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Jonathan Cohen

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Posts posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. 39 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    Why is it whenever the "contrary for contrary sake" crowd attacks something they automatically give ownership of general theories and ideas to a single person?

    Maybe when you’re done calling people names you could actually address the fact that the Nagell document in question is worthless as evidence for deception/government chicanery involving Oswald in Mexico City?

  2. 13 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    The theory has never been torn to shreds on this forum, at least not since I've been  a member (~2016). In fact, Jim Hargrove has handily beaten every person I've seen him debate regarding the two boys.

    I strongly disagree. In fact, Jim Hargrove ran away and never came back after his most recent beating. Numerous member polls on this forum have also shown that the vast majority of serious assassination researchers dismiss "Harvey and Lee" as pure idiocy.

  3. 4 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

    What was the US Government's game in using the pictures of two different individuals and claiming they were both Lee Harvey Oswald ? These two are obviously NOT the same person.

    For crying out loud - this preposterous theory again, which has been thoroughly torn to shreds not only on this forum but also Greg Parker's forum and Tracy Parnell's web site?

  4. 56 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    And virtually everybody who has studied it agrees that it was, including the FBI and conspiracy theorists.

    "Virtually everybody" ? You're joking, right? I can think of dozens of highly experienced researchers, many of whom frequent this forum, who profoundly disagree with your ceaseless insistence that all the evidence is fake, particularly as it pertains to Oswald's visit to Mexico City.

  5. 20 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    This coming from someone who announced to the world earlier this year, right here on this forum, that "only God" can decide the sex of a child and that "he never makes mistakes" -- an "extreme" view if ever I've seen one, and one that imposes your personal religious beliefs on the lives of other people. Your massive hypocrisy should be apparent to any regular reader here.


    I'd love to see Gil Jesus explain to these happy people why they're wrong and his version of "God" is correct about their gender.

  6. 15 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    And I'm not alone. I've discussed the case with a number of the top researchers re the JFKA "spook stuff". And they largely agree Oswald went to Mexico, but was impersonated while he was down there. I mean, think about it. It would be pretty stupid if they impersonated him in Mexico City while he was at home with Marina and Junie, or was at an ACLU meeting with Michael Paine, or was debating Bringuier on TV in New Orleans. They must have known where he was, and that no proof would emerge he was elsewhere. 

    Thank you, Pat, for once again adding the proper nuance to this particular issue .. something that many regular posters here refuse to do.

  7. 5 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

    Political extremism has no place in politics. 

    This coming from someone who announced to the world earlier this year, right here on this forum, that "only God" can decide the sex of a child and that "he never makes mistakes" -- an "extreme" view if ever I've seen one, and one that imposes your personal religious beliefs on the lives of other people. Your massive hypocrisy should be apparent to any regular reader here.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    If you want to be the political correctness police you’ll certainly stay busy, but unless you put in the effort to explain why something might be offensive, nothing’s going to change and a lot of people will have no idea what you’re even talking about. 

    You're actually asking me to "explain why" Gil's comment "might be offensive," as if you yourself can't imagine why someone might think that?

  9. 1 hour ago, Gil Jesus said:

    Sounds a lot like Kennedy is calling out people such as yourself, who make racist and transphobic statements here such as "God determined that kid's sex. Not a kindergarten teacher, God Almighty. And he doesn't make any mistakes."

  10. 21 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:

    Who tried to blow up Livingstone's freakin' car???

    I also tried to quickly search through the archive.org versions of High Treason and High Treason 2, and can't find any mention of this incident.

    Probably because it never happened? Livingstone was also openly hostile to Wesiberg in highly paranoid letters written to him a few years prior to this, and he later started peddling a bunch of absolute nonsense about Mary Ferrell being a long-term, paid disinformation agent ...

  11. 11 minutes ago, Gene Kelly said:

    … and the Oswalds as a couple are being separated by the Paines.

    Gene, seriously? “Are being separated?” You make it sound like Michael and Ruth pried Lee and Marina away from one another against their will. In reality, the Paines offered their help and the Oswalds accepted, entirely of their own volition and based on their dire personal circumstances at the time.

  12. 2 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

    I think Pat is right about this. I mean no disrespect whatsoever, but I would bet, in the MSM's eyes, Lifton was/is probably viewed as a "has-been" who four decades (plus) ago had a best-seller about a "conspiracy theory." In OUR eyes, he is a legendary best-selling author. Lane was married; Lifton was not. I know "unknown" local people have obituaries all the time, but they had FAMILIES; Lifton did not have a wife or kids. 

    For David's legacy, he should have published the follow-up (much, much sooner). However, based on what he espoused in that video, maybe not. Nevertheless, by not following up on that first and only best-selling book, and with no immediate family (wife/kids), Lifton just isn't noteworthy to the MSM.

    Come to think of it, I don't think there was an obituary for Harry Livingstone (2 best-sellers, 1990-1992) when he passed in 2015 (again, no wife or kids).

    Vince and Pat are absolutely right about this.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

    Wallace Milam sadly did pass away as verified by the comments on his Facebook- sounds like it was a little over a year ago based on the comments.

    This is correct - I knew about it at the time but for some reason didn't post anything here. Both Wallace and David were exceptionally kind to me as a young researcher, a period during which we spent many hours talking on the phone.  Although I have come to disbelieve the core tenets of David's body alteration theory, I think we all owe him a debt of gratitude for his tenacity and research acumen.

  14. 58 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Trump moved the embassy in Israel and has been one of the most pro Israel presidents ever. Israel has named a neighborhood after Trump and they were even minting Trump coins in Israel to fund raise for the 3rd temple. Jared Kushner is his son and his daughter converted so your claims that Trump is anti semitic, leads me to believe you are not a very serious person who just watches MSNBC talking points just like most of the posters in this thread. Ben Shapiro explains how you are using this to be disingenuous and the tactic you are trying to employ. 


    Your reading comprehension is poor. I never said Trump was anti-semitic. I said Kanye West is. Trump is a phony and a disgrace for not repudiating West’s remarks after warmly welcoming him to a dinner.

  15. 52 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    I watched the interview did you? Did you miss the part where Kayne said Trump was controlled by Jews? 
    Have a look at this because you Welcome Open arms comment shows that you are being disingenuous 

    Trump JUST HAD DINNER WITH Kanye West and has not repudiated his disgusting anti-semitic ravings in any way. And you call me disingenuous?

  16. 29 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:

    Robert Oswald is a deeply biased witness against his brother.

    A laughable statement. Are you suggesting Robert knew his brother was innocent but instead spent the next 50+ years purposefully claiming he was guilty? If so, why on earth would he do that?

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