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Mike Williams

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Everything posted by Mike Williams

  1. A most original observation on your part. You seem to always want to pick a fight with me. Did Gary Mack say something nice about me to generate this? What price civility? A bad choice of words; I'm not in the film business, so to me - like most people, I'd imagine - someone who's "portraying" someone is "playing" them. "Sitting in" works for me. Semantics and a layman's naivete to technical terms.I don't have the impression that it's a drama - more a documentary - tho' I'd imagine there will be some dramatic parts and, from what I gather, some aspects not dealing strictly with the car, per se. We'll see come November. Setting that issue aside, what became of the original limo? I seem to recall having been at the car museum - where was it, Harrah's? - in Las Vegas, and them having a car purporting to be it or a close replica (and one of Hitler's vehicles as well, if I remember correctly). With so many mint Deusenbergs - a broad collection of some pretty fancy vehicles - it's hard to imagine them having a "fake," but I wouldn't know. Working to raise my coherence level ...! The actual limo was gutted down to metal 3 weeks after the assassination and rebuilt into a completely bulletproof car. The 'logic' was that the president needed a limo and doing a rebuild would take less time than starting from scratch. The result was that evidence was destroyed, and the WC re-enactment in May, 1964, used the completely inappropriate Queen Mary II, the bulletproof SS vehicle which is behind SS-100-X in the Dallas motorcade photos, as the stand-in for the actual limo. The re-enactment, of course, was a disaster, and has led to mountains of incorrect information and interpretations being dumped on us as a result. The actual limo went on to be used by LBJ (after being painted black, which it still is), Nixon and Carter before being retired to Henry Ford Museum. It is currently on display at the front of the museum, in a line of Presidential limousines, including the Coolidge Sunshine Special, the Eisenhower bubbletop, the Reagan limo (that saved his life) and the Bush 41 limo. It is an impressive display. In June, I was flown to Detroit and interviewed in front of (actually at the back of) the limo. We started at 5:30 a.m., while the museum was dark and quiet. It was wonderful. We had chaperones who got us coffee and made sure we didn't touch the car. My interview was supposed to begin at 7:30, so I brought my notes with me to rehearse, as the producer had given all the lines I used in the SPEED channel documentary, plus some I had given him prior to this filming, to other people, such as David Talbot, who probably know very little about the limo. In fact, after I read the script the night before I said "You've given all my lines away. What do you want me to talk about?" However, at 6:30, the producer said, "Let's do your interview." "What happened to 7:30?" I asked. As a result, my statements were not at what I would consider my most informative or witty level. Here's a photo of the actual limo in its current configuration (but taken before it was moved to the front of the museum) Pamela, Interesting tidbit. The Bush 41 car. I had read that Reagan's would be the last, and all post would be destroyed by the SS for security. Its good to know we have at least one more! Mike
  2. Thank you, Pamela. I would appreciate the specs for the basic model. It is astonishing that information about the Limo's acceleration rate is still being withheld. You might appreciate my response to this man after being refused information -- I said, a President died in your car. The case is still not solved. You need all the help you can get. Truer words Pamela! Its amazing that they still withhold that info..... Mike
  3. Hey Don, guess one could start with the NPIC (National Photographic Interpretation Center) work. They figured (based on the Zapruder Film) 5+ shots fired in DP. Dough Horne (who worked with Roland Zavada during the same investigation) interviewed two hand picked film specialists/employees who worked with the Zapruder film the weekend of the assassination (11/22 thru 11/24) Interesting material for the uninititated. David, I agree not only that but, there is nothing that proved that both of those fragments were from the same bullet. I think that is a conclusion that one can never be certain about without assumption. Good point, that took GRIT son GRIT! Just teasing ya! Mike
  4. Bill; What does one have when they have 1,000 lawyers at the bottom of a lake with concrete blocks tied to their legs? A. "A good start"! The Stevens information is certainly that, however not unlike any subject matter, one should certainly expound on their knowledge if they truly want to understand it. http://www.carbinesforcollectors.com/carcano.htm http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-116929226.html http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0BQ...53/ai_n19313646 http://world.guns.ru/rifle/rfl21-e.htm http://www.il91.it/Sito/introduzione/IntroduzioneSito.htm And then again, there is my closet which has six of the various makes and models to plunder through. Mr. EISENBERG. Do I understand your testimony to be that this rifle is as accurate as the current American military rifles? Mr. SIMMONS. Yes. As far as we can determine from bench-rest firing. Mr. EISENBERG. Would you consider that to be a high degree of accuracy? Mr. SIMMONS. Yes, the weapon is quite accurate. For most small arms, we discover that the round- to-round dispersion is of the order of three-tenths of a mil. We have run into some unusual ones, however, which give us higher values, but very few which give us smaller values, except in selected lots of ammunition. Mr. McCLOY. You are talking about the present military rifle--will you designate it? Mr. SIMMONS. The M-14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M14_rifle The M14 also provides the basis for the M21 and M25 sniper rifles. It would appear that few here have appreciation for one of our newest posters to this forum who can provide much needed "debunking" when it comes to weapons; ballistics; and marksmanship. http://world.guns.ru/assault/as15-e.htm In general, the M14 was a comtroversial weapon. It had the accuracy and range of the "old time" military rifles, but was too long, heavy and lacked the automatic fire firepower of a true assault rifle, often required in the modern close combat. Nevertheless, it was a reliable and powerful weapon, often favored by users for high lethality, long range and good penetration - features much appreciated by US soldiers during recent operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Who knows, we may actually convert this to the one and only true "Educational Forum" after all. Thanks for the kind words Tom. The 21 and 25 are incredible weapons. I have always preferred the m40 series bolt guns, but the 21 and 25 is hard to beat. For real bang for the buck wrap up on an m82....the big 50! Mike
  5. No question in my mind! Im glad to have gone from nemesis to friend! Mike
  6. http://www.jfkresearch.com/Gallery_10/page...flecuserial.htm Check out CE 139, photo 3 - Stock of rifle, with sling clamp. Also note the initials carved in stock - VEDR ? http://www.jfkresearch.com/Gallery_8/pages/013.htm http://www.jfkresearch.com/Gallery_8/pages/014.htm What to make of this, if anything? USAF sidearm holster Pat. 2,819,830 Patented by Norris N. Murray, March 6, 1956 U.S. Military Holsters & Pistol Cartridge Boxes ( Edward Scott Meadows, 1987, p. 376) BK Warren Report: p. 553- 554: The Rifle The rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository shortly after the assassination was a bolt-action, clip-fed, military rifle, 40.2 inches long and 8 pounds in weight.7 Inscribed on the rifle were various markings, including the words "CAL. 6.5," "MADE ITALY," "TERNI," and "ROCCA"; the numerals "1940" and "40"; the serial number C2766; the letters "R-E," "PG," and "TNI"; the figure of a crown; and several other barely decipherable letters and numbers.8 The rifle bore a very inexpensive Japanese four-power sight, stamped "4 x 18 COATED," "ORDNANCE OPTICS INC.," "HOLLYWOOD CALIFORNIA," and "MADE IN JAPAN'' 9 and a sling consisting of two leather straps, one of which had a broad patch, which apparently had been inserted on the rifle and cut to length. The sling was not a standard rifle sling, but appeared to be a musical instrument strap or a sling from a carrying case or camera bag.11 A basic purpose of a rifle sling is to enable the rifleman to steady his grip, by wrapping the arm into the sling in a prescribed manner. The sling on the rifle was too short to use in the normal way, but might have served to provide some additional steadiness. 12 Bill, When teaching to fire the M-16 one removes the sling at the butt stock and creates a loop that goes around the forearm, the sling is then adjusted to the length that allows the rifle to be LOCKED or snapped in to the shoulder. A different method in hunting rifles is to wrap the sling around your arm, with it fastened at both ends. We actually see this demonstrated in "Enemy at the Gate" If the sling on this rifle was so short I am unsure just how much value that would have to steady the rifle, and further given the very short range of the shots, I am not all all inclined to believe this would even be needed. Mike
  7. Thomas, You need to stop selling that idea of a reversed image, to me it sounds like one of those "Whim Wham Scams." The real damage to the skull is explained in the photo below. Don Don I fear you are in woefully over your depth!
  8. Don, And I will spell it out for you. Just because we have one nose of a bullet, and one tail of a bullet does not make them automatically from the same bullet. So wheres the proof that they are?
  9. Bill, Yes I must say that business with the seats about made me nauseous. I do find the "location of all the documents" a bit curious myself. As for the Napoleon "relic" I hope having it in her hands is just an expression.....I would rather hope she left it in the Jar! I would like to know what remains of the WW2 memorabilia. Mike
  10. This is "evidence"? It sounded like a firecracker is the oldest analogy in the book. As for it being a signal. Thats pretty ridiculous. If someone were to have thrown a firecracker, it would not only serve as a signal to the shooters, but a warning to the prey. "Ok heres what were gonna do guys, when he gets within range I'm gonna toss a firecracker to signal the beginning of the shooting, of course you guys will have to be quick because this firecracker may cause the target to duck and the Limo to evade and head for cover" How dumb would that be? Karl of course you realize that the very testimony you cite tends to eliminate the firecracker right? Something striking the street would be more related to a bullet as would "sparks". I have never heard of a firecracker "striking the street" and have yet to see one make "sparks".
  11. It proves that something below him startled him and his reaction is to get up out of the way. Yep. Who is this Frazier person you speak of? If he were any good he would have noted that the base was ripped from the cone upon impact. These two fragments are from one bullet fired from the 2nd floor of the Dal-Tex building. IMO, the Carcano bullet that hit the chrome trim is a "Set-Up the Patsy Bullet." Don Don, I hardly think that the man on the fire escape jumping up could be used as evidence of where the shot came from. I think thats asking to assume a a lot. Frazier was the FBI analyst who handled much of the ballistic evidence. I am surprised (not really) that you are discussing the ballistic evidence and do not even know who this man is, and apparently you also have no idea what he said. Give him a read, so as to bring yourself up to speed. So Frazier was unable to determine if these two were from the same projectile, yet you have managed that without ever having handled the evidence. Can you show me your testing that proves these were from a single projectile? If not can you at least be honest and state that this is yet another assumption?
  12. Bill, What an interesting collection of stuff. I myself could have done without hearing about Napoleon Bonerparts....but....yanno. I have always collected small things from history. The sight from an mg-42 machine gun, authentic WW2 patches etc. But is sounds like he had an amazing collection....although I would not want to file and sort it! Thanks for posting that Bill Mike
  13. Duncan, One Word! MASTER! That was great Duncan thanks! Mike
  14. Well i just say this: the people that i mentioned, i think they can differentiate a hole from a crack. Remember: A nurse, a FBI agent, a SS- agent, a congressman...are the imbecile...??? I don't think so...there WAS a hole, and the windshield was switched...remember the CE-Carcano...a fake...remember the CE single bullet---fake...why should one believe, that the CE windshield is NOT a fake...it is a fake... Then could you demonstrate the hole in the Parkland photo for me? In any photo? Are you saying that the limp stopped on the way to Parkland and swapped out the glass? Come on.
  15. So your basis for this is your own observation? I think that is pretty remarkable considering Frazier could not even come to that conclusion. One was determined to the base, and one the nose, but I dont recall reading anything, by someone who actually examined the fragments, that determined they were from the same projectile.
  16. Thomas, After the shot, JFK stop waving and turned his head to the right. Jackie turned her head to the left. The shot was not silent to witnesses in Dealey Plaza… the man on the fire escape jumped up quickly and others close to the limo heard what sounded like a firecracker in the limo. Did you know that CE 569 and CE 567 are fragments from the same bullet? CE 569 is the base and CE 567 is the flattened center cone of the bullet. You can see the base was torn from the top portion of the bullet upon impact. The base is flattened more on one side meaning that it hit on an angle. See the pictures below. What is the comparison in size of a 6.5mm bullet to a .22 bullet? Don Don, First I would have to ask how you come to the conclusion that the two fragments are from the same bullet? A .22 caliber bullet is about .040 smaller, about 7/8 of an inch shorter and about 130 grains lighter. What does the man on the fire escape prove exactly?
  17. Peter, Good article. Of course those with even a micro of common sense would have known that the Government, had it blown 7 by demolition would not have waited 7 hours to do so. But of course that would require the conspiracy extremists to have a micro of common sense, asking a bit much obviously! Best to you Peter, Mike
  18. beware of gifts from strangers. Glad you found your proper place, Sgt Mikey -- carry on But this gift will wash your car....if it doesn't float it away! As for finding my proper place, look up David....you'll find me there. Dismissed.....as always Mike but in my inability at times to decipher your posts. There happens to be an entire topic or two on that matter here. It is by design! Let's state that I have created boredom to those who actually have little interest in learning, and have hopefully activated a few thought processes as well. But this gift will wash your car....if it doesn't float it away! Best Friends (one's we all went to Orlando together with) just prior to Ms. Fay, went to St. Augustine. Wanted us to come along. Lucked out on that one. Just got back from my land checking my pond overflow pipes to insure that none are stopped up. Tired of having dams burst out and sending my fish downstream to some other guy. Apology fully accepted and acknowledged, though not necessary as stated. So! Accept mine, as it is/was/and has been my MO for shaking out Wannabee's. Your postings have clearly demonstrated that you are not one of them! In fact, you just may be one of those few to carry on the factual research until such time as the "FACTS" actually become as prevelent as do the myths. Tom, I feel exactly the same way. Apology accepted and acknowledged, by not needed at all. I know exactly what you mean by the wannabee's, Ive met a few as well. The only thing I wannabee is a piano player....in a cat house LOL. (I dont play piano!) My Best, Mike
  19. But what if one proclaimed to be a 501c , non-profit, and was found out to be otherwise? Now I bet that would be interesting to contributors and donors wouldn't ya think Tom? How very interesting indeed that would be! I can almost hear it now "Oh were not in it for the profit...were in it for the resources to provide material for researchers....." Something like that??
  20. beware of gifts from strangers. Glad you found your proper place, Sgt Mikey -- carry on But this gift will wash your car....if it doesn't float it away! As for finding my proper place, look up David....you'll find me there. Dismissed.....as always Mike
  21. Duke, If we look at the ballistics of medium velocity and high velocity projectiles, and their impact energies, and relate that directly to the pressures required to penetrate the trim and steel, there are but 2 conclusions. A) The damage was caused by a full velocity impact from a .22 or/ It was caused by a less than full velocity impact from virtually any other type of rifle. Even the impact energies created by a .22 magnum would have caused more damage. Its really just that simple. One does not have to assess every other rifle one just has to eliminate the .22, which would be rather ridiculous for someone to be using in this situation. I do not believe the damage was existing, but I have not found any photo yet that fully proves this. The picture Robin posted earlier is about as good as it gets, but the area of damage still would not be visible in that photo. Mike
  22. Tom, I have addresses the credibility issues in another thread. Oh the many that fall from Grace! We can talk about that one! If you would ever like to contact me side bar, mike@lightningstrikerc.com would be a great place! I am convinced they covered up evidence in many forms, what is so stupid is they appear to have even covered up evidence that made the WC case STRONGER! Mike
  23. Tom, I wanted to publicly apologize for taunting you about your credibility. It is the only fair thing to do. Not to diminish my part in that, I would like to say that I had dismissed much of what you had to say not on the evidence you presented, but in my inability at times to decipher your posts. This was my issue and not yours. The fact that I did not understand some of what was written should in no way detract from the facts. I appreciate the time you have taken to lay out your ideas for me in a systematic fashion. I am still not sure that I agree 100% with everything you propose but your ideas are certainly based on solid research and are extremely thought provoking on my end of the bend. I hope you will accept this apology, as I look forward to future exchanges! By the way, in the next few days you will be receiving a gift all the way from FLORIDA. Her name is FAY and you can have her! 3 solid days of torrential rain! Stupidest Hurricane/Tropical storm I have ever seen.....she refuses to leave and is slower than Granny and Jethro. Salute, Mike
  24. Gary Mack has replicated Arnold's image in the past when testing it, so your remark is only based on your lack of knowledge as to what has been done. I am in British Columbia, thus my desire to make a special trip to Dallas, Texas to show another one of your half-baked claims is in error isn't at the top of my list, unless of course you'll pay for it. Its unfortunate that you are not intelligent enough to address Mike's point, then no one would need to go to Dallas. You show a guy under the the red arrow who if you were honest and unbiased ... you'd admit that this persons feet would fall very close to the horizontal line on the wall that you use for Arnold while claiming it makes Arnold look too short to be human. You'd also admit that you can see how much this guy has shrunk when compared to the people closer to the wall in the same photo and then apply that knowledge to someone like Arnold who was standing back by the fence. But one has to either be intelligent enough to follow this rule of perspective and if he or she is, then they have to be honest enough to acknowledge what it implies. You have not shown yourself to be a candidate to do this. Bill Miller Hey Wild Bill, ya got caught, accept the defeat and move on -- What IS unfortunate is this: neither you or Gary will post the replicated image -- nothing to do with intelligence, son.... Simple common sense, which seems to be severly lacking in your Lone Nut/SBT camp. We, however, aren't fooled. Where's a .gif animation when you need one, eh? I have finally figured it out. David places Bill firmly in the LN/SBT camp, this is a huge indication of the detachment with reality that some chose to live in. Come on David, SON, you have to get on the Varsity! Kick one in and join the TEAM LOL!! (my Healey impersonation) Not bad huh? Your village called David....do you want the message? Mike
  25. Langley told me to call YOU! Thanks a bunch Tom for the info. Salute, Mike
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