fox News each day and night, manipulating and perverting the religious teachings of a "religion of peace" to indoctrinate young minds towards self-destruction, suicide bombing and terrorism. How perverse of them it is to use religion as an excuse to attain political and military objectives. And, Oh, how much more moral are we than they! We, the self-righteous, morally and ethically "superior" Westerners who eschew such debased use of religious dogma as propaganda and mass mind-control tactics in the indoctrination of our own citizens. "Not so!" might say Professor George Michael Evica, an outstanding and well-respected expert of JFK Assassination and US Intelligence History, through his riveting new book, entitled "A Certain Arrogance." In "A Certain Arrogance" (Iron Sights Press, 2006), Professor Evica reveals the history of the recruitment and indoctrination of US intelligence assets (spies/assassins) for OSS and CIA beginning during World War II when, through the work of OSS members Wild Bill Donovan and Allan Dulles, religious institutions, particularly, the Unitarian Church and the Quaker movement, were used as "fronts" in the selection and culling of candidates for espionage and special operations by America's intelligences services, OSS and CIA, domestically and abroad. From OSS World War II operations in Switzerland to the Congo of the 1950s and 1960s to Patrice Lamumba University in Moscow, Evica takes the reader on a meticulously documented tour of international intrigues involved in the training of intelligence operatives through their education and indoctrination at various institutions run by religious organizations. Foremost among these in American intelligence gathering and special operations were the Unitarian Church and the Quakers. However, Evica shows us that these are not the same Quakers we think of when we remember the warmth and quiet courage of Gary Cooper and "Friendly Persuasion." Professor Evica begins his chronicle of covert operations with the recruitment, education and indoctrination of Lee Harvey Oswald as began his peregrinations in 1958-59 toward his defection to Russia by passing through Switzerland's Albert Schweitzer College, where the CIA and FBI maintained contacts and operatives. Evica chronicles the historic role of the Rockefeller clan in funding "missionary activities throughout the world" for intelligence gathering and suppression of undesirable activist social movements beginning in the early 188o's to gather intelligence information in order to quash American Indian activities in the West. Evica states: "As early as 1883, the Rockefellers had 'used [Christian] missionaries to gather intelligence about [Native American] insurgencies in the West or to discourage them.' In the United States and later throughout Central and South America, Family Rockefeller power was linked to Christian missionary work." The Rockefeller method of using Christian military activities in conjunction with financial power proved to be so successful in consolidating the Rockefeller Empire in the Americas that it was then employed in the Far East, in China, Korea, Philippines and Taiwan. By 1957, the Rockefellers had enlisted American Fundamentalist Revivalism as a national power base and put their support behind the evangelist, Billy Graham. Evica's book takes the reader back and forth across continents and oceans both to the Far East, Korea and Nationalist Taiwan, and to Europe, but always after short side trips, Evica returns the travels of Lee Harvey Oswald as he made his way inevitably to Dallas, Texas and the site of the JFK Assassination. Ruth and Michael Paine A Quaker & A Unitarian Lee Oswald's Dallas "Handlers" Throughout his meandering journey, Oswald repeated encounters operatives of Unitarian, Quaker and Southern Baptist Fundamentalist missionary activities. For example, Oswald's "friends" and hosts in Dallas, Michael and Ruth Paine, who took Marina Oswald under her wing, were associated with both the Unitarian and the Quaker missionary movements. Evica suggests (as this writer has often asserted) that Michael Paine, "a physical Oswald double," may have acted in that capacity to bring attention in a negative way to Oswald's activities by setting up "political confrontations" at Southern Methodist University on Sundays after attending as "a communicant at a 'nearby' Unitarian Church." The religious intrigues surrounding the life and death of Lee Harvey Oswald, as detailed and documented by Evica in this masterful work, shed a disturbing light on the events in Dallas on November 22, 1963 and suggest an almost direct link to current history-altering and world-shaping national and international events in which our nation is today engaged (although "embroiled" may be a more appropriate term). The importance of this work is self-evident and shows that the JFK Assassination is as important today as on the day it happened, exactly 43 years ago today (I chose to compose on this day intentionally for this reason). George Michael Evica's close friend and research associate for many years, Charles Drago, writes in his eloquent introduction to "A Certain Arrogance": "A Certain Arrogance stands as Professor Evica's response to the unavoidable question: How do we define and effect justice in the wake of the world-historic tragedy in Dallas? Clearly he understands that, at this late date, being content merely to identify and, if possible, prosecute the conspiracy's facilitators and mechanics would amount to hollow acts of vengeance. Cleaning and closing the wound while leaving the disease to spread is simply not an option." Mr. Drago goes on to make analogy between the JFK Assassination and a cancer that continues to spread through our government and contaminates and taints our history. From this short and eloquent diagnosis, current events clearly demonstrate that "the cancer" which infected government policy and national politics that day in Dallas, November 22nd, 1963 still persists, continues to grow in virulence and has created an all too patient but sick nation. The question remains "What is the remedy that will rid us of the cancer but not kill the patient?" This reviewer's response is: The remedy that will heal the nation and stop the cancer from spreading any farther is achieving "Justice for JFK." I recommend "A Certain Arrogance" to all those good citizens who are interested in recovering our national security from the Machiavellian manipulation of misguided patriot actors and religious fanatics who at the core are not dissimilar in credo, strategy and tactics from those same terrorists from whom they pretend to defend us. THE PIONEER FUND: THE NAZI CONNECTION Written By S.R. Shearer The Pioneer Fund was established as a charitable trust on February 27, 1937 in New York City. Harry H. Laughlin, Frederick Osborn and textile magnate Wickliffe Draper were the principle founders.[1] The Fund's stated purpose was to "improve the character of the American people" by encouraging the procreation of descendants of "white persons" and to provide aid in conducting research on "race betterment with special reference to the people of the United States."[2] The current president of the Pioneer Fund is a shadowy figure named Harry F. Weyher, a financier and corporate lawyer who eschews interviews and runs the Fund without pay or staff from his offices in New York; he is assisted in his work by four other "Trustees" - one of whom has been Tom Ellis, a close associate of Pat Robertson and Tim LaHaye in the Council on National Policy (CNP), the principle coordinating agency in bringing together various members of the religious right with the business right and the political right. All serve without pay and staff. The Pioneer Fund has assets of about $5-million and gives away most of its $1-million in annual income to a dozen or more scholars from Northern Ireland to California who study IQ and genetics. The Pioneer Fund supported a significant portion of the research cited in the recent best-selling book on race and intelligence, The Bell Curve, by Richard J. Herrnstein, a Harvard University psychologist who died in September 1994, and Charles Murray, a political scientist at the American Enterprise Institute. In the billion dollar world of philanthropy, the money doled out by the Pioneer Fund may seem paltry. But the numbers don't tell the real story of the Fund's influence. "The Pioneer Fund has been able to direct its resources like a laser-beam," says one critic, Barry Mehler, a historian at Ferris State University who has been gathering information on it since the 1970s. "I credit the Fund for being a major factor in the present resurgence of the biological-determinism movement - a factor that is far out of proportion to the amount of funds it has."[3] Whether people revere or revile the Fund, most say it has stretched relatively few dollars a long way. "It suggests to me that as long as you focus on your mission, you can make an impact," says Dwight Burlingame, director of academic programs and research at Indiana University's Center on Philanthropy. "A lot of small foundations search for this kind of niche, where they can try to create an identity (and an impact)."[4] Mr. Weyher says his strategy has been to do just that. He chooses from the 30 applications he receives each year those projects that are "too much of a hot potato" to get money elsewhere.[5] All of the men connected to the establishment of the Fund were admirers of Adolf Hitler. They believed unequivocally in white superiority and held that it (i.e., white supremacy) derived from "the evolutionary process." They were motivated to establish the Fund by what they considered to be the overwhelming "success" of the Nazi eugenics policy[6] - a startling defamation, but one which is easily documented. Take Harry Laughlin, the Fund's most energetic early personality, for example: in May 1936, Dr. Carl Schneider, a professor of "racial hygiene" at the University of Heidelberg and dean of the school's faculty of medicine (and who, incidentally, also served as a "scientific adviser" for the extermination of handicapped people in Germany) offered Laughlin an honorary degree of "Doctor of Medicine." Laughlin was deeply moved; he enthusiastically replied, "I stand ready to accept this very high honor. Its bestowal will give me particular gratification ... To me this honor will be ... valued because it comes from a nation which for many centuries nurtured the human seed stock which later founded my own country and thus gave basic character to our present lives and institutions."[7] The lives of all the men connected to the founding of the Pioneer Fund exhibit the same Nazi-like attachments and affinities - and this despite the fact that most of them attempted to distance themselves publicly from National Socialism as an outright political ideology. Indeed, despite their inner ebullience towards Hitler, the men connected to the Fund were conscious of the need NOT to appear too slavishly devoted to fascism as a political philosophy. Madison Grant, author of The Great Race and an admirer of the work of the Fund - warned Laughlin to this effect in 1937; he wrote a letter to Laughlin cautioning him against becoming too closely identified with the Nazis; he advised Laughlin that, although "most people of our type" are in sympathy with Germany's actions, eugenicists had to "proceed cautiously in endorsing them"[8] - hence the need to occasionally condemn anti-Semitism and overt racism as such, if only to keep the Jews and other minorities at bay. The dissembling apparent here has been all too much a part of the history of the Pioneer Fund, and continues unabated, even today, as - for example - the manner in which the Fund has attempted to hide its connection to the passage of Proposition 187 in California (see below); but insofar as the Nazi eugenics policy itself was concerned, all of the men connected early on to the Fund would have had little difficulty in agreeing with their colleague Frederick Osborn when he said that the Nazi eugenics program was the "most important experiment which has ever been tried (in the history of the world)."[9] Since the end of World War II eugenicists connected to the Fund have tried to separate themselves from the legacy of the Holocaust and the ideology of Nordic superiority by eliminating references to "ethnic racism" in their official pronouncements and from the agendas of their various "learned" societies. For example, in 1954, The British Annals of Eugenics was renamed The Annals of Human Genetics; in 1969, The Eugenics Quarterly, the successor of The Eugenics News, was renamed The Journal of Social Biology. Moreover, eugenicists dropped the term "eugenicist" in describing themselves and began referring to themselves as "population scientists," "human geneticists," "psychiatrists," "sociologists," "anthropologists," and "family politicians" - all in an attempt to distance themselves and their work from its hideous outcome in World War II and the Holocaust. To this end, even the Fund dropped all references to "whites" and the "white race" from its charter - and it's worked: these moves have helped the Fund regain acceptance in the scientific community. Today the Pioneer Fund has regained its foothold in academia, financing projects connected to Harvard, Yale, the University of Delaware, the University of California at Berkeley, etc.[10] - and the same subterfuge insofar as what the Fund is really all about continues without any apparent letup. Take, for example, the manner in which the Fund has sought to hide its connection to Proposition 187 (California's 1994 anti-immigrant initiative). Opponents of Prop. 187 charged early on that the initiative was being partially underwritten by the Pioneer Fund. "Not so!" replied proponents of the measure - and, strictly speaking, they were right. There has been no direct connection between the Fund and Prop. 187. But the indirect connection has been extensive and pervasive. The examples are almost too numerous to mention; take just one: Alan Nelson. Nelson is one of the authors of Prop. 187 and was a driving force behind the measure. During the almost two-year "lead-up" to passage of the measure, Nelson was occupied almost full-time on work connected to the initiative. The question is, who paid him during this time? - an organization calling itself FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform). And where did FAIR get its income? - from the Pioneer Fund![11] To say under such circumstances, then, that the Pioneer Fund did not help bankroll Prop. 187 is disingenuous at best, and somewhat deceitful at worst. It's precisely this kind of dissembling and duplicity that contributes so greatly to the murky and even sinister aura which surrounds the activities of the Fund. German historian and sociologist Stephen Kuhl, author of The Nazi Connection, cautions people of good-will in the United States to stay clear of those who are connected to the Fund. He warns that the failure of the German people - especially German Christians - to disassociate themselves early on from people and institutions connected directly or even indirectly to "race-science," so-called, helped pave the way to the crematoria of Hitler's Death Camps. He cautions that the Pioneer Fund is "a Fund that was founded by supporters of Hitler's policies against ethnic minorities and handicapped people and that provided money for introducing Nazi propaganda into the United States; it still sponsors research (and projects) that have striking similarities to the work that provided the scientific basis for Nazi measures."[12] Benno Muller-Hill, author of Murderous Science: Crimes against Germany's Ethnic Minorities, echoes Kuhl; Muller-Hill writes that the Death Camps of Hitler's Germany were not the result of a crazed minority of empty-headed bumpkins, but rather "the result of the work of leading scholars of international repute ... Nazi racial policies were the work of trained scholars, not ignorant fanatics" - it was a science gone mad. Written By S. R. Shearer Antipas Ministries Other founders included Malcolm Donald, and Vincent R. Smalley. Certificate of the Pioneer Fund, February 27, 1937, signed by Harry H. Laughlin, Frederick Osborn, Wickliffe Draper, Malcolm Donald, and Vincent R. Smalley. Laughlin Papers, Missouri State University, Kirksville. Please see Joye Mercer, "A Fascination With Genes: Pioneer Fund is at center of debate over research on race and intelligence" in The Journal of Higher Education, December 7, 1994, pg. 28. Ibid., pg. 28. Ibid., pg. 28. See Harriet A. Washington, "Vital Signs," in Emerge, Jan. 31, 1995, pg., 22. Schneider to Laughlin, May 16, 1936 and Laughlin to Schneider, May 28, 1936, Laughlin Papers. Stephen Kuhl, The Nazi Connection, Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), pg. 74. Frederick Osborn, "Summary of the Proceedings of the Conference on Eugenics in Relation to Nursing," February 24, 1937, American Eugenics Society Papers: Conference on Eugenics in Relation to Nursing. Please see Mohinder Mann and Annie Dandavati, "The Anti-Immigrant Initiative" in India Currents, October 31, 1994, pg. 7. Samuel R. Cacas, "Hearing Draws Differing Perspectives on Immigration's Impact on Jobs in California" in Asian Week, October 15, 1994, pg. 1 Op. Cit., Stephen Kuhl, pg. 106.
  22. Froggy the Gremlin is talking to himself again... Go into the 4th room where Froggy the Gremlin is sitting all alone, contemplating his navel... in Shock and Awe. Hi Ya Kids. Hi Ya. Hi Ya. Hi Ya.
  23. The source for this article about The British Eugenics Establishment is... http://www.watch.pair.com/cnp2.html Read about The Cliveden Set which Alger Hiss correctly blamed for his persecution issues during the McCarthy Witch Hunts... Alger Hiss was innocent. But the Cliveden Set had it in for him. Read all about them. Our own Froggy the Gremlin must be suffering from Shock and Awe... Whatsa mattah? Cat got your tongue? LOL.
  24. The Pioneer Fund, The Hunt Brothers, Eugenics, The Cliveden Set and Jesse Helms What a parlay that is... Need I say any more? Jesse Helms and Eugenics is an Oxymoron Alger Hiss in his autobiography blamed The Cliveden Set for his problems with the McCarthy witch hunts... You know what he was probably right... THE THE BRITISH EUGENICS ESTABLISHMENT THE BRITISH RACE SCIENTISTS The Hunt Brothers: Advancing Eugenics & Ethnology The Order of St. Lazarus & Jesse Helms The Heritage Foundation, Pioneer Fund & Roger Pearson THE BRITISH EUGENICS SOCIETIES The Society for Psychical Research The Fabian Co-Efficients The Rhodes Round Table Edinburgh: Home of Thomas Nelson Publishers THE BEAST OUT OF THE SEA THE BRITISH RACE SCIENTISTS HUNT BROTHERS ADVANCE EUGENICS & ETHNOLOGY A critical piece of information unearthing the dark origins of the Council for National Policy is the fact that Nelson Bunker Hunt (financier and executive officer of SIL's ILC, the Religious Roundtable, Campus Crusade and JBS, and main funder/second president of the CNP) and Jesse Helms (whose top political operative, Tom Ellis, was director of the racial eugenics Pioneer Fund and second CNP president) were members of a racial eugenics society -- the International Association for the Advancement of Eugenics and Ethnology. The IAAEE, which is headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland, established a branch in the U.S. through the personal agency of Lord Malcolm Douglas -- a member of the British Cliveden Set which supported Hitler during World War II. "[Lady Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton's] deceased husband, part of the British aristocracy, was the brother of the host of Rudolph Hess when, in 1940, Hess made his secret flight to England. Hess, a top aide to Hitler and Nazi Party official, sought to meet with the British aristocratic circles known as the Cliveden Set. Sympathetic to Hitler's war aims, the Cliveden Set tried to get England out of the war it had declared against Germany in September, 1939, after Germany invaded Poland. Hess was arrested and imprisoned. After Lord Malcolm Douglas came to the U.S., he established an American branch of a racial eugenics group headquartered in Scotland. The oil billionaire Hunt brothers and Senator Jesse Helms are members of this group. It was headed by Robert Gayre, who published the racialist Mankind Quarterly until Roger Pearson took it over in 1978." 53. "For an overview on 'race and intelligence,' Murray and Herrnstein recommend two books by three Pioneer Fund recipients: Audrey Shuey, Frank C. J. McGurk, and R. Travis Osborne. McGurk is the main authority they cite to 'prove' that IQ tests are not racially biased. He was one of the 'scientific' mainstays of the segregationist movement in the southern US. In 1959 McGurk and Shuey became leading members of the International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics, first publisher of Mankind Quarterly. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and the oil billionaire Hunt brothers." 54. Carroll Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment identifies the Cliveden Set as the British elites who later formed the Rhodes-Milner Round Table. Cliveden was the home of Lord Astor, a decisive voice in the Milner Group: "During this period of almost sixty years [1889-1940], this society has been called by various names. During the first decade or so it was called 'the secret society of Cecil Rhodes' or 'the dream of Cecil Rhodes.' In the second and third decades of its existence it was known as Milner's Kindergarten' (1901-1910) and as 'the Round Table Group.' Since 1920 it has been called by various names, depending on which phase of its activities was being examined. It has been called 'The Times Crowd,' 'the Rhodes crowd,' the 'Chatham House crowd,' the 'All Soul's group,' and the 'Cliveden set'. . ." 55. The late Walter Lippmann was not only a member of the Mont Pelerin Society and of the Council on Foreign Relations, but also of the American Round Table. Walter Lippmann, George Louis Beer, Frank Aydetlotte, Whitney Shepardson, Thomas W. Lamont, Jerome D. Green, Erwin D. Canham were part of the American delegation to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 after which they founded the CFR with members of the British Round Table. 56. Thomas Lamont was chairman of the Anglophile J.P. Morgan & Co. In 1926, Lamont secured a $100 million loan for Mussolini, whose success as fascist dictator of Italy and aggression against Ethiopia would inspire Adolf Hitler. 57. "The Morgan partners subscribed to an idea expressed by Walter Lippmann in 1915 that U.S. foreign policy would experience a 'crowning disaster' if uninformed by a 'vision of the Anglo-American future.'" Quigley acknowledged the Round Table's appeasement policy dating back to the Treaty of Versailles: "Those who are familiar with the activities of the 'Cliveden Set' in the 1930s have generally felt that the appeasement policy associated with that group was a manifestation of the period after 1934 only. This is quite mistaken. The Milner Group, which was the reality behind the phantom-like Cliveden Set, began their program of appeasement and revision of the [peace] settlement as early as 1919." 58. JESSE HELMS & THE ORDER OF ST. LAZARUS Jesse Helms is also linked with the Knights of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, which was founded in Britain by Robert Gayre (publisher of the racialist Mankind Quarterly before Roger Pearson). The Order of St. Lazarus was also established in the U.S. by Lord Malcolm Douglas of the Cliveden Set: "In the 1960s, a Briton named Robert Gayre had succeeded in founding a branch of the Order [of St. Lazarus] in Great Britain, accepting many non-Catholics as members. (The same Robert Gayre was involved...when an International Commission on Orders of Chivalry was created, with the main purpose of providing legitimacy to the Order of Saint Lazarus.) The duke of Nemours decided to open the order to them, but this led to another split, and Nemours was himself deposed and replaced by the duc de Brissac who, in 1980, abandoned the denomination of 'Order' and gave the association new statutes, calling it simply 'Hospitallers of Saint Lazarus'" 59. "[Lady Malcolm] Douglas Hamilton is related to a British family that supported Hitler's war aims. When she and her husband came to the U.S., he helped establish a branch of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, an obscure racist-led network based in Scotland and tied to Jesse Helms." 60. Scholars examining the relationship between right-wing politics and racial research have drawn on a 1979 work by social psychologist Michael Billig, Psychology, Racism, and Fascism, which argues that the origins of racist and neo-Nazi movements of the 1950s to 1970s are to be found in British social science. Robert Gayre's Mankind Quarterly is based in Edinburgh, Scotland, the location of the Order of St. Lazarus: "Since it was established in 1960, The Mankind Quarterly has had the same overall editor -- Professor R. Gayre, M.A., D.Phil., Pol.D.Sc., D.Sc., a physical anthropologist trained at Edinburgh University. He was formerly Professor of Anthropology at the University of Saugor in India, but now is resident at Edinburgh, where The Mankind Quarterly is published ...Gayre's contacts with British fascists came to light when five members of the Racial Preservation Society were prosecuted in 1968 at Lewes under the Race Relations Act for publishing racialist material. At the time of the offence the Racial Preservation Society was an independent body, but by the time of the trial it had officially merged into the National Front." 61. It was not by coincidence that the cloning of Dolly the sheep occurred at the Roslyn Institute in Roslyn, Scotland located 7 miles south of Edinburgh. Situated directly between Roslyn Institute and Edinburgh is Roslyn Chapel, the famous shrine of the Knights Templar that is geometrically designed as a copy of the ruins of Herod's Temple. Near Roslyn Chapel is the home of the St Clair or Sinclair family 62., which have historically been revered as prominent Freemasons of Britain and a sacred family of the Merovingian bloodline. The esoteric interpretation of Dolly compares the white sheep to Christ, whose divine and immortal state the racial eugenicists hope to duplicate through biotechnology. According to news reports, the cloning of the first human embryo occurred in 1999 on June 24, which is the Masonic feast of St. John the Baptist, patron saint of Freemasonry. 63. HERITAGE FOUNDATION, PIONEER FUND & ROGER PEARSON Roger Pearson became chairman of the World Anti-Communist League and was responsible for flooding European chapters with Nazi sympathizers and former Nazi SS officers. Searchlight credits the Pioneer Fund, under the direction of the second CNP president, Tom Ellis', with financing the work of numerous Anglo-American "race-scientists" such as Pearson: "Indeed, most of the leading Anglo-American academic race-scientists of the past several decades have been funded by the Pioneer, including William Shockley, Hans J Eysenck, Arthur Jensen, Roger Pearson, Richard Lynn, J Philippe Rushton, R Travis Osborne, Linda Gottfredson, Robert A Gordon, Daniel R Vining Jr, Michael Levin and Seymour Itzkoff - all cited in The Bell Curve. "But the Pioneer Fund's importance in the history of postwar race science far exceeds its size or the size of its grants. With almost laser-like precision, the Pioneer Fund has been at the cutting edge of almost every race conflict in the United States since its founding in 1937. . . An article in the New York Times on 11 December 1977 characterised it as having 'supported highly controversial research by a dozen scientists who believe that blacks are genetically less intelligent than whites'...The fascist ideologist Roger Pearson, whose Institute for the Study of Man has been one of the top Pioneer beneficiaries over the past 20 years ($869,500 from 1981 to 1996) is the clearest example of the extremist ideology of the Fund's leadership. 64. Pearson, who published The Mankind Quarterly after Robert Gayre and served on editorial board of Heritage Foundation's Policy Review, is a Briton who obtained his master's degree at the London School of Economics. 65. The LSE was founded in 1894 and financed by the British Fabian Society as a long-term investment to educate and train an elite workforce to carry out the schemes of socialist reform, the London School of Economics is now one of the largest schools of the University of London and has an international reputation. Over half of its 5,000 students and academic staff are from outside of the United Kingdom. Five of its former staff members have won Nobel Prizes and its Journal of International Studies, Millennium, enjoys world-wide circulation and recognition. The L.S.E. also provides consultants to many organizations, including the U.K. government, international bodies such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations. 66. The Ford Foundation, which funds and whose members serve as trustees on the Council of Foreign Relations, 67. provided a grant in 1967 to the LSE for a Centre for International Studies. The European Institute of the LSE participates actively in the European Series conferences on issues concerning the European Union. In his book, The Committee of 300, former British MI6 officer John Coleman revealed that a high level Fabian Society member and agent of the Tavistock Institute also managed the Heritage Foundation. There is no mention of Sir Peter Vickers Hall on the Heritage website, but then Heritage has covered its fascist tracks on other occasions: "[Roger] Pearson's tenure on Heritage's Policy Review editorial board was short lived. . . due to a Washington Post expose of the racist and fascist undercurrents of a World Anti-Communist League chaired by Pearson in May 1978 in Washington, D.C." 68. Dr. Coleman's remarks are worth including as supportive of other sources which locate the origins of the "right-wing" Council for National Policy in the British Round Table and Fabian Society, which has the reputation of being a "socialist" organization. "The Committee of 300 through its many affiliated organizations was able to nullify the Reagan presidency. Here is what Stuart Butler of the Heritage Foundation had to say on the subject 'The right thought it had won in 1980 but in fact it have lost.' What Butler was referring to was the situation in which the Right found itself when it realized that every single position of importance in the Reagan administration was filled by Fabianist appointees recommended by the Heritage Foundation. Butler went on to say that Heritage would use rightwing ideas to impose leftwing radical principles upon the United States, the same radical ideas which Sir Peter Vickers Hall, top Fabianist in the U.S. and the number one man at Heritage, had been openly discussing during the election year. "Sir Peter Vickers Hall remained an active Fabianist even though he was running a conservative 'think tank.' As a member of the British oligarchical Vickers armament manufacturing family, he had position and power. The Vickers family supplied both sides in the First World War and again during Hitler's rise to power. Vickers' official cover was the University of California's Urban and Regional Development Institute. He was a longtime confidant of British Labour leader and Committee of 300 member Anthony Wedgewood Benn. Both Vickers and Benn are integrated with the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, the premiere brainwashing institution in the world." 69. THE BRITISH EUGENICS SOCIETIES Although the Fabian Society has a reputation of being a pioneer of the 19th century socialist movement, the Fabians were neither right nor left wing, but were elitists. The Fabian Society was founded in 1883 by members of the Society for Psychical Research, which was a creation of the Cecil Bloc of the Rhodes Round Table. A brief history of these immensely influential organizations will show how the parent organizations of Great Britain masterminded and modeled the very sophisticated dialectical operation which their progeny are now perpetrating worldwide. Those in whose purview is the control of information about the Religious Right must stop all investigation at the point where Rockefeller or the Nazis or the CIA are identified as the culprits. At all costs, the point of origin must not be identified as Great Britain. However, the proper place to conclude our inquiry is to identify the British societies which have reproduced their counterparts in the U.S. Among these they have also planted organizations for the purpose of indoctrinating the Christians to look somewhere out there for the conspiracy, while they are being ushered into the New World Order via the back door by their leaders. Great Britain functions in a caste system which values heredity above all else. Research on heredity as the determining factor of successful living is common in English and Scottish academic institutions. Interlocking families of high social rank have considered themselves to be the saviours of mankind. Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities have especially been the province of the sons and daughters of the elite, whose parents belong to the upper echelon of British society. The intellectual capital of these universities and their elite societies would find a way to eliminate the "human weeds" and populate the earth with a "race of thoroughbreds"--terms invented by the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, who frequented the eugenics societies of Europe and Great Britain in her heyday of Rockefeller-funded racism. SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH One of the early pioneers of nineteenth century Spiritualist inquiry was the Ghost Society at the University of Cambridge. In 1851, Edward White Benson, who would later become the Archbishop of Canterbury, founded the Cambridge Ghost Society with J. B. Lightfoot, B. F. Westcott, and Fenton John Antony Hort. The Society for Psychical Research: An Outline of its History and The Life of Edward White Benson by his son, Arthur Benson, document the distinguished founders of the Cambridge Ghost Society: "Among the numerous persons and groups who in the middle of the nineteenth century were making enquiries into psychical occurrences may be mentioned a society from which our own can claim direct descent. In the Life of Edward White Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury, by his son, A. C. Benson, will be found, under the year 1851-2, the following paragraph: 'Among my father's diversions at Cambridge was the foundation of a 'Ghost Society,' the forerunner of the Psychical Society [meaning the S.P.R.] for the investigation of the supernatural. Lightfoot, Westcott and Hort were among the members. He was then, as always, more interested in psychical phenomena than he cared to admit.'"Lightfoot and Westcott both became bishops, and Hort Professor of Divinity. The S.P.R. has hardly lived up to the standard of ecclesiastical eminence set by the parent society." 70. [Of Westcott and Hort, much has been written, yet the entire story is rarely told. All who venture into this forbidden territory receive swift retribution! Gail Riplinger's book, New Age Bible Versions, drew fire not only for its exposure of counterfeit bibles, but also for her identification of the secret societies of England and their elite membership who hatched the wicked New Testament scheme.] Edward White Benson married Mary Sidgwick whose brother, Henry Sidgwick married Eleanor Balfour, the sister of Arthur Balfour, who became Prime Minister of England. The Anglican clergymen who founded societies for Spiritualist inquiry became dignitaries in the Church of England. However, the younger Cambridge intellectuals whom they had discipled in Spiritualist endeavors worked to establish a scientific basis for Spiritualistic investigation and proceeded to develop psychical research into a respected branch of knowledge. "Of these (groups) the most important was that centered round Henry Sidgwick, Frederic Myers and Edmund Gurney, all Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge and deriving its inspiration from the Cambridge University Ghost Society, founded by no less a person than Edward White Benson, the future Archbishop of Canterbury." 71. In 1882, the Cambridge scholars, Henry Sidgwick, Frederic Myers, Edmund Gurney, Arthur and Gerald Balfour founded the Society for Psychical Research. Sidgwick who became the first president of the S.P.R. continued in this position for nine years. His prestigious connections and influence at Cambridge drew a number of distinguished persons into the society, which James Webb speculates in his volume, The Occult Underground, fulfilled the function of "Spiritualist church for intellectuals." Future Prime Minister Arthur Balfour who was Sidgwick's ablest student at Cambridge would serve as president of the S.P.R., as did his brother, Gerald Balfour, and sister, Eleanor Sidgwick. The record shows: "In 1887, Council Members and Honorary Members of the SPR included a past Prime Minister (William Gladstone)…and a future Prime Minister (Arthur Balfour); …2 bishops; and Tennyson and Ruskin, two of the outstanding literary figures of the day;…'Lewis Carroll'…with a surprising number of titled persons." 72. William Gladstone, Prime Minister from 1865-74, called psychical research, "The most important work, which is being done in the world. By far the most important work." William James, the famous psychologist, philosopher and father of author Henry James, became president of the American S.P.R. in 1885. However, in its industry and operation, "… the driving force of the S.P.R. came very largely from the group of younger Trinity men of the 1870's mentioned previously (p. 64), as having turned, often with reluctance, towards agnosticism. Among the eleven who were named, six -- Sidgwick, Myers, Gurney, the two Balfours, and Walter Leaf became not merely members of the S.P.R., but its principle organizers, its very engine room. Closely linked with them was Sidgwick's wife, Nora, and one of his former students, Richard Hodgson." 73. The Society for Psychical Research: An Outline of Its History, by W.H. Salter, President in 1947-8, mentions this detail as to Nora [balfour] Sidgwick, who became principal of Newnham College, Cambridge in 1892: "Mrs. Sidgwick…did not join the Society till 1884, for fear, apparently, that an open connection with so unorthodox a venture might prejudice Newnham College, in which then recent foundation she held a responsible position." 74. The original objective of the S.P.R. was to conduct research into "that large group of debatable phenomena designated by such terms as mesmeric, psychical and spiritualistic." Committees were organized to examine telepathy, hypnotism, mesmeric trance, clairvoyance, ESP, apparitions, haunted houses, and to determine the laws of physical spiritualistic phenomena. In recognition of the important work accomplished by Benson, Westcott and Hort -- the leaders of its precursor, the Cambridge Ghost Society -- the S.P.R. Historical Outline posits: "It would hardly have been possible for the new Society to undertake an enquiry of such a kind or on such a scale if several of its leading members had not already gained previous experience of the difficulties attaching to that type of investigation." 75. Lord Salisbury, who became Prime Minister of England from 1885-1902, was brother to the mother of Gerald and Arthur Balfour, whose government became a continuation of Lord Salisbury's. Lord Salisbury was the title given to Sir Robert Gascoyne-Cecil whose powerful family expanded to form the Cecil Bloc, the nexus of power from which the Rhodes-Milner Round Table evolved. In The Anglo-American Establishment, Carroll Quigley credits the Cecil Bloc, of which the Balfours were high ranking members, with the creation of the S.P.R. "'The Toynbee group' was a group of political intellectuals. . .dominated by Arnold Toynbee and Milner himself. . .The Cecil Bloc was a nexus of political and social power formed by Lord Salisbury and extending from the great sphere of politics into the fields of education and publicity. . .The 'Rhodes secret society' was a group of imperial federalists, formed in the period after 1889 and using the economic resources of South Africa to extend and perpetuate the British Empire. It is doubtful if Milner could have formed his group without assistance from all three of these sources. . . "One of the enduring creations of the Cecil Bloc is the Society for Psychical Research, which holds a position in the history of the Cecil Bloc similar to that held by the Royal Institute of International Affairs in the Milner Group. The Society was founded in 1882 by the Balfour family and their in-laws, Lord Rayleigh and Professor Sidgwick. In the twentieth century it was dominated by those members of the Cecil Bloc who became most readily members of the Milner Group." 76. Arthur Balfour's brother, Gerald, who also served as president of the S.P.R., was brother-in-law to Emily Lytton Lutyens, a disciple of Theosophist Annie Besant and the granddaughter of Bulwer Lytton, the Imperator of the Internal College of the Rosy+Cross from 1849 to 1865. "She herself had been born Emily Lytton, the granddaughter of the occultist Bulwer Lytton, and was the sister-in-law of Gerald Balfour, who with his brother Arthur became president of the Society for Psychical Research. The Balfours' sister, Nora, married Henry Sidgwick, whose own sister, Mary, became the wife of Edward White Benson, and the mother of Robert Hugh. Within this family connection, it is quite natural to find at least one devoted Theosophist." 77. Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton in [1803-73] who was also educated at Trinity College Cambridge brought to England the practice of alchemy, the most secret occult science to which study and practice the Order of the Rose Croix was dedicated. As planned all along, the "science" of alchemy is now evolving from the transmutation of base metals into gold to the transmutation of human genomes cannibalized from aborted babies into new species: "Many of biotechnology's specific products and areas of research are aimed at creating new forms in reality---new species--- by asexual means, that reflect esoteric doctrine, such as Rosicrucian alchemical precepts as androgyny and man's transcendence of all moral absolutes and even physical fixity; perfectibility as preached by the Cathari; and Valentinian gnosticism's teaching regarding man's return into the 'one' via gnosis and enlightenment. All of these are part of the same centuries' old gnostic streams. The esoteric goal of the 'new world order' is a contra-Genesis anti-civilization whose emblem is a gnostic garden of Eden in which man is perfect and incorruptible. Some of the newest technologies, such as organ farming using totipotent stem cells of human embryos are aimed at immortality, at least for the few." 78. Emily Luytens was also foster-mother of Jiddu Krishnamurti, who was promoted as Lord Maitreya, the World Teacher of the New Age. "Lady Emily Lutyens, the wife of the architect, is interesting in this context. . .Converted by Mrs. Besant, Emily became for teen years the devoted "foster-mother" and adherent of Krishnamurti. . . even among the highest reaches of society the crisis of consciousness made itself felt. The supernatural was no stranger to the family of Emily Lutyens. 79. In its early stages, the S.P.R. held séances in the townhouse of Arthur Balfour of which his sister Eleanor was the principle organizer. Various mediums of reputation were investigated with the purpose of ruling out charlatans and determining if entities from the spirit realm or deceased persons did in fact communicate with the living. In 1884, Madame H.P. Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, was interviewed by a committee of the S.P.R. Although Richard Hodgson later would report "the tangle of fraud, intrigue and credulity" associated with her work in India, the S.P.R. was at first -- "…considerably impressed by the evidence of Mme Blavatsky and her friends, and in a report, circulated within the Society but not published, declared: 'On the whole (though with some serious reserves) it seems undeniable that there is a prima facie case for some part at least of the claim made.'" 80. Later investigations yielded positive results in the area of mental phenomena from prominent mediums, such as Mrs. Thompson and Piper, who were able to conduct "cross correspondences" devised by the spirits of deceased S.P.R. members to communicate with their colleagues. 81. Edmund Gurney and Frank Podmore, Secretaries of the S.P.R., investigated and classified information on numerous mediums and, with Frederic Myers, wrote Phantasms of the Living. Alan Gauld notes in The Founders of Psychical Research that Myers and Podmore, who wrote the classic Modern Spiritualism, may have been practicing homosexuals. 82. Gurney died unexpectedly in 1888 from an overdose of chloroform and there was considerable speculation of suicide. Frank Podmore was found drowned in 1910. 83. In 1896, Frederic Myers joined the Synthetic Society, founded by Arthur Balfour and modeled upon the famous Metaphysical Society. The Synthetic Society was devoted, not to mere discussion of religious and philosophical questions, but to "contribute towards a working philosophy of religious belief." Myers read two papers to this society, which Gauld surmises "were based upon communications from the departed spirits with whom he was now convinced that he was in genuine contact." 84. Myers had developed and written in the S.P.R. Proceedings a detailed theory of the subliminal self, upon which he based his worldview and which emerges in Gauld's summary of the five points presented in these papers: "(1) The 'preamble of all religions,' the primary belief from which they all begin, is that our . . . material world is interpenetrated and to an extent acted upon, by another order of things, an unseen spiritual world. . . it is only if the existence and nature of such a world can be established scientifically that we may expect any rapprochement between the warring sects; (2) 'The founders of religions have attempted to begin at once with the highest generalizations. Starting from the existence of God…It is possible that in all this mankind may have begun at the wrong end…'(3) …we possess or are evolving capacities which transcend merely terrene laws; (4) We can therefore obtain information about the metetherial plane by 'communicating' with the discarnate in the orthodox ways…their state is one of endless evolution in wisdom and love; (5)…the metetherial realm (is) a World Soul from contact with which we can in a suitable frame of mind draw in a revitalising strength and Grace…And linked to all…is a Universal Spirit…(whose) benefits may come directly through the World Soul…or are so to speak channelled through spirits nearer to, but still above, us."85. In the early 20th century, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung were Corresponding Members of the SPR and contributed to its Journal of Proceedings. 86. In a recent expose of Jung's occult proclivities, The Jung Cult, Richard Noll gives substantial credit to Myers and the S.P.R. for Jung's major theories. "With the founding of the Society for Psychical Research in England in 1882, and the copious publications of its investigators, new models of the unconscious mind emerged. The most respected model was that of the 'subliminal self' by Frederick Myers (1843-1901), the 'mytho-poetic' (myth-making) function of which resembles Jung's later conception of a collective unconscious. Jung read widely in the literature of psychical research in medical school and his 1902 dissertation cites the work of Myers and others in this school." 87. The Founders of Psychical Research closes with the observation that psychical research emerged from the occult underground to a position of respectability within the establishment largely due to the intellectual stature of the Society for Psychical Research. "The concluding volume of the popular Harnsworth History of the World (1909) presents the work of the S.P.R. as the culminating point in the story of Mankind. Twenty or thirty years previously psychical research had met with much derision and hostility; but now the climate of opinion seemed to be changing for the better." 88. In 1887, based on his investigation of deceased persons believed to inhabit the spirit realm, Frederic Myers forecast the future of psychical research: "I do not feel the smallest doubt now that we survive death, and I am pretty confident that the whole world will have accepted this before A.D. 2000." 89. The Society for Psychical Research is still active in London and is accessible on the Internet. Current publications offered by the S.P.R. to interested seekers include: "Hints On Sitting With Mediums; Tests For Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis; Trance Mediumship: An Introductory Study of Mrs. Piper and Mrs Leonard; Guide to the Investigation of Apparitions, Hauntings, Poltergeists and Kindred Phenomena; Psychical Research Past and Present; Survival: A Reconsideration, Do We Survive Bodily Death? Parapsychology and the UFO . . ." 90. THE FABIANS In 1881, Frank Podmore, who had joined the early Sidgwick group, met Edward Pease at one of the Spiritualist séances that were the vogue in London, at which time they became close friends. The next year he invited Pease to attend a meeting of this group in which the S.P.R. was formed. Norman and Jeanne MacKenzie record this meeting in their history of The Fabians: "In this same period a group of young dons from Trinity College, Cambridge, were also turning to psychic research as a substitute for their lost Evangelical faith. In February 1882, Podmore took Pease to a meeting at which this group founded the Society for Psychical Research . . . Among those who founded the SPR were Henry Sidgwick, Arthur Balfour -- later a conservative Prime Minister -- and his brother, Gerald." 91. Edward Pease spent one year in the S.P.R. as secretary of its haunted-houses committee, but then turned to politics with the conviction that a social revolution was necessary. For a time he worked with an associate of Karl Marx, Henry Hyndman who founded the radical Social Democratic Federation. However, Pease was of the opinion that social revolution must begin with educating the intellectual and wealthy classes rather than fomenting agitation among the working class. He organized a Progressive Association which was joined by Podmore and other young fallen away Evangelicals. The Association split into the Fellowship of the New Life, a commune with utopian illusions, and a research/debating group which Podmore named the Fabian Society, after the Roman general who defeated Hannibal. Fabius Cunctator's strategy which was to guide the Fabians was summarized in Podmore's words: "For the right moment you must wait…when the time comes you must strike hard." The Fabians soon attracted intellectuals from various other dissident organizations. Of these, Sidney Webb, Bernard Shaw and Annie Besant were members of the Dialectical Society influenced by the liberal millenarian aspirations of John Stuart Mill. As of 1886, the Fabian executive committee was comprised of Pease, Podmore, Besant, Shaw and Webb. However, in 1889, Annie Besant was converted to the cult of Theosophy by Madame Blavatsky, whom she succeeded in 1891 as president of the Theosophical Society. Upon this revolutionary base, Sidney Webb, his wife Beatrice and playwright George Bernard Shaw built an organization which educated the intellectuals, bohemians and disillusioned clergy of England in the art of "permeating" and using the machinery of government for their own socialist ends. The MacKenzie's observed, "There was, indeed, no clear dividing line between spiritual discontent and political radicalism in the netherworld of dissent." Bernard Shaw and Sidney Webb argued that "socialism could be proposed without forfeiture of moral credit by a bishop as well as a desperado." 92. The formation of the Christian Socialists and Christian Social Union, of which B.F. Westcott was the first president, created the vehicle by which socialist doctrine would permeate the Anglican Church. "…the first Fabians…had almost all been lapsed Anglicans from Evangelical homes. There was a Christian fringe to the London socialism of the eighties, but this too was Anglican. The Christian Socialists came together in Stewart Headlam's Guild of St. Matthew and the Land Reform Union; and the more respectable Christian Social Union, formed in 1889 -- seeking in Fabian style to permeate the Anglican Church -- soon attracted more than two thousand clerical members. Dissenting clergymen too began to find a place in the Fabian Society and the London Progressives, while Unitarian churches and centres like Stanton Coit's Ethical Church provided a meeting place for believers and idealist agnostics . . . Socialism was for all of them, the new Evangelism." 93. In 1894, the Fabian Society designated a large bequest to found the London School of Economics and Political Science. Philosopher Bertrand Russell served on the Administration Committee while Arthur Balfour contributed £2000 and also collaborated with Sidney Webb to introduce legislation in Parliament which would give the school university status. H.G. Wells, who had recently joined the Fabians, was "branching out into speculations about a new social order which naturally interested the Webbs." 94. An elite group of Twelve Wise Men, which included Russell and Wells, were selected as the "Co-Efficients" who met to discuss and formulate: "Ideas about racial improvement by selecting out the efficient…and Shaw was working on these 'eugenic' notions in his new play Man and Superman. Beatrice Webb called it 'the most important of all questions, the breeding of the right sort of man.' "…Above all they were avowed elitists, intolerant of the cumbersome and apparently wasteful processes of democracy, who wanted to see England ruled by a superior caste which matched an enlightened sense of duty with a competence to govern effectively. All of them, moreover, shared Sidney's belief -- which had led him to spend so much effort on London education and on the School of Economics -- that social improvement depended upon the training of the superior manpower needed to carry out schemes of reform. Shaw was suggesting in his latest play that universal suffrage was a disaster, putting power in the hands of the 'riff-raff' and...Webb who could not wait until a new race of supermen had been bred up to establish the millennium, felt that improved education and intelligent politics would at least start the necessary process of regeneration." 95. THE RHODES ROUND TABLE The membership of the Fabian Co-Efficients demonstrates that the Fabian Society was neither a socialist nor conservative society, but an elitist front for British Oligarchical world rule. The Coefficients included several men who also belonged to the inner circle of the Rhodes' Round Table groups that were under the direction of Alfred Milner. Sir Edward Grey, Haldane, L.S. Amery, Lord Robert Cecil, Lord Arthur Balfour, Michael Sadler and Lord Milner himself were among the Fabian Coefficients: "The Coefficients Club was organized by Beatrice Webb, the co-ruler of the Fabian Society with her husband Sidney, to bring together the most powerful movers and shakers of the British Establishment with social critics and idealists to discuss and chart the future of British Empire and its relationship to social reform. Among other things, the accounts of its deliberations offered by such luminaries as Bertrand Russell and H. G. Wells prove beyond any doubt that Fabian Socialism, contrary to surface impressions that it was the enemy of the British Oligarchy, was one of the Oligarchy's most prized instruments for world rule. "Coefficients included: Sir Edward Grey, Haldane, Bertrand Russell, Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Leo Maxse (who advocated war with Germany already in 1902), Clinton Dawkins of the City, Carlyon Bellairs of the Navy, Pember Reeves, W. A. S. Hewins, L. S. Amery, H. J. Mackinder, Lord Robert Cecil, Lord Arthur Balfour, Michael Sadler, Henry Newbolt, Lord Milner, John Hugh Smith, J. Birchenough of the City, Garvin, Josiah Wedgwood (the single taxer), John Hugh Smith, Colonel Repington, F. S. Oliver, and C. F. G. Masterman. . . "Wells and other idealists argued that 'The British Empire. . .had to be the precursor of a world-state or nothing.'" 96. The Cecil Bloc became an increasingly powerful political force and among them, Sir Edward Grey and Haldane, who were Fabian Coefficients, also "were strong imperialists . . . supported the Boer War, grew increasingly anti-German, supported the World War in 1914 and were close to the Milner Group politically, intellectually and socially." 97. "Wells identified Coefficient member Edward Grey as a promoter of the British strategy of provoking Germany to attack France, without adequate warning of consequent British intervention, so that Germany could be laid low sooner than later while the British Navy was still supreme. Lord Grey was the highly influential Foreign Minister for Britain in the years preceding WWI who persuaded a reluctant cabinet that Britain should enter the war because of German violation of Belgian neutrality. . . Britain, by aping the ultra-statist protectionist economics and severe militarism of Germany and by purposely setting-up entangling alliances, made the carnage of the Great War (WWI) inevitable. . ." 98. Bertrand Russell warned the Coefficients that Lord Grey's proposals would lead to war and tyranny and, when his objections were overruled, left the Club: ". . .in 1902, I became a member of a small dining club called the Coefficients, got up by Sidney Webb for the purpose of considering political questions from a more or less Imperialist point of view. It was in this club that I first became acquainted with H. G. Wells, of whom I had never heard until then. His point of view was more sympathetic to me than that of any member. Most of the members, in fact, shocked me profoundly. I remember Amery's eyes gleaming with blood-lust at the thought of a war with America, in which, as he said with exultation, we should have to arm the whole adult male population. One evening Sir Edward Grey (not then in office) made a speech advocating the policy of Entente, which had not yet been adopted by the Government. I stated my objections to the policy very forcibly, and pointed out the likelyhood of its leading to war, but no one agreed with me, so I resigned from the Club. It will be seen that I began my opposition to the first war at the earliest possible moment." 99. Cecil Rhodes secret society had taken form in 1891, the same year Rhodes drew up his fourth will and made his chief confidant, W. T. Stead, and Lord Rothschild the trustee of his fortune. Lord Rothschild was entrusted with by Rhodes to handle the financial investments associated with the trust. Stead and Rhodes divided the secret society into two circles: the inner "The Society of the Elect," and an outer circle,"The Association of Helpers." To Lord Rothschild, Rhodes revealed the plan for "The Society of the Elect" which included Arthur Balfour within it's Circle of Initiates. 100. As Foreign Secretary in the administration of Lloyd George, Arthur Balfour issued the Balfour Declaration [1917] which, addressed to Lord Rothschild, states that Britain would regard with favor the establishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine. Although Balfour penned and signed the document, Quigley asserts that he was not the author, but Lord Milner: "This declaration, which is always known as the Balfour Declaration, should rather be called 'the Milner Declaration,' since Milner was the actual draftsman and was apparently, its chief supporter in the War Cabinet. This fact was not made public until 21 July 1936. "At that time Ormsby-Gore, speaking for the government in Commons, said, 'The draft as originally put up by Lord Balfour was not the final draft approved by the War Cabinet. The particular draft assented to by the War Cabinet and afterwards by the Allied Governments and by the United States. . .and finally embodied in the Mandate, happens to have been drafted by Lord Milner. The actual final draft had to be issued in the name of the Foreign Secretary, but the actual draftsman was Lord Milner." 101. Balfour and Rothschild were also members of the mysterious Apostles Club to which the infamous Bible revisers, Westcott and Hort, and Henry Sidgwick of the S.P.R. belonged. 102. An important fact which has been obscured by the Zionist crusaders, including those in the Council for National Policy, is that the plan for the State of Israel was formulated in the secret societies of Great Britain. The use of propaganda was one of the Milner Group's chief weapons to achieve its ambition -- the federation, expansion and consolidation of the British Empire: "In 1994 Stead discussed with Rhodes how the secret society would work and wrote about it after Rhodes's death as follows: 'We also discussed together various projects for propaganda, the formation of libraries, the creation of lectureships, the dispatch of emissaries on missions of propaganda throughout the Empire, and the steps to be taken to pave the way for the foundation and the acquisition of a newspaper which was to be devoted to the service of the cause.' This is an exact description of the way in which the society, that is the Milner Group, has functioned. . . ". . .one of the chief methods by which this Group works has been through propaganda. It plotted the Jameson Raid of 1895; it caused the Boer War of 1899-1902; it set and controls the Rhodes Trust; it created the Union of South Africa in 1906-1910; it established the South African periodical The State in 1908; it founded the British Empire periodical The Round Table in 1910, and this remains the mouthpiece of the Group; it has been the most powerful single influence in All Souls, Balliol, and New Colleges at Oxford for more than a generation; it has controlled The Times for more than fifty years. . .it publicized the idea of and the name 'British Commonwealth of Nations' in the period 1908-1918; it was the chief influence in Lloyd George's war administration in 1917-1919 and dominated the British delegation to the Peace Conference of 1919; it had a great deal to do with the League of Nations and of the system of mandates; it founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919 and still controls it; it was one of the chief influences on British policy toward Ireland, Palestine, and India in the period 1917-1945; it was a very important influence on the policy of appeasement of Germany during the years 1920-40; and it controlled and still controls, to a very considerable extent, the sources and the writing of the history of British and Imperial and foreign policy since the Boer War." 103. Rhodes' vision was substantially realized when members of the British Round Table met with the American delegation, secretively known to them as the American Round Table, at the Paris Peace Conference in May of 1919. The Council on Foreign Relations was formed at this meeting which was dominated, not by elected government officials, but by the international financiers: "The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) is nothing but the Milner Group 'writ large.' It was founded by the Group, has been consistently controlled by the Group, and to this day is the Milner Group in its widest aspect. . . The real founder of the Institute was Lionel Curtis. . . 'The Institute was organized at a joint conference of British and American experts at the Hotel Majestic on 30 May 1919. . .We have already indicated that the experts of the British delegation at the Peace Conference were almost exclusively from the Milner Group and Cecil Bloc. The American group of experts, 'the Inquiry,' was manned almost completely by persons from institutions (including universities) dominated by J.P. Morgan and Company. This was not an accident. Moreover, the Milner Group has always had very close relationships with the associates of J.P. Morgan and with the various branches of the Carnegie Trust. These relationships, which are merely examples of the closely knit ramifications of international financial capitalism, were probably based on the financial holdings controlled by the Milner Group through the Rhodes Trust. The term 'international financier' can be applied with full justice to several members of the Milner Group inner circle, such as Brand, Hichens, and above all, Milner himself. "At the meeting at the Hotel Majestic, the British group included Lionel Curtis, Philip Kerr, Lord Robert Cecil, Lord Eustace Percy, Sir Eyre Crowe, Sir Cecil Hurst, J.W. Headlam- Morley, Geoffrey Dawson, Harold Temperley, and G.M. Gathorne-Hardy. . . The British organization (RIIA) was set up by a committee of which Lord Robert Cecil was chairman. Lionel Curtis was honorary secretary. . ." 104. According to Co-Efficient, H. G. Wells, the method by which England would acquire world domination was through the agency of the transnational corporations: "Wells was one of the few socialists who claimed to see big business, and multinational corporations in particular, as the forerunners of a World Socialist State. In any case, Wells effectively described the policies in most respects still being effectuated by the Anglo-American Elite." 105. In his "Confession of Faith", Cecil Rhodes defined the nature of the group he envisioned would circumvent the current political system to carry out his dream, as described by Milner: "Men of ability and enthusiasm who find no suitable way to serve their country under the current political system; able youth recruited from the schools and universities; men of wealth with no aim in life; younger sons with high thoughts and great aspirations but without opportunity; rich men whose careers are blighted by some great disappointment. All must be men of ability and character. . . Rhodes envisages a group of the ablest and the best, bound together by common unselfish ideals of service to what seems to him the greatest cause in the world. There is no mention of material rewards. This is to be a kind of religious brotherhood like the Jesuits, 'a church for the extension of the British Empire.'" 106. THE LONG REACH OF CECIL RHODES: Edinburgh ~ Home of Thomas Nelson Publisher During the thirty year period in which B.F. Westcott and F.J.A. Hort labored in the creation of a New Greek Testament and revision of the English Bible, they also founded and guided organizations dealing in matters occult and conspiratorial. The secret societies they founded were intimately interlocked with and, in some cases, had direct influence on the power elites who laid the groundwork for the federation, expansion and consolidation of the British Empire and, by extension, a one world government. The progeny of Westcott and Hort includes not only the multitude of modern bible versions based upon corrupt manuscripts, but also the Society for Psychical Research, which investigated and established the principles of modern Spiritualism and Psychology, and the S.P.R.'s PAC, the Fabian Society, which collaborated with the Rhodes society and founded the London School of Economics and Political Science. To deny the connection between Westcott and Hort's revision of the Received Greek Text using gnostic manuscripts and their deep involvement in occult societies is to pretend not to see the obvious. In order to move the world into an anti-Christian new world order, the British elites needed to gradually replace the authentic English Bible with a counterfeit reflecting their own belief system. Carrying forward the Cambridge New Testament scheme, members of the Rhodes Round Table and the Council for National Policy have produced bibles based on the corrupt Westcott-Hort Greek Testament for global distribution. Carroll Quigley noted that John Buchan, who was close to Lord Milner, eventually became a partner in the publishing firm of his old classmate, Thomas A. Nelson, which is based in -- Edinburgh, Scotland! "Buchan was not a member of the inner core of the Milner Group, but was close to it and was rewarded in 1935 by being raised to a barony as Lord Tweedsmuir and sent to Canada as Governor-General. He is important because he is (with Lionel Curtis) one of the few members of the inner circles of the Milner Group who have written about it in a published work. In his autobiography, Pilgrim's Way, (Boston, 1940) he gives a brief outline of the personnel of the Kindergarten and their subsequent achievements, and a brilliant analysis of Milner himself. . . "Buchan went to Brasenose College, but, as he says of himself, 'I lived a good deal at Balliol and my closest friends were of that college.' He mentions as his closest friends Hillaire Belloc,... T.A. Nelson,... Edward Wood (the future Lord Halifax). . . "Buchan went to South Africa in 1901 on Milner's personal invitation, to be his private secretary, but stayed only two years. . . .he left in 1903 to take an important position in Egypt. This appointment was mysteriously canceled. . .it is. . .likely that Milner changed his mind because of Buchan's rapidly declining enthusiasm for federation. This was a subject on which Milner and other members of his Group were adamant for many years. By 1915 most members of the Group began to believe that federation was impossible, and, as a compromise took what we know now as the Commonwealth of Nations -- that is, a group of nations joined together by common ideals and allegiances rather than a fixed political organization. . .The present Commonwealth is in reality the compromises worked out when the details of the Milner Group clashed with the reality of political forces. "As a result of Buchan's failure to obtain the appointment of Egypt, he continued to practice law in London for three years, finally abandoning it to become a partner in the publishing firm of classmate Thomas A. Nelson (1906-1916). . ." 107. John Buchan had special regard for Lord Haldane, the Co-Efficient who with Lord Grey was intensely loyal to Milner. Haldane and Lord Grey were staunch advocates of British imperialism, the Boer War, and the hard line against Germany that precipitated World War I. "'What chiefly attracted me to Haldane was his loyalty to Milner. Milner thought him the ablest man in public life, abler even than Arthur Balfour, and alone of his former Liberal allies Haldane stood by him on every count.' Haldane, with Roseberry Asquith and Earl Grey, had formed the Liberal League to support liberal imperialism, with which Milner was closely associated." 108. Considering John Buchan's close relationships within the inner circle of the Milner Group and the mutual esteem between John Buchan and Lord Milner, it is conceivable that Buchan was commissioned by Milner to direct the Bible publishing firm of Thomas Nelson toward furthering the objectives of Cecil Rhodes. The Thomas Nelson Publishers website provides a brief reference concerning Buchan's contribution to the company, naturally omitting mention of Buchan's membership in Cecil Rhodes' Round Table: "In the early years of the twentieth century. . .The business was being managed primarily by George M. Brown (Thomas Nelson's son-in-law) and John Buchan, a noted novelist (of such popular works as Prester John and The Thirty-Nine Steps), biographer, and political correspondent. John Buchan, a close friend of Tommy Nelson became instrumental in expanding the company's offerings of classic works and educational resources. "Buchan wrote, 'On the eve of the [first world] war we must have been one of the largest businesses of the kind in the world, issuing cheap editions of every kind of literature not only in English, but in French, German, Magyar, and Spanish.'" 109. Thomas Nelson is today the largest and one of the oldest Bible publishers in the world and also a leading publisher of religious books. Thomas Nelson also takes credit for the debut of the New Testament of the Revised Standard Version (RSV) in 1946. In 1969, Sam Moore, who was president of the Council for National Policy from 1984-85, bought Thomas Nelson Publishers and became its CEO and President. His brother, Charles Moore, became vice president of Thomas Nelson and was also a member of the CNP. Thomas Nelson Publisher has been a primary publisher of modern versions of the Bible based on the corrupt Westcott-Hort Greek Text. Such corrupted versions of the Bible were used by the Rockefeller-funded Summer Institute of Linguistics to facilitate the takeover of Latin America. Instead of translating the Bible literally, SIL preferred a method of translation called dynamic equivalency which permitted the translator to alter the language of Scripture, ostensibly to adapt Scripture to the culture. Two well-known examples of dynamic equivalency are Today's English Version (Good News for Modern Man) and the Living Bible. In 1975, John Beekman, translations coordinator for Wycliffe Bibles International, gave his unreserved endorsement to the Living Bible, which is a mere paraphrase of the Word of God: "The Living Bible is the most readable and the most natural English translation available." 110. The authors of Thy Will Be Done suggest that, as SIL created written languages for illiterate tribes, it changed words that had warlike connotations in order to pacify those tribes that would otherwise oppose their new masters. The implication is that this practice was carried over into SIL's translation of bibles. An incurable ecumenicist, Townsend's admiration for a Catholic priest indicated that linguistics was used to neutralize resistance among the Indian tribes of Latin America: "I am a loving fundamentalist. I believe in working with anyone who will help get the Bible to the Indians. . . .one of the heroes whom I admire the most is the celebrated Father Bartolome de las Casas. This worthy Dominican, as all well remember, made use of the Sacred History in the Indian languages of Guatemala in order to draw the Indians to the faith and to peace. We too, so insignificant in comparison with that great hero of the cross, can indeed follow his example as regards the use of linguistics." 111. Incredibly, the Wycliffe Bible Translators, who were trained in modern anthropological methods and linguistics, were employed by Nelson Rockefeller and the CIA to gather anthropological and psychological information on Latin American tribes. In return, Wycliffe was recompensed with land, high-tech equipment and expensive airplanes, courtesy of the American government and corporations. "SIL had helped gather anthropological information on the Tarascan Indians that ended up in Nelson Rockefeller's intelligence files. The files contained references to reveal behavioral patterns among Indian people in everything from socialization (including aggressive tendencies) and personality traits, drives, emotions, and language structure, to political intrigue, kinship ties, traditional authority, mineral resources, exploitation, and labor relations. Rockefeller called these data the Strategic Index of Latin America." 112. The indigenous peoples of Latin America did not subvert their own governments, but rather the American robber barons overthrew legitimate governments and then used Wycliffe Bible Translators to bring native populations into subjection. Through the misapplication of Scripture, Cam Townsend taught the Latin American tribes to passively accept the overthrow of their governments and to submit to the puppet dictators installed by the multinational corporations: "Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) was hired by military dictatorships and civilian governments, often headed by Nelson's allies, to pacify the tribes and integrate them into national economies increasingly brought into the North American market. SIL used the Bible to teach indigenous people to 'obey the government, for all authority comes from God.'" 113. THE BEAST OUT OF THE SEA And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat and great authority. Rev.13:1,2 And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse from one another. The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it. And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it. . . Dan.7:3-6 The interpretation of the hybrid "beast" of Revelation 13:1,2 is based on Daniel 7:3-6. As the beasts of Daniel 2 were world empires, a reasonable exposition of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 exposes the final beast system as comprised of movements in the last days which successively attempt to achieve world domination. The symbolism given in Scripture precisely applies to the great movements of our own day -- Anglo-American imperialism, communism and fascism. The Royal Arms of England displays the <A href="http://www.royal.gov.uk/faq/arms.htm">Rampant Lion, "made to stand upon the feet as a man" and the Unicorn, symbolizing the union of England and Scotland respectively. The Eagle whose wings were plucked in Daniel 7:4 is a reference to the United States, which was and is the vehicle through which the English Freemasons plan to establish a Novus Ordo Seclorum. The symbol of Communist Russia is the Bear which "devoured much flesh" under Stalin and Nazi Germany was known for its Panzer [Panther or Leopard] divisions in World War II. According to Daniel 7:23, the fourth and final beast system "shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." Fascism has historically used false shepherds to gain access to the Lord's flock and to clothe their infernal schemes with the respectable covering of Christianity. Prior to Hitler's election as Chancellor of Germany, many Protestant ministers were impressed with his conservative rhetoric and encouraged German Christians to support National Socialism. In The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William Shirer included a chapter which described the exploitation of the Church through Hitler's masterful manipulation of Christian ministers. An account of one influential minister is typical of others who failed to recognize early on that Hitler used Christian terminology only to enlist the Protestant leadership in his service. "The Reverend Martin Niemoller had personally welcomed the coming to power of the Nazis in 1933. In that year his autobiography, From U-Boat to Pulpit, had been published. The story of how this submarine commander in the First World War had become a prominent Protestant pastor was singled out for special praise in the Nazi press and became a best seller. To Pastor Niemoller, as to many a Protestant clergyman, the fourteen years of the Republic had been, as he said, 'years of darkness' and at the close of his autobiography he added a note of satisfaction that Nazi revolution had finally triumphed and that it had brought about the 'national revival' for which he himself had fought so long -- for a time in the free corps, from which so many Nazi leaders had come. He was soon to experience a terrible disillusionment... "By the beginning of 1934, the disillusioned Pastor Niemoller had become the guiding spirit of the minority resistance in both the 'Confessional Church' and the Pastors' Emergency League...On the first of July, 1937, Dr. Niemoller was arrested and confined to Moabit prison in Berlin. On June 27 he had preached to the congregation, which always overflowed his church at Dahlem, what was to be his last sermon in the Third Reich. As if he had a foreboding of what was to come he said, 'We have no more thought of using our own powers to escape the arm of the authorities than had the Apostles of old. No more are we ready to keep silent at man's behest when God commands us to speak. For it is, and must remain, the case that we must obey God rather than man.' "After eight months in prison he was tried on March 2, 1938, before a Sondergericht, one of the 'Special Courts' set up by the Nazis to try offenders against the State, and though acquitted of the main charge of 'underhand attacks against the State' was fined two thousand marks and sentenced to seven months' imprisonment for 'abuse of the pulpit' and holding collections in his church. Since he had served more than this time, the court ordered his release, but he was seized by the Gestapo as he was leaving the courtroom, placed in 'protective custody' and confined in concentration camps, first at Sacchsenhausen and then at Dauchau, where he remained for seven years until liberated by Allied troops." 114. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil. Jer. 13:23 Cecil Rhodes derived his concept of the "round table" from the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, which is based on the gnostic myth of the Holy Grail. [see: The Rosicrucian Connection] In particular, Rhodes was inspired by Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem "Morte d'Arthur" which is a narrative of King Arthur's death: I perish by this people which I made, - Tho' Merlin sware that I should come again To rule once more - but let what will be, be, I am so deeply smitten thro' the helm That without help I cannot last till morn. . . Then loudly cried the bold Sir Bedivere, "Ah! my Lord Arthur, whither shall I go? Where shall I hide my forehead and my eyes? For now I see the true old times are dead, When every morning brought a noble chance, And every chance brought out a noble knight. Such times have been not since the light that led The holy Elders with the gift of myrrh. But now the whole Round Table is dissolved Which was an image of the mighty world. . ." And slowly answer'd Arthur from the barge: "The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfils Himself in many ways. . . But now farewell. I am going a long way . . . Where I will heal me of my grievous wound." Alfred Lord Tennyson [1809-92] was a contemporary of Cecil Rhodes and a member of the Society for Psychical Research, the "Spiritualist church for intellectuals" founded by the Cecil Bloc. Tennyson's reference to the healing of Arthur's mortal wound is a symbolic prophecy of a future revival of the gnostic Grail cult which was subdued by the Roman Church. It is not unreasonable to assume that demonic entities from the spirit realm with whom Tennyson communicated inspired his writings which in turn influenced Cecil Rhodes socio-political aspirations. King Arthur's dying words explain why the Scottish Stewart Crest displays a Phoenix with the motto "Courage gains strength from a wound." The Stewart Clan is believed to be a "sacred family" of the Merovingian bloodline, who were the kings of France from 448 A.D. until they were replaced in 800 A.D. by Charlemagne, whom the Roman Church appointed as Holy Roman Emperor. The Merovingians present imposture as rightful rulers of Europe through the Davidic lineage of Jesus Christ will position them to rule the world from the throne of Jerusalem. The legendary Round Table of King Arthur, which was guided by the prophet and magician, Merlin, until its tragic dissolution through dissension and scandal, will be recreated in the New Age by the Merovingian dynasty. The Merovingians derive their name from the 5th century King Merovee of France, a descendant of the mystical Fisher-Kings, who was reportedly sired by a beast from the sea: ". . . the mysterious sea beast -- the Bistea Neptunis -- as symbolically defined in the Merovingian ancestry. The relevant sea-lord was King Pallas, a god of old Arcadia. . .The immortal sea-lord was said to be 'ever-incarnate in a dynasty of ancient kings' whose symbol was a fish -- as was the traditional symbol of Jesus." 115. Is the "Bistea Neptunis" the mysterious "beast of the sea" with seven heads having the name of blasphemy of Revelation 13:1-2? This beast, a composite of the leopard, the bear and the lion, will experience the healing of one of its heads which had suffered a deadly wound. 1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed; and all the world wondered after the beast. Rev.13:1-3 The "name of blasphemy" in verse 3 refers to the varieties of "Sacred Names" the British-Israel/Messianic Movement prefers to the name of the LORD. The latter is misrepresented as the pagan name for Baal and the name of Jesus [Gr. "Iesous"] as "Zeus". The ultimate objective is to replace the true names of God with the Tetragrammaton ["YHWH"] and "G-d", which are considered too sacred to pronounce, and "Yahweh" which has no basis in Hebrew Scripture. Messianic believers generally fail to realize that paying homage to the Tetragrammaton as the "ineffable name" is a denial that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of anti-christ, whereof ye have heard that is should come; and even now already is it in the world. I John 4:3 Revelation 13:17 is a reference to this name of blasphemy forcibly branded on those who give their allegiance to the beast: "And that no man might buy or sell, save that he had the mark, of the name of the beast, or the number of his name." In Locksley Hall, Tennyson anticipated the "Federation of the World" as the kingdom of God on earth and closed the revelation of his vision with a reference to the governance of mankind under "universal law" i.e., The Noahide Laws: For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw the Vision of the World, and all the wonder that would be; Saw the heavens fill with commerce, argosies of magic sails, Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales; Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rain'd a ghastly dew From the nations' airy navies grappling in the central blue; Far along the world-wide whisper of the south-wind rushing warm, With the standards of the peoples plunging thro' the thunder-storm; Till the war-drum throbb'd no longer, and the battle flags were furl'd In the Parliament of Man, the Federation of the World. There the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in awe, And the kindly earth shall slumber, lapt in universal law. King Arthur was himself an archetypal guardian of the Grail which is said to be in Glastonbury, confirming the mindset of New Agers that England will be the center for world transformation: "Following the death of Jesus, Mary went to England with Joseph of Arimethea. This established the vortex for Camelot, destined to come forth later in the fifth and sixth centuries. The Grail was placed in Glastonbury for safekeeping at that time. It will be through the Grail in England that the energies of transformation and ascension will be channeled, which eventually will bring the Earth into the Seventh Golden Age." 116. Ed McAteer's Religious Roundtable, which was extended to include secular globalist organizations in the 500+ member Council for National Policy, is a modern version of the Round Tables of King Arthur and Cecil Rhodes. To camouflage the real origins of the "round table" in Arthurian lore, the latest amalgamation of pseudo-Christian organizations by that name wrests the Word of God to conceal its pagan origin: "The Great Commission Global Roundtable resulted after joint meetings of the World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF), the Lausanne Movement for World Evangelization (LCWE), and the AD2000 and Beyond Movement (AD2000) in August in Dallas and earlier in Norway. . . picked the name, Great Commission Global Roundtable, to emphasize obedience to Christ's mandate to evangelize all peoples while listening to God and one another 'around the table' of the Lord. . ." 117. The Scriptural appeal to gather around the "table of the Lord" hardly applies to this ecumenical venture which is sure to advance the extension of the British kingdom rather than the kingdom of God. A New Age book, Messiah and the Second Coming, also uses this lame interpretation of Scripture to promote the future global Round Table: "King Arthur founded the Round Table, which legend dramatically declared was symbolically the same table present at the Last Supper. . .The future world Round Table is being created now in the etheric realms. The symbolic golden round table of King Arthur will eventually manifest on earth where varieties of leaders, political, scientific, spiritual, from all nations of the world, will dedicate their lives to international objectives for the benefit of all, above nationalism, above religionism, above personality, for the benefit of all peoples. The spiritual unity of nations a true sister/brotherhood of humanity encompassing universal principles of unconditional love and sharing, is coming to bloom." 118. In the final analysis, the Council for National Policy, as an extension of the Religious Roundtable, is a joint venture of pseudo-Christian ministries, cults, secret societies, subversive organizations and corporate enterprise working together to exploit Christians to advance their anti-Christian agenda -- Anglo-American imperialism and ultimately one world government under a one world religion -- their own. Revolutionaries have historically worked through religion, right-sounding causes and popular movements which recommend their utopian schemes as "the kingdom of God" on earth. They have never secured the ideal governments they promised, but have succeeded in drawing worldly-minded Christians off the Narrow Way. Although it would never occur to most of them, and in spite of their loud protests against the New World Order, the Moral Majority are now laboring to advance a world dictatorship by the international money power and their secret societies. To put Christians in possession of solid facts concerning the connections of high-ranking CNP members with every manner of occult, subversive and criminal element of society, we have compiled an extensive albeit incomplete database of prominent past and present CNP officers. For diehard researchers who wish to further investigate the backgrounds of the Christian Right leadership, we recommend the GroupWatch files at the Public Information Research Database. DATABASE OF PAST/PRESENT CNP OFFICERS & PROMINENT MEMBERS ENDNOTES 53. Old Nazis, The New Right and the Republican Party, pp. 45-6. 54. "Racism, Intelligence and the Working Class", Progressive Labor Party, 4th Edition, February 1995: http://www.plp.org/pamphlets/riwc.html 55. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, NY: Books in Focus, 1981, p. 4. 56. George Louis Beer: beer.html 57. Ron Chernow, The House of Morgan, Touchstone Books, 1990, p. 430. 58. The Anglo-American Establishment, p. 232. 59. François R. Velde, "Heraldica: Revived Orders of Chivalry: The Case of the Order of Lazarus": http://www.heraldica.org/topics/orders/lazarus.htm 60. The Coors Connection, p. 49, citing the Detroit News, July 1, 1989, p. 12 B; The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem Member Directory, 1983. 61. Andrew S. Winston, Michael Billig, Psychology, Racism, and Fascism, Searchlight, 1979, http://www.psychology.uoguelph.ca/papers/w...lig/billig.html 62. Knights Templar in the Holy Land: http://watch-unto-prayer.org/ritual.html 63. First Human Embryo Cloned: http://watch-unto-prayer.org/clone.html 64. Searchlight July 1998: "The Funding of the Science": http://www.s-light.demon.co.uk/stories/genewar06.htm 65. Inside the League, p. 93. 66. London School of Economics Experts, http://www.lse.ac.uk/experts/intro/ELSE.htm 67. Gary Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, Huntington House Publishers, Lafayette, LA, 1992, pp. 32, 61. 68. The Coors Connection, p. 4. 69. John Coleman, The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. 70. W.H. Salter, The Society For Psychical Research, An Outline of it's History, London, 1948, pp. 5, 6. 71. James Webb, The Occult Underground, Open Court Press, 1976, p. 36. 72. Alan Gauld, The Founders of Psychical Research, Schocken Books, New York: 1968, p. 140. 73. The Founders of Psychical Research, pp. 140-141 74. The Society For Psychical Research, An Outline of it's History, p. 14. 75. The Society For Psychical Research, An Outline of it's History, p. 8. 76. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, NY: Books in Focus, 1981, p.31-2; Quigley [now deceased] was a professor in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and the mentor of President Bill Clinton. 77. James Webb, p. 105. 78. Correspondence from Suzanne Rini, author of Beyond Abortion: A Chronicle of Fetal Experimentation. 79. James Webb, p. 105. 80. Salter, pp. 21-2 89. Salter, p. 34; Gauld, pp. 274, 338. 82. Alan Gauld, pp. 90-1 ff., 143 ff. 83. Gauld, p. 174; Webb p. 38. 84. Gauld, p. 306. 85. Gauld, pp. 305-310. 86. Salter, p. 31; Gauld, p. 338-9. 87. Richard Noll, The Jung Cult, Princeton University Press, 1994, pp. 31-2. 88. Gauld, p. 339. 89. Gauld, p. 322. 90. Society for Psychical Research, 49, Marloes Rd., Kensington, London W8 6LA, http://moebius.psy.ed.ac.uk/~spr/ 91. Norman and Jeanne MacKenzie, The Fabians, Simon & Schuster, 1977, p. 18. 92. Mackenzie, p . 110. 93. Mackenzie, pp. 183-84. 94. Mackenzie, p. 283. 95. Mackenzie, p. 290-91. 96. A-Albionic Research, "Coefficients Club: Window on the High Cabal?", Fall-Winter, 1993-94,: http://msen.com/~jhdaugh/a-albionic/gopher...ticles/coef.txt 97. The Anglo-American Establishment, p. 30. 98. A-Albionic Research, op.cit. 99. The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell Volume I, page 230. 100. The Anglo-American Establishment, pp. 38-9 101. The Anglo-American Establishment, p. 169. 102. The 19th Century Occult Revival: http://watch-unto-prayer.org/occult.html 103. The Anglo-American Establishment, p. 5. 104. The Anglo-American Establishment, p. 183. 105. "Coefficients Club: Window on the High Cabal?" 106. The Anglo-American Establishment, p, 34. 107. The Anglo-American Establishment, p. 56-8. 108. The Anglo-American Establishment, p. 58. 109. Thomas Nelson Publishers, http://www.thomasnelson.com/Pagx/200Resolve.html 110. William F. Kerr, The Living Bible--Not Just Another Version, Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, 1975, as cited in "Wycliffe Bible Translators: Whither Bound?," David Cloud, O Timothy Computer Library. 111. "Wycliffe Bible Translators: Whither Bound?," David Cloud citing article in November 1971 issue of Eternity magazine. 112. Colby and Dennett, p. 128. 113. Colby and Dennett, p. xvi. 114. William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Ballantine Books, 1950, pp. 325-6, 329-31. 115. Laurence Gardiner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Element Books, 1996 pp. 166, 175. 116. Norma Milanovich and Shirley McCune, The Light Shall Set You Free, Athena Pub., 1996, p. 37. 117. The Lausanne Movement Website: http://www.gospelcom.net/lcwe/index.html 118. John Davis and Naomi Rice, Messiah and the Second Coming, MI: Coptic Press, 1991, pp. 99, 103.
  25. Subject: LAWS OF GOLF ... Thought you would like to see these Rules of Golf. Number 32 is my fave. LAW 1: No matter how bad your last shot was, you may have inner peace knowing that a xxxxtier one is yet to come. (This law does not expire on the 18th hole, since it has the supernatural tendency to extend over the course of a tournament, a summer and, eventually, a lifetime.) LAW 2: Your best round of golf will be followed frequently by your worst round ever. The probability of the latter increases with the number of people you tell about the former. LAW 3: Brand new golf balls are water-magnetic. (Though this cannot be proven in the lab, it is a known fact that the more expensive the golf ball, the greater its attraction to water. Expensive clubs have also been known to be partly made with this most unusual natural alloy.) LAW 4: Golf balls never bounce off of trees back into play. If one does, the tree is breaking a law of the universe and should be cut down. LAW 5: No matter what causes a golfer to muff a shot, his playing partners should solemnly chant 'You looked up,' or invoke the wrath of the universe. LAW 6: The higher a golfer's handicap, the more qualified he deems himself as an instructor. LAW 7: Every par-three hole in the world has a desire to humiliate golfers. The shorter the hole, the greater its desire. LAW 8: Palm trees have a tendency to eat golf balls. LAW 9: Sand is alive. It can swallow your ball. LAW 10: A golfer hitting into your group will always be bigger than anyone in your group. Likewise, a group you accidentally hit into will consist of a football player, a professional wrestler, a lawyer -- or some similar combination. LAW 11: All 3-woods are demon-possessed. (Your Mother in Law, does not come close.) LAW 12: Golf balls from the same 'sleeve' tend to follow one another, particularly out of bounds or into the water (See LAW`3). LAW 13: A severe slice is a thing of awesome power and beauty. LAW 14: The person you would most hate to lose to will always be the one who beats you. LAW 15: The last three holes of a round can automatically adjust your score to what it really should be. LAW 16: Golf should be given up at least twice per month. LAW 17: All vows taken on a golf course shall be valid only until the sunset. LAW 18: Since bad shots come in groups of three, your fourth consecutive bad shot is really the beginning of the next group of three. LAW 19: When you look up and have a bad shot, you will always look down again at exactly the moment when you should have continued watching the ball during your swing. LAW 20: The less skilled the player, the more likely he is to share his ideas about your swing. LAW 21: If it isn't broke, try changing your grip. LAW 22: Golfers who claim they don't cheat, also lie. LAW 23: A golf match is a test of your skill against your opponent's luck. LAW 24: It's surprisingly easy to hole a 50-foot putt when you lie 8. LAW 25: Counting on your opponent to inform you when he breaks a rule is like expecting him to make fun of his own haircut. LAW 26: Nonchalant putts count the same as chalant putts. LAW 27: It's not a gimme if you're still away. LAW 28: The shortest distance between any two points on a golf course is a straight line that passes directly through a very large tree. LAW 29: You can hit a 2-acre fairway 10% of the time, and a 2-inch branch 90% of the time. LAW 30: Every time a golfer makes a birdie, he must subsequently make two triple bogeys to restore the fundamental equilibrium of the universe. LAW 31: If you want to hit a 7-iron as far as Tiger Woods does, simply try to lay up just short of a water hazard. LAW 32: There are two things you can learn by stopping your backswing at the top and checking the position of your hands: how many hands you have, and which one is wearing the glove. LAW 33: Hazards attract; fairways repel. LAW 34: You can put 'draw' on the ball, you can put 'fade' on the ball, but no golfer can put 'straight' on the ball. LAW 35: A ball you can see in the rough from 50 yards away is not yours. LAW 36: Don't buy a putter until you've had a chance to throw it. Remember: Craig Statler once changed putters in the middle of a tournament. When asked about it, Craig said, 'The other putter couldn't swim!'
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