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John Bevilaqua

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Everything posted by John Bevilaqua

  1. Pioneer Fund Professors of Hate and the Racial Segregation of Schools November 30, 2006 Jared Taylor On Carleton Putnam’s Race And Reason [Peter Brimelow writes: Carleton Putnam, already very old, was living in retirement in Northern Virginia when I was on the staff of the U.S. Senate in 1979. A trickle of staffers, including some surprising names, would visit this forgotten but remarkable man—airline entrepreneur, scholarly biographer, brilliant polemicist. American Renaissance has just rescued and republished his most famous pamphlet. We post here Jared Taylor’s introduction.] By Jared Taylor [Recently by Jared Taylor: American Renaissance’s 2006 Conference: A Gathering of Thought Criminals] When I was growing up, one of the books in my father’s library was a slim, grey volume called Race and Reason: A Yankee View. I must have glanced at it dozens of times when I was searching the shelves, but I do not think I ever took it in my hands. My father never mentioned it, and I have no recollection of even wondering what the book was about, but I remembered its title. I did not see another copy of Race and Reason until I was in my 30s, when it and its sequel, Race and Reality: a Search for Solutions, became important milestones in my slow divorce from conventional views of race. My life might have taken quite a different turn if I had read that old copy 20 years earlier. The powerful, unorthodox arguments in this book made me wonder why it was even in my father’s library. He was an egalitarian with no special interest in race, and it must have been the only racially heterodox book he owned. When I asked him about it, he told me his father sent it to him in the 1960s, that my grandfather had been so impressed by the author, Carleton Putnam, that he bought copies of Race and Reason and sent them to all his children. My grandfather, therefore, was part of the great wave of Southern resistance to the racial revolution of the 1950s and ’60s. Learning that my grandfather admired Putnam made me feel closer to both men. Today, at a time when almost no one openly opposes the goals and assumptions of the Civil Rights movement, it is common to think there was no thoughtful, reasoned opposition to across-the-board integration. Today, anyone who fought to maintain Southern traditions can be dismissed as a frothing bigot. The images of resistance are always the same: whites snarling at the black students at Little Rock High School, officers clubbing blacks on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, police dogs snapping at demonstrators in Birmingham. This caricature completely ignores the movements that sprang up to defend Southern traditions in courts, state houses, activist organizations, and in the pages of scientific journals. Groups now known mostly to scholars—the International Society for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics, the Northern League, the Citizens Councils of America—attracted top scientists and leaders of their communities. This resistance, which undoubtedly represented the majority of Southern whites, had no more dedicated or eloquent a spokesman than Carleton Putnam. Putnam, a proud Yankee descended from Revolutionary War general Israel Putnam, graduated from Princeton in 1924 and from Columbia Law School in 1932. Instead of practicing law, he built up a small California airline into an important carrier, Chicago and Southern, which became part of Delta Airlines in 1953. He served as chairman and remained on the board until his death in 1998. Putnam was an admirer of Theodore Roosevelt, and in 1958 completed the first of a projected three-volume biography. Despite critical acclaim, Putnam set aside Roosevelt for something more important: fighting the racial egalitarianism represented by the 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown v Board of Education. Putnam had no illusions about race, and recognized that forced integration would eventually displace whites and erode their civilization. Putnam first stepped into the racial fray after Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne Division to integrate Little Rock High School in 1957. His "Open Letter to the President" was immensely popular in the South, where it was reprinted in many newspapers. The Citizens Councils distributed it as a pamphlet, and it even appeared as a paid advertisement in the New York Times. [VDARE.com note: A great many facts about this era are available in a paper by John P. Jackson Jr. which is somewhat hostile to Putnam's thesis, of course, but otherwise informative. “In Ways Unacademical”: The Reception of Carleton S. Coon’s The Origin of Races, [PDF] Journal of the History of Biology 34: 247–285, 2001] In 1961, he followed this success with Race and Reason, which remains to this day one of the most lucid, persuasive treatments of racial differences and what they mean for society. Much of the work of the Southern resistance of 1960s is dated and mainly of historical interest; not Race and Reason. The calm, authoritative arguments that moved my grandfather are as persuasive as they ever were. Putnam never overstated his case or drove his conclusions beyond what the scientific data permit. His insights and parallels are as fresh today as they were 45 years ago. It is no wonder that the book was a tremendous success. Although it is difficult to imagine such a thing today, Race and Reason was made part of the high school curricula in Mississippi and Virginia. Governor Ross Barnett of Mississippi even declared October 26, 1961 "Race and Reason Day," and invited Putnam to Jackson to give a major address. Putnam emphasized to his audience of supporters and politicians that it was futile to defend Southern traditions in the name of states’ rights; that the race question had to be approached in straightforward, biological terms. It was science, not the Constitution, that would protect whites from miscegenation and chaos. Putnam was such a force, and had so obviously captured the mood of the South, that academic associations felt compelled to condemn him. The first to do so was the American Anthropological Association which, in November, 1961, voted 192-0 to " repudiate statements now appearing in the United States that Negroes are biologically and in inherent mental ability inferior to whites." Putnam was the clear but unnamed target. The next year the American Association of Physical Anthropologists voted to "deplore the misuse of science to advocate racism." President of the association and chairman of the meeting that passed the vote was Carleton Coon, who taught at University of Pennsylvania and was the author of The Story of Man and The Origin of Races. He and Putnam were kinsmen, and agreed on many matters. Coon asked how many of the assembled anthropologists had read the book they were condemning; only one raised his hand. Later Coon wrote: "There they were, some of them old and trusted friends, apparently as brainwashed as Pavlov’s puppies . . . . I told my fellow members that I would no longer preside over such a craven lot, and resigned from the presidency." From this point, Putnam threw himself into a campaign to overturn the Brown decision. In his view, the Supreme Court had based its decision on faulty information: blacks and white were not equal, and segregation did not harm blacks psychologically. He was convinced that if the facts were put before federal judges, they would use their talent for sifting the evidence, and expose the Supreme Court’s error. Accordingly, he played a key behind-the-scenes role in the 1963 case of Stell v. Savannah-Chatham Board of Education, which did exactly what Putnam had hoped for: a blue-ribbon panel of scientists—Henry Garrett, Frank McGurk, Robert Osborne, Ernest van den Haag, Wesley Critz George, and Robert Kuttner, under the direction of Georgia lawyer R. Carter Pittman—presented an overwhelming biological and sociological case for segregated schools. Judge Frank M. Scarlett duly found that the Brown decision had been based on incorrect facts, and that it was a reasonable use of state power to separate students on the basis of race. The NAACP appealed the decision to the Fifth Circuit, which declined to join Judge Scarlett in overturning a Supreme Court decision. The appellate court noted that the Supreme Court had already found segregated schools unconstitutional, and told Judge Scarlett that his job was to determine whether schools were segregated and to integrate them if they were, not to justify segregation. The Pittman team appealed this reversal to the Supreme Court, which refused to intervene. The challenge to Brown that had begun so hopefully was dead. This was a great disappointment to Putnam. "The appeal to truth, the levy upon honor, had failed," he remarked. Since judges had shirked their duty, he concluded, it would be up to scientists to put the facts before the public. He spent much of the rest of his life in correspondence with scientists and other prominent figures, trying to awaken them to racial differences. In 1967 Putnam wrote a companion volume to Race and Reason, entitled Race and Reality: a Search for Solutions. This, too, was popular in the South, but by then everything Putnam held dear was disintegrating. With the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, America had lurched violently into racial folly from which it has yet to recover. Already in Race and Reason, Putnam had recognized the power of modern mass media. He warned against "those who influence public opinion most," pointing out that "such men are responsible to no electorate and can keep on slanting news and warping the public mind long after the statesman in a similar position would have been retired." He wrote with the express purpose of counteracting this menace. Ultimately, it was Carleton Putnam’s love for the nation and civilization of his forebears that drove him to take up an unpopular cause, and this love shines through the pages of his book. He had no disdain for other races; only the desire that his beloved country continue on the path that had made it great. He was convinced—and helped convince me—that to turn our backs on the wisdom of our ancestors is to invite catastrophe. "To alter the foundations on which a house is built is a doubtful way to preserve it," he wrote. "Let us continue building, let us extend the foundations, but let us not change rock to sand." (VDARE.COM note: Click here to purchase Race and Reason: A Yankee View through American Renaissance; here through Amazon.com) Jared Taylor (email him) is editor of American Renaissance and the author of Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America. (For Peter Brimelow’s review, click here.)
  2. Download a free Carleton S. Coon book... http://www.snpa.nordish.net/TRoE.zip This guy was a true, Nordic, White Supremacist in the mold of Wickliffe P. Draper himself.
  3. The American Security Council Gang covered by William Turner in Power on the Right were the major JFK plotmasters.... Robert J. Morris, Charles A. Willoughby, Ray S. Cline and Jim Angleton Take it to the bank and book it.... I have been saying this for 15 years now. ALL FOUR were in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE BY RICHARD CONDON including Anastase Annie Vonsiatsky who was THE Manchurian Candidate himself. And now Col. Ulius Amoss whom Cline succeeded in 1961 as head of the MKULTRA programmed assassins corps, has been linked back to Draper of The Pioneer Fund via Carleton S. Coon who worked under Amoss in North Africa in the OSS and later with Robert E. Johnson a mercenary specializing in assassinations like Oswald in Baltimore at ISI.
  4. June 6, 1981 CARLETON S. COON IS DEAD AT 76; PIONEER IN SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY By HAROLD M. SCHMECK JR. Dr. Carleton S. Coon, one of the last of the great general anthropologists, died Wednesday at his home in Gloucester, Mass. He was 76 years old. In a career that began in the mid-1920's and was still in progress at his death, Dr. Coon made important contributions to most of the major subdivisions of modern anthropology. Sometimes his field investigations in the social anthropology of contemporary societies were conducted virtually in conjunction with archeological and biological studies of ancient man. In addition to writing scientific papers and monographs, he was the author of novels and textbooks on anthropology and books for a more general readership on the development of humanity from the forerunners of the species to the first primitive agricultural societies. To the public, he was probably best known for ''The Story of Man,'' published in 1954, and ''The Seven Caves,'' an account of archeological explorations in the Middle East, published in 1957. Autobiography to Be Published His autobiography, ''Adventures and Discoveries,'' is to be published this summer by Prentice-Hall. In World War II Dr. Coon served in Africa and the Middle East with the Office of Strategic Services. ''A North Africa Story,'' a book on his wartime experiences, was published about a year ago. After the war, in addition to his research work and writing, he appeared as a regular panelist on the CBS television science program ''What in the World?'' In archeology, Dr. Coon made pioneering contributions to the study of human transition from the hunter-gatherer culture to the first agricultural communities. He also did important early work in studying the physical adaptations of humans in such extreme environments as deserts, the Arctic and high altitudes. Basic Anthropology Textbook In social anthropology he wrote one of the basic textbooks, ''A Reader in General Anthropology,'' published in 1948. He was also the author of a definitive monograph on the Rif tribes of Morocco in 1931. Dr. Coon studied contemporary tribal groups in the Middle East, the Patagonia region of South America, and the Hill country of India and often conducted archeological excavations while on those expeditions. He spoke 10 languages including those of some of the isolated tribes that he studied. A deep interest in the origins of race led Dr. Coon to expound a theory that five major races of man differentiated even before the emergence of homo sapiens as the dominant human species. This theory was never widely accepted by scientists and is now largely ignored. Dr. Coon's theory was sometimes used by racists to support their views, but he explicitly repudiated their contentions in the second edition of ''The Story of Man'' in 1962. Carleton Stevens Coon was born June 23, 1904, in Wakefield, Mass., the son of John Lewis and Bessie Carleton Coon. He was graduated from Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., in 1921, and received a bachelor of arts degree magna cum laude from Harvard in 1925 and M.A. and Ph.D.'s in anthropology there in 1928. Was on Harvard Faculty Dr. Coon was on the Harvard faculty and was involved in both teaching and field research until he entered the military in World War II. In 1948, Dr. Coon became curator of ethnology at the University Museum in Philadelphia and professor of anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. He retired from these positions in the early 1960's and moved to Gloucester, where he had a summer home. He kept an office there and continued his research and writing. He maintained an affiliation with the Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology at Harvard until his death. Dr. Coon was married to the former Mary Goodale in 1926. They had two sons, Carleton S. Coon Jr., who is now Ambassador to Nepal, and Charles A. Coon, a real estate broker in Gloucester. The first marriage ended in divorce and in 1945 he married Lisa Dougherty Geddes, who drew the maps for many of his books. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his wartime services and the Viking Medal in Physical Anthropology in 1952. He was also named a Membre D'Honneur of the Association de la Liberation Fran,caise du 8 Novembre 1942. Dr. Coon was a member of several scientific associations and the Congregational Church. In addition to his wife and two sons, Dr. Coon is survived by six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
  5. Carleton S. Coon served with the OSS and Colonel Ulius Amoss in Northern Africa during World War II and later was very heavily involved with Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund. Amoss and Coon and Robert E. Johnson from Interpen later worked together in Baltimore for Amoss' Intl Services of Information which was little more than an intelligence gathering service dealing with running a covert band of former spies, convicts and assassins for anyone with the money to hire them. This joint effort started the week after Oswald returned from Russia. Coon is the missing link between the Amoss and Draper lines of research just like Dr. Hans Eysenck links both the CIA'S MKULTRA efforts at Mind Control and Programmed Assassins with those run by Wickliffe P. Draper and The Pioneer Fund. Eysenck worked for both groups simultaneously. Here is Carleton S. Coon proposing a "United States of the World" (New World Order or United Nations?) and the use of selected assassins and assassinations in order to bring those who would oppose this plan into a state of non-interventionism and total compliance, i.e. death. This might be the first known reference to both the feared New World Order and to Political Assassinations. Just like Ulius Amoss, Coon's Chief of Staff with the OSS in Cairo, was known for Leaderless Resistance, Coon should be known as the Father of the New World Order and the Mastermind behind political assassinations and later... Mind Control. Carey, Frank, "It's Anthropologists' Plan To Prevent Future Wars", The Washington Post, April 19, 1942. http://www.well.com/user/jmalloy/gunterand.../resources.html "Carleton S. Coon, Harvard, Conrad M. Arensberg, Brooklyn College, and Eliot D. Chapple, Harvard Medical School and President of the Society for Applied Anthropology propose a "United States of the World" with a world police force that would control the whole federation. The proposal would seem merely ludicrous but for the fact that subsequently Carleton Coon was chosen by "Wild Bill" Donovan as an agent of the fledging OSS.(that later became the CIA) Anthony Cave Brown (Anthony Cave Brown, The Last Hero: Wild Bill Donovan, NY: Times Books, 1982, pp. 269-270) quotes a memo from Coon to Donovan in which Coon not only advocates political assassination but also suggests that a group of men be chosen for this purpose from the OSS and the British SOE." "One of the other men who proposed this global police state (couched in idealistic language) was Eliot Chapple, an early brain wave researcher. See Waldemar Kaempffert, "Science in the News: Brain Waves", The New York Times, July 7, 1940 for a report of Eliot Chapple's use of brain wave recordings in the study of relationships." Coon's father was also a Cotton Broker according to a note in this biography http://books.nap.edu/html/biomems/ccoon.pdf which would lend additional credence to his association with The Pioneer Fund of Wickliffe P. Draper whose family manufactured textile loom equipment and other machinery. Robert B. Snowden was the other Cotton Broker from Tennessee who once hired George Lincoln Rockwell. Draper considered himself to be an amateur Anthropologist as well, once joining an expedition that disovered the remains of Asselar Man. Draper also measured the skulls of The Tuaregs in Africa which was apparently one of Carleton Coon's main methods for gathering "metrics" about various races. Richard Condon in The Manchurian Candidate mentions The Tuaregs, in an obvious reference to this Draper expedtion. If Gerry Patrick Hemming knows all about Carleton S. Coon and Robert E. Johnson you know it must be important. His friend, Roy Hargraves, knew all about the other Baltimore contacts with CIA and Metals Processing connections involved in my line of research confirming what I have uncovered already. So we have come full cycle again linking Amoss through Draper to Johnson via Coon and Eysenck both Pioneer Fund recipients of cash from Draper. Conclusion: Oswald in Taiwan and Johnson in Tsingtao were probably subjected to Manchurian Candidate styled mind control training and later turned out to be excellent programmed assassins. That is why Oswald was chosen to be either a shooter or a patsy, take your pick. But if Johnson was a crack shooter then Oswald, under hypnotic suggestion, could have also been made into a crack shooter as well. After all Marksmanship is little more than mind over matter. Control your breathing and your heart rate and anyone can be a good shot. Who took over from Amoss in 1961 after he died? First Carleton S. Coon in 1961 and later Ray S. Cline, from the CIA, ASC and WACL also featured in The Manchurian Candidate in 1981 after Coon expired. Carleton Stevens Coon, (June 23, 1904 – June 3, 1981) was a American physical anthropologist best remembered for his books on race. Contents [hide] <LI class=toclevel-1>1 Biography 1.1 Racial theories <LI class=toclevel-1>2 Brief overview of The Races of Europe[3] <LI class=toclevel-1>3 Falling into disfavor <LI class=toclevel-1>4 Works by Carleton S. Coon <LI class=toclevel-1>5 Quotes <LI class=toclevel-1>6 Further reading and sources <LI class=toclevel-1>7 External link <LI class=toclevel-1>8 References [*]9 See also if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = "show"; var tocHideText = "hide"; showTocToggle(); } [edit] Biography Carleton Coon was born in <a href="http://en.metapedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wakefield%2C_Massachusetts&action=edit" target="_blank">Wakefield, Massachusetts. He developed an interest in prehistory, and attended Phillips Academy, Andover where he studied hieroglyphics and became proficient in ancient Greek. Coon went on to study at Harvard, where he began to study Egyptology with George Reisner. However he, like many students, was swayed to the field of anthropology by Earnest Hooton and he graduated magna cum laude in 1925. He became the Curator of Ethnology at the University Museum of Philadelphia.[1] Coon continued on in Harvard, making the first of many trips to North Africa in 1925 to conduct fieldwork in the Rif area of Morocco, which was still politically unsettled after a rebellion of the local populace against the Spanish. He earned his Ph.D. in 1928[2] and returned to Harvard as a lecturer and later a professor. His work from this period included a 1939 rewrite of William Z. Ripley's 1899 The Races of Europe. Coon was a colorful character who undertook adventuresome exploits and, like his mentor Earnest Hooton, wrote widely for a general audience. He published several novels and fictionalized accounts of his trips to North Africa, including The Riffians, Flesh of the Wild Ox, Measuring Ethiopia, and A North Africa Story: The Anthropologist as OSS Agent. This last book was an account of his work during World War II, which involved espionage and the smuggling of arms to French resistance groups in German-occupied Morocco under the guise of anthropological fieldwork, a practice generally condemned by working anthropologists today, in the context of 21st century science ethics. During this time, he worked in the United States Office of Strategic Services. Coon did physical anthropological studies abroad. He studied Albanians from 1929-1930, he traveled to Ethiopia for research in 1933, and in Arabia, North Africa and the Balkans, he worked on sites from 1925 to 1939 and discovered a Neanderthal on a site in 1939. In 1948, Coon left Harvard to take up a position as Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, which had an excellent museum attached to it. Throughout the 1950s he produced a series of academic papers, as well as many popular books for the general reader, the most notable being The Story of Man (1954). Coon's own interest was in attempting to use Darwin's theory of natural selection to explain the differing physical characteristics of various racial groups. From 1954-1957, Coon did photography work for the United States Air Force. He photographed areas where US planes might be attacked. This led him to travel throughout Korea, Ceylon, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Taiwan, Nepal, Sikkim, and the Philippines. </a> [edit] Racial theories Coon hypothesized that different racial types fought for domination and annihilation of other types. He asserted that Europe was the refined product of a long history of racial progression. He stated that historically "different strains in one population have showed differential survival values and often one has reemerged at the expense of others (in Europeans)", in The Races of Europe, The White Race and the New World.<a href="http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Carleton_Coon#_note-racesofeurope" target="_blank">[3] He also stated that the "maximum survival" of Europeans was increased by their replacement of the indigenous peoples of the New World.[3] He asserted the history of the White race to have involved "racial survivals" of the different White subraces.[4] In his book The Races of Europe, The White Race and the New World, he uses the term "Caucasoid" and "White race" synonymously. In his introduction he states the concern (of his book), "the somatic character of peoples belonging to the white race". Also, this can be seen in his first chapter, "Introduction to the Historical Study of the White Race" and his ending chapter, "The White Race and the New World".[5] He considered the European racial type to be a subrace of the Caucasoid race which warranted more study. In other sections of The Races of Europe he mentions people to be "European in racial type" and having a "European racial element"[6] He advised that the study of some major versions of European racial types was sadly lacking compared with other typologies, "For many years physical anthropologists have found it more amusing to travel to distant lands and to measure small remnants of little known or romantic peoples than to tackle the drudgery of a systematic study of their own compatriots. For that reason the sections in the present book which deal with the Lapps, the Arabs, the Berbers, the Tajiks, and the Ghegs may appear more fully and more lucidly treated than those which deal with the French, the Hungarians, the Czechs, or the English. What is needed more than anything else in this respect is a thoroughgoing study of the inhabitants of the principal and most powerful nations of Europe."[3] Main article: Multi-regional originCarleton Coon believed Whites followed a separate evolutionary path from other humans. He believed "The earliest Homo sapiens known, as represented by several examples from Europe and Africa, was an ancestral long-headed white man of short stature and moderately great brain size." and "the negro group probably evolved parallel to the white strain". (The Races of Europe, Chapter II) Coon hypothesized that modern humans, Homo sapiens, arose five separate times from Homo erectus in five separate places, "as each subspecies, living in its own territory, passed a critical threshold from a more brutal to a more sapient state". Discovery of a possible hybrid Homo sapiens X neanderthalensis fossil child at the Abrigo do Lagar Velho rock-shelter site in Portugal in 1999 raised hopes of rehabilitating the Multiregional hypothesis of which Coon was a proponent, but these hopes have been criticized in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.[7] Carleton Coon believed some races were less evolved than others. For example, he considered the Lapps of Northern Europe to represent a transitional Mongoloid race, or a mix of the Nordic subrace and the Mongoloids. He hypothesized that if they were indeed a transitional Mongoloid, then they have retained their brachycephalization from a previous stage in evolution but have the blondism of the higher Caucasoid stage of evoluion.[8] He also believed some races reached the Homo Sapiens stage in evolution before others, resulting in the higher degree of civilization among some races.[9] He considered the Mongoloid race and the Caucasoid race to be racially superior to the Australoid, Capoid and Congoid races.[10] One page in Coon's book contrasted a picture of an Australian Aborigine called "Topsy" with a Chinese professor, and was captioned "The Alpha and the Omega"). Template:Cquote In 1962, he published his magnum opus The Origin of Races. Unfortunately for Coon, physical anthropology had changed greatly since his time as an undergraduate at Harvard. Contemporary researchers such as Sherwood Washburn and Ashley Montagu were heavily influenced by a Boasian revolt against typological racial thinking. The human species was now seen as a continuous serial progression of populations rather than the five parallel genetically distinct races. The 1960s were a controversial time for racial theories, and Carleton Putnam suggested that Coon's work, among others, justified racial segregation. Coon stepped down as President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists in disgust after the association voted to censure Putnam's book Race and Reason: A Yankee view.[11] Coon continued to write and defend his work. He died on June 3, 1981, in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Template:Carleton S. Coon Racial Definitions </a> [edit] Brief overview of The Races of Europe<a href="http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Carleton_Coon#_note-racesofeurope" target="_blank">[3] Coon's book concludes the following: The White race is of dual origin consisting of Upper Paleolithic (mixture of sapiens and neandertals) types and Mediterranean (purely sapiens) types. The Upper Paleolithic peoples are the truly indigenous peoples of Europe. Mediterraneans invaded Europe in large numbers during the Neolithic period and settled there. The racial situation in Europe today may be explained as a mixture of Upper Paleolithic survivors and Mediterraneans. When reduced Upper Paleolithic survivors and Mediterraneans mix, then occurs the process of dinarization which produces a hybrid with non-intermediate features. The White race encompasses the regions of Europe, the Middle East, the South Asia and North Africa. The Nordic race is part of the Mediterranean racial stock, being a mixture of Corded and Danubian Mediterraneans. </a> [edit] Falling into disfavor Coon showed discontent over the decision of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists to censure "Race and Reason", which caused him to resign. His racial theories were sidelined by the rise of <a href="http://en.metapedia.org/w/index.php?title=Boasian_anthropology&action=edit" target="_blank">Boasian anthropology which denied race as a valid concept, promoted by Jews like Franz Boas and Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Lewontin, Lieberman and others. In his autobiography, Coon says he was offered the chance to write an article about race relations, but he was neither paid nor was the article published because he wrote that races had a natural inclination for separatism.Template:Fact </a> [edit] Works by Carleton S. Coon <a href="http://en.metapedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Origin_of_Races&action=edit" target="_blank">The Origin of Races (1962) The Story of Man (1954) Culture Wars and the Global Village: A Diplomat's Perspective The Races of Europe (1939) Races: A Study of the Problems of Race Formation in Man The Hunting Peoples Anthropology A to Z (1963) Living Races of Man (1965) Steven Caves: Archaeological Exploration in the Middle East Adventures and Discoveries: The Autobiography of Carleton S. Coon (1981) Mountains of Giants: A Racial and Cultural Study of the North Albanian Mountain Ghegs Yengema Cave Report (his work in Sierra Leone) Caravan: the Story of the Middle East (1958) A North Africa Story (1980) Racial Adaptations (1982) Flesh of the Wild Ox (1932) The Riffian (1933) Adventures and Discoveries: The Autobiography of Carleton S. Coon </a> [edit] Quotes <a href="http://en.metapedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Wikiquote&action=edit" target="_blank">Template:Wikiquote "It is the retention by twentieth-century, Atom-Age men of the Neolithic point of view that says: You stay in your village and I will stay in mine. If your sheep eat our grass we will kill you, or we may kill you anyhow to get all the grass for our own sheep. Anyone who tries to make us change our ways is a witch and we will kill him. Keep out of our village." —The Story of Man, 1954, page 376 </a> [edit] Further reading and sources <a href="http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/lagarvelho.html" target="_blank">The Lagar Velho 1 Skeleton Hybrid Humans? Archaeological Institute of America Volume 52 Number 4, July/August 1999 by Spencer P.M. Harrington [1] Carleton Steven Coons, 23 June 1904 - 3 June 1981 (obituary). 1989. W.W. Howells in Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.58 108-131. Two Views of Coon's Origin of Races with Comments by Coon and Replies. 1963. Theodosius Dobzhansky; Ashley Montagu; C. S. Coon in Current Anthropology, Vol. 4, No. 4. (Oct., 1963), pp. 360-367. In Ways Unacademical: The Reception of Carleton S. Coon's "The Origin of Races" by JOHN P. JACKSON JR. Journal of the History of Biology 34: 247–285, 2001. Retrieved 17 November 2006. The Races of Europe (1939) by Carleton S. Coon - physical anthropological information on the indigenous peoples of Europe.[3] </a> [edit] External link <a href="http://www.nmnh.si.edu/naa/guide/_c3.htm#jrg446" target="_blank">Carleton Stevens Coon Papers, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution </a> [edit] References <LI id=_note-0><a href="http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Carleton_Coon#_ref-0" target="_blank">^ Coon, Carleton S. (1962) . The Origins of Races. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. <LI id=_note-1>^ The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2005. <LI id=_note-racesofeurope>^ a b c d e The Races of Europe by Carleton Coon 1939 (Hosted by the Society for Nordish Physical Anthropology) <LI id=_note-2>^ The Races of Europe, Chapter II, Section 12 <LI id=_note-3>^ The Races of Europe, Chapter XIII, Section 2 <LI id=_note-4>^ The Races of Europe, Chapter 7, Section 2 <LI id=_note-5>^ Hominids and hybrids: The place of Neanderthals in human evolution, Vol. 96, Issue 13, 7117-7119, June 22, 1999 <LI id=_note-6>^ Coon, Carleton S. The Races of Europe. Racial Classification within the White Family. August 11, 2006. <http://www.snpa.nordish.net/chapter-VIII6.htm>. <LI id=_note-7>^ Coon, Carleton S. (1962) . The Origins of Races. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. <LI id=_note-8>^ Bindon, Jim. University of Alabama. Department of Anthropology. August 23, 2006. <http://www.as.ua.edu/ant/bindon/ant275/pre...arion%20garn%22>. ^ Academic American Encyclopedia (vol. 5, p.271) . Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Incorporated (1995). </a> [<A title="Edit section: See also" href="http://en.metapedia.org/w/index.php?title=Carleton_Coon&action=edit&section=10">edit] See also List of racial theorists Races Caucasoids, Indo-Europeans(Aryans), Negroids, Mongoloids, American Indians Racial theorists Carleton Coon, Lothrop Stoddard, Madison Grant, William Ripley, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Arthur de Gobineau Differences among races Race and crime, Race and intelligence, Race and social behavior, Race and Psychopathic Personality Race scientists and scholars Richard Lynn, John Philippe Rushton, Jared Taylor Organizations studying races American Renaissance, Pioneer Fund Evolution of races Genetics, Human evolution, Charles Darwin
  6. BINGO BREAKTHROUGH: Carleton S. Coon, Ulius Amoss, R. E. Johnson and Wickliffe Draper... What a parlay we have here... ------------------------------ "HUAC" is a long-time misnomer. The official title was: The House Select Committee on Un-American Activities. While much of the "ASC" etc. documents are in the abovementioned repository; the complete collection of ALL materials was held by the now defunct "Subversive Activities Control Board". The "Board" was eliminated just after LBJ signed the FOIA [Freedom of Information/Privacy Act - Title 5, US Code, section 552 et seq.]. ALL efforts to apply FOIA demands upon the files of the "Board" have been thwarted. Coon was a subordinate to OSS Cairo Chief of Station Colonel Ulius Amoss, who was given deep cover for his assassination schemes via his phony firing by Gen. Bill Donovan. After the war, Amoss founded "ISI" [international Services of Information] based in Baltimore, MD. Within a week of LHO's return from the USSR, he went on the ISI payroll, and was "case officered" by Robert Emmett Johnson. Chairs, GPH --------------------------------- Wait until you hear this one. Carleton S. Coon who worked with both Ulius Amoss and Robert Emmett Johnson, was very heavily involved with both Wickliffe Preston Draper and The Pioneer Fund as a White Supremacist, Race Hygienist and Eugenics proponent. http://comm.colorado.edu/jjackson/research/coon.pdf And Wickliffe P. Draper was involved with both Dr. Has J. Eysenck and the MKULTRA based H. Smith Richardson Foundation through The Pioneer Fund and his links to THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, Anastse Vonsiatsky. Quod Est Demonstratum. NOW DO YOU BELIEVE THAT RICHARD CONDON IN THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE KNEW ABOUT DRAPER AND VONSIATSKY AND MACARTHUR AND WILLOUGHBY AND THURMOND AND MORRIS AND ANGLETON AND FELLERS? Even George Michael Evica in A Certain Arrogance references former Korean Prisoners of War who had been brainwashed during their imprisonment. And talks about what Dulles and Wisner did to conceal them. Do a Google for Draper Asselar Man or Draper Tuaregs and see what you get. Condon wrote about the Tuaregs in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, too... Carleton Coon: A Pioneer in Anthropological Literary Genres - 1:46pmCarleton Coon was a pioneer in ptesenting anthro-. pological data and the realities of anthropological ... Even his Viking Fund Medal citation refers to his ... www.anthrosource.net/doi/abs/10.1525/ahu.1985.10.2.40 - Similar pages - Note this A Model Approach for Studying Race: Provocative Theory, Sound ...the Pioneer Fund’s latest attempt to “affect public opinion. by publishing material about racial .... to advance racism and begins with Carleton Coon, who ... www.anthrosource.net/doi/pdf/10.1525/aa.2004.106.1.168 - Similar pages - Note this [PDF] Preface My Years with the Pioneer Fund by Harry F. Weyher ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML famous anthropologist Carleton Coon in the 1960s. Once some of them (to remain unnamed) ..... are also given in Harry F. Weyher, "The Pioneer Fund, the ... www.pioneerfund.org/Weyher_pdf.pdf - Similar pages - Note this [DOC] Curriculum VitaeFile Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML John P. Jackson, Jr. Book review of William H. Tucker, The Funding of Scientific Racism: Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund (Champaign: University of ... comm.colorado.edu/jjackson/research/Curriculum_Vitae.doc - Similar pages - Note this [PDF] “In Ways Unacademical”: The Reception of Carleton S. Coon’s The ... - 12:50pmFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML reclusive millionaire who underwrote the Pioneer Fund) and Carleton. Coon. ...... “Carleton Coon: A Pioneer in Anthropological Literary Genres.” Anthro- ... comm.colorado.edu/jjackson/research/coon.pdf - Similar pages - Note this The rushton file: Racial comparisons and media passionsorganization with a terrible past" (the Pioneer Fund, a ..... persisted through Carleton Coon and his works on The. Origin of Races in. 1962, and ... www.springerlink.com/index/KL058PKL12352V08.pdf - Similar pages - Note this American Renaissance March 2006He was granted Pioneer Fund money to do large-scale testing of black and white twins, which underlined the largely heritable nature of the race difference ... www.amren.com/ar/2006/03/ - 123k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this TOQ-Raymond Wolters Brown-Vol 5 No 2 - 1:14pmWith funds provided by Wickliffe Draper of the Pioneer Fund, the IAAEE set up .... So did Carleton Coon of the University of Pennsylvania, who “relished the ... theoccidentalquarterly.com/archives/vol5no2/52-wolters.html - 102k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this [PDF] ace nd cience A Review Essay Assessing the Debates of the 1950s ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML The prominent physical anthropologist Carleton Coon agreed, ..... Gottfredson also accepted grants from the Pioneer Fund, and critics sensed ... theoccidentalquarterly.com/archives/vol7no2/v7no2_Wolters.pdf - Similar pages - Note this OUP: UK General CatalogueCarleton Coon on "Race". Science and Society on "Race" After World War II. 18. THE LEGACY OF THE PIONEER FUND. The Promotion of "Scientific" Racism ... www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/?ci=9780195173512 - 29k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
  7. Wall Street Journal - June 11, 1999 http://mdah.state.ms.us/arlib/contents/er/sovcom/ How the South's Fight to Uphold Segregation Was Funded by North By DOUGLAS A. BLACKMON Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL JACKSON, Miss. -- On the afternoon of Sept. 12, 1963, a vice president of Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. sent a telegram to the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission, the agency created by local politicians to fight the civil-rights movement and preserve racial segregation. A Morgan client, the telegram said, was "setting aside as an anonymous gift" stock valued at $100,000. There was one condition: "Donor would like the fact and amount of the gift to be kept confidential." The matter was referred directly to Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett, who agreed to the terms and, that same day, sent Morgan instructions on where to send the cash. Once the money arrived in Mississippi, it was funneled to an account in Washington, D.C., where segregationists were launching a fierce campaign to defeat landmark civil-rights legislation abolishing segregation in most public facilities. And in the ensuing months, the mystery contributor would follow up with additional, substantial gifts to help the cause. For nearly four decades, the role of that donor remained concealed in the files of the now-defunct Sovereignty Commission. But last year, a federal judge ordered the unsealing of more than 130,000 commission files. The documents triggered a painful examination of some of the South's most heinous racial crimes. Little explored, though, was the trove of ledgers, invoices and correspondence recording the commission's finances. Those records show large transfers of money by Morgan on behalf of a client who turns out be a wealthy and reclusive New Yorker named Wickliffe Preston Draper. Mr. Draper used his private banker to transfer nearly $215,000 in stock and cash to the Sovereignty Commission for use in its fight against the Civil Rights Act. The entire budget for the effort amounted to about $300,000. Adjusted for inflation, Mr. Draper's contributions would be worth more than $1.1 million today. The Sovereignty Commission files do more than simply document one man's role. They show that some of the most virulent resistance to civil-rights progress in the 1960s was supported and funded from the North, not just the South. The files also highlight the ethical issues that confront an institution like Morgan Guaranty, the private-banking unit of J.P. Morgan & Co., when it is drawn, even unwittingly, into a client's support for repugnant causes. Since the 1930s, Mr. Draper had been a client of Guaranty Trust, which became Morgan Guaranty when it merged with J.P. Morgan in 1959. It isn't clear whether he used Guaranty to help with funding some of his earlier race-related efforts, such as a program in the 1930s to encourage white military pilots to have more children, or research in the 1950s to prove the superiority of whites and the dangers of mixed-race marriages. When Mr. Draper died in 1972, Morgan was an executor of his estate, overseeing distributions totaling about $5 million to two race-oriented foundations. The primary beneficiary was the Pioneer Fund, an organization Mr. Draper helped found and which became known in recent years for funding research cited in "The Bell Curve," a book arguing that blacks are genetically inclined to be less intelligent than whites or Asians. In his will, Mr. Draper instructed that after his death, the Pioneer Fund use Morgan for financial advice; the fund did so for two decades. Morgan today says that "racism is deplorable" and that the bank doesn't "support institutions that further racist causes." Moreover, the bank notes that it has been a consistent donor to African-American causes, giving more than $3.3 million of its own money to civil-rights-related groups since the late 1960s. Morgan insists that the Sovereignty Commission transactions it processed for Mr. Draper were routine procedures carried out on behalf of a client, over which the bank had no influence or control. "A thousand times a day, somebody sends money to an organization that 30 years later looks really terrible," says Morgan spokesman Joe Evangelista. "We can't tell our customers how to spend their money." Mr. Evangelista says the role Morgan played was no different from the way Wall Street banks today facilitate gifts to organizations that could be equally controversial. He cites donations made to Planned Parenthood (often criticized for its pro-choice stance), or to the Boy Scouts of America (which prohibits gays from becoming troop leaders). Morgan's policy, he says, is to pass no judgment on any client's activities, except in the "rare situation" when "the wishes of a client ... conflict with the principles that we stand for as a firm." In those cases, the firm may close a client's account, Mr. Evangelista says. Since the Sovereignty Commission was a legal, state-created entity, says Hildy J. Simmons, a managing director at Morgan Guaranty, the bank had no choice but to follow its client's wishes. It would be no different today. "As long as the receiving party is legal, we have no discretion," says Ms. Simmons. Morgan did close the asset-management account it maintained for the Pioneer Fund after the furor erupted over "The Bell Curve" in 1994, according to people familiar with the situation. The bank won't give details on why it did so. That option is something banks should consider, says Thomas Donaldson, a business-ethics professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. "Good bankers should have the words 'Know thy client' tattooed somewhere on their chests," Mr. Donaldson says. "When the activities of the client or customer reach the point where they offend vital, deeply held values of the institution, you have to say no." But many banks aren't comfortable with that posture, and with good reason, says George J. Benston, a banking professor at the Goizueta Business School at Emory University in Atlanta. "One would like any institution to operate with its customers neutrally. You don't want some bank officer making a judgment on whether a customer's donations are moral." Brahmin Roots Wickliffe Draper was, in many ways, a typical Yankee aristocrat. He was born in Hopedale, Mass., in 1891. His father was a top executive in the textile-machinery giant Draper Corp. His mother was from a blue-blood Kentucky family. An uncle was a Massachusetts governor. His younger sister married a nephew of President William Howard Taft. Mr. Draper reveled in adventure. At Harvard College, from which he graduated in 1913, he excelled in shooting. A volunteer in both world wars, he used the title "colonel" for most of his life. In 1924, he inherited about half of his father's estate, which was valued at the then-enormous sum of nearly $11 million. In 1938, he reported to his Harvard classmates that his diversions over the 25 years since college included "shooting jaguar in Matto Grosso and deer in Sonora, elephant in Uganda and chamois in Steiermark, ibex in Baltistan and antelope in Mongolia; ... pigsticking in India." By the late 1930s, for reasons that still aren't clear, Mr. Draper had also developed a fascination with racial genetics. In 1937, he helped found the Pioneer Fund. The foundation was devoted to supporting eugenics, a school of thinking that held that races can be genetically "improved" through mating practices, such as encouraging intelligent people to marry, or sterilizing handicapped individuals. Many eugenicists of the day, including some Pioneer founders, believed that whites were superior to blacks in intellect and other attributes, says Barry Mehler, a historian at Minnesota's Ferris State University, who has studied the fund extensively. The charter of the Pioneer Fund said the organization would support research and programs aimed at "race betterment." Scholarship programs would give special consideration to "children who are deemed to be descended predominantly from white persons who settled in the original 13 states." (In 1985, Pioneer amended its charter, saying it supports programs aimed at "human race betterment," and also deleting the reference to "white persons.") Today, officials of the fund deny that it seeks to prove the inferiority of any race and maintain that it funds only legitimate genetic research, regardless of its findings. The organization says its past and present leaders were not biased for or against any race. One of the first major projects of the Pioneer Fund under Mr. Draper was a program to encourage officers of the all-white U.S. Army Air Corps, predecessor of the Air Force, to have more children. Mr. Draper and other directors of the foundation believed that the Pioneer Fund should encourage a higher birth rate among the best of the white race. So the fund offered to establish annuities to pay for the education of any child born in 1940 to a pilot who had already fathered at least three children. Among the original Pioneer Fund directors who endorsed the plan was John Marshall Harlan II, a prominent New York attorney who would be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1957. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's secretary of war, Harry H. Woodring, personally approved the plan, according to Justice Harlan's papers, now stored at Princeton University. Memos to Mr. Harlan make clear that the plans were fulfilled. "During the calendar year 1940 there were 12 children born to officers in the Army Air Corps ... eligible to receive scholarships," wrote a psychologist hired to oversee the program. Mr. Draper made arrangements, according to records kept by Mr. Harlan, for an annuity to be established for each of the children at Guaranty Trust, the predecessor to Morgan Guaranty. After World War II, the never-married Mr. Draper became increasingly reclusive. He stopped submitting updates to his Harvard class and lived alone in Manhattan, in a spacious East 57th Street penthouse duplex, surrounded by hunting weapons and mounted animal heads. For several years, he paid young researchers to visit his apartment and teach him genetic theory. "For $10 an hour, I tutored Draper ... every time I was in New York," says Bruce Wallace, a retired Virginia Polytechnic University professor who adds that he disagreed with Mr. Draper's views. "His contention was that the geneticists had all the figures but they were afraid to add them all up... . He was quite set on the idea that there was superiority and inferiority. I don't think he would have placed blacks among the superior." The theories embraced by Mr. Draper fell out of favor after the war, and as the horrors of the Nazi regime became apparent, many of his old allies distanced themselves from their previous work. But through the 1950s, Mr. Draper continued to push for research to demonstrate white superiority; he also espoused sending American blacks, on a voluntary basis, to live in Africa, says the Pioneer Fund. In 1957, the state of Mississippi created the Sovereignty Commission. Operating on an appropriation of about $100,000 a year, the commission penetrated most of the major civil-rights organizations in Mississippi, even planting clerical workers in the offices of activist attorneys. It informed police about planned marches or boycotts and encouraged police harassment of African-Americans who cooperated with civil rights groups. Its agents obstructed voter registration by blacks and harassed African-Americans seeking to attend white schools. On occasion, the commission also took steps to discourage violence by the Ku Klux Klan and other extremist groups. Precisely how Mr. Draper became connected to the commission isn't clear. But the relationship appears to have blossomed shortly after a national address by President John F. Kennedy in June 1963. The president proposed wide-reaching legislation to outlaw segregation in public facilities. Mississippi leaders scrambled to mount a vigorous fight. They turned to John C. Satterfield, a brilliant litigator from Yazoo City, Miss., and the immediate past president of the American Bar Association. By the end of the 1960s, Time magazine would label him "the most prominent segregationist lawyer in the country." Within days of President Kennedy's speech, Mr. Satterfield headed to Washington to meet with top politicians and leaders of major trade organizations and business groups. The response was encouraging. "We in the South now have new and important allies who never before seemed seriously concerned," wrote Erle Johnston Jr., director of the Sovereignty Commission. "It was a thrill to me to see how the gentlemen at these meetings looked to Mississippi for leadership." The result was a new national lobbying organization, called the Coordinating Committee for Fundamental American Freedoms. The Sovereignty Commission provided money to rent a Washington office and hire staff, and largely controlled the group from Mississippi. On July 22, 1963, Mr. Satterfield received the first private contribution to the cause, a $10,000 Morgan Guaranty cashier's check drawn from Mr. Draper's accounts. It was deposited into a special account in the Mississippi state treasury and logged into Sovereignty Commission records with a simple notation: "Morgan Guaranty Trust Co." Over the next year, Mississippi leaders repeatedly claimed that the campaign was being financed by broad grass-roots support in Mississippi and across the U.S. In truth, contributions from Mississippi citizens never topped $30,000. A surviving partner of Mr. Satterfield's law firm says the attorney obliquely referred to the source of the big money simply as "the Wall Street gang." On Sept. 12, Mississippi Gov. Barnett received the telegram in which Morgan Vice President Arthur W. Rossiter Jr. said $100,000 in stock had been earmarked for the Mississippi commission. After the shares were sold, the gift totaled $98,612. It was entered into Sovereignty Commission records as "Donation from Morgan Guaranty Trust Company." Four months later, another telegram arrived from Mr. Rossiter, this time signaling the impending arrival of an additional $105,000 from Mr. Draper. The money was derived from Mr. Draper's shares of Reynolds Tobacco, General Motors, Standard Oil of New Jersey and Addressograph-Multigraph. Morgan sold the stock at Mr. Draper's direction, collected commissions on the sales, and moved the proceeds into what it calls a temporary Sovereignty Commission account at Morgan Guaranty. The Sovereignty Commission eventually forwarded the funds to Washington. Throughout, Mr. Rossiter insisted that the source of the money never be disclosed. "This represents an anonymous gift to your Commission and the donor has specifically requested that the fact and the amount of the gift be kept strictly confidential," he wrote in one letter. Mr. Draper's money buoyed a sweeping attack on the civil-rights bill. The Sovereignty Commission's Washington arm coordinated opposition efforts among less-organized groups, pushed trade associations to fight the bill and lobbied Congress. It sent ghost-written editorials to newspapers around the country and bought ads in 500 daily and weekly papers. By April 1964, the group had distributed 1.4 million pamphlets and mailings, Sovereignty Commission records indicate. The opposition effort was swathed in the issues of protecting states' rights and reining in an overreaching federal government. The advertisements said the bill would create an "omnipotent president" and a "dictatorial attorney general." But commission records make clear that the effort co-financed by Mr. Draper was grounded on bitterly racist notions. Citing several white-supremacist tracts, an internal memorandum by Mr. Satterfield said Americans had to be shown that the conditions of blacks in the U.S. were the result of "heredity ... not discrimination." At the heart of the matter, the memo said, were "the intelligence, criminality and immorality of the Negro." The Sovereignty Commission campaign triggered thousands of letters. Despite that, Congress approved the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and President Lyndon B. Johnson signed it into law. Frustrated by the defeat, Mr. Satterfield pressed Mississippi's new governor, Paul Johnson, to help start a new national organization, designed to demonstrate that the plight of blacks in the South was the result not of "mistreatment and discrimination" but the "completely different nature of Negro citizens and white citizens," he wrote the governor. "Certain groups in the east who prefer anonymity" were ready to back the effort with $200,000, Mr. Satterfield wrote, if the state would match the contribution. As a gesture of seriousness, an unnamed northern benefactor had sent $50,000. The donor was, again, Mr. Draper. His gift arrived via Morgan on June 2, 1964. Gov. Johnson endorsed the plan, and the Legislature quickly appropriated $200,000. But the segregationists suffered another setback, this time at the hands of their most rabid elements. Klan members abducted civil-rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney in the town of Philadelphia, Miss. The three were beaten, shot to death and buried in an earthen dam. Six weeks later, the workers' 1963 Ford station wagon was found burned along an isolated road, still bearing Mississippi license tag H 25503, a number logged into Sovereignty Commission files by an informant a few weeks earlier. The national outcry brought an end to the new alliance between Mississippi officials and Mr. Draper. Gov. Johnson's office was flooded with telegrams, many simply repeating the words "justice, justice, justice." Increasingly isolated, Mississippi leaders took at least symbolic steps to halt violence. The state's own $200,000 appropriation was quietly returned to the Mississippi treasury. Later, the $50,000 from Mr. Draper was returned to his attorney in New York, Harry F. Weyher, who deposited it into the escrow account of his firm, records show. Mr. Weyher, who has been president of the Pioneer Fund for more than 40 years, says he doesn't recall the flow of funds, though he did remember meeting with Mr. Satterfield in the 1960s. Mr. Draper maintained his interest in the fight to preserve segregation in the South. In the late 1960s and 1970s, he sent dozens of checks to private academies that had opened up to accommodate white families fleeing newly integrated public schools, estate records show. After Mr. Draper died in 1972, Morgan continued to manage his holdings while the will was being sorted out. Five years later, his assets were distributed according to Mr. Draper's wishes. He gave about $1 million to family members, and also bequeathed $3.3 million to the Pioneer Fund and $1.7 million to the Puritan Foundation. (The Pioneer Fund isn't related to the mutual fund of the same name.) The Puritan Foundation listed as its address the law firm of Mr. Satterfield, the Mississippi lawyer. In 1978, the fund was merged into another nonprofit called the Council School Foundation, according to Rutgers University Prof. William Tucker, who is researching Mr. Draper's activities. That Mississippi group was created to support private schools that catered to white students. A State's Stigma Citing bank policy, executives at Morgan won't discuss whether the bankers who worked with Mr. Draper knew of his racial leanings or the true nature of the Sovereignty Commission. Still, Morgan was dealing with prominent Mississippi segregationists at a time when the national media were focused on the state, and when some on Wall Street and in New York's political community were concerned about maintaining business ties there. Mr. Barnett, the governor of Mississippi, had been pictured on the front page of the New York Times in 1962 during a bloody standoff with federal troops forcing the integration of the University of Mississippi. The Mississippi state treasurer at the time, William F. Winter, said that Wall Street firms charged higher interest rates on the state's bonds, due to the stigma of having ties to Mississippi. In 1965, one such issue was canceled due to a lack of bids on Wall Street. Morgan says none of that is relevant. The bank likely had clients supporting the civil-rights movement as well, executives say. And, adds Mr. Evangelista, "doing business with a particular client doesn't mean that we endorse that client's beliefs of actions." It would be "offensive" for a bank to police how its clients conduct their affairs. "That's a privilege of being rich in America," says Ms. Simmons at Morgan. "You can spend your money the way you want to."
  8. Hunters of Fascists - Oswald and Stashinsky FWIW, Mr. SAWYER - Do you know whose writing it is in Russian up at the top, where it says "Hunter for fascists. Ha, ha, ha"? Mrs. PORTER - Well, some letters would be, look like I would write, but some not, so I am confused about that inscription in the back. Mr. SAWYER - You don't know whether that is your writing or not, or do you know it is not? You are not clear on it? Mrs. PORTER - Well, like if I look at first, you know, I think yes, it is my handwriting, until I start to analyze it, and it is not. Those letters "Ha, ha, ha," you know, the letter "Ha," that is not my way of writing this certain letter. She later agreed it sounded like something she might say, and was more or less led into correcting the translation to "Hunter of Fascists". Where was Lee Harvey Oswald in October of 1959 about 10/15 - 10/16 timeframe? On the way to Helsinki and Russia? At one time someone had tried to place him in the West Berlin area when this event occurred... Were they accurate? This Stashinsky guy was also trained in Minsk Belorussia like Oswald and was featured in Murder to Order by Karl Anders. Senator Thomas Dodd even went to West Berlin to interview Stashinsky in jail for this murder but only AFTER Oswald was DEAD. This trip essentially cost Dodd his career because he was accused of wasting taxpayers dollars on this and other junkets. I think Dodd KNEW that Oswald was tied into this Stashinsky character via Minsk Belorussia later on and even H. L. Hunt was FASCINATED and OBSESSED with this Stashinsky Gun which exploded a Potassium Cyanide capsule in the face of the victim causing a Coronary Thrombosis and making death look like a heart attack. Noel Twyman put in both a picture and a blurb about The Statshinsky Gun at my suggestion. Whaddya think? From TIME Magazine at the time... The 1959 death of Ukrainian Nationalist Leader Stefan Bandera in Munich was officially listed as a suicide. Bandera, apparently, had a sudden seizure, fell and broke his neck. An autopsy revealed traces of cyanide, which Munich police surmised had been self-administered, causing the fall. But last week the case was reopened by the confession of the man responsible for Bandera's "suicide"—a former Russian secret-police agent named Bogdan Nikolaevich Stachinsky. Fanatically devoted to the cause of Ukrainian independence from Russia, Bandera had fought alongside the Nazis against the Russians during World War II. After the war, his partisans continued to harass the Soviets until they were crushed in 1950 in an all-out Soviet effort. Bandera escaped to Munich, evaded at least four attempts on his life. Then the Soviet secret police assigned Agent Stachinsky to the job. Trained in a Moscow spy school for five years, Stachinsky showed up in Munich with a West German passport and an ingeniously designed murder weapon. Though his primary target was Bandera, the Soviets ordered him to perform a trial run on another Ukrainian Nationalist, Writer Lev Rebel. The weapon worked perfectly; the verdict was that Rebel's death was caused by a heart attack. Thus the stage was set for Bandera. As the Ukrainian leader hurried up the stairs of his apartment building one afternoon, Stachinsky stepped out of the shadows to meet him. The agent was wearing a gas mask, and in his hand he carried a double-barreled air pistol. Aiming carefully, he fired two pellets into Bandera's face. The capsules exploded on impact, releasing a cloud of cyanide gas. Bandera gasped the fumes and fell unconscious. He died, without gaining consciousness, on the way to a hospital. After the murder. Agent Stachinsky was reassigned to East Berlin. There, he says, he incurred the wrath of his superiors by making a local girl pregnant and secretly marrying her. Last August, shortly before the Wall was built, Stachinsky and his wife escaped to the West. Now a confessed double murderer, he faces life imprisonment in a West German jail. The OUN/B was for Bandera while the OUN/M was for Andrij Melnyk... When I called Andrij Melnyk's neice she pronounced his name... "Ahhhnd Row Men Yek" in heavily accented Ukrainian, just like the name heard by Giesbrecht in Winnipeg using perhaps the phrase "...and Romeniuk" would, to me, be PRONOUNCED EXACTLY like what was reported by Giebrecht and Whitmey. Dang, he said. Tell me more. Anastase Vonsiatsky and Yaroslaw Stetsko were both friends with Stefan Bandera and AFABN the American Friends of the Anti Bolshevik Nations which Spas T. Raikin belonged to in fact and Willoughby too. When was OUN chartered and begun? 11/22/1943 in fact. Wow!, he said What were Anastase Andreivitch Vonsiatsky initials when converted to their numeric position in the alphabet? 1-1-22 or... 11/22 Damn, he said and then continued... The slaughter of Jews in Lvov, Ukraine was done by Yaroslaw Stetsko whom Raikin admitted introducing at an AFABN event in the USA but only after DENYING that he even knew Stetsko. Oh, just enough to introduce him at the podium at the ABN conference. Why did they pick you? Oh, well it was because... it was because I was the one picked or somesing like zhat... you know. Something like that? You were the one who formed the conference and invited him weren't you? Well maybe but no one else had zee time to do it, you see. So I said that I would. I also have a copy of Murder to Order inscribed by Austin App to a rightist which App gave as a gift to him. I think it was a Professor... maybe James Martin. I will check it out later. From Searchlight Magazine in 2000... Dangerous Liaisons In the name of fighting communism, British intelligence made deals with many unsavoury Nazi collaborators. One of the worst deals was the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists, an extreme right-wing group which participated in some of the worst wartime atrocities. Nick Lowles reports on a deal made in hell. Mykola Yaremko began his journey East in May 1950. It was a journey that was to take him six weeks, crossing from West Germany into Czechoslovakia, before heading north into Poland and then east into the Ukraine. As an émigré in the British-controlled sector of Germany, he felt it was an honour to continue his nation's fight for freedom. Armed with an automatic Sten gun, two pistols, a cyanide capsule, two Minox miniature cameras and a quantity of money in Czech, Polish and American denominations, he was heading home to take pictures of Ukraine's industrial capabilities for his political masters. Yaremko was operating under the instructions of Kpayoviy 3v Yazok, (K3), the Secret Service of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). It, in turn, was working for British Intelligence. Yaremko was a committed anti-communist who had volunteered for this job in the summer of 1949. Having fled to the West at the end of the war, he immediately became active with the OUN, an extreme nationalist organisation that in the course of opposing Soviet Communism collaborated extensively with the Germans. During his time in various displaced persons' camps, Yaremko worked for the OUN as a forger of some distinction. He created new identities for fellow members and other documentation that would give them passage in the west devoid of any link to their wartime roles. He was to join seven other potential OUN recruits in a forest in Bavaria, where he trained for several months under the direction of the OUN chief technical instructor Volodimir Kerod. He ran across hills with a 30 kilo pack, learnt the art of map reading and codes, and was taught photography and unarmed combat. Having passed his initial training, Yaremko was sent to a forest near Regensburg, where he joined 30 other OUN activists trained at other secret locations across Germany. He was now under the direction of Wolodymyr Kossak, a key member of the OUN secret service and a former officer in the Galician SS Division, which had surrendered to the British in Austria in 1944. From there, Yaremko was transferred to a farmhouse in the German town of Legar, where he received his final training in memory, military recognition and intelligence gathering, conducted by the British secret service (SIS). The deal between the Ukrainians and the British was simple. In return for positive intelligence, the SIS provided financial assistance for the OUN in the West. While the Ukrainians' aim was to support its units still waging a guerrilla war against the Soviets, the British took a longer-term view, wishing to establish lasting informants' networks in the Ukraine. The SIS instructed the OUN volunteers to focus on factory output, military installations, industrial buildings and the air defences around the major cities of Kiev, Odessa and Krakow. Later they were told to acquire information about the civil and political infrastructure of society. It was a relationship that was to prove disastrous - militarily, strategically and morally. As part of the anti-communist crusade, the British secret service not only shielded OUN members from justice for their wartime involvement with the Nazis, but gave a virulently racist group the oxygen, to say nothing of the money, with which to survive and continue its political campaign to this day. An anti-communist crusade British interest in Ukrainian affairs dated back to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, when its extensive banking and economic interests in the region were threatened. Seeking anti-Bolshevik allies, the British initially supported the short-lived regimes of Hetman Skorodapsky and Simon Petliura, but were left unimpressed. "The Ukrainian leaders were men of no real standing in their own country and Petliura was little better than a brigand," the Political Intelligence Department later reported to the Foreign Office. Until the late 1930s the British chose to use Poland as a buffer against the Soviet Union and, because of Poland's long-standing territorial claim over Eastern Galicia, the eastern region of Poland seen as part of the Ukraine by most Ukrainians, they largely ignored Ukrainian politicians. While there was some British support for independence of the Soviet Ukraine, this did not manifest itself in any real backing. While the Foreign Office kept the Ukrainian extremists at arm's length, the SIS was less concerned with Polish sensitivities. Wanting to make use of the Ukrainians' virulent anti-Russian activities and contacts in the Soviet Union, the SIS made contact with Stefan Bandera, a young leader of the OUN, through its Helsinki station. The relationship was to be short-lived as Bandera was arrested for the murder of the Polish Foreign Minister in 1938. When he was released from prison the following year, it was to Nazi Germany that he turned. British attitudes towards Ukrainian nationalism cooled during the war. The Ukrainians' extensive links with the Nazis and the peace pact with the Soviet Union saw anti-Bolshevik prejudices put aside, albeit temporarily. By 1944 the SIS was already planning for the postwar situation. Perhaps unsurprisingly for an outfit that had been formed to combat the Soviet Union, it saw communism as Britain's principle opponent. In 1944 the SIS established Section IX, the Soviet desk, the departmental head of which was Kim Philby. While this anti-Soviet view won support within the higher echelons of the Ministry of Defence, it was at odds with the more cautious Foreign Office approach, which balked at any suggestion of actions that could jeopardise its relationship with the Soviet Union. With the war not yet at an end and the Foreign Office dominant, it was no surprise that the British gave a cool response to the first approaches by the Ukrainians in 1944. Six couriers dispatched by Lebed in 1944, a leading OUN activist and suspected war criminal who later found refuge in New York with the help of the CIA, made contact with a Special Operations Executive (SOE) officer in Yugoslavia. Their pleas for Western support for the OUN's guerrilla war against the Soviets fell on deaf ears. The British were keen to see the Soviets advance against the Germans and Ukrainian resistance, which included fighting Czech and Yugoslav partisans, was deemed unhelpful. The anti-communist warmongers in British intelligence found friends from an unlikely source after the election of the Atlee government in 1944. With the anti-Nazi coalition victorious, some politicians, including Churchill, were urging the deployment of Anglo-US troops to contain the Soviet advance. Having spent much of the 1930s fighting communism within the Labour movement, the new administration was only too willing to take the fight abroad. Beginning in 1946, a stream of Foreign Office documents emerged warning of the Soviet threat. In his report, The Soviet Campaign Against This Country and Our Response to It, Christopher Warner reported that the Soviets were conducting an ideological, economic and propaganda war against Britain. He concluded that the challenge should be confronted head on. This was quickly followed by the another Foreign Office report, Strategic Aspect of British Foreign Policy, which claimed that Europe was at risk of Soviet power, particularly by communist supporters in the West. In response, the report concluded, the British should instigate trouble in the East. This view was echoed a year later by the Joint Planning Staff, which supported the exploitation and use of the people of the satellite countries against the Communist regime in Moscow in any future conflict. With a possible future conflict in mind, the British government saw sense in bringing an entire SS division made up of 8,000 Ukrainians to England in the late spring of 1947. While many were eagerly put to work with the European Volunteer Worker scheme, the Labour government preferring white Eastern Europeans to black Commonwealth workers, some sections of the government saw a possible military usage. The use of anti-communist forces within the Soviet Union was now enshrined in British foreign policy. Working with Hitler In dealing with the OUN, British intelligence was in league with the devil. Formed in 1929, the OUN campaigned for Ukrainian nationhood, although with its homeland divided between the Soviet Union and Poland, independence was a distant dream. In the 1930s a young leadership emerged that was more militant and politically extreme than its predecessors. Its main principals were Bandera, Yaroslav Stetsko and Mykola Lebed. Reverting to a terrorist campaign against both Poland and the Soviet Union, the OUN suffered in the prewar years, and many of its key figures were exiled in Western Europe. When Soviet agents assassinated the OUN chief in 1938, on a Dutch pavement, the OUN split, with Bandera leading one faction and Andej Melnik the other. The Bandera wing, the OUN/B, drew ever closer to Germany. Bandera took up residence in Nazi Germany and other OUN/B activists began training with the German army, in units such as the Nationalist Military Detachments, the Schuma and Werkschutz, whose jobs included guarding Jewish labour gangs. In April 1941, two months before the invasion of the Soviet Union, the German army established two Ukrainian reconnaissance and sabotage units, called Roland and Nachtigall, to accompany it into the Ukraine. Politically under the control of the two OUN factions, both units were involved in some of the worst anti-Jewish outrages on the Eastern Front. Even the Einsatztruppen, the Germans' mobile killing squads, were shocked at the severity of the Ukrainians' actions. On 2 July 1941 it was reported that 1,160 Jews were murdered by the Ukrainians with the aid of one police and army platoon. Two months later the Ukrainian militia rounded up the Jews of the town of Zhitomir, killing 3,145. The close cooperation between the OUN/B and the Germans was not to last. Despite their common antisemitism, the Ukrainian dream of independence was at odds with the Nazis' plans. Though the OUN/B leaders were placed under arrest, many of its supporters remained in the service of the Germans. Some joined the Ukrainian police and militia who maintained the Nazis' grip on the country and continued the rounding up of Jews and anti-fascists. Even after the fallout with the Germans, the OUN/B did not drop its racist and antisemitic programme. A leaflet recovered by the Germans read: "Long live greater independent Ukraine without Jews, Poles and Germans. Poles behind the San, Germans to Berlin, Jews to the gallows." Hundreds of Ukrainians were sent to the Trawniki training camp in Poland, where they became part of Operation Reinhard, the cover name for the Final Solution in the East. Determined to dispose of the 2.2 million Jews, the Nazis established three concentration camps at Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. The Ukrainian contingent at Trawnika drew heavily from the Roland and Nachtigall units. So confident were the Nazis in the killing ability of their Eastern European recruits, each camp only had 35 SS officers attached to it. In 1943, almost 400 Ukrainian recruits from Trawniki were used in the final assault on the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland. As the war turned against Germany, the need for men to fight the Soviets led to the formation of the 14th Galician SS Division. The OUN/B called on its supporters to join up, giving the lie to postwar protestations of its anti-Nazi stance. Many of its leading activists were among those who answered the call. The SS Division was worse than useless. In its first battle at Brody, in 1944, all but 3,000 of its men were killed. The Division was reformed, and this time many of its personnel were drawn from the Ukrainian police, militia and camp guard units. The very people who later found safety in the welcoming arms of the British were those who had collaborated in some of the worst atrocities in Eastern Europe during the war. After the war, the OUN/B continued its hardline political stance. Under the banner of anti-communism, it brought together other Eastern European émigré groups in the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, many of whom had also collaborated with the Nazis during the war. The OUN/B was a founder member of the World Anti-Communist League, an organisation that brought together Second World War collaborators, South American death squads, right wing US senators and right-wing regimes around the world, including Taiwan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia. A regular contributor to OUN/B publications was the leading antisemite Austin App, and a leading member of the OUN/B in Britain acted as treasurer for the British League of Rights, an antisemitic organisation led by Don Martin and Lady Jane Birdwood. In 1954 a US State Department report on Ukrainian émigrés gave its view of the OUN/B. "…the form of Ukrainian nationalism which approaches fascism is still alive and given the opportunity will exercise itself again." K3 - a private intelligence operation K3 was already in existence when the British decided to use it in early 1947. It had begun as an arm of the OUN/B's internal police, more commonly known as the SB, but after the war was reorganised as a separate intelligence gathering entity. It was run by Bohdan Pidhany, a member of the OUN/B executive and a founder member of the OUN. In 1938 he, together with Bandera, was sentenced to death for the murder of the Polish Foreign Minister. The sentence was later reduced to life imprisonment. The German invasion of Poland meant a chance for Pidhany to escape, and he rejoined the Ukrainian underground, before linking up with the Germans. When the Germans marched east, Pidhany accompanied the first units in, the very units that were responsible for many of the worst atrocities. By 1943 he was an officer in the Galician SS Division. "K3 was a secret cell," remembers Svyatoslav Wasylko, a former K3 activist. "Even Bandera was told only what was necessary for him. Mr Pidhany was running the show where K3 were concerned. But before any decision was made regarding the British, it always had to be approved by Bandera. That's how it was, it was very hush hush." Other than Pidhany, the principle staff of K3 were Anatol Kaminsky, Wolodymyr Kerod, Roman Iinyttzy and Bohdan Maciw. They operated under the cover of the Ukranisky Samostijnyk, a Banderite newspaper, which had its base in Munich. Small networks of organisers and recruiters in the countries where large Ukrainian émigré communities existed supplemented the Munich base. When the British first discussed cooperation with the Banderites in 1946, they were initially sceptical about the OUN/B claims. Talk of 140,000 men still fighting the Soviets was dismissed as exaggeration and propaganda. "Ukrainian nationalism has little prospect of being anything more than nuisance to the Soviet Union," concluded one Foreign Office report. However, the two sides were edging towards a deal. Initially this was being conducted without the knowledge of the US, at least of its Army Intelligence, the CIC. In one CIC report, dated 1946, a Special Agent noted that the Banderites were receiving 100,000 marks a month for propaganda from an unknown source. Bandera himself was a wanted war criminal but despite the CIC's best endeavours, the Ukrainian leader proved elusive. The British attitude towards the OUN/B was to change in 1947, when several hundred OUN fighters arrived in the west. Great interest was shown in their tales of continued fighting. Their stories were nowhere near the claims of the OUN/B, but did at least indicate existing opposition to communism, albeit rapidly diminishing. Within weeks of their arrival, intelligence teams from Britain and the US were falling over themselves to debrief and use the Ukrainians. The main beneficiary was the OUN/B. In return for funding and protection from war crime investigators, K3 was put at the disposal of the British, while other OUN factions went off with the Americans, Germans and the French. As part of the deal, Bandera was given a free reign to operate across Europe. For security reasons he stayed out of the US zone, but seemed to have no problem entering Britain. "He came many times," says a former OUN/B activist who worked in its headquarters in London. "Initially it was curiosity on the British side, they wanted to know just who he was. "He was travelling to Britain secretly with the help of British intelligence. He was given a false name and passport, and they made all the arrangements at the airport so he would be let past customs officers. He would then be taken to the OUN headquarters in London where he received visitors." K3 recruits were selected from the displaced persons' camps in the British zone in Germany and from the Galician SS Division, which was being transferred to England at about this time. Hand-picked by the Bandera leadership, they included the fittest and most fanatical nationalists among the Ukrainian community. The bulk of their training was conducted in Germany, at a number of houses provided by the British. Some were disguised as workshops; others were remote farms with the recruits posing as labourers. The Ukrainians were split into small groups, each operating without the knowledge of the others. The training itself often took two years to complete and was conducted by Pidhany himself, under the pseudonym Stephen Kordiuk, and by British officers, who gave radio, code and photographic training. Some Ukrainians were secretly flown to Britain for parachute training run by the British Army. To reach the Ukraine, K3 used several routes. Overland bridges were established across Poland and Czechoslovakia, but although they were the most direct, they were often the most dangerous. By the late 1940s, SIS preferred a longer southern route, either overland from Turkey or by plane from Cyprus and Malta. On at least one other occasion the British used a captured German U-boat, parked off the Polish coast, to launch a hot air balloon. Compromised Quite how many Ukrainians made the journey back remains a secret, but it was certainly dozens. Only a few returned, the majority being captured by Soviet forces soon after their arrival. Unbeknown to K3 and its British masters, Ukrainian intelligence was deeply penetrated by the KGB. While much attention has focused on the role of Kim Philby, he was not the major leak in the K3 operation. More damaging were at least four KGB informers within the OUN/B, either at leadership level, or, as was the case with Yaksym Lowczuk, in the organisation of the overland operations. In one instance, Lowczuk betrayed 60 OUN fighters as they tried to return to the Ukraine. A bigger source for the KGB was Andrij Peczara, the organiser of the Munich bridge, the underground network that smuggled K3 operatives through Poland. One key casualty of Peczara's work was General Hrytsaj, the most senior Ukrainian guerrilla officer to head for the west. With his capture so the Ukrainian underground's dreams of survival died. By the mid-1950s, a combination of failed operations, the rise of the US as a world superpower and internal disputes within the OUN/B forced Britain to reduce its Ukrainian operations. Budgetary constraints forced the transfer of many of Britain's Eastern European operations to the CIA, while a major split in the OUN saw many of those most closely connected to K3 transfer their allegiance to the rival OUNz, led by Mykola Lebed, which maintained links with the CIA and the State Department until Ukrainian independence in 1991. That is not to say that all British links were halted. In the 1960s British intelligence again used the OUN/B to establish intelligence networks in the Ukraine. This time it was keen to gather scientific and military intelligence, while at the same time spreading nationalist propaganda and dissent within the country. For over 20 years the OUN/B ran this operation, but in 1988 it was blown open when two of the most important figures in the Ukrainian underground revealed themselves to be KGB agents. More than 20 OUN/B operatives were exposed and rounded up. In the name of fighting communism, the British overlooked the extremism of the OUN, to say nothing of the individual actions of its members, many of whom had been participants in the Nazi death squads and concentration camps. No Ukrainian was ever prosecuted in Britain, despite several allegations, including some directed against senior personnel within the OUN/B in this country. Yaremko was never to fulfil his mission. As he crossed the Polish-Soviet border he was arrested and forced to make a highly public confession. He was yet another victim of the unholy alliance of British intelligence and extreme Ukrainian nationalists. The OUN/B leaders were more fortunate, none more so than Stetsko, the man who accompanied the first German units into the Ukraine. In 1984 the diminutive and bespectacled man was warmly welcomed at the White House as an anti-communist freedom fighter by Ronald Reagan. The transformation from antisemitic collaborators to respected political statesmen was complete, with no small thanks to British Intelligence. © Searchlight Magazine 2000
  9. *************************************************************** "Willis Carto, L. Fletcher Prouty, and the IHR Political Organizations & Activities" Nothing like whipping a dead horse, is there? Your tendency for this type of redundant rhetoric is starting to resemble nothing short of overkill. I think you are not getting my point. At Michigan State University last week the philosophical progeny of those who killed JFK then covered up for the crime, were all there, present and accounted for in person. The Pioneer Fund crowds via Paul Fromm and J. Phillipe Rushton, the Liberty Lobby crowd via David Duke's friends Richard Weems and John Rarick, the Holocaust Denial IHR crowd via that British National Party Politician, the Stormfront American Nazi Party crowd via Wigginton, none other than the YAF Young Republican crowds of Thurmond, Willoughby and Morris, the Canadian neo Right crowds from the World Anti Communist League and Linda Wayne's website. Don't you get it? Don't you even pay attention? Do you fail to see the evidence right before your eyes? They were all there, together, making common cause in front of the media spotlight for everyone and anyone to see. http://www.nizkor.org Wow, this is incredible. THEY are beating the SAME DEAD HORSE. THEY are playing the anti-Semitic Holocaust Denial card. THEY are beating the racist card. THEY are playing the YAF and The John Birch cards. THEY are beating the British Nationalist drum. THEY are beating the White Supremacist drum, playing the Stormfront and ANP cards, the Populist Party card, The Pioneer Fund Bell Curve cards, here in the USA because neither Canada nor England will let them do it. THEY are playing the Super Patriot card. And YOU are still blind to what they are doing? Wow. You really either don't get it or are just ignorant or blind to what is happening right before your rose colored glasses. Which is it? Go to YAFWatch.blogspot.com and listen to all the UTube videos and write down the names then take out a crayon and connect the dots and compare them to the Willis Carto IHR and Liberty Lobby list above. Thanks. *************************************************************** Populist Personnel The make-up of the advisory board of the PAC gives an idea of why such "populist candidates" would be promoted by the PAC. The members (and their descriptions) as of March 9, 1992 included: Abe Lincoln Austin (Monetary Scientist) Mike Blair (Investigative Reporter) Ken Bohnsack (Founder, Sovereignty) Robert Brock (Black Nationalist) Howard Carson (Publishing Consultant) Capt. G. Russel Evans (Historian) Lt. Col. James (Bo) Gritz (US Army, ret.) Dr. Martin A. Larson (Author) Roger Lourie (President, Devin-Adair publishing) Donald A. MacPherson (Constitutional Attorney) Pauline Mackey (Treasurer, ret. David Duke for President) Tom McIntyre (Former Chairman, Populist Party) Eustace Mullins (Author) John Nugent (Financial Consultant) Lawrence Patterson (Editor & Publisher, Criminal Politics) Col. L. Fletcher Prouty (US Air Force, ret.) John Rakus (President, National Justice Foundation) John Rarick (Former Congressman, D-Louisiana) Vince Ryan (Editor, The Spotlight) Sherman Skolnick (Chairman, Committee to Clean Up the Courts) Maj. James H. Townsend, Ret. (Editor & Publisher, The National Educator) James P. Tucker (President, National Media Services) Tom Valentine (Host, Radio Free America) Raymond E. Walk (President, Rayan Associates, Inc.) Robert Weems (Founding Chairman, Populist Party) No, you don't get it! Some of the above mentioned couldn't get published through the mainstream "Mockingbird" media, when they decided to blow the whistle, and therefore had to resort to being published through Liberty Lobby/Noontide Press. If it hadn't been for the availability of Prouty's works through this house, I never would've been able to have access to his material or his works. O.K. mods. I deleted the ad hominen. You can allow this post to go up now. OK, one at a time from the list above until you SEE the PATTERN here... Notice this posted link ends with a Richard Giebrecht Winnipeg Airport Incident attendee... from WACL. Let me know when you get it. Let me know when you recognize that the persons above from the PAC list all share common ground, they share common cause and they spout common rhetoric. Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: Re: Mark Lane and Fletcher Prouty Date: 3 May 1993 03:06:39 GMT Organization: Youngstown State/Youngstown Free-Net Lines: 232 Message-ID: <1s227v$lft@news.ysu.edu> NNTP-Posting-Host: yfn.ysu.edu f_gautjw@ccsvax.sfasu.edu responded (Thu Apr 29, 1993) to my post of factual information concerning Mark Lane and Fletcher Prouty I did not, of course, use McVay as a source for the facts I posted. I merely noted that McVay had posted much material, including lengthy verbatim quotes from Willis Carto. Gaut did not refute my citation to Carto's support for the American Nazi Party. Gaut introduces a red herring by quoting statements made by others in an apparent attempt to avoid dealing with the documented material I posted. I merely noted that McVay has already posted voluminous materials on Carto. McVay and I have been able to independently verify many facts concerning Willis Carto and the Liberty Lobby. I am not posting to convince Gaut, but rather to inform others about independently verifiable evidence concerning rightwing groups. For those who may wish yet another source on Carto and the Liberty Lobby, I would recommend _The Liberty Lobby and the American Right: Race, Conspiracy, and Culture_ by Frank P. Mintz (Greenwood Press, Westport Connecticut, 1985.) This documented study of the history of the Lobby makes interesting reading. To return to the point which Gaut avoided. The publication _Right_, was put out by the forerunner of the Liberty Lobby, Carto's Liberty and Property organization. _Right_ revealed many of Carto's viewpoints: During 1958-1960, the anti-Jewish propaganda in _Right_ intensified concurrently with the bulletin's growing tendency to eulogize past and present advocates of paramilitarism or extreme racial and cultural monism. In 1958, _Right_ defended the newly created racist paramilitarist National States Rights Party, whose formation as a fusion from the splinter United White Party and States Rights Party the bulletin announced in July 1958. In role as bridge between the right and paramilitarism, _Right_ since 1958 had given publicity to George Lincoln Rockwell and future leaders of American Nazism. That year, the bulletin had reported Rockwell's gubernatorial primary bid in Georgia. In February 1959, it called attention to a Rockwell pamphlet, "Who's a Hate-Monger?" The following month, _Right_ featured articles by Edward Fields and Matt Koehl, who assumed leadership of Rockwell's organzation [The American Nazi Party] after the latter's assassination in 1959. [_The Liberty Lobby and the American Right: Race, Conspiracy, and Culture_ by Frank P. Mintz, Greenwood Press, Westport Connecticut, 1985, pp. 77-78] Carto's interest in the Klan and similar groups did not end with the closing of _Right_. In 1975, the _Spotlight_ printed a puff piece about the Ku Klux Klan on October 31, 1975, page 3, with a photo showing a burning cross (_Klan No Longer `Invisible Empire', October 31, 1975, page 3.) In that issue, David Duke is shown in Klan uniform and identified as the director of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. >> On December 20, 1991, KPFA programmer Dennis Bernstein hosted >> Liberty Lobby lawyer Mark Lane. Bernstein, who has publicly >> defended Liberty Lobby affiliate Fletcher Prouty, failed to probe >> Lane regarding his connection to the Lobby. Gaut's remark about Lane being Jewish is puzzling. Does Gaut mean to say that one's politics are determined by one's religion or ethnic background? Lane did not mention his Liberty Lobby affiliation during the interview. During the interview, Lane did mention in detail a court case related to the Liberty Lobby and the Institute for Historical Review. Lane's connection to the Liberty Lobby was highly relevant to the discussion at hand. Of course, not everyone in Bernstein's listening audience had read _Plausible Denial_ and therefore many might not have known of Lane's close relation to Willis Carto. Mark Lane's supposed investigation of the Liberty Lobby (his employer as a laywer) is laughable. >Why should he have treated him shabbily? Once again, of course, I did not say he should have been treated shabbily. Asking a radio guest about their work with an outfit described as "the most notorious anti-Semitic organization in the country" could hardly be considered shabby treatment, unless one would rather have such discussion suppressed. Bernstein defended Prouty's association with the Liberty Lobby and its Populist Action Committee (PAC), of which Gaut must be well aware. Prouty has been repeated listed as an advisory board member of the PAC in the pages of the _Spotlight_, where he sits in the company of activists like Eustace Mullins. Also in the pages of _Spotlight_, Prouty has been listed as appearing dozens of times on the Liberty Lobby sponsored radio program and on numerous occasions as a speaker at Liberty Lobby sponsored events. Oddly, Bernstein's defense seemed to be that Prouty must be mentally impaired to allow himself to be associated with the likes of the Lobby. Prouty's beliefs concerning the Kennedy assassination are another of Gaut's red herrings. Gaut is free to believe that the best political course to preserve his freedoms is to link up with racist and anti-Jewish activists. Others are free to believe that it is against their own best interests to collaborate with elements who would deprive them of their rights as soon as they achieved the means to do so. >By the way, where was your outcry against the government's >travesty of justice in Waco? Once again, Gaut uses the red herring. My opinion on Waco has nothing to do with the facts concerning Willis Carto, Mark Lane, and Fletcher Prouty. I suppose that next Gaut will trot out a baseless charge that somehow my failure to echo his analysis of the events in Waco proves I support the government's actions. Gaut seems to believe that any group which arms itself heavily and shoots it out with the cops must be good. Gaut also seems to be ignorant of previous case histories of alternative religious movements that have engaged in violence and other crimes against their flocks and others. To mention just a few such cases: members of the Hari Krishnas movement murdered some dissidents, leaders of the Aryan Nations robbed and killed, high members of the Church of Scientology were convicted of various crimes, etc... **********Spotlight News********* The May 3, 1993 issue of the _Spotlight_ carries the following statement in boldface print on page 2: Why didn't somebody tell them? In spite of the deafening din of "Holocaust" publicity in all of the news media, 22 percent of the population believes it is a myth...Primarily responsible for this situation must be the Institute for Historical Review, a California think-tank comprised of revisionist historians and investigators who long ago established that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz, contrary to what all the history books all say. As documented in a previous post: In 1980 the business license for "The Noontide Press/Institute for Historical Review" was filed by Elisabeth Carto, wife of Liberty Lobby founder and treasurer Willis Carto. Carto himself is listed on IHR's letterhead as "founder." IHR's activities are regularly promoted in the _Spotlight_, as are the racist and anti-Semitic books by Noontide Press, which are advertised as part of the Lobby's "Liberty Library." [Response to letter by Mark Weber, Paul Rauber, _The Express_, January 17, 1992, page 4.] The _Spotlight_ gives credit to the Carto-linked IHR for the supposedly widespread public belief that the Holocaust is a "myth." Also, the same issue of the _Spotlight_ carries the statement: "All classified ads are subject to approval. Publisher reserves right to reject advertising with or without cause being assigned." Nonetheless, on the same page as the Liberty Lobby Reports column, the issue has a quarter page ad for Cliveden Press which is selling _Shockley on Eugenics and Race_, _Races of Britain_, and _The Wandering of Peoples_. The latter promises "photographs illustrating the differences between Europeans Negritoes, Pygmies, Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc..." The classified section yields ads from groups like the Aryan Awareness Movement, and for publications on "White America", "Chemistry of the Holocaust", "Return of the White Man", etc... The masthead of the May 3, 1993 edition of _Spotlight_ lists Robert Weems with the Southern Bureau. Weems is a former KKK leader, as documented in a previous post. The Canadian member of the international bureaus is Ron Gostick. Of Ron Gostick, the following is of note: The Canadian League chapter [of the World Anti-Communist League] the Freedom Council of Canada, is controlled by Ron Gostick and Patrick Walsh, both officers of the anti-Semitic (non-governmental) Canadian Intelligence Service, ith Walsh doubling as the Canadian correspondent of the Liberty Lobby in the United States. [_Inside the League_, by Scott Anderson and John Lee Anderson, Dodd, Mead and Company, New York, 1986, page 154.]
  10. Linda Wayne's link to the Canadian Neo Right was posted here... http://antiracistblog.blogspot.com/2007/10...m-chairman.html
  11. Liberty Lobby vs. E. Howard Hunt was a dangerous game of cat and mouse which ended up as a Chess Match and a Game of Chicken. Whoever blinks first loses. Continued below...
  12. Liberty Lobby vs. E. Howard Hunt was a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Some members of the CIA figured out what the Liberty Lobby donors and affiliates had done in the JFK hit and other hits, like those from The Pioneer Fund, The John Birch Society, The Congress of Freedom and others so The Liberty Lobby just wanted the CIA to know that they had also figured out portions of what either current or former members of the CIA had done in the JFK hit. The lawsuit was just to create a stalemate between the underground Far Right and the CIA Far Right, to answer everyone's questions. We get to snuff integrationists, and Civil Rights leaders and Freedom Riders and you get to snuff your Commies and your dictators and the other Eugenics targets, too. We know about MKULTRA and your programmed assassins from Col. Ulius Amoss through Ray S. Cline so don't play all high and mighty with us. We can use Byron DeLa Beckwith types for our projects or Sam Bowers types or William Potter Gale or whomever we want. Did you forget that Dr. Hans J. Eysenck was paid by BOTH The Pioneer Fund AND by your MKULTRA H. Smith Richardson Projects, too?
  13. Again with the circular reasoning, Timmy. Rev. Gerald L K Smith is cut from the Religious cloth and was a recognized Baptist Minister for years. He has made numerous anti Semitic and pro Nazi statements which are considered very Right Wing by all. Therefore he can no longer be considered a true member of the Religious Right because it violates God's Laws. So you are going to have him defrocked or debunked or recategorized just so he won't fall into your neat positions?
  14. IHR: A Layman's Guide to Willis Carto Part 2 & The Institute for Historical Review 4.0 Political Organization.....................................17 4.1 National Youth Alliance....................................17 4.2 Populist Action Committee..................................17 5.0 IHR Investigates Conference Attendees......................23 6.0 Epilog - Carto Expelled from IHR in Palace Coup ...........23 7.0 Reference Section..........................................24 7.1 Suggested Reading........................................25 7.2 Glossary.................................................25 7.3 Works Cited..............................................25 [iHR] [Page 17] 4.0 Political Organizations & Activities 4.1 National Youth Alliance In his book "Brotherhood of Murder," Martinez mentions the National Youth Alliance, which had its beginnings as "Youth for Wallace," and was formed during the Wallace Presidential campaign of 1968. He notes that Dr. William Pierce, whom he describes as a "Nazi," along with several founders of George Lincoln Rockwell's National Socialist White People's Party, joined the organization in the late Sixties. The information he provides which relates to Carto's involvement in this group is sketchy, to say the least: The behind-the-scenes power in the NYA was Willis Carto, head of the far right-wing, Washington, D.C.-based Liberty Lobby, publisher of an anti-Zionist magazine called 'Spotlight' and also publisher of a book that teaches terrorist urban warfare tactics. Martinez continues with "After wresting control of the group from Carto..." and no further references are to be found. (Martinez, 33) The neo-Nazi group The National Alliance grew out of "The National Youth Alliance," and is now controlled by Dr. William Pierce. I would appreciate receiving any additional, documented, information regarding Carto's involvement with this group, and invite your contributions. ("Brotherhood of Murder" tells of Martinez' involvement with The Order, the neo-nazi organization responsible for the murder of Denver talk-show host Alen Berg and others.) 4.2 The Populist Action Committee (Richard Hatch, May, 1993) In 1991, the Populist Action Committee (PAC) was "formally launched by the Liberty Lobby, the Washington-based populist institution that publishes _The Spotlight_." (Spotlight, 6-3-91, 1) The PAC is intimately tied to the Spotlight, which is "a prime mover behind the PAC." (Spotlight, 9-9-91, A-3) Unlike conventional political action committees, the PAC will not give money directly to candidates for office, but rather will "promote and publicize populist candidates, urging patriots to make direct contributions to these candidates." (Ibid) The Kick-Off The featured speaker at the kick-off meeting was "English populist" John Tyndall of the British National Party. (Spotlight, 6-3-91, 1) Tyndall is a British "former" National Socialist who has been quoted as saying "The Jew is like a maggot feeding on a body in an advanced state of decay." (Knight, 47) The selection of Tyndall as featured speaker for the founding meeting is an indication of the political direction of the Populist Action Committee. Tyndall was a founder of the British National Party in 1960. (Hill, page??) The original BNP was "pro-nazi and anti-semitic" and later merged with other far-right groups to form the National Front in 1967. The NF promoted the exclusion of non-whites from England. (Fielding, 67-68) [iHR] [Page 18] Tyndall resurrected the old BNP name when he founded a new party after the collapse of the National Front. As noted in a "Spotlight" interview, the BNP publishes _British Nationalist_ and _Spearhead_. (Spotlight, 6-24-91, 16-17) The name "Spearhead" is a throwback to the paramilitary organization in which Tyndall was active during the original BNP days. Tyndall, who sported Nazi-style stormtrooper attire in those days, was "gaoled" for his involvement in this paramilitary group. (Hill, 61) Promoting "Populist Candidates" According to Liberty Lobby founder Willis Carto, the PAC "will be promoting populist candidates." (Spotlight, 6-10-91, 11) The PAC does this in part by publicizing the activities of such candidates in the "Spotlight". In one such case, the "Spotlight" directed readers to Joe Fields who in 1992 was running for a California State legislature seat under the banner of the American Independent Party. Fields is a notorious far-right activist from Southern California who in 1987 "identified himself to reporters as a member of the National Socialist American Workers Party." (Los Angeles Times March 11, 1988, 30, section 1) Art Jones was singled out for publicity in a special PAC "wrap" addition to the Spotlight. (Spotlight, 3-9-92, A-2) The PAC identified Jones as one of "seven viable candidates for public office who are dedicated to the principles of populism...With your help, there is a chance to elect candidates unbeholden to special interests now plunging our country into ruin." Apparently, this was as far as the PAC could go, since the special PAC "wrap" noted that the "Populist Action Committee is a research and education entity not registered with the Federal Election Committee and does not endorse any candidate." (Spotlight, 3-9-92, A2) An earlier PAC report in the "Spotlight" described Art Jones as a candidate who "puts America first." "Spotlight" went on to note that "Jones has been connected to far-right nationalist groups in the Chicago area by the local media." (Spotlight, 2-24-92, 7) In fact, local media reports had identified Jones as a leader in the American Nazi Party. (Chicago Tribune 1-20-89, 3) Jones was active in overt Nazi agitation as far back as 1979, when he was photographed at a Chicago rally wearing the swastika armband. He later became briefly involved with Civilian Military Assistance (CMA). CMA was part of the "private" support network for Reagan's contra war in Nicaragua. (Bellant, 120-122) In 1989, Jones was vice chairman of the American Nazi Party. He achieved some notoriety when he was photographed shaking hands with David Duke during Duke's run for governor of Louisiana. Even Duke, attempting to shake off his own past, called Jones a "Nazi kook." (Rose, 64) [iHR] [Page 19] Populist Personnel The make-up of the advisory board of the PAC gives an idea of why such "populist candidates" would be promoted by the PAC. The members (and their descriptions) as of March 9, 1992 included: Abe Lincoln Austin (Monetary Scientist) Mike Blair (Investigative Reporter) Ken Bohnsack (Founder, Sovereignty) Robert Brock (Black Nationalist) Howard Carson (Publishing Consultant) Capt. G. Russel Evans (Historian) Lt. Col. James (Bo) Gritz (US Army, ret.) Dr. Martin A. Larson (Author) Roger Lourie (President, Devin-Adair publishing) Donald A. MacPherson (Constitutional Attorney) Pauline Mackey (Treasurer, ret. David Duke for President) Tom McIntyre (Former Chairman, Populist Party) Eustace Mullins (Author) John Nugent (Financial Consultant) Lawrence Patterson (Editor & Publisher, Criminal Politics) Col. L. Fletcher Prouty (US Air Force, ret.) John Rakus (President, National Justice Foundation) John Rarick (Former Congressman, D-Louisiana) Vince Ryan (Editor, The Spotlight) Sherman Skolnick (Chairman, Committee to Clean Up the Courts) Maj. James H. Townsend, Ret. (Editor & Publisher, The National Educator) James P. Tucker (President, National Media Services) Tom Valentine (Host, Radio Free America) Raymond E. Walk (President, Rayan Associates, Inc.) Robert Weems (Founding Chairman, Populist Party) Some biographies may be useful in illustrating the caliber of advisors to the PAC... Mike Blair ("Investigative reporter") is a long-time reporter for Spotlight. Robert Brock is a "black nationalist" who promotes the repatriation of Black Americans and supports the so-called Pace Amendment to that end. This amendment would cause untold upheaval as it calls for the compulsory repatriation of most minorities in a period of one year. The Pace Amendment would establish mechanisms by which one's race would be judged by "a combination of blood type, ancestry, and appearance." (Aho, 261-263) Brock's unusual sense of humor was revealed in a surprise appearance at Pete Peters Identity Christian camp in 1988. Brock entered the meeting hall dressed in a KKK robe and revealed himself, at the podium, no doubt to hearty guffaws. (Scriptures, Vol. V <1988>, 20) Brock also organized a 1992 Holocaust revisionist "First [iHR] [Page 20] Amendment" conference in Southern California (Los Angeles Times 2-2-92, 1, part Institute for Historical Review regular Mark Weber spoke, as did Joe Fields, now with the Populist Party, and his Afrikaner-born wife Dee Fields. Joe proclaimed his belief in "the purity of the races... and the desirability of segregation." "Bo" Gritz was "featured at two Liberty Lobby conventions in 1987 and 1990." (Spotlight, 10-26-92, 5) Gritz is a regular on the Christian Identity/Patriot/Liberty Lobby circuit. Rudy Proctor, who Gritz met while attending one of Pastor Pete Peters' Christian Identity camps, paid for tapes and press releases to be sent to radio stations as part of Gritz Khun Sa publicity campaign. (Gritz, 485-486) Gritz has also worked with another prominent Christian Identity activist, Richard Flowers, of Boring, Oregon. Flowers heads up the Christian Patriot Association (CPA), which publishes "The Patriot Review" and sponsored a Gritz campaign trip to Oregon. Flowers believes that "Blacks in general have a lower IQ than whites, and most just want to come in and take over without establishing anything themselves." (The Clackamas County Review, week ending June 3, 1992, 1-2) The CPA distributes an array of literature and audio/video tapes through their 76-page book Catalog. (CPA Book Publisher Book Catalog 1992-1993) There are whole sections devoted to "Christianity - Race - Religion" and "The Jewish Issue." Audio tapes by old stand-bys of the Posse Comitatus movement, such as James Wickstrom, are available. (See Ridgeway, James. Blood in the Face. Thunder's Mouth Press, 1990, 133 for an example of a Wickstrom tape message) Holocaust revisionists are well represented with tapes by David Irving and books by Arthur Butz and Austin App. Gritz has had a direct working relationship with the CPA through the National Coalition to Reform Money and Taxes (NCRMT.) Gritz's Center for Action and the CPA, as well as a number of other "patriot" organizations are allied in this project to repeal income tax, return to the use of gold and silver, etc... The January 1992 edition of "The Petitioner" newsletter, which reports on the activities of the coalition, approvingly interviewed Gritz and his campaign manager Charlie Brown and reported on Gritz's participation in the coalition. Gritz also participated in at least one Patterson Strategy conference in October 1991 (See entry for Patterson, below) (Criminal Politics, July 1991, 29) Martin Larson's column appears practically every week in the "Spotlight." Larson writes primarily on economic matters, but manages to throw in enough other tidbits to make things interesting. For example, he feels that "the powers that be are doing everything they can to encourage breeding among welfare recipients." (Spotlight, 3-9-92, 18) [iHR] [Page 21] Roger Lourie's Devin-Adair company is a long-time source of right-wing publications. In addition, "Devin-Adair and Regnery published the greater part of those World War II revisionist studies which faulted the Roosevelt administration for intervening against the Axis powers." (Mintz, 48) Tom McIntyre was chairman of the Populist Party when they nominated "former" Klansman David Duke as their Presidential candidate in 1988. (Gritz was nominated to run as Vice Presidential candidate--see above for Gritz.) (Spotlight, 3-28-88, 4) Eustace Mullins is the author of the virulently anti-Jewish book "The Biological Jew" (Faith and Service Books, Stauton, VA, 1968). Mullins, in this lengthy comparison of Jews with biological parasites, wrote: The Jew has always functioned best as a panderer, a pornographer, a master of prostitution, an enemy of the prevailing sexual standards and prohibitions of the gentile community.... We must remember that there is no Jewish crime per se, since the existence of the Jewish parasite on the host is a crime against nature, because its existence imperils the health and life of the host... This religious ceremony of drinking the blood of an innocent gentile child is basic to the Jew's entire concept of his existence as a parasite, living off the blood of the host... The Jews do not want anyone to know what Nazism is. Nazism is simply this--a proposal that the German people rid themselves of the parasitic Jews. The gentile host dared to protest against the continued presence of the parasite, and attempted to throw it off. It was an ineffectual reaction, because it was emotional and ill-informed... Mullins' writings are a standby on the Klan/neo-Nazi circuit. A recent Sons of Liberty book list included Mullins titles such as "Jewish TV: Sick, Sick, Sick," "The Jewish War Against the Christian World," and "Easter," which the catalog tells us give a "look at the 5,000 years of history in the ongoing war between the Satanic-Jewish forces and their Babylonian religious system and the rest of humanity." (Sons of Liberty Fall 1992 catalog, New Christian Crusade Church) Lawrence Patterson addressed the national committee of the Populist Party in 1988 when they gathered for the David Duke nomination. Patterson's "Criminal Politics" newsletter carries warnings of a "Zionist Trilateral Party" conspiracy to merge the United States, the USSR, and Europe. This conspiracy is "anti-American, anti-religious, atheistic, anti-Christian, anti-Catholic, and anti- Protestant." (Criminal, 07/91, 6) Patterson's newsletter, which went [iHR] [Page 22] for $15 an issue in 1991, listed Eustace Mullins (see above) as contributing editor. Eric Butler and Ivor Benson were listed as correspondents. Butler has been a long time leader of the Australian League of Rights and is "considered a mentor by active racists and anti-semites throughout the English-speaking world." (Knight, 23) Similarly, Benson -- Information Advisor to the former Rhodesian government -- was a staunch supporter of apartheid in South Africa. (Ibid, 153) Pauline Mackey is another veteran of the David Duke campaign. Col. L. Fletcher Prouty has maintained a strong relationship with the Liberty Lobby for years. During the lengthy legal battles surrounding the Mermelstein lawsuits against the Liberty Lobby and Willis A. Carto, Prouty and fellow PAC advisory board member Lt. Col. James "Bo" Gritz were "prepared to testify as character witnesses on behalf of Liberty Lobby founder Willis A. Carto." (Spotlight, 10-7-91, 12) Prouty has been a guest on the Liberty Lobby sponsored Radio Free America program dozens of times. (I understand that the Pacifica Radio folks also broadcasts a syndicated "Radio Free America" program, which should not be confused with this one.) Prouty was a featured speaker at the 35th Liberty Lobby Board of Policy convention were he said "If anybody really wants to know what's going on in the world today, he should be reading 'Spotlight'" and explained that "one of the first enemies we have in this country is usury". (Spotlight, 10-8-90, 14) John Rarick has been "a willing enough ally of the Liberty Lobby" for years. (Mintz, 155) Rarick was a prominent activist in the segregationist white Citizens Councils. Robert Weems was the founding chairman of the Populist Party. Weems was a "voting member of party's national executive committee" in 1988, when the party nominated David Duke. (Spotlight, 3-28-88, 4) Also the founding national chairman of the PAC, Weems was a Mississippi KKK leader. (Ridgeway, 131) Weems was scheduled to speak in July 1991 at the "First National Identity-Christian Conference in Reidsville, North Carolina. His topic was "Internationalism and How it Relates to Race, Nation, and Faith." Other speakers at the conference included Eustace Mullins and Lt. Col. James "Bo" Gritz. The promotional materials for this conference included advertisements for books such as "Our Nordic Race," "White Race--True People of Israel," and "God's Call to Race." (Conference mailing, June 1991) [iHR] [Page 23] 5.0 IHR Investigates Conference Attendees The nature of the IHR can clearly be seen from the application it used for its 10th. "International Revisionist Conference", which required "Those who have not been an attendee at a previous IHR conference" to provide the names of the conference speakers, if any, "or others you may know will be attending" as personal references. If none of the speakers would vouch for you, you were required to provide "two personal references with daytime phone numbers" to permit background investigation before permitting those wishing to attend to do so. Has anyone here ever been to a convention of any scientific, medical, historical or academic organization and been required to have someone "vouch" for you before you could attend? Clearly the IHR's interest in "open debate" isn't genuine, given their obvious reluctance to permit it at their own conventions! (get pub/orgs/american/ihr/ihr.applicant) 6.0 Epilog The following extract was published anonymously to alt.revisionism in February, 1994. It indicates that Willis Carto has been purged from the IHR - the Coalition for Human Dignity's Research Department (Portland, Oregon) offered additional information in its March 1, 1994 Dignity Report. (Get pub/people/c/carto.willis/ carto.005 for the article.) From _The Journal of Historical Review_, Nov/Dec 1993, pg 25: WILLIS CARTO AND THE IHR Willis Carto is perhaps best known as the founder and director of Liberty Lobby, an organization based in Washington, DC that publishes a weekly tabloid paper, The Spotlight. Carto has also been affiliated with the Institute for Historical Review since its founding in 1978. As those who have attended recent IHR conferences know, the IHR staff acknowledges the many hours of volunteer help that he and his wife Elisabeth have contributed over the years. Neither, however, contributed financially to the IHR. Neither was involved in the IHR's day to day operations, nor was either ever a paid employee. Willis Carto did, however, occasionally act as an "agent" for the Institute and its non-profit corporate parent, the "Legion for the Survival of Freedom, Inc." During the past several months, facts have come to light to persuade the IHR senior staff that Carto's relationship with the IHR had become a liability. After much careful deliberation, and on advice of legal counsel, the Institute resolved to terminate this relationship. Accordingly, the corporate Board of Directors, meeting on September 25, voted unanimously to end its relationship with the Cartos. This decision has the full support of the IHR staff, including Director Tom Marcellus* and editors Mark Weber, Theodore O'Keefe and Greg Raven. (Note: it is my understanding that Mr. Marcellus has left the IHR to pursue other interests. KNM, April 5, 1995) * Mr. Marcellus has since left the IHR to pursue other interests, including the Church of Scientology. [iHR] [Page 24] Tom Martinez provides us with a fitting epilog to this document in one of the final chapters of "Brotherhood of Murder": "[A] ... self-depreciating logic is displayed when the Neo-Nazis and their allies claim that the Holocaust never occurred. In order to do that, they have to deny that their hero Hitler, with whose anti-Semitism they are in agreement, ever intended to harm the Jews. Instead, the Jews wanted to harm Hitler and bring the entire sacred Aryan supremacy movement into disrepute, which they did - with diabolical cleverness - by fabricating the Holocaust. Just as with Cutler's* analysis of The Order's failure, in denying the Holocaust, the Aryan racists are admitting they aren't capable of carrying out their own aims. Each time they appear to have tried to do so - as with the Jews in Germany or The Order - they are actually under the control of their enemy. In this way, claims of Aryan superiority become riddled with admissions of Aryan inferiority, which admissions - because they are psychologically insupportable to those making them - are readily denied through the creation of a fantasy world..." (Martinez, 206) * Eldon "Bud" Cutler, who succeeded Gary Yarbrough as security chief for the Aryan Nations in 1985 7.0 Reference Section An extensive Holocaust-related bibliography is available from our archives, at http://www.nizkor.eye.net/. In the future, as we locate sources of material specific to the IHR and Willis Carto, we will add them to this section. We have published several Holocaust-related FAQ's previous to this one, and all are available via anonymous ftp (see the beginning of this document for specifics). These research guides also provide specific bibliographic citations. The following are available now: Archive Name Subject File Name ------------ ------- ---------- auschwitz Auschwitz auschwitz.faq1 auschwitz Auschwitz auschwitz.faq2 leuchter Leuchter Report leuchter.faq1 leuchter Leuchter Report leuchter.faq2 reinhard Operation Reinhard reinhard.faq1 reinhard Operation Reinhard reinhard.faq2 [iHR] [Page 25] The Fascism and Holocaust archives are also available via anonymous ftp from: ftp.nizkor.org, in the directory /pub, and via World Wide Web (http://www.nizkor.org). 7.1 Suggesting Reading ADL Special Report. Embattled Bigots: A Split in the Ranks of the Holocaust Denial Movement. Anti-Defamation League, 1994. Diamond, Sara. Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right. Montreal, PQ, and New York: Black Rose Books, 1990 George, John and Laird Wilcox. Nazis, Communists, Klansmen and Others on the Fringe. New York: Promotheus, 1992 "It's Not Populism," and "When Hate Groups Come to Town: A Handbook of Effective Community Response." Center for Democratic Renewal, P.O. Box 50469, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 30302-0469. Mintz, Frank P. The Liberty Lobby and the American Right: Race, Conspiracy, and Culture. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985 Simonds, C.H. "Liberty Lobby - Willis Carto and his Fronts," National Review, September 10, 1971. (Request holocaust/ihr carto.002 for complete text.) 7.2 Glossary NCLC: The National Caucus of Labor Committees, organized by followers of Lyndon LaRouche. For a comprehensive look at LaRouche and the NCLC, see King. 7.3 Works Cited Aho, James. The Politics of Righteousness: Idaho Christian Patriotism. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1990 Anderson, Scott and John Lee Anderson. Inside the League. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1986 Caplan, Marc, ed. Hitler's Apologists: The Anti-Semitic Propaganda of Holocaust "Revisionism". Anti-Defamation League, 1993 Barrett, Stanley R. Is God a Racist? Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987. ISBN 0802066739 Bellant, Russ. Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party. Boston: South End Press, 1991 Bilodeau, Paul. "The Zundel Trial," Toronto Star: March 4, 1988 CDC. "Fact Sheet: Holocaust Denial," Coalition for Human Dignity, P.O. Box 40344, Portland, Oregon 97240. [iHR] [Page 26] Criminal Politics, Patterson Strategy Organization, P.O. Box 37812, Cincinnati, Ohio 45222 Diamond, Sara. 'The Right's Grass Roots.' "Z" March 1992: 19+ Fielding, Nigel. The National Front. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981 Gritz, James. Called to Serve. Sandy Valley, Nevada: Lazarus Publishing Company, 1991 Hill, Ray, with Andrew Bell. The Other Face of Terror. Grafton Books, 1988 ** King, Dennis. Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism. New York: Doubleday, 1989 Knight, Derrick. Beyond the Pale: The Christian Political Fringe. Lanashire: Caraf Publications, 1982 Work cited Lipstadt, Deborah E. Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory. New York: The Free Press (A division of Macmillan, Inc.), 1993. Martinez, Thomas, with John Guinther. Brotherhood of Murder. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1988. ISBN 0070406995 Mintz, Frank P. The Liberty Lobby and the American Right. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1985 Rauber, Paul. 'Response to letter by Mark Weber.' "The Express" January 17, 1992: 4. [PS-Express Publishing Company, P.O. Box 3198, Berkeley, California] (Request ihr express.011792 for the entire Weber letter and Rauber's response, transcribed for release to UseNet with permission) Rauber, Paul. 'Sticks and Stones' column, "The Express" January 10, 1992 (Request ihr express.011092 for the complete article, transcribed for release to UseNet with permission) Ridgeway, James. Blood in the Face. Thunder's Mouth Press, 1990 Rose, Douglas, ed. The Emergence of David Duke and the Politics of Race. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1992 Scriptures for America, P.O. Box 766, LaPorte, Colorado, 80535. Seidel, Gill. The Holocaust Denial. London: Beyond the Pale Collective, 1986 [iHR] [Page 27] Spotlight, The. According to the masthead on the May 17, 1993 edition, The Spotlight is published weekly except for two issues combined into one at the beginning of the year by Cordite Fidelity, Inc. at 300 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. * * However, the Spotlight has referred to Liberty Lobby as the publisher of the Spotlight-see Section 4.2, first paragraph. Most likely Cordite Fidelity is some sort of holding company. ** The reference to the Nazi-style attire of Tyndall in the Hill book comes from the caption of an un-numbered page which is one of the photographs ("plates" I would call them) in the center of the book between pages 160 and 161. Page 61 (sixty-one) describes the Spearhead paramilitary group and its breakup by police. -- The Nizkor Project - An electronic Holocaust educational resource http://www.nizkor.org/faqs -- The Nizkor Project - An electronic Holocaust educational resource David Irving vrs. Deborah Lipstadt & Penguin Books Ltd: Judgment http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/people/i/irving...ment-00-00.html http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/people/i/irv...avid/libel.suit
  15. IHR: A Layman's Guide to Willis Carto Part 1 McVay, Kenneth N. (1996) "HOLOCAUST FAQ: Willis Carto & The Institute for Historical Review" Usenet news.answers. Available via anonymous ftp from ftp://ftp.nizkor.org/pub/orgs/american/ihr/, (part 1) and ftp://ftp.nizkor.org/pub/orgs/american/ihr/, (part02). ~25 pages. The most current version of this FAQ is posted every 45 days in the Usenet newsgroups alt.conspiracy, alt.revisionism, soc.history, soc.answers, alt.answers and news.answers, and archived as pub/orgs/american/ihr/ihr.faq1 (~.faq2) in the anonymous ftp archive on ftp.nizkor.org. IHR: A Layman's Guide to Willis Carto & The Institute for Historical Review (Part 01) 1.0 Introduction & Editorial Notes............................. 1 1.1 Copyright Notice......................................... 1 2.0 Background Information..................................... 1 2.1 Willis Carto............................................. 2 2.2 Liberty and Property..................................... 5 3.0 IHR Publications........................................... 5 3.1 Noontide Press........................................... 6 3.3 The Journal of Historical Review......................... 7 3.4 The Spotlight............................................ 7 3.5 Advisory and Editorial Personalities & Authors........... 8 3.51 Andrew Arnold.......................................... 8 3.52 Dr. Robert Faurisson................................... 8 3.53 Dietlieb Felderer...................................... 9 3.54 William Lindsay........................................ 9 3.55 Theodore O'Keefe....................................... 9 3.56 Greg Raven.............................................10 3.57 Henri Roques...........................................10 3.60 Udo Walendy............................................10 3.65 Mark Weber.............................................10 [Part 02] 4.0 Political Organization.....................................16 4.1 National Youth Alliance....................................16 4.2 Populist Action Committee..................................16 5.0 IHR Investigates Conference Attendees......................22 6.0 Epilog.....................................................22 7.0 Reference Section..........................................24 7.1 Suggested Reading........................................25 7.2 Glossary.................................................25 7.3 Works Cited..............................................25 [iHR] [Page 1] 1.0 Introduction & Editorial Notes "If antisemitism has a core, factual meaning, it was demonstrated here." Thus did Judge Bork, in 1984, dismiss the suit brought by Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby against 'The Wall Street Journal' for having called it "anti-Semitic." The Coalition for Human Dignity describes the Institute for Historical Review as "... a pseudo-academic think tank dedicated to disproving that the Holocaust happened. Founded by the dean of American anti-Semites Willis Carto, IHR functions as a clearinghouse for Holocaust denial and a meeting ground for anti-Semitic scholars in the United States." (CHD, "Denial") This document is presented as part of a continuing effort to provide those confronting the IHR's propaganda machine with a research tool to help them understand the nature of the organization, its associations and some of the principal players. It was compiled and edited with the help of lots of concerned folks on the network; without their assistance it probably could not have been produced. (Several sections within this document are incomplete, and have been marked [Work in progress] - with luck, those sections will have been completed within the next month or so.) In particular, I would like to acknowledge Richard Hatch's PAC contribution, which was invaluable. The documents cited in this work which are available from our ftp server are often noted in the form (get archive filename). The path is provided to the file via ftp.nizkor.org. 1.1 Copyright Notice This post, as a collection of information, is Copyright 1993-1996 by Ken McVay, as a work of literature. Distribution by any electronic means is granted with the understanding that the article not be altered in any way. Permission to distribute in printed form must be obtained in writing. The removal of this copyright notice is forbidden. 2.0 Background Information The Institute for Historical Review was founded in 1979 by Lewis Brandon, who also served as the first director. (Lewis Brandon is an alias for William David McCalden, a British neo-fascist who in 1975 had founded Britain's National Party, a break-away from the notorious neo-Nazi National Front.) The IHR operates under the umbrella of the Legion for Survival of Freedom, a registered non-profit corporation in the State of Texas. The Institute for Historical Review is the moving force in the movement to deny the Holocaust. Its initial meeting was opened by Willis Carto, who also funds the organization, and whom some (including Dennis King, author of the 1989 work "Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism") credit with starting it. No matter - with McCalden out of the way (he left the IHR, and has since died), the IHR was Carto's mouthpiece, until his forced ouster in late 1994. [iHR] [Page 2] Among the speakers at the 1980 convention were the Swede Felderer, convicted and institutionalised in his country, and the Frenchman, Robert Faurisson, convicted in his country of libel and promoting racism and expelled from his University (though he still misrepresents himself as member of its faculty). 2.1 Willis Carto Carto, born in 1926 in Indiana, had helped edit "Right" (a mid-fifties San Francisco newsletter for an information clearinghouse for antisemitic activities), was, inter alia, director of the far right Congress of Freedom and, briefly, organiser for the John Birch Society, from which he was later expelled. In 1989, Dennis King provided this picture of Carto's ideological background during his discussion of the connection between Lyndon LaRouche, the NCLC (see Glossary, below), and Carto's Liberty Lobby (get pub/orgs/american/ihr/larouche.ihr): Carto, founder of the Liberty Lobby, was by far the most successful and influential American anti-Semite of the 1970s. He was an intellectual disciple of the late Francis Parker Yockey, who roamed Europe and North America in the 1950s futilely attempting to build an underground movement. Carto met Yockey only once - in San Francisco in 1960, when Yockey was in jail awaiting trial for possession of false passports. Several days after their meeting, Yockey committed suicide in his cell by taking cyanide. Carto, already an ultrarightist, dedicated himself to carrying out Yockey's mission to save Western civilization. This mission was set forth in Yockey's 'Imperium,' a 600-page synthesis of Nazi racialism and Oswald Spengler's philosophy of history. The book was dedicated to the 'Hero of the Second World War' (Hitler). But Carto, although devoted to Yockey's ideas, had no illusions about Yockey's tactics. Instead of engaging in inept conspiracies, he concentrated on building a political movement and developed a populist cover ideology. Although he discreetly sold 'Mein Kampf' and 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' by mail, he publicly denied being either a Nazi or an anti-Semite - he was merely 'anti-Zionist.' Carto defended Hitler's heritage, not by saying the Holocaust had been a good thing, but by denying that it ever took place. He founded the Institute for Historical Review to prove that the alleged murder of six million Jews was a hoax invented by Zionists to make people feel sorry for them. Carto went so far as to publish a theory that the gas ovens at Auschwitz were really just an industrial facility for converting coal into oil, operated by happy well-fed Jewish prisoners. [iHR] [Page 3] Carto's Liberty Lobby, based in Washington, D.C., and nominally headed by Colonel Curtis B. Dall (a former son-in-law of President Franklin D. Roosevelt), enjoyed friendly ties with conservative congressmen. It published a weekly tabloid, 'The Spotlight,' which by 1979 enjoyed a paid circulation of almost 200,000*. Its articles championed income-tax rebels, protested the plight of family farmers, and promoted quack cancer cures such as laetrile. Its favorite political targets included the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Henry Kissenger, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the 'Zionist entity' in Palestine." (King, 39-40) *According to George and Wilcox, circulation peaked at 315,000 in 1981 and had fallen to about 90,000 by 1992. (George & Wilcox, 260) What kind of a man is Carto? The answer to that question is suggested by his writing: There are 600 million Chinese and about 200 million Russians. All united in a determination to destroy the West. And we have been so misled that we live in a dream world - far away from reality. Hitler's defeat was the defeat of Europe. And America. How could we have been so blind? The blame, it seems, must be laid at the door of the international Jews. It was their propaganda, lies and demands which blinded the West as to what Germany was doing. --- from a letter to Norris Holt Who is using who? Who is calling the shots? History supplies the answer to this. History tells us plainly who our Enemy is. Our Enemy today is the same Enemy of 50 years ago and before - and that was before Communism. The Communists are "using" the Jews we are told ... who was "using" the Jews fifty years ago - one hundred or one thousand years ago. History supplies the answer. The Jews came first and remain Public Enemy No. 1. --- a memo to himself In fact, no objective Scholar can deny today that the world would be a far better place to live if Germany had won - even if it had meant the defeat of American arms! Let us first understand who won and who lost the last war. The victors were Soviet Russia, international Communism, Red China, Israel, international Zionism, the international money manipulators (Wall Street-CFR crowd) and rising colored nationalisms the world over. [iHR] [Page 4] Let us now name the losers: All of the European nations, most certainly including Britain and her now non-existent Empire, the United States, White world-hegemony and the idea of the war-preventing, world-saving philosophy of nationalism and non-interference in the affairs of others. .......... (Hitler and Chamberlain, incidentally, and contrary to the massive lies told about "Munich," worked out a sensible and workable agreement at Munich to save Europe from a war. In return for a free hand in the east, Hitler guaranteed Chamberlain that Germany would not contest Britain's dominance on the seas, or covet any of her colonies. The deal was broken by the war-madness stirred up by the British press in obedience to the financial power after Hitler marched on Poland - and also by pressure from Roosevelt.) .......... Israel and Zionism would be unknown - still a crazy dream in the minds of a few fanatics - and the secret international power of the Zionist conspiracy would not be in existence nor the manifold culture distortions which flow from this disease source into all of the western nations. .......... Juvenile delinquency would be uncommon because the youth of America would be filled with patriotism, the natural aftermath of defeat in war, and there would be something to aspire to. Desegregation and the cultural negrification of America would be unknown. .......... What would have been the effect of a German victory inside Germany? It is important to remember that Hitler's ambition stopped in Europe - he would have gone no further. He would have stopped if for no other reason that he yearned to build Germany into an architectural paradise. The result of German victory would have brought a true internationalism of Europe! The United Europe only dreamed of today would have been a certain result of the war. .......... The important thing to note is that a German victory would have assured that the life-span of the White world would have been extended for many centuries more than now seems likely; indeed, for the "thousand years" promised by Hitler. --- from American Mercury, Summer 1973 By the way, the author of this last article is "E. L. Anderson, Ph.D.", which is an alias for Carto. What kind of a man is Willis Carto? You tell me... In 1955 Carto founded Liberty Lobby as a right-wing political pressure group in Washington D.C., and has been running it ever since. [iHR] [Page 5] The Simon Wiesenthal Center's recent infiltration report has this to say about Carto: Willis Carto is the most influential professional antisemite in the United States. He is the founder of Liberty Lobby, the Institute for Historical Review, the Noontide Press (which distributes a wide range of racist and antisemitic titles), and the Populist Party, whose 1988 Presidential candidate was David Duke. Carto's name came up in nearly every conversation held between Ron Furey, S.W.C. researcher, Richard Eaton, and the neo-Nazis. Literature produced by the Carto organization is widely read by German's radical right. In addition, several of those interviewed know Mr. Carto personally. (Get pub/orgs/american/wiesenthal.centre/swc.oprep) for the full Wiesenthal report on the penetration of Germany's extreme right.) 2.2 Liberty and Property Diamond tells us that "...Carto had also run an outfit called Liberty and Property, and published a monthly newsletter called 'Right', from 1955 to 1960. Through 'Right' Carto attempted to link the segregationist Citizen's Councils with the grassroots anti-communist groups of the McCarthy era, and with some of the unsuccessful racist splinter parties of the time. As it grew, the Liberty Lobby would later downplay its Klan and neo-Nazi movement connections. But the pages of 'Right' are a goldmine of evidence on the Lobby's racist origins and agenda. Carto recommended that his readers join up with George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party, whose leader J. B. Stoner was convicted for the 1958 Klan bombing of the Bethel Baptist Church in Alabama." 3.0 IHR Publications The IHR publishes an unreviewed "journal," "The Journal of Historical Review," as well as "The IHR Newsletter," and an "IHR Update." Dan Gannon, the owner-operator of the Portland, Oregon, bulletin board system known as "banished.uucp," published articles from Carto's organization on a regular basis, presumably as a public service to those wishing to obtain a more accurate understanding of the true nature of Carto and his associates. Many of these documents are archived by ftp.nizkor.org, and thus available for anonymous retrieval. (Mr. Gannon's computer system offers its users a steady diet of anti-Semitic and racist material; Gannon is an eager campaigner for Mr. Carto's anti-Semitic agenda.) Why did Gannon do it, when he knew from past experience, both on UseNet and GEnie, that he would be laughed at and hated for doing so? Martinez provided the answer during a discussion of free speech issues in general, and the Alan Berg show in particular: [iHR] [Page 6] Alan Berg gave huge amounts of air time to racists so that he could satisfy his ego by responding to them and ridiculing them. The racists know they will be ridiculed when they go on such programs, and assume they will be despised by more than 99 percent of the people who hear them spout their venom. But none of that is of any matter to them. The fraction of 1 percent is. There they will find the malcontents, the embittered, the bigots, and the sincerely concerned but ignorant people like I was. The numbers are in their favor, and they know it. Snyder's program [Tom Snyder interviewed David Duke on television, and seeing that show led Martinez into the supremacist camp. knm] may have reached 2 million listeners; if only one-tenth of 1 percent of them respond favorably, they have recruited 2,000 people, no doubt swelling the ranks of their group ten- or twentyfold. One hundredth of 1 percent would make them happy. (Martinez, 242) A parting comment or two regarding Mr. Gannon, from those he most admires: Prince Otto von Bismark, a member of the great chancellor's family, charaterized Ribbentrop as 'such an imbecile he is a freak of nature.' The French ambassador remarked: 'I could not talk to Ribbentrop; he listened only to himself.' Goering referred to him as 'Germany's number-one parrot,' because of his endless repetition of meaningless claptrap." (Conot, Robert E. Justice at Nuremberg. New York: Harper & Row, 1983, 52-53) One can only wonder how these folks would have viewed Mr. Gannon... IHR publications posted to UseNet newsgroups are archived on ftp.nizkor.org, and are available to the public via anonymous ftp. In general, the filename reflects the source of the article: IHR newsletters are prefaced with IHR, while JHR files are prefaced with JHR. The file extensions reflect either the month and year of publication, plus the volume number (if provided) i.e. IHR.0492n86 contains material from the April, 1993, newsletter, number 86, while JHR.v12n4 contains material from the Journal of Historical Review, volume 12, number 4. Spotlight articles use the form "spotlight.mmyy," i.e. "spotlight.0193" contains material from the January, 1993 editions. 3.1 Noontide Press The publishing arm of the IHR and other related organisations, Noontide Press, which can boast of such titles as "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," "The six millions reconsidered" and "Antizion," The treasurer of its holding company is Carto's wife and until 1981 its firm office manager was one Lewis Brandon. Noontide Press is owned by the Legion for Survival of Freedom, which is the umbrella corporation under which the IHR itself operates. Additional titles offered by Noontide press include these gems: "Amendment to the Constitution" (Pace) - a proposal to restrict U.S. citizenship to white people. "Our Nordic Race" (Hoskins) - an "outline (of) present threats to Nordic survival", complete with proposed measures to "protect and preserve the Nordic race." "The Testing of Negro Intelligence" (Osborne & McGurk) - the authors' findings "give little comfort to egalitarians." Those findings are based, of course, on "performance on intelligence tests from 1966- 1980." [iHR] [Page 7] "For Those Who Cannot Speak" (McLaughlin) - you may have guessed that he's not talking about Holocaust victims. This book is a "vigorous 'case for the defense' for National Socialist Germany." "Hitler : the Unknown Artist" (Price) - "What a magnificent production!", gushes the blurb. "The first comprehensive... catalog of Hitler's paintings, drawings, sketches, doodles and daydreams." Yes, folks, his daydreams. And don't forget perennial favorites "Hitler at My Side" and "IQ and Racial Differences". Martinez mentions one more book published by Noontide Press, 'The Road Back,' and notes that it has been used as a textbook for seminars at the Aryan Nations. "It includes an illustrated chapter on methods for mining roads and blowing up bridges."(Martinez, 241) Mark Weber, writing in the East Bay Express (Get pub/orgs/american/ihr/express.011792 for the complete Weber letter, transcribed with permission for release on UseNet), claimed that Noontide Press and the Institute for Historical Review were "entirely independent" of the Liberty Lobby. This flew in the face of reality, however, since the business license for both was filed by Carto's wife Elisabeth, and Carto was listed on the letterhead of the IHR as "founder." Carto's weekly, 'The Spotlight,' regularly promoted Noontide Press as an integral part of the Liberty Lobby's "Liberty Library." [Note: Following the ouster of Willis Carto from the IHR in 1994, reportedly at gunpoint, Weber's assertion is finally correct. knm] Carto has apparently lost control of his Noontide Press publishing arm, according to The Dignity Report, a publication of the (Portland, Oregon) Coalition for Human Dignity's Research Department. (Get pub/people/c/carto.willis/carto.005 for full details.) This during the same period when Carto was successfully removed from his controlling position at the Institute for Historical Review. Legal maneuvers, however, continue - in October of 1995, Willis Carto filed a document with the Office of the Secretary of State, Corporate Section, which outlined changes to the Legion's charter, and signed the document as the President of the Corporation. (URL ftp://ftp.nizkor.org/pub/ orgs/american/legion-for-survival-of-freedom/legal contains legal filings of interest with regard to the legal battle between Willis Carto and Greg Raven.) 3.3 The Journal of Historical Review In a mid-1995 fund-raising letter from the IHR, the authors suggested that publication of the Journal might be discontinued, due to serious financial problems. How much of this is rhetoric, aimed at picking the pockets of supporters, and how much reflects the loss of the Edison millions through the forced ouster of Willis Carto is unknown. In the meantime, Carto's _Spotlight_ announced (August, 1994) the publication of "The Barnes Review," Carto's new Holocaust denial publication, which will compete with the JHR for readers and, of course, money. According to the ADL (ADL Special Report, "Embattled Bigots: A Split in the Ranks of the Holocaust Denial Movement", p. 5), the _Spotlight_ staff will assist in the prouduction of the _Barnes_Review_. 3.4 The Spotlight The Spotlight evolved from the Liberty Lobby's newsletter, "Liberty Letter," which echoed Willis Carto's earlier anti-Semitic assaults during the period when he controlled "American Mercury." According to Deborah Lipstadt, "In 1975 the lobby's _Liberty Letter_, whose circulation was more than one-hundred thousand, was subsumed by the _Spotlight_, a tabloid newspaper that regularly featured articles on Bible analysis and the putative efforts of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission to dominate the nation. It offered its readers tips on avoiding taxes and fighting the IRS. The paper attacked Martin Luther King, Jr., as a Communist and praised members of the Ku Klux Klan. It has memorialized Gordon Kahl, the leader of the right-wing-extremist group Posse Comitatus, who killed three [uS] federal marshals and wounded a number of others before he was killed in 1983 in a shoot-out with federal agents." (Lipstadt, 150) Lipstadt offers information which suggests that _Spotlight_'s standards for journalistic integrity leave something to be desired: "...In 1979 _Spotlight_'s lead article described how a global elite planned to topple world governments. The paper claimed that its reporter had attended an international conference in Austria at which such plans were discussed. In truth, no one from the _Spotlight_ attended this legitimate conference, and the reporter who wrote the story admitted to falsifying it." (Lipstdt, 150) Lipstadt goes on to explain that the primary focus of _Spotlight_'s attention lies in exposing what it calls the "Jew-Zionist" international bankers' conspiracy, aimed at Americans, and the "Holocaust Hoax," which it maintains is an integral part of this vast conspiracy. Holocaust denial "has also become a regular staple." (Ibid., 150) "The nature of _Spotlight_'s readership can be gauged to some degree by the contents of its classified advertising section. There are ads for poetry, laetrile prescriptions, dating services for patriotic Christians, and devices for dramatically increasing a car's gasoline mileage (these devices have supposedly been kept off the market in a conspiracy against the American consumer). In addition, its classified section regularly offers Nazi paraphernalia, gun silencer parts, bullet-proof vests, clandestine mail drops, and instructions for manufacturing false identification." (Lipstadt, 151) The masthead of the May 3, 1993 edition of The Spotlight lists Robert Weems with the Southern Bureau. Weems is a former KKK leader and founding chairman of the PAC (see Section 4.2). The Canadian representation on the international bureau is Ron Gostick. Gostick controls the "Freedom Council of Canada," along with Patrick Walsh, both of whom are described as officers of the anti-Semitic (and non-governmental) "Canadian Intelligence Service." Walsh is said to be the "Canadian correspondent of the Liberty Lobby," although I am uncertain as to what this refers to. (Anderson, 154) [iHR] [Page 8] 3.5 IHR/JHR Editorial Advisory Staff & Writers 3.51 Andrew Arnold No information available as of this date. "Andrew Arnold" was the author of a recent (April 1993) Spotlight article attacking the Museum of the Holocaust, in Washington, D.C. No biographical information was provided with the article. (get pub/orgs/american/ihr/spotlight.0493 to see the entire article, as posted to UseNet by Dan Gannon.) 3.52 Dr. Robert Faurisson Faurisson, a former French academic, contends that the Holocaust was a hoax which benefits Israel in the form of reparation payments, (Barrett, 162) a view commonly aired by those espousing Holocaust denial. Seidel provides excellent background material: In November 1978 Robert Faurisson wrote a letter on the 'problem' of the gas chambers. Its timing was important. Its publication in Le Monde followed close on the heels of a scandalous interview with Darquier de Pellepoix in the weekly magazine, L'Express. Darquier was the Vichy Commissioner General for Jewish Affairs. Darquier has been described as the 'French Eichmann'--though even Eichmann, the architect of the 'Final Solution', did not seek to deny its reality. ... The Holocaust denial in France has become synonymous with the Faurisson affair. What is more, it has become embroiled with Noam Chomsky, the distinguished American linguist and staunch opponent of the Vietnam war. (get pub/orgs/american/ihr/seidel.001 for Seidel's discussion of Chomsky's role - it is beyond the scope of this FAQ. knm) Faurisson's book is entitled Memoire en Defense--contre ceux qui m'accusent de falsifier l'histoire. La question des chambres a gaz (Testimony in Defence: Against those who Accuse me of Falsifying History. The Question of the Gas Chambers). It is Faurisson's answer to the accusation of falsifying history. Testimony in Defence was published in Paris by Pierre Guillaume for the left anarchist publishing house, La Vieille Taupe (The Old Mole), in 1980. ... Faurisson's denial of the Holocaust first appeared in the satirical Canard Enchaine ["Le Canard Enchaine".knm] on 17 July 1974. It subsequently gained public attention in December 1978 when the influential Paris daily, Le Monde, published a letter from Faurisson headed 'The problem of the "gas chambers" or "The rumour of Auschwitz"'. He wrote with calculated cynicism: 'The non-existence of the "gas chambers" is good news for poor humanity. Good news like this should not be suppressed any longer.' [iHR] [Page 9] Robert Faurisson is not a historian. He belongs to a long line of antisemitic academics and literary critics. Until recently, he was a lecturer in twentieth-century French literature at the University of Lyons II. He specialises in revealing 'the real meaning' of texts. In Faurisson's view, texts have one particular meaning, or none at all, an approach to stylistics he calls 'the Ajax method'--because 'it scours as it cleans as it shines'. (Seidel, 98-111. Seidel provides extensive information regarding Faurisson's background, writing, and trial. Get pub/orgs/american/ihr/seidel.001 to review his material.) Faurisson has also pronounced the Diary of Anne Frank and the Gerstein Report to be "fabrications and falsifications," and asserts that the Holocaust "lie" is essentially "Zionist" in origin, and that it has led to a "huge financial swindle of which the state of Israel is the principal beneficiary." It was the widespread publication of this sort of material that led the Dean of Lyons University to suspend Faurisson's lectures. Faurisson was one of the four members of the IHR advisory board who testified at the trial of Ernst Zundel in Canada. 3.53 Ditlieb Felderer Felderer, testifying at the trial of Ernst Zundel (Canada), explained his conviction on a charge of "threatening or expressing contempt for a group" for publishing a "Jewish Information" tract entitled "Please accept this hair of gas victim," which he described as satire, by stating that he was being "persecuted by Zionists." (Bilodeau) According to the Toronto Star, "Felderer called his native Sweden a 'totalitarian state' and compared his trial to a 'Soviet show trial,' and "...said Nazi concentration camps were more humane than modern prisons." (Bilodeau) 3.54 William Lindsay Lindsay was one of the four members of the IHR advisory board who testified at the trial of Ernst Zundel in Canada. (Barrett, 162) Any additional documented information which we can utilize to augment this section will be appreciated. 3.55 Theodore O'Keefe In an article published to coincide with the official opening of the Washington, D.C. Holocaust Museum, one editor is briefly described as follows: "Theodore J. O'Keefe is an editor with the Institute for Historical Review. Educated at Harvard University, he has studied history and literature on three continents, and has published numerous articles on historical and political subjects." [iHR] [Page 10] According to the 1990 Harvard Alumni Directory, Mr. O'Keefe failed to graduate, so the reader will have to make his own decision about whether or not he obtained his education there. Additional material would be appreciated. The above "bio" of Mr. O'Keefe would seem to be simply one more example of how the IHR can be relied upon to mislead its readers. (We have written to the IHR [April, 1993] and asked for more informative information regarding Mr. O'Keefe's educational background and areas of expertise, but no additional information has been provided.) As of mid-1995, Mr. O'Keefe may have left the IHR. 3.56 Greg Raven Mr. Raven, now the President and CEO of the Legion for the Survival of Freedom, and therefor the IHR itself, offers insight into his personal political beliefs in this message which he posted during a GEnie debate into Holocaust denial: ------------------------------------------------------------- Category 15, Topic 4 Message 33 Fri Mar 13, 1992 G.RAVEN at 03:02 EST My only concern is in going after the facts. As such, I am not interested in defending Adolf Hitler to my dying breath. I will say, however, that he was a great man ... certainly greater than Churchill and FDR put together, and possibly the greatest leader of our century, if not longer. This is not to say that he was perfect, but he about the best thing that could have happened to Germany. ------------------------------------------------------------- (Other examples of Mr. Raven's historical beliefs may be found within the IHR archives here - his writing may be found in the directory pub/people/r/raven.greg at ftp.nizkor.org.) 3.57 Henri Roques Roques...wrote a thesis titled 'Confessions of Kurt Gerstein: A Comparative Study of Different Versions - A Critique.'..[he] claims in his thesis to have 'scientifically' disproved that the gas chambers at Auschwitz were used for mass murder. After submitting his 'revisionist' thesis to the University of Paris, where it was rejected, he received his doctorate with distinction from the faculty of letters of the University of Nantes. A government investigation into the granting of his degree revealed a number of irregularities: First, Roques transferred from the University of Paris to Nantes...three months after the deadline for student enrollment had passed and without authorization from the University rector. Second, he did not have the necessary qualifications or title for presenting a thesis in literature or history. Third, the mandatory oral examination did not take place. Fourth, he wrote the thesis in two months rather than the two years required minimum registration period. Finally, the signature of one of the examiners said to have been present at the presentation of the thesis was forged. In 1986, the French Minister of Higher Education... invalidated Roque's thesis citing the above irregularities.... ... Since 1986, Roques has established close ties to the IHR. He was a guest speaker at their Eighth Annual Conference in 1987, and joined their Editorial Advisory Committee in 1990. IHR now offers Roque's discredited thesis for sale on its mail-order booklists." (Caplan, 43-44) [iHR] [Page 11] 3.60 Udo Walendy Udo Walendy was described in the Simon Wiesenthal Center infiltration report as follows: Udo Walendy is a notorious Holocaust denier who, for years, has served on the advisory board of the Journal of Historical Review, the official publication of the Institute for Historical Review of Costa Mesa, California. (see entries for Mark Weber and Willis Carto) ...Walendy expressed interest in ... offering his assistance in the creation of a Nazi center in Germany. 3.65 Mark Weber In response to my query, the IHR provided the following background information concerning Mr. Weber: Mark Weber was born in October 1951 in Portland, Oregon, where he was also raised. He graduated from Jesuit High School there in 1969. He studied at the University of Illinois (Chicago), the University of Munich (Germany), and Portland State University, from where he received a Batchelor's degree in history (with high honors). He then did graduate work in history at Indiana University (Bloomington), where he served as a history instructor and received a Master of Arts degree in European history in 1977. He has travelled widely in Europe and northwestern Africa. He lived and worked for two and a half years in Germany (Bonn and Munich), and for a time in Ghana (West Africa), where he taught English, history and geography at an all-Black secondary school. During the five years he lived in Washington, D.C. (1978-1983) he carried out extensive research on the Holocaust issue at the National Archives and the Library of Congress. Weber is the author of numerous articles, reviews and essays dealing with the Holocaust story, and his writings on other historical, political and social issues have appeared in a variety of periodicals. In March 1988 Weber testified for five days in Toronto District Court as a recognized expert witness on the "Final Solution" and the Holocaust issue. He moved to Southern California at the beginning of 1991 to work for the Institute for Historical Review. He is now editor of the 'Journal of Historical Review,' published six times years <sic> by the IHR. [iHR] [Page 12] Mark Weber serves as Carto's pipeline to the German paleo-nazis, as was conclusively demonstrated by the Simon Wiesenthal Center's recent penetration of the German right. Here's what the infiltration report has to say about Mr. Weber's Nazi connections: Mark Weber works for the Institute for Historical Review (Costa Mesa, California), one of several antisemitic organizations founded by Willis A. Carto. The I.H.R. devotes most of its time to spreading the bizarre notion that the Holocaust is wildly exaggerated and that the gas chambers of Hitler's death camps are a myth. In 1978, Weber was identified as the news editor of the National Vanguard, the publication of William Pierce's neo-Nazi group, the National Alliance. Weber's name came up in several conversations with German neo-Nazis, including Wolfgang Kempkens and Roy Godenau. As part of Ron Furey's cover, a "cold" phone line at the Simon Wiesenthal Center was attached to an answering machine informing the caller that he/she had reached The Right Way. That phone number was known only to the Center's senior research staff, Ron Furey, and the neo-Nazis to whom it was given. At 2:55pm on Friday, February 12, 1993, a man identifying himself as Mark Weber called the number, requested a copy of The Right Way, and left his P.O.B. address for mailing. The Center's graphics department sent him a colorful subscription application for the non-existent periodical, instead. This was apparently enough to satisfy Mr. Weber's curiosity because he soon acceded to Ron's request for a meeting. That meeting took place on February 27, 1993 at the Cafe Westminster in Westminster, California. It was filmed by a CBS camera crew stationed in a van outside. Mr. Furey spoke to Mark Weber at length about the "state of the movement" in Germany. To help establish his credibility, he showed Weber several photos picturing him and several German neo-Nazis together. Weber correctly identified them all. Weber soon felt comfortable enough to discuss the miserliness of his current employer and to ask about the possibility of finding work with The Right Way. He was also recommended by Reinhard Kopps (see entry) to Richard Eaton for a separate project. Kineahora@cup.portal.com (Chana Braun) provided us with an interesting glance into Mark Weber's intregity when she wrote <59136@cup.portal.com> that "...I have excellent evidence that Mark Weber colors the truth (to put it mildly) in regards to debates," and then went on to detail a series of exchanges between a Holocaust denier and others on another computer network. [iHR] [Page 13] Her article outlined the exchange dealing with Mark Weber's being invited to join in the debate, and Mr. Weber's demand that she (Chana Braun) not "bring in any outside help" in her debate with him. (Mr. Weber, quite clearly, was not the least bit interested in an open and comprehensive debate on a public computer network.) (get pub/people/w/weber.mark/webers.feet for the full text of Chana's article.) As Chana explains: There was absolutely no response to that reply and nothing more was heard concerning the possibility of an open discussion on that network until the February 1992 issue of the IHR Newsletter. Here, then is the way that it was reported (and keep in mind that Mark Weber is the editor of the Newsletter). "In the January Newsletter I told about an IHR activist who had received a challenge to publicly debate the Holocaust on [the network] open forum bulletin board computer service - the largest interactive computer network. ...After we promptly offered Mark Weber to represent that Revisionist [sic] side, XXX suddenly flip-flopped. Deciding that she is not a 'scholar' after all, but merely an 'amateur,' she complained that it would be 'unfair' for her to have to face a professional historian." ----------- The plot in this story thickens. The one opposing the Holocaust Deniers on that network wrote a letter to the editor of the Newsletter (i.e. Mark Weber). Since the IHR is such a staunch champion of Freedom of Speech, it seems strange that 3 months later, that letter has still not received a reply much less been printed in the IHR Newsletter. [iHR] [Page 14] Here, then, is the letter that the IHR Newsletter refuses to print or even acknowledge: February 27, 1992 Mark Weber, Editor IHR Newsletter Institute of Historical Review 1822 1/2 Newport Blvd. Suite 191 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Dear Mr.Weber: I read with interest the article in your IHR Newsletter #85 February 1992 concerning [the network] and me. This is truly a work of revisionism (e.g. distorting the facts to fit into your personal view of the world) and, since those connected with the IHR claim that they are eager to be taken seriously, it is surprising that I was not contacted for comment before you went to press. Let's get the facts straight. Your "IHR activist" was posting messages denying the Holocaust. I responded. He claimed that no one was willing to debate the Holocaust. This, of course, is absurd. I told him that he could name his sources and begin. He posted a message about The Leuchter Report. I rebutted his erroneous statements. (By the way, I don't believe he has read the report. You might want to check on that before you encourage his "activism" too much.) He then suddenly claimed on the public board that he didn't have time to debate and he was trying to get someone online from the IHR. I responded by telling him that everyone was welcome. That is when he contacted you and you agreed to come online. What your "IHR activist" presented to me were a set of ridiculous conditions. They included that the debate take place only between you and me and that it be advertized on [the network]. I was told to contact the "Arts Club Leader" to urge her to agree. First, [the Arts Club Leader] doesn't have the authority to grant such requests. Even if she did, as I told your "activist," there are no precedents to such a closed debate on Prodigy and that involving the Arts Club Leader might even be counter-productive. My reasoning was this: "In fact, involving the Arts Club leader might be counter-productive in that it calls attention to this single debate and, if it ever begins, our messages might undergo closer scrutiny by the censors. I don't think either of us wants that." In fact, since you are such a champion for "open debate," I was very surprised that you wished for this one to be closed to others. [iHR] [Page 15] One of the amusing requirements for your participation in the debate was an agreement by me that I would have no outside help (whatever that means). This amusement I expressed to your "activist" in the following quote: "I am an amateur (i.e. I don't get paid by anyone to research the Holocaust, I am not employed by anyone or any organization that has an interest in the Holocaust and/or Holocaust Denial, etc.). You have presented yourself in the same manner. Mr. Weber, I think you would agree, is a professional. There is no prohibition against him joining the discussion but I do think it odd that you ask that I not ask for any outside help when you are bringing in a professional." If you notice, I claim amateur status because I don't get paid - not because I am not a "scholar" or because it would be "unfair" for me to have to debate a professional. Yet, you are apparently so frightened of debating in a situation where you cannot control all the factors that I heard nothing else from you or your "activist." Please notice, I did not say I wouldn't agree to your terms regarding outside help. I only said that I found it "odd" that a professional would insist on such a term before debating an amateur. However, the greatest part of your article had to be the sub-headline of "Another Anti-Revisionist Gets Cold Feet." I assure you, Mr. Weber, that my feet are toasty warm. In fact, I closed my message to your "activist" with the following: "I guess the main question is: Do you and Mr. Weber desire to have an open discussion or not? If so, post a message (either on your own or one on behalf of Mr. Weber). That is the manner in which all other discussions are initiated on [the network] and I don't see any need to make an exception for this one." I am still waiting for an answer to that question. What temperature are your feet, Mr. Weber? Sincerely, <signature> Mr. Weber, to our knowledge, has still not either printed the above letter in the "open" IHR Newsletter or responded privately to Ms. Braun. Given that more than a year has passed, it would seem that Mr. Weber's feet are rather chilly indeed. In an article published in the Express, a San Francisco Bay Area weekly newspaper, Paul Rauber included the following comments about Mark Weber: [iHR] [Page 16] The question [of whether the IHR denies the Holocaust] appears to turn on IHR's Humpty-Dumpty word game with the word Holocaust. According to Mark Weber, associate editor of the IHR's _Journal of Historical Review_, "If by the `Holocaust' you mean the political persecution of Jews, some scattered killings, if you mean a cruel thing that happened, no one denies that. But if one says that the `Holocaust' means the systematic extermination of six to eight millions Jews in concentration camps, that's what we think there's not evidence for." That is, IHR doesn't deny that the Holocaust happened; they just deny that the word "Holocaust" means what people customarily use it for. (Rauber, 'Sticks') Weber's claim for the "independence" of the IHR is marked by the same disingenuousness that characterizes that institutes scholarship. In 1980 the business license for "The Noontide Press/Institute for Historical Review" was filed by Elisabeth Carto, wife of Liberty Lobby founder and treasurer Willis Carto. Carto himself is listed on IHR's letterhead as "founder." IHR's activities are regularly promoted in the Spotlight, as are the racist and anti-Semitic books by Noontide Press, which are advertised as part of the Lobby's "Liberty Library." (Rauber, 'Response') According to the July, 1995, "IHR Update," Mr. Weber is now the IHR Director. He is also listed in a July 1995 legal document as the Secretary of the Legion for the Survival of Freedom. [Continued in Part 02] -- The Nizkor Project - An electronic Holocaust educational resource http://www.nizkor.org/faqs -- The Nizkor Project - An electronic Holocaust educational resource David Irving vrs. Deborah Lipstadt & Penguin Books Ltd: Judgment http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/people/i/irving...ment-00-00.html http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/people/i/irv...avid/libel.suit
  16. *************************************************************** "Willis Carto, L. Fletcher Prouty, and the IHR Political Organizations & Activities" Nothing like whipping a dead horse, is there? Your tendency for this type of redundant rhetoric is starting to resemble nothing short of overkill. I think you are not getting my point. At Michigan State University last week the philosophical progeny of those who killed JFK then covered up for the crime, were all there, present and accounted for in person. The Pioneer Fund crowds via Paul Fromm and J. Phillipe Rushton, the Liberty Lobby crowd via David Duke's friends Richard Weems and John Rarick, the Holocaust Denial IHR crowd via that British National Party Politician, the Stormfront American Nazi Party crowd via Wigginton, none other than the YAF Young Republican crowds of Thurmond, Willoughby and Morris, the Canadian neo Right crowds from the World Anti Communist League and Linda Wayne's website. Don't you get it? Don't you even pay attention? Do you fail to see the evidence right before your eyes? They were all there, together, making common cause in front of the media spotlight for everyone and anyone to see. http://www.nizkor.org Wow, this is incredible. THEY are beating the SAME DEAD HORSE. THEY are playing the anti-Semitic Holocaust Denial card. THEY are beating the racist card. THEY are playing the YAF and The John Birch cards. THEY are beating the British Nationalist drum. THEY are beating the White Supremacist drum, playing the Stormfront and ANP cards, the Populist Party card, The Pioneer Fund Bell Curve cards, here in the USA because neither Canada nor England will let them do it. THEY are playing the Super Patriot card. And YOU are still blind to what they are doing? Wow. You really either don't get it or are just ignorant or blind to what is happening right before your rose colored glasses. Which is it? Go to YAFWatch.blogspot.com and listen to all the UTube videos and write down the names then take out a crayon and connect the dots and compare them to the Willis Carto IHR and Liberty Lobby list above. Thanks.
  17. Certainly Barry Goldwater stood the most to gain from the death of JFK. His chances to win in 1964 went up quite considerably but not enough to unseat Johnson. And Nathaniel Weyl confessed that Goldwater was the behind the scenes driving force behind the Bayo Pawley affair, hoping to have Russian missile officers flown to his Arizona ranch for a press conference so he could embarrass JFK and perhaps force a military action against the missile silos in Cuba. Did Weyl say anthing more to you about Goldwater and the Bayo Pawley affair? My guess is that Goldwater through his YAF and Birch contacts in Dallas was 100% up to date on the topic of the JFK hit and did nothing to stop it. He was the 1962 YAF Freedom award winner, and Bob Morris was the 1964 YAF Man of the Year. Was Goldwater a hands off pending beneficiary of the JFK hit or more of a hands on operations guy? I favor the former over the latter. Morales was definitely in on the Miami plot but as for Dallas, who knows really? Mary Ferrell's informant did not mention his name to either her or to me. Maybe Ayers is just projecting the Miami team to Dallas, I know I jumped to that conclusion once as well. The Dallas Team was the Mitch Werbell, Robert F. Baird, Homer Echevarria, R. Emmett Johnson crowd and not the Miami crowd. Just my honest opinion. Even E. Howard Hunt feared William Harvey as a drunk and a psycho. And Hunt would have watched as the pending Miami motorcade was turned into a copter flight. Did Hunt scurry to Dallas? Probably. Was Marita Lorenz right? Probably. Did Sturgis have a role. DEFINITELY. Did Hunt have a Dallas role? Almost 100% he did. His kid said he was gone from the house when he came home from school after JFK died, and he said his Dad WAS the 3rd tramp too and he said his Dad perjured himself twice at least.
  18. Not exactly. Not exactly. If there was one meeting between them confirmed, then another meeting could have happened, too. Neither of us was there as far as I can tell. You are contradicting E. Howard Hunt as if YOU have better info and as if YOU were old enough at the time to contradict him? Are you like dreaming or delusional? You were about 14 years old and still in diapers. How does E. Howard Hunt know anything? He knew almost everything! The dude was part of the Miami plot and his son thinks he was the short tramp in Dallas and so do I... Hunt attended Brown University from 1936-1940 along with George Lincoln Rockwell from 1938-1940 and Anastase Vonsiatsky who drove his 1937 Pierce Arrow down Route 44 to Brown where he was a student of English as a 2nd language in the late 1930's. You think they did not know each other? Now THAT is a story! And they all got together with William F. Buckley, Jr. later on for one reason or another and somehow... somehow... Richard Condon figured this all out or had a vewwy well placed informant. How did Condon know? Ozzie Osborne still wants to know. And so do I. John Roy Carlson perhaps. Rockwell, Hunt and Vonsiatsky probably got sloshed together and sang the Horst Wessel song together back in Putnam, CT only 25 miles away. And Buckley dropped by for a smoke. There is a 78 RPM recording of Vonsiatsky and friends singing the Horst Wessel song in Putnam. What if a soundtrack analysis showed it was Rockwell and Hunt? Far out huh? Wonder when it was made? Anyone have a soundtrack of Hunt or Rockwell?
  19. Mr. and Mrs. Gratz didden raise no fools I can see that Mr. and Mrs. Gratz didden raise no fools! Get the picture? Yes, we see!
  20. Perchance YOU could be deleted incrementally over time and get posted elsewhere, too? Thank you.
  21. "Just the facts, Ma'am!" Sgt. Joe Friday - Dragnet c. 1959 No threats, no intimidation, just the facts, Ma'am. Sgt. Joe Friday. Just name, rank and serial number and your history with YAF. It is important that YAFWatch.blogspot.com follows any current or former YAFers forever and is well informed about their current activity.
  22. Timmy, only because the first thread has somehow become unavailable from my site is all and I can no longer view it or edit it. Your information and your history will soon be posted on YAFWatch.blogspot.com You should put that site in as one of your 'faves'.
  23. Willis Carto, L. Fletcher Prouty and the IHR Political Organizations & Activities National Youth Alliance In his book "Brotherhood of Murder," Martinez mentions the National Youth Alliance, which had its beginnings as "Youth for Wallace," and was formed during the Wallace Presidential campaign of 1968. He notes that Dr. William Pierce, whom he describes as a "Nazi," along with several founders of George Lincoln Rockwell's National Socialist White People's Party, joined the organization in the late Sixties. The information he provides which relates to Carto's involvement in this group is sketchy, to say the least: The behind-the-scenes power in the NYA was Willis Carto, head of the far right-wing, Washington, D.C.-based Liberty Lobby, publisher of an anti-Zionist magazine called 'Spotlight' and also publisher of a book that teaches terrorist urban warfare tactics. Martinez continues with "After wresting control of the group from Carto..." and no further references are to be found. (Martinez, 33) The neo-Nazi group The National Alliance grew out of "The National Youth Alliance," and is now controlled by Dr. William Pierce. I would appreciate receiving any additional, documented, information regarding Carto's involvement with this group, and invite your contributions. ("Brotherhood of Murder" tells of Martinez' involvement with The Order, the neo-nazi organization responsible for the murder of Denver talk-show host Alen Berg and others.) The Populist Action Committee (Richard Hatch, May, 1993) In 1991, the Populist Action Committee (PAC) was "formally launched by the Liberty Lobby, the Washington-based populist institution that publishes The Spotlight." (Spotlight, 6-3-91, 1) The PAC is intimately tied to the Spotlight, which is "a prime mover behind the PAC." (Spotlight, 9-9-91, A-3) Unlike conventional political action committees, the PAC will not give money directly to candidates for office, but rather will "promote and publicize populist candidates, urging patriots to make direct contributions to these candidates." (Ibid) The Kick-Off The featured speaker at the kick-off meeting was "English populist" John Tyndall of the British National Party. (Spotlight, 6-3-91, 1) Tyndall is a British "former" National Socialist who has been quoted as saying "The Jew is like a maggot feeding on a body in an advanced state of decay." (Knight, 47) The selection of Tyndall as featured speaker for the founding meeting is an indication of the political direction of the Populist Action Committee. Tyndall was a founder of the British National Party in 1960. (Hill, page??) The original BNP was "pro-nazi and anti-semitic" and later merged with other far-right groups to form the National Front in 1967. The NF promoted the exclusion of non-whites from England. (Fielding, 67-68) Tyndall resurrected the old BNP name when he founded a new party after the collapse of the National Front. As noted in a "Spotlight" interview, the BNP publishes _British Nationalist_ and _Spearhead_. (Spotlight, 6-24-91, 16-17) The name "Spearhead" is a throwback to the paramilitary organization in which Tyndall was active during the original BNP days. Tyndall, who sported Nazi-style stormtrooper attire in those days, was "gaoled" for his involvement in this paramilitary group. (Hill, 61) Promoting "Populist Candidates" According to Liberty Lobby founder Willis Carto, the PAC "will be promoting populist candidates." (Spotlight, 6-10-91, 11) The PAC does this in part by publicizing the activities of such candidates in the "Spotlight". In one such case, the "Spotlight" directed readers to Joe Fields who in 1992 was running for a California State legislature seat under the banner of the American Independent Party. Fields is a notorious far-right activist from Southern California who in 1987 "identified himself to reporters as a member of the National Socialist American Workers Party." (Los Angeles Times March 11, 1988, 30, section 1) Art Jones was singled out for publicity in a special PAC "wrap" addition to the Spotlight. (Spotlight, 3-9-92, A-2) The PAC identified Jones as one of "seven viable candidates for public office who are dedicated to the principles of populism...With your help, there is a chance to elect candidates unbeholden to special interests now plunging our country into ruin." Apparently, this was as far as the PAC could go, since the special PAC "wrap" noted that the "Populist Action Committee is a research and education entity not registered with the Federal Election Committee and does not endorse any candidate." (Spotlight, 3-9-92, A2) An earlier PAC report in the "Spotlight" described Art Jones as a candidate who "puts America first." "Spotlight" went on to note that "Jones has been connected to far-right nationalist groups in the Chicago area by the local media." (Spotlight, 2-24-92, 7) In fact, local media reports had identified Jones as a leader in the American Nazi Party. (Chicago Tribune 1-20-89, 3) Jones was active in overt Nazi agitation as far back as 1979, when he was photographed at a Chicago rally wearing the swastika armband. He later became briefly involved with Civilian Military Assistance (CMA). CMA was part of the "private" support network for Reagan's contra war in Nicaragua. (Bellant, 120-122) In 1989, Jones was vice chairman of the American Nazi Party. He achieved some notoriety when he was photographed shaking hands with David Duke during Duke's run for governor of Louisiana. Even Duke, attempting to shake off his own past, called Jones a "Nazi kook." (Rose, 64) Populist Personnel The make-up of the advisory board of the PAC gives an idea of why such "populist candidates" would be promoted by the PAC. The members (and their descriptions) as of March 9, 1992 included: Abe Lincoln Austin (Monetary Scientist) Mike Blair (Investigative Reporter) Ken Bohnsack (Founder, Sovereignty) Robert Brock (Black Nationalist) Howard Carson (Publishing Consultant) Capt. G. Russel Evans (Historian) Lt. Col. James (Bo) Gritz (US Army, ret.) Dr. Martin A. Larson (Author) Roger Lourie (President, Devin-Adair publishing) Donald A. MacPherson (Constitutional Attorney) Pauline Mackey (Treasurer, ret. David Duke for President) Tom McIntyre (Former Chairman, Populist Party) Eustace Mullins (Author) John Nugent (Financial Consultant) Lawrence Patterson (Editor & Publisher, Criminal Politics) Col. L. Fletcher Prouty (US Air Force, ret.) John Rakus (President, National Justice Foundation) John Rarick (Former Congressman, D-Louisiana) Vince Ryan (Editor, The Spotlight) Sherman Skolnick (Chairman, Committee to Clean Up the Courts) Maj. James H. Townsend, Ret. (Editor & Publisher, The National Educator) James P. Tucker (President, National Media Services) Tom Valentine (Host, Radio Free America) Raymond E. Walk (President, Rayan Associates, Inc.) Robert Weems (Founding Chairman, Populist Party) Some biographies may be useful in illustrating the caliber of advisors to the PAC... Mike Blair ("Investigative reporter") is a long-time reporter for Spotlight. Robert Brock is a "black nationalist" who promotes the repatriation of Black Americans and supports the so-called Pace Amendment to that end. This amendment would cause untold upheaval as it calls for the compulsory repatriation of most minorities in a period of one year. The Pace Amendment would establish mechanisms by which one's race would be judged by "a combination of blood type, ancestry, and appearance." (Aho, 261-263) Brock's unusual sense of humor was revealed in a surprise appearance at Pete Peters Identity Christian camp in 1988. Brock entered the meeting hall dressed in a KKK robe and revealed himself, at the podium, no doubt to hearty guffaws. (Scriptures, Vol. V <1988>, 20) Brock also organized a 1992 Holocaust revisionist "First Amendment" conference in Southern California (Los Angeles Times 2-2-92, 1, part Institute for Historical Review regular Mark Weber spoke, as did Joe Fields, now with the Populist Party, and his Afrikaner-born wife Dee Fields. Joe proclaimed his belief in "the purity of the races... and the desirability of segregation." "Bo" Gritz was "featured at two Liberty Lobby conventions in 1987 and 1990." (Spotlight, 10-26-92, 5) Gritz is a regular on the Christian Identity/Patriot/Liberty Lobby circuit. Rudy Proctor, who Gritz met while attending one of Pastor Pete Peters' Christian Identity camps, paid for tapes and press releases to be sent to radio stations as part of Gritz Khun Sa publicity campaign. (Gritz, 485-486) Gritz has also worked with another prominent Christian Identity activist, Richard Flowers, of Boring, Oregon. Flowers heads up the Christian Patriot Association (CPA), which publishes "The Patriot Review" and sponsored a Gritz campaign trip to Oregon. Flowers believes that "Blacks in general have a lower IQ than whites, and most just want to come in and take over without establishing anything themselves." (The Clackamas County Review, week ending June 3, 1992, 1-2) The CPA distributes an array of literature and audio/video tapes through their 76-page book Catalog. (CPA Book Publisher Book Catalog 1992-1993) There are whole sections devoted to "Christianity - Race - Religion" and "The Jewish Issue." Audio tapes by old stand-bys of the Posse Comitatus movement, such as James Wickstrom, are available. (See Ridgeway, James. Blood in the Face. Thunder's Mouth Press, 1990, 133 for an example of a Wickstrom tape message) Holocaust revisionists are well represented with tapes by David Irving and books by Arthur Butz and Austin App. Gritz has had a direct working relationship with the CPA through the National Coalition to Reform Money and Taxes (NCRMT.) Gritz's Center for Action and the CPA, as well as a number of other "patriot" organizations are allied in this project to repeal income tax, return to the use of gold and silver, etc... The January 1992 edition of "The Petitioner" newsletter, which reports on the activities of the coalition, approvingly interviewed Gritz and his campaign manager Charlie Brown and reported on Gritz's participation in the coalition. Gritz also participated in at least one Patterson Strategy conference in October 1991 (See entry for Patterson, below) (Criminal Politics, July 1991, 29) Martin Larson's column appears practically every week in the "Spotlight." Larson writes primarily on economic matters, but manages to throw in enough other tidbits to make things interesting. For example, he feels that "the powers that be are doing everything they can to encourage breeding among welfare recipients." (Spotlight, 3-9-92, 18) Roger Lourie's Devin-Adair company is a long-time source of right-wing publications. In addition, "Devin-Adair and Regnery published the greater part of those World War II revisionist studies which faulted the Roosevelt administration for intervening against the Axis powers." (Mintz, 48) Tom McIntyre was chairman of the Populist Party when they nominated "former" Klansman David Duke as their Presidential candidate in 1988. (Gritz was nominated to run as Vice Presidential candidate--see above for Gritz.) (Spotlight, 3-28-88, 4) Eustace Mullins is the author of the virulently anti-Jewish book "The Biological Jew" (Faith and Service Books, Stauton, VA, 1968). Mullins, in this lengthy comparison of Jews with biological parasites, wrote: The Jew has always functioned best as a panderer, a pornographer, a master of prostitution, an enemy of the prevailing sexual standards and prohibitions of the gentile community.... We must remember that there is no Jewish crime per se, since the existence of the Jewish parasite on the host is a crime against nature, because its existence imperils the health and life of the host... This religious ceremony of drinking the blood of an innocent gentile child is basic to the Jew's entire concept of his existence as a parasite, living off the blood of the host... The Jews do not want anyone to know what Nazism is. Nazism is simply this--a proposal that the German people rid themselves of the parasitic Jews. The gentile host dared to protest against the continued presence of the parasite, and attempted to throw it off. It was an ineffectual reaction, because it was emotional and ill-informed... Mullins' writings are a standby on the Klan/neo-Nazi circuit. A recent Sons of Liberty book list included Mullins titles such as "Jewish TV: Sick, Sick, Sick," "The Jewish War Against the Christian World," and "Easter," which the catalog tells us give a "look at the 5,000 years of history in the ongoing war between the Satanic-Jewish forces and their Babylonian religious system and the rest of humanity." (Sons of Liberty Fall 1992 catalog, New Christian Crusade Church) Lawrence Patterson addressed the national committee of the Populist Party in 1988 when they gathered for the David Duke nomination. Patterson's "Criminal Politics" newsletter carries warnings of a "Zionist Trilateral Party" conspiracy to merge the United States, the USSR, and Europe. This conspiracy is "anti-American, anti-religious, atheistic, anti-Christian, anti-Catholic, and anti- Protestant." (Criminal, 07/91, 6) Patterson's newsletter, which went for $15 an issue in 1991, listed Eustace Mullins (see above) as contributing editor. Eric Butler and Ivor Benson were listed as correspondents. Butler has been a long time leader of the Australian League of Rights and is "considered a mentor by active racists and anti-semites throughout the English-speaking world." (Knight, 23) Similarly, Benson -- Information Advisor to the former Rhodesian government -- was a staunch supporter of apartheid in South Africa. (Ibid, 153) Pauline Mackey is another veteran of the David Duke campaign. Col. L. Fletcher Prouty has maintained a strong relationship with the Liberty Lobby for years. During the lengthy legal battles surrounding the Mermelstein lawsuits against the Liberty Lobby and Willis A. Carto, Prouty and fellow PAC advisory board member Lt. Col. James "Bo" Gritz were "prepared to testify as character witnesses on behalf of Liberty Lobby founder Willis A. Carto." (Spotlight, 10-7-91, 12) Prouty has been a guest on the Liberty Lobby sponsored Radio Free America program dozens of times. (I understand that the Pacifica Radio folks also broadcasts a syndicated "Radio Free America" program, which should not be confused with this one.) Prouty was a featured speaker at the 35th Liberty Lobby Board of Policy convention were he said "If anybody really wants to know what's going on in the world today, he should be reading 'Spotlight'" and explained that "one of the first enemies we have in this country is usury". (Spotlight, 10-8-90, 14) John Rarick has been "a willing enough ally of the Liberty Lobby" for years. (Mintz, 155) Rarick was a prominent activist in the segregationist white Citizens Councils. Robert Weems was the founding chairman of the Populist Party. Weems was a "voting member of party's national executive committee" in 1988, when the party nominated David Duke. (Spotlight, 3-28-88, 4) Also the founding national chairman of the PAC, Weems was a Mississippi KKK leader. (Ridgeway, 131) Weems was scheduled to speak in July 1991 at the "First National Identity-Christian Conference in Reidsville, North Carolina. His topic was "Internationalism and How it Relates to Race, Nation, and Faith." Other speakers at the conference included Eustace Mullins and Lt. Col. James "Bo" Gritz. The promotional materials for this conference included advertisements for books such as "Our Nordic Race," "White Race--True People of Israel," and "God's Call to Race." (Conference mailing, June 1991)
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